Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Merch 28, 1962 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Fi Soturdey 8 te 1 BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY 12--Articles Wanted 16--Female Help Wanted |22---Store Space & Garages 25---Apts, & Flats for Rent after 6 o'c! pee must be Please call MO UPRiOgT ap wanted, call 725-6448 ia oe Will pay cash, SHORT order cook required for mod- ern air conditioned coffee shop. Apply in person to Genosha Hotel. pore! se cighoegd hairdresser wanted, ex- y. Vincen't Hair SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Accountants [Building Trades Mortgages TV - Radio Repairs Wonts cars for wrecking. SON and BURROWS, Cha ormmeni, 114 King Street Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Burrows CA, { 728-7554. [Oshawa. 725-5045 after §.30. 728-4370. MONTEITH, BIEML, and | Bagge! ot 726-7621,/tar and SHINGLING, vel, tered |CALL JOHN and get a price before East,|you buy. Aluminum siding, doors, win- Wilson CA; G.|dows, awnings. John G. Fice, RR 3, Dlown insulation, Harper, Whitby, MORTGAGES -- Arranged, bought and| yy, RADIO, car radio repairs, sold, Call: Mr. Bolahood. 725-6544 OF makes. Thompson Electronics, 725-8333, John A, J. Bolahood Ltd. | Eliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). all 157 Parts for sale, also scrap iron ond. metals, etc., bought ESTATE funds for first and second mortgages. Town and Country Real Ee [TELEVISION, range, washer and dry tate Lid. Call Brooklin 655- 4471, ice, 140 Simcoe South, jrepairs. Call Superior Appliance Serv- Csen Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. er Styling. Apply. 1 110 King Street | East. WAITRESS for dining room. Must b be experienced. Apply Cadillac Hotel Léd,, 374 Simcoe Street South. ELDERLY couple requl e housekeeper to take complete charge of home, Live in. Room and board and wages to re- liable person. Telephone 725-4638 be- tween 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. CASHIER required. Apply the man Co. Porgs g Accountants, FIRST and second mortgages bought, pA coe Street North, Ory aha Ajax) MO BS. bbe A Herwerden, motores Broker, Hi 2-0000; Whitby MO 6-413 GARPENTER, 9 years' experience, |741 King East, Oshawa, 723-4011. z ea é TOWERS BOB CLANCY'S 'Ontario | Accounting ree, Soom na ee ay gy hn Moawy to Leen 361 GIBBONS ST. let kkeeping service, | count iy . Plec . Je Bond street "went, 125-0997. Res.,|ly. Plokering, WH 26143. sd | 423-1605 ee "YALE FRIEDL ANDER aU iN 7 ER d Co., Accountants and icensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, King ae East, Oshawa; B. L. CA: F. Auditirs. 64 Yale, lfall, Free 'estimates. |6712 or 723-3440. . Friedlander, B. Comm, CPA. &. T. HOPKINS ond Company, fied. Public Accountants, 172 Street East, Oshawa, Ont Certi- King io, 725-3508, |CHIMNEYS Tepaired, Get ready for| Telephone 725-) , AND H. ROOFING. 5: Specializing === | tandanos, i and gravel. Asphalt shingles, rgp behead and Oshawa), Call 725-2330, repairs. Free foe Bag MO 8-003 bs 0 25-6037, 728-8180 Terms -- Open Evening OSHAWA T.V. Free Survey and Estimotes |Nursing Homes SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home. RN in} (No, 2. Highway between! 5 WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Deer Hides and Raw Furs (collect) I. TURNER 723-2043 -- 723-3374 ager, Genosha Hotel. eae A RELIABLE girl wanted for house- work in Toronto, good home, Tele phone Oshawa 725-7651 for interview, RESPONSIBLE lady required to take charge of snack bar for evening shift, Telephone 72B- 9226, WOMAN wanted to mind three ehil- dren, one school age, while mother works, Live in or out. Must have refer- ences. Telephone 723-2197 for interview, BRAND NEW OFFICE IS AVAILABLE Newly Built... Elevator Ser- vice .. we Freshly Painted . iled Floors . Available in Few. Days. Moderate Rent. Lease Available... Third Floor. oe Ask for T. L. Wilson, THE TIMES BUILDING OSHAWA MARY & KING STREETS FURNISHED two - bedroom bac! apartment, 'suitable for two ladies, liv- ing-room, complete » tile bath, television -- $55 monthly each. a1 Simcoe Bireet South. , UPSTAIRS front room, turnished or un- furnished. Kitchen privileges. Parking. Suit one or two, 139 Albert Street, tele. phone 725-6668, helor | WEEKEND MARKET BASKET 24-ROOM furnished a }» Ughts, water, heat, parking weshing facil- ities, television antenna, balcony, Work- ing couple '725-4333 $65 ~ PICTURE WINDOWS, three- room basement apartment, sub-ficor, newly tiled, bone dry, private entrance and 4 lable Apply 472 Drew after $. FOUR rooms self-contained apartment private entrance. Upper duplex, busi- ness couple or adults preferred. Tele- phone 726-0861. THREE - room apartment, unfurnish- APPLES SPIES bu, 2.50 GREENINGS bu. 1.75 CEE GRADE DELIVERED SAT, A.M, J. H, PASCOE 728-0458 25--Apts, & Flats for Rent ptometrists TUCK, RO, Opiometrist, Please! La' IE garg aming,|¢. a at fisas Free) nank or 74 Burk Street, Invalides exam- ccounts ai downtown Dominion ----DAY OR NIGHT! Times --B. PROSSER CPA Certified Publle) roofin ' " centre!, For further particu- Oshawa seountant, 906 Centre Street North,| estimates, howe Harry's a ined at Rome. Dial Tee-48b7, T.V, and RADIO lars, apply 5 Celina Street. SHORT ORDER cook, weekends. Appiy| fhithy. MO 8-5447. FOUR local chimney qonnes, F, RICHARD BLACK, Doctor "i Fou LE or rent new store and five-|ID person to Envoy Restaurant, $22! neys built and repsired, Wletry, the examination of eyes, contact A on artment in Shopping Plata on|Ritson Road South. Appraisers snares Sazan eee vows "Pree lenegs. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne, Wilson Road South, Would consider ox| einer ern oes vd wenings by appointment, 1 1 Teleph PATRICK G. MeDANIEL, gg CERAMIC, plastic wall ttle, 'wood. All Work vv Vy aa tp tained, 9-118. 16 shmcoe. Street state Appraiser and Broker, working, all floor coverings, Free entl- |Painting « and Decorating | OSHA South, hone MO 8-2311 mates, Work guaranteed, 7 ELECTRONICS a -- | |PAINTING, | paperhanging, carpentr, COLOMEUS | Imperial "6 wtahien set | y rates Gould: --e 3 . o j oe Auto Parts gear er poe della oc 705. 7297, shed ole oe, rent, Als adjacent house cand Required For KEnT's V WESTERN TIE -- Guaran-|7-- ny " bi jor sale. For more particulars Be eee arte wu a ae trae, "Te taal "TV. TOWERS ci | ___ ONTARIO 45 King Street ves i Phone 74) ri o ig. 1962 : she ean Haat Pre"brn to ere you." [Pet td rd fetpever sock Teerbone ae0 | All galvanised, ro point, [URE tui, Sait arte gat] TRAINING SCHOOL ic t re |EXPERT painting by Don are guar | i Iters. For sale or owner would con BOWMANVILLE Barristers vet erers | anteed at low' rates. CO 3-2 LEN & LOU S |sider trade on home, Telephone 723-1121 | i ws VAN Painter, for full particulars. Guide Realty Ltd., Apply te Bavce Vv. MACKET. BA, parser WEDDING BANOQUETS|sor4spra Paints eo ANTENNAS [i sinoke suse Sate | |g (MOR in panei funds available, 3614 King Street East, RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, jestimates, Low rates. Telephone MO Li ablished business, sultable nd 728-2381. Res. 965-7163. sl joytully remembered when hes es 728- '5804 or 725-7844 for couple, easy terms, owner leaving GouIs &. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Bolicl-| tor, Notary, Alger Bidg., 37 King Street Ea: 723-4943. Mortgage monies available. Pontiac inn Caterers handle details expertly for you. THORNTON'S RD, SOUTH DODD & SOUTER aes PAINTING AND DECORATING | CONTRACTORS | T.V. TOWERS GREER and KELLY, Barrister, Solict- BLOOR | Pointi Paperhangin . ete, 114 King Street East. Dia' et BL 'ainting, Paperhanging . . Bet * Residence phones: J a | PHONE 725-0078 | Gyptex, Full Woll Murals Antenna's ond T.V. Service see Terence ¥, Spray Pointing if you want to be sure of the ss | Dressmaking | 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY | lowest possible prices. Best mortgages. Sale| cree aie DAYS MO 6. 231 workmanship and quality sed and . Hen- | DRESSMAKING, alterations, ~yeason- | ps age ae 4 material try Barristers, 31 King! able prices. 104 Brock Street East.| NIGHTS 725-7426 7232 aoe | Telephone 124-7068, | &, BOYCHYN ead (MILL INVISIBLE mending and ¥e-weaving.| | Personal Service TRIO MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% N8\Telephone 725-9736 or opply 325 Dun- MASSEU Vial i aga id Gireet East, sae sia ar wey kirk Avenue. __.|home ce "ie, ballots at vvails| % Guten' CEB Telephones: |ALTERATION and dressmakitig.and Oshawa, MA 3-273), ate: TELEVISION @itice, 725-1177, '725-1178; | Residence, Prompt service, 'Telephone 728-BH05,) | a 725-4604; Whitby, MO 8-2761, WHA and other mortgage funds avail-| ebie. 5 RALPH JON tors, 130 King Street East. 726-6246, fiorigace loans available. WHoMAS M. RUNDLE, Bar 725-5203,| reasonable rates |Fuel and Wood A snd THOMAS WL |cinewaOD. ary. gooa, tor wor mentee GREER Associate Barristers and Soli-|"t er tirepines, Free Geilvers. "Tele | |REPAIRS to all makes of sewing ma- phone CO 3-2275. Gar | FACTORY hardwood cutilnge. Sultabie|manship, Singer Sewing Machine Co., jsewing such as children's onable rates, Telpehone 723- 9568 pid |time. 171 BOND ST. E. 728-6781 oH SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT BEAUTY PARLOR for rent, shawa Times, elty, Apply Box 113, ate possession. Limited, 723-1121, chise to responsible men, after 5.30 p.m, pie 3 tee|WANTED at once, clerk cashier for| 1 Business Opportunities an Oshawa Supermarket 6 to 10 p.m. fully VERY CENTRAL, Gix-chair beauty |. salon, doing an excellent business,! with three-room apartment. Immedi- Telephone Guide Realty|to Box 131 Oshawa Times, EXCLUSIVE, fabulous Fabricote "¢ran- | small town grocery s6re, Oshaw: ad sopbonern- Brey Al area. Please write full particulars 17--Male Help Wanted or part time, Must be ambitious, Write |EXPERIENCED butcher required to operate a full or part time Earn to $200 weekly. Box 812 Oshawa Times. SNACK bar for sale, central location | Telephone ' 726-2005 after 6 p.m. | BOWMANVILLE industrial plant, | square 4,500 For sale or rent. |MA 3-393, D. | Bowmanville. STORE with : "great | Variety" | Thriving business. |Well Drilling-Digging chines. Free estimates in advance, Free Brochure) ne 6 "Oshawa. Times. foot brick building in a choice central location, corner lot, 63 by 170,;WOIK lu #icusces Call Walter Frank,|to type W.. MeQuay Realtor, | but "goods. | jquired immed Selling due to other| Ltd., jinvestments, Write Box 27 Oshawa | Times. |STORE 16° by 50° with three-room| | Work fully guaranteed, Expert wo rk: | MACHINE DUG WELLS ri | |for stoves, fireplaces, furnaces. Tele-|14.1¢ Ontario Street, 725-8443, @itor, end Notary Public, 2615 King! 00 roa eg35, etiam theron ----~~---| _ Quicksand Specialists, 30' yr San, yee 728-1763. Cerne nate SEWING machine rentals, by the casing. Work guaranteed, vA -- tt jmonth or by the week. Free pick-up| jie rn - T"WacDONALD, BA, LLB) Premium uality Fe delivery, Apply Singer Sewing Ma-| Foundation earth boring Barrister and Solicitor and Rotary ne DX STOVE on chine Co., 1418 Ontario Street, 725 Cont. Hadeo Well Digging Per eee, Ontario. Cliest. parking MO 8-844} nae ormrsarcare| EAR" One = available. For your convenience stove me otic mill be AS ite hy Token henttgy ld ead Office El- @REIGHTON, FRASER, DEYNAN ond aa oll may be purehnaed ef | Times Want Ads tomorrow. Place your|-- or SO MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicit service station, Hwy. No, offer wi Hiker he'll nee it, Call 723-3492. See a oan TK| between Oshawa and --| TED VEENHOF Creighton, QC; B. C. Fraser, QC;| Whitby, Open' Daily, Includ- MODERN GRILL | G. K. Drynan, GL, Murdoch. NHA Ing Sun. 7 a.m, -- Midnight. WELL DIGGING mortgages arranged McGibbon, eGIBBO icitors. Clients' funds available (on f st mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North 725-3566 ; y ac; FREE Furnace cleaned every year, Golicitor, Notary Pubiic, North, 728-2991, Res. 728-2 T. r SALMP RS, , BA, Ba , ete., 13% Simcoe Street North. Ottice TH3-1101, Residence 725-5642 it DONALM, BA, Barrister, 52% Simcoe! ister, Solict- BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- Sor, 34 Simcoe South, 725-9593, dence, 725-0264. Rest- 'DONALD BLAKE DODDS, @md Solicitor, 2% King Street East. Tel me; Business 723-2201. dence 728-5373 Barrister Resi- Joseru P. MANGAN, a6, Barrister, icitor. Money to loan, Office, a Street East, Oshawa. 128- Paxxina ; SWARTZ and ® 1. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors taries, Money to loan, 5% King Street East, dence, dial 723-4029 723-4697. Resi. lo- Henry Block, Bookkeeping L, SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey | Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Clean-outs and Deepanings Mode Pies ond Desserts, Compressor Work. sf: apartment in Shopping Plaza, town area, Now operated as Be Salon, For particulars call Don jeski, evenings 728-8423 |FOR "gale, "exchange or will lease Ser-| jvice Station and Restaurant Main Street, Hwy No. 7 and in Sunderland. Purchaser's | gaaoline. No. |South, 723-1121, "GOOD SUMMER BUSINESS" Oshaw a. euty Strad P Schofield Aker Limited, 723-2265/be accurate Apply General Printe: Limited, 57 Simcoe Street South, | Oshawa, Corner|\CARETAKER, to live in, for small 12/ office, choice of between 9 and 5.30. 728-4646. ] Will exchange for house in| EXPERIENCED Oshawa or apartment building. Call/seling. Commis ----~| Guide Realty eet 16 Simcoe Street _.| Whitby, Reply in writing stating salary tw TWO shift workers or students, no in- jrestmnest, Average a. 75 per hour, Wat.) ins Product YOUNG man wanted for génetal office 5 ube DE ane Drafting experience desirable esse! Jalil 728-0221, hine operators re- tely, Tripp Construction Port Perry. 985-2582. SPARE time help for service station with knowledge of minor repairs, want- ed for weekends and evenings, 24 Oshawa Times, FREADER, good education, must not | EXPERIENCE apartment building. Telephone Call for appoint- ment, jroom, stairs, |spot in city. TWO aggressive salesmen either full, |i6 MONTHLY Athol Write | jesman for direct) ------ 23--Wanted to Rent GENTLEMAN hachat \THREE-ROOM modern apartment, com pletely private ,parking, South Senaeres space. Write Box 25 Oshawa Times, ment, Oshawa or Whitby with parning |¥OUNG COUPLE with no children re- Available early April, 3772, quire small house to rent, mid-April in Osh area, Write Box 21, Oshawa/floor, $50 monthly, Times, THREE-ROOM 1 two - b b ) ér|private entrance and bath, newly dec- house in Whitby, by May 1. Please/orated Available now. Close bus. write 8. Koinoff, 59 Austin Avenue, To-|Telephone 723-9615, jronto 8, 24----Houses for Rent ESTATE SALE -- Pri rooms, spacious living roo: ern kitchen, recreation b bathrooms, shower, beautifully decor- ated, broadioom throughout living- halls, Brick house, Mest 725-3353, $# FIVE-ROOM bungalow, all modern conveniences. 12. Apply 238 Kaiser Cres- jafter 6 p.m, "East, room house, tiled throughout, full base- ment, laundry tubs, oll heating, heavy bmn antenna, garage. 105 Easthaven reet. RED brick house, three bedrooms gas stove, washer and dryer. Central. jImmediate possession, Call after 5. 725-0203, SUMMER STREET, 117 -- Seven: 'room modernized home, landscaped lot, fenced yard, All modern conveniences. Double garage, $95 monthly, Telephone | evenings 728-7465 or apply above address. VE room ranch style home, attached garage, stove, refrige:ator and drapes included, spacious grounds, Best resi- dential area, Rental $100. 725-1873 or) NEAR hospital, room brick house, All modern conven-| ences, garage, TV aerial. Immediate ecupancy. Apply 174 Alma Street. 725-0642 FIVE-ROOM house, close plant, 'schools and Shopping Centre. Must be seuebio tenant, Telephone 728- 1986 r 5. MO 8-5877, Homarket Foods Ltd, 'EATON'S IN OSHAWA REQUIRE AN "Round the Clock'? 24-hr. WE DELIVER "For ale, Ph atrigied - EXPERIENCED | ice, |. tres In thi t tl - oe thaw | 345 ROS 3887 SOUTH | 728-3864 eg Ontario, completely se FURNITURE it' whit Ri Unified | i | err w=! up and ready to go 'In high F uel Oi ite Rose" tg -- $$ rrnremnenan | W. WARD | totfie Sonate Contre a | SALESMAN WESTERN OIL CO. | CRESCENT | WELL DIGGING by cations. Can be sold indivl- | _ Apply Personnel Office 725-1212 | DRY CLEANING SERVICE | MACHINE eee | T. EATON CO. LTD, Gardening and Supplies lovisinns Mending, Storoge, | SPECIAL LIZING IN 30" TILE BOX NO. 940 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | Pickup .and Delivery, Cash WHITBY, ONTARIO OSHAWA TIMES pee oe | ond Carry Store. | MO 82563 -- MO 8.3809 |-------- - - CHOICE DRIVEWAY 22 BRUCE ST. | 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST | FOR LEASE BOOKKEEPER GRAVEL | fast | Ot ASK se ACCOUNTANT LOAM | K LEES Wheel Chairs MAJOR OIL CO REQUIRED Plumbing and Heating oui la CEMENT GRAVEL Ez types of rape rs and aaE| WHEEL CHAIRS Modern | Required immediately for jnew a materials, Reasonable Hospital soils. ss a 725-5279 fod ee ers be as women | Service Station bgrmy Dealership in | UMBING > crutche: izi | 3 , lemeattiee ee EMR RETRY SPEPE| Sochines amd aihna cs | Micimam cote requirements. | soe gi. a py oe aanvey 6 DANCE AC ACADEMY, Baton, haa nee posting. and engin pee SALE OR RENT | Telephone for interview. vided if necessary. fv a '* et, em --- omeerenemeasmsees now, 424 King Street West. 725-6122. | | R. E, SCULTHORPE ; mH | ALL WELL 725-1644 'a peo , eee Re] tty mn | ToWamorr eo 7207992 __|, 63 ONTARIOSTREET bd ic, y a! lay. Masonic) -- nm nple, Centre Street, a | on the best... Coll Pensa sig Fema ez| 14--Employment Wanted PORT HOPE, TUrner 5-4573 ae her, student lor, LS 0 nm an leaches. an fps agen tervew | GUSCOTT PLUMBING [untae ins ahd Renan "aRthot gant T8--Male or Female Halp |728-0422 if [Telephone 723-4368 for further particu- Wanted Investigators Building Trades HARLEIGH MFG. CO. House Remodelling, Kitchen end bathroom planning. Wall tiling, moderntold doors, etc, Free estimates any time. PHONE 723-7589 Hambly Concrete PRODUCTS LIMITED BLOCKS, SIDEWALK SLABS, PATIO SLABS, SEPTIC TANKS Telephone MO 8-4159 = ACME | INVESTIGATION BUREAU CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cosh Charge 6 CONS INSERTIONS 273 4.13 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 223 248 lf not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply, Above rates apply only to original orders consecutive insertions, Subsequent insertions ordered at a for foter date constitute a new original order Professional and Business. listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additiono! line 60 per month Each word, initial, abbreviation Box or figure counts os a word. charge 15 additiona Advertisements y 5 p.m, the day be- publicotion except Births, In Memoriams, Cards of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 a.m, Deadline for Lost and Found and Cancellations 8:30 m Office Hours Daily 8-5. Soturday 8-12. REGULATIONS-- The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than one incorrect insert: of any adver- tisement, mor beyond the price chorged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error ecours. And also reserve the right to classify advertising according to Its own classification. In the cose of display odvertise- tMments The Times will not be held tesponsible for more spoce than thet in which the oct error occupi es The publishers endeavour tor dvertising motter duce garveatty, 6 it a liability of odvertisement, if oi acies in ony form ore éontavnd thereln. and HEATING LIMITED)- 207 Simcoe St. $.--725-5132 Radiator Service Lae cake 39% Pine Avenue, Personal COLD WAVES on : wpecial. 'Page Halr-) lare day, 8.30 a.m, until 5.30 p.m. WANTED: Accordionist MA Tr Telephone | PEt R PAN DAY NURSERY. All or for won }381 Simcoe Street North, 728-2604, drummer r for Scottish dance band. Write Box 120, | BRANCH OFFICE Catch Trouble Before It Starts /LAD r mould ike ride LB hye dl beta UL. nae EEE ior tea tena Worl R ait ha ; | Kindly call 728- 4576. Ostawa 'Times Want eK pul 725-3403} : usse ryan wide. 16--Female Help Wanted | | 100 Ki Py gg Nm agg RADIATOR SERVICE ELECTROLYSIS EXPERIENCED waitress wanted for | ir rvice Jj . - t ~ i) 900 MO 8.250 ag Be eae Mle ree nor a re co feet mrs ayn mene g Oshawa, April 3rd and 4th, {son Road South | Phone Genosha Hotel | WE SHARPEN AND RENT Record Players -- oe ALMOST EVERYTHING | | ----| these dates for appointment. | SALESWOMAN | GIVE US A CALL... RCA, VICTOR 723-4641 EXPERIENCED ONLY | STAN'S | RECORD PLAYERS |S--Pets & Livestock hewhe CORNER KING AT BURK STS. | sates yey Rt Rosati MINIATURE Pinscher pupa, eight | FOX'S 723-3224 | prices. Terms to suit you. phamenad fal Ss PR en ke LADIES' WEAR | | MEAGH ER S es Clow |. 725 7203 oe 7 SIMCOE ST. S. Mortgages 5 King St. W. 723-3425 Sith MAN Shepherd, - male, Purebred ee ad cee rt, Papers, three Nd. Tel CLIENTS? mosey iy sat oe Bit mort Rug. 'Upholstery Service __|mne Tash. use ede hes EXPERIENCED | gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale NUTRIA breeder selling off all stock SALESLADY | gas, ae Creighton, | doch, NHA mortgages arranged. | Fraser, Drynan and Mur- MORTGAGE LOANS Money available for immed- late loan on First and Second Mortgages, and Agreements for Sale, on vacant and im. proved property, residential, industrial, city, suburban and country, and summer cott- ages, Forty years experience, ERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario Phone: 725-3568 MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages at 7%. per annum without bonus. Monies also available Second Mortgages. Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased. M. F. SWARTZ Short-term ond Builders' Mortgages et reasonable rates. 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 Registered Under re ouad on fs re-|and pens, 34 greenlanders, males to littler, 10 pens. 728-5579. covered tke new, Get the best for ved eight fe- For Ladies' Wear Dept at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Sim South, Call 728- 6451. Free estimates. 0° | BEAUTIFUL baby Pees. |training, talking strain. CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and| Te-styled. Free estimates. See our ma- joe Le iss Saree ready for aad Mra, App! TIP- TOP TAILORS terial for re-covering. Dalton Upholster-/FOR SAL! ing, 75 Charles § Street, 723. '7212 ae bred does and young CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-coy fed | cable cages. like Why pay more? Our rates/¢xcellent hunter. Two male able, Satisfaction guaranteed, | s re-built. Oshawa Upholstery | George Anderson, E -- Flemish giant vabbits rabbits. Also One white Mc age ferret, bone |hound dogs, four months old. Apply . 10th Concession, Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311. | a Ontario, or telephone CO AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE AJAX, ONT, WH 2-4050 GRADUATE NURSE haired terrier, thoroughbred, UPHOLSTERING bn Fon ioanths old, fea FURNITURE REMODELING, |Good pet for children. Telephone Pick. REPAIRING ering Whitehall 2-6867, FOR DOCTOR'S OFFICE Fabric samples shown and free estimates given In your home. Satisfaction Guaranteed 4--Market Basket | "ARROTS for table Bring U use, Robert 8 Excellent working conditions. Apply in own handwriting, stating age, marital status, previous experience ond ref- CALL 728-9526 TODAY | TALBOT UPHOLSTERING _ | "aula S742. RR No. 2, Newcastle, Telephone New- erences to: | {Land Surveyors, | | | | | i Surveyors 5--Farmers Column BOX 17 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- CASH on the spot .Highest oe La OSHAWA TIMES for dead and crippled farm a tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue-! Teleph: collect, Cols printing, 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. |3.2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone SECRETARY H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario licence 149. 216 Adelaide Avenue East. Phone 7251881 |11--Articles for Rent CLERICAL Tai lors LEN PULLAN (ENGLISH TAILOR used. 'Telephone 725. 725-8563. Dishes, cutlery, glasses, stem- med wine glasses, silver tea service sets, silver candelabra, for all tailorin require- ments use our re ini te percolator, punch services fer bank suit | bowls, vaporizers etc. dress repairs and alterc } 25-3338 10 PRINCE ST. -- 728-5 (next to Bus PA nt | SARGEANT'S RENTALS SUMP pumps, to rent or buy. New. or Proficient shorthand typist required for personne] dept. An interesting position for an experienced, moture person. Interviews between 9 and 12 or by appointment. Pleose apply to Director of Personnel OSHAWA | GENERAL HOSPITAL | | WHEN ANSWERING KE good money, Be repre: entative erful line of Toiletries and oth- jer useful. products. Large profits. Write --|Dept. C-310-CD7, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- | | nt & man or woman experienced taping generator and starter coils. |Good wages and benefits. Alhan Field len Company, 1207 Roselawn Avenue, |Toronto 19, TRAINEES AND _ BEGINNERS 18 - 23 YEARS eg Fag ct business; Six weeks course, salary; single men only, Apply 51 KING ST. E ROOM 10 THURSDAY AFTER 6 P.M FRIDAY, 9:30 A.M 20--Room and Board ROOM and board available for one in stag home ghee subdivision. Pri. vate room and home privileges. weekly, MO 8-4517, 2 = FOR GENTLEMEN room and board, \$55 MONTHLY -- SIX-ROOM bungalow, North-west dis-|tor, sink and cupboards. Private wash- ,{triet, quiet street, garage, drapes,/room. Apply 156 Agnes Street. jearpeting, applian garden equip-| FOR & RYNT -- Twodedroom, mod bese and firepi 'elephone 725-0838. '25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|p -- : aaa BEDROOM apartment, newly decorated 9 9 to GM South |Located at 822 King Street East at bus ELGIN Street East, 16, th and private bath and entra wiring, Hea' heated. Telephone 728- room, kitchen, all conveniences, imme- {diate possession. Also three-room apart- |ment. For further informathn, yenson Road South, UPPER 2 artment, private "entrance and bath, stove, refrigerator, near bus) bed business couple or working girls/ ed, outlet 725- 5810, nt stove and efrigerator, wall - to - wall broadioom. felephone Bill Millar, 728-5123 Lioyd| avy|and entrance, lving- Ee apply | Fin .\erator, priva ed, all sink, laundry faciliti parking. 364 Windsor |MODERN large apartment, two bed> Street, 728-2058. room, tile Lei hal rooms, kitches stove and ref outlet, hot water. ©, larine apartments, 281 Sim: caretaker, "th THREE-ROOM (large), unfurnished 7-|'Partment, ground floor, Private en- a |trance, heat and hydro supplied. $18 a Telephone 728. 1719, REE - ROOM apartment, Gibbon Breet, first floor, adults, Occupaney approximately May 10. On |Telephone 725-9507. |COMPLETELY furnished modern three. room aepartment, heated, private bath Care of child in same pone while mother works. 356 Cadillac room apartments is apartment building, new stove, refrige erator, large closets, laundromat, park- yne Street. 725-3938, "rooms, modern stove, refrig- bath, newly decorated. Accs, re monthly. Apply 114 rere n. [Realty (Oshawa Ltd., Realtor, "ir. THREE. ROOM basement apartment, | paid, \stove, refrigerator, jand bath. Guaranteed 4: |1278 Simeoe South 725-6869 |UNFURNISHED three room | yiment, he private be' ig entrance) trance 76% King East or! |telepho: |HANDY to downtown, spacious three- jroom apartment, private entrance, |bath, near bus, Reasonable. pony 26 |McNaughton Avenue, 725-8785 |\THREE-ROOM upstairs poner |heated, heavy wiring, television outlet, jbusiness couple, shetatners, near North [Gene 1 Motors, bus, After four, 728- 3205. PARTLY furnished apariment, three jlovely large rooms, three-piece bath, |private entrance, near South General Motors, Adults. Telephone 728-6159. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnish- oie self-contained, heavy duty wiring. ated, hot and cold water supplied, [eens for tenants' available, | } care, jstop, Telephone 725-5373, |shopping, One child welcome. 60, THREE room m furnished aparim refrigerator, cupboards, = laundry facilities, couple, 12 121 1 Annis. _ 728-0759. |725- 1873 0) 723- 3380. MODERN "one and two | bedroom | 'apart ments, in new apartment building. stove, ppg tog washer -~ dryer ' MO e830. THREE-ROOM apartment, large mod- ern kitchen, laundry facilities, sepe- rate entrance, colse to school phone 723-3218, TWO rooms and kitchenette, furnished. Private bath, antenna, central, quiet, reasonable rent. Ideal for twe. Ab stainers, no smoking. 725-1318. 26--Rooms for Rent TWO furnished rooms, close to bus stop, No children. Apply Ben Roy, 444 Drew Street or telephone 728-0626, FRONTENAO AVENUE, og -- Large m. with eold with retrigers. |TWO furnished jbedroom and kitchen, and hot water, $25 menihty, LARGE room, housekeeping facilities, _|in quiet clean house. Suit one or two modern apartment, centrally located, * parking, | |TV outlet,' Laundry room provided. Ap- y MO 8-3762. WO large rooms, unfurnished, pri- Apply 43 Drew or 728-4594, furnished room, AN suitable for » light housekeeping is _betvilagese bus at door. Park Road rt » unt si. vaten, "rangetie aon | Yate Dat 88 includes nest and nydrp |DhONe 733606. and stool, private entrance, ground Apply 730 Simcoe Street Aouth. 723-2315, nee ¥ gus ing room, jfloor, $55 hly, Teleph 723-3757 |y ROOM , free parking. Suit couple or gem after five o'clock, ground floor, central, heat and. hydro tleman. Apply 194 King Street West, DRY, clean basement apartment, three rooms and bath, $60 monthly including hydro, heat, water. One child wel- come, $33 Lorraine, 723-3388. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, pri- vate entrance, suitable for one or two, willing to share, 256 Athol East, 728-1300. $: -- three-room apart- ment, in a private home, suit couple. Close to bus $ stop. Telephone 728-4827. sane. Apply 73 Ontario or telephone 728-1345, ONE large front room, light housekeep- 955 MONTHLY -- unfurnished apart- ing if desired, one or Fike 'ag tlemen, Packing space. Private yi Sec anre ment, three og Bove bath, private entrance, heated, heavy wiring, avail- able April 5. Telephone 3 723. 4847 after §. SOUTH Oshawa, modern one-bedroom apartment, refrigerator, stove, free washer and dryer, Television outlet, paved parking, tite eae 725-1310. TWO unfurnished rooms, small che with sink and cupboards, bus stop at door, Parking space. ar) Bloor East. 725-7617. ONE room for rent, suit one gentle man, central, close to bus. Telephone ----~ |728-9348 after 4,30. THREE-ROOM FURNSHED room for one FURNISHED three-room apartment,|or partly furnished, am lights, water, gentlem no children, Also two housekeeping to North General Motors, bus|very central. Apply 182 Athol Street rooms, central location. Apply 63 Drew oor. Parking, 723-4817. East, «a Street. Telephone 725-3140, TWO-BED! partment, equipped|BRIGHT room fn private home, suit- APARTMENTS, Hospital areas, Ossie Martin, 728-9714. Joseph Bosco, Realtor 725- 9870, THREE-ROOM apartment, modern kit- chen, heavy duty stove, TV outlet, Ap- ply 83 Ritson Road South. SELF - Contained, two-room apartment three-plece bathroom, ground floor, Im- mediate possession, Central, also gar-| iq age. 725-6184 or 728-2017. DUPLEX, upper, three rooms and four piece bath, stove, refrigerator, private entrance, central location, Vacant. Tele- phone 725-2395. | Wellington Street Whitby Nos. 105, 107, 109) ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENTS In new building with bal- conies., Consisting of living room, dinette, and kitchen, equipped with built-in oven, hood fan, broadioom, wall-to- wall, cloth drapes, private bath, garbage disposal washer and dryer, (not coin- type). Fully decorated, TELEPHONE MO 8-875] 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT $95 SIMCOE ST. N. conveniences, Parking. Adults, 725-3302 Shopping Centre and with stove, refrigerator and laundry facilities, on Simcoe North. T able for one or two girls, Meals if de sired, Telephone 728-2147. 725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m, KING and Harmony Road, bright, clean, one-bedroom apartment, range and refrigerator, laundry, parking. Ap- Logue Apartneata, 795 King Street 723-9292 N, heated four-room apartment, entrance and bath, fully deco- For further in- 1935. KING AND GIBBON area, available OLEAN warm furnished room, light housekeeping privileges, suitab for one or two. Central, Parking. Tele- phone 723-7917 CENTRAL, clean furnished room kitchen, stove and refrigerator, gentleman, Telephone 723-9225, TWO furnished rooms, cooking facil ties, suitable for two gentlemen, bd tral, bus at door. Close to North G Telephone 728-6890. April 1, Choice two-bedroom suite, col- ored bath, other features, Call Mr. Bolahood at 725-6544 or 725- FOUR-ROOM apartments, all convent- ences, laundry, ample pereing. hot water included, good location. 165 Ver- jdun Road, 723-3096. |THREE-ROOM anfurnished apartment, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH wiring, TV outlet, parking, on rag adults, Reseonsble. 301 Gib- bon, 725-1615, 728-8671 WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment) with bath, heavy =, en private FOR SALE: 1951 Chevrolet deluxe, feir lcondition, radio. Reasonable. MO 8-3218, Brock Street North, Whitby. entrance. MO 86-4257. 1952 CHEVROLET deluxe, good run- ning order. Reasonable, Apply 134 beds, Bus at door. Telephone MO 8-2764. ROOM and board for two men, single home cooked meals, quiet home. Cedar Street, Whitby or telephone MO ing, laundry. Located on pleasant land- STUDENTS A super value, approz 0 sheets of letter size 8-2413. paper (Bem A " typing vi 4 'ke 'Osh Times Ottice, Whitby, apartment, stove, refrigerator, par) py ns lo scaped ground, Available for rent im- B.C, SERVICES, Sorasiete bookkeeping mediately, 305 St. John Street West./service for small businesses, weekly, MO 86-4728. monthly or as desired. Statements pre- FOR RENT -- modern |Pared; income taas returns, MO 8-8252. apartment, aeatte located. Farsing, wv outlet. Leary, room provided, Ap- ply MO 8-3762. SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Telephone| MO 86-2363. FOR SALE -- Baby carriage, Lloyd, six-way convertible, white, Al condi- tion, $30. MO 8-2901. THREE - room apartment, self-contain- ed, very contents Available April 1. MO lunches packed, singles or to sh: very central, at 296 King Street East, near _Ritson Road. FOR THE BEST value in living accom- modation at the lowest price, tele- phone 725-0078. Want a change? Phone now and get the bes* for less. SINGLE and "double furnished rooms, private, quiet, clean home, with or without board, lunches, laundry, park- ing. Suit gentlemen. 725-6823 or 728-2641, PONTIAC INN Excellent rooms (single and double) or room and board. Nightly rates available, THORNTON'S RD. S at BLOOR ST, _ PHONE 725-0078 ---- HELP WANTED ADS Send coples only of refer- ences and other popers, and" avoid possible loss of origin- als OSHAWA'S FINEST PARK LANE APARTMENTS BEDROOM SUITES BEDROOM SUITES -~--Elevator Service ---Private Balcony ~--Paved Parking --Controlled Entrances Contact MR, DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 evenings | __ Howe & Peters, Real ADELAIDE TERRACE Modern 2-bedroom luxury suites. All conveniences, broadloom throughout, park- ing. Apartments to rent of T SEED -- Seeker Clover and seeds, We have now in stock top quality government No. 1 grade seeds of the above species at competitive or better FOR RENT ---- Chain Saws, Power Tools, Box Trailers, FOR SALE -- Used Boats, Canoes, Motors, Trailers, Tents. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES . 1415 DUNDAS ST. E., HITBY MO 8-3226 prices. Contact H. H. Goode and Son, Limited, Whitby. MO 8-2917 or Brook- lin 655-3021. OFFICE equip., biggest stock around. service with reasonable prices, try us. Hamilton's, 187 Brock South, MO 8-8442. FOR SALE Peso in very good condi- tion, priced from 50c to $1.00. Salvation Army Thrift Store, 301 Dundas Street West, Whitby. MOTEL suites $7.50 if shared, restaur- ant on premises. Free parking. Ho! wood Motel, 800 Brock Street No MO 8-5823. FOR RENT -- $60 monthly three and YOUR WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT Plenty of hot rain, soft water plus the gentle thorough tum: ble action of our laundro- mats, Guaranteed the perfect wosh. 310 DUNDAS ST. WEST WHITBY four room apartments, balcony, resi- dential area newly decorated laundry facilities. Parking close to schools chil: $dren's playground. Apply 300 High Street, Apt. 11, MO 8-2336. FOR RENT -- Two-room apartment, downstairs, $45, everything included, nice for couple. Available April 17. Ap- ply 66 Church Street South, Pickering. WHITBY MO 8-5942 SHARP STUDIO standard rates without hidden costs 329 ADELAIDE WEST APT. 2 -- 725-8923 \ PHOTOGRAPHY 101 DUNDAS ST. W. SUITE 205 NEW EASTER BONNET You can have this ond much more... Sell AVON COSMETICS And join millions of hoppy women and moa CALL FOR INTERVIEW 725-8466