Engineers Emphasize New Car Durability Faced with the dual problem ef the motorist's take it-for- granted attitude toward his car end his evident desire to keep it running longer before trade in, auto engineers are empha- sizing more than ever -the key- note of durability and reliabil- ity in the 1962 models. The average driver can't be bothered with keeping the en- gine in top running condition at all times as race drivers do; when he takes off in the morn- ing, chances are he'll drive away just as soon as the en- gine is running smoothly, even in the coldest weather; pot holes are just another part of the road and nothing to be avoided. CARS RUN LONGER At the same time, he wants that car to keep running in top condition for longer and longer periods. First among the raw mater- ials that engineers depend on to insure durability -- the stay- ing power to last for the time that most drivers keep their cars -- and reliability -- the guarantee that the cars will work well during this time -- is steel. Every part of the modern car gives evidence that steel gives that twin guarantee. Galvan- ized steel used in those parts FHE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey; Merch 22,° 1962 75 under the doors known as rock- er panels gives added protection against damage from flying stones kicked up by the tires and the corrosive action of salts used to melt snow and ice. | The nev coated steel muff-| lers are another example. Shielded by aluminum, zinc or ceramic coatings from _ the lead acids and other corrosive materials in engine exhaust, these mufflers give many years of satisfactory service. STEEL SHEETS IMPROVED Scientists in the steel indus- try have perfected new tech- niques that make steel sheets |easier to form into body parts, | making the various compo ents fit together better. Even ihe bumpers On modern ears are more. graceful and lighter -- and still stronger than their ancestors -- because they are mad¢c of high-strengih steels, such as Par Ten, pro- duced Sy the United States Steel Company. Banking heavily on versatile steel, design and production en- gineers in the auto industry are using the twin tools ~f qual- ity contro] procedures on the production line and torture tests on the proving grounds to make sure that everything is being done to build reliabil- ity and: durability into the cars of today and tomorrow. SUBSCRIBERS GET BIG | VALUE IN PROTECTION This offer Is being so enthusiastically re- eelved, because it gives 24-hour accident pro- tection at a most economical rate. You get protection that helps pay for ambulance, med- ical treatment and professional services fol- lowing an accident . . . and gives you disa- bility poyments if an accident prevents you from working. Furthermore, your Accident Policy in- creases in value for the first five years you hold it. At the end of that time, its maximum coverage reaches up to $15,000. SCHEDULE *10,000 Accident Insurance That Grows Up To *15,000 Underwritten by Scottish & York Insurance Co. Led. 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Death and Dismemberment | benefits under policy in- | crease by 10% per year for | 5 years. OSPITAL INDEMNITY FOR POLIOMYELITIS UP TO $2,500 These Extra Benefits Too! @ POLIO--Hospital Indemnity for Poliomye- litis up to $2,500. [ CUMULATIVE POLICY VALUE IN- | CREASE--At no cost to you, the entire benefits under your Scottish G York Policy will increase in value by 10% per year for the first 5 years. At the end of 5 years its maximum coverage reaches up to $15,000. PERSONAL POLICY-- for any individual subscriber to the Oshowe Times from the age of 1-79 -- cost less than 3c per week. FAMILY PLAN-- for coverage of both husband and wife, or husband or wife, and all unmarried children under the age of 19 years, living at home -- costs less than $c a week. Please read all details before completing application She Oshawa Fines To: SCOTTISH & YORK INSURANCE CO. LTD. | 425 University Avenue, '5 TORONTO, Ontario. The undersigned hereby makes application for the Travel and Pedestrian Insurance Policy with Hospital Indemnity for Poliomyelitis issued by the Scottish & York Insurance Company Ltd. It is understood and agreed that the applicant will subscribe to The Oshawa Times during the Life of the Policy when issued and will pay the regular subscription price: BIRTH DATE.... ADDRESS BENEFICIARY RELATIONSHIP TO YOU .. I subscribe to | enclose $----Annual Fee SIGNATURE .... Start Now