25--Apts. & Flats for Rent WOMAN and child to share house, day care given child. Apply 358 Eliza- beth Street. THREE - ROOM apartment, Gibbon 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale 7--Real Estate for Sale 29--Automoblles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnish- ed, self-contained, heavy duty wiring, heated, hot and cold water supplied, parking for tenants' cars, available. Located at 822 King Street East at bus stop. T 725-5373. Street, first floor, jults. approximately May 10. On bus line. Telephone 725-9507. Two houses rooms, FIVE-ROOM house, attached garage. Close to St. Hedwig's Church and posing also buses. one 725-3698 a Tr 3. BUILDING lots by Courtice public and LOT for sale 46 x 120, Olive and 725-5602. Guelph. 1958 METEOR, two-door, radio, beautt- ful condition throughout. $1,295. Trade CHOICE lot, 75 x 250 feet for on sale Elizabeth Crescent. 728- 2557. |5912. and terms. Smith's Sports, d and Simcoe high school, 105 ft. PI lots, loans available. 728-5579. d and kitchen, with refrigera- NORTH Oshawa, modern apartment building, two-bedroom apartment, four- piece bath, refrigerator, stove, free tor, sink and cupboards. Private wash- room, Apply 156 Agnes Street. UNFURNISHED upper apartment, to vate PRIVATE SALE. New £%4-room brick bungalow, $12,800. Apply 507 Dean Ave- nue, Oshawa. 728-2649, 3IX-ROOM new brick house, modern Two. tral hallway, Central, close to school and |phone 723-2875. \BARGAIN! Leslie Street, nine-room brick $12,500. Terms. 532-7236 or 114 |Oakwood Avenue, Toronto. brick > cen- hot water oil heating. bus. '61 CORVAIR MONZA four-door auto- 'ele. matic, high compression engine, radio, bi uc! seats, padded » Fawn Beige with white leather interior, low mileage. 728-8617. REFRIGERATOR 9 cubic, year old; elects stove, like new; single A thot; skis; ar- ticles. 215 King East, 728-7058, 5 to 7. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni- ture Store, 723-3271. 444 Simcoe South. BRITISH BRIEFS USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to reconditioned 1959 BELAIRE y . powe! 19,000 miles, and stoves, Paddy's Market, CO 3-2241. washer, dryer, parking. $87 728-3377. '©OMPLETELY furnished modern three- "room apartment, heated, private bath 'and entrance. Care of child in same Uses while mother works. 356 Cadillac ith, 4 close al private bathroom, kitchen and three rooms, $75 monthly. Everything includ- -4166. ed. 728. THREE-ROOM upstair apartment, three piece bath, private entrance, central. No children, Telephone 723-7584 after 6. MODERN two - bedroom apartment in new building, all conveniences, close to South GM. 1070 Ravine Road, room, fully landscaped. 1106 Cloverdale Street or 728-6302. $1,650. MO 8-5038, $700 DOWN, balance $75 for this pacious five of 5% PER CENT mortgage, ranch bun- galow, 3 bedrooms, north end, $13,500. Terms. Howe and Peters, Telephone 725-4701. TWO large rooms, d, pri- vate bath, $55 includes heat and hydro. 723-4893.| Apply 730 Simcoe Street South. 723-2315. NORTHWAY COURT -- Five --room bungalow with carport, all ¢) . dak ¢ years old, located on a half acre land on Townline East. 1957 sedan, radio. A real good compact car, only $695. Trade and large kitchen, modern cup- boards, 20-ft. living room, Low taxes. Full price only $7800. Ernie Holmes Realtor. 204 King Street East. 725-2363. terms. Smith's Sports Supertest, Conlin Road and Simcoe North. 728-5912. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Merch 19, 1962 15, | Show Of Goods SPANISH electric guitar with three in- strument deluxe amplifier, new condi tion. Cost $475 new. Will sell for $175. MO 8-3446. By M. McINTYRE HOOD ELNA "88", four door equipped. A real 1954 OLDSMOBILE sedan, radio, power ESTATE SALE -- private, five bed- living ultra- THREE unfurnished rooms, built-in *eupboards, refrigerator and rangette. Bus at door. 725-2131 or 728-1076. FIVE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, in a new duplex, close to bus. For further information, telephone 725-7566. UPSTAIRS front room, furnished or an-| Kitchen pr Par! | Suit one or two. 139 Albert 5S! phone 725-6662 treet, tele. THREE-ROOM apartment, he extras, Price $14,495. Tel phone 725-9478. good ear, $595. Trade or terms, Smith's Sports Supertest, Conlin Road and Sim- coe North. 728-5912. TWO-) in east end, modern kitchen, two shower, attached garage, hot water heating, 723-2269. three-piece bath, very central, parking ee Reasonable rent. Telephone 728- large lot. liv. ing-room, stairs, halls. Brick house, best spot in city! 725-3353. 15-FT. van body in perfect condition. -/'56 GMC dump. '56 Ford Dump. Tele- phone 725-2156. WESTMORELAND Avenue _ $2500 down for this i large living room, wall to wall broad- FURNISHED two - bedroom bachelor apartment, suitable for two ladies, liv- fng-room, complete kitchen, tile bath, television outlet. $55 monthly each. Apartment 1, Marina Apartments, 281 Simeoe Street South. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, heavy wiring, TV outlet, parking, on bus line, adults, Reasonable. 301 Gib- bon. 725-1615, 26--Rooms for Rent loom, modern kitchen, large bedrooms, oil heat, hedged land- BRIGHT room in private home, suit- able for one or two girls. Meals if de- sired. Telephone 728-2147. tiled scaped lot. One open mortgage for bal- ance, Please phone 728-4171. Paul J. "Kelly" Bolahood, realtor. B Street, Oshawa. FURNISHED room for at » clean, quiet home, continuous hot water and parking. Breakfast if de- sired. 89 Oshawa Boulevard South, 728-0236. PRIVATE sale, 5 room brick bunga- low, 2% years old, decorated through- out, aluminum storms and screens, fenced lot, near schools, churches and stores. T 728-0400 after 5.30. SF 189, '57 International tandem with PRIVATE sale -- Mackenzie Street, new beautiful six-room ranch style bun- galow, natural stone front, Newly de- lcorated, Living space over 1140 feet. Many extras; louverd doors in dining and living room, glass sliding doors ruce|from dining room to patio, ceramic tile in kitchen and bathroom, large six-foot} 75, 5994 mirror over vanity, dual taps in kit- chen, built-in stove, oven, hood and driveway, attached garage. Fully land- seaped, front and back, Storms and screens. $4,300 down payment. Tele- UNFURNISHED three - room apartment, private bath, central loca- tion, cupboards, heavy wiring, private entrance, parking, adults only. Apply 31 Ritson Road South. THREE-ROOM apartment in new home, private entrance, close to Gen- ty Motors and bus. Apply 328 Malaga oad, 74 COLBORNE EAST -- Four-room apartment. Possession April 1, $50. Adults. L, Hancock, 725-1709. THREE-ROOM apartment, furnished or unfurnished, modern, very central, with washer and dryer. Telephone 728-1131 safter 6, 725-142. MODERN e apartment, rooms, living room, tile bath, hall, kitchen stove and refrigerator, TV outlet, hot water. Caretaker, Marina apartments, 281 Simcoe South. FURNISHED three-room apartment, no children, Also two housekeeping rooms, central location. Apply 63 Drew Street. Telephone 725-3140. THREE-ROOM (large), unfurnished apartment, ground floor, private en- heat and hydro supplied. $12 Telephone 728-1719. THREE-ROOM basement apartment for rent. Suitable for couple. $50 monthly includes water, heat, and ho' water, Central. Available April 1. 728- 1673. COMPLETELY furnished _ bachelor apartment, with all conveniences, ab- stainer. Apply between 9 and 3. 531 y Street. Telephone 725-5691. TWO-ROOM unfurnished apartment, pri- vate bath, $55 monthly includes heat and hydro, 730 Simcoe Street South, 723-2315. THREE and four-room apartments in apartment building, new stove, refrig- erator, large closets, laundromat, park- ing.. 68 Wayne Street. 725-3938. FIVE-ROOM apartment, two bedrooms, dining room, living room, bath and kit- chen. One 'child welcome, $80 monthly. 287 Division Street, Apt. 2. Available two bed- light for Tele- CLEAN warm furnished room, housekeeping privileges, suitable one or two. Central. Parking. phone 723-7917. LARGE corner room, furnished for light housekeeping, bright clean, close to hospital. 728-5984 or 728-4401. FURNISHED room for lady or gentle- man. Apply 488 Addison Street or telephone 728-0689. CENTRAL, clean furnished room with kitchen, stove and refrigerator. Suit gentleman, Telephone 723-9225. TWO furnished rooms, cooking facili- ties, suitable for two gentlemen, cen- tral, bus at door. Close to North GM. Telephone 728-6890. TWO furnished rooms, close to bus stop. No children. Apply Ben Roy, 444 Drew Street or telephone 728-0626. LARGE furnished room, two beds for two or three gentlemen to share. Park- ing. Near North General Motors. $6 weekly. 728-6697. THREE, clean, unfurnished rooms, heavy duty wiring, sink and cup- boards, television outlet, third floor, $50 monthly. Apply 143 Agnes Street. FURNISHED bed - sitting room, light housekeeping privileges, suitable for two. Near North General Motors. Tele- phone 723-9576. ONE LOVELY furnished room for gentleman, private home, pply 444 Fernhill Boulevard or lephone 723-7070. ppl tel $500 DOWN FOUR ROOM COZY BUNGALOW Nice lot, reasonable for quick sale. 513 FAIRLEIGH 723-3211 INCOME HOME CLOSE TO SIMCOE Zone 4, adding additional apartment suites. At present a five-room apartment and o 3-room. apartment. _ Asking price $12,900. Call Bill Mil- lar, 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor 728-5123 101 Simcoe St. N. Open Every Evening FURNISHED room, suit one gentle- man, close to bus, central. Telephone 725-8645 after 4. CLFAN warm room in private home, very central, spring mattress. Suit gen- tleman, cooking privileges. 102 Elgin Street East FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, pri- vate entrance, central. Reasonable. Parking. Apply 96 Centre Street. $9 PER WEEK. Breakfast included. Clean hotel rooms, single or double. April 1. 723-3017. THREE rooms, modern stove, refrig- erator, private bath, newly decorated. Adults. $70 monthly. Apply 114 Arling- ton. 725-8829. $60. THREE room furnished apartmen' refrigerator, cupboards, sink, utilitt paid, laundry facilities. 2 gentleme: couple. 121 Annis. 728-0759. THREE room self contained apartment, garage, stove, refrigerator included. Lovely residential area. Rental $79. 725-1873 or 723-3380. MODERN one and two bedroom apart- ments, in new apartment building, stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer supplied, parking facilities. Telephone MO 8-8349. LARGE new two-bedroom apartment, refrigerator, stove, automatic washer, dryer, broadloom, colored bath $100. 723-1262 after 5. HEATED three-room apartment, sep- arate entrance and drive, heavy wiring, television outlet, three-piece bath, avail- able April 1. 728-1869. PARTLY furnished three-room apart- ment, heat, lights and water supplied. Near General Motors north plant and bus. 723-4817. UPPER apartment, private entrance and bath, stove, refrigerator, near bus line, business couple or working girls preferred. Television outlet. 725-5810. ELGIN Street East, 16, three rooms and private bath and entrance. Heavy wiring, heated. Telephone 728-9077 or 728-3634. UNFURNISHED heated upper apart- ment, downtown, private entrance, parking. Apply 102 Church Street. Telephone 725-0355. THREE-ROOM apartment, large mod- ern kitchen, laundry facilities, sepa- rate entrance, colse to school and shopping. One child welcome. Tele- phone 723-3218. TWO rooms and kitchenette, furnished. Private bath, antenna, central, quiet, reasonable rent. Ideal for two. Ab- stainers, no smoking. 725-1318. FOUR-ROOM apartments, all convent. ences, laundry, ample parking, hot water included, good location. 165 Ver- dun Road, 723-3096. THREE-ROOM self-contained ground floor apartment, private bath, laundry facilities, heavy wiring, newly decor- ated, Shopping Centre vicinity. Reason- able rent. Apply 285 Buena Vista. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnish- ed, heat, hydro, water, rangette, show- er and stool, private entrance, ground floor, $55 monthly. Telephone 723-3757 after five o'clock. MODERN one bedroom apartment, re- frigerator, stove, free washer, dryer, TV outlet, paved parking. 1041 Ravine Road. 725-1310. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, equipped with stove, refrigerator and laundry facilities, on Simeoe North. Telephone 725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, living- room, dining area, kitchen with refrig- erator and stove, laundry facilities. Telephone 725-2981. THREE - ROOM basement apartment, stove, refrigerator, private entrance and bath. Guranteed dry. Bus at door. 1278 Simcoe South 725-8869. APARTMENTS, Shopping Centre and Hospital areas. Ossie Martin, 728-9714. Joseph Bosco, Realtor 725-9870. 273 BALDWIN STREET -- dry base- ment apartment, separate entrance, close to schools. monthly. 7: 20. $60--Upstairs -- three rooms, private bath, stove, refrigerator, heat, hydro. Couple, baby welcome, Abstainers. Near bus, Shopping Centre. 728-5243. AVAILABLE NOW -- MODERNS APARTMENTS Stove, frig.,| laundry facili- ties, locker, T.V. outlet, low rental. Call MO 8-3092 or 101 Croydon Rd., Apt. 5 After 5 p.m. APARTMENT ONTARIO STREET 4 rooms and bathroom. Re- frigerator, stove. $80.00 monthly. PHONE 723-4523 __AFTER 5 $20 WEEKLY Furnished, modern three room self - contained apartment, private three- piece bath. Semi-private entrance. Large closet space, washer and dryer, T.V. outlet, parking, util- ities paid, continuous hot water, bus near. Suitable for couple. Apply: 15 SANDRA ST.WEST 728-6504 Children welcome, $50) Nightly rates also available. Telephone 725-0078. | PRIVATE 1% rooms with private bath, in new home, well heated. Suit couple jor single persons. Telephone 725-9161. |SLEEPING accommodation, private room or double room that could be shared. Close to town and buses, Ap- ly 173 Ritson Road South. URN HED room in private home, lelose to North General Motors and hos- pital. Telephone 723-9895. \LARGE housekeeping room jvert jlaundry facilities, parking. 63 Greta or | 723-781 $7.50 WEEKLY, if shared, $10 singly, suites $20, Free parking, restaurant on premises. Hollywood Motel. MO 8-5823. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 27--Real Estate For Sale PRIVATE 13 room brick, partly fur- nished. Good income home, % block from St. Gregory's Church. Asphalt drive, parking area. Newly wired, oil eogenn Health, reason for selling, Paul Ristow REALTOR "Your Key to Action" 728-9474 _ 32¥e_ SIMCOE ST. N. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Insurance LTD. Realtors 167 Simcoe St. S. Office Hrs. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- Mortgages -- Arranged, Bought ond Sold GO NORTH And let us show you this im- maculate 3-bedroom bunga- low, decorated, paved drive, oil heat, spacious back yard. Only $10,000 full price with low down payment and terms to suit your budget. Call Mr. Gower ot 725-6544. $800 DOWN $800 Spacious 2-bedroom bunga- low, very quiet street, five minute's walk to town. Large lot, low taxes. New furnace, and the low, 'low. price of $9,400. Long term mort- gage. Call Mr. Ratcliffe at 725-6544. BARGAIN ! Owner says sell! So take a look. 6 large rooms, garage, paved drive, low taxes. Close to main G.M. office. Only $12,000 with all terms to be arranged. Cal] Mr. Gower at 725-6544. m to bedsitting room) refrigerator, HAVE YOU A REAL ESTATE PROBLEM ? Let us answer it NO OBLIGATION. We have Cash Buyers -- And those who wish to buy on Mortgage Terms. A Quarter Century of Exper- ience is yours for the asking. SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. DAYTIME 723-2265 EVENINGS: Bill McFeeters .. 725-1726 Henry Stinson 725-0243 Don Stradeski .. 728-8423 Les Hall ...... 728-5513 Reg. Aker 725-0201 GUIDE REALTY Limited 16 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-1121 SAVINGS PLUS In the home with 4-room basement opt. Clean os a pin, newly decorated, sepor- ate entrance for complete privacy. Many extras in- cluded in this one priced be- tow market volue, Call for porticulars. THREE EXTRA LARGE BEDROOMS In this 6-room brick bungo- low, with paved drive, only 9 yeors old, very well kept, nice large kitchen with lots of cup- board space. If you love large bedrooms with lots of closet space give us a call, only $12,900.00. THICKSON RD. SOUTH New 3-bedroom home with attached garage, something new and different in kitchen cupboards. If you enjoy country living with all con- veniences give us a call to- day for appointment to in- spect. ESTATE SALE 6-room, 2-storey home on Kenneth Avenue, large living room, separate dining room with nice family size bed- rooms. Extra stool on main floor, private drive with gar- age. Immediate possession, Property clear, Terms cash, Make an offer. ADELAIDE AVENUE W. Older type 5-room home with paved drive and garage. Large 65 x 132 ft. lot in R-3 Zone. Asking $9,600 full price with low down payment. One mortgage for the bal- ance. For full particulars call 723-1121 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily Roy Flintoff, Phyllis Jubb, Irene Brown, e Zurba, Leon Manitius, Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, Lucas Peacock. |YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING REAL ESTATE LTD. HARMONY R Attractive 5-room, 2 bedroom ond hedged lot. drive, oil heating. bus. A real buy at asking pri MILTON orated and landscaped, finishe sized rooms, close to schools, ment only. AFTER 5 John Kemp 8-2392 Dick Barri $14.900.00 with reasonable down payment. METCALF DIAL 728-4678 OAD. NORTH bungalow on a well landscaped A few large shade trees, storms, screens, paved Walking distonce to all schools, close to ice of $13,900.00. STREET A 3 bedroom home with a dining room. Most attractively dec- d rec room, paved drive, good bus etc. Owner asking only Shown by appoint- :30 CALL age 5-6243 Joe Maga 5,9191 Marion Drew 5-7610 Ken Hann 3-7963 Everett Elliott 3-9290 phone 728-5738. fan, $450 light fixtures, post lamps in/r; sewing h like new, in excellent condition. Tele- 728-7824, phone GLASS lined hot water tank, Inglis, $35. MO 8-3032 or MO 8-8741. BOSH heavy duty mixer, liquidizer, meat , beater and blender, cost $200. Sacrifice $125. Telephone 728-6031. TWO used tires, 820 x 15, Dominion '62 plates. Good Telephone 725-0312. 1962 CHEVROLET BelAir, 4 door sedan, laurel green metallic, automatic trans- mission, windshield washers, belts, floor mats, 4,000 miles. Private sale. Owner leaving country. Best offer. 728- ¥ 54 FORD Skyliner, automatic, custom adio, Al mechanically, good y- $185. MO 8-4517. 65 FORD %-ton pick-up, good motor, body and tires, $495. Will take trade. MO 68-5631. 28--Real Estate Wanted WE have buyers! W. McAuley Realtor, 28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or MO 8-5765. '32 CHEVY. powerglide, sedan, mecan- ically A-1, with good body. $195.00. MO 8-5631. Royal washing machine; puppies, part collie, 723-1962. RELAX-ACIZOR Cost $229. Will sell WH 2-2753. BEAUTIFUL Singer Zig-Zag in desk like console, slightly used. one makes hundreds of fancy stitches, but- ton holes, sews on buttons. Cash $48.88 or payments of $6.80 a month, Dealer. Apply Box 104 Oshawa Times. new, three outlet. for $150, Telephone Special to The Oshawa Times LAST LANCER LONDON Sir Winston Churchill has now become the last survivor of the last full- scale cavalry charge in history --the charge of the 2ist Lancers at the battle of Omdurman in 1898. The only other survivor, Harry Fitch of Deal, Kent, has died at the age of 89. BATTLE OF BOOKS STANMORE, Middlesex Members of the Stanmore Bap- tist Church are angry over the dress, d's dress or formal, spring coat, all size 14. Man's suit size 40, fancy pink stole, baby carriage, baby walker. 728-5200. B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat ie-| Thinking of Selling Call D. W. WILSON REALTOR 725-6588 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 29----Automobiles for Sale = 1955 FORD Fairlane tu-tone V-8, auto- matic, snow tires, radio, good condi- tion, 1962 plates. Telephone MO 8-4953. 1960 BUICK LE SABRE an, All sedan, power. Radio, heater, whitewalls, orig- inal owner, 17,000 miles. MO 8-3652. 1953 PLYMOUTH Two-door hardtop. Here is a terrific buy! Mechanically A-1, tires A-1. Clean interior, needs little body work. Sales tax and new license. ONLY $225. FINA SERVICE STATION 701 DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY--MO 8-8481 THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS _ BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK N. WHITBY MO 8-4741 VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA. SERVICE 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 1956 METEOR NIAGARA SEDAN A really sharp car! Can be bought for only $675 includes sales tax and new licence plates. FINA SERVICE STATION 701 DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY--MO 8-8481 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars, 125-0331 1955 FORD COACH New factory rebuilt motor. Six cylinder. This car in ex- cellent condition: Sales tax-- New licence. ONLY $515. FINA SERVICE STATION 701 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY MO 8-848] SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S., 723-9421 1954 BUICK SEDAN This car is in good condition throughout. Sales tax, new license, ONLY $419. FINA SERVICE STATION 701 DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY--MO 8-848] ° oo bg © 0% eo WILL YOUR CAR GET THRU WINTER? IF NOT BUY A NEW ONE NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED et ps py TIE wale Bak & 8S xx xx PLP LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA WILL take car as down payment on 4 1k-out teries, vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. new three basement. Must see bathroom. Tele- phone 725-9478. MAYTAG spin dry automatic washer, very good condition, reasonably priced. T 723-7043. 61 FALCON, fordor deluxe, Whitewalls, washers, new licence, mi- 1 pe Se McClary, 8 cu, ft.3 leage 11,800. Will finance. T 725-3744. 1954 MONARCH sedan, four door. A very good car, only $295. Trade and terms, Smith's Sports Supertest, Conlin Road and Simcoe North, 728-5912, 56 FORD V8 sedan delivery, radio, six tires, in excellent condition, $400. T 728-8841. r oven. Both in good condition. Reason- able. Telephone 728-9529, WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture and appliances, for top cash offer phone 728-1131, Community Furniture, 19 Prince Street. "58 PONTIAC, good condition, $175. One Fender guitar and amplifier, perfect $300. T 725-2590. 56 FORD, dump, 56 GMC dump, '53 GMC stake truck, good condition. 725- 2156. 59 RENAULT Dolphine, grey in color, id MOTOR scooter, semi-automatic, dual exhaust, all accessories. Apply Mill's BA Station, 115 Highway. Phone New- castle 4566. one owner, in very 00 Telephone 655-4829 after 6. *56 PONTIAC sedan, four-door, two- DUPLICATORS, hand and electric, spirit or stencil; supplies. Hamilton Of- fice Equip., 137 Brock St. S. MO 8-84: tone, plum end white, > ly, in good condition. $700 cash, Whitehall 2-5304. 1958 EDSEL hardtop radio, tic, perfect c $1,195. Trade and terms. Smith's Sports Super- test, Conlin Road and Simcoe North. 728-5912. 19583 FORD sedan, custom, private, new motor, good condition. Telephone 728-2284. coupe, ECONOMY water softener of Canada, 90,000 grain capacity. Reasonable, Tele- phone 728-5004. ELECTRIC chord organ with music, Orcoa console model, in excellent condi- tion, six months old. Will sell for cash or terms. 728-0215. EIGHT Gumwood show cases, fronts, wired for lights, drawers back. Must be sold, store discontinuing -7632. glass '60 AUSTIN Healey, 3000 deluxe, four seater. Excellent condition. One owner. Wire wheels, overdrive, tonntau, low mileage. Telephone MO 8-3479. 1956 MERCURY truck, % ton. A steal at $695. Trade and terms. Smith's Sports Supertest, Conlin Road and Sim- coe North, 728-5912. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, A-1 condl- tion. Private. Must sell. Telephone MO 8-4581. SELLING or buying, "Stew" is worth trying. Any make, model, new or used. $25 down to reliable people. 725-1667. 1950 CHEVROLET sedan, motor recent- ly reconditioned, new carburetor, muff- ler. $110. Apply 561 Grierson, 725-9329. 1957 TR 8, real nice, only $1,150. Trade and terms. Smith's Sports, Supertest, Conlin Road and Simcoe North, 728-5912. 1955 ME wag CURY STATION wagon four-door, radio. At a give-away price. $649 trade and terms. Supertest, Conlin Road and Simcoe North, 728-5912. 1956 BUICK Century, hardtop sedan, fully equipped, $795. Trade and terms. Smith's Sports Supertest, Conlin Road and Simcoe North, 728-5912. 1953 BLACK Chevrolet coach, deluxe model, clean, good looking car, wind- Smith's Sports, | T TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, rentais, terms, service. Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South, MO 8-8442. OLYMPIA typewriters, they're No. 1 in their field, standards and portables, see them today. Hamilton Office Equip. 137 Brock South, Whitby. MO 8-8442. THREE rooms of new furniture, only $299. This includes living room, bed- room and kitchen ensembles, Get all this for only 45 cents daily. Barons' foe Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street outh FURNACES forced air, 10 year guar antee $2.25 per week. No down pay- ment, package deal, $130. Telephone 725-4729, BEGONIA bulbs, Amaryllis etc. Ortho dermant spray for trees. Clearance sale on vases, dishes, Rundle's Garden Cen- tre, King East. 725-1764. CAR radio, in the dash, transistor, $32.50. Aerial and installation extra. Try Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. BEFORE buying or selling televisions, furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash- ers, call Elmer Wilbur, Hampton. CO 3-2294. OLD guns wanted, Rifles, shotguns, re- volvers and pistols also old cartridges. 725-8183. shield washers and dir signals. Call 728-6983. 3 '53 AUSTIN sedan, four door, ve FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. Telephone 728-4683. good condition. Just been c ly re- wired. Reasonable. A, Hanson, Town- line North, 725-2316. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Qust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 30--Automobiles Wanted WANTED: Late model car as down payment on new three-bedroom bunga- low, located on Masson Seeet. Tele- phone 725-9478. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-1181 53 TO °57 Chevrolet or Pontiac, car or wagon, Telephone 723-9911 after 4 p.m. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash"' to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 KEMP MOTORS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS ~ WHITBY MO 8-4932 TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save. 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00, Circulation Dept., Oshawa Times. 'TENTS, camping supplies, marine hardware, outboard motors, guns anal bicycles. Best prices. Try Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. CUSTOM built chesterfield suites as low as $169.50. Fabulous fabric choice. Visit Customcraft Furniture, Station Plaza, south of CNR station, SIMMONS studio couch, brown and beige shades, scarcely used, $50. Tele- phone 725-0282. HOTPOINT combination and sink, length 48" width 25" height 36" with 18" x 17" sink. Excellent con- dition, $90. Original price $450. Tele- phone 723-3954. PIANO accordion, 120 bass, in excellent condition. Apply. 1070 Ravine Road or telephone 728-6711 after six p.m. GOOD RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS RANGES AND WASHERS All parts and service AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE HARWOOD AVE. NORTH AJAX -- WH 2-6410 NEW SPRING DRAPERY Custom-made, latest colorful floral and abstract patterns, Satins, Rayons, Mohairs, lined end unlined, up to 4 widths, 54 to 95 inch lengths. 17.95 up. M & C DRY GOODS 74 CELINA ST., 723-7827 VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE In a new location. 16% Bond Street West. Top price paid for used radios, televis~ ions, furniture and applian- ces. We buy, sell and ex- change. Telephone 728- 4401. ENGLISH ROYAL PAIR WASHER & DRYER $185 6-Month Warranty WH 2-6410 AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE dishwasher : 32--Articles for Sale PIANO, Ambhurst, upright, sized, $80. Telephone 725-8986. OLD GUNS WANTED Will pay $100 for brass- framed level action rifles, Top prices for other old rifles, and hand guns. PHONE 728-5574 WORRIED ? Then see us and find out for yourself how a food freezer service can take out the wor- ries and expense of food. A family of four spend with us epprox. $16.50 per week for food and freezer. Includes approx. 80% of normal groc- eries. PHONE 728-9141 for your own personal analysis. NO OBLIGATION medium NEW SPRING DRAPERY Custom-made, latest colorful floral and abstract patterns, Satins, Rayons, Mohairs, lined and unlined, up te 4 widths, 54 to 95 inch lengths. $17.95 up. Kitchen Drapery Fabric, attractive colors in polished cotton, 79c yd. up. Dan River Dress Cottons, various colors, patterns, 98c yd. M & C DRY GOODS 74 CELINA ST., 723-7827 BOATS UP TO 60% OFF Larsen, Traveller, Weymouth, Mason, Evinrude Motors, Volvo Tenta Engines. MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin PHONE 655-3641 OPEN EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS UNTIL 8 P.M, "trashy and pornographic" books and magazines appearing on bookstalls. To counteract them, a group of the members is operating a mobile bookstall selling only approved books. HELPED SAVE 1,000 WALMER, Essex -- Another veteran of the Walmer lifeboat has retired. The bowman, 60- year-old George Baker, who had helped in the saving of 1,000 lives from the sea, has received two vellum certifi- estes for his work on the Good- wins from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. COURT PROBLEM DUNMOW, Esséx -- Essex ws magistrates have served notice that they will not hold court in the village hall, where dances and stage shows are held at night, because they feel it is not in keeping with the dignity of the court. A search is now 10/heing made.for new premises in which the courts can sit. FALSE BANK ALARM LONDON -- A police cordon was thrown around Barclay's Bank, Mile End Road, Stepney, after noises had been heard coming from the casement. But they found the noises were com- ing from a railway tunnel near the Mile End tube station in which a gang of men was at work. RESORT THREATENED LYME REGIS, Dorset -- In a recent gale and rainstorm, a landslide wiped out five houses and threatened this seaside town. The first fall smashed a 300-year-old mansion, three guest houses and a cottage, and further falls of the 150- foot high cliff threatened many other buildings. GUARDS' EXHIBITION LONDON -- A photographic exhibition showing all aspects of the peacetime life of a fam- ous regiment of the Brigade of Guards -- the Scots Guards -- from training to colorful cere- monial parades, is now being held in London. It is the first time that such a comprehen- sive pictorial record of the ac- tivities of the Guards has ever been shown to the public. 32--Articles for Sale VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice, 728-0591 anytime. TRADE UP to a better used car from one of the many bargains offered daily in the Oshawa Times Classified Section. MEAT scale, chopping block, slicer, showcase, pop cooler, coffee grinder, grill, cheque writer, fire proof ledger, milk shaker, large safe, file cabinet, desk, chair. Hamilton's, Whitby. TYPEWRITER adding machine, check writer, electric time clock, file cabinet, cash register. Snap for quick sale. 723-4434. WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. HOUSEHOLD furniture, 9 piece walnut diningroom set, 2 bedroom sets. Many other household items, Dial 725-1873 or 723-3380. TV RENTALS, by the day, week or month at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- cot North 723-3043. | Set For Sweden BACK TO LONDON LONDON -- Disappointed' Londoners who followed new in- dustries into East Kent are moving back to the suburbs. They complain of being cold- shouldered by their neighbors and of housing difficulties. In- dustrialists at Ashford complain of losing employees because wives persuade them to seek work again in London. They' miss their friends. EXPENSIVE FISHING LANCASTER--Fishing rights bank of the River Lune, kyown' trout water, were bought at auc- ter and District Angling Asso- ciation, which already owns a considerable stretch on the op- posite bank. ENFORCED HOLIDAY LONDON--Farmhouse cheese- makers, who live by one of the country's most ancient crafts, are taking an enforced "'holi- day" of one month on part pay this year. This has been ordered by the Milk Marketing Board, which says they have been pro- ducing too much cheese and might cause a price slump. LONDON--Five hundred Brit- ish firms will take part in a British exhibition which is: to be held in Stockholm, Sweden, from May 18 to June 3. It will be the largest British exhibition ever held overseas, and goods on display will range from eart' 'ving equipment to gro- ceri Danish, Norwegian and Finnish days will be held to attract buyers from these coun- tries. WATER FETE HYTHE, Kent -- The Mayor of Hythe has given the town his assurance that the annual Ven- etian Fete, a water carnival, will be held this year. The fete had been threatened by scheme to dredge the Royal Military Canal on which the fete is held. But it will not start un- til after this year's fete. FEAR "DUMPED" FLOUR DOUGLAS, Isle of Man--The government of the Isle of Man has issued an order that no flour can be imported into the island except under government licence. The aim of the order is to protect the island's only flour mill from cheaper "'dump- ed" Canadian flour. WANT DAY OFF BARNET, Herts -- The Bar- nett Licensed Victuallers' Asso- ciation is to consider asking its parent body, the London Cen- tral Board, to support a cam- paign for public houses to re- main closed one day each week. The proposal is that a rota sys- tem be set up, with the public houses taking turns at closing on Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday. MINISTER AS MAYOR CANTERBURY, Kent -- Can- terbury, for the first time in its history, is to have a clergyman as mayor. He is Rev. Clive Pare, 54-year-old headmaster of Canterbury Cathedral Choir School and a councillor for nine years. First to congratulate him when the news came through were the boys of his school. along 1990 yards of the left as the Claughton salmon and tion for $63,000 by the Lancas-} open due to some terms ending. . 1962 officers for the Orono+ District Credit Union will be:* President, Percy Werry; vice- president, Charles Gilkes; secretary, A. Perrin; treasurer, Gus Loucks. Directors -- Russell Osborne, agg ws a mee cee rs. Percy Werry, C. Hutton and Mrs. G. Locke Credit committee -- Welling- ton Farrow, Charles Osborne, E. Blewett. "i Supervisory Committee -- Mrs. Robert Hancock, Glen Allin and Don Gilkes. Over 200 At Orono Ice Show By MRS. KEN. GAMSBY ORONO -- The Orono Fig- ure Skating Club held its an nual ice show on Saturday eve- ning of last week when over 200 were present to view the performances of the 60 young skaters of the club. The audience was entertain- ed with an hour and fifteen- minute display of talent, color, and rhythm. oe The Ice Show opened with the beginners taking to the ice and as usual these skaters; dressed as clowns, won the ad-. miration of those in attend- ance. Those in the group weré Margaret Moffatt, Susan West, Kim West, Carl Coatham, Wayne Hazelden, Jackie Snel- ders and Marilyn Snelders. A threesome of Nancy For, rester, Darlene West and Julie- Neal next entertained the audi- ence with spirals and spins. Group one of the club then took to the ice. They were: Keith Powell, Nancy Mercer, Bonnie Dunlop, Diane Boyd, Steven Allen, John Coatham and Mark Carman. Susan Aslett, one of the younger skaters of the club,' delighted her audience with a solo. The Senior members of the. club, Cheryl Cooper, Patti Part ner, Wendy Partner, Elaine. F officers' s . a Forrester, Sharon Simpson;* Beverly Tennant, Linda Thomp: son, Karen Lee, Susan Cantrell and Dorothy Dunlop, present- ed their version of the popular dance craze, The Twist. Shelley Hooey, Cathy Gustar,. Barbara Gustar, Carol Chat- terton, Sherry' Lowery, Lorna Lowery and Susan Aslett, be- ing group two, then performed, A foursome of Sharon Simp- son, Beverly Tennant, Elaine* Forrester and Dorothy Dunlop. displayed their ability with a number of skating techniques. Gail Cooper, the club pro, delighted the spectators. i Wearing candy - striped' blouses and skirts, the Juniors" -- Rhonda Tennant, Wendy Mercer, Bonnie Barlow, Mari- lyn West, Nancy Barraball,. Doreen Hazelden, Diane Hazel+' den, Heather McGill, Karen, Lowery and Kathy Coatham-- performed a colorful routine on- the ice. Individual numbers in a two- some by Linda Thompson and. Karen Lee and a solo by Cheryl Cooper were also features of the annual ice show. The antics of four clowns, Gary Cooper, Gary McMackin, Cliff Long and Bill Reid, was an entertainment enjoyed by the youngsters and, of course, their parents. The two closing numbers of the ice show were presented by the Intermediates and the Seniors with both numbers dis- playing precision skating. The Intermediates, dressed as « Orono District Credit Union Names Officers PHILCO refrigerator, across top freez- er, $69. Pet Centre, 9 Celina Street, hi 728-0403. By MRS. KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- An outdoor atmo- NEW 1962 baby carriage now on dis- play, free mattress, priced from $24; spring filled crib mattresses, $5.88 |playpens, $8.88; chrome high chairs, $10.88. Wilson's Furniture Co., Church Street, Oshawa. AWNINGS, canvas: Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, SPECIALS for the bargain hunters. Wagon Wheel bunk beds, complete with spring filled mattresses, regular $119. Sale $68; five piece chrome kitchen suite, special $28.50; 9" x 12' viscose carpet, 5 only, special $28; Space Saver spring filled, good cover, special $32; wall to wall floor coverings, discon- tinued patterns, while they last 25¢ per ft. Wilson's Furniture Co., 20 Church Street, Oshawa. sphere created by spruce trees ;land a collection of stuffed birds, fish and animals as well as 20/some live specimens was the setting for the Couples Club meeting Saturday evening. Fifteen couples enjoyed twc films shown by Doug. Powell. One on bird migration; the sec- ond, in color, on the White Tail deer. While a lunch of pancakes and maple syrup were served, Les. Aslett and Bob Johnson displayed their skill at mixing 34--Lost & Found PLAID zippered bag, lest Friday even- ing after 5, downtown Oshawa, contain- ing white knitting and needles. Tele- phone 723-1719 after 5. FEMALE Beagle, registered, tattooed on ear, tri-colored, thirteen inches high, Heence 546, vicinity Stevenson and Rossland. 723-2747. and flipping pancakes. CREDIT UNION MEETS The Orono District Credit Union held their 1 supper Snowmen black and _ white were Cathy Coatham, Cheryl Coatham, Caroline Johnson, Margaret Taggart, Lynda Bar- raball, Nancy Forrester, Julie Neal, Darlene West and Glenda Tennant. The Senior girls pre- sented, the ever-popular, Can Can as the closing number of the show. During the evening, - Charles Hutton acted as master of cere- monies, announcing the various numbers along with those taking part. Miss Gail Cooper and her assistant, Mrs. Marg. Powell, were presented with gifts by. the three young skaters, on be- half of the Orono Skating Club. MAY SWIM IN CUBA hig TORONTO (CP)--The federal : government may be asked to | approve a decision by the On- tario, Amateur Swimming Asso- ° ciation to send a team to Cuba. Acceptance of an invitation to ' a three-day international compe- tition in Havana depends on the ' Cuban government's paying all meeting on Monday in the Orono Oddfellow's Hall with 40 mem- bers and guests present. The fi jal statement was 35--Legal THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT, 1960 Notice is hereby given that the application of Wayne Frank Foster, residing at 375 Elgin Street East, Osh- awa, to chonge his surname to Hodge, shall be heard by the presiding Judge in Cham- bers at the Court House in Whitby, on Friday, April 27th, 1962, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the fore- noon, i Dated at Oshawa, March 9th, 1962. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., 14% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitor for the Applicant. given by treasurer-manager Gus Loucks, the supervi: ry report by Robert Allin, the credit com- mittee report by Wellington Far- row and the publicity and edu- cation report by C. Hutton. Vice-president Charles Gilkes spoke on the stabilization fund and chapter meetings. George Curry of the Credit Union League office explained the in- surance dividend, as well as in- troducing the guest speaker Rene LaChapells, Cuna Mutual exp but Ottawa will make the final decision whether the team should go. Cuban consul Alberta Boza ° promised return air transporta- tion and hotel accommodation for 25 Ontario swimmers, A pro- fessional event between Cuba's long distance champion and Tor- onto's Danish star Helge Jensen is a condition of the invitation. Jensen has already left for Mi-" ami. ' AUSTRIANS LEAD SKIERS FORT WILLIAM (CP)--For- mer Austrian skiing stars took the top three placings in a pro- fessional giant slalom race here Insurance repr ative. The members unanimously endorsed the officers' recom- mendation of a 4 per cent divi- dend on share savings accounts be paid for 1961. Total member- ship is now 136 with assets of $20,000. An election of officers was held for the Board of Di- rectors for positions that were Sunday. Anderl Molterer, now of Aspen, Colo., took top money of $600 with a combined time for three runs of 2:39.5 at the Loch Lomond ski area. Christian Pravda, a former world down- hill champion, took second money of $450 and Peppi Gram- shammer, of Sun Valley, took third money of $400.