WHIT Manager: Lloyd Robertson Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West and DISTRICT Tel. MO. 8-3703 ins TO ORGAN home of Mrs. John Harvie. The committee is, front row, left to right, Mrs. R. P. Matthews, Mrs. Charles Hoag and Mrs. J. Harvie; back row, Mrs. J. B. Davies, Mrs. C. Freek and Mrs. S. Roblin. The ladies discussed the com- Shown here are the Fashion Committee of the IODE House of Windsor Chapter, at their monthly meeting held at the At Whitby Township Counci! meeting held at Brooklin, copies of letters sent to the Ontaric Municipal Board by School Sec tions Nos. 2 and 8 were re ceived. The letters were pro- tests against a proposal of School Section No. 9 that the three School Sections be forme¢ into a Township School Area. At the last council meeting 2 letter from the Good Neighbors Ratepayers Association of SS 9 advocating the amalgamation with the approval of the schoo! board was received. This was also a copy of a letter to the OMB. The representatives of SS 9 expressed their disapproval of a debenture issue of $81,370 to fi- nance a new school building in SS 2. : The letters received on Mon day read: "Since our attention has been called to a copy of a letter sent to your planning board by -the Good Neighbors Ratepayers As-| sociation uf Dr. Robert Thornton) School Section No. 9 Whitby| Township, the trustee board of SS No. 8 Whitby wish to bring |to your attention the facts as Ithey exist in our section. | | "The Township -- Planning| Board has zoned most of our} section 'Restricted industrial,| agricultural land at present') and permits fur home building are few. Hence we cannot ex- pect much increase in popula-| ing fashion show at Henry Street High School to be held on March 21, | --Oshawa Times Photo Found Not Guilty BASSETBALL tion, or in other words we} cannot see where we will ha much increase in school aitend-| ance in the future. | HENCE NO DEBT | "Our school is old, yes, we} |NOT GONE YET 2, Whitby, wish to protest the jrequest of the Good Neighbors yeiyour board refuse to give ap proval for the addition of four rooms to our present and also to present our objec- tions to amalgamation. Schoo! Amalgamation Opposed By 2 Boards these two sections, we'll only be assuming responsibility to help vay off the obligations. "The only reason Dr. Robert Thornton SS No. 9 is interested in our section at the present time is that they are anticipat- 'ng commercial or industrial assessment in our section which to.date has not come. "Our board wishes to go on record as being opposed to amalgamation at the present time and trust your board will see fit to leave us as we are, and not force us into an un- attractive situation, where the administration of our small but what appears to others (No. 9) wealthy section would pass into hands other than that of we the) ratepayers of our own section. "And furthermore this board is of the opinion that many prominent and clever men and women who in this present day are holding responsible posi- tions in government, education, business and industry, received their early education in rural schools, and we do not feel that the day of the little red school house has as yet completely vanished from the scene." The letter received from SS 8 was equally forceful, it read that: "We, the ratepayers of SS No. Association of SS No. 9 that school, "The only interest that SS No. Boys Teams Return admit that, but it is comfort-\9 has in the amalgamation of able, new oil furnace, new fluor-|SS No. 8 and SS No. 2 with THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, March 14, 1962 5 | the children and parents be- tween the two schools. There would be the problem and ex- pense of transportation since we have very few families living within the proposed area for the sections. "Their letter to you implied that we would have consider-| able unused space in our pro' Raise $1950 For CNIB In Drive The annual appeal for funds on behalf of blind persons of new school. Also, this four room|Ontario County has succeedec school would not provide ade-\to the extent of $1,950. This quate accommodation for the|has been achieved through the children from the three school/efforts of the Whitby - Ontario |County Advisory Board of the Canadian National Institute for |the Blind. Those assisting as captains in posed addition. We expect to|the several sections of the town have only one vacant room to|were: C. G. Sutherland, man- provide for the increase in at-ager of the Bank of Montreal, tendance in future years. Two\©. E. Goode of Goode Feeds, of our old rooms are to be used|Harry Town of Town Funeral! as an auditorium and gym-,chapel and A, Archibald. nasium of which the school sec-| tion is in very great need. ONE MOTIVE sisted More than 150 workers as- in the house to house N : jcanvass. Each of those did a The only motive for this re-ifine job but the following de- quest for amalgamation is ajserve special mention for their very selfish one on the part of|7oa) in this activity: Mr. H. the ratepayers of SS No. 9, with|Douglas, Mr. J. Pritchard, Mrs. no consideration for the wishes|4 T. Suddard, Mr. C. Free- of the other two school sections./man, Mrs. N. Shortreid and They are anxious to obtain SS\vr. J. Gartshore. The Kins- men, Lions and Rotary Club gave very valuable assistance. As a result of this campaign the 84 registered blind persons of the town and county will benefit through the CNIB. This is done by means of library services, placement services, home teaching services and special eye services. There is also accommodation and recre- ation at the centre on Bayview avenue, Toronto, for 128 per- sons where schools and fac- tories are located. FINED $25 John Kingma, of Whitby, was Tuesday fined $25 and costs or 10 days in jail when he was convicted of failing to file an income tax return. He appear- ed before Magistrate Robert Dnieper in Whitby police court, Family Monuments 2) Created To | Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. No. 8 because, as they stated,| sessment". The ratepayers 'of ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE 11 | that area do not desire amal- gamation any more than we do.| MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3552 We protest very strongly as we wish to keep our children in one school, and will do everything | « possible to obtain this. | "We hope that you will give} our appeal due consideration) before coming to a decision." | Reeve Heber Down said that) the school sections had their} trustees and it was not the! council's place to tell them what| to do. Councillor John Dryden) said that, "the request of SS 9| is the right one, these sections) are shortsighted, SS 9 is growing| But Skipped Bail Nearly 15 months ago, Gor-junder nine months sentence don Reginald Shipton, 29, ofjwhen he was returned to On- while SS 8 is stagnant, they would find that they would bene- fit materially". Councillor Dryden also said, "in the south end the situation will change and they will reap the benefits for their own self- escent !ighting, etc. and for our|them is to obtain aid in bearing need is adequate. And we have|the financial difficulties in | jno debt. which thev find themselves in- COSSA Championshi Victoria Park avenue, Scarboro, |tario. "According to'our information|volved. They require further was out on bail of $1,000 on a| Magistrate Dnieper sentenced| "Hurrah for Henry" was the|dropped the ball through the|/SS No. 9 has already debenture|educational facilities and do not charge of. carnal knowledge./Shipton to nine months to runicry for the Junior and Senior|hoop to win the Junior Cham-|liability in the amount of $178,-/Wish to undertake this addition- teams. which pionship of the Central Ontario|909 or thereabouts When he was scheduled to ap-|consecutively to the sentence he|boys' basketball pear in court, he disappeared. Last month, Shipton was ac- quitted of the carnal knowledge} and Sinclair|2! expense alone. "Their proposal is in no way lis now serving jreturned from Belleville carry- | ing two closely won COSSA 110 MORE CHARGES championships. Minutes later, Shipton was| In the junior and semi-final, arraigned on 10 false pretences|the score at half-time was 10-9 charges, from Toronto, all in-|for the juniors of Nicholson. volving bad cheques and all tak-| With only a few seconds to go ing place in 1961, The chequesjin the game Nicholson was gov Agence cepa | Schoo! a OX+| ay antageous to us since it is The final score was 34-33 for|/pansion and have their building|20Vn'a8¢ous nih Henry Street. Barry Goode,|nrogram well in hand we un.| Planned to remove only a por- ; | iti hildren to the new Ray Reeson and Doug Ing alliderstand but the yalso have| tion of and Saave" us with at -- gd each to become] debenture liability in the neigh- least two rooms in the present Eda ilecicaccs |borhood of $96,548. location. This will not only make SENIOR RESULTS "Therefore if we become ajthe administration very difficult ish purposes. I think that the) taxes levied should be available to the greatest number of peo- ple, in time the assessment will be doubled". He stated, "this) should be straightened up now!| rather than in two or three| years' time when the lollipop will be harder to give up". FLAVOUR Even melting ice cubes can't dilute the true taste of Adams Gold Stripe, It will keep its flavour to the very bottom of the glass--the mark of a great whisky. THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LTD. Toronto, Ont. 105 03 Big 8 CHILDREN'S CHROME SETS 2 padded plastic covered chairs, arbor- , : ould not become involved in a} yi); system in Brooklin. A recom-jcoyrt which must be non-|-° mendation was also made that| political. ite top table. Compare to 18.95. CLEAROUT If Your Home Burns Tomorrow Will your fire insurance pay for another like it? Compare your insurance with the current value of your home and see. See eee ee reer eeeens WM. H. (BILL) MIDDLETON 608 Brock St. S$. Whitby MO 8-3762 They will compete with other zones in District F in Peter- borough on March 25 for the | The motion was then passed,/district representatives who Dryden | be established and a Court of} Before taking the vote on a/prush rolled high triple of 784|~ Helps You Overcome | WALLPAPER STORE Revision composed of council/motion that a Court of Revision|to lead; Oshawa's A. Brisbois 107 BYRON ST. $.--WHITBY members meet to arbitrate Onn. established Reeve Down\rolled 767 for second; and assessment appeals. Mr. Hep- |Whitby's Doug. Rowden rolled Looseness and Worry No longer be annoyed or fee! ill-at- MO 8-5231 ditch also said that it would be|*id, "it's beyond me how youlrs1 60 tied snot, a local court only. jcould go out of this area and| Deputy Reeve Myrtle Love-|find five people with any better seus because or 1 irae lock suggested that the water|/knowledge." teeth, PASTEETH, an improved alkas committee form a Court of Re-| line (non-acid) powder, sprinkled on vision. Councillor John Dryden} : loa hore comttbatie Aina said that, 'in principle I oppose Councillor rassment caused by loose plates. Get the fact that Council sit as alagainst. POREEETE BY SPY Ortin cenutiver e HELD OVER e ONE COMPLETE SHOW EACH BROCK EVENING STARTING AT 7:30 ALL-TIME ACADEMY AWARD CHAMPION! tf METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER 'WILLIAM WYLER'S PRESENTATION OF | @UATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPARE Canadian Head Office -- Toronte voting] Will compete in the provincial tournament. SONY TRANSISTOR RADIOS Portoble and mantel. 6-7-8 transistor. Reg. from 49.95 to to 9.35. now... 80:08 ° 98,88 SMELT NETS 6' x 6'. First quality. Reg. 2.10. NOW .......... jailed nine months for skipping bail and Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck announced that steps ,000 bail. to estreat that $1 - The court was told that Ship-|/Paul Henderson sunk a basket;were also won by only one ] Shipton pg ot gee before ton had passed the cheques injto reverse the score to. 23-22|/point over Nicholson, Henry | aye Be ga . niet ee lead: stores on the purchase of cloth-|/for Henry street. Doug Ing was|Street, which was leading at Whitby police court, also plead) ig and also for cash. |the high scorer for Henryjhalf-time by a score of 12-8, WHITBY a ed guilty to 10 charges of false , ' istreet with 8 points maintained its lead although pretences and will spend the| Magistrate Dnieper wondered The Renibe' camidinal (wast Niohblnan tied ha' ahete (And PE next two years in Kingston pen-|Why the stores would cash per-|_ tt abryyeiasonl Aarad FP A di "py RSONALS sonal cheques for strangers jmuch more of an overwhelm-| Went ahead. A discussion as to itentiary. gee be Bers. - ling victory for Henry street as|the final score brought about oun 0 eep eace PC C. V. Cooper, of the Pick-| "I --_ er into apes -- the score was 40-22 at half-|a period of overtime to be play-| Mrs. Douglas, of Lee avenve,| ering Township tong B reg od a ppg eal PC Cooper | ime. Henry's score againstjed in order to determine a/entertained her group of ladies| A Pickering village resident,|Gordon House and heard Des- ment, told the court that § Ip-| 4 ..|Campbellford was 17-11 but the| winner. on Monday evening at herwho a licensed bailiff said had'iardins tell Irwin that he would ton was freed on bail of $1,000; Shipton said that he carried|margin was increased in the| Rick Switzer scored two foul|home. Bingo and games werejthreatened to "put a_ bull a bullet t ova him. He in 1960 while awaiting trial on/two credit cards as Identifica-jjast half by 23 points. Mike|shots and Mike Morrison scored|Played. The winners were Mrs.|through my head," was Tues-|added that he checked the gun the carnal knowledge charge.|tion. Some stores, he said, were|/Morrison was the highest/one to push Henry Street ahead|De Pratto and Mrs. Van Dyke./day bound over for one year|and found it empty. On Dec. 14, 1960, he said, he/not too he: »y about cashing the| scorer for Henry with 15 points.|to a final sco f 19-18 The hostess served a very de-| h G d was scheduled to appear in Osh-|cheques, "but I talked them| The Juniors, who played Nor- ae ii eed lightful lunch. jto keep the peace. Gerard) Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck awa police court but did not ap-linto it", lwood High School in' the finalleo™itzer, was also the Henry!" 4. ana neighbors of M |Desjardins, of Gordon House,|told the court that Irwin was pear. A bench warrant was| The court was also told that/game again left the balance offs high scorer with 11 Watts, Mary on ae will ir tee ie Whites nee = ong bg ae & ballite ; | : t a . E € Of] points. , st, | | Rober cause he did not have per. issued. |Shipton had a record which in-|the victory to the last five|Po" be sorry to learn that she is| po)jj f inquiry into i a In October 1961, he said, Pick-|cluded false pretences andjseconds, The half-time score} Henry retained the Senior|confined to the house with the gy Hie lbw pelea nig nig tr Pay pes pas ia Ps ge 2 ering Police received word from|fraud charges. Shipton's work-|showed Henry Street leading)championships from last year|'flu \ tenia fowl bailiffithis count ; | att 3 e vin, J. Helena, Montana, that Shipton|ing hours over the years have|by 14-12 but the score was tied) ang , EL Festa) Far mgd ea was under arrest in Butte, Mon-|been spent selling magazines or|in the final quarter. During the|-" srenned ie canon. The A og "~~ ¢ iar yt -- : pote Pras - His Worship noted that Irwin : : i Andewe th 2 ' |teams would like to thank Mike) Sore y the Toronto Arch-/not Ontario County, to! ely : tana, and was being returned/aluminum storm windows |last five seconds Gerritt Hames ovis juni diocesan CWL council, wasicourt that on Feb. 27 he had|!@d been invited into the Des- Se ee ee sony Junior (coach, Stan/neid Monday, March 12, at Holy|attended at Desjardins' resi-|Jardins' apartment, He told) he -- os OY gee yee taud convic reg ; \King, All o Waste toe i Rosary Church Hall, Toronto./dence to inquire about an ac-/Desjardins that the court did County Court on the carnal|stop our Walt G aettine canke Choose Zone F |extends congratulations to the beter A get Brien pied ey gM didgy Sao ig rh egg ord not go along with a threat of | knowledge charge and ac-/and money by false pretences," jteams and especially to Paul/Rey. L, J. Austin, director,\cused's apartment shooting anywhere or under| quitted. said His Worship. "The last sen-| R t ti |Henderson, Gerrit Hames, Rick/Mrs_ Gregory Carter. president,| po. ? ; - any circumstances. He then| While Shipton was away, he tence was nine months in Al-| epresen a IVES switzer and Mike Morrison for/and Mrs. D. G. Newman, edu- pejention of Ponisi Piss hound Desjardins over to. keep| nicl d aglow pretences berta. Let's try two years, con-| . jcontributions to our victory. | cation convener. lbe paid ur the furniture. re- the peace for one year. it Conyicdons i Alberta and wasicurrent. | For Bowling Congratulations to Valerie|moved, Desjardins "told me to F h Wilson of Colborne street, who|get out or he would put a bul- Court To Rule On Branch 112 of the Canadian| at ers rve celebrated her ninth birthday/let through my head." tf Legion, Whitby, will be well] < / ' | e represented at the Royal Cana-| entertained some of her friends.|then picked up a .303 rifle '"'but eae Guia eect Hillcrest H-S The many friends of Martin|T did not wait to find out what Tournament at Peterbo: | f : : Water Rate Appeals te es ver menine meu ee eh Nn CORNER will represent Zone F were|WS held by the Hillcrest H_andjoccasion of his 14th birthday on/Pickering Village Police De- After some debate a Court of| Court of Revision, the majority) Whitby. J. Arthur Robertson, with the| Mr. and Mrs. Donald Banks|accompanied Irwin back to the BYRON ST. Ss. WHITBY Revision to deal with appealsjof councillors are going to sit] wriny bran h will h te singing of God Save the Queen.jof Lee avenue will celebrate} against water assessment was|in judgment when they do not|,,.10° ta 'ea en ne WO! Various. reports were read|their 12th wedding anniversary Council meeting at Brooklin.|water assessments are arrived {went to Mrs. Frost's room, andjlations and best wishes are County Assessor Gordon Hep-at," | In the team playoffs, Whitby | the senior banner went to Mr.|sent to them. ditch and E. R. Heron: formed| No. 3 bowled 3,705 to place|Bergevin's room. ; and Bowman-| quyc : : HEALTH SERVICE loffiver for central |surance census 0 in the a eae of Revision be estab-| Reeve Heber down disagreed In the doubles competition, |tario. His topic was the work | 618 665 was paid out for 10.797, GARDEN SEEDS lished. jsaying, "it only happens once|*te Gage and Andrews two-|of conservation, and the effect! 119" ompers ro Add water and watch them grow in their own Mr. Hepditch gave council the|in a lifetime. No one would|S°me of Uxbridge rolled 1,355/it has on each of us. He showed] : a 10 $8 greenhouse. Most 38° assessment rolls and asked that have any better idea than the! Perfect and Dobbins rolled/teresting to everyone present. ~ NOW ....+00- a bylaw be passed establishing|council of water assessment. To) 1,347 for second; and Oshawa's| The meeting was adjourned, | the charges and levies for the|vote for another court would be| Brown and Skelton placed third/and an enjoyable half-hour was ARTISTS money down the drain." | : : | . ASSORTMENT. E : A rate of $3.57 per foot would) In the singles, Whitby's Ea,|lunch. SUPPLIES . End of line. Values to 2.49 $8° 1 | This week only --at-- ELECTRIC METAL ripping SOLDERING IRONS _ IRONING BOARDS Compare to 3.98. Adjustable. Compare to 9.95. 5 $8 2 Perfect for comping, picnics or patio use. Light and strong. 20" x 14" x 12'. Will Compare to 9.95 ...cseseseesss 2 cell standard size. charge but Tuesday, he was will not be taken by his office): foiied $049.45, [leading by a score of 22-21, but} The Senior Championships\part of amalgamation with/but will divide the interests of recently. For the occasion, she) Jrwin said that Desjardins dian Legion's Distri ling} 8 et Sewens |Treffers of Green street send/he was going to do." lselected at a zone tourney in|>» °Pened by the president Mrs,|Saturday, March 17. |partment, said that he later 1 A "pa Pete the ; ick' js approved at Whitby Townshipjhave the knowledge of how | singles competition. and . adopted. Junior banner|on St. Patrick's day. Congratu Whitby No. 2 rolled 3,554) Mr. Stewart Dunbar intro-| | | PUNCH 'N GROW Spot. | ue south On-\United States showed $1,651,- jfor first spot; Bowmanville's|color slides which were very in- REEVES' varieties, Reg. 49c. Brooklin water works system.| |with 1,333, |spent, with the fathers serving| Toys, CHINAWARE, POTTERY, HAND TOOLS end KITCHENWARE Limited Quantity ........... NOW |. ci Ge joy Cee keep ice 48 hours. 3.88 28° Compare ot 1.98. CLEAROUT 1.28 TROPICAL FISH Black Loce Angels, Reg. 1.29. NOW Marble Mollies. Reg. 69c. NOW FREE PUMP & FILTER SETS Complete with filter, glass wool, charcoal, air hose and motor. 6 be f Reg. 9.95. NOW ...ceseeee-- when you travel by train ae Problems unravel Canadian National the way of the worry-free ALL THIS WEEK. GIFT OF GLASSWARE TO EVERY LADY CUSTOMER OPEN THURS. AND FRI. TO 9 P.M. A TALE OF THE CH TECHNICOLOR® wr eAWeh? an PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT Adults 1,00 Students 75¢ Children 35¢ Gift end Complimentary Tickets Cannot Be Accepted For This Engagement.