ANN LANDERS Penny-Pinching Wife A Pain-In-The-Neck Dear Ann Landers: We are not millionaires but one might accurately describes as "'com- fortable." Our home is in the $40,000 class, we drive two cars 'land have three children away nieces -- SUPPER DISH Mexican Tunato Pie Is A Meatless Dish With Plenty Of Satistying Flavor MEXICAN TUNATO PIE ; 1 FIESTA FRUIT SALAD can (644 ounches) funa, | drained, flaked pkg. (14 0z.) corn bread mix or corn muffin mix slices sharp cheese (244""| For meatless days, Mexican Tunato Pie is a hearty one-dish meal that stretches a single can| (Orange segments and avo- 1 of tuna round a table of six.|cado_ slices marinated in Flaked tuna is combined|French Dressing and served in 6 with a colorful medley of onion,/the avocado shells) x 214") 2 : green pepper, whole kernel corn! ; oe Heat oven to 375 deg. F and ripe olives. A bottle of to-\ COCONUT CREAM PUDDING Saute' onion and green pepper mato ketchup, crimson and} COFFEE in shortening until tender: Add spicy, is used as a sauce.Chili) For the Mexican Tunato Pie ketchup and next six ingredi- powder and garlic add_still-/ you will require: ents; bring to a boil over low more zip. The mixture is spoon-| 1 cup chopped onion heat. Meanwhile, prepare corn} ed into a corn bread crust; then 1 cup julienne green pepper bread mix according to pack-| it's topped with a pattern of} 2 tbsps. shortening age directions. Spread batter} sharp cheese slices. Baked 25) 1'4 cup tomato ketchup evenly on bottom and sides of minutes or until the corn] 1 tbsp. cider vinegar a. greased baking dish (111" x, bread is golden, this is one of} 1 cup canned whole kernel 73" x 114"). Spoon tuna mix- the most aromatic dishes to! corn ture into corn crust. Top with} come from your oven in a long, 1% cup sliced ripe olives cheese slices arranged in a pat- long time. clove garlic, minced or 44 tern. Bake 25 minutes or until] Here's the recipe and a menu tsp. garlic powder jcorn bread is done. Makes 6-8 to make your meal complete teaspoons chili powder iservings | UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES 8th SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX |ed by Mrs. Jules Perrault, who}sell chocolates as a money mak At the monthly meeting of gave the summary of the As- ing project | the 8th Oshawa Sea Scout Moth- sembly. Refreshments were served by| ers' Auxiliary, Mrs. D. G. Har-- Miss Evelyn Gay led in the Mrs. A. W Crowells, Mrs. D.| man spoke on, Scouting with a worship theme, "The Meaning/E. Morrison and Mrs. L. N.| handicap. Mrs. Harman is the of Service". Mrs R. Wagg Daniel. Akela of the 24th Oshawa Wolf|read the scripture lesson. " a . vay Cubs, at Oshawa's Glenholme| Miss Gladys Frise, president! _ HELPING HAND UNIT school on told of her work presided The March meeting of the ee Mrs. Earle Webster read the Helping Hand Unit of Simcoe Scouting with a handicap,) -"* Tres "t was Street United Church was held started in England, and now Minutes. Treasurer's report was)" 10" | takes place all over Canada. Siven by Mrs. Philip Perry. The reThe Tresiienl, Mra 'Tevine! These children bowl, skate and pee! Tea will be held on Cowie: nance with ii prayer.| go to public parks in summer"?!" ** The devotional period was led and pass Scout tests, much as j¢7H PARENTS' COMMITTEE by Mrs. William Johnston. The| normal packs do. Whether they; 'The 16th Parents' Committee|scripture was read by Mrs.| are saluting the flag, taking part of the Girl Guide Association|David Pollock. in district field days, or atten-\heiq its March meeting recent-| The minutes were read_ by ding church parade their abili-y at st. Matthew's Church with Mrs. A. H. Arkwright. The ties are stressed not their dis-'y7r< Roy Smithers presiding. |treasurer's report was read by abilities. If for physical reasons; The minutes were read by|Miss Madeline Kelly. | a cub cannot do a regular cub yrs. D. E. Morrison and Mrs.| A short business period follow-| test an alternate test can be'R J. Bowers read the treasur-\ed when plans were made for a given. er's report. Mrs. P. R. Duncan-|rummage sale for April 13. | Mrs. George Fitches, presi-son gave a report on the Local) A talk on '"The Church and dent thanked all members for! Association meeting. Its Mission'? was given by the the help given at the recent) Two Guides and one Brownie Reverend J. K. Moffat after father and son banquet. Mrs. 'will represent the Company and which group discussion took Douglas Redpath, convenor of Pack when Lady Baden-Powell place. this banquet, offered helpful|yisits Toronto on April 4 Refreshments were served by suggestions for next year's use, It was unanimously decided to Mrs. Bruce Sonley's group and added her thanks to all who + 2 z helped. The April meeting will be the 33rd birthday of the auxiliary, and plans were made for visi-| tors to be invited and entertain- ed. All members have been 2 First Baptist Couples Hear ed, Ail" members have ben Discussion Of Mental Health for a small book being made up The regular meeting of the|{child had been separated from) for sale by the 8th Oshawa Sea First Baptist Couples Club was/his father for a period of one} Scout Mothers Auxiliary, Mrs,j|held at the First Baptist! year and when the child was 11} M. B. Proctors, Sea Gull patrol, Church on Saturday. the father died. In both periods} served refreshments. Mrs. Daniel Rogers, president; the boy was very unhappy and hs of the club» welcomed the mem- difficult to manage. Ist SCOUT MOTHERS AUX. |bers and guests. The mother had not been Mrs, G. N. Varnum, president!' The devotional service con-|/able to find a suitable solution of the District Committee for|ducted by Mr. and Mrs. H. S.\to the problem and had con- Scout Auxiliaries was the guest/Winsley was opened by the/sulted the family doctor. Dr. speaker at the March meeting of|singing of the hymn, "Jesus,/Rogers, acting as the family the Ist Oshawa Scout Mothers'|Thy Boundless Love to Me"./doctor in the fabricated case, Auxiliary. The subject being,'Mrs. Winsley also read an in-\reported the child to be in Scouting with the Handicapp- spirational article entitled,) good physical health but be ed". "Good Morning Jesus'. cause of family unhappiness re- INFORMED PANEL ferred him to the minister. The feature of the evening CO-OPERATION ESSENTIAL was a round table discussion Dr. Jackson commented that on mental health. Dr. Daniel) mental health was a community] Rogers introduced the panel/project in which the co-opera- which included Dr. C. H. Jack-|tion of the family, the doctor, is for all boys who want it, Sn, the psychologist for the|the minister, teachers, psycholo- including those with a physical Oshawa Mental Health Clinic, gists and psychiatrists was es- or mental handicap. The boy of Dr. Jan Verhultz, the psychia-| sential. | today will manage tomorrow's trist for the Mental Health Clin-| An enthusiastic audience en-| world, whether he walks on two/ic, the Reverend Frank Swack-|tered into conversation with the| strong legs or moves about in hammer of First Baptist Church) panel. One member of the au-| a wheel chair. Scouting builds and Dr. Daniel Rogers. dience commented that in the| men of character." Mrs. Var-, A fabricated mental health/case studied the child seemed | num read a poem by Dr. Tenny- Case was studied in which the/normal. son Guyer, "The World Is Problems, causes and treatment! Dr. Jackson replied that there Mine". were discussed. The problem|are yery few abnormal people, Mrs. Frank Gravelle, presi- centered around an 11-year-old only normal people with prob- dent, presided at the meeting,|boy who had been recommend-|jems. Dr. Verhultz added that Two new members were wel-\ed to.a Mental Health Clinic} it was gratifying that the public comed. The monthly reports|because he was failing injwas realizing that psychiatry were presented showing a busy|School. Dr. Jackson looked at|was not something to view with and successful month. the problem in the same me-|suspicion but rather a means by Euchres for the following) thod which would be used in alwhich people could be helped month will be convened by the|genuine case history _ |to overcome their difficulties. members as follows: March 30,, It was noted that the boy in| In thanking the panel Mr. by Mrs. Gravelle and Mrs.|question was having consider-|Fred Crome stated that the Varnum; April 6, by Mrs. Fred|able difficulty in school due to|opening of the Oshawa Mental Mack and a member of herjhis lack of interest. He had no/Health Clinic last fall had been Green Six; April 13 by Mrs.|friends, had lost interest in hob-|a significant mile-stone in Osh Melville Coolidge and Mrs.|bies and had hostile relation-|awa's history. He futher com- John Black. April 20 being) ships with his mother and other| mented that Oshawa' was for- Good Friday, no euchre will be|feminine associates. tunate in having men of the cali- held. | sarees Ane |bre of Dr. Jackson and Dr .Ver-) The next meeting will be held oe a tsied th jhultz directing the Menta 1} in First Oshawa Scout Hall,| ™! Poa th -ae €lHealth Clinic. Refreshments; Gibbons street on April 18, |Panel considered the causes for). oo. served after the meeting. jthe child's mental health diffi-| _ HARVEY HUNT UNIT culty, The March meeting of the Mrs. Varnum said, "Scouting has much to offer in the re- habilitation of the handicapped boy. It makes him feel wanted and gives him a sense of be- longing. He becomes one of the boys not one set apart. Scouting Dr. Verhultz sketched a de- Harvey Hunt Unit of Simcoe|tailed report of the boy's activi-| Tart red unpared apples are| Street United Church Womenities from birth to 11 years. of|excellent in fruit salads. To pre-| was held recently. age. In the report it was discov-|vent them turning dark sprinkle | The meeting was in thejered that the child first had|with lemon juice. Just before charge of Mrs. N. H. Ashley.|anxiety at age two when his|serving drain and combine with Miss Agnes Strickland spoke njmother gave more attention to|chopped celery, nuts, . marsh- The World Assembly of Church-|a new-born sister than to the|mallows and fruit salad dress- es at New Delhi. She was assist-| boy. At the ee of five the'ing. A FOR APPLE | A _|at school. We owe no debts and business is good. I tell you this so you can in- telligently prescribe a "cure" for my penny - pinching wife. Whenever we go out to dinner she embarrasses me by asking if the salad is '"'extra." The jcomplain about such a "thrifty")any old tune that comes to my woman, please tell me. If not--| mind. clobber her, SOLVENT My pares is jealous of my Dear Sol: How people fee!| talent. never we go to 2 about money is usually inextri-| Party everybody begs me tc cably tied in with their early|Play. They all crowd arounc training. Your wife's problem,|the piano and I sing a little, however, goes deeper than her|t00. Wilbur sits in the corner feelings about money. It in-)and sulks. When we get home volves her lack of considera-|he tells me I made a fool out ; lof myself. yop ign nner shop|, I've tried to interest Wilbur a | {in music but he has an ear like same goes for the dessert. Un-|her feet off to save seven cents!, tin can. He can't remember less it goes with the meal she'lllon a can of pork and beans,|two lines of lyrics in a row. say "I don't care for any" andiring put you will decide how| Do you feel I should give uy then she puts her spoon in much to leave the waiter. And| playing the piano when we are mine, for "s taste. furthermore, if she picks up|in a crowd just to keep peacc Last night the dinner check|part of the tip again insist that|in the family? Incidentally, J for four was $23. I left a $3.50\she put it down, regardless of) was playing the piano at a party tip for the waiter. As we were! who is present. when Wilbur and I met. FANNY leaving my wife took one of the _--_-- | Dear Fanny: Wilbur must be dollar bills off the table and put) Dear Ann Landers: I play the out of harmony with life. If yov it in her purse. I didn't want to|piano like nobody's business. I) enjoy playing the piano and oth: start anything in the presence) can't read music and I ag se like to listen I hope you') of the other couple so I re-|took a lesson in my life. I just|continue to play. But wait unti mained silen.t If I am wrong tollove to sit down and bang out!they beg you good and hard. ba | ing. He will point out that you velitive. If you gave up piano|jare grown up now and that the 'laying at parties he'd prob-|early experience is part of the ably gripe about something|past and should be forgotten. else. |\Vhen you can accept this emo- -- tionally, as well as intellectu- Dear Am: I'm scared to|2 your fears will be con- death of doctors. When I have) quered. to get a polio shot or even a vaccination I'm so petrified I almost faint in the waiting room. Canadian was "The Nun of Can- My mother and dad call me} vritten by Julia Cather- silly and I know they are right. ine Hart in Fredericton in 1824. When the shot is over I tell} myself it didn't hurt at all and} UNION GARMENTS I was crazy to be so upset. MONTREAL (CP) -- The In- Please tell me how to over- ternational Ladies' Garment come this foolish fear. I hate to) Workers' Union is releasing a go through life like this. color fashion film for general SCAIRDY-CAT | distribution April 1 as part of its Dear Cat:Ask your doctor if union label promotion project. he can spare 10 or 15 minutes| Actress Toby Robins of Toronto 'o talk to you. A good doctor|narrates the English - language will explain that your fear dates| version and Montreal television pack to an early experience|personality Michelle Tisseyre which was painful or frighten-ithe French. Wilbur sounds childishly com- FIRST NOVEL First novel publisned by a Here's BUILT INTO OF UNIQUE NEW DESIGN FEATURES AND ENGINEER- ING ADVANCES. HERE ARE SOME OF THE REASONS FOR CHEVY II'S SUCCESS... FOR THE ENGINEER- ING EXCELLENCE THAT MAKES IT OUTSTANDING IN ITS CLASS. Unitized Construction. Body and frame units are welded into one strong unitized structure, designed for rugged durability, dependable long life. 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