vious that the government is hoping to obscure the facts by claiming a false prosperity. Mr. Brewin and his wife are shown above. with Clifford Pilkey, president of the NDP riding association --Oshawa Times Photo election. Mr. Brewin told the | Ontario County NDP riding association last night that as early as June, or not later than October, the Canadian people are going to have to face a crucial election and right now it would seem ob- | H. ANDREW BREWIN, QC, and his wife, Peggy, Thurs- day night stresse. the respon- sibility of Oshawa and district trade unionists in electing a New Democratic Party candi- date to the House of Com- mons during the next federal EMPLOYMENT FIGURES Brewin Charges Press Places Wrong Emphasis | H. Andrew Brewin, QC, New by the fact that nearly 600,000 600,000 is like the friends of a Democratic Party (Toronto Canadians had their purchasing feverish patient getting comfort Greenwood). federal. candidate, power sharply reduced through from the fact that the patie attacked "certain sections of the their inability wages, temperature had tempo press' Thursday night for do- any joke for the smali busi- gone from 106 to 105 degr es. ing a "serious dis-service to nessman whose prosperity de- the rejoicing and the compla- Canada"' by its methods of pre- pended upon a reasonable stan- cency are premature, he said sentation of the, facts in re- dard of full employment, the Mr, Brewin charged it would spect to unemployment. speaker added seem obvious that the govern- ; . ment is hoping in the forthcom- mpesning A nat 8 Vous WASTE OF MANPOWER ng election to obscure the facts ty NDP riding association gen- «phe economic waste of hav- by claiming a false: prosperity eral. membership meeting al ing more than half a million and ignoring the situation of UAW Hall Thursday night. Mr. unemployed vastly exceeded hundreds of thousands of Cana Brewin charged that stories the economic loss occasioned dians who have become the flot- emanating from Ottawa, in re by strikes and represented a sam and jetsam of the Cana+ gard to unemployment in Can- sorigus reduction, not only in gian economic situation ada at mid-February empha- Canada's own living standards, ii Canada Me. Brewin: sald: sized the decrease in jobless put in her ability to assist the beanie have. daroned an from a similar period in 1961. economic growth of needy peo- apathy about politics. Most peo- Mr. Brewin charged the stor-/ples throught the world," he pie are convinced that nothing les should haye emphasized the| said. good can come from politics. fact that 583,000 Canadian work- Canadians; thé speaker sald; ates seg Nea gine ers, comprising nine per cent Of have no reason to be complacent MUST CHANGE THINKING -- the nation's labor force, Were shout their economic situation. He told NDP supporters their registered jobless in mid-Febru- the optimism of Hon. George Tesponsibility is to transform aie jHees, federal minister of trans- the thinking of Canadian people | : P persuade the e IMmeEN UNDE 1 lnort and other Conservatives 29d to persuade them to hav PUSHED UNDER RUG i the "boom" in Canada re- Some faith in their own demo "By emphasizing a reduction presented a complete failure to racy. ; | from the all-time peak an effort realize the seriousness of large The New Democratic Party, was being made to push the scale unemployment and its ef he said, is a labor party and is problem of large scale unem: 9, t upon the people concerned, Proud to be a labor party. But ployment in: Canada under the «1 ny gther industrial coun. h¢ added, it is not just a labor rug and to hide the seriousness |... .fr Brewin said, "any Patty. The NDP includes farm- of the situation." aanten of unemployment over 3 ers, housewives and profession- This situation, per cent of the labor force was 4! people. It is a party of demo- was tragic both in economic regarded as serious and requir- cratic people all willing to work and human terms. It was nO jing drastic attention." together. : joke for the individuals or the Three additional families of more than half a COMPLACENCY were elected to the association million Canadians who were PREMATURE executive Thursday night out of work To boast about a reduction These new executive members Nor was reduction in from over 700,000 unemployed include Max Barker, Michael purchasing represented to something a little less than Matejuck and Louis Rousseau CAPSULE NEWS Woman Shopper Dies In Blaze aa ees ee NILES, Ohio (AP)--A seven- of Brisbane have protested be- says the Chinese Communist alarm fire hit the Niles business cause some pupils have been have thrown Marxist ideology to district Thursday, spreading de- asked to write essays on "Why the winds to step up farm out struction ot three stores and I would not like to be a Negro," put killing one woman. shopper. it was announced Thursday He reports in an article in Mrs. Dorothy Aulin, 67, was the ee : : Foreign Trade, the monthly pub- victim of the fire which started WON'T AUCTION SKETCH © jication of the trade department, in a clothing store. No damage LONDON (Reuters) -- Brit- that "rather drastic revisions in estimate was immediately avail: ain's Royal Academy Thursday POlicy" were put into effect in : mgt ila ' a Leonardo da Vinci sketch fol- China's economy after three thousands of dollars lowing strong criticism from the Straight' years of crop failures GALLERY BUYS WORKS Press and parliament. The "The most important changes OTTAWA (CP) -- A. rare sketch, of the Virgin and Child in 1961 were connected with ef- marble Madonna relief, exe- With John the and St. forts to increase agricultural cuted by the sculptor known as Anne, was expected to bring 0U'put, oie Sadat Pe the Master of the Marble Ma- £1,000,000, The postponement *@¥> donnas in the late 15th century, Would enable special appeal aoe has beén acquired for the Na- fund to be up to buy the Culture reversed tional Gallery of Ca it was Masterpiece the nation, deeply rooted in Marxist ideol announced Thursday, Other new "ather than it go O8y, under which primary em acquisitions include a self-por- abroad. sea as on developing heavy trait in pastel by the ea siti , nadian artist Louis Dulongpre By the end of 1961, Mr syth-Smith says, this policy BISHOP COMPLAINS 1 eared to be producing TUTZING, West Germany While production statistics (Reuters) Winter sports in not available, 1961 the Tyrol have been turned in reported to be bigger "nermanent carnival" { : the previous two years a permaner niva wi wife, 80. He told police he Ae i' shai romance-hungry city girls se- ee Main aim in changes to the ducing youn é ski i nstructors killed her to put her out of commune system was to provide i young instr ' ' 4 " yas rovide = J TS. her misery.' Boughton entered Fidos the Roman Catholic Bishop of more incentive to members to foneheuck comolained Phuee:(* plea of not guilty as he sat did > 5° day i in court in a wheelchair. to earn he continued members the power Canadian Says Red Chinese Dropped Marx OTTAWA (CP)--C. M. For 3aptist concentration on agri- past policy, a set for ailow to a Fo ap- results PLEADS NOT GUILTY ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)--Albert Boughton, 79, of Ravena, N.Y., was indicted on a charge : first degree manslaughter '° Thursday in the death of his € crops of 2 than in ncrease production and attain production targets. "7 oa . The relaxation took the form WON'T EXCHANGE | ACTRESS HAS CHILD of encouraging private produc- MOSCOW (AP) -- A proposal); HOLLYWOOD (AP) Ac- tion by. individual members, by the Chicago'Tribune to ex-|tress Joan Caulfield gave birth restoration of the right to pri- change columnists with Izves- Thursday to a, five-pound, five- vate ownership of livestock, and tia, the Soviet government/ounce son. She and her hus- the right to sell goods privately newspaper, will not be accepted, hand, Dr. Robert Peterson produced at rural trade fair Sovile sources haven't vel named the boy and in urban market at not now said Thursday. They said a for being drafted and FREE CAR thet hell ve Nyet."' Prescription and Drug Items 9 AM. - 9 P.M. MEDICAL PHARMACY NEW YORK (AP)--Sylvanus 728-6277 300 KING W. least Olympio, president of the Re public of Togo delighted Thursday by a tape par- ade lower aroa It's wonderful--ab- solute wonderful, it's just like the African visitor com- as his honor up av rain," mented. PARENTS PROTEST BRISBANE Australia (Reut- ers) -- Parents whose children | @tiend a primary school south < he | Short ' Burke OBITUARIES MRS. ROBERT DAVIDSON Following a lengthy illness| the death occurred at the Osh-| awa General Hospital early|Mrs. Ron March (Betty) and Thursday, March 22, of Mrs.|Mrs. James Smart (Barbara), Robert Davidson, 99 Harmony}both of Oshawa and three sons, road north. The deceased was|Leonard Robert Skelton, Jr., in her 5ist_year. Reginald John Skelton and Born at Pointe Fortune, Que-|/Thomas A. Skelton, all of Osh- bec, Dec, 18, 1911, the deceased awa. He was predecesed by a) was the former Aline Bertrand|son, Arthur Donald Skelton, in' and a daughter of the late| 1943, | Adrien Bertrand and Emma) ajc surviving are three gag Mg married in TO-| ters. Mrs. I. Brash, of Osh-| ronto i 39. seas "e "Willi } The deceased went: to Toronto Na a Pars: ot| as a child gal oy lived an Birkenhead, England, 25} She was a member of St. Ger.(srandchildren and one great-| trude's Roman Catholic Church Srendchd, a : : | and of the Catholic Women's} The memorial service will be; League. held at the Armstrong Funeral) Besides her husband, Mrs |Home at 2 p.m., Saturday, ee Davidson is survived by al24, followed by interment in| daughter, Carol. Ann, a studen'|Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. | at Queen's University, Kingston | -2n0n C. D. Cross, rector of St.| Also surviving are three sis-|eorge's Anglican Church, will ters, Mrs. Fred Dale (Lucille) | conduct the services. of Toronto; Mrs. Harold Ov'n: oe e . (Fdna), of Detroit and Mrs A Bad gs Thee t Albert Braveau (Caroline), 0°]... Teseent, OF Newcastle. 108 Montreal, and a brother, Oscar tbout 50 years, Cyril Rutland} Bertrand. of Clarkson lied after a short illness at the The remains are at the Mc Jowmanville Memorial Hospital Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home|" Thursday, March 22. He was for high requiem mass in Si n his 74th year. Gertrude's Church at 9 a.m Mr, Rutland was born in Eng- Saturday, March 24. Rev, Omar|'and and worked for many Brazeau, of Rouyn, Quebec, wil') 'ears on the Canadian Pacific sing the mass. Rev. John B tailway. He married the late Myers, pastor of St. Gertrude's Sdith Maude Clark of Clarke Church, will also be in the sanc-/ Township in 1935, She died in| tuary 1955. | Pravers will be 'said A member. of St. John's Angli-| funeral home at 8 p.m can Church in Newcastle, Mr. : Rutland and his wife were mar- FREDERICK JOHN DENT™ 15041. pec week woe In failing health for two years ried by Rev. Frank Mason. Fred John Dent, formerly of _Mr. Rutland is resting at the Chestnut: street east, Whitby, F. Morris Funeral Chapel for died at Fairview Lodge, Whitby, /S@rvice in the chapel on Satur- Thursday, March 22, in his 89th/4@y at 2 p.m. Rev, D. R. Dewd- year " ney of Newcastle will conduct ""A son of the late Joseph and the service. Interment will be Catherine Dent, the deceased 4 St. George's Anglican ceme- tery at Newcastle. | was born in Hamilton, Ont., and was married there in 1898 FUNERAL OF That's the way we like to eh cesident of Whitby for 30, ,WALTER JAMES ALLIN 'think of it in the Oshawa years, Mr. Paster ee ae nei Funeral services were held branch of the Canadian Red jos ---- Rederiet at from the Armstrong Funeral Cross Society. oe rah the omnAAley Noe . ty a High , Requiem We like to think that where period. A tool and die|~**° at ae BVepury 5 Roman there is need -- there is help-- maker by trade, he was a mem- ; me th a ae apes Thursday, and that help is given, promptly ber of Whitby Baptist Church larch 22, at 10 a.m. for Walter and adequately. and was a former member of hss Allin, who died at the the Independent Order of Odd Jepatier residence, 658 Grierson Fellows. He was a very active avenue, Monday, March 19. The member of the Whitby Rate- deceased was in his 65th year. denly afflicted families there is payers' Association Rt. Rev. Monsignor Paula Lamp of Hope that burns for Predeceased by his wife, the Dwyer celebrated the Mass. In-|them in the little rooms of our former Grace M. Hancock, Mr terment followed in Oshawa Society's headquarters. Dent is survived by two daugh- Union Cemetery, We're very sure about the ters, Mrs. J. Beck (Myrtle), of Pallbearers were B. England, Lamp -- we've seen it burning California and Mrs, M. Weaver,|D. Denyer, D. Griffin, B. Keefe, The Light is something far of Rochester, N.Y. po two C, McKinnon and J. Baxter. more than a beacon of hope or sons, Fred, of Detroit and Her- symbol of mercy er ouston, Texas. Also FUNERAL OF alae aE es : si ant two grandchil- LESLIE M. KNAPP ; . . Bent guides the fingers of Aran Funeral services for Leslie Volunteer workers as they sit at The funeral service will be Melville Knapp, of Columbus, uel Pane ne aee: aoe ty held at the W. C. Town Funeral|Who died at the Toronto East Shape -- hey work a Home, Whitby, at 2 p.m. Satur--General Hospital, Tuesday, + Sasol telnet gs Ae day. March 24° Rev. J. McLeod,|March 20, were held from the|1#ey've never been paid! They pastor of Whitby Baptist Church Mc-Intosh Anderson Funeral |/MeVer bag tiie to he de , ney will conduct the services. Inter-- Home at 3.30 p.m., Thursday, woulan's want 10 De paid! ment will be in Groveside Cem- March 22. Who are they -- these volun- etery, Brooklin. Rev. L. Wesley Herbert, min- 'e's? They are mothers and ister of King Street United Wives of Oshawa -- with just as LEONARD R. SKELTON Church, conducted the sery-. Much responsibility and work to The death occurred suddenly ices. Interment followed in Osh- do as any of the rest of us. The the family residence, 275 awa Union Cemetery. difference lies in the fact that Pallbearers were. Ivan, Ray they are willing to give a little and Garnet Cochrane, Douglas bistuoa street, early Thursday, Mar. 22, of Leonard Robert and Ralph Knapp and Carl! Why do they do it? We're very Avery. sure it isn't to prove that, in a Skelton, beloved husband of the world of crass' materialism former Annie Agnes Foreman Mr. Skelton was in_ his .76th year. love and compassion still have a A son of the late Mr. and JOHN THOMAS OKE place, although that is certain- Mrs. Thomas Skelton, the de- Funeral services for John ly true. We'd rather think they ceased was born Oct. 26, 1886, Thomas Oke, 150 Bloor street do it -- over and over and over at Marysport, England, and west, who drowned in Oshawa again -- because they care -- was married in St. George's Harbor, Monday, March 19, really care -- about men and Anglican Church, Oshawa, Mar. were held from the Gerrow women upon whose lives have Funeral Chapel, Monday, fallen the blight of illness or March 19, at 2 p.m. distress. 18, 1915. A resident of Canada since re oe ago By th a sa Sa amy We'd rather think they do It, shawe e years. 2 ~was of Northminster United Church, Malle hana . an employee: of the Canadian' conducted the. services, Inter- Pepe cially pacauae ot utile Chik National Express Department ment followed in Oshawa Union dren, for 38 years prior to his retire-| Cemetery heard and a -- = sg #2 kfc Pallbearers were E. Fowler, hand to wipe the cause of tears with e cily meter departmen , 2 cw 'oc ie years I W. Lang, J. Davey, J. Takach, away. And , day. by day, He was a member of the » Crandell and W. Oke. these volunteer fingers are Brotherhood of Railways Em- busy and the hum of the sew- ing is constant. Pyjamas, shirts, socks H. Puckett, 928 Masson street, i a Hine fife who died at Oshawa General/®™S 3" those many, tender, ployees Hospital, Tuesday, March 20,|little garments that clothe a were held from the MclIntosh-/new-born infant, are never in Anderson Funeral Home, Thurs- Short supply because your day, March 22, at 2 p.m. 4 Red Cross walks with the needy Rev. Canon C. D. Cross, rec- ones every step of the way. tor of St. George's Anglican Church, conducted the serv- ices, Interment followed in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were Jack Scil- ley, William Whittington, George Puckett, Ted Tozer, J. Shields and William Lee. GROCERY STORES INCREASE SALES In 1960 Grocery Stores in- creased their sales $2 billion or 4.3 per cent over 1959, with chain, and independent super markets, accounting for two-thirds of nearly $5 billion in total volume You too can increase your income by checking "Busi- ness Opportunities" in Osh- awa's biggest supermarket -- the Oshawa Times Classi- fied section. You'll find amazing offers that mean extra cash for you. Turn to Classified today. Besides his wife he is sur- vived by three daughters, Mrs. Gordon Kirby (June), of Whitby, at the ores ent-elec i , loen- today President-elect Tony Goep frich, right, officially launch- ed the Oshawa' Kinsmen Club's Maple Syrup Drive to EVERY STEP OF THE WAY (Contributed by a Red Cross Member) We take a quiet pride in know- ing that when shadows fall upon the otherwise bright day of sud- at FUNERAL OF whose cries have been who need some so FUNERAL OF CHARLES H, PUCKETT Funeral services for Charles machine sweat- KILLED BY TREE BRAMPTON, Ont. (CP) Harold Black, 40, was killed Thursday night when crushed under a tree he was helping to cut down. CITY AND DISTRICT OFFICIAL HONORED Kenneth Bath, Oshawa Indus- trial Commissioner, was elected first' vice-president of the On- tario Industrial Development Council Wednesday, in Toronto. Purpose of the OIDC. the in- terchange of ideas on principles practices and ethics in the field of industrial development. AMBULANCE CALLS Three ambulance calls were received by the Oshawa Fire Department during the past 24 hours. No fire calls were an- swered CLEAN RUGS Are BEAUTIFUL RUGS Cleaning rugs is our busi- 15 the ness and has been for Let beauty of your rugs. NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. Member of the Institute of Rug Cleaners ine, 728-4681 years. us restore THREE JACKSON ON TELEVISION It was announced this morn ing the CBC television network will carry the story and pic- tures of Donald Jackson win- ning the World Figure Skating Championship at Prague re- cently. The program will be, carried at 2 p.m. Saturday, Mar, 24 National A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLORE Seven. Countries. BELGIUM @ GERMANY AUSTRIA @ SWITZERLAND @ LUXEMBOURG -~ @ FRANCE @ LIECHTENSTEIN 10 DAYS ... $126 DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Oshowe -- Whitby -- Brooklin 300 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY The Story of Dr. Alan Brown "Look, man, Look!"--this great Toronto doctor would bark at a student--and then make a diagnosis of a sick child 80 accurate it smacked of black magic. In April Reader's Digesly4 read the story of Dr. Alan Brown, Canada's beloved pedia trician, who "'built" the Toronto "Sick Kids" Hospital, with gentleness and steely disdain for the incompetent. Get your Reader's Digest today 40 articles of lasting interest INCLUSIVE FROM LONDON MO 8-3304 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, Merch 23, 1962 3 KINSMEN SELL MAPLE SYRUP TO RAISE FUNDS From | Montreal, who addressed the club and President Douglas Hart. | raise fund for the club's char- | day at Hotel Genosha. itable and welfare projects | left are Bruce Caverley, drive when the club observed its | chairman; Hugh Campbell, of Vice-Presidents' Night Thurs- | Canadian Industries Limited, Family Skating Night Success The children of E.-A. Lovell! Girls -- Jean Anne Martin, Public School and their parents Lynn Anne Pierson and Patty enjoyed a family night of skat- Anne Heath ing at the Oshawa Children's Hove 8-ant tT veate = Dennis ake shiptetehtcdh ne Lycett, Peter 'Atkinson and The event was arranged by Gace Mois the E. A. Lovell Home andi". School Association and mem- Girls, 6 - 7 years -- Kathy bers of the teaching staff. Mrs.|Hart, Janet Jeffery and Maur- Richard Lack, Mrs. Alex Pan- een Grant. kiw and Kula Lakas acted as_ Boys, 8-9 years Arthur conveners. Jones, Randy Pooler and James Assisting in the judging of the Pearson. races were Robert Broadbent, R. Jeffery, Nick Lakas, Wil- liam Clarke, Allin Atkinson and Robert Smith. Prizes were awarded by Miss Aileen Found, Boys, 10-11 years -- Joe Rock- Mrs. Everett Graham, Mrs. ™an, Douglas Brown and Ted Alex Pankiw and Mrs. Robert Harrison. Smith. Girls, 10-11 years -- Lynda The results of the races were: Whiteman, Virginia Lack and Kindergarten Boys -- Bobby Patsy Jones. Smith, Johnny Mountjoy and Boys, 12-13 years -- Bill Zu- Bobby Bowden. felt, David Crumb and John' eee --~ |Todd, tied, Girls, 1213 years Gail Pinch, Ruth Pascoe and Elda Kirtley. --Oshawa Times Photo Christmas Gift Cheque Bounced Allen E. Scott, Lynnbrook Park, pleaded guilty to a charge of false pretences on Dec. 23 in Oshawa Magistrate's Court, to- day. He was remanded for sen- tence, out of custody, until April 9. The accused had been charg- ed for purchasing merchandise valued at $12.34 from the Ma- her Shoe Store at the Oshawa Shopping Centre by means of a worthless cheque. Horst Weg- gler, manager of the store, told the court the cheque contained an improper address. The accused stated in his de- fence that he had made the payments last week. The court found it was true. Allen also stated he was doing his Christmas shopping at the time and, because he was un- employed, was unable to pay for the articles. "I had intended to pay the firm as soon as I drew my un- employment cheque after Christ- mas," the defendant told the court. Allen who is married with one chil@ has no previous record. COMING EVENTS Girls, 8-9 years Sandra Hosking, Donna Whiteman and Susan Atkinson. To Present La Boheme | For the first time a profes- ; apres: Reserve this date. April 25 sional opera. company will be for Columbus Annual Bazaar and after- appearing in Oshawa when the noon Tea under the auspices of UCW. Canadian Concert Association et betgier eeennin Park agit? house, shh o tay a he . Friday ,Mare' 3, p.m. Seven prizes, of Oshawa will be bringing the|jinch served, Admission S0c. Canadian Opera Company here Snip GUS Pha Odlaue Wikies Uae Y oe nertarmonce new . The Oshawa Busin on April 4, for a performance |p,ofessionai Women's Club Dessert Tea of 'La Boheme". The company and Fashion Review, Wednesday, j its 7 . March 28, Northminster United Church. is on its fourth tour of Canada Pniogn by siayn-Modde: Dresses: hate and J P sta Ss. by Viola McDougall; furs by Oshawa This opera, to be. sung in Furriers 5 English, is one of the most popular operas and is by the TEENAGE DANCE famous Italian composer, Puc-) U.A.W. HALL cini. Some of Canada's out-} 1 eM standing singers have been as-| SAT., MARCH 24th sembled under the musical -di- rection of James Craig and the NO SLACKS OR JEANS ADMISSION 25c stage direction of Herman SORRY ! Geiger-Torel. The opera will be presented at Donevan Collegiate Institute. | Tickets may be obtained any} THE WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SMORGASBORD IS_SOLD OUT _ OPERA COMING LA BOHEME CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY | WED., APR. 4 DONEVAN COLLEGIATE Reserved Seats Henderson's Saturday 9 to 6 BINGO U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, MAR, 24th 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH __| KING BOWLING OFFERS PACKAGE DEAL COKE AND HAMBURG OR HOTDOG | PLUS THREE GAMES OF BOWLING FOR $1.00 SUN., MAR. 25th 1PM SWEEPS SATURDAY AFTERNOON | 360 KING STREET W. PHONE 725-8851 _ OSHAWA CHAPTER BARBER SHOPPERS 11th ANNUAL PARADE OF HARMONY Featuring 'Barbershop Minstrels" SAT. MARCH 24 8 P.M. Saturday from 9 to 6 at Hen-) derson's Book Store. 8-WEEKS SKIN DIVING JUST al. Arrived SE ieee clk BLACK'S (S| om APPLY TO DON CRANFIELD Smart, New, @ \ in "ies the very lotest é 723-2284 1962 styles in... SQUARE DANCE SHIRTS You will reolly like the Minstrel Revue Simcoe St. United Church MEMORIAL HALL FRI., MAR. 30--APR. 6 SAT., MAR. 31--APR. 7 8:15 P.M, $1.00; Children 50¢ tickets call 723-4089 BINGO CORONATION | ORANGE TEMPLE SAT., MAR, 24th 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Weolth 1--$150 Jackpot to go. OCVI 4--$40 Jackpots to 5 AUDITORIUM FILM FESTIVAL UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE OSHAWA FILM COUNCIL AND McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY MON., MAR. 26th and TUES., MAR. 27th 8:00 P.M, McLAUGHLIN -AUDITORIUM ~ FOR 25¢ Adults For styl*ng and smort patterns of these new shirts , today ! » « see them ALSO -- NEW Square Dance TROUSERS Combine \ these trousers with the new shirts for o complete Square Donce Set "The House of Style For Men and Boys" BLACK'S se MENS' WEAR Fs 74 SIMCOE NORTH 723-3611 Dy TICKETS AVAILABLE AT DESK McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY