THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, March 22, 1962 ]3 Rutos Given Stiff Check | oe ne LING WIT H Qa» sPeciaLists! , Se For Quality | we ai. 3 KING ST. E. KING W. dat Homey mes ewrone inal has s E R 2a Hf a procedure for checking cars as they come off the assembly Vv i & E STO R E Ss line to make sure they conform 60o0D to standard -- a standard set eenvins up to assure, among other STORE things, a long and trouble-free period of operation. This "'q::al- ity control" procedure is more than a routine inspection, for it is run by groups of highly skilled skeptics who take the car, peer at it, drive it and listen to it with a 'show me" attitude. Not every car -- except the very high priced makes--goes through the full quality control procedure. But if a car chosen at random from the line shows defects, the quality control men order that the production line be stopped until the trouble is found and corrected. The technique varies with each make of car, but all have the same purpose -- to in- crease reliability and Ju: ~ility. The head of one division supplements regular quality control with his own inspection. Each evening he takes a car at random from the line and drives it home. His subordin- ates have learned that the re- action of the 'old man" next morning, if he chances on a car that was not just right, is awesome to behold and wise to avoid. From the time that. an ad- vanced model of a car is ready to be -run on the proving grounds, right up through pro- duction models, reliability and durability tests are conducted by the manufacturers. Cars are run continuously over aver- age, rough and _-- almost im- possible conditions until they break down. Then the engi- neers go to work, find out what failed and work out methods to make sure that the failure will not occur again. Not only do they test their own cars, but each of the major manufacturers goes out into the retail market to buy the comparable models of his plus recappable tire competitors. The same test-it- : i till-it-breaks method is used on +705 8 Ret? them. In this way, the manu- facturers try to learn not only ALL-WEATH ER in what ways their own prod- uct is superior, but also to learn what techniques the com- petition is using that might be adopted to improve their own models. All of these approaches--use of the best materials, quality control procedures, proving ground tests of their own and competing makes -- have the basic purpose of trying to make each succeeding model of car run better, and last longer with a minimum of maintenance. Outdoor Life BRAKES | MUFFLER |FRONT END| SHOCK Aided By Auto Our brake special in-l We'tt check your ex- ALIGNMENT ABSORBER cludes: Cleaning and in- Fortunately for those who specting of all four brake} haust system free, SPECIAL SPECIAL love the outdoor life, the auto- drums, check master cy- , -- pl le of linder, adding the neces-| "4 if you need a new [We'll adjust caster, cam-JLet us, check your g : ° . J " a 1 ict oe wank Gus, can otek out sary brake fluid, and re-] muffler, we'll install }ber, toe-in and toe-out, "shocks", if faulty we'll pack front bearings, and I balance both front wheels install first quality involved a heavy pack on one's yioage dl ° "Walker" "" u back, plus a great deal of hik- ..- we'll install genuine} @ Genuine alker [and install weights if ("Hercules") shock ab- sorbers, to give you thet ing. Not so today, when our "Ray-Bestos" highest ££ : necessa rapidly expanding urban areas grade brake linings. sila laa of the high- "6 "Cadillac - like" ride), est quality complete REGULAR at similar savings. ye dd all but geo or avail- COMPLET able camping grounds near E [vith installation. 14.00VALUE JFEASY TERMS t t f lation. Millions of yee ee lentes FOR ONLY SPECIAL ONLY [1.00 Down, 1.00 Weekly have found that the family sta- set le" abet é oe 5 1] o% FREE PARKING outdoors. Now the family drives =] al 2. 9.95 FREE SAFETY to the camping spot, -:sually a federal or state park esr >cially Daca (ar eck foe MOST CARS MOST CARS CHECK-UP use. Using the family _ station wagon for camping enables the ZF whole family to live like pion- <a eers, to get away. from traffic and noise, to enjoy sleeping in VA pine-scented peace, and other delights that are better experi- enced than described. There are novel tents that can he E R V I Cc E ty T Oo R E A enccon on -- of most sta- "bole attached 10 the made] 162 KING ST. EAST PHONE 725-5512 ck of a station i - . ' a | More People .Ride On Goodyear. Tires. Than On. Any .Other Kind CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 a