|St. Mike's Majors Hockey on aa < 1 P O Moh k Playoff Sets | Uxbridge Black Hawks ut ut re | ¥,Y Fogg bac sage Oshawa 2 | Minor 'ockey ssociation's W 0 t Gl bet tt | By GERRY BLAIR lead to 11-1 before Julie Kowal-/Even in scheduled play, St,/'0Und-robin playoff team stand- ipe u 0. TO ers When the mood strikes them.|:ki rounded out the evening's|Mike's never held such a wide|"8S: as of Friday, March 16, : : St. Michael's College Majors| coring. imargin in play over Mohawks, |CO™MPiled by league statistician) By GERRY BLAIR square off with Picton, who can put on quite a performanc| Gary Dineen, the Metro Jun-/ WHITBY -- goal, Perani; os publicity director Jim) pow three goals, with only|drew a bye into Intermediate of hockey ability. This they| or "A" league's leading scorer, |fence, George Tran, Tripp, Bob.|s03™: \10 minutes remaining in the|B" Playdowns. proved with little oppositior| was flying last night. He scored|pie and Carnegie; forwards, | SERIES "A" BANTAMS /game, Uxbridge Black Hawks} UXBRIDGE -- goal, Carpen- from Whitby Mohawks, as the| wo goals and set up another/Fjmer Tran, Luke, Shearer, WLTFA Pts lroared back to even the countiter; defence: Haynes, Bob Todd, Irish humiliated Mohawks, 11-:| hree. Terry Clancy (2), Jim/Smith, Kowalski, Fletcher, Local 205 3 ' 115 7 7 |and force a 10-minute overtime|Simpson, Forfar and Grandy; last night in St. Michael's Col-| IcKendry (2). Paul Conlin, Bill!Bishop, Dowe, Weller, Everett. Gan. Tire 3 114 9 7 |period, in which they scored forwards: Etcher, Tomlinson, 2 1 1 0 "Ben ON NE RR lege arena before 1,800 fans. MacMillan, Mike Walton, Mike o cre e Sith: | Civi St. Mike's now move into the} "orbett and Ray DuPont were Fe ogg shad aogge pony "reac Junior i, gs -- the other St. Michael's marks-\Kengry' Mosdell and MacKen-| Houdaille 0 916 2| Last night's victory by Black|Todd. ~ td odo igen 00 Sap a ae anes es zie: forwards, Corbett, Dineen, Scugog Clnrs. 1 715 1 |Hawks in Trenton, gave them. TRENTON -- goal, Ogden; de- aden a oe ogy hgh SHO! I we Aygorcemet Walton, MacDonald, Clancy, |the best-of-seven Lakeshore In-jfence: Scott and Gravelle; for- est-of-seven series, as di ¢ ions were made to Gary Dineen yyaoMilian, Therien, Fritz. and jtermediate "B' finals in four-|wards: Collins, McDonald, Lew- Irish over Whitby. and Gary Smith of St. Michael's jy, 0... SERIES "B"' BANTAMS _istraight games. is, Durst, Peterson, Moroney, Majors forced Whitby into 'or the top scoring honors and F A Pts. "k G a the h Jones and Drake : : ridiculous errors in the first|/best goal average respectively 21 5 eae scnttng tare FIRST PERIOD 1 % Ay 1 1 11516 4 |RCAF Globetrotters, 6-4. |Ferguson, Germond and Carl t) : 010 7 4 \tWo goals to defeat Trenton| Bennick, Cherry, Redshaw, 2 3 3 \s Ist Period Local 2784 eriod to build -omfort | Matt Levden. OHA vice-| 1. St. Mike's: Corbett i : : bye Se One Conan Bale Levees, OR) Mte Duplate ing goal with a mere five sec-| 1. Trenton: St. Pierre 3 : e 3-0 lead. jpresident presented Dineen (Dineen, McKendry) .» .29 police Ass : * ; Se achat Whitby called it quits for the| with the eas Cooper Memor- ?- St. Mike's: Conlin pada er was 5 onds left to be played in the, -- (Gravelle, Riley) .... 7.19 . 4 - Na figs M te 5 5 4 (MeMillan, Fritz) .. 17:59\5:.;.. mim: game. Then in overtime, Ger- Penalties -- Rennick 2.26, : second period as St. Mike's fired|ial trophy and Smith with the : ; : B'Nai B'Rith : ; Bob Forfar 9.11. J : OSHAWA BOWLER GETS BOOST FOR HIS BID home five more for a command-|Turk Broda trophy. Perc Top-| 3. St. Mike's: McKendry W: Kiwanis mond scored the winner. Bob)Forfar 9.11, Jones 9.55, Steiner 'ing 8-0 margin. Mohawks played|ping, Metro convener, intro- (Dineen, DuPont) .... 18.32 Frank Sobil, left, Oshawa | shown above, receiving ay, expenses, from Bill Baxter ie be i poor like they|duced -o Leyden .... Mike) Penalty -- MacKenzie 9.40. | MIDGET ee ' An i si at (centre), secretary of. the |shou ave been for the first|Corbett and Len Bobbie staged 2 > | si aRiialige hye repent Wier apr ag ~ | Oshawa Bowling Association. |two frames, scoring two goalsja fist fight in the second period. 4, gt, sane prec Local 222 to represent this area in the | from Howard Cook (right) of | rhe presentation took place |and holding a fair share of play.|It climaxed several elbows and (Fritz, DuPont). 3g Rotary big playoff roll at the Sports- | Ontario Motor Sales Limited, | at Kastway Lanes, this week. Gord Luke broke Gary|high sticking between the two §. St. Mike's: McKendry : Kiwanis men's Show this week, is ! and a cheque to help out on --Oshawa Times Photo |Smith's shutout early in thejfor several seconds before their (Dineen, Polonic) .... 6.32 Kinsmen _ -------------- --__--_________------ final stanza, hopping \betweenjclash . Bob Evereit and! § sj. Mike's: Walton Legion defencemen Tom Polonic and/George Tran were brought up (Polonic) 54 Lions Wayne Mosdell, to scoot in un-/from Whitby Consumers Gas 7. st. Mike's: Dineen Navy Vets | It was molested for the. score. Juveniles, but saw little action (Corbett, DuPont) .... Firefighters game on Trenton ice in the ser-- THIRD PERIOD rsend and er St. Mike's roared back with It was a dismal showing St. Mike's: Clancy } JUVENILE LE! : lies that Uxbridge had overcome. 5. Trenton: St. Pierre three more to up their one-sided'for a club facing elimination (Therien, Waltton) .. 13.24 sf ' oe ia. big deficit and scored five (Gravelle, Collins) ... .18 : Penalties -- Polonic .30, Bob- Mac's , 9 unanswered goals for the ver-| 6. Uxbridge: Haynes bie (minor and major) and Cor- Tony's jdict. In last Saturday's second (Hennick) : igame, Globetrotters were up| 7. Uxbridge: Ferguson 9. bd 4 j l k Wi t La : ' bett (major) 5.44, Tripp 6.01, Osh. Dairy 3 | x = Stee wor ers in Therien 17.53 tae 14-0 before the Uxbridge ava- (Cherry) ptteeeenene 17.12 3rd Period .lanche. 8. "take ban '2% Don edshaw, ok , 9. Whitby: Luke 3 Wayne Redshaw and Penalties: Lewis 4.98, 'Moro- By M. McINTYRE HOOD {again been chalked up against} And Billy himself said: "If 1 O M O (Walton) 5 \ - #|Haynes scored the other Black| "93. moce 10.43, Drake nce ore ver 10. St. Mike's: Dineen By THE CANADIAN PRESS /Hawk goals. 115.25. Lewis 19.35. Special London, England the club. manager, and he has\am offered the job I shall take 3 4 ; é rk re J ' Boge eg Desh canes the sacrificial goat.|it. Arsenal are the greatest club +4 ee eee 5 paitiing Siki dared a St. se ee ean ee Pali and|OVERTIME 'o The Oshawa Times The big question now is -- who in the world." e e e (mt, BE ancy atrick's day crowd at |». J Tehvi ~ Ba Pr ie \ yanks gg ape a ak (Walton, Therien) ... ' ; "Bugs" McDonald with a single| 9. Uxbridge: Germond 3.35 LaNbON -- Senn of ihe saeced cere Swan sow ens as at SQMIMF ING] Rivals se." Beles ae ona (ee, He, Oeoage: Chery #20 Bo hens tat aes a Get } - Unani-|two to get together and make a (Polonic) 9.23 ring against local fistic idol | Uxbridge now will likely Penalty -- Germond 6.34. Steelworkers realized they|3rd PERIOD 13. Whitby: Kowalski Mike McTigue, oly to ¢ _------ SH eyurg wryHos Kecoresd Cherry added an_ insurance|14.18. marker shortly before the endiggCOND PERIOD 'of the overtime session. | 2. Trenton: St. Pierre With only two minutes and 48) (Gravelle) +» 11,44 seconds showing on the clock) 3. Trenton: McDonald left in the third period, Vern (Lewis) -cavexscxsesy 1648 Ferguson scored for Uxbridge] 4. Uxbridge: Redshaw to set the stage for Germond's! (Rennick, Cherry) un tying goal. Penalties -- Haynes 11.27, the second-straight;|Frank 16.13, Drake 17.43. a LEAGL > ad a wVepauunews -- NC SCORBWA ae ah bak et ha et Sy aE Sarasa tts INAS terete aunmwnwoom™ wou ee eco", has been the announcement that tive managerial posts. George Swindin, manager of mously, the fingers of the sports deal. : aoe : : had to win this one, They/6. Steelworkers -- Babin 4:24. (Fletcher, Shearer) .. 13.52 outpointed over 15 rounds Arsenal for the last four sea-| Writers are pointing to one man,} o H | sons, will be tevin the club Billy Wright, with a record of opened fast and only stellar|7. Steelworkers -- White 8:55. Penalties -- Therien 2.24, Wel- to give McTigue the world 105 caps for England and now Stan Leonard netminding in the Royals' cage) Referees: Balsom and Mor-|ler 3.24, Clancy 14.05 light heavyweight title. | when the season ends. His con : tract, he has been informed by;/manager of the England youth by Greener kept them from gan the club chairman, will not be|team. Arsenal would like to jrunning off with the game in' Steelworkers; Goal, Roy; de- renewed, and Arsenal are now have Billy Wright as their next as an ror jthe first period. Cormier man-fense, Cormier, Tindall and FA § H I ON SH 1] W OP seeking a successor to Swindin Manager, and Billy is willing, jaged the only goal, on a setup) Craggs: forwards, Landry to take over on May 2. Swindin So a deal should be quite pos- Golf C ll lfrom Babin and C. Huard, to|White, Duffield. Bak Cc says the price of lack of suc- sible. 0. eges give Steelworkers a 1-0 lead. Huard, McKnight, R "tse OSHAWA KIWANIS PRESENTS 12:00 A.M, to 6:00 P.M, cess in league and cup, like 27 Last. fall, Wright was offered TANCOUVE . Teter Royals came on stronger in'and Aubie other football club managers) the post of top coach at Arsenal, EN saree ae as the last two stanzas and had al Royals: Goal Greneer; de- T | j ¥ mae ave meee, Gamiesed pm bet Geclines ps was then S€C-| veiled a plan Friday for estab-|slight edge in play. Poor shoot- fense, Warne and MacDonnell: ery ene Show Time 62 ng resent ~ : By eieryoree of tt Terk ishment of summer "golf col-|ing and passing spoiled many/forwards, Golding, Williams, Courtesy of C.L.L. LTD, -- at the P season. tom as manager of the England)jooe<" across the country which/chances for them. Each team/Clark; Alts., Clemens, Balsom, hehe : Football writers generally are|international team, and Winter-he said could make Canada alshot in a pair of markers in'Taylor, Prusinski, Chandler, OSHAWA CENTRAL COLLEGIATE '| 241 KING ST. E. 725-1169 not surprised that Arsenal have| bottom was expected to succeed first-class power in international the second frame. Williams Little, Chapman and Beckett decided to make a change. In Sir Stanley Rous as secretary of| oojf and Warne scored for Royals' Next § erage » . ; « ; ' Hae g : Next Sunday's Schedule: -- spite of lavish spending for play- the My ootball Association. That The 47 - year - old tournament|as Golding gained assists on 4:00 p.m.--Pete's vs, Cardinal WEDN ESDAY, MAR. 21 at 8:30 P.M. | ers, amounting to something ges -- here Sally gg star said in an interview theihoth shots. White and Landry|Cleaners (Trimmers) of the ; : MITCHELL like $840,000 since Swindin took pa : wag ag gecag ie °F! schools would be staffed by pro-|set up each other for Steel-/North Plant League (Exhibi- Tickets available et: ever in 1958, Arsenal have not/England. But that all blew UP! fessionals and would be. staged! workers' tallies. tion); 6:00 'p.m.--Royale vs JAYN-MODDE DRESSES -- 77 King %. &. 'i 9 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-3431 recovered anything of their)when Winterbottom did no! get on golf courses taken over en-) my. third period was one, of|Steelworkers (3rd game best BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR -- 72 Simcoe St. N. glories of the past. Swindin)Sir Stanley's job, and remained! tirely for the week-long course.| i al Ppiongidy v Face WARD' , bought players with great repu-|at-his present post Tt walla *h student $60|t€ Toughest of the season as)2-out-of-3 series) -- winners ARD'S DRY GOODS -- 33 Simcoe St. $. tations, or who looked like being With th: rani ion\to $70, in fame "he a payne | Steelworkers decided to play it) meet Petes in the league finals. SEIGNEUR'S SPORTSWEAR -- Shopping Centre | TAMBLYN DRUGS Delemnalnen: ot tow of WA-OUS-lninnted an tee ie cate tn tanling af tho colres or | 8*\tough, only to run into a rash 7:30 .p.m.--Vikings (Eaton's er at the door -- Admission $1.00 » blocked to him, it would be thejing at the course or in nearby i Fi ; sh : 5 . a Bok ' of penalties and at one time|shopping centre) vs. Eaton's! SHOPPING CENTRE 723-8541 chases justified the prices paid/ normal thing for Billy Wright to| motels. he} 5! n for them. Some were sold again, make Shas fh eostahie = Hes Leonard said the balance|had three men In the sinbin Hrd store, Toronto (Ex-| WEDN ESDAY, MAR. 21 at 8:30 P.M. ' } hibition). for much less than they cost./cenai's new manager, a job needed to finance the scheme| together. rc eS Players sold by Swindin|which would bring him a salary|would have to be provided by| Royals could not take advan- brought in $615,000, and they in-|of between $9,000 and $12,000 a| subsidies from golf associations tage of the situation as Babin cluded established internationals) year. jand perhaps from interested in-|and White scored on solo rushes like Mel Charles, David Herd, 5 ' aay dustrial concerns. for the Steelmen. Whites' tally Jimmy Bloomfield, Jackie Hen- THEIR COMMENTS He suggested that students|was his second of the game derson and Joe Haverty. Tom-' Denis Hill-Wood, who recently; might be sponsored in whole or!and was scored with his team my Docherty went to Chelsea as|succeeded Sir Bracewell-Smithin part by the clubs and those|a man short via a penalty. manager for no fee at all, al--as chairman of Arsenal, said) judged most promising by the| « aeleuin ere full value though he cost Arsenal $60,000. (quite frankly: "We are seeking! instructors might be given Ni a carn bat alan make So it was not surprising that)a man like Billy Wright to build/ year's membership in the near- | any friends in the league with OR the lack of success has once'up the old glories of Arsenal." 'est private club to their homes. {their display of rough stuff. ee eee TOWN AND COUNTRY -- ed bd The "Skate Night" held before Edd the big game was a. huge suc- 1e l zen er eT lcess. It was particularly en- jcouraging to see a goodly num- & ber of children enjoying them- One More Proof Of #:ichitem: It pays to know | ties reached a climax with the third. annual dance and ban- iff r hd |quet held this year in the Pic- the di erence! m ac S agic OuCc cadilly Room of the Genosha Hotel. a y Make no mistake. There is a difference, and a big one--for you! A genuine insurance agent--by time-honored definition--is an In- ist PERIOD : : : 4 : dependent businessman. His independence is vitally important to you. It means that he has complete freedom of choice in selecting By MEL SUFRIN to Rochester Americans. Ajman, another rearguard who). Steelworkers -- Cormier oe : TORONTO (CP) -- If Punchjbrain wave prompted Leafs t0 came from oo. a (Babin C. Huard) .... 10:42 the insurance companies he represents, that he can. place your insurance in the companies he knows will give the best protection and Imlach were hunting through a br ranc ¢ 3 garbage can and tks up arith igh gle Pg gala the AHL, and you get some idea yy Be sige Williams (Gold- Nes ' a $100 bill, the inclination might switches and he was ready(0! /mlach's skill (or luck). The|* ne 9:05 At the same time, since he is an independent businessman, and not an employee of any insurance company, your interests come first. be to say: 'So, what else is'when the club needed him. |'8Mificant thing is that he has 3. gine ears = White (an That means that you can count on him being in your corner when trouble strikes. Moreover an insurance agent is by training and ex- The general manager and PICKED UP KELLY come back to haunt him. dry) 8:33 perience a professional insurance expert, fully qualified to advise you properly on all your insurance needs and problems. new?" yet to give up anyone who has 5 re' vasn' vay, . Steelworkerfs Landry , 2 coer eee p : coach of Toronto Maple Leafs ---- of course, there's Red) It wasn't always thus with . (white) ' But how can you tell? Simply ask if he's a member of the Oshawa District Insurance Agent's Association. If he is, you can be certain seems to have the knack of Kelly who came to Leafs from Leafs. Some will remember that : that he's an independent agent-- and a good man to entrust with r securi striking gold whenever he goes a bad i ot agi gi at one time they owned de- P 9 9 ust with y our security. , shopping around the National !". 9-60 season and con-|fenceman Bob Goldham, one of s Hockey League or the m'n tributed 20 goals and 50 assists Detroit's brightest stars for SPORTS BRIEFS WHEN YOU NEED INSURANCE, Consult One Of The Following INDEPENDANT INSURANCE AGENCIES The latest example is Eddie 2 oe s second-place finish years, Fleming Mackell, Bos- Litzenberger, a big right-winger '#5! year ton's slickest skater during COMEBACK CUT SHORT from Neudorf, Sask., who. also ..T9SS in such names as Eddie Bruins' better years, and Tod BOSTON (AP)--Calm, coun- MEMBERS LISTED : plays: left-wing and centre. The Shack, a popular favorite since|Sloan, who scored 27 goals for), hing Don Fullmer de- SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMELY TIPS 3 fe, 30 - year - old Litz who won the his arrival from New York, de-'Chicago in 1958-59, his best ef- Se yee panuicel's comeback > # Calder Trophy in his rookie fenceman Al' Arbour, formerly forts coming against his old Pa ate shot Saictipne Friday Code of Ethics year with Montreal Canadiens/With Chicago, and Larry Hill-'mates sient with a unanimous _ 16- Carbon Tetrachloride Fire Extinguishers hos been BANNED for and Chicago Black Hawks in round decision at Boston Gar OF THE OSHAWA DISTRICT _ og ge TT The ang sah pion --- -- 5 is which are absorbed into the bodyfat and can result in dea' 'ae o** 1954-55 was acquired from De- : troit Red Wings for the $20,000 SPORTS OUTDOORS By Jack Sords rite: of West Jordan, INSURANCE AGENTS C.C.1.4. extinguishers MUST NOT be used in any confined space. waiver price this season. ; Utah, weighed 163 pounds, one cit tas turned out toe. da Gantt. News hte. ASSOCIATION e eet .. . = -- he! =: Renicel. who had won six Such members are fully qualified McCALLUM vee ae -- ' . STUART C. ROBLIN ~ joined Leafs, he has put his Y straight after returning to the Independent Insurance Agents 521 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa 02B Byron St. S., hitby six - foot - three frame in shape. rides Ae ah A dan ag mod with lots of work. | ' 4 } ; rother TRY INSURANCE AGENCY A. $. ROSS His goal (plus two assists) in| and get a shot at big: brother BICKEL -- OLIVE PETLEY McMUR Vy, re 5. eae Cac, ; George Fullmer, National Box- ' 21 King St. W. Oshawa 14 King St. E., Oshawa Toronto's 5-2 victory over Cana ling Association middleweight Insurance Agency, 208 Celina St. . 4 diens ft hts sN J 18, including 10 since he joined |champion. Oshawa C. &: MORLEY 54 inal, & ROUSHEEY LTD. the. SHaD. -- Bi | TO MISS NATIONAL JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LTD. Pickering, Ontario ing St. €., Oshewe IF Youre FISHING WHERE THERE "e | LONDON (AP) -- Pas Seul ; menene STARS Ae ARE MANY TREE STUMPS OR BOT- > iter ak 'ia. eishechan ai 169 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa sine iba anes SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. mee toe ft alates : : anew ICup in 1960, was withdrawn Fri- BRADLEY BROS. REAL ESTATE MURDOCH OeviCn U 360 King St. W., Oshawa ability to co smelling lik gj | r : Paes it ligierige tei sf ' , day from the March 31 Grand Yo $i ': oses is the work of Don Sim.| Ce DON'T teow HookeD 2912. Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 37 King St. E., Oshawe ANDREW SUWALA mons, a Boston Bruins castoff Mok RRR WINE VER rs | [onal Steebiechiase | friday Heciaih ints seaiee Match N ; RELEAGE THEM GENTLY. jThe withdrawal made Nicolaus OAKLEY CRAWFORD INSURANCE 453 Bader Ave., Oshawa 10 when Jotnhy Bower's thumb > AND IT'S BETTER TO LEAVE |Silver a firmer favorite for this 51 King St. East Oshawa L. ELDON NELSON THE HOOK IN THAN TO RIP year's Aintree race. Nicolaus . 53 Hillcroft St., Oshawa FRANK E. TURNEY LTD. was bruised in a pre - game : 'THEIR MOUTHS GETTING ITOUR 14, , Silver won the race in 1961 E. DISNEY 47 Prince St., Oshawa warmup, Simmons performed} brilliantly as Toronto shut out M - | FRENCH HORSE ARRIVES 82 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa NELSON E, OSBORNE 7 Lovers Lane, Bowmanville GEORGE H. VICK LTD, Detroit 2-0 } nec oapoe . Ms a ; ; P : ' NEW YORK (AP)--Ou Kong, "i = fo hg co Chicane va P a four-year-old 'French frotter : 5. F. EVERSON 108 Brock St. N., Whitby nicked ae a ot fie tives ata ; 4 owned by Alex Weisweller and 15 King St. E., Oshawa OSHAWA INSURANCE AGENCIES in the Wednesday night victary] . ae --_ : or Guy ' paronag of H. L. GRAY INSURANCE LTD. RALPH H. VICKERY % . gd ; | } 25; : z i] aris, arrived by plane Thurs- - bt. : 5 Ki WwW. over Canddiens which sewed up . i SU. lacy in casaclete ai sosevell 63 Oshiwe Sk N. Mikes 112 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 46 King St. W., Oshawa second place Shel ; jHaceway DON HOLDEN INSURANCE SERVICE PEACOCK-BOYD INSURANCE LTD. W. R. WESTLAKE } Simmons came to Toronto 7 after the 1960-61 season in al &f ORCHIDS SEEK TITLE ' 221 King St. E., Oshawa 211 Mary St., Oshewa trade for Ed Chadwick, He had es MONTREAL (CP)--The Mont-| >! King St. E., Oshaws . : refus report to Providence real Orchids will meet Saint DON HOWE DONALD M. POLSON W. B. WHITE INSURANCE LTD Reds of the Americ ke Td iii = HAD iB. i twos ' : : 3 pol Bs meng nag red " vem + keke ae hee ee rise ag hg 67 King St. E., Oshawa 495 Masson St., Oshawa 110 King St. E., Oshewe +6 | ' ! ER. KEYS E ON THE WATER goths. oe saghs arenes + ouyagess rg Pak disenchanted with rr PITS S = ve AOR: 4 ern Canadian junior basketball LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa) LTD Cc. H. ROBINSON E. L. WHITELY is rior : e- FALL OVERSOARB title March 23 and 24. The win ; fee : he : : 4 Imisch. the master salesman YOU PICk "EM UP EASILY. ae oil wae sfamtlten CYO at 101 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 152 Harwood S., - Ajax, Ontarie 111 Sutherland St., Oshewe talked Simmons into reporting! : ii |Hamilton in the final, . wt