Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Mar 1962, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, _ Fridey, Merch 23, Sister Addresses _ S! Canvassers WHITBY and DISTRICT (CEcTA In Whitby 3, Tel. MO. 8-3703 Manager: Lloyd Robertson es | Sister Mary Andrew, Ph.D., At the present time almost a member of the Grey Sisters ' 60 volunteer canvassers . are? of the Immaculate Conception knocking on doors in the area presented a very interesting lec- fee to raise money for the Whitby ture to the teachers of OECTA Vial branch of the Canadian Red Unit 1, Oshawa, and parents of , f Cross Society, The drive start-/ the area at St. John the Evan- E 4 ed on Monday but campaign / gelist Parish Hall, Whitby, last Pe officials say it will take until ' week. i the end of the month before the Sister Mary Andrew's Com- Ee $3,500 target figure . will be munity has a convent in Whit- ; f @ reached by. She is now lecturer in ee, The service performed by Measurement in Education at the Red Cross branch during the University of Ottawa, and the year ranges from such proj- Psychologist for the Ottawa ects. as supplying milk for Separate School. She also lec- needy families to organizing tures in Psychology and Sociol- the Whitby Senior Citizens' ogy at the School of Nursing, Club each week. Mrs. Edith General Hospital, Pembroke, 3edell, president of the branch, Ontario. Her experience in deal- says that in order to keep up ing with children enabled her to this service to the community. _|give a very factual presenta- the branch must 'raise the tion of the topic, "The Psycho- funds required and must also \logical Approach to the Child". enlist more volunteers. "What is a child?" was the question directed to the audi- " a me LOAN CUPBOARD ence at the opening of her talk. _. For those who cannot afford '|Sister pointed out that a child,| SISTER MARY ANDREW hospital nursing care for their while possessing all the quali- loved ones, the branch has a ties of lower creation, has also --often the result of inconsistent fully equipped Loan Cupboard, an intellect and will. She em-|conduct on the part of the par-'stocked with 'everything re- phasized the fact that all chil-' ents. quired to turn a bedroom into dren are individuals and cannot! Sister Mary Andrew was in- a hospital room. Such items as be fitted into one mold. Teach-|troduced by Rey. L. J. Austin, hospital beds wheelchairs, ers and parents have a grave|pastor of St. John the Evangel- crutches, blankets, bed pans, responsibility and should try to}ist Church and thanked by Mr. et c., can all be obtained at discover the capabilities of chil-|O'Neil of Oshawa Separate 1 harge whatsoever dren and not try to push them) School Board he branch this year is hop- beyond that This talk was the first of a ing to increase its service by Correct discipline of the very lenten series to be presented in organizing a home maker serv- young child should have trained St. John the Evangelist Parish ice where fully trained volun- him in such a way that by the! Hall. On March 2 April l 'and teers go into the homes to time adolescence is reached he/April 8, priests, psychiatrist, nurse th i and run' the should have correct behaviour! medical doctor and panel will/home when mothers are sick ea cad Kcmcaner ag t > ' 4 habits. Most discipline problems|give talks designed to cover or otherwise unable to keep UNFORTUNATELY Whit- | Roblin, Mrs. D. V. Hill; Mrs. | sor Chapter, IODE. Eight result from having formed in-|preparation for a successful hous rs. Bedell says that by's dagen were not _ in M. Silver ar 8. G Mifflin models showed clothes and Pp correct habits in his early years'married life. she get t least five calls a attendance at Henr reet | were mod ' mor , r wer ng ( assist High School Wednesday night shov Ar male gather- na i : : wn fe tk 2! St. atric 5 ince a at the ri "a Rag : i 2 é By Gist Mise f i when the four la ; attended th mw spon a WHITBY BOWLING NEWS f funds permit, bring a home; THE ANNUAL RED CROSS | the branch {s its Loan 'Cup. here, 1¢ » rigt s I House of - y I Dance For m service to Whitby and drive for funds is well under- | board where residents can way and should reach its | borrow such articles as hos- CIGARET LEAGUE 64, Winstons 59, Black Cats 55 $3,500 target by the end of | pital beds, wheelchairs, and as 10 i } OW Curling Club Triples over 550 -- Vi Jordan Buckinghams , Winchesters the month. Nearly 60 can-| all types of nursing equip- 737, Martha Mayne 635, Alice/48, Players 47, Exports 47 vassers under the direction | ment. There is no charge for Some 60 couples attended the Hewis 628, Clara Rowden 623, Cameos 44 nown ere of the campaign chairman, | loaning out this equipment. St. Patrick Dance, jer the Glad Wiles 614, Audrey Shar Ron Armstrong, and Mrs, | Pictured above preparing one sp hg cons Bamana te bes ' LADIES CANDY LEAGUE Edith Bedell, president of the | of the Loan Cupboard's eight " « auspices of the itby Curling'man 610, Marg McCoy 610, Pz i an HAGUE ' Packs A iditori\ | : : "| rhe ne i mn noua at Peg P sii Wiles 598, Allsorts 63, Gumdrops 59, Life Decorated Whitby branch of the Red | wheelchairs is Mrs. Bedell, tha: Les ' ; : x ' 597, Savers 52 suds 49. Hum Cross. Society, are busy | who has been a member of { . et Byron street|Maryette Kadwell Isobel Maple Buds 49 ; : : was provided|Mothersill 579, Bernice Moase|bugs 48, Peppermints 45, Je knocking on doors to get do- | the branch for seven years By EVELYN ROBERTSON 4 n t ] b Lat Bett ver, 1 a lemon 'he: ; iers. Mrs Alice/564. Verna Sandford 564, Jean Beans 44, Lollipops 40 nations for this vital service | and president for the past A packed auditoriu t Boutin ih Aa ek Wie PEON Vy s convener King 560, Glenna McConnell 559. iples over 500 -- G, Wile By Queen to the community. One of the | two years. : Henry Street Hig School greet Irs. J. Sutt ena. Wore 8) R06 us I ms Coat nad A yor prize. by. Hiram| Sinples over 900 -- Bernice|6). @. Sandford 630, A. Koc major services performed by ' --Oshawa Times Photo ed the annual fast dali Nebed dost Bit rane tide pn baad be ay caves will WO Walker, was won by Mr. ar'/Moase 205, Glad Wiles 216, 219,|2"Y 612, Moore . 606, "A ' panged. by. the. House.ot, Wind : ' Aieteteteted ¥ malay i MI M m Jenkins. 'The! sey Wiles 236, Clara Rowden aT : A. Anderson 586,| "i ; -- ne "ol group of women made up of ( sta f f it oS 5 TT Chay > Ww "the oste of io : ; adie t to Mr./244, Alice Hewis 256, Martha/?* "ins om "ry : 82 ae Spee eee g ' Church Wome we E. Kay, Mrs. Bet Mayne 248, 221, Connie Denyer Bentley 570. B 62, | Ray Hodson, Wednesda} eveni! or 0 f ) €,)N J ¢ ; ' Sturgess 535, } 1 ay h Da 2 T ihe re ; , her es were won by 203, Marion Sturgess 208, Glen-/>"""® : mason 031, G ' ' e = ompson fashion onscious Whitb 1 stylis ' t juced honora I were won by Mr s nm Ot Gale 513, M. Brooks 508 and of the Royal Air Force, may be G t L f P | district ladie ere wn th A 1 I ed n rs. R. G, Langford, | anc r Stan. Fudge, Helen oh <r -- tohal Momeerett A. Labanovich 501 ntere 1 to know that recent e l e Ins EUCHRE PARTY } ; } ' ' t ' » soi, £40, e a 's . fe } ' t The 7 '4 J ons nsti pees 0 RO? b ouner | Ppplit Ly ; : BaF AOE. BEER 1s, Ralph MacCarl, Elvaly95' Maryette Kadwell 212, 204,|,.5!9gles over 200--G, Sandford »y by MRS: ARTHUR Hit0Tt |. | oe omens eee wearables, e3 y mo | ' mod Jody iese were won by Mr How wreen MacCarl. Doris be eed lley 236 995 ate *\281, A. Kochany 268. G. W leen ft 1 ecorati re ics NN heiticeeamene' tute is sponsoring a euchre and by Whitby ladic dered " hatin Donec. 3 I fargarel' Douglas. Mr. and Mrs.' "Bud" aoe Forge Rs get pi 939. 299: D Moore 239. 906. w mony by the Queen at |. BROOKLIN -- The UCW oficrokinole party on Friday, Mrs. John H first ad i 1e m, t tart AY 101 James Ros r wson and Dr. and Mrs, Roy tat pats 204 P. Bre M "933 Wilkinson 234, A. Mikicel 2 : m1 . Brook in ( nited ¢ hureh met on March 30 at 8 p.m. in the base- regent of House of Wind ngth slee witl ttoned William .V pe) Robert! Howe ; New tead 204, Pat E TOWN 409,'B Pascoe 228. T. Shaw 228 M Sad Bowling was one March 12, in the Christian Edu- ment of Township Hall. velc d the t had cu ind cuffs were Bry ourtis, Mr 201, Verna Sandford 236, Audrey Bentley 226. 209: B. Moase 9% 900 RAF. officers who were cation Hall, with a good attend- Fecalved feyore as they enter- lined with A" Welsi During the evening, refresh- Sharman 217, Nevada Kennedy| 4" snGercon 914. § Dilling 214, decorated for -- distinguished|ance. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY "a the hal : R va' Hints nil ; modelled aiMrs. M. Fo has ; 2 ce, ments | were served by the 225, Grace Sandford 210, 201, SB Bhniwens 214. ok Pawear "service at the ceremony. He! A_ meditation on Lent was, The Brooklin Horticultural So- ubarry Meitags 3 ree eo aE ake "Ma aaltis: bor: % Armidronig:. Wire Ladies' Auxiliary of the Legion Marg McC oy 234. 14. G WeDonoich 311 the Air Force|Conducted by Mrs. Ralph Mil-\ciety will meet on Monday, tosis aie rk nth es gl ved Ld05 Bhat Mrs G. Franch Total Tem Points -- Kools Lane 210, 40 Lovet 200 « ' , 'tails of the reason ner, assisted by Mrs, C. § March 26 at 8 p.m. in the Chris- Hoag was co itat« I 10 > knit. The P t wa yle, Mr ames wat Kehoe 201. eee or which the officers were/Thompson, on behalf of ABC tian Education Hall. delightful man ur aver ned in white, with three- M May: Newman, Miss Mary corated have not been releas- Unit Reports of the Area Conven- thorough and glow ! 1 ° vhite McLean, i Muriel Me IOOF NEWS ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST @4 by the RAF Highlight of the evening was tion of the OHA, will be pre tions of all the f ( yw lou { " I V Wanda Pay iyne | MIXED BOW : LE . Mr, and Mrs ling met in the presentation of life mem-jsented by official delegates at- Millinery, by La Bo V ( " \ I dra Smyth, Mrs | paseo eghy aps sa nto fou rs ago and bership pins to Mrs. Kenneth tending the two-day session at Millin : Bou 1 Y , A = Nia "peihd co sla or arch 22. = han F asic n Holliday, Mrs. S. J. Hillier, Mrs.'Niagara Falls and hand-mad \ ; , and Joan L d Wi L es Obioles (6. ah Wale £ ~| sit AV esided in) Ho ee I g alls. Hedy Hill en ed t Ay blue f 4 0 ge ins, OS Pagter Pas Hah Psa 9 ek on een rae tg ga eggs . _ ft 1 Ef Mares: By Oey SUO BY é oung r »y Sonley and IER aes ES . ous frocks, s mpet 1 do é ne se Ducks 7, 26; Robins 94 s. Charles W. Elliott. Mrs,| WESTON DOWN UNDER 1 , Mr Bea ( y : V ite | ) : : : eh Hawks 5, 22; Sparrows 2, 2 WHITBY Neil Petty presented the pins. LONDON (CP) -- Canadian eo hig iitncary nea irra " Ua deer ee ae _ 'at n ar ase a McEn eg ry E a , 3 The president, Mrs. Kenneth bakery millionaire Garfield sui sof 1e and rt } nsem ew aS presente with 4a cDaniel 247, E. Bedard 23 Holliday, led business session of yw i " ' ing gold. This ri ; wder ise th hand-woven pl at : : B. Robinson 229, 217: M. Ca PERSONALS mening Weston has flown to Australia pure k ith a b at th arge b the neckl Doris Beato wh lad pr 3 Whitb y 1] Indepe endent of play Whitby was leading by ter 223, D Murphy 219 Representatives from the six to visit two grandchildren. neckline Kay H a gay yellov 4 Bt Ine Pal jiven a Order of Odd Fellow 8. (IOOF) 23 to 19, Lowever were blanked Johnston 217, E. Harrington 209 Vhitby Girl Guides Associa- units of UCW gave reports of 'They've never seen their old a lar weekly meet-|in the 8th and scored one run"M. Canzi 204, and P. Chidley itertaining district|activities, and attendances at!grandpa,"' he said at London hall, -presidedjonly in the 9th whereas Brook- 909. Men: Father Coate BT Thins and heown pulfes-nextunit meetings sd ps : Grand Lorne lin put across five runs in their)9 919 Sirah 37: bn, : ts mn Bul . bias airport, "so I thought I'd pop ae 8 i tw 1/214, 212; M Kolsteren 256, 23 1esday, March 27, at 8.00 p.m Mrs. A. I. McBrien and Mrs oe half of the 8th and two more|p Hazelton 232. 299 eh: Beda rd ; ed Church: Hal S. J. Hillier. were approached over The Noble Grand welcomed|in the 9th to win by a score'931, 205, 200; C. Hendriks 231 ae ss and agreed {o attend the Unit hose present, including one of/of 26 to 24 F. Canzi 220. G. Carter 213 any. friends of Crystallreadaer 2 Att pe Maras i aes e eee saa the new members, Bro. Bruce McD. 1 206 Se } il Leadet raining Course near TRAFFIC JAMMERS Mpls : : ' WIN LAST GAME McDaniel 206 and J. Buisman Peleshok of Perry 5t., will be Paris, Ontario, as official dele-) onocy ip Sinels 'e Ha ome ; 203 dt arn that she is gates from Brooklin, on March STOC KPORT, England (CP) High Triples -- T.adies - } home from the Oshawa General/97 and 28 A motorists accused in this A navy led by. Lorrain flatter ng dr r Tuesde c D> aT. ommittee chair-- On Tuesday evening Picker e%4 : Pig : : : : aa Aga reported Bro.|ing and Whitby played in, Sghtes Bi : lil 1 pi Formas dairy sore | Malo Baas Pickering, the Whitt sam| Robinson 612, U. Johnston 571,\Hospital. She had been in the Mrs, Norman Alves, 1st vice-/Cheshire town of disobeying a In v ahs ac vdon. still progressing|!ickering, ne hitby team _, F eo nee : j " q . PY. 5. S er €a S lil rie p ee oy. t i expected home Showing considerable changes 3 AAT Sosy Me Carter Gal, We ' coe week, president of UCW, presented policeman told the court: "The 1¢ fashior ded with oo "©° 'over the previous evening's line! > Harrington 504, D. Murphy under observation, highlights of Presbytery execu-|only trouble I have had with " 5 ¢ : howir f oriswear and)", a. ety ke on UP 504, M. Canzi 503, M. M : : Fred. tive meeting held in Whitby traffic holdups has been caused omr P nembers spoke I 5n9 « ' rregory ds ) rec 'a Re . r ( rl led | ot \ ee a " 0-ore é uding a lovely) | ¢orth-comit ag ke ty Gopae With a line-up consisting of vaio is Bloye 500 ni}. a alabeat his. The Purpose of Christian Edu- by policemen, They are not as & by yd h ial 10 b OF SUID) RNS ANG e he the hall at 6 Some members who had hardly ar PP ge ade ' ie M. el eth birthday today. His friendsicao". Was portrayed by aefficient as traffic signals." } Satuvdi evening ever played in active competi- He bait "§D0, ig 7" oF nd best wishes g ERSTE: ter, ar tion was heldi,,. Thle sunt he tion previously, Whitby plated a pe Oa 544 ro inns : 57 a 1, april 1 bis : epee AG rry 5 d osterholt 53( AY Aniibelaah M Walte members and their/@ total of 11 runs against 6 for J. Buisman 526, P. McDanie Bees ; nul a core 2 i x ' ' ; nde ' » everyone, who ' vi 4 daveviese , Pickering in' the first three|-;. eee Ss 1 Byro 5 a s celebrating ake ft vanta U r i i €Te had wo ivd makin he na » include some oa 507 and F. Canzi 503 her t da yn Sun Marck 4 ss i + tal have been: devele ap no in a nad 1 1 ma 1 ty of after entertainment.|innings a Sisk 'Sincias with Mead birthday on Sunday arch} } ed to help them ove enir ch success, enjo} tl reral business was| Whitby plated 7 in the 4th, caps. Ladic F os i sone 12> Many happy returns of the] i i se eas alee ; ; Pei yffee and sandwiche cd wen P 2 in the 5th and none in the|*PS -- "aaes: kh. Bedard 299.' day from her many friends. } : 2 handicaps r vill | ight and was dispatched) ne Dicker severe. able|B:, Robinson 270, M. McDaniel : : ie | They ++ r * Aan ' quic after which Bro. Couke,|® n while ickering were abie 258, FE testi 054. P Chid H Harrington live out those z ; . aptain of the dart baseballjto put across 4 runs only injie.' 959 My Ganzi 241. D. Pur-|651, I. Bloye 617, M. Canzi 614 | & D | where treatment cer ' f tic be r L t Se im, spoke briefly on the first|these three innings, Whitby lead-| iy O44 J AWAetOe aol hid] U inte n 607 | ed 4 cated. Tt re t d t nt » Crippled hil. en en ervice erious grief to hit the Whitby ing at this point by 20 to 10 ie i Sh ORS f Sint 5 : D EY ie. et ae idee iret nnd ces : eat cf eeneon. locing" tol i. the Sth Whitby put 3, eae Saeed: plies die Ba phy 21" fie hose ru f i) ea : otal ing | varies: wiih 41 uns in the om Hendriks 252, F. Canzi 239 an and M. Hughes 550.} EA the province who requ rs for thousar At st John WA Brooklin lodge on Monday even-/@CF0ss, wit |McDaniel 238, B. Hazelton 237, Mi Coates 719; C.| Je by a 26 to 24 score giving the scorekeepers a head-|y dential care. They ; o lren ir : "4 S$ J. Corrigan 4. G. Carter 23 ndrik 74, B. Hazelton 635,| § ) dren for whom « sent ' Upon the closing of lodge all|ache Pickering were blanked in and J. Buismana 212 : osterholt 626. P. Mc Bess 8 3 ed general pital b | ( : iltended members journeyed to Pickering their 8th and 9th innings. The Triples h Handicap r 60 - 599 M: 4 : Y eee ate i Tohr : ; ' : game ended 34 to 10 in favor riples with Handicaps over &f Co an 592, M. Madlon 3 2 room when ( : \ wayl ey ° Wenn. 2 'Silodge for .Whitby's final ee Whitby 3 550 -- Ladies: B, Robinson 735,/581,.G. Perry 574, F. Canzil : i corrective procedu F I lay. 7 1 a n : Bai ee lay evenin cheduled dart game u ~ Beda 705 i) rrington 56 1 J Buisman 553 3 ii | Hah le 12 Be AUER ahaleci abe ot g nis "Senn yaa eho" fhe E. Bedard 705, E. Harrington'560 and J Buisman 553 i pleted In keeping th ti 1c the Whit Dotard ( : ' n ¢ ge of Power". A SEASON'S FIRST LOSS regulars of the Whitby team q { being placed on those treat ve Cle i P m s shown on t sible Whitby was host to Brooklinjhave averaged approximately ie . centres alread tat 1 ' ' Naetawi 2 tk orld ess meet- lodge on Monday evenineg,'five hits per game which is one : et some of the lar nta nal sey Hee ' Wa arr 1 iter in March 19. and until the 8thof the main reasons for their ; " 4 ia a provinciz treatment aA d . ih und School room innings appeared to have an- being at the top of the league Ba ; of will be : er rted for othe me wrapped up, then'standing again this season, to- politan 7 el one " are a 4k. tate 1 * the diocese annt meeting, tothe tempo changed talling 325 runs against 130 in, ficult. cases "EN t nity ape ha i nth » op I oronto. from At the end of seven innings|twelve games. 4 upp is .to be anton from all par he trit r to t fund ' \ } ry 2 gene ' : ; where their proble sing the s reby Notice was given for a rally foe " Even melting ice cubes ceive the attent if line publiciz y : n and for JA member ih ha ' be. hes ae q mesical, dental and surg mot Holy Trinity at Ajax, on April ~~ { can't dilute the true taste BROCK = 'VENING SHows AT 7 & 8:20), * Dale. valued at $87, ha cote . of Adams Gold Stripe. sige COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:20 Fsio donated | saniats . i i WHITBY It will keep its flavour NEWGE FICTION EST FRONT to the very bottom to have one man of the glass--the mark arrange your : personal insurance wr BGM DUR UES THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LTD, to protect your ear, your | MWOF & Maintenance Service Toronto, Ont home, and your life. Keep the good things you've earned in life, protect them with State { Farm insurance. Let me show ye in bi gin ' i : i : you how inexpensive and con- i np ae 1 bas whe tev tale eset venient. complete coverage... Hf ady to-go t Lae ' r af ¥ " : Adams and peace of mind can be DODD& SOUTER | "nM So mt ppl yer maa or Any Household Repeirs cell Hugh « pec Magid sae , pis MO 8.5767 MO 8.2379 "MO 85756 GOLD STRIPE begsiee plaid Gm | STAT EF FARM iehuRanes Ves ak id os Gr as Mec CANADIAN RYE WHISKY ' 107 BYRON ST, S.--WHITBY Starring SATURDAY MATINEE INSURANCE, : (Lebor & Maintenance Servite is associated with W. A. Smith WILLIAM LUNDIGAN STARTS AT 1:30 MO 8-5231 Conadion Head Office: Toronte, Ont. Builder's Suppl ofa great Ww hisky. REEVES' ARTISTS WM. H. (BILL) SUPPLIES MIDDLETON et OS ot 608 BROCK ST. S. take pleasure ' Ou in charge of salt te a door t

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