~ 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 22, 1962 | TORONTO (CP) -- Packingjteletype auction system began.tem by allowing hogs, either, s e s 000 worth of heroin in the U.S. ANCIENT CEMETERY Foundation Co. | Bail Jumpers lover a 10-year period. | JERUSALEM (AP) -- An an- = | ac er rice queeze | Papalia was escorted here|cient cemetery dating back to Seeks Proxies Pl d G il ifrom Canada March 16 to face| Vin nag en -- ses med . reve | ea Ul a threé-count indictment after|'\/28¢ in the Jerusalem dis 4) ithe Canadian justice department|° Jordan. In Control Bid in @) ucers tores NEW YORK (CP) -- Three/granted a remission of part of 5 men accused by the United/his 18-month sentence for beat-| FESTIVAL PLANS MONTREAL (CP)--The Foun-) States government in, a multi-|ing Toronto gambler Max Blue-| SCHEVENINGEN, The Neth- dation Company of Canada,| ner gg om heroin - smuggling stein. lerlands (AP)--This seaside re- subject of an anonymous bid for/houses have been caught in a/10 months ago, it has been alfrom members or non-members | to "charee sp Pyro Ringe ngs |sort is planning big doings next effective control last week, Wed-|cost-price squeeze in recent|/rougn period for the packer. regardless of the setup, to £0| pail, sleepless en pan OPERA HOUSE jsummer for its four-week Hol- nesday urged shareholders to|months, Ontario hog producers) Mr. Kohler addressed the an-|directly into a plant and not be." : New York's Metropolitan Op-/!and Festival. Highlights will be sign and return to the company|were told Wednesday. nual meeting of the Ontario Hog|sold over' our teletype system,|,Frank Caruso and Vincent), | House seats 3.616 pent ene theatre performances by Brit- the shareholder proxy even if} y R. Kohler general mana-|Prdducers Association, Market.|where all buyers would have a|Mauro were arrested in Barce- ? , ain's Old Vic and the Piraikon they have already given a Proxy|,ey of the Ontario Hog Producing Board and Co-operative. |c' ance to bid. and bid compe-|!0n4. Spain, in January andjstanding room for 224. 'Theatron of Athens. to the National Trust Company,|-r; Marketing Board, said that| "Jt is a well known fact thatititively, then you are nearing| Salvatore Maneri was picked up| agent for the unknown bidder. | nile producers have been re-\the meat-packing business has|the end for successful co-opera- on the Spanish island of Ma-| In a letter to shareholders, | eiving closer to their share of|@!ways been on possibly the nar-|tive marketing." |jorca. They fled the U.S. last Wee HT AT 1 President L. J. McGowan said|ihe consumer dollar since the|towest vercentage of profit ba-| He predicted a trend to. the September. | additional proxies are being lsis of any type of business," he/discount food store, which will The three will be sentenced to mailed to shareholders to ensure said. be able to exert pressure forthe bail-jumping charge April Guernsey Gold Milk the group seeking 500,000 of the 4 "Now the Ontario hog produc-|lower prices because of volume |23. They face up to five years : company's 1,188,816 outstanding on t @VETSE ers have a modern sales organ-/buying. Many new techniques of|in prison and fines of $5,000 iss... shares--a 42 per cent interest-- liization and selling method|food discounting are being stud- each. Low in Calories would not gain control of the . |which puts them in a strong po-|ied by retail outlets he said. They now are held on $350,000 As High Or company at the annual meeting Adoption Rule jsition. The packer is in the) These factors all would put)pail' each on the narcotics Higher In Food late in April with less than half| isqueeze between the hog-selling;more powér into the hands of|charges. No trial date has been Value! the outstanding shares. a Gain Energy! Mr. McGowan, who returned) immediately from a trade mis- sion in Australia to fight the bid Ideal Dairy Limited QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCT ized, the bidder could gain con- trol of the company. | : The bid, announced Tuesday,|..The newpaper story did not |March 13, said the first 500,000|disclose the names of the man shares tendered the National|@"d woman who married when H | Trust would be bought at $14.75|he was 19, she 35. 4\a share. | A spokesman for the Toronto jbranch of the society said its | lrejection of the application was | SELLS BONDS iin the best interests of the | UNITED NATIONS (AP)--|child." One of the UN's top executives} The society said reasons other is having a try at selling UN|than the age gap but of a con- {bonds in Southeast Asia. India's |fidential nature also governed Chakravarthi V. Narsimhan, un-|the decision, dersecretary for General As-| "For one thing," a spokesman sembly affairs, is seeking sup-|said, '"'when the wife of a 25- jport for the $200,000,000 issue in} year-old husband is 41 years old, jhis own country, Thailand and/who's going to get the mothering Ceylon. --the husband, or the baby" TORONTO (CP)--The Metro-|agency and the determined buy-|retailers thus influencing hog' set. politan Toronto branch of the vie for the chain stores and/ Prices. A fourth person, John (Johnny Children's Aid Society said Wed- other retail outlets. : ¢ af F \Pops) Papalia, 37, of Hamilton, for effective control of the com.|nesday it wail ha eipotion Pt Food ae oe eS creating) T ton armers | charg] with importing and con- pany, claimed the offerer has ecision to bar the adoption of|forces which tend to encourage| fh HS Reta ay t hetain illegal i 'ut beread fa pethies tie ceoe ea a child by a 41-year-old wife|the big operator, he said. Inte- Building Gutted spiring to import heroin legally Si. ahabta tondeted to. ia Nac and 25-year-old husband. grated operations which had into May med cag i Legge Llioual rust bat Hoe. boseht: The society made the state-|grown up in eggs and-chickens| GRAFTON, Ont. (CP) -- Fire\©? the narcotics charges post- 1 | He said these shares will not|ment folliwing published reports had been disastrous for all and/Wednesday destroyed the Graf- poned to March 27, : ; 1 ibe represented an. the voting, |that the couple was "'heartsore the same thing could happen|ton Farmers Co-operative Build-) Eleven other men, including 'land. with some votes immobil.|and indignant over their treat- with hogs if competition by ajing in this community 40 milesjtwo from Canada, have been ; ' ' ment when they sought to adopt number of packers bidding forjeast of Oshawa. convicted and sentenced as a child." the product were eliminated. Loss was estimated at be--members of the ring which "If we break down this sys-' tween $60,000 and $80,000, smuggled more than $150,000,- ESTINGHOUSE REFRI HIS WORLD MACHINE anxieties of modern earth- men. When Tinguely pulls the levers, he expects to activate 60 sticks of dynamite plastic bombs which will destroy his "world". Jean Tinguely, 36, a Swiss sculptor, plans to begin pull- ing levers today in Las Vegas on his world machine which consists of mostly junk, but to Jean it represents the world and all the materialism and ) este aya ae Fashion Flight BEEN ys Ajax Show Theme . --(AP Wirephoto) -- 1962 MODEL RNC13 105 LB. ZERO-ZONE FREEZER By GRACE MILLS PICKERING -- Flight. into Fashion was the theme chosen for the Spring Fashion Show, put on by the Ontario Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Pick ering, in the District High School on Saturday evening. KLM airlines, gave a demon- stration of a suitable wardrobe for a 17-day trip, and how to pack it in one case, so that it weighed no more than 30 }pounds. Forty-four pounds is the air limit so this would allow for souvenirs purchased abroad Children's fashions were In welcoming the audience/shown in each section of the eboard for a Flight into Fash-| show, the models being children ion, Mrs. Doris Byers, Worthy|or grandchildren of chapter Matron of the Chapter, said:|members. "As you know, the entire pro-| Models taking part were ceeds of this project are being/ members or relatives of mem- equally distributed between our|hers, including, Jacquie Arm- Hospital Building Fund and the strong, Vicki Balsdon, Dorothy Cancer Research Fund. 'We all/prown, Sheila. Dunbar, Betty realize these two projects are|Bryant, Frances Dunn, Ruth essential to the well-being of|Miller, Lois Nelson, Kay Stork, our communities, and we &re'yinda Grey, Lynn McEachnie, most grateful to each andjand Ricky Fabian. every one of you for support-| A bouquet of flowers was pre- ing our efforts. A fund raising|sented to Mrs. Joyce Chalmers, | project of such scope involves who organized and convened a great amount of work, andthe fashion show. this show is planned and staged) 4 special prize went to the GATES' Weats Specializing in Home-Cured Hams and Bacon! WEEKEND FRESH HAMS Half or Whole LB. We Deliver Orders 49° PEAMEAL ROLLS PICNIC HAMS Breakfast BACON Home Cooked HAM SPECIALS! 99° uw. 49° uv. 30° 99° uv. 89° of $5.00 And Up Centre Cuts LB. (HOME CURED) LB. If Placed Previous Day! entirely by our members, who give so much time to make this presentation a success." person coming the greatest dis- tance was won by a young lady who had just arrived from Eng- Phone 723-3732 22 Simcoe St. N. \ 'ggasi --~ ee 13 CU. FT. FULLY AUTOMATIC @ 2 DOOR REFRIGERATOR @ 5 YEAR WARRANTY @ PORCELAIN: CRISPER @ ADJUSTABLE SHELVES 277-22... "We Service What We Sell" FRANK MEAGHER APPLIANCES 92 SIMGOE NORTH 725-4711 First part of the show showed land to visit relatives. a suitable wardrobe for an Easter weekend in New York. Suits, cocktail and _ theatre dresses, and the short jackets in most popular furs, mink, kolinsky and persian lamb, all by famous named manufactur- ers were shown. The second portion was de- voted to a presentation of a wardrobe suitable for a Carib- bean cruise, such as gaily col- ored suits and dresses in cotton, more modern drip dry fabrics, all weather coats, and three- piece sports wear. Before the third quarter, there was a preview of what the fashionable male will wear for a night on the town, such as very smart tuxedo and tail suits. Then followed lovely en- sembles suitable for wedding guests and mother of bride and mother of groom outfits. Next came a diversion in the form of a surprise showing of the before and after plight of the modern male when his wife attends a spring fashion show. The bridesmaids were gown- ed in street-length dresses to aqua and a new color, a lighter shade of American Beauty rose, with contrasting bouquets. The bride arrived on the arm of her handsome father, looking lovely in a full - length hooped gown, featuring lace and nylon organza topped with a white fox cape, elegant in its simpli- city. She carried red rosebuds. Part four featured items for the bride's trousseau to wear on the honeymoon trip by air to Europe. The stage appointments depict- ed the scene of the gates to the airstrip, where wedding party guests came to wish the happy couple Bon Boyage. In the intermission, two air- line stewardesses, courtesy of Big OK gets the decision! The new label's a knockout! Now, when you say OK, you see OK, right on this bright new label. It's the same pure ale with the natural flavour. But because more and more O'Keefe Ale fans order their favourite by saying OK, we decided to put OK, big MULTIPLE MUDDLE BELPER, England (CP)--A school in this Derbyshire town has 12 sets of twins on its reg- ister, seven of the pairs iden- tical. '"'We are led into a muddle sometimes," says the headmas- ter, "but. I haven't punished the wrong twin so far." and bold, right where you can see it. It tells you at a glance you're getting O'Keefe and no mistake, CHANGE. OF SCENERY REGINA (CP)--R. L. Bloore, director of the Norman Mac- kenzie art gallery at the Uni- versity of Saskatchewan in Re- gina, has been granted a senior arts fellowship for 1962-63 by the Canada Council to make a painting tour of Mediterranean countries.