Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 14; 1962 7 New Regent Is Elected Prince Philip Chapter IODE At the annual meeting of the Prince Philip Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. Mrs. K. R. Wagg was elected regent. The nominating commit- tee's report was presented by Mrs. W. B. White for Mrs. H. H, Tonkin as follows: ; Honorary regent, Mrs, Charles Robson, Sr.; Immediate past regent, Mrs. Alfred Austin; re- gent, Mrs. K. R. Wage; Ist vice-regent, Mrs. J. .. Beaton; 2nd vice-regent, Mrs. H. H. Ton- kin; secretary, Mrs. C. G. Luke; assist, secretary, Mrs. George Ansley; treasurer, Mrs. C. H.§ Jackson; assist. treasurer, Mrs. R. T. Ward; corresponding sec- visited in the Oshawa Hospital by Mrs. Frank Copeland, Mrs. Cc. .S. Murty and Mrs. Thomas {Driscoll, and 52 hours were spent in hairdressing at Hills- Mrs, Ray .cale Manor by Mrs. James Con- the March|ner and her assistants. The Gregory the|president paid tribute to Mrs. the Catholic|Hanley for the efficient man- held in the ner in which she handled her department. Loretto) It was announced that the St. Gates, read the minutes and|Gregory Girl Guide Cormmunion Mrs. Thomas Leveque present-/breakfast has been postponed ed the financial report. for the time being, but that the Mrs. William Boissoin, spirit-\Guide badges had been order- ual convener, reported: the|¢d and would be available for monthly Mass had been offered|istribution very shortly. for the members of the Council; The annual meeting will take) and three Masses had been said|place in April and the various for other intentions. Mrs. Bois-|conveners were urged to have soin announced that the annual|their reports ready at that 'Day of Recollection will be held|time. Mrs. E. J. Spraggs, the) on Sunday, April 1, commenc-|chairman of the Ontario County) jing with corporate Communion|South Region, will attend the jat the nine o'clock Mass, fol-| meeting. jlowed by a Communion break-- 'The playing of the second jfast in the parish auditorium. haif of the encyclical record,| The Reverend L.. J. Wall, STD,|Mater et Magistra, which deali | diocesan director of the CWL.\with the farm problem and the |will conduct the exercises, which international situation, brought will culminate in Benediction at|the meeting to a close. Refresh- 3 p.m. Arrangements for the ments were served by Mrs. H breakfast will be in the hands' Duquette lof Mrs. H. J. Duquette, social convener. one For health and welfare, Mrs BOCSEHOLD HINT M. W. Hanley reported visits Metal hairpin legs on furni- to two needy families, two famil ture can damage your carpet fes with sickness in the home, ing, so keep carpets safe by and one shut-in visited. Baby putting snap-on metal glides on clothes were supplied in one in-|the base portion of any such stance. Forty-six patients were legs St. Gregory's CWL | March Meeting The president, Scott, presided at meeting of the St. Great Council ,of |Women's League, parish auditorium. The secretary, Miss CONVENER Mrs, W. A. Andrew of Whit- by is convener of the ways and means committee of +52 University Club of Oshawa and district. To raise funds for its annual scholarships the club Is bringing a travelogue of the Holy Land, filmed by Hilde- garde and LeRoy Toll, to the Central Collegiate on Thurs- day, March 29 The Reverend Norbert Gignac welcomed the guests and thank- ed everyone for attending and making the evening a complete success, The prizes, very appropriate in their green and white trim- mings were awarded to the fol- lowing: Mr. Michael Eno, Mr. Robert Matthews, Miss Donna Brady, Mrs. Donald Logan, Mrs. Emily Mackie, Mrs. John) Cardinal, Mrs. Lucien Cham-! berland, Mrs. Mary Anthony, Mrs. M. A. Cook, Mrs, Mar- garet Angiers, Mrs. John Brady, Mrs. Florence Byrne, Mrs. H. A. Howard. Mrs. R. Stewart, Mr. Patrick) McGarry, Miss Donna Brady, Mrs. Claudette Paulin, Mrs. L.| | Night Of Cards 'Successful Event A successful evening was en- joyed recently when members of St. Mary of The People Ca- itholic Women's League sponsor- \ed a night of cards in the church- auditorium. The gay St. Pat- rick decorations gave the air a touch of Old Erin. The tables with their covers of white and trimmed with green shamrocks awaited the players with many useful and interesting favors. Receiving were Mrs. Ronald Gibbs and Mrs. F. J. Vincent the conveners, and also the new president, Mrs. Max Coleman. Menard, Kathleen Lepine, Miss! Loretta Drumm, Miss Way, Mrs, John J, Fox, Mr. James Hickey, Nancy Heroux, Helen Mr. Hart Williams, Mr. Keith Holland. Miss Jean Cole, Mrs, A. Cooke, Mrs. Gordon Scott, Mrs. F, Goodman, Mrs. A. Armitage, Mrs. A. Bannon, Mrs. George Evans, Mrs. David Burpee, Mr. Rudy Nagel, Mrs. Ruth Sto-| vin. Mrs. Robert Ireland, Mrs.) Alec Walker, Mrs. William An- drews, Mrs. Mary White, Mrs. Marion Johnson, Mrs. Velma GARB FOR TWIST MONTREAL (CP)--A "'twist- ing uniform" consisting of a frilly, orange and white a ham overblouse and - pleated white skirt was the highlight of a junior fashions show here. Other "twist" cos- tumes included a black crepe dress with wide, frilled hem- line. \Lee, Mrs. L. Menard, Veronica Fehrenback, Mrs. K. Ryan, Mrs. Steven Coe, Mrs. Kenneth Johnson and Mr. Leo McCar- thy. Celebrating 2nd Anniversary (ONCE A YEAR) OFF ON ALL The Mayfair Salon COLD WAVES During Month of March 728-0662 27 CELINA ST. 728-0662 COATS and SUITS from retary, Mrs. L. H. Hewson; educational secretary, Mrs. F. N. McCallum; assist. education- al secretary, Mrs. J. A. Mit- chell; membership convener, Mrs. W. S. C, Larmer; social convener, Mrs. H. H. Tonkin. Public relations convener, Mrs. W. J. Bone; '"'Echoes"' sec- retary, Miss Flossie Coyte; Em- pire and world affairs conven-; Mrs. K. R. Wagg in the absence er, Mrs. J. L. Beaton; standard|of Mrs. C. G. Luke, secretary bearer, Mrs. A. Hambly; ways|The treasurer's report was and means, Mrs. R. L. Shupe;|given by Mrs. Wesley Piatti assistants, Mrs. Frank Taylor,|/Mrs. Lorne Hewson, correspond- Mrs. F. J. Pierce; secretary|ing secretary, read letters from of services at home and)members who had been sent abroad, Mrs. Alfred Austin; wel-|flowers and cards fare convener, Mrs. W. L. But-| The report of the "Echoes" Jer; Canadianization and immi-jsecretary was read by Mrs. K.| gration, Mrs. H. D. Wilson. |R. Wagg in the absence of Miss Flossie Coyte. Mrs. F. N. Me- Callum, educational secretary,) spoke briefly on the school at Eau Clair, Ontario, and a sum} of money was granted to further} the library at the school. Also,} a flag, donated by Mrs. A. Ham-| bly, has been given to the) school. A picture of the Queen! has been presented to the School for Retarded Children. The} three Collegiates of Oshawa have received scholarships from! the Chapter in the past year.) Mrs. Austin reported for Mrs. E. J, Shortt on services at home and abroad, mentioning two let- | ters from Germany for books re-, ceived and the number of'par- cels sent overseas | ? The volunteers for Hillsdale) Manor on March 16 will be Mrs. | Allin Annis, Mrs. W. J. Bone,| Mrs. L. F. McLaughlin and Mrs. | B. T. Ward. Mrs. J. L. Beaton, convener for Canadianization and Immi- gration reported that 79 cards (Past Regent) hud been given out at the last) iu Be that the IODE (Prince| rs. 'Philip Chapter) had attended. | Smith, Mrs, A. S. Whattam,/Mrs. J. L. Beaton also read the| Mrs. E. J. Luke, Mrs. L. F.| world Affairs report from Mr.| McLaughlin, Mrs. R. B. Smith,| metntyre Hood, which is always| Mrs. G. B. Attersley, Mrs. L.| very interesting. | Palmer, Mrs. F. N. McCallum.| 1; was decided that the Chap-| Mrs. Austin presided for the'ter would have a birthday din-| monthly meeting. ner April 4, at Adelaide House.| The minutes were read by/It was also decided to have} ~\the annual tag day on Satur- Helptul Hints gg Sige He reports of the| On Buying Antique Furniture various committees showed con-| tinuous progress. Mrs. Wallace} Some down-to-earth folks re- fer to used furniture as just Butler presided for the election| "second - hand,' and no non- sense. Others, a little more on of officers for 1962. The meeting | closed with the national anthem the pretentious side, speak of used pieces as "antiques."' Well, be that as it may,.sec- oend-hand furniture can some- times be so handsome and so economical that it is no won- der that "antique" sales are| soaring. | But, as frequently stressed, no old piece is a bargin unless it's in really usable or at least repairable condition. So shop' carefully and avoid pieces that are obviously on their last legs ~and that is no fun if a chair\] Boag i fs involved ! aot When considering a used chair, test its sturdiness by lift- ing it up and supporting it on its right front leg. Then pull! each leg separately to see if any are loose and exert pres-| sure on the back of the chair to determine its over-all solid- ity A series of two or three treatments may be required to clean a painted piece thor-| oughly, but the results in clean- liness and beauty are well worth the effort SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Karen Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Morgan of Brook- lin, to Mr. Bruce William Hit- chings of Oshawa, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hit-| chings. The wedding will take/ place on Saturday, April 7, at 3 p.m. at Burn's Presbyterian Church, Ashburn, Ontario SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE STORE HOURS: Open Thursday, Firday and Saturday night 'til 10'00 For Your Shopping Conven- ience. MRS, K. R. WAGG (Regent) Sproule's Beef is Red Brand Beef, Canada's finest grade, to assure quality, flavor and tenderness, Good news for the women who weeors suits! That's sure to mean you, for the news isbeouty ... . the news is such veriety es you've rarely seen in the choice of fashionable suit silhouettes. Take the opportunity now to select your favorite ING or RLOIN STEAKS or ROASTS MRS. ALFRED AUSTIN ot CUT AND TRIMMED TO GIVE YOU COMPLETE SATISFACTION Councillors LB. RED BRAND BEEF, BONELESS POT ROAST. FRESH SLICED COOKED HAM NO, 1 QUALITY BOLOGN SILVER BRIGHT SALMO 1-th. Pkg. By the Piece By the 89° Ib. 29° Ib. 59° tb. 49¢ 89:|FREE al pe | a CV L Pad | 29- WITH THE PURCHASE OF 3 AT REGULAR PRICE Compare at 1.19 Esta Brand Whole CANNED CHICKEN Fancy Quality 48-Oz. Tin TOMATO JUICE Compare at 37c Kraft CHEEZ WHIZ re ee oe ee we ew ee me oe ee ee ee ee 1 5-LB. BAG 3'4-LB TIN APPOINTMENT A ins 8-Cz JAR 4 GRANULATED SUGAR' WITH 45< 33 Bring this coupon to Super-Save -- One per customer pa es cn i ann -- = et a ee ae ee as lst ce ie Garden Fresh Produce GRAPE- FRUITS SNOW WHITE MUSHROOMS - FROZEN FOOD FEATURE! Compare at 3 for 79c! nena sed 65: PIES WHITE HONEY 21 BBs 41. 4 05 Tin Tin As Illustrated 59.95 Just arrived and just wonderful . . . coats for Spring, '62. Our fresh new collection features all -the latest silhouettes in a rainbow of lovely colors. Whatever the coat fashion you want you'll find it here... All other styles From 39.95 te 110.00 |\WITHOUT 1\COUPON I i Dean J. Kelly president, Dean Kelly Enterprises Ltd. oannoun- ces the appointment of Don Davenport as Interior Design Consultant of the Decor Lounge of fine furnishings, 32 King East, Downtown Oshawa. Mr Davenport has had a long and voried experience in commer cial ond design, coming to Oshawa from New York where he was designer and decorator at Design Unit Manhattan. Mr, Davenport also spent two years at Sistiona A Mere: in north Italy with the American Military Police. Mr. Davenport is known locally for his interior design, paintings and ceramics. Kellys have com- missioned Mr. Davenport to decorate Castle Homes new model home corner Simcoe and Athol and supply all furnish. ings from Kelly's Decor lounge. We invite you to come in and browse around under no obliga- tion, , . Choose from Spring Fashions while assortment is at its best, a amall deposit will hold your choice, Compare ot Ble 2¢ off pack Cut Rite 100 Ft. Roll WAX PAPER 2 49 Compers st 8%e 126 off peck TIDE Giant Size 69¢ Pkg oly Stuart House Noodle Buy three, get one pkgs. SOUP MIX 4 "3 39: be Off Tuilet Soap CAMAY '7; = 2. ,., 29° 1-Ib, 29¢ SIZE Walker's Saitine Box SODAS interior Joe Off Pure MAPLE SYRU 54° WHITE BEAN 27° Compare at 2 for 29¢ Macaront and Cheese Catelli's Thin Spaghetti 8c Off Catelli's Dinners ,,,. 11¢ 16-02. Jug LB. BAG SPECIAL PURCHASE SEAMLESS HOSIERY All. first quality seamless micro-mesh 400 needle, 15 denier stockings. Sizes 8 to 11% in... Cocoa, Light and Dark Beige, Charcoal, Coffee and Rose Beige. These quality stockings would ordinarily sell for $1.00 pair. SPECIAL PRICE 79¢c PAIR or 2 pair for 1.50 2-Ib. Bag 1-LB. | Camp Oconto Established 1925 For Girls--5 to 17 Years Riding, land sports, safe waterfront. Resident graduate Physician and two nurses 40 MILES NORTH OF KINGSTON, ONT. Directors--Mr. and Mra, F.C. Labbett, | 3 Pine Forest Rd., Toronto, 12 . i = a Black'. vous wor 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-1912 iflustrated brochure and ation form