Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Mar 1962, p. 16

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27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale (32--Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale 35--Legal THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 27, 1962 15 LOT for sale 46 x 120. Olive and Guelph. Telephone 725-5602. CHOICE lot 75 x 250 feet, for sale on Crescent. T 728-2557. Whitby, for sale or rent For fi MO @- MODERN five room brick bungalow, urther TV RENTALS, by the day, week or| in area of fine homes, 75 x 252 month at Parkway Television, 918 Sim-| LoTs in-lfeet, $1,700. Don Stradeski, Schofield- ATLAS juicer, as good as new, used only four months. 728-1920. | FARM MACHINERY sells fast with an Oshawa Times Want Ad. Dial 723-3492 Aker Ltd., 723-2265. cot North 723-3043. 3550 DOWN, one NHA mortgage, three- bedroom, semi-detached, one year old. Beautiful condition, real bargain. MO A FARM in the city 38 acres with re-/ novated, 10-room home. Ideal for two families, Terrific income possibilities.) This farm offers wonderful potentials. E horse trailer, good ¢ondition, low, finished recreation room, Owner retiring. For full contact §, Macko Realtor, 728-4661, $10,500 -- FOUR-BEDROOM HOME, east end, family sized $6,500 FULL price. CARL OLSEN REALTOR 260 WILSON RD. SOUTH-- 3-bedroom low, rece Ernie Holmes Realtor, arranged. King Street East. 725-2363. small family or retired couple, cen- trally located, large kitchen with cup- boards, two bedrooms, nice size living room, oil heating, three piece bath. Fenced in rear yard, low taxes. ag | walk-out basement. Price jeupboards, large lot, garden, trees, close to schools, sell. 725-9365. DOWN -- six-room brick bunga- fenced and landscaped. Oshawa South near hools. T 728-4060, kitchen with fruit Owner must WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Uséd Furni- ture Store, 723-3271. 444 Simcoe South. LOT for sale, 75 feet by 200 feet. Thickson's Road North, $250 down. Telephone MO 8-4505. MA 3-2192. COLEMAN'S and primus; camping service and BUILDING lots by Courtice public and|B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat-! repair parts. Miller Lapoyy | and Trailer Ac- 9 Tudor Street Ajax. WH high school, 105 ft. lots, loans available, 728-5579. teries, 'Sy vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. 2-3491. PRIVATE SALE -- Five-room brick| WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture and appliances, for top cash offer NORTHWAY COURT -- bungalow with carport, all Five ~room the extras, $14,495. Tele- north-east section, Beverley Street, quiet neighborhood. Mortgage arranged, Telephone 725-6398 for ap- Pointment. phone 728-1131, Community Furniture, 19 Prince Street. DUPLICATORS, hand and electric, spirit or stencil; supplies. Hamilton Of- 0.00 with $1,500.00 $500 DOWN FOUR-ROOM COZY BUNGALOW Nice lot, reasonable for quick sale. 513 FAIRLEIGH 723-3211 toom, fireplace. Only $10,40! down. 464 RICHMOND ST. EAST-- 6 rooms, 1%-storey, brick, Tec-room, goroge. $13,400 with $2,000 down, 612% mortgoge. 578 BLOOR ST. EAST -- 3- bedroom bungalow, spotless, PRIVATE sale, -|28--Real Estate Wanted fice Equip., 137 Brock St. 8. MO 8-8442. five-room bungalow, tile floors out, aluminum storms and screens, paved drive, close to school and shop- ping centre, $2000 down. Balance of ap- $8000. T 725-3092. 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian four door,|TYPEWRITERS, adders, ih USED parts and repairs of wringer type washers, % h.p. motors, $5 'anteed Hampton, CO 3-2241, LLOYD six-way convertible baby ear- riage, white A-1 condition, $30. Tele- phone MO 8-2901. to $8, guar: reconditioned | jwashers and stoves, Paddy's Market, In the matter of the Estate of MARY ELEANOR LOVELL Lote of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontorio, married woman, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having cloims ogainst the Estate of MARY ELEANOR LOVELL, Icte of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontorio, who died radio, white- walls, padded dash, window washers. Best offer, 725-2549. rentals, terms, service. Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South, MO 68-8442. OLYMPIA typewriters, they're No. 1 ispotless three Bosco, Realtor. HIGHLAND Avenue, near King, dandy bedroom brick bungalow, with recreation room, only $12,900, with | 795.. terms. Mr. Chomko, MO 8-4606, Joseph ALL cash buyer for 50 to 100 acres land with see them today. Hamilton Office Equip. in their field, standards and portables, |7 WEDDING dress, like new, met and chantilly lace, size 11-12. Mitts to match. Very feasonable. Telephone (25-4233. on or about the 5th doy of Februoty, A.D. 1962, are hereby notified to send full particulars to the undersigned bush and creek, near Lake peg Joseph Bosco Realtor, Oshawa,/|137 Brock South, Whitby. MO 8-8442. 0. antee $2.25. per week. No down pay- T VLA opportunity, just outside city. you qualify, see this three bedroo: brick bungalow with and spacious lot. Mr. Martin, 728-97: Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 725-9870, torge lot, $13,500 with terms. 93 CADILLAC NORTH -- 5- room brick bungalow in im- maculote condition. 13,000 with terms. A real gem. 458 NIPIGON STREET -- 3- bedroom brick bungalow, 4 yeors old. $13,600, 52% with mortgage. 747 GLENFOREST ROAD -- 3-bedroom bungalow, N.H.A., resale $14,500.00. 598 LANSDOWNE DRIVE -- tri-plex, 2 years old, fully equipped All leased. $24,900. Good investment 146 NASSAU ST. -- Grocery store with living quorters. Only $2,200.00. Business only. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH 723-1121 KENNETH STREET Immediate possession on this 6-room, 2-storey home, with private drive and garage. Must be sold to settle estote. Call today for full porticulars. HOME AND INCOME Only $12,500 for this room brick bungalow with 4- room apartment. Completely duplexed with 2 -- 4-piece bathrooms, separate entrance, low down payment, see this one today and move right in. $12,900 323 KING STREET WEST-- Beautifully kept bungalow, i's Hollywood kitchen REFRIGERATOR $75; stove $50; both in condi- tion; also Westinghouse washer, $25. WH 2-0675. = 29--Automobiles for Sale ment, package deal, $130. 25-4729, m,|1955 FORD pickup, A-1 motor, body, ae tires, $495. Will take trade. MO 8-5631.|CAR radio, in the dash, transistor, 'so PONTIAC Parisienne two-door hai | $32.50, Aerial and installation extra, Try OP 4, TYPING paper on sale, letter size, in bulk lots and white newsprint, buy save. 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00. Oshawa Times. Circulation Dept., on of before the 30th day of April, A.D. 1962, after which dote the Estate will be dis- tributed with regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have hod notice, TWO wooden 30 Road South. Reasonable, 725-1181. buildings 42 x 27 and x 14, good lumber, at 515 Ritson Telephone rd-| Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. radio, power steer-/--------------__-_____ ing and brakes 18,000 miles, like new.| BEFORE buying or selling televisions, Can finance. 723-7970. |furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash- '41 CHEVROLET also - FRIGDAIRE refrigerator, 12 cu. ft., Westinghouse four burner range. Both jers, Call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294. station wagon. Sacrifice for immediate|OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, re- $1,093 is the full down payment on new 5-room brick bungalow, Call Har- old Segal at S. D, Hyman Realtor, -6286, "52 Plymouth |-------_-- saie. Apply 253 Fourth Avenue, Tele-|Volvers and pistols; also old cartridges. phone 728-8567. |Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. 1957 VAUXHALL deluxe sedan, Tadio,| FOUR show cases or less. A bargain! 29,000 miles. iti Tele-| Te 725-757) payment. Aluminum windows bus, central location, For further |formation telephone 725-8635. lout basement, must see the bathroo phone 725-9478. FIVE ROOM bungalow, $1,000 -- an doors, oil heated, close to schools and NEW three bedroom bungalow, waik- Will take car as down payment. Tele- phone 725-8183. |LIKE new, repossessed Singer Zig-Zag '80 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, blue, radio,/Sewing machine, does all the fancy jim good condition. Apply 341 Olive Ave.|Stitches, guaranteed. Balance owing $34 "el say ~--\terms arranged. Dealer. Write Box 128 '60 ENVOY custom, windshield wash- va Ti s Oshawa Times. er, back-up lights, radio. Excellent con-| dition, Telephone after 5 p.m. 728-4220,| 1, ------------ -- - "|season, new condition and under war- 59 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, blue,|ra Telephone 723-7876. ick shift, radio, 6-cyl : rb hd hen nl ln Ee PO Coase cage Garp ag he acd COLDSPOT refrigerator, Thor washing im. WHITBY -- three-bedroom fully decorated, aluminum storm doo! Must MO 8.5409. {8500 DOWN, one mortgage for balance at $65 monthly, pays quickly for this lovely smaller home. Two large bed-| Very con-) For full particulars at Olsen Real | rooms, large suburban lot. venient to town. call Chas, Rankine Estate, 723-1133. 19 Athol Street West. BUILDER'S with stream, three road_ frontag | be sold. Modern solid brick bungalow, storms and screens, close to schocis, opportunity, ~ 150 ee acres, ee akee ved ee Cee machi Electrolux vacuum cleaner. orner King and Gibbon). jmachine, & . :. - --jApply after six, 55 Drew Street. in Telephorie 728-1277. MEAT scale, chopping block, slicer, showcase, pop cooler, coffee grinder, grill, cheque writer, fire proof ledger, milk shaker, large safe, file cabinet, desk, chair. Hamilton's, Whitby. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. Telephone 728-4683, MAPLE syrup! Take No. 35 Highway from 401 to Concession 12 Manvers. Andrew Heaslip, telephone Bethany 17R111, VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, brushes, DATED et Oshawa, this 23rd day of March, A.D. 1962. EVERETT ARTHUR LOVELL, Administrator, By his Solicitor, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., 14% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, HERO HONORED PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. (CP)--A lake 320 miles north of here has been named Russell parts, teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- \'61 CORVAIR deluxe, fordor sedan 725.2657. automatic, radio, whitewalls, etc. 13,000 -- pea aa Pa miles, $2,100. Telephone 725-1506. |HOT Point combination dishwasher and Pa del ede --|sink, length 48" with 25" height, 36°| 61 CORVAIR four door deluxe, black| with 18" x 17" sink. Excellent condi-| with red interior, automatic folding |tion $90. Original price $450. Write Box} rear seat, padded dash, whitewalls,/129, Oshawa Times. wheel discs. Owner leaving countr, will sell to best offer, Call 655-4688. ~ uaeetioe Si ts -- ----|spray for trees. 1959 RENAULT Dauphine, grey "in| mones, potting soil, seeds. Rundle's color, one owner, in very good condi-|Garden Centre, King East, 725-1764. rs, ulbs now! Dormant| "START Begonia b Root forming hor- tion, Telephone 655-4829 after six. €3,/'69 CHEVROLET Biscayne four-d MOTORIZED bicycle, in excellent con- vice, 728-0591 anytime. TYPEWRITER adding machine, check writer, electric time clock, file cabinet, cash register. Snap for quick sale. 723-4434, AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North. camping supplies, marine ha outboard motors, guns and cycles. Best prices. Try Dominion ne | 1945 Lake in memory of Sgt. Elgin Russell of Elfros, Sask., who {won the Distinguished Conduct Medal for his leadership in des. troying an attacking enemy pla- toon during the fight for the Netherlands Oct. 9, 1944. He was jkilled in action in February, SAUSAGE TROUBLE ago an obscure deputy in the Italian Parliament was given the job of liquidating a failing state-owned oil prospecting com- pany founded by Mussolini. bled on one more search--and found a rich field of natural gas in the Po Valley. rico Mattei as Italy's most dar- ing, ment-paid captain of public in- dustry. against most powerful corporations ever since, and usually he has won. national hydro-carbons author- ity--now controls a $2,000,000,000 industrial empire including oil fields, tanker fleets, motels, cafes, a newspaper and an atomic power plant. A string of factories produce cement, soap, plastics, textiles, fertili- zers, synthetic rubber, iron and steel and electronic instruments. from Italy's domestic market across the Middle East to Eu- rope. Mattei recently announced plans for a chain of 70. "'super"| filling stations in Britan to sell} Italian gasoline to English mo- torists. Italian Industry Aided By Mattei By EUGENE LEVIN tration on business. ROME (AP) -- Fifteen years) Like ENI itself, he had hum- |ble beginnings. Mattei was the son of a po- liceman, quit school at 14 to go to work. At 20 he was managing a tannery, at 30 he owned a small chemical plant in Milan. During the Second World War Mattei commanded a Christian Democratic partisan unit against the Nazis in northern Italy. Decorated for heroism, he went into politics after the war and was elected to Parliament. His move to the top started in 1945, when his geologists -- methane in the Po Val- ey. BECOME BOSS Soon the field was producing gas at a rate which saved Italy $100,000,000 a year that it pre- viously had paid in imports. In 1953 Mattei pushed through Par- liament a law setting up ENI as a state-owned holding com- pany. He became its boss. The fledgling oil company tried the international field the next year--when Iran signed a |new pact with eight big oil com- jpanies -- but failed. Mattel thought ENI should have been a partner in the deal. The big companies kept him out. Mattei has. never forgotten nor forgiven that rebuff. Two years later he calmly upset the traditional rate schedule. After Instead of folding it, he gam- The discovery launched En- most aggressive govern- He's been gambling some of the world's Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi-- refineries, pipelines, filling stations, The field of operations extends DANGEROU RADICAL the Suez crisis in 1956, when the dition, For more information telephone |i 4 Bowmanville MA 3-3857. iy eee «APRESS KITCHEN utensils, wearever, dishes,|"SILVERLINER" collapsible | travel scales, lamps, hostess chairs, end alles. All new for '62, Call 728-1468 tables etc. Apply 214 Kendal Avenue, |°F 725-1065. body. cE -~ Commercial property, 123' x 252'. Ideal for motel. 1363 SIMCOE ST. NORTH-- Commercial property, 6-room house. Lot 65' x 165'. $12,900.00 with terms. ZION -- 6-room ranch brick bungalow. $10,500 V.L.A. DARLINGTON BLVD. SOUTH --7-room, 4-bedroom home 13,500.00 V.L.A. 52 KEEWATIN STREET -- 7-room, split level, attached garoge, family room $19,500.00. N.H.A. LOTS -- Crestwood subdivision, King St. East, Grandview orea. Fe Bee ere WELLINGTON, N.Z. .CP)--A young Dutchman here has fi- nally got a marzipan. sausage sent to him by his parents as a Christmas present after red- faced customs officials reversed|enterprise in the country. an earlier decision to confiscate| Persons close to Mattei, 56, the confection under regulations|say he has made ENI the. giant banning the import of meat. 'it is by single-minded concen- overlooking the City of Oshawa. Ask- ing only $600 per acre, terms. Call Wal- lter Frank MA 3-3393. D. W. McQuay Realtor, Bowmanville. sedan, low mileage, standard shilft,| radio, whitewall tires, wheel discs. Apply 246 Adelaide West. ee Seer yap terse '54 FORD Skyliner, automatic, custom $26,900 Pickering area, most scenic 10-| radio, Al mechanically, good cation, near conservation parks, New|sig5, MO 8-4517, executive home. Four-bedroom, ree | - ne TS bathrooms, 30-ft balcony, walk-out/'S5 CHEVROLET hardtop V8 mo basement, double garage. Telephone|autemstic, good mechanically, MO 8-239. | ceeke Lge gor or ae tits DEEP freeze, chest type, $100. A-l COM | -- ------ . Many extras, 0. SP freeze, ches , . Ae a } NHA building lots with prepaid se ae a ----|ition, May be seen at 204 Stevenson|ZHREE rooms of new furniture only ices. 50 fect frontages and larger. Rea VOLVO sports, radio, safety belts,|poaq. South. paced ele cree gga. Mga Mage, sonable terms. Call Harold Segal at)Windshield washers .New car warranty, |--------_-- --_------------ --|room and kitchen Get all S. D Hyman Realtor, 728-6286. Jake and Bill's Garage. 449 Ritson|CEDAR strip boat, Tee Nee trailer,/this for only $3.00 weekly. Barons pe Beeld Ceres "_____|Road South, 728-0921, |Johnson 5% hp, gear shift, Home Fur 424 Simcoe Street ESTATE SALE -- Private, five bed: | i556 DODGE sedan V8 automatic, |t20K. Good condition. Telephone MO /South. f " ul | 195 1E - 18.5942 afte ea -- rooms, Spacious ving room wt mod fete gl suo of best oie, Teapaons|@222 A168 6 "___|so1NGH CONSOLE eleva tw eon bathrooms, shower, beautifully decor-|728-2808. }17-INCH Victor Saavision. puiey coi be reasonable. Telephone MO 8, . ae a a levision. B ot condi: | 3-5367. ated, broadioom throughout living-|959 CHEVROLET Impala, convertible, |©°™! Las hs edeebg priced. Telephone |e room, stairs, halls. Brick house. Best| mileage 23,000, automatic, radio, power | Won. 39 spel 2 ALL-STATE motor scooter, excellent spot in city. 725-3353. |brakcs, immaculate condition. Well 723-2580. SPA CHP ER Ren ---|running condition, one man's bicy#e aie doe cata aerney aol al |worth looking at, as well as 15 other|MUNDINGER 120 base a with | $10, Ti MA 3-5718. custom built for present own- er just 6 years ago. Large living room, broadloomed, fireplace, family kitchen, with separate dining area. Three generous bedrooms. Convenient to schools and bus. ANNAPOLIS AVENUE $500. DOWN Comfortable and spotlessly clean two-bedroom home, oil heating, large kitchen with ample cupboards, stainless steel sink, three-piece bath- room. For full particulars coll 723-1121 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Middle East again was in tur- moil, ENI asked for the right to explore and exploit new Iranian oil fields--and offered the Iran- ians 75 per cent of the profits rather than the customary 50-50 split. Since then, dangling similar bait, ENI has extended its oil ventures into Tunisia, Sudan, Somalia, Morocco, Argentina and Egypt. It has built or is building refineries in Morocco, Tunisia, Switzerland, Ghana, Poland and West Germany. It has contracted to build oil pipe- lines in India and Argentina. Filling stations of ENI subsidia- ries are sprouting in half a dozen countries to challenge the major oil companies for the con- sumer market. International oil rivals regard him as an upstart or a trouble- maker and Italian critics have called him a dangerous radical --threatening the life of private sen " i |WE buy, sell and exchange used fur- achine, s in, " ING machine, Astor, push button, | niture or. anything you have. The City |Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street {South and 31 Bond Street East. 723- --_|hardly used, Simplex Mangle Iron, 1 tor,!excelient condition. Telephone Ajax WH rio | 23004. 1671 interior, | -- --| 1671. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT lrene Brown, Leon Manitius, Steve Zurba, - Roy Flintoff, Phyllis Jubb, Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, Lucas Peacock. YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING tt us E es B CROSSED Tie "SOUND- BARRIER 1 1947* THE FIRST PLANE. EVER 10. REACH SUPER SONIC SPEEDS 1H LEVEL FLIGHT, For informotion on these --_ properties cali Chas, Ronkine, Jack Cornish, Wes. Elliott at 723-1133. Open till 9 p.m. 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA INLAND VOYAGE PORT ARTHUR, Ont. (CP)-- Tourist home operator Burt Brown and his wife went to Flo- rida for a winter vacation, trav- elling most of the way in their 18 - foot outboard motor boat. They towed the boat behind their car to Cairo, Ill., then completed the trip via the Mis- sissippi river and the Gulf of Mexico. NEED TEACHERS AUCKLAND (CP)--New Zea- land's teacher shortage was pointed up in a report disclos- ing that of 745 positions advers tised late last year, 218 at- tracted no applicants and only 318 of the posts were filled. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED DIAL 728-4678 | CHAMPLAIN STREET On paved service near 401 hwy. -- 6-room bungalow with attached garage, fenced londscoped lot, lighted stone pillars ot paved driveway entrance, 3 large bedrooms, modern kitchen, very lorge living room, separate dining room, Asking price $17,000.00 with reasonable down payment. 10 ACRES BUILDING LOTS $4500.00 with $1,000.00 down BRUCE STREET 4-bedroom, 2-storey house, paved drive with garage, good-sized kitchen and living room, ond large family-size dining room. Toto! price $11,000.00 with $2,000.00 down. 1 mortgage for bolorce. AFTER 5:30 CALL Everett Elliott 723-9290 John Kemp 728-2392 Dick Barrioge 725-6243 Joe Mage 725-9191 Kenn Hann 723-7963 L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. REALTORS 43 PARK RD. S. V.L.A. COURTICE $12,500 for this beautiful 6-room brick home in excellent condi- tion, situated on a 134 acre of well londscaped property with double garage and a large 15 x 30 ft. hen house. Act quickly for this one. Cs 795, "AE Spine OFA Budis 15 DOPED > EXSURE HE OBSERVANCE, OF CuSO WHICH ORDAIHS THAT SHE MUST HOT LOOK UPON A MAN UNfil, AFTER WER MARRIAGE eleety if A MAIN A BANTANDU VILLAGE OX THE CONGO 1K COASTLINE INTHE AFRICA 15 SUSPECTED oF WHIGICRAR, J UsS+ REY, GIVEN A CUP OF POISON fo DRINK. IF ME LOVES. NEL1$ INHOCENTs none © Pag Femis ELEVEN oak desks, five typewriter |style, matching swivel chairs, six filing cabinets, all used, bargain price. Ham- ilton's MO 8-8442, CHESTERFIELD and chair, wardrobe ith mirror, three chests of drawers, h jointer-planer with motor, bench grinder with motor, three horse power outboard, 10 horse power outboard, six foot gluecing clamps, pressure canner, 9270, . KM wus he enacee illness. 133 acres, 100 workable, grass,|"and picked ca Py pasture afd wood, Plenty of water, | 723-4494, 725-5574. ' tion.' Telephone 7 ss ___|hutch; plate glass mirrors 36" x 48"; 61 PONTIAC Strato Chief, automatic|LADY'S standard Glider bicycle, all)child's crib complete, medium sized seven-room brick house, all modern}transmission, 4 i conveniences, four miles west of Ome-/discs, window washer Best offer. Tele-| p} Ei ' RR 3 Omemee HANDMADE solid' mahogany 8 34--Lost & Found --_ mehhsoondent -- ---- "HEVROLET, also *49 Chevrolet, | bir coffee and step tables a OW COCKER spa ha Son San wk BOWMANVILLE Industrial plant 4,500 | ¢--~ific c ' ee, ek ee ee 280 Highland Avenue. Telephone 728-| writing desks. etc. CO 3-2192. |Atew r i central location, Corner lot 65 x 170.| 0313, |= "SANEEAG, wood condition, DEW. io. rood to name Sambo. 728-2534. |For sale or rent. Call Walter Frank|~ 58 FO} . B LOST - Lady's black velvet hat, tur- | Bowmanville. dition, $925. For further information| weeks old 'Telephone 2590, 5 to 7. blue. Vicinity of St. Gregory's Church, | --j\telephone MO 8-2341. SUMP pump, in excellent condition, $30.|Rainbow Restaurant, Rossland Road. Six-room, storey and a half modern : ' + wh : henselae chislitinnajineniilictodes \ brick hens on Wilson Road South off |ins interior aie Wee irrors, re mornings or evenings. WOULD the gentleman who picked up i acrifice wf $2,000 down, $73 monthly, One mort-)Phone 725-7489, 000 broadloom ru x i2'; two spring Wear label at Bowmanville Badminton gage. Call S. Macko, Realtor. 728-4661./HERE is your chance to own a 1962\coats sizes 10 and 12. 725-0728. a |Club Saturday, March 3, by mistake, ator, for same coat, size 40 4 beautiful mist grey with matching red ° f ts v " 728-8094. e coat, size or 42. leather interior. It has whitewall tires, |suitable for cottage. Telephone 7ATTT: overdrive transmission, radio, fender|ONE jewellery display case, glass USE THE LIST WITH LLOYD factory list pricé., See it. Drive it. Buy! pepsi cola cooler. Telephone MA 3-3121 it at Smith's Supertest. Trade and/until 6 p.m. THEN CALL YOUR MOVER |i : RECREATION ROOM NATURAL FIREPLACE CLASSIFIED BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 WILLIS MOTORS Your Austin Dealer Open Daily 8-10 Sundays 10-10 For all your driving needs. We have a good assortment of Used Cars Taunton Road East 725-0331 |30--Automobiles Wanted "63 TO '57 Chevrolet or Pontiac, car or wagon. Telephone 723-9911 after 4 p.m. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want coe for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 181. FARM for sale, owner must sell due to nd Picked cars. Ted Campin Motors,|case, black and w _enmeueee condi-/-ARLY American dinette suite with pressure system, seven buildings, radio, whitewalls, wheel ssories, in good condition, Tele-|tricycle, 204 King East. 725-2363. mee. 799-5337 on main road. 8. Hussell/phone 623-3395. : se ce for immediate sale. Apply|r '. Book cases, record cabinets, ail, 2 square foot brick building, in a choice short tail, under year old, reward. IMA 33393, D. W. McQuay Realtor,|'60 VAUXHALL Victor, blue, good con-|tor job. Registered Beagle pups, 10 an, pritiant ornament flecked with {$9,700 ONLY, Excellent buy on this. |," CROWN Victoria, two-tone, match-|Used one season. Telephone 723-2783) Reward. 728-8786. King. Home can now be bought with|V-8, auto BABY as new, $12; gray wool overcoat, size 38, with Black's Men's -------| kindly a Jaguar 3.8 sedan, demonstrator, in SMALL wood stove and retriger: indly call 728-4875 in order to exchange tt re | LLOYD REALTY 5 | mirrors and safety belts. Over $700 off front and top, 9 ft. by 2% ft, One dry terms. Corner of Conlin Road and OSHAWA TIMES WELLAND AVE. $2,000. down, real good Simcoe Street North, 728-5912. value, dining room off living room, extra-two piece bath- room, paved drive, no prob- lem for schools, shopping and buses. Ask for Bill Millor ot 728-5123. ONE BLOCK TO 0.C.V.1. Five-room brick bungalow two-car garage, large recrea- tion room, fireplace. Owner transferred, priced for quick | sale. Call Irwin Cruikshanks et 728-5123. 2-STOREY BRICK $11,900 full price, carries for 75.00 interest and principle, one open mortgage for the balance. Family. size kitchen, loads of cupboards, 3-bed- rooms could be 4. Hurry for this one. Call Ed Drumm at 728-5123, BUILDING LOT 50' x 300' Located on Wilson Rd. North, near Adelaide. $2,400, full price. Call Ed Drumm at 728.5123, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited Realtor---728-5123 101 Simcoe St. North Open Every Evening VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE In a new location. 16% Bond Street West. Top price paid for used radios, televis- ions, furniture and applian- ces. We buy, sell and ex- change, Telephone 728- 4401. OLD GUNS WANTED) Will -pay $100 for brass- framed level action rifles. Top prices for other. old rifles, and hand guns. __ PHONE 728-5574 GOOD RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS RANGES AND WASHERS All parts and service HE'S ON YOUR PAYROLL... 725-8761 723-9810 AJAX BARGAIN: CENTRE HARWOOD AVE, NORTH Pre oo WE BO410 BOATS UP TO 60% OFF Larsen, Traveller, Weymouth, Mason, -- Evinrud Motors, Volvo Tenta Engines. MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin PHONE 655-3641 OPEN EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS UNTIL 8 P.M. COOK'S TRAILER SALES New and Used TRAVEL TRAILERS LOW DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS NOW 2 LOCATIONS |HWY, NO. 2 AT COURTICE 3 Miles East of Oshawa | LANDSDOWNE TEXACO | Service Station Simcoe St. N. MODERN DRAPES To Create A More Pleasant Atmosphere in every room of your home. EXTREME VALUE Whitby -- Only $10,500. Almost new 6-room brick bungalow with lovely recreation room, ond an extra bor room, this is a real nice home with many extras, don't fail to see this one at this low price. $1,200 DOWN Locoted ot Maple Grove, just off No, 2 Highway, clean 4-room bungalow with attached gorage, large corner lot, reasonable payments. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Insurance LTD. Realtors 167 Simcoe St. South Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, ~---- Mortgages -- Arranged, Bought and Sold N. HLA, $868 DOWN $868 $12,700 full price. Ranch Style, 3-bedroom brick. bun- galow, featuring oil heat, oll schools, shopping ond trans- portation. Easy monthly pay- ments. Move right in. Call Mr. Gower ot 725-6544. DUPLEX 2-torey, brick, garage, paved drive, central location, Well looked after. $12,000 full price. As low as $2,000 down. Can be used as du- plex. A real buy, so call Mr. Gower at 725-6544, BASEMENT APT. 5% rooms up, 44 rooms down, terrific for income. Close to bus, schools ond shopping, two bathrooms, 2 meters Immediate posses- sion, with a low down pay- ment of $900, full price and terms to be arranged. Calf Mr, Ratcliffe ot 725-6544, CLOSE TO ST. GREGORY'S Six-room bungalow, kitchen and living room 13 x 18, Four large bedrooms, good basement and oil heating. A good looking: home for a large family. Asking only $1,500 down. Call Bill Rat- cliffe ot 725-6544, e COMMERCIAL CORNER Central location, beautiful 7-room brick home about 15 years old, an ideal investment with immediate return, 3 bathrooms, oil heating, private drive and garage, $4,000 down ond one opén mortgage for the balance. Coll Tony Siblock or Sid Mortyn, 725-8761 or 723-9810 WOULD like to buy car in good condi- tion, reasonable, as second car. Prefer- ably small car. Telephone 725-4356, BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE Howe & Peters YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REALTORS 67 KING ST. E. 725-4701 2 BEDROOM Ideal home for retiring couple, close to shopping and bus ser- vice, seporate dining room, 4-pc. bath, aluminum storms ond screens, attractive bock yard. Full price $10,500 with terms. Call Bob Johnson, 728-2548 evenings. DREW ST $1,500 down, fe bem brick horne in good condition, 3-bed- room, separate dining room, oil heating, gorage, reasonabl terms, Coli Joe Crawford, 623-3672. oe x4 RIVERSIDE DRIVE 5-room, 3-bedroom brick bungalow, oil heating, landscaped lot, beautifully decorated, aluminum storms and screens, located close to schools. Contact Earle Allen 725-7782 evenings. GRIERSON ST 6-room, 3-bedroom, 1¥2-storey in north end, first-class con- dition, good location, many extras including T.V. tower, oir conditioner, gorbage disposal unit, metal awnings, etc.' Contact Rolande Tierney, 725-5207. : 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "'Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 _ Res. 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or sown. Liens paid off, | NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 3i--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 KEMP MOTORS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS WHITBY MO 8-4932 YOUR CARRIER is an enterprising young man in business to serve you and the many other customers-- on his newspaper route, quickly and dependably each day. HE BUYS his papers from us at the wholesale rate and sells them to you at retail. The difference in price pays him for serving you. AND BECAUSE he works for you in this way, he looks to you for payment each collection day. Thus, he is on your "payroll", not ours, and appreci- ates being paid promptly---so that he can pay his own paper bill and en- joy the full profit he has earned ! THE OSHAWA TIMES s Colorful designs in the latest fabrics, various styles and lengths. Ready to drape. IM..& C, Dry Goods | 74 CELINA ST. 723-7827 98 acre form, 90 acres seeded down, 6-room home with 3-pe. both, a system, lorge barn, drive shed, gorage, located On two paved roads. Full price $18,900.00 i Jo l- ford, 623-3672. oe SPECIAL -- $600 down, full price $6,900.00, 5-room 100 x 150' lot, monthly poyments $65.00, 6... °°

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