Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Mar 1962, p. 15

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14 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Merch 27, 1962 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday te Fridey Saturdey 8 to 12 BUSIN ESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res., Chartered East, CA; G 4 WILso> and BURROWS. Accountants, 114 King Street Oshawa. Ronald F. D, Wilse Edmund -- Burrows CA 728 MONTEITH, RIEHL Accountants, 7 North, Oshawa; MO 8-413 YALE FRIEDLANDER and Co., Accountants and Auditirs Licensed Trustees in Bank 64 King Street East. Oshawa CA; . Friedlander, B Comm "HOPKINS and Company ¢ Accountants, Oshawa, Ontario, 7 and $27, Ajax MONTEITH. Chartered AUNTER CPA ~ Certi King fied J 5-3509 Street East R. B. PROSSER Accountant Whitby. MO & CPA Certified Public Centre Street North Appraisers PATRICK G. McDANIPL Estate Appraiser and Broker, Phone MO 8-231 Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE teed automotive parts and accessories 145 King Street West Os a 728-1607-6-9. Five bays to serve AAC, Rea Whitby Guaran haw Barristers BOWMAN. DAVID L.. Barr tor, 344 Simcoe South, 725. dence, 728-0264 BRUCE V. MACKEY. BA Solicitor, Nota Public funds available King Str 728-2381. Res. 985-716 LOUIS 8. AYMAN, ac, tor, Nota Street available GREER and KELLY 114 King Residenc Solici Resi- ister 9592 Barrister Mortgage eet East Barrister, Bidg.. 7 Mortgage Solici- monies Barrister Street East ones J r, P 363. Terence v » PA "BCI HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN MAN, Batristers, Solicitor Street East, Oshawa phreys, QC; G. 8 WwW A Hill Office, 72 725-4604; Whit NHA and other 728. and -- Residence funds avail So 6246 and citors, 130 East. 728 Mortgage THOMAS ss citor, and Street East R_ AND TV JAMES A Barrister and Solicito: lic. The Commercial Bui West, Oshawa, Ontario available 2 EREIGHTON. FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers. Solicitors. No tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bidg 5 Simcoe Street North, 723-3446. T. K reighton, QC; c Fraser, QC;/ G. K. Drynan Murdoch. NHA morigages arranged bid tanga and BASTE Do. ds availab' 20 Simcoe Street ' McGibbon, F, Bastedo, QC RICHARD H. DONALN, Solicitor, Notary Pubtic North, 728-2991. Res. 728 2%. T. SALMFRS, BA Barrister, Solici tor, etc., 1344 Office 723-1101 DONALD BLAKE and Solicitor, 26% Telephone: B us iness 723 dence 728-537 2 JOSEPH PF MANGAN, QC, Barrister Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 1442 King Street East, Oshawa 7% MANNING F. SWARTZ and L. SWARTZ, Barrister taries, Money to loan 264 King Street East, dence, dial 723-4029 oans RUNDLE, Barrister, Notar Public Phone 728-1763 COL ~MaeDONALD, BA and Rotary Pub 286 King Soli Barristers e fo North Qc; BA, Barrister; 4 Simcoe ---- Residen nce 725- DODDS. King Street 20 Barrister East Resi RONALD tors, No Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERV INCOME TAX RETUR 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades CALL JOHN you buy. Al dows, awnin HARLEI( Rem cE '> "a price before doors, win ce. RR 728-4371 GH and get minum siding gs. John G. F 45 after 5.3 odel 1roOm pp 9 ) etc, Free estimates any time PHONE. 723-7589 Hambly Concrete 59 MO 8-4] CLASSIFIED AD RATES in eny 'form. cre contained ther ein » CERAMIC Gardening and Supplie WE CLEAN up around ry $e |Building Trades insulation Whitby blown Harper, SHINGLING. tar and gravel: MO 8-4558 siding Phil AND H. ROOFI Specializing in and gravel. Asphait shingles, metal insulated siding and all kinds of Free estimates. MO 8-8003 or L tar roofs repairs 725-6937 CARPENTRY, oofing and repairs of ali estimates. Phone Harry's, YOUR local chimney neys bi and repaired installed, furnaces vacuumed mates. 723-2997 re-modelling, framing, kinds. Free 723-2413 cleaner. Chim gas linings Free esti- plastic wall "tile, wood working, al! floor coverings. Free eati- mates. Work guaranteed. 728-0850. Cartage JOHN'S MOVING and Storage, Oshawa Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip ped and insured. Phone 728-366 Caterers WEDDING sabe Ets CEPTIONS, PART bered La,erers remem e mn wh Poni IcCc PHONE 725-0078 Dressmaking DRESSMAKING able prices t phone 723-7 alterations 104 Safa and mending 1730 opply ALTERATION an on: ce easonat Fuel and Wood FACTORY hardwood cuttings fireplaces, furnaces Suitable stove Tele phone 728-8535 FIREWOOD. ary nace or fireplace shone CO 3-2275 FACTORY stove Tele good, tor stove Free deliver Suitable Tele hardwood cuttings fireplaces, furnaces REE Premium Quality DX STOVE OIL MO 8-844] F serv e betwee WwW ing 3u ies house and anything ou oitage and also dispose of seless. We clean and mow lawns and edges. Call 725-8252, Monday to and Sunday between & p.m. to and all day Saturda ida bo CHOICE DRIVEWAY GRAVEL LOAM CEMENT GRAVEL 725-5279 AWA A GRAVEL- MULCH STONE, ALL SIZES 723-3528 OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE GARDEN Svat GARDEN SERVICE Lor ascape de Instruction PRIVATE 4 years Ac no HARVEY teacher, perience 054 student by counsellor e interview onis DANCE ACADEMY RAD ballet, Highland. Registe 424 King Street West. 725-6122 LILLIAN MAE MARSA Dancing School, DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School acro. vatic Gay and Saturday. Masonic Temple, Centre Street, 723-7253 Baton, Investigators ACME GATION BUREAU NCH OFFICE INVESTIG BRA} Lawn: Mowers THE best apartments Oshaw in. town. are ad a Times Class ied Section. Check on them now? WE H N AN RE EVER 2YTHI! N A CALI "STAN! 5. KING AT BURK 793-3204 | NT Rug-Upholstery Service second CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and Real Es- Free estimates. See our ma- covering. Dalton Upholster 7212 Mortgages ESTATE mortgages. tate Ltd FIRST and second v. Jd. Van Herwerden, 741 King Kast, Oshawa, 7 funds tor first and Town and Count Call Brooklin 655 y re-sty 44 bought Brokex mortgages Mortgage 23-4471 CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-covered like new, Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311 CLIENTS' money to oan on first mort. gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased, NHA mortgages arranged Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur doch CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re ved like new. Get the best for less Modern Upholsterers 142 Simcoe ' 728 Free estimates. all 728-6451 and or MORTGAGES -- Pa Call Mr 725-8333, John Arranged, bought Bolahood. 7: A. J, Bolahood Lte Surveyors le Sa Hen King FIRST and second mort agreements purciased nick and Hennick I Land Street East. 723-7232 printing, {1 MONIES FOR pigs MORTGAGES e sold AND Survey Onta FLEISCHMANN, On Commercial blue- eet 5-5632. DONEVAN tario or, nt o St TROLLOPE Ontario 21 Adelaide Avenue AND vey Phone S ors Eas' Tailors ee PULLAN LISH TAILOR) sreneed ond expe TV -- Radio Repairs TY RADIO, ca radio repairs, Avenue, » Washer and dryer TELEVISION Call Serv- MORTGAGE eps MMERLAND SECURITIES C ot ncoe Osh Phone Nursing Homes SUNNYBRAE Nu tendance No hitby and Osh Optometrists « a TY, TOWERS Dominion 'ail ie alids exam LEN & LOU'S At NT ae be BH. TUCK, RO, Optometris at downtown 74 Burk Street. Inv home. Dial 72 a RICHARD BLACK » the ¢ tion North appointment accoun paint. F etry Docte or of Optom es, contact 36 S Evenings by Painting and Decorating PAINTING nte ch Stree Al CONROY paper hanging, wallpaper in paperhanging, carpent din, g Low Go professional wood finishir stock Telephone ODD & SOUTER TRIO TELEVISION ot, hi YND 728-6781 Well Drilling-Digging WELL d ed ¢ Personal Service MASSEUK home joint and 0 MA DRESSMAKING sewing such sonable rates time ents 5 at Bowman visits pat a d clean-outs..T galvanized sup Tele- as ch Teipehone pes of building epla "4% Gordon repairs ' roofing, dewalks, May stoops. 728-0 CRESCEN DRY CLEAN ING S t M MACH INE DUG WELLS Pp} MODERN GRILL TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING 728-3864 W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE Plumbing and Heating CHINN'S plumbing oressure systerns, new 288 Hillside, 723-7088 ALL new supplies used types of and Estimates repairs and materials tree. Dia used Foley ALL PLU opiates Phone Ltd., pl ng, 255 "ON ITARIO MO 8-3809 ST. WEST 329 and Ha mb ng. heating Simcoe Street leating id H ' cer - and engineer pedi South 1--Women' " Column SPECIALS on pe ir vert hairdressing ae : Vilkinson, Lake b s 28-0422 GUSCOTT PLUMBING. corp ings et ine Avenue and HEATING LIMITED ? 207 Sin er 20 ALL WELL But if y Ss and bleaches service by Mrs. Vista Beauty Ex June Salon. ou e Page Hair- Telephone o¢ St. $.--72 . soa Radiator Service Bibel Telephone to the 1 Victor Vicinity ja Park Law in To 30227 eLEe TROLYSIS Tr D Russell Bryant RADIATOR SERVICE 900 Brock St. t MO. 8- 2506. Record Players uble Bef ve In Today 723-464| 3--Pets & Livestock R.C.A. VICTOR Goop te RECORD PLAYERS mt 728 Both M REGISTERED German ypes ar very reasonabie ©, 1 montis old home wanted Toy Te Yelephone six-month-old xcellent with 5629 nale hildren Stereo and nourc Shepherd, fe grey. good Telephone "MEAGHER's : THREE male a tas we $5 each 4 Labrador 425 and tan Telephone GERMAN with pa'pers STERING sneak satan UPHOLSTERING = Reatairer ss RNITURE REMODELING, raining REPAIRING B roR ind 728-6854 h rear ree Service Shepherd, male, years purebred three old. Tele- budgies, ready Apply ast r for FU Mrs SALE giant rabbits rabbits Also ¢ HOUSEKEEPER sfaction CALL 728- 9526 TODAY TALBOT UPHOLSTERING , Concession telephone CO | 4--Ma rket Basket CARROTS for table Bring containers. RR No, 2, Newcastle, castle 3741 and feed. Stephenson, Telephone New- 5--Farmers Column BALED straw 8013 for sale. Telephone 728 CASH on the spot Highest prices paid for dead and crippled farm stock Telephone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone licence 149 Grain, clover and grass We have now in stock top qual No. 1 grade seeds of at competitive or H. H. Goode and MO 8-2917 or SEED seeds ty government the above species better Contact Son, Brookiin 6: 7--Trailers TRAVEL trailer, Jalousie windows, four. Reasonable. 8--Hunting MARSH AREA -- available for musk rat trapping. For more details, tele- phone Bowmanville, MA 3-259} FOR LEASE DUCK PONDS Perry 14 ft, almost Telephone 1961 Buffalo new. sleeps 725-5676. Mile Sout! Port ON FIVE-YEAR PE $150 - $200 ANNUALLY of D Owner PH. PORT PERRY 985-2980 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent FOR SALE on safe, sandy Screened porch io. Completels with $2,200 down. Three-bedroom cottage, beach, Lake Simcoe kitchen cupboards and furnished. Full price Telephone MO ndelabr 725-3338 SARGEANT'S RENTALS WHEEL CHAIRS FOR SALE OR RENT 725-1644 12---Articles Wanted SHAW . AUTO WRECKING CO Ports 89 BLOOR _WANTED _ . ON, POUL AND FEATHER THCk k Deer Hides 2311 E d Raw lect 1. TURNER 2043 -- 723-3374 13--Business Opportuni ies BEAUTY PARLOR for rent, fully equipped, central, For particu further lars, apply 5 Celina Street WELL g00d equipped neighborhood ters. For sal trade on home full particulars Simcoe Street VERY central, six grocery. store, with living quar owner would conside: Telephone 723-1121 for Guide Realty Ltd 6 South n le or chair beauty salon doing an excellent business, with three room apartment. Immediate possession Yelephone Guide Realty Limited 723-1121 FRENCH Box 135, SNACK BAR for sale Telephone 728-2095 FOR SALE or rent new store and five room apartment in Shopping Plaza on Wilson Road South. Would consider ex change on home. Telephone Guide Real Limited, 723 1. 16 Simcoe Street South COLUMBUS Imperial eval repair garage, six-car capacity, for wsale or rent. Also adjacent house an booth for sale. For more particul 1 655-3031 STORE with "great variety goods. thriving business. Selling due to other nvestments. Write Box Oshawa Times FOR Fries Oshawa ruck for Write Times rent central location after 6 p.m station gen- 27 RENT One chair, barbershop, lished for years. Heated, air-con- For further particulars, Tele- ers studio for rent tablished downtown location corners. Spacious and well with benches and cupboards. heated. Could be. used for poses. Available April 1 SPARE or full-time steady year-round income, business opportunity for a re liable person act as delivery agent to service, small shopping centres. (No ng). Selected applicant must have cash available, also car or light Reply Box 139 Oshawa Times Long es- near four equipped Hot water other pur- Telephone 0 $750 truck "GOOD SUMMER riba ampoline city and thr completely to go in Shopping Centre lo Can ndivi dually or as o chain." be sold BOX NO. 940 OSHAWA TIMES 14---Employment Wanted WOMAN requires housework by day or by the hour, - Brooklin, tario. Telephone 655-493! HOMEMAKER desires position in home of respectable middle-aged adult R. Smith, RR 4, Stratford, c-o A. Jones RELIABLE part-time PETER PAN DAY half-day, 8.30 a.m 5 Simcoe Street TRUSTWORTHY the On lady Live in housew i desires Telephone NURSERY until North, man, excellent edu ation; 19 years business and account ing experience, requires position with prospects of advancement. Telephone 723-1828 16--Female Help Wanted SALESLADY son. Radiant ping Centre for store Cleaners in per- Shop- Apply Oshawa wanted, Telephone 6.30. 7 ONE full time and two part Perienced waitresses wanted 'pereon to the Mall Restaurant after BATS time Apply ex in 4 selling 16--Female Help Wanted fo. fo WANTED -- _ Experienced cook Drive-In Bar-B-Q, also waitresses new restaurant in West Whitby, exce lent wages, holidays with pay, medical benefits. Telephone 723-7463. RELIABLE lady for sition. Live in. Private room woman comes weekiy. Three High wages. Write Box 138, fimes Cleanin, Oshaw SHORT ern air n person order cook conditioned fo Genosha Hotel ELDERLY couple to take complete charge of home in. Room and board liable person. Telephone tween 5 p.m. and 7 p.m require housekeepe: Liv CASHIER the ager, Genosha ENUMERATORS for and Whitby spellers, Apply address and Oshawa Times required Hote! Apply City of Oshaw in phone number, Box 13 RELIABLE housekeeper wanted be able to take full charge references required. Write Box 34, awa Times WANTED at once, clerk cashier an Oshawa Supermarket 6 to 10 evenings. Please write full to Box 19 Oshawa Times HOUSEKEEPER required immediately, room, care of thre age, good Apply live in children, one school references required Oshawa Times. RESPONSIBLE lady nights and weekends. Apply in writ Box 40 Oshawa Times. Stating ex ence and references private for Variety Store rv INTERE STING part-time work. day evening hours to suit. No ex necssary Call 72 eo irs perience Salary WANTED young lady work, some typing and perience Telephone LIABLE children Telephone bookeeping ex necessary t fo! o care live out housekeeper ile mother works 6704 TELEPHONE CANVASSER Offcie Good d Bonus Required es ala f nterview DUMONT ethan auth 3 mcoe Street ith Tel ephone 728-1651 GRADUATE NURSE Al. 2-2832 WEST. HILL FULL TIME WAITRESS week-end, 4 PART TIME WAITRESS AND KITCHEN HELP For Week-ends cl EANING WOMAN Must 5 mornings be and reliable Apply in ENVOY RESTAURANT Person housekeeping po- children. and wages to re- 725-4638 be- Must Recent Osh wages, Box 33, ng for general office 723-3822 |20--Room and Board FOR ¢ GENT MEN room and "board, lunches packed, singles or to share, very central, at 206 King Street East, near _Ritson Road. r c |. FOR THE BEST Yin living accom: modation at the lowest price, /tele- phone 725-0078. Want a change? Phone now and get the best for less PONTIAC INN Excellent rooms (single ond double) or room and board. Nightly rotes available. THORNTON'S RD, S. j at BLOOR ST. ' PHONE 725-0078 22--Store Space & Garages BRAND NEW OFFICE IS AVAILABLE New vice Painted Available i Moderate Ava Ask a required for mod coffee shop, Apply y r e man- Must be good writers and writing stating age 6 for p.m particulars Built . Elevator Bright Freshly iled Fi floors... Few Days... Rent Lease Third Floor... Wilson THE TIMES BUILDING MARY & KING STREETS OSHAWA 23--Wanted to Rent r RESPONSIBLE young man_ requires two-room unfurnished apartment. Pri vate bath and entrance preferred. Write 140 Oshawa Times Ser- e lable for 24----Houses for Rent SMALL house in North Oshawa, imme- diate occupancy. Telephone 728-4920 $80 FIVE-ROOM bungalow, all conveniences. Apply 238 Kaiser cent 1 modern Cres 212. HOUSE five rooms, garage, oil heated, three blocks to downtown, close to Shopping Centre, buses. Couple pre- ferred. Immediate possession. 728-0529 NEAR hospital, newly decorated nine- room brick house All modern conveni- ences, garage, TV aerial. Immediate occupancy. Apply 174 Alma Street. 0642, THREE hydro included phone 728-2923 SIX-ROOM house for rent, rooms, immediate possession awa Blvd, South. Telephone after 6 p.m $35 MONTHLY Athol East, four- room house, tiled throughout, full base- ment, laundry tubs, oil heating, heavy wiring, antenna, garage. 105 Easthaven Street 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent FOUR-ROOM apartment unfurnished ewly decorted, four-piece bath, near Shopping Centre. Close to bus stop. Ap- ply 112 Stevenson Road North CADILLAC South, nished, modern private bath and ts preferred 8363. FURNISHED f desired ROOM house, $50 monthly, Available April 2. Tele- three bed- 14 Osh 723-7854 356, completely fur- ee-room apartment, entrance, heated, $70 lights included. room, light housekeeping Close to hospital, suitable for 271 Simeoe Street North. UPPER duplex, four venience, private entrance ferred. 80 Rowe St $85 MONTHLY modern apartment, stove, refrigerator, apd dryerfive minutes walk General Motors South Plant May 1 Malaga Road 725-6674 MODERN apartments for rent, erator and stove, private near good shopping, ample North end. Telephone 725-3652 $60--THREE-ROOM furnished ment, refrigerator, cupboards, sink, itilities paid, laundry facilities, two gentlemen, couple. 121 Annis, 728-0759 PLEASANT self - contained 3 - room apartment, heated, partially furnished with refrigerator and stove. Ideal lo- cation near bus line, large lawn. $55 monthly. Telephone 728-5888. MODERN apartment, two bed. rooms, tile bath, hall, kitchen, stove and refrigerator, TV outlet, hot water. Caretaker Marina Apartments, 281 Simcoe Street South BEAUTIFUL three room apartment, completely private, re- decorated, parking. Reasonable. Tele- phone 723-3772 rooms, all con Adults pre- Telephone 728-0581, washer from Available 255 Telephone refrig- entrance, parking. apart- large living room, modern 17--Male Help Wanted CARETAKER, to office, apartment between 9 and 5.30. EXPERIENCED Commission MO 8 live in, building 728-4646 for sma Telephon: salesman for direc Call for appoint- men + Homarket Foods Ltd., Whitby EXPERIENCED quired immediately Lid., Port Perry. 985-2582. TWO aggressive salesmen either or part time, Must be ambitious. Writ to Box 131 Oshawa Times. THE famous Tripp Constructio: Lindsay Cavalier awa area tact Ron MUST married and phone Times EXPERIENCED salesman to represent an implement mechanical aptitude desirable, $75 weekly plus liberal commission, MAt ket 3-5012, Bowmanville YOUNG MAN who wishes to make a career of selling Heard, 725-4325. help evenings, Write giving to Box 50, 38 addres: Oshaw hav 23-30. No. with distributor Hospitalization Protit-sharing plan Vacational pay Best ing conditions APPLY AGNEW-SURPASS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE work LICENSED a IC al garage. x J ond bonus employment paid pensio plan, All benefits. Reply in ree BOX: 37, OSHAWA TIMES TATING EXPERIENC JOB HISTORY Wonted Top wage Steady acation, company n -E, AGE, machine operators re- full Band need at least ten trumpet players, Osh- Those interested please con- per., car, FOUR-ROOM apartment, TV outlet, high wiring, parking, available "Church Street, 725-0355, e MAIN floor, modern furnished apartment, private entrance and bathroom. parking, new house. 385 Baldwin Street, 728-4409. 381 MARY STRE nished apartmen telephone, lights, second floor, 1042. $6 -- THREE rooms, private entrance, refrigerator, stove and sink, parking, close to bus. Telephone 725-5442 UPPER duplex, Division Street larg rooms, garage, child welcome. $75 monthly. Jones Realtor, 725-6412. FOUR-ROOM self-contained ment, close to Shopping Centre, suit- able for quiet couple, $75. Available April 25. Apply 26 Gibbon Street SRS NEW self-contained, heated powered now 102 three-room, un t two -- room modern washing central fur- kitchen, facilities B Telephone 725- e four apart- one-bedroom apartment, large kitchen with lots of cupboards, laundry facilities, close to Shopping > Centre Immediate possession. Abstain ers. Telephone 725-40 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT $95 SIMCOE ST. N " 725-3302 ADELAIDE TERRACE Modern 2 Parking, 2-bedroom luxury suites. All. conveniences, broadioom throughout, _ park ing. Apartments to rent at standard rates without hidden costs 329 ADELAIDE WEST APT. 2 725-8923 OSHAWA'S FINEST PARK LANE APARTMENTS BEDROOM SUITES BEDROOM SUITES Elev - ator Servicg -Private Ba ~Paved Parl --Controlled Entrances 20--Room and Board ROOM and board for share Cen 1 South room, e and do Ro. ROOM home $15 weekly. Mitchell, board available conveniences. Laundr Telephone 723-1977 or 3 and home Bice clean, quie parking in private t D 725-7732 or ' 723-9692 evenings | Howe & Peters, Realtors _ Reasonable two-bedroom |g..." 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent |25--Apts. & Flats for Ren' FURNISHED two - bedroom 'bachelor |N WLY DECORATED three 1 100) apartment, suitable for two ladies, liv-/ apartment, Rk Mg' entrance, ing-room, complete kitchen, tile bath,} television outlet. $55 monthly each./ Apartment 1, Marina Apartments, 281! Simcoe Street South TWO-BEDROOM with stove, FUR} os three-room no children. Also two noteceepin rooms, central location. Apply 63 apartment, equipped | Street. Telephone 725-3140. refrigerator and laundry R grou! ities, on Simcoe North. Telephone peg eae Lon, ae 343, 9 to 5 p.m garage, yard, heat, hydro included FURNISHED three - room Available immediately, Telephone 728- Available now. 1239. meni, refrigerator and stove, available April 15. Close to Shopping Centre, |S | THREE-ROOM basement "apart Couple only. 725-3777 ator, private entrance, bath. 1278 Sime UNFURNISHED upper apartment, pri-|coe South, 725-8869 vate entrance, bathroom, kitchen, liv- |, : . yee er OF ane room, two bedrooms, close to hos- or panlly taralinee: kee eee Gee pital and downtown, adults preferred, Close to North General 'Motors, bu: at Telephone 728-4166, door, 'Parting. tas-4eiy. sass LARGE furnished room divided into Fas ' bedroom kitehen and sitting room. Suit- ait ine aes able for one or two. Near North private entrance, near General Motors, 723-9576 Siatars: Adults. APARTMENT, very central, modern, i two rooms, with stove, refrigerator, fe Mo gd washer and dryer, Available May 1./qyenment, 'ele 723-29 y tive, % Telephone 723-2233, after five, 723-7596. pi, Mo. $.: THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, » heavy wiring, television outlet, parking, egubie, Gar "path, wesisirs, vert adults, s monthly. Apply 301 Gibbon 'parking and laundry facilities, reason: s able rent to steady tenant. 723-7088. THREE-ROOM apartment refrigerator 26--Rooms for Rent and stove, private entrance, downtown, FURNISHED bedroom, suitable for reasonable rent. Telephone ¥ 32 al- er 6 p.m, 725-3 gentlemen, Telephone 725-8645 after @ pm THREE-ROOM apartment, three-piece CENTRAL front bedroom, furnished for bath, -private entrance, parking, close to 401 highway. Apple Hill district light housekeeping. Close to hospital, 5984 or 728-4401 725-6305 kitchen, laundry facilities, separate en- $7.59 WEEKLY, if shared, $10 singly, trance, close to school and shopping.'suites $20. Free parking, restaurant on One child welcome, Telephone 723-3218.|premises: Hollywood Motel. MO 8-5823. THREE "ROOM unfurnished apartment, TWO rooms, suitable for couple, quiet adult home. young couple, single furnished rooms, Athol Street East, after 6 suitable for sleeping accommodations. Apply 173 Ritson Road South. furnished PRIVATE 2!4 rooms with private bath, refrigerator, cup-'in new home. well heated, Suit couple. laundry, private en- or single persons. Telephone 725-9161. hot water hasta "ae 463 ~ FURNISHED room, newly decorated 904 G Street aft : vinaisino Rhaterioscrt bien bead " housekeeping privileges, suitable for THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, | girls to share. Oshawa Boulevard South, self-contained, heavy duty wiring, heat- close to bus, $8 weekly. 728-6108. ed, hot and cold wat co er supplied. park-| ove rovELY gentleman. ing for tenant's cars. Available, Lo- cated at 822 King Street East, At bus a bald Telepaene : 707 stop. Telephone DE * TWO KOOMS, bedroom and kitchen, TWO furnist h 4 . hein terete Ab completely furnished, private entrance, bedroom and kitchen with refrigera- , tor, sink and cupboards, Private wash. Nicely decorated. Telephone 123-3287 room. Apply 156 Agnes Street 3 -\ CLEAN warm heated, heavy. wiring. television outiet, #BrI08 mattress, auit' a gentleman.. 69 business couple, abstainers, near North | ~/#i0 Street East. Telephone 725-6146, General Motors, bus. After four, 728- ONE large front room, light housekeep- 3205. ing if desired, one or two single gen- 3-ROOM apariment, completely fur- tlemen, Abstainers. Central. Parking nished. Refrigerator, heavy duty stove, SPAce: Private entrance. 723-3078 television antenna, use of telephone,| TWO unfurnished rooms, , small kitehen laundry and parking facilities. Abstain- with sink and cupboards, second floor, ers. 137 Elgin Street East. 725-1588 bus stop at door. Parking space. 629 THREE and four-room apartments in |P\0OT_ East. 725-7617. apartment building, new stove, refrig- CLEAN warm furnished ri erator, large closets, laundromat, park-|housekeeping privileges, suitable ing. 68 Wayne Street 93 one or two, Central. Parking. TWO large rooms, unfurnished, pri. PMOP®_723-7917. _ sla ls vate bath, $55 includes heat and hydro.|TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, Apply 730 Simcoe Street South. 723-2315. kitchen and bedroom, sink and cup * = > boards, refrigerator. Laundry facilities. $55 MONTHLY three-room apart- , ment, in a private home, suit couple. | Central. Apply 253 Athol Street East. _ Close to bus stop. Telephone 728-4827, 'ate home, APARTMENTS, Sh e i Salt _xea- MENTS, Shopping Centre and "102 Figin Hospital areas. Ossie Martin, 728-9714 Joseph Bosco, Realtor 725-9870. apartment. Also three-room apart- South General Telephone 728-6159. Two-bedroom, _modera centrally located. Parking, Laundry room provided. Ap- 762. THREE-ROOM apartment large modern" unfurnished Appl y THREE-ROOM completely ent, stove » automatic continuous preferred room for Fernhill Blvd, room, very central, ht for Tele- CLEAN warm room in pri very central, spring mattre tleman, cooking privileges. "|Street East : 'A : NEWLY decorated furnished room te THREE-ROOM apartment, modern kit- central, rises te NOcE piiat ooliee " rent, chen, heavy duty stove, TV outlet, Ap- 76Mt cf : ply 83 Ritson Road South site IGA, lunch bar, and bus stop, Ap- 240 Division Street SELF - Contained, two-room apartment ee ag gr three-piece bathroom, ground floor, Im.|TW® rooms, completely furnished for mediate possession. Central, also gar- light housekeeping, including television age. 725-6184 or 728-2017. electric refrigerator and stove. Central : sf sfcatndsade to downtown and shopping centre. Suit UNFURNISHED three room base- working couple, $15 weekly. 725-5227. ment apartment, central, heated, " ™ ae? heavy wiring, bath, private entrance. LARGE furnished room Fed hese: _ Child welcome. 210 Chadburn Street, "uiet_ home, downtown location, parks 725-1926 i space. 25 Quebee Street (a r jactl ei teaiaacndnedgac _.-~ | Simeoe) UPSTAIRS front room, furnished or un- furnished. Kitchen privileges. t Suit one or two. 139 Albert Street. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS phone 725-6662 Available in prviate home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. ELGIN Street East, 16, three and private bath and entrance 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 duty wiring, heated. Telephone THREE-ROOM self - contained apart- ment, stove, laundry facilities, parking. 27----Real Estate For Sale Clo to bus, shopping. Telephone 725- a GIVE AWAY $100 down, take over 0826 after 5.30 and Saturday. ~ on payments, modern three-bedroom brick THREE-ROOM, self - contained apart- hungalow, North Whitby, transferred, ment, with private entrance Available must_ move, MO 8.8352 April 15. Apply 432 Simcoe South .Tele ------ phone 723-9522 FURNISHED apartment in Bowman- ville, three rooms and bath, kitchen ette equipped with refrigerator, stove and hot water heater. Available im- mediately, Telephone MA 3-3591 eve- nings UNFURNISHED three room apart- ment, heavy wiring, private bath, en- trance and parking, 762 King East or telephone 728-1559 HANDY to downtown, | room apartment, private entrance, bath, near bus. Reasonable. Apply 236 McNaughton Avenue, 725-8785 WHITBY CLASSIFIE Two-bedroom, modern! FOR SALE cidaire electric range Centrally located. Parking, and refrigerator, both in very good con- TV outlet. Laundry room provided, Ap- 7"">, very reasonable. Telephone MO ply Mo 8-3762. 8-5973. FOR RENT: Two room apartment with LOVELY home, modern, three piece bath. Location four corners. | bedrooms, large living room, tile bath- Self-contained, heated. Apply Arts Clo- room, must be reliable tenant. 888 thing Store, 125 Brock South, Whitby.'Brvon street North, Whitby. ADDITIONS, alterations, painting, roof-| 723-3211 ing, chimneys, concrete work. rec./ THREE rooms, tile floors, store fronts. Expert workmanship, Free estimates, C. Foster and Sons. MO 8-3724. SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, ry! 204 Chestnut Street West. Telephone yepsirs, Call Superior Appliance Serv- MO 8-2563 ice 140 Simcoe South, Dial 728-4873, OFFICE equip. "biggest | stock "around. FOR RENT Heated _ apartment, service with reasonable prices, try US. three rooms and bath, unfurnished, cen- Hamilton's, 137 Brock South. MO 8-8442. tyaj, reasonable. Available April 1. Tele- FOR RENT -- $60 monthly three and Phone MO 8-2583 Whitby. _ four room apartments, balcony, tesi- COMFORTABLE modern three-room dentia! area newly decorated laundry apartment, stove refrigerator, park- facilities. Parking close to schools chil- ing, laundry. Located on pleasant land- Sdren's playground. Apply 300 High scaped ground. Available for rent im- Street, Apt. 11. MO 8-2336. mediately. 305 St. John Street West, YOR RENT wo-room apartment, MO 8-4728. ee, downstairs, $45, everything included, ROOM and board for two men, sin nice for couple. Available April 17. AP-\heds, home cooked meals, quiet hom: #6 Church Street South, Pickering. Bus at door Telephone MO ) 82764, WHITBY MO 8-5942 SHARP STUDIO 101 DUNDAS ST. W. « | PHOTOGRAPHY SUITE 205 AVOID YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DRUDGERY OF SHOPPING LAUNDROMAT BUY the BEST Plenty of hot rain, soft 'water plus the gentle thorough tum- ble action of our laundro- for LESS f ply ing. tele rooms Heavy 728- TWO - bedroom apartment stove and refrigerator, wall - to - wall broadloom Telephone Bill Millar, 728-5123 Lloyd Realty (Oshawa Ltd., Realtor. Paul Ristow REALTOR "Your Key to Action" 728-9474 52% SIMCOE ST. N, "spacious three-| FOR RENT apartment ofl hy it, three Enquire rs "bedroom unfurnished apart- ment, central location in Whitby. Apply 272 Ritson Road South. Telephone 725 1841 TELEVISION, range, washer 3 ply mately 630 sheets of tetter size typing paper (news print) for only $1 Ap- ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, 11]! Dundas Street West SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping service for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pre- pared; income taxs returns, MO 8-8252. TRADE UP to a better used ear from one of the many bargains offered daily in the Oshawa Times Classified Section. mats. Guaranteed the perfect wash Fri e deep reezer. Food Plan Supermarket in Approximately 310 DUNDAS ST. WEST WHITBY _ PLANNING AN EASTER HOLIDAY LET HOW, eider's Your your home $16.95 per week will pay for freezer and tood for family of four NO DOWN PAYMENT NO OBLIGATION CALL MO 8-538] eT > A need extra Mon SHOW YOU interview: rd AVON for Call | 725-8466

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