Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Mar 1962, p. 8

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 26, 1962 UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES ROSSLAND UNIT | Mrs. Marvin McLean, leader! of the Rossland Unit of North- minster United Church Women, presided at the regular meeting held in the church parlors on Tuesday evening, March 20. | The unit has been divided into four sections and the group un- der the leadership of Mrs. John Shephard had charge of the worship service. | Using the book "Hasten the Day", written by Jessie Beatie, as basis for study, Mrs. Har- vey. Thompson gave an introduc- tion. She stated that the United Church seeks to fill the needs of people on all levels and has) a program of personalized ser-| vice second to none. The Scripture selection was Mrs. William Fitches led injreport on the first meeting of a question anu answer period|the afternoon unit. The offi- based on the Scripture lesson.|cers are as follows: leader, Mrs. John Shephard closed the|Mrs. Harry Bennett; secretary, zarship service. |Mrs. Charles Lansfield; treas- During the business session, urer, Mrs. Donald Dunn; pro- it was decided that the unit ac-\gram and study, Mrs. Rupert cept no large catering bids but|Harrison; social functions, Mrs. should assist the general organ-/Mervyn Owen, Mrs. Howard ization on these. |Rhame; visiting for March, The following appointments|Mrs. Gaston Plancke, Mrs. were made: Mrs, William Blight/John. Cook. The next meeting to take charg: of cards andiwill be Tuesday, April 3 at 2 flowers; Mrs. Harvey Thomp-|p.m. | son, Mrs. Harold Cornish and| Mrs. Richard Doyle reported Mrs. Blight as a visitation com-|on the meeting of the second mittee; Mrs. Esther Lane as/unit to be formed. This is com-| communion convener; Mrs.|prised of the younger married Kenneth Farrow as press sec-|women and they have taken as retary and Mrs. Harold Cornish|their project the visiting of) as a group leader. new mothers in the church and! ;: ae community and bootees will be WESTMOUNT UCW made by the members as a wel- The next meeting will be the third Monday in April at 8 p.m. Mrs. Percy Neal gave the sec- retary's report and Mrs, Gor- don Brown, the treasurer's report. Miss Millicent Luke, guest speaker, spoke on "Christian Education."" She stressed the work of the Christian Education Committee was to guide, in- spire and stimulate human be- ings after the pattern of Jesus Christ. Mrs. Frank Ward thanked) Miss Luke. The meeting closed jwith prayer led by Mrs. Ken-'be available to go to a restaur- neth Markle. BATHE PARK AUX. The monthly meeting of the) Bathe Park Ladies Auxiliary) was held Tuesday, March 20, with president | Mrs. Gordon) Drinkle presiding. Secretary-treasurer and bingo | Mrs. Arthur Lymer and Mrs. Ernest Blair. Convener for aprons, Mrs. Gordon Drinkle; candy, Mrs. Wilfrid Ogden and home baking, Mrs. Eric Thom- as. Winner of doll was Mrs. Matti Palokski, Drew street and winner of cake Mrs. Emily Cooper. Mrs. Drinkle expressed her thanks to all who had contribut- ed to the success of tea and sale. The next meeting, April 17, will be an outing. Members to meet at the club house at 5.45 p.m. where transportation will ant for dinner. Bowling will fol- low, then back to the club house for a short meeting and a so- cial time. At conclusion of meeting re- freshments was served by Mrs. Wilfrid Ogden. Mrs. Byard King was reported sick in Oshawa General Hospital. |Hearing and Medical Research. ter Hazel Fétrow gave the fin- ancial report. Sister Mary Turner, sick con- venor, reported that Sister Mar- guerite Sawyer and Brother Ed- ward Cline were ill in hospital. Sister Viola Pilkey reported on the weekend institute held in the UAW Hall. Also attending were Sisters Alice Reardon and Marjorie MeNeil. Sister Vi Cool- idge reported on the activities of the Canadian Consumers as- sociation. Sister Mildred Mc- Isaac reported on the bingo. It was decided to send a don- ation of $100.00 to the strikers of Local 444, UAW, Windsor. Donations will also be for- FESTIVE SANDWICH For each Festive Luncheon Sandwich to be served, use sev- efral thin slices of cooked turkey or chicken on a slice of butter- ed bread. Top with a thin layer of cranberry jelly or sauce. Cover with second slice of but- tered bread and ice the top with cream cheese beaten to spread- ing consistency with a little cream or sweet pickle vinegar. Cut into four and serve on let- tuce accompanied by pickles or celery and carrot sticks. In place of sliced bread, try using wiener or hamburg buns for a change. warded to the Retarded Chil- dren, Mental Halth, the Hard of The above was made possible from the proceeds of the re- cently held Fashion Show in the UAW Hall. i e@ SPECIAL e TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS an invigorating The next regular meeting will | be held on Tuesday evening, | UAW AUXILIARY NO. 27 April 3, at 8.00 p.m. | A meeting of the UAW Wo-| i jmen's Auxiliary was held re-| |eently in the UAW Hall with presented in drama form with) Mrs. Kenneth Markle, presi- come gift for the new babies. Teports were read. The St. Pat- Mrs. Esther Lane, Mrs. Gor-|dent, opened the March mech The officers of this unit are as|Tick's home baking and sale of| don Wilson, Mrs. Ralph West-'ing held in the church hall./foliows: leader, Mrs. Richard|4Prons held last Saturday at the cott, Mrs. John Lowry, Mrs. |Mrs. Ralph Bonehar- conduct-|Doyle; secretary, Mrs. Donald|Club house was a decided finan- Harvey Thompson and Mrs,/ed ihe worship service and Mrs.|Cujlen; treasurer, Mrs. wil-| cial success. The club room was STEAM BATH plus | Shampoo & Hair Set ATTAINED FAME oe © GROWING UP Youngest daughter of Mr.; ter of Mr. and Mrs. John pi rg or gg a Macklin and great-granddau- street, is Colleen Elizabeth. ; : Ne Colleen is eight years old and | ghter of Mrs. William Milne, is a pupil at E. A. Lovell | all of Cobourg. - school, She is the granddaugh- | --Photo by Hornsby ANN LANDERS Husband Answers 'Wailing Wife Dear Ann Landers: I'm just Dear In: I believe firmly. that a plain, ordinary male whochildren should not impose on, reads your column every day,|demand from, or take advan- of my life. It's a first-class edu-|tage of good - hearted parents. cation and I'm not kidding--|And parents should not impose particularly the letters from'on, demand from, or take ad- those dizzy dames who write in vantage of loving children. to complain about how abused) your folks should not have in- they are and how their hus- yited themselves along on your bands don't appreciate them. |yacation and I hope you are Prog Best Facog Madey sufficiently mature to tell them rs eaning so wi i ty. cake. ivacinas, Horta, Chant, so without feeling guilty feur and Mistress" took the) Dear Ann: Etiquette isn't prize, Well, I've got news forlyour field but this question her: .,.;comes under the heading of Cleaning Lady: My wife\common sense and I need an hates housework and our place! opinion, sure looks it. Her idea of clean-| ing is to rearrange the dirt' every two weeks. Governess: Since when is a mother supposed to hire some. one to love and train her chil- dren? In my opinion this is ply? anti-human nonsense. ts : Nurse: If I were ill and, My sister says I should as needed a nurse the last person sume that no reply means a re- I'd let near me is my wife.|{usal and I should not count on She can't even read the direc. -- RY luncheon is in tions off a can of soup. a hotel an must order and Chauffeur: My wife" doesn't Pay for the lunches in advance drive a car--she aims at it, I'd pg ng Phong indde and never allow ask i ey plan to attend? Or wheel when gl or gg mis ag y ge oh S.F.S.D. Mistress: Well, that's ear S.F.S.D.: It's bad man- letter. hat's another ners in the extreme--on the part So where's your case. Ann °f those who do not reply. How Landers? DISILLUSIONED rude of an invited guest to put Dear Disillusioned: So am I. the hostess to the trouble For a smart guy you certainly Phoning to learn if he plans to got. short-changed. Who picked attend! The hostess, however, this Jemon? "a no defense against such oe oors, Dear Ann Landers: Every ™USt phone. year my, husband and I and an- other couple take a vacation to- ee: Both men work 12 hours ee kona he . rr ed ig AS ge acti enigg 0 Timmins housewives completed like a second honeymoon. an emergency welfare course We are not outdoor types. We conducted by. the local Emer- ay a sen dressing up,,gency Measures Organization e theatre, night clubs, good! wi yerag ark 4 AinraeA' ant enter "nr with an average mark on ex- sight-seeing. My parents want to go along with us on our vacation this year. They are not old people, but their ideas of a good time are not the same as ours. My dad hates to dress up and he loathes night life. My mother's feet aren't good and she can't walk much. I've hinted that they won't enjoy New York but Mother Says "'It will be a nice change for Dad and me." } My husband is furious. The other couple is annoyed and may not go with us this year. [am--IN A PICKLE When luncheon invitations are sent out and the words 'Please reply" are plainly written across the bottom, what is a hostess supposed to do when some of the guests do not re- EMERGENCY COURSE TIMMINS, Ont. (CP)--Eleven aminations of 77 per cent. HOT NEWS FURNITURE BUYERS, HOLD EVERYTHING SEE WEDNESDAY'S OSHAWA TIMES "SAVE ON = ' HOME FREEZER { | MEATS Hind Quarters FRONT vs 42¢ SIDES is, 47¢ All meats cut to your instructions wrapped properly in paper and sharp frozen, OSHAWA FUR & | COLD STORAGE * 81 WILLIAM ST. 723-2012 7 ey LB. 57° freezer 'ee Kenneth W. Farrow taking part.| A story of a young Scottish girl) "Jeanie" whose life was re-| claimed from evil ways, was read by Mrs. Gordon Wilson. Frank Ward assisted at the/jiam Edgar; piano. Miss Linda played a piano solo, *'Waltz in| ejaj G-Flat." Mrs. Mrs. Charles Slater; | functions, Elmer Ryerson, Mrs. streamers and harps. Convener for tea room wasjasurer's report was given by|introduced at the court of Louis | Harry Bennett gave. aivisiting, Mrs. Russell Boswell.'Mrs. Cleve McMann assisted by|Sister Marjorie McNeil and Sis-! XIV. | : program and decorated for the occasion with| sister Ethel Thomson presiding.| Harrison! study, Mrs. Roy Keating; so-/Shamrocks, green and white/Rojl call and minutes were read|Peasanst' dance in France, be- | by Sister Frances Bradley. Tre-} The gavotte, originally a came fashionable after being ony 3-90 204 KING ST, EAST 728-4501 TOILETRIES et ADRIENM SPRAY HAIR NET wih Lenoir Keeps C 5-o7. Reg. 1.49 + I1-oz. Reg. 1.99 ADRIENNE SPRAY HAIR NET ~ 1.50 2 « 2.00 Excellent Source of Vitamins 2M--50's 2M--100's urls Neat 1.89 2M--250's Adrienne BATH POWDER 7": GLOS-KREME _ BACHELOR--ROLLING BALL Deodorant Stic Reg. 1.00 ~ Reg. CREAM DEODORANT Pgs ine Di TO" tog se 99° HAND LOTION »..72 = 1.40 HAIRDRESSING «2%: 2 70° DEODORANT »..'5_ SHAVING CREAM 2 ~ 60° LANGLOIS LAVENDER MENTHOLATED SHAVING CREAM Lother or Brushless VITAMINS Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 21.20 2190 With B12--150's 2% 3.80 22.99 ' TAMBLYN SALE MONDAY TO SATURDAY Buy One and Get One For Jc Everyday Needs 50's Rew. 2.29 100's Reg. ..9% '2211 50's Reg. 2.49 VITAMIN G | ™*,.0°200 ee (Ascorbic _ Tablets) COD LIVER OIL *~:" ":;" VITAMIN B conan 21.01 ~ 100's reg. 2,89 1.01 MULT!PLE VITAMIN TABLETS 250's Rea. 7.98 22.30 23.99 2% 1.99 VITAMIN & MINERAL TABLETS 2350 24.50 2% 8.99 «2.01 21.90 2:+2.90 BRONCHIAL SYRUP Relieves Congestion of Colds and Bronchitis Pleasant To Take 6-0r,--Reg. 89¢ 2 90° SPECIAL FORMULA ViTAMiNs Senior 100's- Reg. 7.95 Orange Flavoured Liquid For Infants and Young Children jis 2 796 REXALL POLYMULSION i Contains 7 vitamins--Pleasant tasting MILK OF MAGNESIA Highest Quality S ZINC OINTMEN fer MINERAL OIL +«7,.; 1.2 « 90° Camphorated Oil,.;%. 2 * S1° GLYCERIN Rexall Remedies [> A-SA-REX TABLETS p---~ 5 Grain 100's Reg be D for 200's Reg. 1.29 D for : 200 Reg, 1.69 2 ' 1.70 CORN SOLVENT ..;°5 ~~ Mates 24's Reg. 50c ISMA-REX idney + Bladder 16-07. 251° 'oe 2 51 nt 2 76" ere & 50° 70° 130 Adults or 12's uppositories Infants reg. Ey 4 '« 60° Klenzo Antiseptic :.;°%. 2 * 99° 16-or. You Can Buy ANTACID AEROSOL rrcstiever (22 RUBBER GLOVE BABY PANTS s.°: FACE CLOTHS tx RAZOR BLADES s3.0s%. Rain Mate Bonnets POWDER PUFFS FOOT POWDER ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL and Excellent Massage REG. 89¢ ELKAYS Aerosol Moth Proofer The Easy Way to Keep Garments Moth Free ets 2m 40 1 2 1.26 Te & 1.66 2«51* for 36° oe Res te AO ie 231° Reve & BOY 270° White, Pink or Blue--Reg. 50c Reg. 4 35¢ eon. Reg. 69e A Soothing Body Rub 2 FOR 90. To protect herself she ¢ 270. \' Bt SHAVE LOTION ... Reg. 89c .. 2 for 90¢ NR SCRE EBS, ABM cits ~ MONEY SAVING NOT Ic SALE-BUT EXCEPTIONAL VALUES 8-ox. 16-oz. 32-ox. Reg. 3. Reg. 5.25 Reg. 9.25 FOR 2 sor 3,90 21m 5.26 2m 9.26 er BONUS BUYS | POLYETHYLENE PAIL NINE QUART FOR Bowling Shoe BAGS WELL MADE WITH STRONG ZIPPER Reg. 1.98 DIAPERS OR LID 35¢ EXTRA STARFLASH Camera Outfit Y Pn DIAL cu PLASTIC HOOD WITH FLEXIBLE HOSE BUILT-IN FLASH HOLDER SELECTION OF COLORS COMPACT and VERSATILE BLACK & WHITE or COLOR Reg. 14.95 1 0 a i] 5 ---- RUMPUS ROOM CUSHIONS Wedge Shaped Special FRESHMASTER A DESIGNS PLASTIC COVER Reg Fic SPECIAL GOLF BALLS WELL i ADIES' HAND BAGS Fashion Styled SPRING SHADES 5.29 DOZEN HAIR DRYER nat CHQCOLATES A Delicious Assortment 79: nents ALARM CLOCKS CHANTICLEER -NYLONS | SEAMLESS MICRO-MESH i FINEST QUALITY NEWEST SHADES SIZES B40 ll Special PORTABLE HAND MIXER Stores On The Wall EIECTORy Special 12.49 JUMBO REFILLS a? 63. DFSERT FLOWER Y 7 FRIENDSHIP : CARDEN ee SUMMER Rave: COLOGNE 89. IRONING BOARD SHULTON OR BREATH OF ¢ -- Reg. 1.50 rp) : a COVERS SILICONE FITS STANDARD BOARD Reg. 98¢ 6 3 ¢ ELECTRIC KETTLE AUTOMATIC HIGH GARDEN HOSE 50-FT. LENGTH GREEN VINYL Strong a Fittings ZZ j 9 ba AUTOMATIC RESET © Special 1 fF ully Guaranteed '% 6.83 AND MILD LAXATIVE 20-or. Plain REG. 75¢ 2 « 76" MINT FLAVOR TABLETS 85's--Reg. 54c 2 i: 55° 250's--Reg. 1.10 11 for HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Disinfects and Cleans Scratches 10 VOLUME | 4-ox, Reg. 30 f cian 231° ~& 10 Volume, 16-oz., Reg. 75¢ 2 76° Mi 3t SOLUTION Mouth Wosh Gargle and Multi-Purpose Antiseptic 16-ox. Reg. 98¢ KLENZO TOOTH BRUSHES 3 Row Nylon Bristles Tufted End Convex or Multituft Styles In Acetate CHILDREN'S Reg. 29¢ 2 30° FIRST AID BUYS GAUZE BANDAGE 114" x 10 Yds. Reg. 45¢ 2" x 10 Yds. Reg. 59 2 = 46° 2 = 60° Absorbent Cotton:.."s. 2 60° ADHESIVE TAPE .¢ WATERPROOF V4" x 10 Yds. Reg. 59¢ OR 1" x 5 Yds. Reg. 59¢ 2 60° QUICK ACTING TER Lee QUIK-PADS 22°." SACCHARIN TABLETS Sugar Substitute Va gr. 1100's Reg, 35¢ 2 for 36° V4 gr. 500's Reg 8c 2 for 99° Vg gr 1,000's Reg. 1.19 2 for 1.20 SUNDRIES LIGHTER FUEL :.;"%: 2 ~ 34° ERS "ese 2 SO" BOBBY PINS Si'x-.'s=: 2 ~ 26° COMBS) "Ric. Qe 11° COMBS "i%c" 2 16 2» 96° 2« 86° a LY LADIES' DRESSING -- NYLON POCKET COMBS tos 2 Dee BNP ED 26" Ball Point PENS' S51' SCISSORS "x,"i0" 2 1.50 THERMOMETERS Monogram Req. 1.50 Quik-Tel Reg. 1.95 2151 2196 SUN GLASSES oe@ me Aca Bb) Reg. Men's or Ladies' 2.49 3.98 2 2.50 for LETTER SIZE--LINEN OR VELLUM NOTE SIZE--LINEN, VELLUM OR AIR MAIL WRITING PADS *s.2 2' 26° ENVELOPES. LORD BALTIMORE LINEN FINISH LETTER PADS *s.~- 241° MILADY NOTES-WHITE Reg. 60¢ TOOTH PASTE *+% 2 70° REXALL Mi31 With Sedium Perborate or gat once WYLON--30 YARDS IN VIAL 723-3143 WRITING PADS *: = 2 36° WRITING PADS *~ = 2 « 16° LINEN OR BLUE LINED ac 216° VELLUM OR LINEN FINISH ENVELOPES -- '~» _ 2 26° ENVELOPES % = 2 26° LETTER PADS «= 2 46° "DELRAY HASTI-NOTES Reg. 8 D tor 3G RIE Reg. 75 Q iw 76° k | DECORATED NOTELETS YS) TOOTH POWDER =». 2 70° TOOTH POWDER = Mi3i TOOTH PASTE ff - y a 70< : * es DENTAL FLOSS *> »- 2% 52° 6 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-8541

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