4 a OSHAWA IMS, Pridey, Merch 23, 1962 Port Perry Guides as ey take up rece ntly Port th the Scout Hall Robertson. Guide Joanne Shaw and Brownie Nancy Warren. Back row (lr): District missioner Ruby Roach, n Gilbert, Guide Sharon Perry now boasts a total of 150 members in their two Brownie Packs and two Guide x Shown are, front r): Brownie Beth | Shaz Port hae Guiding Boasts By M CHARLES ig has or > $1750 PER YEAR ema eer 'RE ESOR 150 Members rs. In 1952 the Guid I 1 Hu siste _ in the mphrie np Owl from -- Clerk Gets Sa alary Increase pie orough HOUCK Jack Wither- sident 0 eol Com- Guide Sweetman ar Howe New Membe Inducted At Kiwanis 4 BOW t-Govern rborougt decorated | oa}, at the Com Port Perry a Wad 7 To Tene On 4» ~» be, varsawW s Ja PERRY Varsa 1961. T will the Intario, Withe ion inter bin series Arena Feb continuing Owl of 1 and is Brown to id Cord Guides were th their certificates were Margaret poon, Donna Heayn and f rerrett Mr Joy Ballard took as Lieutenant of Ist Guide Com- n March 1961 t 3 > took over I Webster acing Mrs. Lu esent officers over n the round May 1 cille Mari of the Mr tary ht and;---- Perry ae Appeal Requested "war, In Rifle-Slaying WOODSTOCK and to meet Port Perry in'a home yefore Warsaw t Port Perry ayed at Orange are president Gwen Tavlor and. secre Mrs. Marion Healey nesday nig to Port to Orange (CP) -- Walter Robert Clark, 27, has asked gi leave to appeal his conviction ajon a.charge of non-capital mur- der in the rifle-slaying of Wil fred John, Miner Clark, a. Norwich r- bacco worker, was originally charged with capital murder in 26 shooting but a Su Court jury found him gui of the reduced charg Fe b. 23 and he was sentenced to life imprisonment. During his' trial, Clark claimed that a 15-year-old gir}, the main Crown witness, Miners. BEST OF SEVEN are to- 1 four 1 c rough bellfoml, last year's league in five games the ope g game of ford but next four, Camp to Cam t oundeg to take the karded "SPLENDOR shot ) 2nd lir ay TECHNICOLOR' tmewa BOTH FEATURES ADULT te! I ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE T IN 3:30 "FANNY" 1:35 THE 30 Chih 'Women Preparing For Tale By MRS. CHAS. COURTICI The F women ol d a Town ceeds und r, Mis d by to become ACM Walte Goyne, el School Basket niors playec at 30w- BEACOCK I At Sun How and arrated by shown Make Quilt OLGA HILI Due va io aa a Everleigh Bros.) TTLE SHIRLEY 25 Mar. | RED BARN ADMISSION $1.25 ada's ge oun., WILSON & LEE LIMITED Register Now CARPENTER manville wit United/ winning Ebenezer and Coun Educational are|children's Pack Gregg Simmons aniel : & iei R S.jceiving a 72 Ton Root Placed On nt Night New Store PONTYPOOL -- Mr. an Mrs. Lorne Farrow moved Millb < on Saturday, out over the har junior h Courtice The senior 42 lost with a close gz 30 In the artment and Mr moved in Bob Browr the man while Wesley McMahon vorking at Claremont 1 1 1 ware eburch parade groups, th Bob " have va read bs has been tS ee on sipenter, taking the door : Be Audrey riKaren ; roof 71 Whe on's new and, Friday on store Thursday of Night April 6 ed Chit irch Mr. and M Gregor have turn rot Your skiing ation at the ul at least one adventure... tian Highlands in et says tl Mr. and Mr avid § 1 n April Reader's Digest), ind. far adventure is people! yur district to Mr. a M Your Vacation vac lily hav C ) ey to H are 7 easy ways to ' hell of your solitude', an adventure on 1, and in memories and } friends. Get Digest today lasting installment of Third Reich"'. richer BANTU HOMES The Sout African p ment says hon jjbuilt on Bantu of 15 39 articles o Fall of the the rate new } your Reader's d to of d- and Mrs. Mangenireeve, and Arthur Wrigh work- ness, railroad as extra is viile Concrete Com- Harry on last Get the Most Out of vacation should contain and, ; experienced traveler 'the 'crack to week. The roof is supposed to.tendance at the card party fn weigh 72 tons and came in eight the school on Friday night. sections. It was placed on the Kathy Fallis was lucky lady cement blocks with a crane and Gordon Kirk won the men's George Hamilton celebrated prize his birthday last week with a Mrs McKay visited party for some of his friends. her sister, Miss Gladys Bebe Mrs. Lillie Richardson is visit- in Peterborough Friday and ing with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sati y McMullen and her brother Mr Mr. and Mr Jim MeMullen, Lotus 3onnie, Barry Henry Jakeman, ited with Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs William Rennie, over the weekend. On Satur- day they all visited the Cruick- ishank family in Toronto. Curtis Bob Brown, and Douglas: vis- township t, Beth- were in the village on busi- two afternoons last weel There was a very good at- P SIM LASH and his TRIO Featuring JONNY ROMERO For your listening and dancing pleasure EVERY FRIDAY--10 P.M. TO.2 A.M. AND SATURDAY "AFTER-HOUR" DINING MUSIC IN THE CONTINENTAL ROOM OF THE any, TOWN & COUNTRY RESTAURANT | 15 BOND ST. E. PHONE 723-1821 $1.00 PER PERSON your | to come home | f ier and the second 'The Rise and CONTINUOUS SAT. DOORS OPEN MAGIC from 10:30 A.M. AT 10.00 A.M. ~ COLOR? AT: 2:00 - 4:00 ~ 8:00 - THIS 7% SATURDAY 10:00 EVERY FRIDAY ' OUTSTANDING ) PLUS... AZZ GROUPS SPECIAL ATTRACTION THIS WEEK FRANK EVANS AND HIS QUINTET! DANCING ADMISSION WINNER OF 5 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS! Including THE YEAR! oy The greatest high 2 'ont PEK + + DAVID NIVEN ANTHONY QUINN . om THE = OF N FEATURE STARTS TONIGHT AT 6:30 AND 9:20 P.M. SATURDAY AT 12:55 3:45 6:30 AND 9:20 P.M, SUNDAY AT 2:25 - 5:15 AND 8:05 P.M. VOW FEA For Lessons On These Popular Instruments CLARINET HAWAIIAN GUITAK TROMBONE VIOLA CELLO ACCORDION SAXOPHONE VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR POPULAR PIANO TRUMPET Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion ot 1.50 weekly the FREE use of an accordion during that period which is taken ncludes 87 SIMCOE ST. PPD PPP PAP PD PPP PP PP PLS MUSIC pita home for practice NORTH 725-4706 _ 9 P.M.--1 A.M. 1.25 PER PERSON 2 NEW THRILL-PACKED ) FEATURES TERROR, VIOLENCE AND FEAR! @ceeeveceee eeeeeeeeeeseeoeeeoseeseeeeereseerereEe COOKING turn, ...take her out to dinner tonight SHARSSHSSSHSHOSHHSSHSSHSHSHSHSSHSHSHSSHSPHSSHSHSHSHHSSHSHOHSHSHHOHSSSHOHHOSOHHOSOOSROLEOE YOoooerovevevervevegesenereeeseessseeeeeeeeesesesoveseeseereeeseeseeeeS MOTOR HOTEL AND RESTAURANT "15 minutes trom Downtown Oshawa on Highway 401 at Bowmanville" OPEN HOURS!! 7 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT DAILY ! @ooveveeeeees Beeseoseesesseseveeseeeesesseeeeeen