THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 28, 1962 le LIONEL GUAY FEEDS SEAL | === Quebec Aquarium Patrick said the tartan will be made into a Alberta Tartan The variety of items Lamb work of and Mrs. Mrs Ellen Alizon Nielsen Brings Tourists | QUEBEC (CP)--One of the|than 20,000, most of them Amer-| fastest growing tourist at- ican tourists during the sum- tractions in Quebec has nothing mer, visited the aquarium last to do with French - Canadian) year. culture or winter sports -- it) The building, which houses concerns fish and the people more than 100 species of marine who like to look at them. life, forms part of a biological The attraction, so litlte pub- centre operated by the provin- licized that even many local cial department of fisheries. residents are unaware of its In additoin to providing ex- existence, is the Provincial hibition space the aquarium Aquarium. houses a laboratory wing where Situated on the St. Lawrence scientists are working to' im- River shore near Quebec City, prove commercial and sport the aquarium has drawn an in- fishing in Quebec. creasing number of visitors' Prize exhibits in the collec- since its opening in 1959. More tion, which includes both native sit and exotic species, are two j|hood seals. Officials believe the |hood seals, found in North At- llantic regions and adjacent are the only ones in Pati Bridge IMay Close Up [s2's"tactrce'is ttn the St. Lawrence last year and the other was taken in the Lake LONDON (CP) Bridge, the imposing Victorian Tower St. John region. The exhibits are displayed in structure most non - Londoners 49 large tanks and a number of think is London Bridge, may be cmaller ones. The fresh water closed to vehicular traffic system, with its own pumping, The City of London Corpora- filtration, aeration and heating tion, forced to find £117,702 for'and cooling system, contains the bridge's upkeep this year, 63,000 gallons. Salt water tanks is considering replacing the ranging from 500 to 3,850 gal- structure with a tunnel. lons each have the same total "Engineering experts say it;capacity would be useless to contemplate|-- During the 10-day blizzard, the group considered and re- jected a plan to kill themselves with opium. Scott wrote a se a real - silage was was the he Happy though Married? Here's the Secret : freezing, Scott wrote: "Had we ans, the largest and strongest ott Fame lived, I should have had a tale man of the party. His greater }to tell of the hardihood, endur- need for food because of his 3 lance, and courage of my com- size spelled his doom. 2 panions which would have Titus The Soldier Oates died ries of letters to his wife, son alne n | stirred the hearts of every Eng- next. Oates had suffered a and friends. |lishman. These rough notes and frostbitten foot. He knew he His last entry was dated 8 our dead bodies must tell the was delaying the others. One Thursday, March 29 (1912). Dr. Heroic End tale..." day as the party lay huddled in Edward A. Wilson and Henry | The tale did stir the hearts of sleeping bags in the tiny tent (Birdie) Bowers lay dead or dy- By DON GUY Englishmen, and indeed, of all during a blizzard, he told them: jng beside him as he wrote: | A iated Pi a 'Ste ff Writ who admired courage htrough- "I am just going outside and ,, s Associate ress Sta' er out the world. may be some time." He walked . . Outside the door of the The men marched to their For 24 months, the little away to his doom. tent it remains a_ scene of doom like actors in a Greek party dragged a sledge 850 Three days later the three whirling drift. ... It seems a tragedy. : miles across the Ross Ice Bar- survivors reached a point only pity, but I do not think I can But this life Glacier and across the two-11 miles from a depot where |. drama and a mile - high Polar Plateau. On ample stocks of food and fuel WEG TOKE: frozen hell. Jan, 17, 1912, they reached the were cached. Then a blizzard R. Scott Just a half-century ago, Capt. barren windswept pole. pinned them down in their "For God's sake, look after Robert Falcon Scott of the) But it was a day of cruel/tents. our. people." Royal Navy and four compan- anti-climax. A few hours ear- ~ " Sarees ions died in a plodding, bone- lier they had seen tracks in the chilling retreat- from the South snow indicating Roald Amund- How Pole. sen of Norway had beaten It was one of the most heroic them to their goal. At the poe failures in the history of explor-|they found a tent and a note a ation. Scott gained greater fame in death than he had in life Had he lived, Scott would have earned but a niche in the history of exploration as_ the leader of the second expedition to reach the bottom of the earth Instead he died in a grim climax of horror and heroism, only 11 miles from life-giving food. Scott's detailed diary of the fateful journey was found on his frozen body eight months later TALE OF COURAGE As he lay down in his tent to left by Amendsen, dated month eartier. Is it soft music, sweet talk "Great God! This is an awful and never having a fight? No! place and terrible enough for There are three "standard us to have labored to it with-| crises' which some people out the reward of priority," weather while others get Scott wrote, adding with grim divorced. April Reader's prophecy: "'Now for the run Digest gives the eye-opening home and a desperate strug- answers in The Intricate Bal- gle. I wonder if we can do it." ance of a Happy Marriage. The best weather of the brief And among other absorbing Antarctic summer was behind features in April Reader's and the circling sun was Digest: -- , already lowering towards the . frigid six-months winter night, Hitler on the March -- con- The temperatures dropped densed from The Rise and Fall daily, rarely climbing above of the Third Reich--the $12.00 minus 40 degrees fahrenheit a book by William L. BIGGEST DIED FIRST They Can Hear techniques in surgery and new knowledge to help the deaf and » those who may not know they are deaf! My Most Unforgettable Char- acter--"Look, man, Look" this great Toronto doctor would bark at a student--and then make a diagnosis of a sick child so accurate it smacked of black magic. Here's the story of Dr, Alan Brown, Canada's beloved vediatrician, who "built" the 'oronto "Sick Kids' Hospital with gentleness and steely dis- dain for the incompetent. Don't miss these and 36 other articles and features in April Reader's Digest -- now on sale! such as ties, hat bands and pos- 5 seston BALDY CONFUSED The first to die was Taff Ev sibly vests The tartan, approved by the legislature last year, has a Expected To background of green (represent- Go On Sale ing the forests) with gold (for GRANULATED EDMONTON (CP)--Alberta's fields of grain and sunshine), f official tartan is expected to go pink flecks (wild rose, the pro- The tartan is expected to aoe 'eugene gaye on sale this summer in provin- vincial flower) and touches of raise money for the centre in landmark to be torn down, i sonihed hi sak cial tourist information offices. blue skies and lakes) and black addition to providing work for official said. "'It would be like /De AUS h : Provincial Secretary A. R. coal and oil handicapped persons demolishing Big Ben with his foot and ate it. SUGAR necuiaued ' i t deabeiesen PR Sisatgees Barkan eee Ue sh enon eines Fe HEINZ IN T.S. Cooked Spagheiti 6' STOKELY FANCY HONEY POD PEAS NORFOLK APPLE RASPBERRY, APPLE STRAWBERKY 3 24-02. $ JAM Jars CULVERHOUSE CHOICE DESSERT 20-0. PEARS Ties WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE STOKELY FANCY CREAM CORN ESSEX CABBAGE ROLLS GEISHA SOLID WHITE TUNA HORSEY FRESH FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 6 ins FJ distinctive run off Edmonton Reha- bilitation and may be loomed soon at the Red Deer provincial training institution the being Edmonton, now the Centre of weave looms at adapting the present bridge by widening or isincaeaiansns iN; LONDON (CP) A North é icial sai a Poort the bridge, which American bald named was built between 1886 and 1894, Percy startled his keepers at is likely to be preserved as a Chessington zoo recently by lay- historic monument, ing Apparently Percy "It's too famous as a London wan an the: official die, his starving body slowly is eagle e WITH EACH $5.00 PURCHASE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES--RICHMELLO--ALL FLAVORS ICE CREAM 3 «x 1.00 SHIRRIFFS--4 VARIETIES JELLIES AYLMER--TOMATO SOUP YORK--3 VARIETIES PICKLES LEAVERS--CHOICE WHOLE MUSHROOMS CORDON BLEU MEAT SAUCE COD FILLETS PEAS RICHMELLO---FRESH DAILY Pkgs. 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Then make a note to try Jets soap pads this week. On us, 3 (J I have enclosed the ENGLISH END FLAP from a large size package of Jets. Please send me 30¢ refund. LJ I have enclosed the ENGLISH END FLAP from a regular size package of Jets, Please send me 20¢ refund. Why are we giving them away? Maybe you don't believe everything you read in advertisements. You want first-hand proof before you'll buy. We're a bit like that ourselves. That's why we're giving you the opportunity to try Jets without risking a penny. We're not risking much either. We're sure that once you've tried Jets you'll go right on using them. Jets work much better than other soap pads, because they've got blue detergent as well as soap. It cuts grease faster and does a more thorough cleaning job. They're nicer to use too, because they resist rust longer. Try New Blue Jets. But hurry up. Our free offer expires May 15, 1962. MEATY PORK SIDE SPARERIBS LB. 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