Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Mar 1962, p. 2

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a Judge Salary Sa ---- "gee Indifference % Z tHE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Morch 23, 1962 'government's "indifference" to- -- j§ #2. & UraniumCommitment = 3 __Uilliczed OTTAWA (CP)---Britain is ex- pected to agree late next month| to fulfil a 1957 commitment to buy 12,000 tons of Canadian ura-| nium. Edmund Morris, Trade Minis- ter Hees' parliamentary secre-| tary, told the Commons Thurs- day night that current British-| Canadian negotiations on ura-} nium purchases are expected to be completed by late April Mr. Morris, MP for Halifax, gave no details as to the price '|Britain will pay for the uranium| or the dates that it will be de- ; |livered. He made his announcement} supplementary estimate for El- dorado Mining and Refining Limited, the trade department agency which buys uranium from Canadian producers and'ris said, the quantity of 342,000 sells it abroad. pounds covered by the arrange Eldorado will use the moneyj|ment with Macassa will form to buy uranium concentrates|part of the compan s allocaton from Macassa Gold Mines Lim-|under the U.K. contract. ited at Bancroft, Ont., until late| Mr. Morris' statement indi-|/ in April. This will enable the|cated that talks with the British company's mine to remain inion renegotiation of the 1957 operation for a period of sixi\commitment have been com- months after it had produced| pleted or are nearing comple- all the concentrates for delivery)tion. under its present contract with! Britain agreed under the 1957 Eldorado. jcommitment to pay $192,000,000) 7 Mr. Morris said' by late April for the uranium at a price of "it is expected that negotiations|$8 a pound, with deliveries to will have been completed with take place from mid-1963 to the the United Kingdom for the pur- end of 1966. j chase of 12,000 tons of ura-| Early last year Britain asked | 7 lduring debate on a $2,400,000| nium." that the contract be renego- tiated because its uranium re- WILL FORM PART quirements have been greatly When the negotiations with rduced. It. also asked for a Britain are completed, Mr. Mor-|lower price because of the drop} in market price since 1957. } Current speculation is that bd "ite , , 9 _ TB Bacteria Pose 2's" yin rena \liveries stretched beyond the end of 1966. It is understood that Britain would like deliveries to} |wards judges' salaries is criti- cized in a report by Judge J .M. Yooper of Sudbury, outgoing 2 'president of the County and Dis- trict Court Judges Association. The report will be presented jtoday at the association's an- inual' meeting, which Justice Minister Fulton is to attend. Judge Cooper says the gov- ernment and its predecessors have raised salaries of deputy ministers and other civil serv- jants to $21,000, while judges |have remained at a basic salary of $10,500. He suggests that unless sal- jaries are raised the position will lattract applicants of independ- ént means and persons who / |have been unable to compete successfully in legal practice. Quebec judges. receive the jsam salary as Supreme Court |judges, says Judge Cooper. But Ontario judges, despite the vol- jume of work and the many sta- tutory duties performed by jthem, are treated the same as judges in other provinces. e " Serious Dangers "hein Commons in March, 1961, that id OTTAWA. (CP)--Virc'ent tu-! Two big insurance firms-- the government may be amend- -- " berculosis bacteria, toughened Great - West Life Assruancejable to Britain paying a price E rather than vanquished by their|Company and Metropolitan Life|lower than $8 a pound PRINCE IN ARG NTINA encounters with the wonder!Insurance Company --presented| Talks between Canada and drugs, present a grave danger!a joint statemen tto the com- Britain on renegotiation of the to the health of Canadians, the| mi: -ion on the role of insurance commitment opened in Ottawa prince's arrival from Brazil. | time out from his political "0yal commission on health companies in the health field. June 12, 1961. They have con Pretty Rose Alvaro, Miss | decks the premier with her Prince Philip, husband of | crisis to greet the prince 1 : The two companies said the tinued since that time both in jjawaii, brought at least part wreath-like Jai. Her view of at airport in Buenos Aires as | Queen Elizabeth, 'is on last --AP Wirephoto Tie warning came Thursday "basic characteristic' of the|Ottawa and London. of her country's warmth to , "7neda: women are chic, peo - : . from the Canadian Tuberculosis health insurance they write--be- 1. , cm; non Winnipeg, and to Premier ple are wonderfully friendly Association which said drug-'tween them, they provided IS ACTL AL COST Duff Roblin, during her brief | but I'd die if I had to live in resistant: TB bacteria are be-!health coverage in. some form Mr. Morris said the price to visit to the city. Here she be- | Manitoba's cold climate e th P coming an increasingly trouble- for nearly 1,530,000 Canadians-- be igre a Pal ee ' a is that it is vonmiaty If the quantity bought becomes Draemor A ay pa lie i edie oe Commissioner, 0, J. Fire- part of Macassa's allocation un- yf Grug-resistant strains O! {U-| stone questioned David Kilgour|ger the U.K. contract "it will en & ave Britain's Prince Philip and | they listen to playing of na- | leg of a seven-week tour of Argentine President Frondizi, | tional anthems after the | Latin America, Frondizi took right, are pictured Thursday services has been told ~d bercle bacilli launching a new «jar . ens Lethaia! "ag itp of Winnipeg, president of Great-\take the price applicable to Less In Rural Areas r ed the association de-'West Life, on the cechanics of Macassa's vocation" e The TB death rate had tallen(s ns, = Stour Blan. Arnold Peters (CCF--Timiska Off Butter Price YOu OTTAWA (CP)--Manvy ralitan areas went ahead at a tor Pee] 111,575 (83,108) s,. 2ctacularly, but the case rate M. Kilgour said the general/ming) asked why the agreement practice is for companies to al-lis with Macassa and not Bicroft JUST a ; Canes ai Last year in Canada there were low a erage dg o re-/'Uranium Mines Limited rd | OTTAWA (CP)--A_ consumer)Minister lvin Hamilton, told e [i igh 7¢ 67,9 6 47 ek a ain ¢ > . : y rris sé erste é 1 4 ss all rey hg er gst 5 i 2 ) (6,574 first admissions to hospi- ser se sa igs ba they i << age eat eB - subsidy designed to lower but-|the Commons that price' sup- HAVE ular population. gro from 1,440,601 in the five-year) Prescott 27,226 (26,291) tals and sanatoriums, and 3,063 vain | Compe: HAW Soi: macasse Oe aha Oth ne Pl-\ter prices 12 cents a pound andjports for butter, cheese and ve year period Islar in Prince. Edward 21,108 (21,145) readmissions This compared! P Bee F we ede : ne croft suet y sh sid ee ' IS Ur@-lthus stimulate consumption willlother dairy products will con- agar a saan wiih 9,440 new cases and 4,484), r gee said, referring| nium matter is concerned go into effect May 1 ltinue at present levels TO er ans. "' DE 7 ate ask y |= : Renfrew 89.635 (78.245) readmissions 10 years earlier He group plans, it ii to me Bani Peters neg ing Fen The subsidy, announced in the| Opposition spokesman lauded A 4 ter v 1S 78,245 re are § > Ci ry pro-| Farada ' p> Ban-|,. pa | ' this has been s y Jesus Island Russell 20.92 (18 ood} isle Ae ee eee ee die By Settle ot ' ' vee iCommons Thursday, will cost) the subsidy idea SEE dling population in a large num-!124,741 from 69,410 Sin z 141 71 97.0 f fio ea » u crow area, has not been giveniing public treasury an esti-| Paul Martin (L--Essex East) } aed cbt iatacniay tee : mcoe 271 (127,016) . Mr. Kilgour said they were|the same kind of consideration.) |, 34 500.000 : tp said it follos tha anbee oer BECAS gaia he following list shows popu-| Stormont 57,867 (56,452) ova cotia not compulsory in th that; Mr. M 1 that "F minted soa emilee ore ip Ries tnferseel eden edd coke lel: IT! Quebec and Saskat« ' 5) és PUISOLY Hl LOG SSnEe ule xy MAORMS. BRIG te ara-| Butter prices now average 68;made by the National Liberal s ation of Ontario counties Sudbury 165,862 (141,$ a gover ant-r ' , eiday's ¢ ac l aX > > , . 1 on o ario : a government-run plan would be/day's contract will not expire cents a pound in Eastern Can-/Council last January and pro- rid pace. York County, which pe; 57.452 (55.057) still gave cause for concern includes the citv of Toronto grew by 292,507, to 1 districts across Canada h the country's ove While urban centres nei creased by 3 to 1,747,696 Rainy River 26,531 everywhere > t i r, from 1,507 The widening disparity in the 49g] with 1956 Phunder Bay 138.518 (122.89 . ~ Cn ae . tae : serait ' 1961, with 1956 T ind Bay 138,518 (122,890) compulsory. Group plans could|prior to the time we expect the in the West.|posals made by the Liberal rate of urban and I bracketed 1iskaming 50,971 (50,264) C al P has be re : ris ) . : pte pee brack skaming 97 2 » discontinued or revised.|United Kingdom negotiations to ti j F ar : > the C c 'i 48) 0 urc e led Consumption is in a sharp de- MPs in the Commons Exclusive Realtor ans apmelt 8 > ae ye on growth is revealed ; : : Victoria 2 0 (98 948 at he A : aenaeelhave 2e ce: , an : Algoma 111,408 (82,059) toria 29,750 (28,24 That has not been our exper-|have been successfully com line Arnold Peters (CCF--Timiska 1961 census figures of c¢ s Das Be Gah 7979 On Waterloo 176.75 48.774 . lience wi ' nts'? pleted." and census divisions, issued to Brant 83,839 (77,992) Wi shag hy eg vo 7 Consider d jience with governments pleted The plan is for the govern- ming) asked whether the gov- HARRY MILLEN ¢ eee Srnce 43.038 (49.07 r 5 49.606 Pe Li i ds s A } day by the Bureau of Statistics Bruce 43,036 (42,070) i 1769 (75.691) w c ment to pay farmers at the ernment intends to make addi- é re ebudece rie 259 G 89 63 ngton 8 2 9,6 : ° : ithough Canad f MATE Seaiwee \sczioey! Uy chicnwih ake ea (akan I TERPR N present support level of 64 cents|tional aid available to the milk REAL ESTATE BS ppiblaahindsy err 24 Cochrane 95.666 (86,768) Yo Agia eh MS died, TORONTO (CP)--Despite the a pound--their guaranteed mini-|industry as a whole but was San tel bolwe i zs oat Dufferin 16 095 (15 569) or 733, 108 (1,440,601) future development of Hydro's mum price--and sell to whole- ruled out of order by Speaker 11 ONTARIO ST. 728-1679 791 between Dundas 17,162 (16,978) nuclear power system, coal will June, 1961, half S S Durham 39.916 (35.827) remain for many years ¢ "4 J ' isan tor shag ee ty fs alr a years an im- | Under the present setup the was accounted for ont Elgin 62,862 (59,114) Rate Of Syphilis portant source of Ontario's rgentine pse government buys and sells at ; bunties gr agers ¢ E's ex 8 (246 901) power, Energy Resources Min-} \the 64-cent level. But the com- oracing e urban Front 34 (76,534) ister Robert Macaulay told the salers at 52 cents Roland Michenet joy c O08 |bination of rising production aprienae rh Sh aaah Glengarry 19,217 (18,693) Rose Last Year legislature Thursday land dwindling sales has left CORRE<( if ION | ited chy ( Grenville 22,004 (20,908) TORONTO Introducing his department's) Oo eda V ew jthe government stuck with a . Calgary, Ottawa and Quebec Grey 62,005 (60,971) : (CP)--The rate of estimates, the minister said the huge surplus stockpiled in ware- Significant, though smaller Haldimand 28,197 (26,067) sy ph lis in Ontario increased province is considering purchas houses 'across 'the country gains, were recorded in dozen Haliburton 8,928 (8,¢ last year for the third consecu- ing 100,000 tons of Nova Scotia By JOSEPH MacSWEEN {himself in exile in Spain--as @ cuppyus Is HIGH - of other distri aining ir Halton 106,967: (68,297) one ene to the highest rate coal in the near future and will) Canadian Press Staff Writer |bribe "At Jan. 1 the sur plus This item which appeared in the March 21 issue nortant urban centres Hastings 93.377 (83.745) ince 1954, the health depart-| continue "buying a large pro-| The results of the election in| Authorities have noted re emounted to 197,000,000 pounds Huron 805 (51,728) ment says in its annual report. nortion of Nova Scotia coal' as/Argentina--inviting back Juan/Peatedly that President Ken- about a quarter of it in con- of KRESGE'S full page ad should have read ' Kenora 51,474 (47,156) The report, tabled by Health long as the price is economical.|Peron's rightism -- have stag-nedy's Alliance for Progréss ...4eq butter oil for which no ; By contrast no_l¢ n2 Kent 89.427 (85.362) Minister Dymond in the legisla- He said tests of 200,000 tons\gered the Western world but Proposals were only made after] onorite use has been found : 3 predominantly rura \ Lambton 102,131 (89,939) ture Thursday, said the "recent of Nova Scotia coal purchased|what has happened is not really Cuba's Premier Fidel Castro|.ng the rest in whole butter f | C f 1 census divisions in six provinces' 7 j.on1 49 313 (38.025 upsurge of syphilis despite the last year, alongside Americaninew. An earlier sampling set invited all of Latin America to wank $126.000 000 coop 0 ce ream or ¢ showed heg:rchi --. Leeds 46.889 (43 availability of effective thera- coal showed it is an excellent/the pattern a leftist solution of their prob- py March 1 the surplus was while many others made only 1 onnox and Addington 23,717 peutic agents has required re-! product President Arturo Frondizi has °'™* down to 165,000,000 pounds be- WITH PIECE OF PIE YOUR CHOICE... 15¢ slight gains pt! elinn sadivents all » 108 ; ' T ig =a . , 21,611) valuation and redirection of all By 1980, he said, Ontario Hy- heen reduced to making deals The new facts are that in a/cause of the normal winter de- SHOW DECREASES The most general and wide Lincoln 126,674 (111,740) aspects of the control program." dro alone will probably be con- with military commanders toffee election Peronists with|cline in butter output. It was spread population . losses Manitoulin 11,176 (11,060) Noting that "probably not|suming 14,000,000 tons of coal a ctay in power and, in a confused More than 2,500,000 votes--one|just about due to go shooting curred in Saskat hewan. Nine Of, Middlesex 221,422 (190,897) more than 30 per cent of syphilis) year. However, if Hydro nuclear|<ituation. it seems the govern-(third of the total--won a plur-|up again that province s 18 ce Muskoka 26,705 (25,134) cases are reported" to the de- power is not developed to the! ment plans on repudiating theality in 10 of the 14 provinces! Farmer organizations, - which ris lost populaiton at the same = Nipissing 70,568 (60.452) partment, the report said the|point Hydro now is predicting,) results of the election in some|and half of the seats at stake in have been urging the govern- time as the div ' nel & Norfolk 50,475 (46,122) rate in Ontario last year was'Hydro might well need 28,000,-|, ea : the lower house ment for months to adopt a 14- 6 four _-- : g f Northumberland 41,892 . (38,- 15 cases in 100,000 population,|000 tons of coal--worth $300,- It's difficult. to believe that). Responsible co m men tators|cent subsidy welcomed the 5 { n 7 anc g "AmMNnare ; ' . r ! a - ¥ Bcd ? noe . : she piel de pia mer : "ae dis co ga th Ml : ne previcds wg tg 2 a inaa : Frondizi, a long time ecam-|have said there is nothing that plan. They bank on it to boost ario lde,099. (3 yea here were 896 - actual ne minister outlined a Very \aigner, was caught by sur-|Can be done about these facts|consumption, which stood at 34 creases Oxford 70,499 (65,228) cases reported, compared with positive position in favor' of a M \ " * > anita a few vearsit r Meanwhile. the big met Parry Sound 29.632 (28.095) 697 in 1960 ' ike ca power grid but said On prise since he is a veteran in without returning the concept of pounds per capita a few years force te mn erned about the eco.-|OPPOsition to Peron. whose siren|Tule enforced by Peron, who/ago and last year sank to 15 1} selina Se a Se ere song received much of its|himself used the army as a pounds i a nomics 0 e plan . shoe war vari getahla } : a * F melody from the late Eva Springboard to power sa arine, the vegetable oil} ' 4 --ne oc substitut h « Malis wiih Obie NEEDS STUDY Peron |substitute which sells at about] ; Be ee alalvies tna mlaatl ' . RULE SOURED 30 cents a pound less, has dis- petit Tia e teplying to a question from) Eva, in the view of thousands, Other facts are that {t prob:|nianed butter at asteadilyecaw ta Robert Nixon (I---Brant), hejjs aint and J { ; "4 is a saint ,and Juan, in their/ably would have been impos lir 5 cS. lt the er WG : - akin : ing clip. Between 1958 and 1961 paneer - open fel bbe i d s tech-|view is unmatched in his care sible for Frondizi to be elected aprnaTiin singuclion: toae" 46 111 KING ST, WEST OSHAWA nicauy easipie ut id | Beit : must be of the "shirtless ones.' in the first place without the]18 ines nea ca eal I a }184,000,000 pounds a year from ' 1 iS ona Bis fing said, a U.S. CAUGHT AGAIN implicit support of Peron. This}145,000,000. OPEN TIL MIDNIGHT -7 DAYS !] ld bgt 'sil support has soured his rule Defence Minister Harkness, e Meat Special ! ! grid could serve three possible The United States, it appears.) prondizi has in statements subbing for ailing Agriculture ° . J ment Gaming House Fine number who did so at about | purposes is caught once again. Its offer scorned Peronista support but The grid, is a system by which Today and Saturday! 4 ne grid, is as m by 1 1,500,000. Another 500,000 cast 1. Make power available to of massive assistance to Latin ,,, fasta : it's on the record that P areas which don't have it now./America was interpreted by ee a his Sirnirace i vue oe tied each province could keep lower For All . ¥ che itl SPECIAL AFTER-SCHOOL FE Rab seainigl nage a a eqe rie blank ballots instead. Totalled, i ' Pic ' fata sag af ae g st these figures are not distant MATINEES AT 4 P.M. tg padepie gon iar "S Saf TORONTO (CP) -- Nelson from those of the last election : g fror the yvinces 2 pe ; eA fg F Hillier, 49-year-old silversmith in the view of some observers : ICR Oe he F : The system, Mr. Macaulay Who testified he is an ordained ey av! said. can "only assist industrial/Priest| of the Old Catholic . ia AND lb development if the end commod- C hure h in Canada, was fined Hotel Manager Hit Pape ACS a $ $50 Thursday for keeping a ¥ { comparable with power devel- For Law Attitude oe N f B Z } f } oped On site He said his denomination had ee i@-- < ' a >| 6 } 2.._ Develop resources more Peron followers -- and Peron Frondizi in the February, 1958 common gaming house & & 2 Me 4 taken over the Pape Auditor- HAMILTON (CP) -- A hotel | f Wis quickly elections « Se 4 eh # ; § : ee sso Son GO ak S SUBSIDY ium., where morality officers;manager was attacked Thurs- -- 3 strig -velop- . 1 3. Assist industrial develoy Some estimates placed the & ity can be delivered at a price a re i & SUNNY WEATHER SEEN Earlier, the Liberal party testified bingo games were held called for government subsidiza- tion, if necessary, of industrial power rates to keep and expand three times a week and euchre was played'on Saturdays day by Magistrate Walter Tuch- FEATURE TODAY tie for his attitude toward the AT 2.00 -- 4:00 province's liquor laws 6:00 -- 8,00 Hamburg Steak 3 .., 99° WEATHER FORECAST ee power rats to hep an som ee 45 Elmer Sopha (lL. -- Sudbury) st he : challenged Mr. Macaulay to ° ° svnees {Muskoka ... pe STOR Pps Continued Fair North Bay te in unequivocal terms it cluding Mr. Hillier's 18-year-old) making your own rules Also fined $50 was Aloysius, "You are deliberately flaunt- 10:00 Alfred Deveaux, described as ajing the liquor laws. You oper- , caller at the bingo games.jate the way you want to, you Charges against six belpers, in-|are running your own laws and We also have BARBECUED CHICKENS GROCERIES! @ FREE PARKING! Tops in economy. Rich moroon paint, leriton that Hydro will never use the Mr Hotel a ven Forecasts issued by the Tor-| Southern White River, Coch Observed temperatures granis to Hydro to encourage : SAVE... district today, with excellent little milder today Saturday Victoria ++ 8 rates H f | 4 ; oe . Lake St. Clair, Lake Eri Hicks conical eres ee: BLOOD COUNT " gi _ * cia Northern White River region, innihe® 5 The: highest number of blood AUTO LIABILITY INSURANCE ae ae SEDAN partiv cloudy with increasing . North Bay. woman si pore -- ss . BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE ° aemmemieamaes . . , 4 $ oy THE device of subdidy to atirack in- Hillier said the only rea- Edgewater at Van Wag- liff Mills 48-Hour Special Cliff Mills 48-Hour Specia onto weather office at 4:30 a.m.: rane, Timagami, Algoma re Low overnight, high Thursday (construction of rural poles and prospects of this fair weather'sunny with cloudy periods, Edmonton .. ef 16 ON southern Lake Huron regions, Variable cloudiness today and Fort William donations given by any individ- cloudiness late in the day Low tonight, High tomorrow Sudbury nan Northern Lake Huron, Niag- St. Thomas * § ~=6 Windsor GOOD FOOD SCHOFIELD-AKER | Kapuskasing 5 9 . son bingo games were carried/ner's Beach, was. fined $50 or dustry or keep it here White River . 5 y Mr Macaulay said the govien. to raise money forjone month for opening after ae 25 acaulay said t Synopsis: Fine, sunny weather gions, North Bay Sudbury, lines. This was far different 1960 continuing through Saturday winds light Regina Windsor, London: Cloudy, be- satura: o litt ' winds|5: 5- Marie : . coming partly cloudy early to arog . ce we White River 3 3 ual to the British Red Cross is PREMIUMS PER : _ "1 91 pint given by one AS LOW AS ' YEAR Winds light Windsor ........ i Muskoka ara, Lake Ontario, Georgian London ' Londor o ° ore ondon BREAKFAST - GUNCH - DINNER LIMITED 230 KING STREET WEST 725-6651 | Sudbury is unflexible government policy| aaushter were dismissed Dick Currie, manager of the SMALIZE PLAYERS THEATRE Moosonee ernment has paid matching) °hu" 2 puree hours. He pleaded guilty is expected over most of the Sault Ste. Marie: Sunny and a Dawson from paving part of the power Hf 2 aa a RENAULT day, a little milder. Saturday ae a Kapuskasing the $ Forecas emperature Bay, Haliburton regions, Hamil- Kitchener ......... 2 Toronto BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 360 KING ST. WEST ~ PHONE 723-2265 sonable temperature today. Wingham ei ee ? 4 Montreal Sunny with cloudy periods Sat- Hamilto Quebec urday, winds light. St. Catharineés.... 8 'Halifax ton, Toronto: Sunny with sea--Mount Forest..... 5 (Ottawa ne y 12 to 2 P.M ; HOTEL LANCASTER |» «© Don Ellison © Gerry Osborne © Ralph Schofield # Reg. Aker

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