Monday, March 19, 1962 17 | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Greyhurst Dam Fault Said Dangerous QUEBEC (CP) -- More than 10,000 residents of the Chaudiere) River Valley will face a wall of| water 15 to 30 feet high if the) Greyhurst Dam at Lake Meg- antic bursts And the big dam holding back, the water of Lake Megantic 115 miles southeast of here _is/ known to have a dangerous fault in it The waters of the Chaudiere flow from the lake down the) flatlands of the valley to the St. Lawrence at nearby Levis. The valley has been plagued by floods since 1740, when set-' tlers. built their homes at the river's edge because it was the only transportation route to the St. Lawrence and civilization. A massive flood in 1917 in- undated towns like Beauceville, a centre of 3,600 residents 45 miles southeast of here, Old photographs show five - ton chunks of ice floating in the main streets. FLOODED AGAIN The dam was built of earth later to control the spill from Lake Megantic, swollen each year by the Appalachain runoff. But in 1958, sudden winter thaws saw lowland valley homes flooded again Louis-Edmond Hamelin, geog- raphy professor at Laval Uni versity, studied the area then. He recommended in an article that the communities of Beauce- ville, Vallee-Jonction and St. Josep should be declared un- inhabitable. St. Joseph has a population of 2,540 and Vallee-Jonction 1,471 For the last three years, an army team has gone to the flood-threatened areas along the Chaudiere to weaken the ice with dynamite before. the breakup. The i00-man team Sunday completed five miles of dyna- miting. Charges are placed not to open a channel but to crack the ice over the deepest sections of the river so a channel will open easily under pressure. This minimizes the danger of flood from a normal runoff of ice and water from the upper areas of the river. COULDN' BE STOPPED But nothing would stop the icy juggernaut that would result if the Megantic Dam bursts. The provincial government re- cently ordered preparations for immediate evacuation of com- munities like Beauceville, St. Joseph and Vallee-Joncton in case of such an emergency. Despite 40 - degree tempera- tures this week, the level of the river has remained constant. Breakup is expected in late, March or early April, as usual. However, residents probably will head for the hills if there are heavy rains or winds high enough to pressure a breech in the dam. Sesaie: Soaks Canada Aid Against Cuba WASHINGTON (CP)--Senator Tenneth Keating said Sunday economic sanctions by the West ern Hemisphere against Cuba would be largely ineffective without Canada's co-operation. The New York Republican, who has been critical of Can- ada's trade with the Fidel Castro regime, said he is sure that if it came to a showdown with the Communists, Canada would stand shoulder to shoul- der with the United States. "Tt is for this very reason that I simply cannot understand the unwillingness of Canada to co- operate in imposing economic sanctions against Cuba and, for that matter, Red China," said Keating, a member of the Sen- ate judiciary committee and subcommittee on internal secur- ity. If Canada stands ready to fill any gaps in the Cuban economy which result from the United States and the Latin American countries refusing to sell to Castro, then it is obvious that the sanctions will be largely ineffective. DOESN'T MAKE SENSE "It does not make sense that a country willing to supply troops for the defence of free- dom should not be willing to make economic sacrifices for this same objective." Keating referred to Canada in a New York state radio and television broadcast The U.S. has imposed a trade embargo against Cuba. The Or- ganization of American States, made up of the U.S. and Latin Countries, has agreed to-impose an embargo on traffic in arms with Cuba and to attempt to prevent the spread of commu- nism in the Western Hemis- phere but has not gone along with the U.S. on imposition of a trade ban Canada has not shipped stra- tegic goods to Cuba and has not permitted reshipment through Canada to Cuba of U.S goods the United States has embargoed TROPICAL ARCTIC MOSCOW (AP)--A_ blueprint for a subtropical resort town in the arctic has been drafted by Soviet architects, Tass news agency reports. Tall glass walls, a vast roof and thou- sands of special heat. lamps will enable a garden to bloom! They're Here! They're fashion-fresh! And they're priced to please your budget! % Coat Fashions Ordinarily 49.95 to 59.95 in the town regardless of the) cold outside. | Up comes a crocus . . . out comes the sun... and on with your new Spring coat! And here it is . . « for we've hundreds of fashion-conscious coats, knowingly styled in fleecy wools, basket weaves, nubbly wool boucles in colours as soft and gay as Spring itself. Priced to pamper the smart shopper, too, with substantial savings on every one. Junior Misses', Misses', Women's, and petite half sizes EATON Special Price, Each §°°° EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 244 PHONE 725-7373 eo . fda ai 4 Fove-ssomames' 33 ane Jacket-and-dress thinking ...ina Short Sleeved Sheath And "Poodle" Jacket A fashion twosome for Spring into Summer . . . a linen-like rayon sheath, trimly tailored with collar and revers, short sleeves. White wool - and - nylon poodle cloth jacket is bound with dress fabric and adorned with applique motif. Wheat, turquoise or navy; sizes 10 to 18, DRESS AND ? 5 JACKET .. .... ° EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 341 PHONE 725-7373 Eatonia Ribbed Cotton Knit 2-pee. Sleepers Foot-in style sleepers of soft ribbed cotton with smooth brushed finish. Styled with domed back closing and extra row of domes at waist for size adjustment. In pink, blue, maize. Sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4. EATONIA Value, 2-pee. set ...... Extra lowers, Eatonia Value, each EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 210 PHONE 725-7373 Rubber Raincoats For Boys to keep them dry on wettest days Good quality rubber is cloth back- ed; coats come in black or yellow with metal fasteners, two pockets. Complete with a matching Sou' wester hat. Sizes 8 to 16. each 2.59 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 PHONE 725-7373 Tuesday . ; . second and final day of "CAROUSEL OF FABRICS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER" A New Cotton Show of Fashions a showing of exciting fashions for Spring and Summer .. . that can be yours for the making Commentator: Miss Joan Blan- chard, Home and Fashion Consul- tant for Dominion Textile Corpora- tion Ltd. Time of showing: 2.30 p.m., Tues- day March 20th, in Eaton's DRESS DEPARTMENT, UPPER LEVEL "A World Of Beauty... the 'International Look' by Elizabeth Arden From Paris, Rome, Madrid, Lon- don and New York comes the in- spiration for this new Internation- al Look of make-up! It's breathtaking and beguiling . «. and there is an International Look make-up coordinated for you. Visit our cosmetics counter, where our trained staff will help you with your choice. Co-ordinated "International Leo k" Make-up, COMPIOO . cc scccesccecss 15.00 The "International Trio" of Lipstick, Nail Lacquer, Cream Rouge ica. ae 'International' Click-Change Lipstick ..... 2.00 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 PHONE 725-7373 A helpful, all-occasion suggestion... Gift Baskets From EATON'S Hostess Shop For your weekend hostess ... for a friend in hospital . . . Eaton's has a wide selection of gift baskets, Contents vary according to your requirements; there are delicious imported jams, biscuits; dried fruits; candies; honey and other delicacies, all carefully selected and tastefully arranged. 29,,°7.25 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 579 PHONE 725-7373