@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Me:ch 17, 1962 HOME OF THE WEEK HOME DESIGN NO. 431 Here's a narrow lot expans- {ble plan that meets the living space requirements of a grow- ing family. First floor is well co-ordinated and provides maximum living and working snace, vestibule and closet project from main living area. Fireplace, view window, un- broken wall space custom built-ins and excellent propor- tioning make living - dining centre suitable for family needs. Kitchen has many work in, sliding doors for con- venience, family size break- fast area, plenty of cupboards and easy access to lavatory, basement stairs and rear high corner windows and large closets. Upper floor con- sists of two extra size bed- rooms and bath with stall shower. Standard Builders' Blueprints costing $9.75 a set are obtainable in Canada for this Design No. 431 (Ontario residents add 3 per cent Sales Tax). Now available at this Newspaper Office) or room address below) a new Design Book entitled "Home Plan- ning Guide", price 50c. This book contains over 50 sclected designs, cluding 1 storey, 1% storey, 2 storey and split level, plus useful information on building, interior decorat- ing, and landscaping. Order your copy today. Also in- cluded in this design book is a complete price list, order form, and full information on how to order blueprints. IN THE HOME WORKSHOP RSIDE TABLE By RUTH W. SPEARS It is easy to make this stand because the construction is so simple. You will wonder how you ever got along without its useful terraced shelves. Pattern 440, which gives actual-size cut- ting guides for all shaped parts and illustrated directions, is 50c. CHAI |stained with age? KITCHEN leas ES DINING HALL .9-10-7:10}) AACR oe teem HTS able oe LIVING "T/BED RM. HOT 1210" | 16-0014. je The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, (Enclosed please find 50c, for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail requests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). YOUR GARDEN Many Varieties Of Lovely Roses By IAN. SMITH Brookdale Nurseries Many books have been writ- ten on the subject of roses but these benefit mostly the profes- sional rose breeder or the ardent rose grower. This article is designed to assist the "'nov- ice' rose grower to choose varieties that are suited to both the climate of the area and to inform him of the proper care and maintenance of the plants. Several classes of roses are available today and each de- serves a word of explanation. Hybrid Tea: The most popular rose with the home gardener be- cause of the quality of bloom and the delightful fragrance which many varieties offer. Grandiflora: A relatively new class in the rose world. These plants are noted for robust growth with large blooms sim- ilar to hybrid teas, but provid- ing blooms for a longer period of time, Floribunda: Meaning "man flowers', this class is rapidly becoming the favorite rose of the home gardener because of the massive blooms these plants provide and the very long blooming period. Climbing Roses: Everyone is} familiar with the glorious pic-| ture of these roses growing upon! the walls of homes or the gar- den trellis. OTHERS LESSER KNOWN | In addition to these well! known classes there are several) relatively unknown classes such| as the "Grootendorst" roses;} Miniature roses; and Tree Roses. oe Hybrid Teas should be main- tained in a separate rose bed, where the true beauty and per- fume can be fully appreciated. There are several thousand var- beginner is often confused by such a choice but the fact re- mains that many of the older varieties are still the best roses; this does not mean that the new introductions of the AARS are inferior. Roses such as "Duet" and "'Christian Dior" are excel- lent. The following are some of the good dependable varieties: Peace: This yellow-pink var- iety is outstanding and a must for any garden. It blooms for a longer period of time than any other Hybrid Tea rose I know. Chrysler Imperial: A dark red rose of great merit. Garden Party: A_ recent AARS introduction which has very large blooms of a soft creamy-pink color. Mojave: A delightful orange bloom of lasting quality. Sutter's Gold: One of the pur- est yellow roses yet to be intro- duced and a plant which holds its bloom for a long period of time. There are many other fine jvarieties which are available jfrom your local nurseryman. MASSIVE COLOR Floribunda Roses have such Geidilocks: A pure yellow flower of semi-miniature size, this plant is noted for the great number of blooms it produces. Many other varieties of Flori- bundas are also available. SPECIAL PLACE Grandiflora Roses deserve a special place in your garden. These plants often grow to great size and can be used as speci- mens any where in the garden. Queen Elizabeth, which pro- duces very large blooms of pure pink, is an outstanding variety. Buccaneer, a bright yellow, and Carousel with glowing red flow- ers, are other highly desirable members of this class. Climbing Roses are very pop- ular as very few garden plants will do the job that these color- ful roses will do. Against a wall the Blaze climber with its bright red blooms, or the Coral Dawn climber with pink-coral blooms will grace your home, depend- ing on the color most suited to your brick or woodwork, Some other varieties, the newer ones,| such as Gladiator and Imperial) Blaze are well worth consider- ing. SOIL PREPARATION To prepare your soil before planting roses (bearing in mind) that your blooms are best if the) soil is rich) dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots without "cramming" and mix manure or bone meal with good clay loam. Plant the rose each cane, rose bush and your plants should be treated with a good insecticide - fungicide regularly from June through September. This can be done easily and the rewards are great. For winter protection "hill" roses up with Saturdays at the soil level and water the plant well. Backfill the soil gently and pack it well to ex- clude excessive air in the soil. After planting prune heavily to permit the plant to establish itself as quickly as possible. The bushes should be pruned back to about four inches from the rgaft, leaving several buds on Aphids, blackspot, and mildew busnes so that the graft is just man, They can be applied and will keep the soil from washing away during the winter. POINTS TO REMEMBER: carefully. feed your plants. at the time of planting. during the summer. (5) Protect your roses for the winter. Don't deny yourself the pleas- ure of this delightful company in your garden. For more in- formation contact your local On- tario Nurserymen's Association member. (1) Plan your rose plantings (2) Prepare your soil well and EARLY EXPLORERS Viking explorers are thought to have vyisited Labrador as early as the year 1,000. (3) Prune your plants heavily (4) Spray or dust regularly are the great enemies of the light loam to a depth of four or five inches above the graft. This is done very simply with a shovel if the soil is properly prepared. Rose protectors are available from your nursery- EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT te DNIPR THE 681 Edith St. (Just off Bloor --- 1 Block Eost of Ritson Rd.) Modern Dance Hall Music Men REFRESHMEN OPEN Ukrainian Hall The T COUNTER | sais oe we COUPLES ONLY , The Great Big Wonderful Sound of Music... PAT RICCIO and his diversified uses and are equally at home in a rose bed, as a hedge, or mixed perennial and evergreen planting. The large, long - lasting blooms make them highly desirable when massive color is desired. The following varieties are recommended: Circus: A recent AARS selec- tion of great merit; the multi- colored blooms are orange, pink and yellow. that never stops blooming. Fashion: Soft coral peach blooms that grace any garden and blend delightfully into a mass planting of blooms of Floribunda. ieties of Hybrid Teas and the Name Address POOR ROC O OES ES SEED ESE TSO OER EE OSES OEE OSSOEOESESEES | | | | | FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE | AGED, STAINED SAMPLER top edge and bottom of a door QUESTIONS: Do you havejis overlooked in finishing. any suggestions for cleaning an old sampler that has become/PAINTING CEILING | QUESTION: I would like to ANSWER: If this is a valu-|paint my ceiling, using a roller. able item, strongly recommend|But since I have to use a brush having a professional cleanerjalong the edges in order to get do the job; material may haveja clean line, I am afraid that weakened with age and threads when I lap over this border may be very fragile. Assume the cloth is either|showing. How can linen or cotton, and no woollthis? used for the embroidery. If the) ANSWER: . Easiest way to cloth seems in good condition,|@void lap marks is to use the wash carefully in a mild soap or new latex vinyl plastic paint. detergent solution, rinsing thor-|Then you can follow the proce- oughly in plenty of clear water|dure you describe with com- to remove all trace of the clean-|plete confidence. ing agent. Touch up any re-lswEATING STAINS jmaining stains in the cloth) QUESTION: How can I re- |(avoiding touching any of the/move sweating or water stains jembroidery threads) with a 3\trom window frames to bring |per cent solution of hydrogen'the wood back to its natural jperoxide and expose to direct/color before revarnishing? This sunlight; keep moist until stains|j; a softer wood than hardwood disappear. flooring. I \stripe, there will be lap marks] % avoid| J Let Us Show You!!... HOW TO HEAT that COLD ROOM or RECREATION ROOM -- WITH ELECTRIC HEAT USE OUR HYDRO TIME PAYMENT PLAN ! COOK'S ELECTRIC} PHONE 725-6109 | | | ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE at the OSHAWA CHILDREN'S ARENA Saturday, Mar. 17 8 P.M 75c EACH Dress Hard Times Sponsored by OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE @ Everyone Welcome @ OUTIDE DOOR FINISH ANSWER: Remove the pres- lent finish down to the bare It is also included in the Small Shelf and Stand Packet No. 49 with three other full-size pat- terns for $1.75. Send orders to The Home Workshop Dept., The Times, Oshawa. PATTERN 8 BREN. T°cse colorful birds make fas- cinating ornaments for house, | .QUESTION: What is the most|wood, then apply a prepared durable finish for an outside) wood bleach to the stained area door? The painter finished the|available at paint delers, fol- |front door on our five-year-old|lowing label directions careful- house with varnish and it {s}ly, Apply a matching wood stain again worn off. I waxed it af-lif the bleached sections are too| jterward, hoping to make it last/light in color after the bleach-! longer; he removed the wax be-|ing, Revarnish as desired. | lore revarnishing. ANSWER: A top quality spar or marine varnish, properly ap- plied, gives highly satisfactory service on doors. Your painter may not have used an exter- ior type varnish; or all edges jand sides of the door may not jhave been covered with the fin- lish, allowing an exposed edge} \for the entry of moisture into! | the wood; in working to the sur-} |face, moisture pushed the paint jor varnish off. Frequently, the FOR A QUALITY HOME... LOOK FOR FOLEY PLUMBING INSTALLATION | | | | @Fi BUILDING F{ or Remodelling DEMMER CONSTRUCTION call 728-0310 packages. , . each pack c of first grade seeds, PKG. Looper Smllt ca \ 16 CELINA ST. ontains a greater quantity 5S | | Frensham: A dark red beauty] SRL, DANCE Recording Orchestra} Acclaimed The Top Dance Band in Canade TONIGHT | Old Time -- Modern} RED BARN ADMISSION -- $1.00 3 BIG HITS! yy GARY COOPER DIANE VARSI SUZY PARKER ADULT ENTERTAINMENT JUNGLE SAVAGERY ! . "VOODOOTIGER" JOHNNY WEISMULLER ae > PeWARD DENNING BNDRA MARTIN. JERRY PARIS STARTS SUNDAY e TODAY ONLY e 'Guns of the Black Witch' "The Lost Battalion" SLIM GORDON Watch Championship Bridge EVERY SUNDAY ON CHANNEL 9 AT 2 P.M. SPONSORED BY MACKIE'S VAN & STORAGE LTD. 555 KING ST. EAST 728-6279 PRESENTS DIRECT FROM THE GRAND OL' OP'RY | Nashville Tennessee BILL It's The Merriest Mixings Since Girls CK CUMMINGS" Discovered Boys! Production WEdD. BEYMER-THOMAS HOLA Color Cartoon "Adventure In Music" FEATURE AT: 1:30 - 3:35 - 5:25 - 7:30 - 9:48 Color? CiInsmaScore A FAMOUS PLAYERS ANDERSOV HIT RECORDS Po' Folks Down Came The Rain, etc. AND AN ALL STAR SHOW Sun., Mar. 18 8 P.M. RED BARN i] SUNDAY DOORS OPEN DAILY 6 P.M. SAT. 12:45---SUN. 1:30 P.M.| TODAY & B re __ MEET THE "ABBOTT COSTELLO" Zilia! TERROR MOUNTS ... as he shrinks and shrinks and shrinks! THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN with RANDY STUART GRANT WILLIAMS "GARDEN SUPPLIES SINCE 1909" 723-2312 'no NANCY GUILD» ADELE JERGE Sesscted by H.G Wells' "THE INVISIBLE MAN" NS THEY'RE ALL TALKING ABOUT FEATURE TIMES: 1:40 3:35 5:25 7:25 9:15 ENTERTAINMEN SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. | | OUR GUARANTEE All "DUMONT" Aluminum Products are guaranteed to be i free from defects in material and workmanship. They are guaranteed for a lifetime by the seller and by the manufac- | turer against rust, corrosion, pitting, warping and other de- -- -- --e oe ee ee ee we ee ee ee ee ee ed IN COLOR TOO! terioration, arising from natural causes and conditions, THAT'S DUMONT ALUMINUM PROD. LTD. 333 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 728-1651 patio or garden. You can make} them easily with Pattern 109. Place it face down on wood or hardboard and transfer cutting lines by applying a warm iron to the back. Paint the cut-out birds by filling in spaces ac- cording to number. Pattern is 75c. Send orders Workshop Dept., Oshawa. Oshawa's Own... AUTHORS and SWINSON Outstanding Canadian Comedy Team SATURDAY NITE AT THE GET! 0.C.V.. AUDITORIUM DRESS CASUAL Admission 50°... This Week Only For Members and Non-Members to The Home The Times, sss McLaughlin Heating for e@ FUEL OIL e STOVE OIL @ Prompt Delivery 104 King W. RA 3-3481 BIRD-ARCHER IT'S DIXON'S For the BEST in FUEL end Heating Equipment DELCO obligation, m' GARDEN G' by GENERAL MOTORS IDE 313 Albert St. RA 3-4663 | D. W. WILSON LTD. | REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA $-6588 --_ of the new 1962 i Nome f Address Ur. BONUS Cael OFFER vate! omy nO. he M == Prov. $1.95 (Poormetd) wash clothes cleaner! EASY TERMS AVAILABLE NO DOWN PAYMENT IF DESIRED GUSCOTT Plumbing & Heating LTD. 207 SIMCOE S$. SAVE $SS$$ ALUMINUM SIDING WHILE WINTER RATES ARE IN EFFECT AND SAVE! "Where Satisfoction Is Guoranteed" LES EVENISS SALES Serving Oshawa Over 9 Yeors 15 PRINCE ST Buying or Selling ! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treas. 16 SIMCOE ST. S:, OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 HOWARD SWINSON BARRY AuTHors SPOT PRIZES 725-4632, EVENINGS 723-2707 725-5132