aitenit. 03 ms natural FOR RECREATION Reaches AJAX (Staff) Increased recreational activity in Ajax, particularly in playground and ice supervision and im |hockey popularity, has hoisted , | Goldie, |mittee felt that the proposed 1962 budget of the Ajax Recreation Committee and the Community Centre Board to an all time high of $9,525. Last year the budget estimate was $6000. Presenting the proposed bud- get expenditures to council on Monday for approval. Recrea- tion Committee chairman, Andy pointed out that al- though the budget was $3,525 higher than last year, the com- the increasd expenditures were necessary to ,|continue the recreation program "lin Ajax OPEN-FACE BERTH AT HARBOR TAKING SHAPE decking sits on 190 cement: | 500 feet long and is expected |maintenance etc., is expected Harbor. This picture was | taken on the east side of the | basin looking north toward | fill driven into the harbor steel pipes which were floot | Harbor road. The concrete by a piledriver. The berth is to be finished this summer --Oshawa Times Photo by renting out the facilities of the recreation hall to various j| groups in the area will total The proposed expc:titures of the Ajax recreation program, including heat, light, water, 'to be $8,425 jficit of $2,075 as of Dec | 1962 Following leaving a de- 31, the is proposed |1962 Ajax recreation program: | Ajax Budget The committee expects that '| during 1962 the income received $9,525 A sum of $150 has been in- cluded for possible future ex- penses in the Girls Athletic pro- gram, At present basketball and hockey for girls is being carried by Mrs. A. Rennick while track aia field has been carried by the Ajax Dynamos under the supervision of Mrs. G. Thomp- kins, | In the baseball schedule, a sum of $200 has been included to cover the $25 entrance fee of the OBA and also to provide for a possible Bantam House League. The House League for Pee Wee's is provided by the Kins- men Club of Ajax. No costs for travelling teams are paid by the Recreation Committee. This year the Committee has been sccessful in having na- tural ice available for a consid- erable part of the winter. Supervision costs to date are $400 and the Committee has asked that an additional $100 be provided to start the 1962 win- ter season AGED HAVE FUN The Senior Citizens Club has |been successful this year and \the members spend an enjoy- jable time together The club meets every week,} and although its needs are | | CHAIR PRESENTED Members of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club Tuesday night presented a chair to a charter THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 14, 1962 3 TO JACK McLEOD McLeod has been active in | Walter Famme. Behind the the club his fellow members came to look upon him as a future bridegroom is Ken Smyth, past - president and stolid adherent of the ranks of bachelordom. He is seen sitting in the chair as he is congratulated by President another past - president, Wil- liam Gibbie, is standing to the right. Board Of Works 'Watching Creeks which the club takes during the year to places of interest in and around the Oshawa area. With the trips, the girls are able to broaden their interests and encourage their practical education. On Mar. 31, at the Simcoe Hall gymnasium, a "spring dance" will be featured by the club. This promises to be a gala event in which the pro- ceeds will be turned over to the crippled children's transporta- tion fund. Although the Greater Oshawa Community Chest sup- plies a great portion of this cost, the fact that' the cost to transport these unfortunate children to and from classes at the hall averages about $10 a day, endorses the great need COMING EVENTS Bathe Park, Eulalie ange v, for such donations. During last fall, the girls held a dance of a similar nature which proved very successful. The first aid course, which the girls, ranging in age from 11 to 16, are taking at Simcoe Hall has reached the half way point. This program, which is run to requirements set by the St. John Ambulance Associa- tion will be completed at Eas- ter. The class is filled to capa- city Immediately following the Easter holidays a new course for the girls will be started. A special home nursing course, also under the auspices c! the St. John Ambulance which will include the 11 to 16 age-group, will be held. Pallbearers William Rognvaldson, Pheron Kivell, Harold Strong Levi Ellins, loyd Smith and Lorne Show- ok were | | | BINGO, Thursday, 2 p.m, Euchre Sai p.m. ; EUCHRE st Harman Park on Wednes- day, March 14, 8 Lae prizes, re-| BINGO Bathe Park Clubhouse EULALIE AVENUE WED., MARCH 14 7:45 P.M. 20 regulars, 4 jackpots Share The Wealth Door Prizes Given | } | | | | | | | JURY & LOVELL, LTD. Oshawa--Bowmanville--Whitby FOOD MARKET, 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 7 e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e 909]. 4] doz . DAVID'S 4-KINDS Reg. 2% GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BISCUITS ... SIRLOIN STEAKS "2x. -- EXTRA FEATURE -- T-BONE LEAN, MEATY 5 q FRESH 34 Ib. A.LR.C.M. (APRIL Ist) GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS HIGHEST QUALITY C 39 49 49 39 49 CHRISTIE'S BROOKSIDE BREAD "" GRADE A LARGE SIZE EGGS IN YOUR CONTAINER Milk costs less if you buy the economical half-gal- lon size. Skim - Homo or Guernsey Gold. "At the Store or At Your Door". BUTT PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL SAI LEAF--SKINLESS Fi PORK pareribs ECONOMY--6 & 7 PRIME RIB LEAN, MEATY SHORT RIB BONELESS PLATE Work has been progressing all winter on the $500,000 open- face berth the only one on the Great Lakes) at Oshawa i OBITUARIES ew 1 | PLAYGROUNDS small the Committee has asked) member of the club, Jack FUNERAL OF Three play areas are to be er perpen "wv the sum of) McLeod, on the ion of s CLAYTON ASHTON supervised for an eight-week|$150 for possible expenses his forthcoming marriage. | ou 'The memorial. service for| Program at the Lord Durham,) The Art Class course takes| During the 32 years that Mr. Clayton Ashton, who died at his Exeter and Cedar Parks. jplace in the Community Centre| ne residence, 195 Court street on) The program will begin in red boot iggaers gpg over 8 ota 2 . i 7 "lw riod. Ea erson par- 1962 Plates A request urging emergency,recalled the 1929 flood when| Saturday, a in hg Ps rio ngage vind and will con ltieipating pays a acall tes yom Film Shows groups be available for flood/both King street east bridges) Yi" van 1 C at the Arm- dane damcivutee levening which is credited as control in the province if a|were carried away by iO bl aL ame on Tues-| In previous years, the staff for|i nome to the Community Cen- Most Oshawa and district|}combination of warm weather|rampaging waters of Harmony Rey ar : 3 at eS egeen ithis program consisted of a SU-| tre =. = motorists will have obtainedjand heavy rainfall develops|Creek _ Rev. W. Herbert, minister of) pervisor and three assistants. | With th ite 1 e vin their 1962 plates and driverjhas been issued in a letter to| The minister's letter set out King Street United Church, con-| 'To poister this staff some mo-|;, ae se desta Rape .. sei permits before the 5 p.m. dead-|mayors and reeves by Lands|proposals which might be adopt- ducted the service. Interment|thers came forward and helped|2U@8et report to council, Mayor} line today Minister J. W. Spooner ed if "there be a threat of/W4S in Groveside Cemetery,|the program ale a coe be pve in This was the estimate of} In his letter, Mr. spooner flooding in your municipality." The nu f boy. ; rages | Lloyd Walters, Ontario Depart-|said if flood control action for/The suggestions included set- Pgh gp hod pb ac es work over. the roce ure ment of Transport Supervisor|the preservation of .life andjting up a flood committee with has now become critical pearl satel sdarangh of the Motor Vehicles Branch at|property is to be useful plans|specific duties assigned to the committee is seeking per-|.. Vo 'ank you for the detail-| Members of the Teen-age the Oshawa Shopping centre. |must be formulated in advance|groups, and the éstablishment)/ |mission to add three more as-|°% Presentation of your budget} Girls' Club at Simcoe Hall, "The rush started about alof any emergency of a corps of river watchers sistants (boys) at a cost of| 2d for the many hours of work|/Monday evening, were shown a week earlier this year," Mr.| Wi Oshawa's last direct . : % ; : your committee members have/10-mi j Walters said, "and I Fat Eller lity with serious spring/EMO STANDS READY ,MBS. CAROLINE HOGG $840 to overcome this situation.|VOOY, SOM Guin "1961. to jhave| 10-minute film on.the subject of pretty well everybody will havelflooding more than 30 years in| Assistance may also be, /°, 7 ent oe itby for the) The Boys Club program takes/the Ajax recreation program alartificial respiration. The film licences and permits by to-\the past, immediate plans tojdrawn from a Conservation Be! years, La Caroline| place in the Community Centre success," said His Worship. |which was part of the present night." combat possible flood condi-|Authority Field Officer who 600 G bi ioe, residence, jon Tuesday evenings over a 20- = ~| special first aid course the girls He expects to be busy untiljtions are being confined tojwould be able to supply de- |, eben Mn sg Pg on) week period, Jan. March and lare taking, was produced by the Friday, however, pointing out|watching ice formations in local|tailed information on weather uesday, March 13, The de-|Oct.-Dec., and provides various 'St. John Ambulance ' that people can still buy after|creeks and streamflow. ceased, who had been in failing) types of athletics and gymnas-| e rea AF | the deadline. There are a num-| oe a a Mr. Spooner pointed out that peg for some time, was in/tics for between 100-200 boys of After the showing, the film ber of people every year who|KEEPING EYES OPEN the Emergency Measures Or- a piidl Oecd ot the tas aie jall ages, play ---- a the gece do not bother to get new! Board of Works Chairmanjganization and the Canadian , : 8 EE ciererey strate@ methods seen in the licences until after the dead-|Walter Branch said the engi-/Army may be called upon to|2@ Mrs. David. Walker, Mrs. HOCKE® e a Ss a film were practiced by the Club line, he said Ineering department keeps anjhelp | Hogg, the a Wal-| 'This year the Hockey Asso- members with the use of dolls. The deadline set by the de-jeye on creeks and streams. He| Ontario. County EMO head) aa was born in Whithorn, Scot-/cjation has expanded to ap- |Then the film was given a sec- partment of transport only ap-|said any action taken will de-(Col. F. S. Wotton said he has|/204, and married Thomas Hogg|proximately one third more! Repair crews were sent outjond showing so the girls could plies to the validity of a driver|pend on local conditions. 100 trained rescue men equip-|/2 1911 in Cobourg, where she|than the previous year. The|this morning by the Bell Tele- make self criticisms and cor- or vehicle permit. permits for) City Engineer Fred Crome/|ped for general disaster work. day before raced . me number of boys participating Phone Company ere s = ov layed pocage ov oat wey appli- 1962 can be obtained after the)------- _ -------- -|She was a member of Whitby/has increased from 200 to 268,/°Ut a trouble spot that develop- . nee ee ee Count le Si bord deadline, but it is then illegal . gene? gh shee Es The Hockey Association: esti le Fy a cable yore te dure, tobe, held inthe Chratian avcaton to drive a car with 1961 plates| sides her husband, e- ;|and Toronto. A number of lines i Building, Brooklin, eri doer aoe or drive with a 1961 ka pop Briefcase Lakas Coffee ceased is survived by three| ates that the cost per boy Willi were out of operation this morn- this film 1s now available atlas to 7 p.m. Adulte £1.50, ehiléres Tee, The number of items, that Is| daughters, Mrs. William Len-|be $40 and of this amount the|ing ical gn Bay ng ' : ° Ki ; Recreation Committee has in-} ~ persons who may wish to use plates and permits, issued last non (Janette), of Kinsale; Mrs./) 464 in its estimates the sum| J. V- Lowry, general manager, |for private showing. Miss Sally BINGO sigan year was 22,000. The number ul or Walter Brown (Kathleen) and|¢- b said this morning that no major|Parker, director of the Girls} © NORTH OSHAWA PARK this year will be slightly higher, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, of|% $8 per. boy or $2,100 ldelays h - . i he AVALON i cele , : jdelays had resulted from the|Club, should be contacted well at the Bl NGO Mr. Walters said. The busiest n Pegg SR ange grandchildren bru yy be to ey va rs the| deficiency" and that the situ-|in advance by any interested) | WEDNESDAY, MAR. 14 days during the past week jalso survive. costs of ice time and bus trans-| ' , 130 F gs were Friday, when 2,500 items) 00 res Funeral service will be held)portation for boys participating|*t" could not, by ee wal 20 cue it tee the peythigee were issued, and Monday) " One of the most recent to|at the W. C. Town Funeraljin the House League. nae Toney he site Wee He Wasik: § $20 games to go. AVALON when 2,200 items were issued.| Chapel on Thursday, March 15! To play hockey, each boy). He said some minor delays|to Toronto where the feature of : 4 } By GRACE MILLS jopen doors to the public on , ' play y, oy | ; : ; Admission 50c with one card. At times, as many as 100 y isi . |at 2 p.m. Rev. John Smith, min-/must pay a membership of $2|!" telephone traffic had been the day was attending the bal-|_ --| THURSDAY, MAR: 15 people were lined up in and) AJAX -- The March meeting one street 1s the Lakas Coffeelister of Whitby United Church,|plus 50 cents per week. The reported during the peak, at 10/let "'Giselle". Miss Parker re- 4 : mate tie dleiace bieeaa: lof the Lord Wigin Home and|Shop. However, this business is| will conduct the service. Inter-|Hockey Association must. run o'clock this morning |ports that the group was ex- NOVEL BINGO 7:30 P.M. "T would still like to see them|School Association was held re-|not exactly a newcomer to its)ment will be in Mount Lawnjdances and hold draws to raise} The difficulties have been tremely enthusiastic about the) THURSDAY EVENING, 7:30 EASTVIEW PARK in during January and Febru-|cently lpresent site. Where the Lakas| Cemetery. a further amount of $6000 |located on the Base Line, south rs ar especially - | 5 Pol pores --, NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC * ' F | : said Fane | rip was on | ts. neg year," said Mr Pg. Bacmeue ye vei attend/puilding, completed in 1958] MRS. LORNA BELL scotr |. Transportation costs for the| of eerie Crews mre at-| oe SD ee eS ee eo ts Wie bee 20 Regulor Games--$6 & $10 For the rush period six extrajtion Convention re yo held. in now stands the Lakas: family; The memorial service tor ges -- ena by|ied there Ascent agent onk . . May be doubled or tripled 6 Jackpots -- $40 typists were hired. Last-minute|Toronto in April has provided coffee and hot/Mrs, Lorna Bell Scott, who) "© coaches or interested Pal-/ion that was made rapidl Lemon Juice Recipe |s 50. JACKPOT INCLUDED)! 1 Jackpot must go -- aiso : si : dogs for a good many years.|qj : ; ents. No personal costs are in-|('0" f pidly applicants have kept them quite) The purchase of an inscribed |died at her family residence,| > og in th ee \filled with water 'and three . | Door Prize $15 SHARE THE WEALTH busy briefcase for the use of the eorge Lakas started a lunch-|8% Bond street east, on Satur- Seely ve the overall cost of eumps were put in action to Checks Rheumatic |- ae ecamsi = Sees Sh ke SEEPS ee presidents of this Association,|00m in the frame house on the/day, March 10, in her 66th year,|""° "85°C ation. \Gveehaia that "obatacla: X64 'ak et OSHAWA JAYCE was approved jcorner of King and Albert|was held at the Armstrong FU-| BASKETBALL lexpected that a man can be and Arthritis Pain' eines No Rezo in Two films were shown at the psd cu He fig ed by alte Chapel on Tuesday, Mar.) [lowered into the hole this after-| 11 you suffer rheumatic, arthritis or | ni meeting. |dogs,hamburgers and confec-|13 at 3 p.m The basketball program takes servi yi itis pain, t i Mi M BINGO es Th M 15 h g Mies MacDonald had the most|tioneries. He was assisted by; Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister/place in the Community Genttelcernest Gis Gmc _ dive home Teele. that. thousands, are onster UIS., dr. t lvisiting parents, and was/his four sons, Nick, who nowjof Northminster United Church,/each Saturday and Sunday over| Long distance calls to Ottawa 4 masks puppy, Senay ine Trot awarded the banner for this runs Lakas' Coffee Shop, Gus,|conducted the service. Inter-|a 20-week period, Jan.-Mar. and! were being delayed as much as| Wa" 0! Water, add the juice of § lem- 20 GAMES AT $20--5 GAMES AT $30 | month Phillip and Jim. During the|meént was in North Russell Ce-|Oct.-Dec fae nine | tetatnt Gon neal Ente § ienkameee. | Mrs. M. Tait and her com-|years of the Second ls | War|metery, Russell, Ont., today at) The players rang from| i ra 'uls 2 times aday. Often within #@houre-- 1 -- $150.00 JACKPOT : mitten erved g|the restaurant was leased out,|2 p.m : ; Seniors ; : SOT Svertoenes, Seaete seeulte | ($20.00 PER LINE 0.00 P' ) jpMsnning Board decided nan. ie, ered, tereshmen iat tothe "Pars fami ------------lthe atome ate fom the Tunior| agye NOyAtAtMS were | yanetien eam | 2 -- $250.00 JACKPOTS ae 4 on Monday, April 2 at 8 p.m, |/ater to the Stratas family. RISKY CLIMB |group and for the juniors, from! ph glee alsdets maya u Nada footy lg Fae alee caghadar hk we : ae ra ae we te . ------| Nick and Jimmy again start-| The 26,658-foot Nanga Parbat/the senior group ies suvies dotex ae tk BUEN te gla by" Your. druggist ens | JACKPOT NOS 50-55 elther side ot Park road south CLUB, SPEAKER 6 ee ee fe on - heb bog wsdl bag recreation committee|hour period ending at 8.30 a.m., | cans used. Proof of wonderful paaite ; etitions have been received lan McNab, of the public re-|\ eet e ives until July 3,,/have Ross Newitt, a basketball] Wedn oN i j from residents asking for re|lations dicaiin ni oF General | til the old frame house was torn| 1953, when it was conquered by|referee and coach to head upj|were aes Aig on ae Oe ee a eee a ee ee eee M ' . fond 7),down in 1958 to make place for|Hermann Buhl. " lehi i; : ? NUMBERS THIS WEEK PLUS $25.00 CONSOLATION PRIZE. zoning from R 3 to R 4 on the Motors of Canada, Limited, will this program ing that time west side of Park road between|be the speaker at the Thursday|te new building. re ie pone $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES Pine and Elmgrove -- and as-inight meeting of the Sarnia} Although Lakas' Coffee Shop suring council that the home-|Foreman's Club. The subject of}opened up Jan, 16, the official st ey RED BARN oO h ee owners have no objection to/his talk will be "Supervision in|opening date has not been set. $1.00 , snawa DOOR PRIZES Chiropractor Harold Brownlee the Sixties'. Pedgeited for many the shop| cee practising at his home, 86 Park as already become a regularly| WHITBY K| road south Mr. Brownlee hasipy + me 2 visited landmark. | NSMEN BINGO been trying to get his property tetas acne he recent Nick serves ho enbnnicead| CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY 4 r an a year. equalization program). uncheons, ice cream and soft! After backing up the Planning Added Board Chairman Wil-| drinks from 7.30 a.m. until after WEDNESDAY MARCH 14th Board twice before on rezoning liam Woodcock: "To encourage | midnight sisted by é . ge ght, assisted by a staff of} EARLY BIRD GAME--SHARE-THE-WEALT requests for this area, council more "ribbon" commercial de |seven | J : : ' -- Parga ee pot poo velopment would be a mistake." STARTS 7:45 SHARP Mee g sug The Board will recommend Bus leaves Oshowa Terminal 25¢ Return gested a study of frontage de-\rezoning of a 700-foot strip on velopment on arterial streets. ithe south side of King street SPECIAL GAME OF $200--MUST GO kam A agin soc ge # west, running west from Park $20 each horizontal line -- $100 @ full card Sides of Park road, south road. Purely in the interests of i from King street, was carried! yniformity, fhe the Board. co $150.00 Extra in 53 Nos. out by the planning staff and) Sis. Waadioes pelbial act that Church bus leaves 4 corners at 7:30 p.m oneg ag a Pian pee (ie stretch, from Park road to 5 GAMES AT $30--20 GAMES AT $20 ' |Grenfell, is the only King street TW tor G. A. Wandless. Condition|frontage on either J a the oe eee and types of buildings, landiroad between Stevenson road Ist--No. $7; 2nd--No. 55; $30 Consolation per ---- were checked in/and Ritson road that is not $1,00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD 5 - | . : ch DIOcK. vas urged that{Zoned commercial | Door Prizes Children Under 16 Not Admitted oe ane restrictions be retained and in the controver-| BINGO es d d M 1 h pg gag allan Wednesday, Mar. 14t was even suggested that | existing zoning was, if anything, | MILK PURCHASES ' AT.8 P.M. too low. That is, it would be/ gh 4 more desirable in an R2 cate-| ST MARY S AUDITORIUM pga than R3 as it is now! j zoned. a ee al STEVENSON RD. NORTH AT MARION om be upgraded to R2; this| AM is borne out not only by the appearance of the buildings but | 6 G ES OF $8 1 GAME EACH OF $10, $20, $30, $40 BACKACH SNOWBALL -- 60 Nos. $190 -- $20 Con. When kidneys fail $5.00 FOR EACH HORIZONTAL LINE $10 ADDED EACH BINGO SHARE-THE-WEALTH $50 EXTRA -- 2 CARDS 25c or 10 for $1 FREE ADMISSION -- EXTRA BUS SERVICE " NO CHILDREN PLEASE BLADE 39 TURKEY FRESH PORK SHORT CUT (Ist 4) OVEN-READY SHOULDER 69 FRESH PORK 29 h Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate pormal | | | \ to duty. You feel better--sleep bet- tér, work better. ~