Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Mar 1962, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, March 14, 1962 knocked out Bradford con- tender Saturday to win the Senior B championship for the association. TOP RINGERS in_ girls' high school basketball are the young ladies from Ux- 4 bridge High School. They | Georgian Bay a Shown are: front row, (I-r) Jean Leek, Yvonne Hackner, | Jane Bernhardt, captain, Kar- en Pickering and Gladys Par- Uxbridge Girls Win Basketball Tourney By MRS. E. HOUCK UXBRIDGE -- The Uxbridge] With the men's branch; pot High School senior girls' basket,| Nek supper to be planned with ball team defeated Bradford|the branch committee made up Saturday to win the Georgianjof Marion Forsythe and Ethel Bay senior B title. jStemp; entertainment, Merian The regular meeting of the| Hodgson, , Eva Ladies'. Auxiliary of the Cana-|Vesey, Doris dian Legion was held on Mon-|Mae Stemp. day night with 20 members| Comrade Almeda Merrick is present. The president, Com-jconvener for the Kinsmen La- rade Ev. Houck, chaired theldies' Night lunch, with the meeting. executive as helpers. Four new committees were} One application for member- Grace Chase, named: purchasing, Comrades|ship, Mrs. Marjorie MacFar- Ethel Stemp, Edna Burroughes|jane, was accented. It was and Margaret Kennedy; chil-|moved by Comrade Eva Vasey dren's Christmas party, Edn ajthat flag holders and gauntlets Burroughes, Grace Chase andjbe purchased for the boy Ethel Stemp. Scouts. ae Comrade Vesey won the draw ' land Comrade Ev Houck won Ontario County | St. Patrick prize. PERSONALS = = Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy, Music Festival Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cordingley, |Mrs. E. Bradbury, Mrs. Mary D li \Evans were in Creemore to ates ut ine | pay their respects to the late |Mrs. Tuck who was the mother By GRACE MILLS _jof our popular Chaunce Tuck AJAX -- E. R. Henry, chair-|of Tuck's turkey ranch. man for the sixth annual On-| wyrs. Ted Houck visited at tario County Music Festival,|Corb Stiner's at Whitby on Sun- sponsored by the Rotary Club of|qay. Corb's sister, Mrs. Ann Ajax, stated today, that the) Kennedy, is in Oshawa General prospects for a very full pro-| Hospital suffering from a heart gram were excellent . lattack. In addition to singing this) The girls' hockey team will year, classes for piario are caus-| play in Uxbridge on Thursday ing a great deal of interest. |,;,} RB , jnigh i ¢ j t The Festival: will run from|5 © nt against Cannington at 7 May 7 to 12. Closing date for} 'On Saturda ; A - y, the girls are entries is March 15 and should) entering a tournament at Can- be in the hands of Mr. C.'H.| ; ; Robinson, 13 Roosevelt avenue, | nero" ne: ae ee Ajax. Any entries received later| - will be accepted, but will not appeal on the rinted ro- H panty printed pro- $1500 Bail Set All competitions, unless other- wise stated, shall be open to! For Toronto Man any competitor regardless of age or residence, In all classes}; BOWMANVILLE (Staff) where an age limit is set, com-|Earl Hogan, 32, of 100 Cosburn p titors must not be over the/street, Toronto, charged. with prescribed age on the day ofjfailing to remain at the scene the Festival fof an accident, was given a The Adjudicator will be Lloyd|three week remand to get coun- G. Queen, MC, BA, B Ed. of|sel in Magistrate's Court, Tues- Toronto, assistant director of/day. Bail for Hogan was set at music for the Department of) $1,500. Education in Toronto. Also charged with failing to Proceeds from this event are|remain at the scene of an ac- used in the Rotary Club's work) cident was Harry Tassen, 24, of for Crippled children in this|Eastdale avenue, Toronto, His bail was set at $1,500. W. are offering 2 free half-hour private lessons in The Twist when you enroll for the special $30 introductory course for only $15. We do this be- cause we want you to see for yourself how quickly and easily you can master The Twist, Fox Trot, Cha-Cha and all the latest steps. Even if you've never danced before--you can go dancing after a lesson or two! And at gay student parties, you'll meet new friends...gain poise, confidence, popularity. There are no strangers at Arthur Murray's. Everybody dances and has fun. Don't put it off. Come to your nearest Arthur Murray Studio today while this special $15 dance course, with the bonus lessons in The Twist, is still available. Studios open daily 1 P.M, -- 10 P.M. ARTHUR MURRAY Schoo! of Dancing 11% SIMCOE ST. S. ) ONLY ADULTS CAN TAKE yp PYANTAGE OF THIS OFFER "Phane 728-1681 Hutchison and) Licensee W. MARKS, | This committee is to work| Uxbridge five in bowling| To Thefts |league results for the week end- ling Mar. 10 are: | Ladies' high single -- Audrey }Cain 237, Ruth Shortt 228, Shir- jley Yakely 224, Muriel Skerratt 202 and June Haynes 193. | Ladies' high triple -- Ruth \Shortt 590, Audrey Cain 584, \S hirley Yakely 561, June | Haynes 510, Ruth duckworth |499 and Muriel Skerratt 499. | Ladies' high average -- Ruth Shortt 188, Audrey Cain 172 and Shirley Yakely 165. Men's high single -- Ab Cage 310, Don Chase 278, Doug. Brad- jley 255, Jim Robinson 241, Stan Martin 232 and Eddie O'Brien |224, | Men's high trplie -- Stan Martin 662, Reg Fulton 655, Dennis Kerr 624, Ed. Weinhold 617, Pete Catherwood 614 and Keith Ashton 607. Men's high average Ab Cage 203, Lorne Andrews 197, Keith Ashton 194 and Don Chase 194, | ratt. Back row (l-r): Mrs. J. Bradbury, coach, Sandra Wal- ters, Leslie Prentice, Donna Kennedy, Ealine Goldstone, Gail Bell and Phyllis Wier. Five Youths 'Plead Guilty + |towards the end of the first TIE SERIES UXBRIDGE -- The Stouffville Clippers edged Uxbridge Chicks 7-6 last night in Stouffville to tie their best-of-seven playoff series at three games each. Uxbridge jumped into an early three-goal lead but lost it period when Stouffville roared back with three goals. Penalties hurt the junior Chicks throughout the game. An attempt by Uxbridge to pull their goalie in the last minute of the game was thwarted when Ashton took a penalty. Next game, which should de- termine the winner unless they tie, will take place in Uxbridge on Friday at 8.30 p.m. Ist Period 1, Uxbridge: Gray DHO Surveys Pontypool Area For New Shed By MRS. H. M. RICHARDSON PONTYPOOL -- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moses are home again after a month's visit with their son Terry, wife and fam- ily in Ottawa. Terry is with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at Ottawa. | Mrs. John Payne got home on Saturday afternoon after nearly eight weeks in Ross Memorial Hospital,- Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Weiringen and family visited| friends in Toronto on Sunday afternoon. A meeting of the stewards of the Pontypool charge was held in the Bethany parsonage re- | BOWMANVILLE \Five Ottawa (Staff) youths pleaded \guilty before Magistrate R. B. Baxter on Tuesday to charges of theft and property damage. | Jointly charged were: Thom-| as Wilfred Arnold, 21, Ronald Renault Rivet, 18, Wayne Har-| jvey Crepin, 20, Edward Allin) \Finn, 20, Thomas Betournay, 17. Const. Francis Dryden, of the Bowmanville detachment of the OPP stated that there were charges of a_ similar nature from other places such as King- ston, Trenton, Belleville, Ganan- oque, to His Worship and that the boys wished to get them all cleared up at once. Const. Dryden also pointed out that the youths had been very | co-operative, Magistrate Baxter remanded the youths in custody until Mar. 19, when they will be tried at 'Cobourg on all charges. It It « COLORSCOPE 8 ADDED ATT ONE GIRL TRAPPED ina "DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS' --Adult UNCONQUERABLE BARBARIANS OF THE SEAL i' RACT B RING of STEEL! "PIRATES of TRIPOLI" A Parade of Fun with the Merriest Discovered Boys! 220. OK CUMMINGS! Production of Bachelo + WE LAST DAY: "THE WORLD OF | SUZIE WONG" (RESTRICTED) "PSYCHO" |ADULT ENTERTAINMENT > TUESDAY TERRY= THOMAS - HOLM COLOR by DE LUXE CINEmMaScoPpE Mixings Since Girls RICHARD LD-BEYMER CELESTE Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT {occasion of a birthday party for| cently. Mrs. Jake McLaren entertain- ed a few of her friends on the) | Mrs, Mike Comar recently. | The Department of Highways is surveying this week for a new highway shed south at the first cross road. The road west from McCraes' Church is also} Anthony] being surveyed for widening. '§ Stouffville Nips Uxbridge Chicks (Jackson, Greer) .... 6.1 . Uxbridge: Gray (Jackson, Greer) «++. . Uxbridge: Jackson (Greer) .cccocccccccce . Stouffville: Beckett (Boyd) ..cccccccvvccee . Stouffville: Rox- borough (Foreman) .. 13.5 . Stouffville: Gaston (Foreman) .......++«. 15.1 Penalties -- K. Stewart (Ux. 13.3 12.55, R. Stewart (Ux.) 16.04, Boys (St.) 16.04. 2nd Period 7. Stouffville: Foreman (Penneman, Stover) .. 8. Uxbridge: Greer (GIAY): ssevcccccescoes 12.4 9. Stouffville: Beckett 10. 1.3 (Raymond) ...... heen Uxbridge: R. Stewart (J. Redshaw) .....++++ 17.20 11. Uxbridge: Greer (Gray, K. Stewart) ... 17.58 Penalties --J. Redshaw (Ux. 14.42, Penneman (St.) 17.58: 3rd Period 12. Stouffville: Raymond 13. Stouffville: McLean (Raymond) ....... see 10.06 Penalties -- G. Ashton (Ux. 11.35, K. Stewart (Ux.) 13.36, G Ashton (Ux.) 18.24. NOW PLAYING - CLeopatra DECEITFUL... DESIRABLE... swe FLEMING -LUNDIGAN BILTMORE 8.28 12.40 8.50 DOORS OPEN AT 6 P.M.--SHO Scout Mothers Plan Dance At Ajax Saturday By GRACE MILLS AJAX -- The general meet- ing of the Hospital Auxiliary was held in the nurses' resi- dence, on March 7. The Kiwanis Club of Ajax were hosts to the members of the Friendship Club on Thurs- day evening, when some 63 peo- ple, including Kiwanians and some wives, drove to Agincourt to see the program Better Late being taped at CFTO Studio 3. Mr. and Mrs, George Simp- son, Harwood avenue north, left Monday for a vacation in Nassau in the Bahamas and Caribbean cruise. Mr. and Mrs, M. Josefowich, Parry Sound, Mr. and Mrs. |Harold Cooper and children, Goderich, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wiles, Pine street. Mr. and Mrs. Hor-| ace Cartwright, Whitby, former ily of Ajax, also visited at W. 5 ) 0 5 STRANGLES WIFE HIGHLAND PARK, Mich. (AP) -- Stephen*Kent, 59, tosk police he strangled his wife Ma- bel, 58, in their apartment here Tuesday to end her suffering. Police quoted him as saying \'She suffered from asthma ter- ribly. I couldn't stand watching her suffer any longer." He was ee with first-degree mur- er. daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Steer, Forest road, for 2 few weeks, Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Ted Winter, and 'her sis- ter Eve Bambrick, Burcher road, who received word this weekend of the passing of their mother, Mrs. Bambrick, in Lon- don, England. The regular meeting of the Mothers Auxiliary to the fourth Ajax Cubs and Scouts was held on March 13, at the home of Mrs. D. MacKinlay. The 2nd Ajax Cubs and Scouts Mothers' Auxiliary are sponsoring a dance on Saturday March 17, in the Cedar Street Hall, at 8 p.m. On Tuesday, March 20 at 8 p.m. the Dorcas Group of the| St. Paul's UCW promise a re- laxing evening when William Bunting, superintendent of the Forestry Station at Orono, will speak on Forestry in relation to the wild life in this country and illustrate his talk with a movie on Canadian Wild-life. | HOT WORK CORUNNA, Ont. (CP) -- Ar over-efficient automatic clothes dryer worked so well for Mrs. James Shaw that it burned up her washing and required the local fire brigade to cool it down. Stopped-up nose | Mentholatum Ointment helps loosen stop: [rerrpcenpesin fast for easier he breathingt elieves miserable mouth breathing. Soothes sore, tender membranes. The education act of 1899 cre-| Cooling Soothing ated Britain's Board of Educa-| Mentholatum tion. ' Ointment Wiles, and attended the hospital dance, )| Mrs. Gertrude Turner, Toron- SUNDAY 1:30 P.M, to, spent a recent weekend with Mrs. M. Steer, York street. | Mrs. M. Boyes, Whitby, spent) several days with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyes, | )}Admiral road, | .| Mrs. E. Imhoff, New Car-| jlisle, Quebec, is visiting her} ALL IN COLOR! SOPHIA 1S ALL < « W STARTS 6.45 P.M. OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. FEATURE TIMES: 1:40 3:35 5:25 7:25 9:15 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CREAM-0 BRAND All purpose or drip grind ONLY BEANS»: PORK" Suc? eP inl AS S&S EEF. CHICKEN or TURKEY ERIE BRAND FANCY QUALITY BIG 20 oz. tin only YORK PEAS+» CARROTS "0: FS Gon i E bees © 20. ORDEROR MORE | | | ¢ 't 2 ae EXTRA AWAY "STA ~, 10. ORDER OR MORE a OF ASSORTED MERCHANDISE PURCHASED AT ONE TIME! jf ' FE 1 eee ver tents ewe Mar. 17/62 } +] PURCHASED AT ONE TIMEL Fh t eeweee per tomty, xpree Mar. 17/62 WITH THIS COUPON AND ©) '90. ORDER OR MORE | | OF ASSORTED MERCHANDISE | | PURCHASED AT ONE TIMEL =| © 1 compen pur tty, este Mar, 17/62 La WITH THIS COUPON AND nN BMA 220K SAMPS | | "40. ORDER OR MORE | t! | OF ASSORTED MERCHANDISE |" | PURCHASED AT ONE TIME! | 1 compen per famty, expire Mar. 17/62 STANDS | WITH THIS COUPON AND ASSORTED MERCHANDISE _Ssremarnc~ 10 OZ, TIN 10: SEACLIFF SLICED 10 OZ. TIN CARROTS DO 15 OZ. TIN 10: YORK WHOLE KERNEL FANCY 8 07, wi oc LYNN VALLEY STANDARD GREEN LIMA BEANS' $ 02! TIN 10c *UNA PANTRY SHELF FLAKED LS STEINBERG... MEDIUM SIZE 252's LARGE SIZE 163's loz. for 69:49. 34-02. TIN 10c VEGETABLE OIL °°". 73 PEA GAY TIME SPANISH SALTED NUTS: oz »-9@c ONT. GROWN DELICIOUS APPLES «<r 3 vv. certo sxe BOC TOILET TISSUE A ont SOFT RITE AQUA , PINK, WHITE YELLOW DosBIZ. Wim nas COUPON AHO PURCHASE OF MAPLE LEA COUPON expiant MAR_ 2176: SOLO REG. MARGA 'With us COUPON 'AND PURCHASE OF A POUND O8 MORE OF TOP QUALITY TAI HALIBUT STEAKS coupon pri aa 38 RINE oa % 118. ONTARIO GROWN NO. 1 HOTHOUSE CUCUMBERS 2roe29¢ RADISHES 3 IMPORTED U.S, NO. 1 ROSEBUD CELLO 25¢ BAGS res. 76 Sati with pes COUPON AND PURCHASE OF VEAL ROLL Pai eertinp ye AMO PUI As woxr Wilw wis COUPON IRCHASE OF 02, SOTTLE OF mA GkuYE cone wim has Coun ag SPECIAL COUPON Exriaes MAR. 91/6) R s man 21/670 With Twis COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 429 OF, PKG, OF OAINES DOG we, St $ with THis COUPON AND PURCHASE OF Baar LIQUID Laud 3 conten san 32S PERSONAL SIZE IVORY SOAP V2 wars 95¢ NESTLE'S QUIK INSTANT CHOC. DRINK Loin Chops BB cour voynts wat. 21/6 win tes a CHASE 2 CHO Bags OF PORTED U.S. WO. E SPINACH wasne COUPON expats MAR. 1/62 ONTARIO GROWN WO. # tNOW WHITE eae) 'witw Twag COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 47 02. TiN OF CARNATION SOLID ALBACORE 37 TUN writ t 5 21/47 MEAT COUPON EXPIRES MAR 'wim nas COUPON AND PURCHASE OF fet? °**° GREEN ONIONS BUNCHES FOR 25c » . Lid Government Inspected Young Broiler 5-9 Lbs. T TENDER OVEN READY urkeys:39. ANY VARIETY OF FLOmDA'S FINEST GRAPEFRUIT 808 mone BAKE BROIL FRY OR 8-8.Q TURKEY LEGS or BREASTS TENDER, MEATY, FRESH 0 69 Arann 119, 1n 5 Oe DOMESTIC 3¢ OFF MoDEss coat Anns ma) Tas COUPON 'OF coe wo) DD aes COUPON expimts An. "D17 47° With Twi COUPON CORNED BEEF steneeros tasty 3 18. AVG. $ ROUND BOLOGNA ©** wo. 59 TOnQvaury -- ip. onty BG SHORTENING pase COUPON Expats mat. 21/67 rim twas COUPON AND PURCHASE OF APPR hey et amet Piastany POTATOES . 'at one eepemnnia wl? DUNDAS STREET WHITBY ¢ BEEF & KIDNEY PIES': SHOPPING FEDERALLY INSPECTED Zror ony @OQe ss ails ESH KED PLAZA Open Thurs. & Fri. to 9 p.m. HILL

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