Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Mar 1962, p. 18

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tor the Police Vilage and also poration of tne Police Village ofjer ana errauit requested that) in the winter works sary reading authorizing the asked the Town-|4 Sufficient physical change in sed with Clarke's representa-| A letter was received from| The general road appropria- ORONO -- The annual com- pion, Willis Barraball; JuniorThe Orono Amateur Athletic) During the course of the|ment at this time. such time as the application for|Newcastle in the Township o'| mount of $2500 plus $125 forjroads are to be made on th ? 5 b s e large gathering of parents and education were increasing. building program by the board during the past two years, pointing to the new school in : : Millbrook and Courtice in 1961 ; in easy-care hibvtes, and the opening of the new ; Clarke School and the Vocation- huiiamie chaies al School in Port Hope, this f oo County Dis- : . f ; ee Oe Ee at Anerds Much Below Usual Price! Women's Spring Fashion Coats A . i eae , cotton, cotton-and-'Terylene", 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Morch 23, 1962 | io cate a ie Clarke Downs {passed the necessary bylaw for|Orono it was felt that compli- the Ganaraska consider a de- scheme, council is applying for|borrowing of $96,730 for the con- | \the Township road work for the) cations would arise; that since velopment in the Township of approval of projects of road sur-|struction of the CNR overhead Orono School Holds | year of 1962. a referendum for a waterworks|Clarke similar to that of the|vey and an amount of $2000 for|bridge. The total authorization A ay in which they e greement. |ship of Clarke to sign an agree-|the area or a Jong enough lapse tive, Mr. Hartwell Lowery. lthe Town of Bowmanville in|; ae eee 2 in ne ORONO -- The regular mon- ment with the Ontario Water rabbconi Pa gpa ignoring iis! A mation 'by Chater'anr Fee-l@iich the Rauieal aeemial ee hg gs. ietal ¢ ] ¢ I i ' I } 1e thly meeting of the Council of pensouirces Commission to oa I a "iowa pe ter stated that Council was not|:or fire protection was outlined] sunted to $54,600; bridges and tablish a water system through- ; ; entirely in agreement with the|2etween Bowmanville and the| culverts $19,000; _ superinten- mencement exercises of the Girls Champion,. Peggy Han- Association Award, presented) meeting C il d ; : > ati as % alti " - Be OS Sere gears ot ward, pres g : It with a re-|_ In the resolution thrée reasons|Jncorporation has been dealt) "larke. R. Gord 5 as he first hour of a fire call plus] * ; re) High School were held cock. Presentations were made by H. Part P # [ier loags afk segue ; Pal ies i on was asked to} YC i fire call plus) "larke-Darlington n co Weidey evenian of last week by F. Fletcher. ball oe quest from the Orono Police for declining the request were with. : consult with the Department ir 135 for each additional hour. Siarke Maver gsitarey 3 we stra. Trustees on municipal water given due to the pending incor-, A motion by Councillors Fos- this connection. A bylaw was given the neces-| roads. students. He pointed out that j : this would be the last Com- | Me mencement for the Orono High School. ' : } ea The principal spoke briefly of f Pics bee) = High schools are now for ser- ious students, he stated. Carlos Tamblyn, chairman of : the Durham County District be BOYS SPRING year. The Clarke School is to be completed during the month oa Well-made shirts from a noted f May, he said. i { : 0 y 5 \ ; } j manufacturer. Styled with cool trict High School Board Awards: In Grade 12, Roma age tor : ' , Grade 11, Margery Tyrrell; . 4 n 4 } fi i 1A cHilan!t " New Shadings .. . New Stylings . . . Full-size range y¥ oe : .. y : green, blue, white and gold- Orono Water In the matter of the request|system held on the 31st day of Garden Hill project. The motion|heating and an additional room/for borrowing now totals the Township of Clarke was ' 1 ae tated dit 3 out the Village, Council de-|!@™se capita expenditure bejnasic 'plan of the East Lakc|fownship of Darlington. In this] Jance and overhead $11,400. Im- in the Township Hall, Orono. the changes in education and d o High School Board, also spoke ; to those present, congratulating j : ' AND SUMMER The presentation of awards 3 ' short sleeves, polo style collar Grade 10, Leslie Hopper; Grade ;|October 1960, there has not beenjalso asked that this be discus-|in the Township Hall. | $171,000, held recently in the Council A. Witherspoon, BA, principal pointed out that standards for the graduating class. : = og ee pecial! Imported Wool-and-Mohair f f were as follows: E ; ic j ; with button closing. Washable 9, Jim Wilson. pf & E y colour. Sizes 8 to 18. by the Orono Police Trustees| y . KEN GAMSBY Simpson; Senior Boys C a ee 2 ship i AS ihe : : } . ; ait ti} 2 ' By MRS x I ys Cham-, For Leadership in Athletics: chambers at Orono. lclined to enter into any agree-/made in the Township uritill<arqens sub-division, east 0.|7a8¢ Darlington pays a yearly| yzovements during the year on of the school, welcomed the entering the higher levels of fields open to them but that vs they would have to give to ' i receive what is available. : ' He outlined the extensive d For Highest Scholastic Stand- For proficiency in Lower School English, the Canadian L n Award presented by W. ; Bi} z 4 Mitchell to Catherine Wilson. Please, no telephone or mail orders i : vi : For Proficiency in Science, The 4 4 ' 4 Each Lunn Award, presented by P. fig M. Lunn to Neil Smith. For j | i é 2 Proficiency in Mathematics, 4 4 j ee a... The Masonic Award, presented a ee } iy ' by Mr. P. M. Lunn, 'Neil Smit. 5 ; "4 For Proficiency in English, EATON E 4 4 4 & Grade 12, The Newcastle Lions a a | ' Club Award presented by G Special © fe i 1 ' j . | # . EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 M. Duvall, Douglas Martin. For Proficiency in History, Grade Price, 11, presented by G. Hancock, less oak. pays Margery Tyrrell. For Profic- each. ce iency in Commercial Work, Grade 12, presented by G. M. } : E Duvall, Joan Cowling. : J a For Proficiency in Geo- i Clearance of Seconds graphy, Grade 12, The New- 3 i castle Lions Club Award, presen- é : . ted by G. Hancock, Paul Tamb- A er . 4 | n exciting group... lovely spring coats, shaded and shaped P oc or en on lyn. For Proficiency in Latin, Grade 12, The Mrs. R. Chater in fashion's newest silhouettes... brought to you now througn For Proficiency Grade 12, the Prof. John Squair ae : ; : Award, presented by Miss G.| stylings in the collection. . . including the wedding band col- Lavergne, Roma Glanville. lar, cardigan : 4 ; ' neckline, cur For Proficiency in Canadian : g e, curtain back . . . bracelet sleeves, eg Fd g ong Mie x patch or slit pockets. Good quality wool-and-mohair fabric in ia & kni i Dippell, Leslie' Hopper. For a wide range of Spring shadings . . . white, beige, coral, blue, cay er oe pres th pid Nae neo cet . ; : i' print on backgrounds of pink, aqua or yellow; Proficiency in Mathematics and green Ad | f id. Full Science and promise of Univer- ; , colour of gold. Full size range with Junior Misses' ; ; : i i j i 9 a6 4 sizes | to 3 in the group. Slight imperfections should not sity Enrolment, The Curvply ; : Ltd., Award, 5 to 15; Misses' 8 to 18; Women's 28 to 36; Petite half sizes . | ehiaik aucun Classics Award, presented by BY e i Mrs. R. Chater, Roma Glanville. F : : : 4 Ln Pecaah | a special purchase at this much below usual price! Several j i ' Beles Sleepers Much below usual price ! Wood Products rd = by E. Samuel-Neil 6 to 16! a : For Proficiency in Home Ec é EATON ; onomics The Homemaking ; : Special Award, presented by Mrs. N. ? : Wolfe > Catherine Wilson. For EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 244 Price, each ....... & General Proficiency in coger ter, leadership, scholarship an : athletics, the C. B. . Tyrrell EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 210 PHONE 725-7373 Award, presented by Mrs. E. Tyrrell -- Paul Tamblyn. For basement \ For Co-Curricular Achieve- walls... For basement floors ment, the School Letter was it " : presented to Paul Tamblyn by : Bondex Cement Paint "RESILACRETE" & & , the principal, Mr. E. G. With- y bs " . , | erspoon. es Plus 7" Brush CONCRETE HARDENER S. B: Rutherford presented H Helps seal and hide cracks and pores PLUS ' Intermediate Certificates, 1961 in cumant; sueco, maseniy, Colouttul -- ee : to the following students: Gail ehicas Long-handled Brush Applier P. Allin, Mary Lynn Bailey, Harold S. Ball, Sandra L. Bow- White Copri Blue A synthetic resin blend formulated to ins, Mary J. Brough, Donald ie Ivy: green Carthage Creom penetrate concrete and act os a . | : fi Li H . . le! me A imited-Calorie Meal Plan for Weight Control A. Buckley, Diane M. Burley 5 Monastery Grey Sponish Buff "4 , z Ys b urley, binder " to hel Donald M.Challice, Bonnie J Brick Red Bermuda Yellow i i nee sine Sees Ming Green Grotto Blue dust. Leaves a glossy, non-skid sur- Couvier, Donna E. Couvier, sah f Red y Faye S. Faulkner, Mary J 5 te nid Flamingo Pink -- ed, light or medium grey, st ® . ound, Leslie Hopper, Patricia AZ aie inks light orenns Mind, ccuainiire oe ' Delicious! Satisfying! Less than 33c per meal! nis P. Mercer, Wayne F. Mil- ™ ; 5-LB. BOX "'BONDEX" 1 GAL, 'RESILACRETE' ler, Darlene M._ Ransberry,, % ; " $ : Shirley M. Sharron, William J. PLUS 7" BRUSH PLUS APPLIER ; : ; ae Stapleton, Keith M. Swarbrick, im : ma Just think... eating large sandwich biscuits with Jean F. Tamblyn, Robert A. J Special, S F f i Ron Westheuser, Catherine M. Wil pecial ie a special creamy filling . . . and knowing that Secondary School Graduation EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, ; ' i a eens, Retort Gewdintion T. 275 shane bik vars you're not putting on unwanted pounds! "Lim- by E. G. Witherspoon to the fol- ite'! H : . . . : mits" are just that... crisp, tasty biscuits which, lowing students: Jacqueline M. Burford, Terrance A. Carleton, i i illi j with their filling, provide adequate protein, miner- Joan L. Cowling, Roma I. js 'oa 7 be ag Glanville, Ralph L. Greenwood, bi ; 4 gy | Sk Rs ' sige a liga wait 4 | 1 ee OW rice 0 n DB [ nette als and vitamins to help maintain proper. nutrition. Martin, Larry E. Miller, Hea- + 4 ag Ree Mle eg Ste Two of these satisfying biscuits with a glass of aaa Smith, Charles R. Tamblyn, Paul E. Tamblyn i ; ; : | i| Re ee tack Gk ad as ee aed ; a e nd C hairs milk make up a nutritious meal. Sees winners were: cere , ee ; 3 f The Durham County Distric ; 4 Ee ws . . e Durham County District : So convenient, you can carry them in pocket or High School Board Awards: : i a : i | Senior Boys:Roger Barlow mi? % ia 2 Separately priced, so you can order the table and exact number of chairs and Willis Barraball; Intermed- j q iate Boys: Howard Stapleton : = th t bi dag mat ags : Re geet . ble-tops (about 30 x 38', extend 48"') od p o ' . A aud Salih Swarbtick: Junior x : with te f , extend to of rugged plastic in pale isf the a etite -- ': grey or walnut woodgrain patterns to blend with frames. Chairs are cov- y ad e help you resist the te nptation Boys: Gordon Simpson and Ga- P mey Lycett. Presentations were RE ered in grey or beige washable plastic. to break your diet made by K. Lauzon. Senior Girls: Margery Tyr ; ' " i \ rell, yee Rienstra; Intermed- ' EATON SPECIAL PRICE: iate Girls: Barbara Keast,| Gayle Willis; Junior Girls: Peg: Tabl i gy Hancock, Leslie Campbell / | gira wah pe Presentations were made by | | eASEROT at F ane Mrs. J. Chantler. 95 Tri-School Meet Winners -- | 4 " " asc or ee Pa Junior Boys Champion, Gordon "| LA purse; because they are solid food they help to sat- you need. Sturdy metal frames are chromium-plated or bronze-finished, Tables delivered unassembled, in cartons. SCIENCE BRED Deli ivered assembled, exra ' EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 PHONE 725-7373 WINNIPEG (CP)--A total of 48,980 head of beef and dairy cattle were bred through artifi- EATON"S LOWE | R LEVEL, DEPT. 3 ° cial insemination in 1961 under Selene a program sponstred by the Manitaba government. The 1 Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9 total was 22 per cent higher than 1950. i | ] t

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