1G THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Merch 24, 1962 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 sarc BUSINE SS SERV CE DIRECTORY Accountants [Building Trades |TV -- Redio Repairs Mortgages CLANCY'S Bone Street West, Ontario Accounting Complete bookkeeping service, 725-0397, Res.s CALL JOHN snd get a price before | you 'Pay. Aluminum siding, doors, win |dows, awnings. John G, Fice, RR 3, lOmnawa. 725-5048 after $.30. 728-4370. bie and BURROWS. Chartered ts, Ronald F. D, Wilson CA; end Burrows CA, 728-7554. 114 King Street East, tr @ |SHINGLING, siding, blown insulation, | ir ang gravel. Phil Harper, Whitby. 0 & \L, AND H, ROOFING. Specializing in NTEITH, MONTEITR, RIEHL, and 7%8-7527,' Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax Chartered Accountants, 20890; Whitby MO 8-4131. PALE FRIEDLANDER M UNTER roofing and repairs of all kinds. Accountants and gg? Trustees in et hg 2K . Le ale. CPA. Co., %, T. HOPKINS and Compa ed. Public Accountants, Street East, Oshawa, Ont ae s. FROSS CPA Certi i Centre Street North, ney Mo Certi- Kin, lo, is 3509. | ied Public mates, ESTATE fonds for first and second| mortgages. Town and Country Real Es tate La. call Brooklin ¢ 655- 4471, FIRST and second mortgages bought. J. Van Herwerden, Mortgage Broker, ta King East, Oshawa, 723-4471. SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT ----DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. end RADIO CALL 728-5286 All Work Guoranteed Nursing Homes tar and Rabe} Asphalt i! metal jtoofs, insulated siding and all kinds of repairs. Free 'estimates. MO 8-8003 or 725-6937. Ye-modelling, framing, Free CARPENTRY, Phone Harry's, 723-2413. fae fe rent estimates, YOUVE local hygee AR. cleaner. neys built and rep ge installed, farnaces Ms Free est 723- ;. plastic wall tile, wood- |mates. 7 CERAMIC, orking, all floor coverings. Fréeé esti- Work guaranteed. 728-0850. |Cartage __ Appraisers PATRICK G, MeDANIEL, AACT, Real Estate Appraiser and Broker, Whitby Phone MO 8-2311. S MOVING and Storage, Oshawa, hitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip de: and insured. Phone 728-3661 Coterers Auto Ports RENTS WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran oe automotive parts and accessories, King Street West, Oshawa pae-1607 95. Five bays to serve you WEDDING BANOUETS RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, joyfully remembered when Barristers BOWMAN, DAVID L., tor, 3% Simcoe South, dence. 728-0264. BRUCE ¥. MACKEY, BA, Golicitor, Notary Public. Mortgage| funds avaflable, 2614 King Street East. 728-238). Res. 985-7163. LOUIS &. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soitei- tor, Notary, Alger Bldg., 37 King! Street East. 723-4913. Mortgage monies available. GREER and KELLY, Barrister, Solici-| 114 King Street East, Du phones: 3363. Barrister, Solici- 725-9592, Resi- ai Residenc nee V. Fist and second mortgages. Sa ments purchased and sold fide! She and gg eh * bestia 31 King Street East. 723-7 PHREYS, Soren and HILL-| N, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King}? Street East, Oshawa. RK. D. Hum- saad? Qc; G. 8. Boychyn, BA, QC; . A. Hillman, Telephones: @, 725-1177, 725-117 Residence, | 4604; Whitby, MO 8 725-5203. ; and othtr mortgage funds avatl- ee RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS A EER Associate Barristers and soll rs, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. LE, Barrister, Soll- eltor, and Notary Pabiie. Street East. Phone 728-1763 R AND TV COL Time ES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB Barrister and Solicitor and Rotary Pub lie, The Commercial! Building, 286 King} Client parking | West, Oshawa, Ontario available. ee GREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors Public, Bank of Commerce Bidg., § Simcoe Street North, 723-3446, T. K. nm QC: B. ©. Fraser, QC; rynan, G LL. Murdoch. NHA mortgages arranged McGIBBON nd BASTEDO, Barristers, Golicitors. Clients' funds available for tirst mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North; 725-3866, Charles C. MeGibbon, QC Edgar F. Bastedo, Qc | oa ggl H. DONALN, BA, Barrister, citor, bed gee 5244 Simcoe North, 728-2991. FR 2, z. sata Ba, 7 "Barrister, Soliei- tor, étc., 13% Simcoe Street North Office 723-1101. Residence 725-5542 DanatD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Falepnone: Business 723-2001. Rest- dence 728-5373. JOSEPH FP, MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor, Money to loa Oates 14% King Stre Oshawa. 728-8232, MANNIN ARTZ and RONAL ¥, SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, taties, Money 'o loan. Henty Bloc! %% King Street East, 723-4697. Resi- ence, dial 723-4029, Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 } Barrister, 26% + King/ j '|Gardening and Supplies Pontiac Inn Caterers handle details expertly for you. THORNTON'S RD, SOUTH ot BLOOR PHONE 725-0078 | Dressmaking |DRESSMARING, alte diterations, readon- able prices. 104 Brock Street Bast. Telephone 723-7963. INVISIBLE mending and fe-weaving |Telephone 725-9735 or opply 823 imo} kirk nu M.| TERA a | prompt service PY psoraamacid rates. |Fuel and Wood |FIREWOOD, ary, good, for stove, tur: | [ace or fireplace Free delivery. 'Tele | one CO 3.2275. |FACTORY hardwood cutting'. Suitable {for stoves, fireplaces, furnacts. Tele- 35. | nd 4 im ee Telephone FREE Furnace cleared every year. "Round the Clock' 24-hr. burner service, Automatic delivery. Cg Beate fl te Rose' Fuel O WESTERN OIL CO. 725-1212 x | } j | Unified | Premium DX STOVE yi MO 8-844) For your convenience, stove oil may be purchosed ot our sérvice station, Hwy. No. 2 between OShawo ond Whitby, Open Daily, Inelud- Ing Sun. 7 a.m, - Midnight. __ CHOICE DRIVEWAY GRAVEL LOAM CEMENT GRAVEL 725-5279 lInstruction HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, jtap, RAD ballet, Highland. Register ow, 424 King Street West. 725-6122. LILLIAN MAE MARSH Hancing School, DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School acro- batic, Friday end Saturday. Masonic Temple, Centre Street. 723-7252, PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 16 years' experiencé, by interview only. Act now. 725-1054. Investigators ACME INVESTIGATION BUREAU BRANCH OFFICE Building Trades HARLEIGH MFG. CO. House Remodelling. Kitchén 6nd Bathroom planning. Woll filing,, modérnfold doors, été, Free estimates any time. Pa en Eb Hambly Concrete PRODUCTS LIMITED BLOCKS, SIDEWALK SLABS, PATIO SLABS, SEPTIC TANKS Teléphone MO 8-4159 Domestic, Gehercl Investiga- tion Sécurity Services. World wide. 100 King St. East -- 728-7941 A-hour Service |GUSCOTT PLUMBING |Radiator Service RN in 0. between) Whitby and Oshawa). "Call 725¢ 2330. Optometrists -- ne . TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please pay accounts ai downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam- fned at home. Dial 725- 4527 OSHAWA _ ELECTRONICS T.V. TOWERS All galvanized, no paint. SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home. (N -- 11--Artielés for Rent SUMP pu pumps, to rent or buy. New or used. _Telephone 725-8563. Dishes, cutlery, glass¢s, stem- med wine glasses, silver tea service sets, silver candelabra, automatic percolator, punch bowls, vaporizers etc. 725-3338 _SARGEANT'S RENTALS _ WHEEL CHAIRS Hospital beds, invalid waik ers, bedside commodes, crutches also slenderizing machines .and roll owoy beds. FOR SALE OR RENT 725-1644 UPRIGHT piano wanted, call 725-0448 after 6 O'clock. _ LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 | T.V. TOWERS j | | T.V. Servicé be sure of the ices. Best Ff, RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of 'Optom-| étry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne Evenings by appointment. 723-4191 Painting and Decorating PAr " paperhang! ing, carpentry. Low inter ra G. Goulding, Church Street AL. CONROY paper hangin, wallpaper in DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wal! Murals Spray Painting. 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 Personal Service MA SSEUR Visits home by appoint jand Oshawa. MA | DRESSMAKING, alterations, plain) sewing such as children's wear. | sonable rates. Telpehone 723-9565 an 725-7297 : Antenno's and you wont t ble painting,} 1962 85-0086 professional wood finishing stock, Telephone 728 br ond TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E. 728-6781 Weil Drilling-Digging MACHINE DUG WELLS QuicksGnd Specialists. 30' casing. Work guaranteed Foundation earth boring Cont. Hadco Well Digging Ltd. Agent Oshawo 723-1001 Office El- mira, Ont. TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Clean-outs and Deépenings Compressor Work _728-3864 | W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO 8.2563 MO 8-3809 CHESTNUT ST, WEST P.O. BOX 329 1--Women' ¢ Column quali | their ville patients a Bo CRESCENT | DRY CLEANING SERVICE Invisible Mending, e, Pickup and Deliver h and Carry Store. 22 BRUCE ST. 725-3321 __JACK & BETTY LEES Heed St MODERN GRILL Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Mode Pies ond Desserts WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 Plumbing and Heating CHINN'S pl MO 204 bing supplies, pressure sys Ss, new, .used, 28 Hillside, 723-7088 ALL types of ee and t new and used aterials tates, Estimates "tree. Dial 728-6931 Foley. pumps, repairs. | | scarier | Reasonable| a ne oe |SPECTALS on per: ed. Ex. ALL PLUMBING and heating supplics./pert hairdressing aarvice by Mrs. June Phone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark,|Witkinson, Lake Vista Beauty Salon. tes plumbing, heating and engineer | 728- 0422, ng, 25 Simcoe Street South - |COLD WAVES on special, ALL WELL |dressing, 5% Pine Avenue. S363 But If you insist on the best... Cail Paes 'Hair. Telephone | 2--Personal ELECTROLYSIS Remove! of superfluous hols, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawo, April 3rd and 4th, Phone Gendosha Hotel on thesé dates for appointment. eh eee CHILD FOR ADOPTION SANDY pretty 8 yeor old ic, Anglo-Saxon girl hair and blue eyes, girl is @ bright olert cbove ayerage in- feilinerics ond is artistically gift- SANDY needs @ Roman Cath and HEATING LIMITED 207 Siméve St. $--725-5132 Cotch Trouble Before It Starts Drive Ih Today Russell Bryant RADIATOR SERVICE 900 Brock St. N., Whitby MO 8-2506 Record Players RCA. VICTOR RECORD PLAYERS Both Stereo ond Monourol types at vety reasonable prices. Terms to auit you MEAGHER'S 5 King St. W. 723-3425 t 4 "9 up with this determined chi {d who has G strong personality and much charm, os well as certain definite emotional ond psychological needs, SANDY likes fun and people but needs discipline and worm -under- standing in a family with older children. Enquiries ore iftvited. write THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WELFARE Lawn Mowers PARLIAMENT Bul Bee Nae TORONTO Rug-Upholstery Service WE SHARPEN AND RENT CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or léts Cath Cherge 6 CONSECUTIVE 3.75 4:13 INSERTIONS 225 248 tf nét paid within 7 deyd the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to original orders for co ve insértions, SuBséquent insertions ordered ot a later date constitute a mew original order Professiona! ond Businéss listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines deity Bach additional fine $1.60 per month, f6ch word, initial, or figure courts of a word charge 15c¢ additional Aft Classified Advertiséments must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- fore fitation exéept Births, In Memoriams, Cards of Thanks which will bé occepted until 9 arn. Deodliné for Lost ond Found and Cancellatio ns Office Hours De 8-12 REGULATIONS -- The Oshowa responsible for ments submitted o writing incorrect abbreviction Box mes wilt not bé . advertise- erwise thon if ore odver- price re =) t any the fh the dase of ditpley advertise. ae The Tired will not be held fof fore space than th Whidh fhe Geto! éfrér Sbepies, The publishers endéovour {6 1Op1S6du66 Gi advertising matter cofféeth), But Gisurhe nd fidbilify of Gdvertisernent, if ary ihaceuracieg In ony form are coritained therein a CHPSTERFIEL md old chal covered like new. Get the best for less 3--Pets & Livestock | COL | STORE | Thriving business SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cors for wrecking. Parts for sale, clso scrap iron ond metals, etc bought Open Saturday al! day. Phone | 725-2311--89 BLOOR E, WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Deer Hides and Row (collect) 1. TURNER 723-2043 723-3374 13--Business _Opportunities |' BEAUTY PARLOR equipped, central Fur for rent, fully! For further particu _jlars, apply 5 Celina Street WELL equipped grocery store, in good neighborhood, with living quar- ters, For sale or owner would consider trade on home. Telephone 723-1121 for full particulars. Guide Realty Ltd.; Simeoe Street South VERY central, six chair beauty salon doing an excellent business; with three room apartment. Immediate possession. Telephone Guide Realty Limited 16 | 723-1121 "| FRENCH Fries truck for rént Write Box 135, Oshawa Times. SNACK BAR for sale, central location Telephone 728-2095 after 6 p.m room apartment in Shopping Plaza on change on home. Telephone Guide Real-| ty Limited, 723-1121. 16 Simcoe Street | Sout! Impérial station gen- eral repair garage, six-car capacity, for sale or rent. Also adjacent house and booth for sale. For more particulars/ call 655-3031 fabulous Fabricote fran- chise to responsible men. Opportunity! to operate a full or part time business, | Earn to $200 weekly. Free Brochure' Box 812 Oshawa Times with 'great variety" goods Selling due to other investments, Box .27 'Oshawa Times, "GOOD 'SUMMER BUSINESS" "For Sole, Trampolina Cen- tres in this City and through- tut Ontario, completely set up ond ready to go in high traffic Shopping Centre lo- cations. Can be sold indivi- dually or os a chain." BOX NO. 940 OSHAWA TIMES OPPORTUNITY Texaco Canada Ltd. Offers MODERN HIGH VOLUME Service Station for lease, on Park Road South. Paid training and financial assistance available to. right fon. Investment necessary. An éxcellent op- portunity for on aggressive business mon, CALL MO 8.3211 Hours 8-5. Con leave your name end number or 728- 4231 evenings, or write J. F. Talbott, Apt. 2, 650 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Write | | at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South, Call 728-6451, Free estimates, GOOD home watited tor _stt-month-od es > ~~3|male To: CHESTERFIELDS re -uphoistered 'Bedlaren, Telephone MO Sadi with hil. te-styled, Free estimates, See ovr ma- terial for re-covering. Dalton Upholster-| THREE male pups for ile; ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. | Black and tan hound wit CHESTERFIELDS re-built, ce-covered |°TO%S. Telephone 728-6834, ort nan |BEAGLE hound, 414 yearé old. Guarin. Wke new. Why pay more? ) teed hunter of rabbit and fox. Good |?" até reasonable, Satisfaction guaranteed. Mattresses re-built, Oshawa Upholstery | with children, .. Telephone CO 4-240, b+ NIATU RE Pinscher pupé, eight Dis) 725-0311, weeks old, $75, red. Dam Amétiean| champion Carwyn's Tawny. Sire "han | nington's Red Clowd, 725- '71203 weekends, GERMAN Shephera, male, pitrébred 6 dhe, ith Labrador Co,, 10 Bond Street West. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REMODELING, REPAIRING Fabric samples shown and ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL... STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS. |Mortgages |GLiBNEY money 19 08m ou FER mort. jsage. Morteage and agreemént of sal |purehased. NHA mortgages acianged. ES aled Frasér, Drynan and Boar ares -A a; ght ind \sold, Call solasond, ee "a ' 1284 ists, Py A. J, Bolahood Lid, |FARM MACHINERY dé fast With at Oshawa Times Want Ad. Dis) 723-3492 MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Moniés available on First Mortgages of 7% pér annum without bonus. Monies also availablé on Sécond Mortgages. Mortgagés and Agreements for a ayy SWARTZ gore and Builders' Mortgogés at réasonoblé with papers, three years old. - '|phonie 723-9974 . hoes BEAUTIFUL baby budgles, ready for training, (atking afta, Avvly Mra: Brroad, East FOR SALE 7 "giant Fabbita tabbite bred does and young rabbité. Also tabbit cages. One white female ferret, excellent hunter. Two male red hone hound dogs, four monthe old. Apply c free estimates givén in your home. Satistection Guaranteed CALL 728-9526 TODAY TALBOT UPHOLSTERING Sutveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On | mornings 14--Employment Wanted RELIABLE Soman wishes cleaning or afternoons: References a 723-4368 for further particu- | PETER PAN DAY NURSERY, Al £40 Ail 6 or haikday, 30 a.m. until §.30 p.m. 581 Simcoe Street North, 728-261 2004." WANTED: Accordionist and drummer for Scottish dance band. Write Box 120, Oshawa Times. TRUSTWORTHY man, excellent edu- prospects of advancemént. 1628. i: Telephone Le A he aan girl wanted for hones. Toronto, # home. Tele- thon 'Osteen 728-7851 for interview. MARE beautiful brooches, necklaces at homé. Fasy to do. i friends. Excellent profits. send Sell to} George Andérson, 10th tario Land Sutveyor, Commercial btue- aa Ontario, or printing, 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. | 3-2581 |H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario WIRE 'haired terrier, , thoroughbred, for Land Survéyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue gale, Four months old, Housebroken. East. Phone 725-1881 Good pet tor ehfldren. Telephone Pick- jering Whitehall 2-6867, Tailors |COCKER SPANIEL puppie American, for sale, foytr LEN PULLAN (ENGLISH TAILOR) telephone CO rates. 26V% King Sr. Oshowa, Ontario, 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act. MORTGAGE LOANS Money available for immed- lote loan on First and Second Mortgages, and Agreements for Sale, on vacant and im. proved property, fesidentiol, industrial, city, suburban and countty, and surirner coft- ages, Forty yéors experience. SECURITIES LIMITED Srhéée Strat NOH, Oshawa, Ontario East 142 "> Phone: fi29-3568 old. rom registered stock. Little weduticn! for all tailoring | Show type. Cheap! Dial 725-6473 FOR SALE Registered German ments usé our éxperiénced services tv Shepherd female, sable aréy, 10 months dress réairs ond alterations. colored catalogue. | L. G, Putirisse Co,, Dept. A-30, Agin. court, Ont, $%3 WEEKLY for wearing dresses given you as bonus, Just show North American Fashion Frocks to} friends. No canvassing, investment, éx periéncs fece: Narth American | Fashion be , Ltd, 3425 Industrial Blvd. Dept, J-$60$ Montreal 39. ONE fal time and two part tend a | perienced waitresses wanted. Apply in person to the MAll Restaurant. WOMAN Who ein dive. If you would | enjoy working three or four hours a} day calling rediadly @ach month on aj group of Studio Girl Cosmetic clients on a route to be established in and around Oshawa - Whitby, and are w'll old, wonderful "aac $90. Téle- phone MA 3-5: 4--Market Basket 10 PRINCE ST.--728-5311 (next to Bus Station) |TV - Radio Repairs |CARROTS for table use, and feed. Bring containers. Robert Stephenson,! RR No. 2, Newcastle, Telephone New- |TV, BADIO, Gar radio repairs, | makes Thompson _ Electronics, castle 3741 | | Ettiott Avénue, 723-9792 (Fred) E ange, e, washer and dryer Call Superior Appliance Serv- ath. Dial 78- 4873. TY. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS ST. 728-8180 Terms <= Open Evenings OSHAWA T.V Free Survey and Estimates 5--Farmers Column CASH on the spot ~ Highest prices paid for dead and crippled farm stock. ~\Telezhone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone licence 149. SEED Grain, clover and grase seeds. We have now in stock top qual- ity government Né. 1 grade sede of the shove species st copipetitive or better. pricé. Conta .#. and Son, Limited, Whithy, MO 8-2017 oF Brooklin 655-3021 i 7----Trailers TRAVEL | Jalousie { 1) adenine 1537 trailer, 14 %., 1961 Buffale windows, almost new, sleeps four, Reasonable. Telephone 723-567 ing to make light deliveries, etc., write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept. CM-48, 840 Lafleur Ave., Montreal 32. Route will pay up to $5.00. per hour PART-TIME HELP 18-28. Work in our Oshawa Offiée 4 hours daily. Must Reve pleasant voice. No ex: Pérlience necéstary. Doytime or evenitg hours available Solory 723-1175 FOR APPOINTMENT FOR SALE or rent new store and five-| Wilson Road South. Would consider ex. | gation, 19 years business and acéount-| experience, requires position with! 16--Female Help Wanted | earrings, | 4s BEOTECE. & ULL. a OFFICE HOURS: 6 A.M, to 5 P.M. serordey to 4d |25--Apte. & Flate for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rene roawmans fort eat conttel Wettise, Bait eva gt low and door box 132, 125-3) '7% siahed ae ee ter range shower and itool, pevvate for, 838 ta bamend se a nag hein A ; 1800, gat te ise! nen, We bathe TWO i Fe a, pari Baek qui oath ts tel South, 723-2315, $75 MONTHLY 2-bedroom, five-roomi apart. mént, _vérdndah, Avatleblé required the man-} Hotel SPARE time help for service with knowledge of minor repa iv for weekends and' evenin Oshawa Times for Telephone to 16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted WANTED at once, clerk gry for YOUNG man wanted for génetal officd evenings, Please write full particulars), (4) to Box 19 Oshawa Times. but not 'essential, Call 728-0221. fn person to Envoy Restaurant, selling. Commission, Call for appoint- ree es eee ment, MO 8-897, Homarket Foods Ltd., cate of one child while mother works, WANTED experienced wind dco eda installer, part time. Write ing to mind@ children; some, housework, |=---- yar oN So Sgme Tere wm 7] "i EXPERIENCED butcher TS Ig while mother works. Small remunera: lgmalt town @recery. store, Oab GIRL to live - in. Frée room fdiage, experience, salary ing sean board, and.small allowance for e¢ate| Box 26 Oshawa Times. 723- 3154. live 'to, private room, adn of '--_ Wanted children, one school age, good wages, WE want & man or Woman experienced Cate THNOS, |Good wages and benefits. Alhan Field CAPABLE lady wanted for mother's | Coil hg ae 1207 Roselawn Avenue; Write to Mr. Leo Goldstein, 45 Danby, |Ayenue, Toronto, Ontario, {be able to take {ull charge. Recent ~| references required, Write Box 34, Ogh- PERSONNEL SHORT order cook required. tor mod- WHY NOT BE IN ern air conditioned coffee shop. Apply ert SELF? WAITR Fi jexperien Freezers, Food, Finane- | ELDERLY couple Tai houdékeeper to take ¢Comzlete charge of home. Live Interested Persons Apply in liable person, Telephone 725-4638 be Person To tween 5 p.m, and 7 p.m AgnIER re GENOSHA HOTEL } FROM 9:30 A.M 117--Malé Help Wanted ant- Write 20--Room and Board ROOM and board available in private be fceurate. Apply General Printers)3i5 , 1 Telept 723-1977 3 jLimited, 57 Simcoe Street Souths | Mitchell. oe eae CARETAKER, live in, lunches packed, singles or to share, offi apartment building. jvery central, at 296 King Street East, CHRISTIAN MAN needed. Full or part-| Fon THE WEST value in Hving Becom time, lifetime security. Experience 8un-|modation at the lowest price, _ tele weekly and up. No competition. Write | now and get the bes* for less. John Rudin Co., 22 West Madison |- sepia. EXPERIENCED machine operators fe. PONTIAC INN uired immediately, Tripp Construction TWO Aggieisive salesmen dither Gm} double) or room and board. ot part time. Must be ambitious. Write) Nightly rates available. EATON' 5 et BLOOR ST, IN OSHAWA EXPERIENCED | | FURNITURE BRAND NEW =. OFFICE IS Apply Personnel Office | T, EATON CO. LTD. Newly Built... Elevator Ser- 2 vice... Bright... Fréshly Well Established F i] ' Available in Few Days... Retail Bui ding Moderate Rent... Lease Ask for T, L. Wilson Requires top notch salesman THE to cover Oshawa end area. outlining experience, refer- ences, and salary expected to: MARY & KING STREETS OSHAWA OSHAWA REAL ESTATE SMALL hoyse in N diate occupancy. Telephone 728-4920. home, recreation room, garage, large garden, Seneca Street. Respectable cou- Ambitious Man to Sell | FivE-nooM bungaiow, ail modern Real Estate ih modérn conveniences. Apply 238 Kaiser Cres: | SIX-ROOM house for rent, three ares bed-| Car rooms, immediate possession. 14 Osh- ' after 6 p.m. veer #18 MONTHLY -- Athol Bast, four- ment, laundry tubs, oil heating, heavy wiring, antenna, garage, 105 Easthaven REAL ESTATE LIMITED. |st Epon asi anend RED brick house, three bedrooms, new 40 KING ST. E. gas stove, washer and dryer, Central. whether you con really get into @ big money sélling position Pe a an Cours! Supermarket 6 to 10 P.m. | 46.4 abié spare Cnpen, lew Asis | EXPERIENCED satésinan for atrect),, HOUSEKEEPER, widow erred for | Whitby, FREE toom and board for giti will-lOshawn Times. tion. Telephone TBA, _..\Whitby aréa, Reply tt writing of baby, while mother works. Call = ___|18---Male or Fernale Help references required. Apply Box 33,/(, in taping generator and starter coils, {helper and care of childrén. To live in. | |RELIABLE housekeeper a. Must FOOD PLAN Jawa Times ern md BUSINESS FOR YOUR- Be 74 ' ' ing Available in. Room and board and wages to re- MR. TODD CASHIER Apply ON tation MONDAY, MARCH 26TH |PROOFREADER, good education, must!nome, home conveniences, Laundry, Oshawa : a oie |FOR GENTLEMEN room and board, hetween 9 and 5.30, 728-4646, Near Ritson Road. day School, ministry helpfal, Earn $109/onone 725-0078, Want a change? Phone| Street, Chicago 2, Ill. Ltd, Port Perry, 985-2582 Excellent rooms (single ond to _Box 131 Oshawa Times THORNTON S RD S REQUIRE AN secnmrere Space 5 Sorege SALESMAN | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE _ Painted Tiled Floors... Available... Third Floor... Supply Yard i Excellent opportunity. Reply TIMES BUILDING BOX 100 POST OFFICE | 24---Houses for. Rent SALESMAN NEW modern six-room ranch style ple with baby. Telephone 723-7237. cent. 725- 1212 Must have awa Blvd. South. Telephone 723-7884 LLOYD METCALF room house, tiled throughout, full base- Street, Immediate possession. Call after 8. ' YOU'LL NEVER If there is any doubt In your mind you can find out now of "But | 725-0203. NEAR hospital, newly decorated 6 room brick house, All modern conven- ences, garage, TV serial Inimediate | occupancy. Apply 174 Alma Street. 725-0642. FIVE-ROOM house, close to GM_ 'Boni | plant, schoola and Shopping Centre. Must be reliable tenant, Telephone 725- Dente F 1986 after 5. don't wort out yor PRE pp fatatnctce ARORA D Seen ER Ten cen eee ory, Your ambition ond ability ere [SIX BOOM Tungalow, Norih-wegt dis- more important to us than pre- |ttet, quiet street, garage drapes, is work as a salesmon, We [C@rPeting, appliances, garden SFes8. proye this with earnings from |ment_and fireplace, Telephone 723- $8,000 to $12,000 in a year paid to our mén in 36 other cities who started without previous exper- ience in our tield. This job offers top earnings, eral bonus. incentives ing retirement plan insurance if TWoO-hoom cottage for rént, fine Je. ©. J, Stephens, Vice. Pres, Texas j } | | lib- profit-shar and free life interested, write orth Oshawa, imme-|~-- Ads H April Ist. 287 DIVISION ST. APT 2 PHONE 723-3017 ADELAIDE TERRACE Modern §=2-bédroom = luxury suites. All corivénlences, broadloom throughout, pork- ing. Aportménts to rént at stondard rates without hiddén 329 ADELAIDE WEST APT. 2 -- 725-8923 2 BEDROOM oe APARTMENT $95 SIMGOE ST. N. All conveniences. arking. Adults 725-3302 OSHAWA'S FINEST PARK LANE APARTMENTS BEDROOM SUITES BEDROOM SUITES --Elevator Service --Private Baltony ----Paved Parking --Controlled Entrances | | | | Contact MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 evenings Howe & Peters, Realtors Wellington Street Whitby INos. 105, 107, 109 ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENTS In new building with bol- tonies. Consisting of living room, dinette; and kitchen; equipped with built-in oyen, hood fan, broddioom, wall.to- wall, cloth drapes, private bath, garbage. disposal washer and dryer, (not coin- type). Fully decorated, TELEPHONE MO 8-875] nt a Slt Abatinatae i ony. ae "sag ent apartment, three ielty hese tater a at ot water. ne child = wél- ei aah os iit 723-3388. : ole pPly 73 ijentiy tio ch Ontario or SOUTH Oihawa, modern one-bedroom apartment, refrigerator, stove, free Washer and dryer, Television outlet, paved parking. Telephone 725-1310. TRREE-ROOM apartment, "unfurnis or partly furnished, heat, lights, Close to North General Motoré, tue at door. Parking, 723-4817. TWO-BEDROOM apatiment, équippe with stove, refrigerator and taun Mee bh on Bua tod North. Télephone A P.m. MODERN, ii weil ae "Wpartment, private entrance and bath, fully deco- cated. Available now, For fu tormation, teléphone MA 3- 3935. SING AND GiBHON ates, availabe April 1. Chotee two-bedroom suite; col- ored bath, other features. Call Mr. Bolahood at 725-6544 or 725-8333. FURNISHED three - room apartment, Available now. Also three-room apart- nent, refrigerator. and stove, available April 15, Close to Shopping Centre, Regsonable. Couple only, 725-3777 'FURNISHED upper apartinent, pH ance, bathroom, kitchen, liv- 'oom, two bedrooms, close to hos and downtown, adults preferred, Telephone 728-4166, FULLY furnished %4 room apartment, clean, central, close to hospital. Water, light, heat Included. Telephone 725-9306, CLEAN three room apartment, stove and refrigerator. Private entrancé, All cotiveniences, 1620 Siméoe North or 725-6624, LARGE furnished room divided into bedroom kitchen and sitting room. Suit- able for one or two, Near North G neral Motors, 723-9576. HORATED three room private entrance, all con- venieticé: ly 592 Drew Street. APARTMENT, very central, modern, two rooms, with stove, refrigerator, Available May 1. washer and dryer. Teleph 233, r five, 723-7596, THRE hed heavy wiring, television out) adults, $55. monthly. Apply 301 Gives Street, 725-1615. THREE-ROOM apartment refrigerator and stove, private entrance, downtown, reasonable rent. sie nPnoee 725-1932 af- ter 6 p.m. }-3352, THREE-ROOM apartment, three-piece bath; private entrance, parking, close to 401 highway. Apple Hill district, 723-6305. THREE-ROOM apartment large modern kitchen, laundry facilities, separate en- trance, close to school and shopping. One child welcome. Telephone 723-3218, THREE-ROOM unfarnished apartment, suitable for couple, quiet. adult home, Apply 175 Athol Street Fast, after ' p.m. THREE-ROOM completely furnimned apartment, stove, refrigerator, cup- boards, automatic laundry, privaté en- trance, continuous hot water; couple preferred, 904 Grierson Streét after 6, Saige 401 ¥ apartment, a THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, self-contained, heavy duty wiring, heate ed, hot and cold water suppliéd, park ing for beget ears. Available. le cated at 822 King ad East. At bus stop. Telephone 725-5373. TWO O tarnished hoastebaging rooms. and kitchen, with refrigerae and cupboards. Private wash» pply 136 Agnes Street. THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, heated, heavy wiring, television outlets itisiness couple, abstainers, near North General Motors, bus. After four, 72% 3205. | PARKWOO D MANOR APARTMENTS (KING AND PARK ROAD) OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS IN TOWN parking, T.V, outlet. | Modern 2-bedroorn apartments. Fridge, stove, paved FOR INFORMATION 725+ 728-9217 7272 WHITBY CLASSIFIED TELEVISION, range, washer and dryer repairs. Call Superiot Appliance Serv- ce 140 Stmeoe South, Dial 7: FOR RENT Heated ape ed, newly decorated. Adults only. phone 728-8125 for further information. | Refinery Gofp, Box 711, Fort | Worth 1, Texas. your FUTURE may be waiting for you right now in the "Hélp Wanted" Columns of the Oshawa Times Classi- |= Large General Motors Dealer in south central Ont- ario requires experienced men. fied Section. Check the Want EXPERIENCED BODY SHOP MANAGER everyday! Duties include supérvising largé modern paint and body shop as well as accurately estimating collision jobs. Excellent renumeration plan, New car supplied, 4 LICENCED BODY METAL FINISHERS Experience in G.M. Products desired but not essential. LICENCED MOTOR MECHANICS Experience in G.M. Products desired but not essential. lovely | TOP REMUNERATION FLAT RATE SHOP ALL MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL PLANS AVAILABLE, ABOVE AVERGE PENSION PLAN. COVERALLS SUPPLIED EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS IN MODERN SHOP, | Apply g stating experience and quolifications to: SERVICE MANAGER ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LID., 140 BOND ST. WEST, SHAWA, ONTARIO _|tral, yeseonabls. A three rooms ané bath, unfurnished, cen- od April 1. "Tele. sca) itt COMFORTABLE modern three-room apartment, stove, refrigerator, pai ing, laundry. Located on pleasant ja ground. Availablé for rent ime> edtia <a St. John Street West MO 8-4728. WANTED to rent -- five or six-roomed house, et ye Parl ted, Baa eee you ple small ¢! e! phone_Mo 8-8595 anytime. FOR RENT: Unfurnished apartment for last of April, stove and fefrigerator, private eentral, 210 Trent Breet West, Telephone MO °6-9160. $60 per mo FOR eae -- Threé-toom apartment With bath, heavy duty wirlfig, private SPerepes. Available April 1. Telephone phone MO & House for rent, preferably ti ike to Partly furnished. like to board Ba them, by' tte Ff ivfepnone Pot us passes r. e MO 83191. 604 Dundas | 'West eve- nings, S FOR RENT: Two room apartment with three piece bath. Location , corners. Self-contained, heated. Apply Arts €lo- thing Store, 125 Brook th, Whitby. ADDITIONS, alterations, painting, roof- ing. chimfeys, conereé! Work, ree. rooms, ci Pan sinatees workmanship, e i Foster and Sond. MO 8-374. FOR RENT -- Two-bedroom, modern apartment. Céttrally located. ier g TV outlet. Yatary réom provided. Ay ply | MO 8-3762. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, ide * Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West. MO 28-2563. THREE - room apartment, seit-contain- ed, very centri Available April 1. T MO 8-2398. rte and board for two mén; single beds, home cooked meals, quiet T Bus at door, Teleshone MO 8-27 STUDENTS A super valié, approx "|mately 630 sheets of letter site typing paper (news print) for only Sas Ap iy Saaewe Times Office, Whitby, phone 1112 D Street West. Be. aavibas Complete bookkéeping servicé for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pared; incomé taa, returns. MO OFFICE equip., bigeest stock around. service with reasonable prices, try us. Hamilton's; 137 Broek South. MO ar FOR SALE dresses in v feed cond tion, prited from 50e to He tivation Afmy Thrift Bore Pr Dundas Street West, Whitby. MOTEL suites 7 30 if si ets ant on premises, Free par! . ood Motel, 800 Broth Street N MO 8-5823. FOR RENT -- $60 monthly three and four room apartments, baleony, fési- ential area newly decorated laundry urs lolly- orth. YOUR WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT Plenty of hot rain, soft water plus the gentle thorough tum- ble action of our laundro- mots. Guaranteed the perfect wash. 310 DUNDAS ST. WEST WHITBY fatilities. Parking fs to ie hy coe awl Ve spigt Pag : MO & FOR fi -- Two-roo: rt downstairs, $45, éverything ineluded, Nite for couple. Available April 17. Ap- ply 66 Church Street South, Pickering. WHITBY MO 8-5942 SHARP STUDIO _GOT A MUDDY DRIVEWAY? We hove the answer te your problem. We deliver stone, mulch, gravel sold by weight, PHOTOGRAPHY | 101 DUNDAS ST. W.! ' .. $UITE 205 | PHONE 668-3524 SAWDON'S (WHITBY) LTD, 244 Brock St. S., Whitby, Ontarie,