25--Apts. & Flats for Rent/27--Real Estate For Sale|27--Real Estate for Sale THE COHAWA TIME, Seretdey, Meren 94, 1962 17 TRREE and four-room Apartménts in| LOT for sale % 2X apartment building, new stove, retrig-| | Guelph. Telephone 725-5602. CHOICE lot 75 x 250 feet, for sale on |Warrsy _ eae |Elizabeth Crescent. Telep) = erator, largé closets, laufidromat, park-| ing. ¢ 8 Wayne Street 725-3938. TAREE rooms, modern stove ; refrig-| newly decorated.|NEW three bedroom bunpalow, Apply 114 Arling- erator; private bath, Adults, $70 monthly. ton, 725-88: Will take car as down payment. Tele- 120, Olive and NEW largé bungalow, FOr information |tauephone 723-4674, solid fully decorated, aluminum storm m doors, storma and screens, close to schools, out basement, must see the tetkseeen, MO 8.5409. Must be sold. Modern brick $60. TAREE room furnis' refrigerator, cupboards, paid, laundry facilities, coupé, 121 Annis, 728 0759. MODERN one 'and two bedroom apart: ments; in new apartment building, stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer sink, utilities 2 gentlemen, supplied, parking facilities. Telephone MO 8-8349. NCR" ake er 355 MONTHLY -- -- three-room apart- , in & private home, suit couple. a oak to bus stop. Telephone 7 728-4827, APARTMENTS, Shopping Centre and Hospital areas. Ossie Martin, 728-9714. Joseph Bosco, Realtor 725-9870. THREE-ROOM apariment, ; modern kit- chen, heavy duty stoye, TV outlet. AP) 83 Ritson Road South. SELF - Contained, two- room "apartment | three-piece bathroom, ground floor. Im- mediate possession. Central, also gar- age. 725-6184 or 728-2017. DUPLEX, upper, three rooms and four plece bath, stove, refrigerator, private entrance, central location, Vacant. Tele- hone 725- 2395. MODERN two - bedroom apartment in new building, all conveniences. Close to south General Motors. Telephone 723- 4893. ree TWO-ROOM bachelor apartment, com- pletely furnished, refrigerator, stove and sink. Close to south General Mo-) tors, bus stop and restaurant. 728-5246 | UNFURNISHED three room. base- ment apartment, central, heated, heavy wiring. bath, private entrance. Child welcome. 210 Chadburn Street 725-1926, UPSTAIRS front r furnished. Ritchen privileges. Parking Suit one or two. 139 Albert Street, tele phone 725-6662. 212-ROOM furnished apartment, lights, | water, heat, parking and washing factil-' itles, television antenna, baicony. Work- ing couple preferred. Telephone 725 sa és -- PICTURE WINDOWS, three- room basement apartment, ji diogs;| newly tiled, bone dry, private entrance and bathroom, Available immediately Apply 472 Drew after 5 EUGIN Street East, 16, three rooms and private bath and entrance. Heavy) duty wiring, heated, Telephone 72%- 9077. Seay. THR EDROOM Apartment, fiving-| itchen, all conveniences, imme Also three-room apatt apply room, diate possession, ment. For further information 28 Stevenson Road South @ entrance UPPER apartment, pr and bath, stove, refrigerator, near bus} liné, business couple working girls! preferred, evision outlet 725-5810. TWO - bedroom apartment stove and refrigerator, wall - to - broadioom, Telephone Bill Millar, 512 Lioyd Realty (Oshawa Ltd., Realtor THREE- ROOM basement apartment,} stove, refrigerator, private entrance| and bath. Guaranteed dry, Bus at door.| 1278 Simcoe South 725-8869. UNFURNISHED three - room apart ment, heayy wiring, private bath, e¢n- trance and parking st or telephone 728-1559. 762 King Ea HANDY to downtown, room apartment, private entrance,| bath, near bus. Reasonable. Apply 26) McNaughton Aventie, 725-8785 } PARTLY furnished apartment, three lovely large rooms, three-piece bath, privaté entrance, near South General Motors. Ad Telephone 728-6159 For Fk = "Fwo-bedroom, modern apartment, centrally located. Parking, TV tag Laundry room provided. Ap-| ply_Mi MO 8 62. ee | FOUR ROOMS, bath, upstairs, partly] furnished, heat, Hght, water supplied, parking and laundry facilities, reason- able rent to steady tenant. 723-7068. THREE-ROOM self - contained apart- ment, stove, laundry facilities, parking, | Close to bus, shopping. Teléphone 725.) " 9626 after 5.30 and Saturday, | THREE- ROOM, self - contained "apart-| | ment, with private entrance. Available| April 15. Apply 432 Simcoe South .Tele-; phoné 723-9522, | FURNISHED "apartment th Bowmah-| yille, three rooms and bath, kitchen- | ette equipped with refrigerator, stove} and hot water heater. Available mediately, Telephone MA 3-3591 eve-| mings | $55 MONTHLY urnished apart-| ment, three rooms, bath, trance, heated, heavy wiring. Available! April 1. Telephone 723-4847 after 5 p.m, THREE-ROOM ~ basement spattment Guitable for couple. $50 includes water, heat and hot water, Central. Available April 1, 728-1673. 26--Rooms for Rent Two fu ed rooms, ; cooking facili- tles, suitable for two gentlemen, cen-| tral, bus at door, Close to North GM Telephone 7 728-6890, 575 td WEEBLY. if shared, "$18 aly: suites $20, Free parking, restaurant on premises Hollywood Motel. MO 8-5823, TWO unfurnished rooms, suitable for} young couple, single furnished rooms,| suitable for sleeping accommodations, | Apply 173 Ritson Road South PRIVATE 24 rooms with private dath, in bew home, well heated. Sult couple or single persons Telephone 725-9161. FURNISHED room, newly decorated, housekeeping privileges, suitable for girls to share. Oshawa Boulevard South, close to bus, $8 weekly, 728-6108, | ONE | OVE! room for gentleman. LOVELY Apply 444 Fernhill Blvd, Telephone 723-7070. TWO ROOMS, bedroom and kitchen, completely furnished, private entrance, ticely decorated. Telephone 723-3237 after § p.m FRONTENAC NUE, 320 -- Large furnished housekeeping room with cold and hot water, $25 month! %. CLEAN furnish furnished r » suitable for lady, light housekeeping privileges, Park Road South. Tele- Abstainers. Private entrance tlemen. Central space. 723-3078 TWO unfurnished rooms, small kitchén| with sink and cupboards, second floor, | bus stop at door. Parking spacé seat | 7617 Bloor. East, 725-7617 } ONE foom for rent, suit one gentle-| man, eentral, close to bus, Telephone 728-9348 after 4.30 e FURNSHED room for "one "gentleman, very central, Apply 183 Athol seis East. CLEAN warm housekeeping one of two phone 723-7917 TWO furnished houstkeeping rooms, kitehen and bedroom, sink and cup- Laundry facilities. ; _283 Athol Street East vate home Sult gen 102 Elgin iight | for Tele room, suitable Parking furnished privileges Centra boards, refrigerator Apply Central tleman;, cooking privileges Street East NEWLY decorated furnished room to rent, central, clos# to North plant, oppo site IGA, lunch bar, and bud stop. Ap ply 240 Division Street CENTRAL, clean furnished room with] kitchen, stove 'and refrigerator, Sult} 1 723-9995, | furnished for light housekee . including television| electric reffigeretor' and stove Central | to downtown and shopping centre, 'tae $15 weekly. 725. TWO furnished rooms, fiewlr 'amet | ed, gentleman preferred, board option: | al. Close to tus. Laundry dote if desir-| ed. Telephone MO 48-8800. LEAN ware spring mattress Figin Street East working couple room, very central, suit a geritleman, 68 Telephone 725-6146. LARGE furnished room for gentieman,| ou'et homé, downtown location, park:| Ing pact, 25 Québec Street (ent! Simeoe) THE KIND OF MAN you'd. want in} your office will be reading the Oshawa Times Want Ads tomorrow. Place your) offer where he'll see it, Cal) 723-3498 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available | in br all betwéen 82 PARK ROAD NORTH | ' 728-8671 | C and Phone 725-9478. Corner Stevenson Rd. N. "spacious three-| LOVELY 6-ROOM Paul Ristow BRICK BUNGALOW REALTOR Present 5% Mortgage "Your Key CARRIES FOR $78 te Principal, interest and foxes Attion" ine with low down 728-9474 CALL 725-6297 |----= _ PRIVATE SALE _ ------| Fufurame HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE COME DOWN TO BRAEMOR THIS WEEK-END HOMES Open Doily Until 8 P.M OPEN FOR YOUR | ADMIRATION Follow Gibbons Street North and Annapolis Ave. | turn left ot Annapolis, block to Rosmere Street. Joseph Bosco REALTOR ON DISPLAY THIS WEEKEND 858 GLENFOREST $i. OUR 1962 PREVIEW OF HOMES by JAMES O'MALLEY WHITBY 3 and 4 BEDROOM HOUSES $10,900. schools. Model homes open this week-end, drive out to Burns and Annes Sts. west of Henry St. Salesmen on duty from 12 noon OR CALL full price with $550.00 down, one mort- gage, no gimmicks, all services in and paid for. Near OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 130 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Evenings Coll MO 8-5853 MO 8-4088, MO 8-8742 or MO 8-8314 private en-|---r HOWE & PETERS, Realtors Invite You To An OPEN HOUSE This Weekend 852 and 858 GLENFOREST STREET BUILT BY JAMES O'MALLEY DIRECTIONS: These homes aré located in Rossland Manor. Drive North off Rossland Rd, W. on Gibbons St. and turn left. START 1962 IN AN O'MALLEY HOME 3 bedrooms Pre-poid services Modern kitchens N.HLA,. financing Tiled baths Furnishings by Clot to school ond shopping Holden Brothers Ltd FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION CONTACT, REALTORS 67 KING ST. E ce | ONE large front room, light housekeep-| ing if desired, one or two single gen-| Parki ing | 725-4701 OPEN HOUSE SALES PERSONNEL ON SITE DAILY FROM 2P.M. TO 5 P.M BUILT BY HOGENBOOM CONSTRUCTION FULL PRICE $12,905 FEATURING: Cloy briek Prepaid services Ceramic tilé both Storms ond screens 100-omp, . service SEE THIS ONE EXCLUSIVE AGENT Built-in vanity Portitioned basement Double kitchef sink Mahogany ¢upboards Exhoust fon | DIRECTIONS: KING EAST TO SEVENTH DAY AD. | VENTIST CHUCH, TURN RIGHT AND FOLLOW THE SIGNS S. D. HYMAN REALTOR 728-6706 -- Soles Personnel: Lorne Hartford Howard MeCabe Doug bullied Harold Segei 728-6287 «= 725-6288 Bob Steventen Glen MeKinnon one §2¥a SIMCOE STN. a j { } ! | MODEL HOME Rosmere Street NORTH-WEST OSHAWA ny | i 27---Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale;29---Automobiles for Sale |30--Automobiles wanted TWO Wooden, buildings 42 x 27 and/*OT for sals, 75 feet by 200 feet. *6) PONTIAC Parisienne two-door hard-|'53 TO '57 Chevrolet or Pontiac, ear 20 x 14, good lumber; at 51% Ritson|Thickson's Road North, $250 down.|top V-8 automatic, radio, power steer-/or wagon. Telephone 723-9911 after 4 Road South R bh T r MO 8-4505. ing afd brakes 18,000 milés, like new. | p.m. 725-1181. OWN us tik bale LAKESHORE Auto Wreck t $500 N -- 6ix-room ic] Co Py uto eres 8 Wan FIVE ROOM bungalow, $1,000 down|low, finished recreation room, fenced) 194, VAUXHALL Victor, blue, 004) cars for wrecking: Highest prices paid. payment, Aluminum windows and/and landscaped. Oshawa South near ton ao a 7 Meee icterae rast, i rs, oll heated, close to schools and eentral location, For further in- 5, formation telephone 725-8635. schools, Telephone 728-4060, ESTATE SALE -- Private, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 SIMCOE ST SOUTH 723-1121 COURT STREET $1,000 DOWN 4-bedroom home, cil heoted, lorgé moder kitchen 9 x 16' equipped with washer ond dryer. Very large gar- ge. Early possession. CUSTOM BUILT This six-room home has many extra features, such os 22-ft. living room, with Georgion marble fireplace, forge kitchen has built-in stove and oven, vanity in bethroom, plus two-piece powder room, three rooms, broadloomed, large closed patio with barbecue and gar- ogé. Owner tronsferred, ir mediate possession. ASKING $12,500 8-room income home, two completely modern oport- ments, Very céntral. . Estote sole, must be sold ASKING $4,800 For this immaculate 4- room home with all conven jences, situated on o 100 x 150 foot jot just on the out skirts of Blackstock NEW HOME Only $12,600; you could be the owner of this new 6- foom rug brick bungalow, jorge kitchen dining room, large bedrooms, Call todey for particulars. For full particulars call 723-1121 Open 9 Gm. to 9 p.m. Leon Manitius, Irene Brown, Steve Zurbo, Phyllis Jubb, Roy Flintoff, Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young. YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING. D. W. McQUAY REALTOR WHITBY PLAZA 318 BROCK ST. S. OPEN 9 A.M. -- 9 P.M, WHITBY, MO 8-5868 TORONTO, EM 3-9603 $9,000 -- 214 ocres gorden fond near Whitby. Born 24 x 30, small 5-room frame housé, 16 x 36 swimming pool. Not on elaborote pre perty but clean, tidy ond adequote. $1,500 down, balance on easy terms, Coll Mr. Pollard $3,500 -- 31% ocre rovine building lot on paved road, close to Mrytle, Outstanding view, wooded with moples, tedors, etc Springs with pond locations. A prestige oreo, Call Mr. Sondy 14,500 Six-room = two« yeor-old brick bungalow with attached garage in Whitby. Fully decorated ond immoc- ulate throughout Owner leaving country. Property of- fered for below the original purchase price. 1,500 down, Call Mr. Pollard Barber shop. Includes 5-year- old building and fot 40' 135', with omple parking. Part of building leased to beauty selon. Full basement with finished recreation room. $15,500 with terms. Call Mr. Sandy $18,000 ---- BO0-ccre farm near Myrtle, % mile from highway No, 12, Born 36 x 60, plus other buildings, Nine-room frame house, Good level productive fond, ideal for cash crops, close to ton- ning factory, Terms. Coll Mr, Pollard Form exchange. Owner will exchange o 85-acre farm on highwoy No. 7, one mile from Lindsay, for a home in Whitby or Oshowa, House with all conveniences, barns with steel stanchions. $2,500 with terms. Coll Mr. Sandy. 130 acres rolling land overs looking Rice Loké with on outsténding view. Borh 36 x 60. Henhouse 90 x 25, Eight-room. house. Ideal !o* tation to build Up 6 summer trode in fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, ete., to summer cottages, Only $13,000. Call Mr. Pollord 32 Yocant acres, 12 atres wooded with trout stream, smoll gravel deposit. Ideal for building site and limited farming. $10,000 with terms, Coll Mr. Sandy Five-aere ravine lot 330' » 660', wooded, lovely valley with stream, Four miles from Whitby. 7,500 with terms. Call Mr, Pollard 400 eres. Luxurious country living with city conveniences Attrattive 2-storey 1|5-room brick dwelling set amid spa- ious and landscaped grounds, Lorge pointed barns with steel stanhions. Flowing Grtesian well services the buildings A fast-flowing stream runs the full length of the farm and is a fishers man's poradise. The 400- acres fronts on main high- woy ond is surrounded on the other three sides by county roads. There is a 2,000. tree sugar bush, plus @nother wooded area of €edat pine, ahd alm. 30 miles from Ozhawo. ideal for beef forming, tountry élub, of test home $60.000 with terms. as Mr. Sandy. rooms, ,. shower, ak five bed- living room, ultra 'bed |eree ern kitchen, recreation basement, two decor- caEVEOLET, Bei Air, four-door, matic, 6 cylinder sedan in wal , safety belts, floor mats, four ated, b spot in city. 725-3353. living- room, stairs, hails, Brick house. Best apartment has separate bot water Call LARGE #ix years old triplex. Each four-piece bathroom, supply, meters, paved parking, $18,700. Down payment Mary Clarke. Pasthion," two - " speed. windshield offered, Private, 725-0687. $1,600 CASH plus '56 Plymouth, auto. for best Chevrolet or Pontiac excellent open to offers. Vickery Real Estate, 728-6228 or 723- 3889. 6228. 728-2868 to schools, Jones Realtor, 725-6412. HALF ACRE, Insul brick seven-room, 10 years old, Suitable for VLA. Call Bill Irvine, Vickery Real Estate, 728- NEW BRICK bungalow, five rooms, $13,200, Wilson Road near Bloor close PRIVATE low, 24% ye out, aluminum storms and stores, Telephone 728-0400 after 5,30. Very con- For full Rankine at Olsen 1133. 19 Athol Street West. THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, newly decorated, on large lot. Oil heating, be part le, 5 room brick bunga- oid, decorated through- screens, fenced lot, near schools, churches and $500 DOWN, one mortgage for balance at $65 monthly, pays quickly for this lovely smaller home. Two large bed- rooms, large suburban lot, venient to town. Chas. particulars Real vate mids lad and garage. Reasonable except Wednesday. phone 725-8183, Jaguar 3.8 sean, demonstrator, terms. Corner of Conlin Road Simcoe Street North. 726-5912. rar CHEVROLET BelAir, transmission, radio in good condition. Best offer. 610 Dundas West, Whitby. Telephone MO 8-8797. 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian four door automatic transmission, radio, white Best offer, 725-2549. ., Fo |Wwatitenal 20164. |SIX-ROOM ew brick house, modern room, throughout, finished recreation fully Sp ia 1108 Cloverdale Street jor_7 i] } oevatE sale, Five-room garage with paved drive, garden, jqutet Cambridge Court. Telephone 723- 2044, |BUILDING lots by Courtice public andl rontages, approved high school, 105 ft ts, loans ayailable PRIVATE SALE -- 728. {bungalow, north t section, Beverley (Street, quiet ne rhood, Mortgage larranged, Telephone 725-6398 for ap- | pointment, 310,500 -- FOUR-BEDROOM HOME, in sized kitchen with fruit must family large _ lot, schools. | east end, cupboards, trees, close to sell. 725-9365. \seve N garden, Owner rooms, brick, beautiful kiteh- en and floors throughout, two garages, Possession. Elgin Street. Telephone 723- 1925, |imme diate y terms. BARGAIN for good down pay ment! 14 storey back, two baths, garage, High- and Avenue, near King possession, 725-3169 after 5 NORTHWAY COURT bungalow with carport, all the éxtras. walk-out basement. Price $14,495. Tele- phone 725-9478. PRICE reduced jroom brick bungalow lchurches, and shopping. down payment. For further details cal! |Howard McCabe at 728-6286 or 723-4164. 5. D, Hyman Realtor FOUR-YEAR-OLD brick bungalow immaculate condition, Low down pay- ment and monthly payments $68. Call Howard McCabe at 728-6286, jor 723-4164. 8, D, Hyman Realtor. |MUST SELL. "Exceptional buy. Thre |bedroom brick bungalow, Tip top con- dition. Full asking price only Cah Doug Bullied at 728-6286 or 1391 Owner moving FOR SALE -- One hundred fifty-acre with two large barns to handle leattle and three thousand laying hens, Price $25,000. Terms farm lon main highway can be arranged, Leo F. Kenny, RR 5, Mitchell, Ontario. |SEW | garage, bungalow, stove, oven, five-room built-in in Call Mary Clarke, Real tate, 728-6228, 723 |8559 DOWN, one NHA mortgage; three- | bedroom, semi-detached, one year old. Vickery 89, | Beautiful condition, real bargain. MO | | 8+ 8253, lr ARM for sale, owner must sell due to 100 workable, grass, water, seven building #, modern |illness. 133 acres, Jpasturé and wood. |pressure system, seven-room brick house, all conveniences, four miles west of Ome- | mee, 799-5337 on main road. S. Hussell |RR $ Omemee Plenty of Montrave Avenue 228, |PRIVATE sale, five-room bungalow, tile floors through- jout, aluminum storms and screens, paved drive, close to school and shop- {ping centre, £2000 down, Balance of ap- proximately $8000. Telephone 725-3092 HIGHLAND Avenue, | spotless three bedroom brick bungalow, with recreation room, only $12,900, with jterms, Mr. Chomko, MO 8-4606, Joseph | Bosco, Realtor. |¥LA opportunity, just outside city. If 'you qualify, see this three bedroom, brick bungalow with Hollywood kitchen and spacious lot. Mr. Martin, 728-9714, | Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 725-9870 LOTS in area of fine homes 75 x 252 feet, $1,700. Don Stradeski, Schofield- {Aker Ltd., 723-2265, WESTMORELAND Avenue $2,500 down for this beautifully decorated bungalow, large living room, wall to wall broad- oom, modern kitchen, large bedrooms, tiled bathroom, oll héat, hedged land: caped lot, One open mortgage for bal- ance, please phone 728-4171. Paul J. 'Kelly" Bolahood, realtor, 228 Bruce Street, Oshawa $500 DOWN > FOUR-ROOM COZY BUNGALOW reasonable for quick sale 513 FAIRLEIGH 723- 321 1 "$1800 DOWN S1X-ROOM BRICK HOUSE ALBERT STREET Nicely decorated, 'tile floors. Oil heated $9,900 FULL PRICE Carries for $80.00 monthly, Private Sole 725-3971 | PRIVATE SALE 94 ROWE STREET | Six-room brick house, modern kitchen, tiled bathroom, chestnut trim, hardwood floors, three-section cellar, } heat, lined garage | spection 4 p.m. « 7130 pm. or by oppointment $3,000 DOWN Balance Reasonable Terms DIAL 725-5519 |28--Real Estate Wanted |40 TO 50 ACRES land for agricultural |purposes, within eight miles of Oshawa. | Nice fot, | cil |Reply Post Office Box 474, Oshawa, jOntario, |ALL cash buyer for 80 to 100 aeree [sev with bush and ereeH, near Lake Scugog. Joseph Bosco Realtor, O&fawa, 725-0870. |TRADE UP to a bétter from one 6f the many batgaing offe: daily in the Oshawa Times Clas: Raation eo Five-room brick Immediate Five room Close to schools, Reasonable of only $10,600. 723- ~ attached the |north-west section. Low down payment. Es- near King, dandy two-bed-| i room bungalow, breezeway, basement, | 314 PARK RD, S, 1955 FORD pickup, A-1 motor, body, tires, $495. Will take trade. MO 8-5631 50 DODGE, %4 ton pickup shape, with signal lights an tires, Telephone | 723-7043, IR delixe, fordor radio, whitewalls, ete. . Telephone 725-1506 '61 CORVAIR four door deluxe, with red interior, rear seat, padded dash, wheel discs. Owner leaving will sell to best offer. Call 655-4688, country, 1955 PONTIAC sedan, tires, two mounted snow tires clean car. $559. MO 86-4451 after 6. transmission, radio, whitewalls, wheel/ discs, window washer. Best offer, Tele- shone 623-3395. : 1089 RENAULT Dauphine, grey color, one owner, in very good Yael tion, Telephone 655-4829 after six '64 FORD Skyliner, automatic, radio, Al mechanically, good body. 3183, MO 8-4517. 723-1 1385. '$8 CHEVROLET hardtop V8 "motor, automatic, good mechanically, body clean, red, red and_ beige radio, Many extras, 728-8140 '@ VOLVO sports, radio, safety belts, .|windshield washers .New car warranty. 449° Ritson Jake and Bill's Garage Road h. 728-0921 1981 N Victoria, two tone, ing interior, white walls, mirrors, radio, V8, automatic, Sacrifice $795. 4| Telephone 725-7489. 1958 DODGE "sedan V6 automatic. 728- sé BUICK Speciai, "four-door sedan, after 5 p.m ss * 950 CHEVROLET Impala, convertible, mileage 23,000, automatic, radi6, power brakes, immaculate condition, worth jooking at, 723-4494, BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Uust East of Wilson Rood) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 723-942) VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 _ THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK N, | | | weed cat! | } | i | | } Ine! _ WHITBY MO 8-4741_ WILLIS MOTORS Your Austin Deoler Open Daily 8-10 Sundays 10-10 For ol] your driving needs We have © good assortment of Used Cars Taunton Road East 725-0331 WHENEVER You Have Anythitg TO SELL a OF ---- A VACANCY TO RENT Phone THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 123-3492 i937 VAUXHALL deluxe sedan, radio, 29,000 miles. Excellent condition. Tele- HERE is your Chance to own a 1962 in beautiful mist grey with matching red leather interior. It has whitewall tires, and automatic walls, padded dash, wintlow washers. "th good two spare) KEMP MOTORS 000 black} automatic "folding | whitewalls, | custom | 191 RENAULT Daiphine, radlo, 14,000 | mileage, in good condition, Selepnone | "match: Must sell, $350 or best offer, Telephone 2808, adio, whitewalls, automatic transmis. | sion, A-1 condition, Telephone MO 8-8086 Well as well as 15 other hand picked cars, Ted Campin Motors, miles, | $2,725, 0) APPLY 493 Nipigon (corner of Mario 50 CARS WANTED Bt VROLET ai = Pi station wagon. Bterifice for incedinte Buying a New Cor? sale, Fourth Avenue. Tele-| Sell your used Cor to "Ted ;|Phone 728-8567, iS Talk "Cash" to the New 1061 ESBYROLET four-door Bel Air, Car Dealer and "SAVE" whitewal, tires, afreel discs, shade rite TED CAMPIN MOTORS A il rivat Faces. Ea Gherrs aftes $36 pra |729-4494 Res. 725-5574 a month's time, $ ALL CASH down. Liens paid of overdrive transmission, radio, fender minors a safety belts, ver #700 oft 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 'actory list price. See it. Drive it, Buy it at Smith's Supertest, Trade and MO 8-8001 For cleon cars we deal up or NICOLS MOTORS LTD. Canadians are concerned. $ Young Canadians Affected By Bill . McINTYRE HOOD Special 'to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- It has generally been taken for granted that the Commonwealth Immigra-|into it, "> can be no deny- tion Restriction Bill, which is|ing likely to be in effect in about would have very little application 80 far as While it has been steadfastly t thete is any racial | - creo gs int in the ew le, » and ho h | discrimination has been weltien i that the chief reason the bill being es concern over ¢ increase in inimi, Britain from. the Pakistan, India can countries. at all was treméndous tion into est Indies, a and some Afri- - f. 32--aArticles for Sale ee In bag' A] over. ¢ ¢ color and : racial diserimination, the bi tion. Telephone BABY carriage, blue, in good econdl: 728-0078. has beén written to apply with " equal force to all overseas » TYPEWRITER adding machine, MOTOR TUNE-UP AN * GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-782 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION "| SPECIALIST four good road | Good | WHITBY MO 8-49 31--Automobile_ Repairs _ 723-4 HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION '| BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM~ PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, cash cept Snap for quick writer, electric time clock, file ca! sale, TV RENTALS, by the month at Parkway ve, cot North 723-3043, Sin btm. countries of the Commonwealth, ° and that includes Canada. This means that the thous- sands of young Canadians who omy over to Britaii in the - Borg coat (small, half bridesmaid dress, turquoise half price $30, 723-2123 after 6. $30, (small), BEDROOM suite, 3 pieces, $65; shortie D tion, Inte model, Street West. PHILIPS tape recorder ih good pee $110 guaranteed Terms if desired, Meagher's 5 King AWNINGS, canvas, Prompt "------~\free estimates. Chair, Cleve Fox; 412 Simcoe aes it are iwaré, outboard motors, bicycles. Best prices, [ixe e, 48 Bond Street West. 'SILVERLINER" collapsible travel trailers. All new for 62, Call 728-1468 S Or 725-1085. |SuMP PUMP, in wood condition, all 32 | attachments included, 162 javenue or telephone 723-4118, i961 PONTIAC Strato Chief, automatic 32--Articles for Sale Us atts and repa lot wringer type washers, nis3 to $8, guaranteed washers and stoves. Paddy's | Hampton, co 3 2241 | START Begonia bulbs how! |spray for trees. Root "|mones, potting soil, seeds, {Garden Centre, King East, 725-1764. NEW hand smocked _ dresses, el | sonably rriced Telephone M | Bowmanville (no charge), interior,| LLO¥D six-way convertible baby ear- A-1 condition, $30, Tele- riage, white phone MO 8-2901, WEDDING dress, chantilly lace, size 11 - match. Very reasonable 725-4233, 12. |General Electric, in excetlen' tion; also | WH 2-0675, 644' x 10', removable 42" sonable 728-7146 RANGETTE, Simpsons, control, Kal-rod_elemen In ¥ ond hond guns. PHONE 728-55 irs for all makes} telephone 725-9138. ¥% h.p, motors, |i7> VICTOR TV, 21" Mareonl TV. reconditioned /Both sets reconditioned. Telephone 723- 'oth and tricoline, Sizes 1-6 years rea- REFRIGERATOR $75; stove $50; Westinghouse washer, $25.!white newsprint, buy in storm windows good for hot beds. Rea-| showcase, cheque writer, fire proot ledger, mp | ilk shaker, large safe, ig oo hitby. , automatic o condition, $35. _ Telephone 12- 241, OLD GUNS WANTED Top prices for other old rifles, | THISTLE baby carsiadty like net jwith white top, Perry C Market, /2580. service, table rentais. camping supplies, marine guns and Try Dominion Pontiac S ba] WE buy, "Pormant| ture or. fi ane exchange used fur- anything you have, The Cit: forming hor- | Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe 4 Street Rundle's South and 31 Bond Street East. 123-| 1671, broad- 1$299. This includes living A 3-3718\room and kitchen ensémbles, South, | THREE rooms of new farniture pay room, 44 Get all): jthis for only $3.00 weekly. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Sitiede Street |HOT water tank complete, 3 hp elec- 'like new, net andjttic motor, honda, black and tan, male, Mitts to| Telephone 728-71 "both | tration. Telephone 728-4683, Telephone | FILTER r Gees Baise tod BAPE. Bervice, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- it condi- |TYPING Paper on anit, letter size, |save. 4% Ib pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2. bulk sora and TRAILER tnew), welded steel frame, |Circulation Dept. Oshawa Times, of finding a job and stay- ing for six months, or a year or so, will come under the re-» strictions of the new legislation. It has beeh quité a regular prac- tice for Canadians, both male and fémale, to do this. In the last eae years, I have had many of them call at my office, -- bar ye in secufin some kind job which a keep them in Britain for the tithe they wanted to stay. Some Ps I have been able to elp. WILL BE CHANGED All of that will be changed ;jnow. Young Canadians rn over here for the purpose state: above will be régarded as im- migrants. They will hot be al- lowed to come over on the chance of finding a job for six to 12 months, And that includes ithe many efficient secretaries and stenographers whose serv- ices aré In great demahd by English business houses. Under thé new immigration law, if they wish to work over here, they must have a job to which to come, and they must secure a ministry of labor work voucher from the British consu- late nearest to their homes in Canada. They will also require health certificates. They will no oo./longer be allowed to come in as visitors, start to look for desk, chair, Hamiltoi ery good racks. 9/MEAT 'scale, chopping block, slicer] work, and then sta pein " y as long jeay pop cooler, coftee grinder, as they 1 like. Without the official work |ATL, AS" juicer, from 401 to as good ae new, used|. ----jonly four months. Telephone 128-1990. MAPLE syrup! Take No. 38 B Highway Concession 12 Manvers. parts, attachments, teed rebuilt machines. brushes, vice, 728-0591 anytime, 74 GOOD RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS RAN! AND WASHERS All ports ond service ae AJAX | MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin PHONE 655-364 OPEN EVENINGS AND |__ WEEKENDS. UNTIL 8 P.M. COOK'S TRAILER SAL New and Used | TRAVEL TRAILERS } LOW DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS LANDSDOWNE TEX NOW 2 LOCATIONS HWY. NO. 2 AT COURTICE)|2-3401. 3 Miles East of Oshowa Service Station Simcoe St. Will poy $100 for brass- Ae Heasiip, telephone Bethany framed level action rifles, | crop ee a a guaran- Estimates ye Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Se: WE pay highest prices in the city for and certainty of a waiting job over here, They will not be allowed to enter the country as immigrants. Ahd if Y/they came With the status of a tourist or Visitor, they will hot be allowed to take jobs over here. SOME EXCEPTIONS That is the interpretation used furniture. Pretty's Used i+ ture Store, 723-9271, 443 Simeos South.) which is given here to the GES |B. F, GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, Bat provisions of the hew Itmigra- eries, elvini | iSee eyes, a miietraigrs ele-| tion Restriction Act. appliances, for fell ahd exchange sed tural-| classes oi people whd will find There c however, some ing haberdashery store in Toron' Hay all at bargain prices, tTelephons a. Tele ] LIKE Sewing machine, does all stitches, guaranteed. Balance terms arranged, Dealer, Write ----"|Oshawa Times, FOUR show cases or less. A bargaini 725-7578. repossessed Singer Big-Zag the fancy $34 18 | lab an | BARGAIN CENTRE -- |fs'Prince sired, amy FRStte. tO Greta sancring Britain | HARWOOD AVE. NORTH |PURLICATORS, gland and. tlectrle,| sional bodies, such as teachers, AJAX --= WH 2.6410 __ |fee equip. 197 Brock 0 & MO Sblee frees, dentists and others in TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, that class will hot be 80 wore VALLEY CREEK rentals, terms, service, Hai! Office|tied by the hew restrictions, Equipment, 137 Brock Bouth, MO 6-442 Through their professional asso- FURNITURE OLEMPIA 'spewriters, 'they're Nb. i/ciations, they will be able to -| 14 a 'new location, 16% pH thet tans mrnittes Ge he ,| arrange for posts in the United Bond Street West. Top price |137 Brock South, Whitby; MO 8-842, gdom and thus obtain the | poid i used oe i Me FURNACES forced at 10 Bee Bs oe ge ininistry of labor per- ions, furniture ond applion- jantee per week. No m withor ces. We buy, sell and ex- mie deal, $130. Telephone Their ssisclatlgas ean afranes 4401 nge. Telephone 728- |an radio, inthe dash, Wanainjor,| (Mis for them. But there is one Be, | 882.50. Acriad and installation extra, Try| stipulation in the ease of nurses. Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. /They must agree to stay at BEFORE buying or sé -ileast six months in the post BO A | cS ers, Call Elmer' Wilbur, €O a ng has been arranged for OLD wanted, rifles, ahot wivers 'and pistols: hlbo ha Hien td Shipping companies foresee a UP TO 60% OFF [Two combination, bereen aba atotm (Mt drop iit the number of Larsen, Traveller, Weymouth, [aluminum doors, Good condition, Tete-|People Coming to Britain ftom Mason, Evinrude Motors, BROW) Tete Canada as job-seekers when Volve Tenta. Engines SHOWCASES abd fixtares, From fead-|the new law is in force, But the full impact of its provisions are hot likely to be felt by these re al companies until they are fully wnhderstood by young Canadians who have dreamed of an interesting work- ing holiday in Britain. ranty, Telephone 723-7876, i5 HP Gale outboard motor, Used one seasoh, new condition and under War- ES machine, Electrolux vacuum cleaner, Ay after six, Drew Btreet. COLDSPOT refrigerator, Thor Washing HOT Point combination eee and parts. cessories, 9 Tudor Street Ajax, sink, length 48" with 25" t, with 18" x 17" sink. Sea co) tion $90. Original price $450, Write Bor 129, Oshawa Times, COLEMAN'S and primna; eampis equipment, complete repair service a: Miller Heating and Trailer i DOUPLE horse tralien ood eondilion, ACO nN 34--Lost ry For ind Canadian Bond Market Active "| By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian bond markets were active this week and many is- sues again moved to new highs although there was some hesi- tation at the week's end. The treasury bills Were at a slightly highey yield with the 91-day bills at 3.10 per cent and the 182day bills at 3.26 per 74 CELINA ST. MODERN DRAPES' short tail, under year old, COCKER spaniel, lost, biack with : Trew! Answers to name Sambo. 728-2534. cent. On the govetnthent market the Canada bonds were active ATTENTION FORD PRODUCT OWNERS SPRING TUNE-UP SPECIAL REPLACE SPARK PLUGS REPLACE IGNITION POINTS REPLACE CONDENSER ADJUST CARBURETOR & CHOKE CLEAN FUEL PUMP BOWL BRAMLEY SIMCOE ST. N. 6 CYLINDERS Reg. Price $15 SPECIAL $12.50 8 CYLINDERS Reg. Prite $17.25 SPECIAL $14.70 MOTORS 4 723-4675 29--Automobiles for Sale day of January, A.D, exécutrix, full particulars writing 6F such claims, on A.D. the executrix wil proceed distribute having claims of which she then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, this 7 | day of March, A.D. 1962. died on or @bout the 20th 1962, are required to file with the undersigned solicitors for the in or before the 31st day of March, 1962, after which dote to the said estate, tegard only to the shall th CREIGHTON, FRASER, 5imede Street Nort! OSHAWA, Ontario. DORYNAN & MURDOCH, h, Solicitors herein for the j executrix ! Helen CLARK. a rag [vercoat,. ee 8, wih Blacks Sten with the tH-per-cent 'due 1083 o Create Ore |Cun eatday, March by BF tanta |e and the Canadian 3 i 5i4-per-cent due 1975 at 10414. Pleasant Atmosphere |Bn#ly call 728,473 in order a exchange 7 PEC ote s4-per-cent t in every room of your 55...Lacel sue due 1962 af Ba-per-tent | hore ----hege due 1963 were also stronger. | oi Provinel: | Colorful designs in NOTICE TO. CREDITORS were Ich active tnd price | the latest fabrics, | noc ius iy Ue (Ciae Was Seoine a Aiberta ¢ r Pp rta various styles and OT eee {is to iharket § #15,000,000 of BY. lengths. pron i al of one- » Ready to drape. eng apd nig Mpc year bonds cary hext week for M.&C. Dry Good PAUL CLARK, late of the ine ine Financ- | City of Oshawe, i th le . . ry O0as County of Ontario, Retired On the corporate market 723-7827 Merchant, deceased, who |thef@ were reports of new fi- naneihg by Canadiah Breweries Ltd. and by Atlas Steel, The Canadiah Breweries issue is re- ported to include $25,000. in bonds and Atlas Steel $20,000,- 000 consisting of $5,000,000 of per-cent 20-year first mortgage bonds. HURT NEAR SAULT, DIES TORONTO (CP) -- Milovj Bo- zic, 41, paralyted six years ago in a mine atcidént at Wawa north of Sault Ste. Marie, died Thursday of a ¢erebral hemor- rhage. He had pent most of the yeas sin¢é the accident in hospital but was on one of his periodi¢ visite to his fi¥e chile dren when he was atribken. . (meee enews