rier Ohe Oshawa Times Uniforms | SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1962 PAGE NINE Shorgas Limited has threat-| jened to fire 14 striking em-) ployees, now in their 10th week) of strike action against the company, Gordon Mcllwain, In- ternational Chemical Workers Union vice-president, charged today. Mr. Mcllwain said the 14 striking employees received let- ters over the signature of I. R. Currie, Shorgas manager, stat- ing they were wearing their uniforms and company insignia in an "unauthorized fashion." | The Shorgas manager, he said, informed the _ strikers) their uniforms and_ insignia) were issued as a means of| # identification to the customer, 'ito inform them the wearer is */on duty as an employee of the }company. "The company," Mr. Currie's letter stated, "cannot permit ;;unauthorized use of the. uniform or insignia on other than com: pany business." "If you (the strikers) wear, | "a oe: : Be* > - . the uniform in an unauthorized é : A oe § : : 5 &.4.\fashion, the company will be F y j : es tit Ps ' left with no alternative but to gh 4 is fh gath "7 ae i, se &. Re ' eh TWIST CONTEST WINNERS RECEIVE TROPHIES he Meee Te tert x eee Faet PRESIDENTS | Society. Among the past presi- | 46-47, Mrs. Thomas Fairbrot- | Bunker 31, Stanley Gales 40- Some four hundred mem the winners of a recent twist | At rear, from left, are Con- | McLaughlin, fourth place win- tinued, were honored at the annual | dents who have served dur- | her 53,54. Mr. Archie Whit-| 41, Lloyd Johnston 59, 60, bers of the Oshawa Safety' contest. Seated, left to right, | stable William Tane, safety of- ners and Gordon W. Baker, 47 'Ap twain said the ICWU. banquet in Simcoe Street Uni- | ing the 30 years since the | mee 51-52 and 62, Mr. William | 61, Harold Hainer 48 and Rich- Page ante fiends ste ign Mion and Bran | fee wih the Oshawa Pace dance drcion The dane ar gilt! advent ted hare Mall Saturday nigh | ety was vgunzed seated | chin 7, red Kitty Ms, | ard Brenln a2 40's ve cgay aie tee age SDeuet ai Tone and Sandy Fudger, third place | mately every second week. -- hie 4 ti te eee Tae fo 5 he ates Hall satueony Want : winners: Rene Pleau and Judy | --Oshawa times Photo] "CShwike, Ae Sain, negou- Iron ware" preseed Tal, asm ice | 'onman' hove no exes. Fernhill Bridge Past Presidents Honored said the company's position is | s bd : Pl still that it will rehire the s j 99 Fires In Oshawa = 2egion ears ise at unc. High Scores By Horticultural Societ when it finds it necessary to employ additional labor The winners and high scores or 1cu ura oclie V Euchre Meet of the games played by mem- ° d 685 560 D a e eh gee Sp igin agp cmreagy A very successful and happy|to many including: F, T. Lam-|was completed by the late Per- ; pate oe FINGe "U0 BEL W ; : ; |ble, M. McIntyre Hood, W. H.\cy Carter. ] ' am g oes Walker, sports commit-| CELEBRATING North and South -- Mr,|9ccasion marked the vedipmiang | TP Ross MacKinnon, Mrs.| Lloyd Johu.ton was president e chairman, reported at last Buchanan and Mr. McLachlan,|annual banquet of the Oshawa 7 oC Yy ; seer} i Sora TH ; . . ' J. C. Young, Robert Brooks,|for 1959, 1960, 1961 and is now ; iat Jes. shops, Week's meeting of Branch 43 BIR s DAYS 93% points; Mr. and Mrs. G.| Horticultural Society which was| Andy Leishman, George Fuller.| chai sca Shanthi cae The 1961 annual report of the/and fall, under the Deputy and| Industrial Factories, shops, or ti, Royal Canadian Legion Jackson, 89 points; J. Bradylheld in the banquet. hall oflohay Vesn Misc en . 4 | Coalnoaaa of Civic Beautification Oshawa Fire Department re- Platoon Chiefs jete., 131 that the branch euchre tourna Congratulations and best |ang G. Brady, 86 points; Mrs.|Simcoe Street United Church furs, Gorden' Conait ae Diol ne P Merit ry og veals that a total of $685,560 'These courses are designed to Miscellaneous -- Complaints, ment for all members will be| wishes to the following resi- M. R, Clarke and Joseph Coles, Saturday evening, Mar. 10. TB es i : : ae iploma of Merit at the Ban- damage was caused in 99 fires aquaint all personnel with investigations 210; yards, al-played at 1 p.m. Saturday,| dents of Oshawa and district 8314 points. Honor: waa paid to the past po; ee ea OF the Chatter of aye hi Whit : 7 in the city during the year every phase of the depart-|leys, lots 761 Mar. 17. The top prize will be who are ceiebrating their East and West -- Mrs. Cora presidents of the society since sepals Pode vee sion gt nd rchie itmee is again In the report, Fire Chief Ray ment's operations and to keep ji burners -- installations, the Parmenter Trophy . which birthdays today Wild and Mrs. A. Stewart, 110|it was reorganized in 1931. ate war helt oni 20 \President of the Society for Hobbs points out that of 99 up to date in the latest fire| gop, is up for annual competition, Darlene Andley, 550 Lans- | noints: Richard March and Events were recalled leading _ ' » a. 1962. actual fires, 94 per say of nie fighting methods and equip- Storage tanks -- oil and gas- Arthur Cocker, of the Fri-| Rene dee aie Fred Dingley, 105 points; Mrs yp to the re-organization. BUNKER FIRST PRESIDENT| PLAN OUTLINED total was caused in 12 fires.iment, Training sessions are! sine 76 day night dance committee,| SU¢herland, 859 Glenfor William Heron and Mrs. Med-| 'The first meeting was held) W. Gordon Bunker, recently! Her Worship Mayor Thomas Three of these eee ts conducted under the Deputy or Building plans -- Approval of stated there will be no dance "™ P} 793-3474 land, 92 points; Miss Georgiajin the Masonic Temple when a retired business administrator spoke briefly on a plan which is cet ee edie' Ares Feslotaaa Cnlets, ane where ge plans, etc. 238. Total 5,761 this Friday due to the OBA con- Ione ee Bovay and Mrs. Bovay, 90)nominating committee consist-/of the Oshawa Board of Educa-|in early stages in which the So- age, the remaining 96 fires sible, are supplemented by ' : sial_at-| Vention points ing of names who are familiar|tion, was introduced as the first|ciety is going o be asked to causing a total of $117,896 films and demonstrations. On all inspections special at- Hacaes 2 ----_----_----+_---- | president in 1931'and is still in-| ARS ; dividual total tention is given to electrical) The Zone Rally will be held president in J and is participate to beautify a plot Paes ie th kor' Be me Fg membership in the Society. prior to the Centennial celebra- e done in any fire TWO NEW VEHICLE installations, and during the at the Port Perry Legion Hall ' ) t p Brg Ese was the blaze Two new vehicles were pur-\year the following faults have at 1.30 p.m. on Sunday, Mar. 18. ll ACCIDENTS bi gs clio o a tion = hence. "a which destroyed the business chased by the department dur-\peen noted: minor defects:' Delegates to attend the. Do : ie. 1983. 1944, pres Her Wors ip also congratulat- block at the corner of Simcoe ing 1961, These included a 1961)Frayed cords, octupus wiring,|minion Lgion Convention in . ' pp peor |e Mrs. Earle Sandford, lead- and Athol streets Jan. 10, half-ton pick-up truck, which is! oyerfusing, etc., (can be recti-| Halifax will be chosen at the i soE : rier geod cing . jer of the Oshawa Junior Gare which amounted to $244,349, radio equipped, and is used byY|fied by owner or tenant), 114; | membership meeting of Mar. 22.| Tee 1r S n ure tend the baniaaae ye om of ~-- ee ee -- Second and third in order of the Department mechaniions |maior defects: Defective lamps, One of the highlights of the| [illness in the family, 4s still an|tne sung boys and girls of that damage value were the Smith re vehicles bes out stations, | extension cords used as perma- meeting was the presentation | ilness oni Ba y, | the young boys and girls of that Transport warehouse fire, Sim- and -also to provide transporta-/nent wiring, bare or loose e: x tion for air cylinders and other spjices, insufficient branch cir- : roup. of a framed certificate of merit William R. Alchin followed as|* TD. Thomas, MLA, spoke e eoe street south, at the corner A and two framed tures to i \bri icult i " i id a/equipment to and from fire ' iring attention of/2 m picture | President in 1936, 1937 and has|priefly on horticultural achieve- Calor 8207690 damage, and scenes. The other vehicle waslan electrician), 9, Total 123. comrade Ben Jacklin, a mem- 'continued very dotive and has! ments of his own interest the Medical Centre fire, 1958 1961 Corvair, also radio! wie. stectrical defects are salt a Revie isl pote always an entry list in the! 'The head table, which includ. fimeoe street south, which equipped, which is used by the) oa which require immediatel yo: wo ¢ es ae : Fie ais ca tal irated shows of the Society, ed the gusts and e€ . ve Inspection staff ; q *\donated by Comrade Bill Fro- Three teen-age girls were in- wners of the parked vehicles|Bowmanville. Total estimate The late Marshall Coakwell/body of th iet = lee caused $115,795 damage. _ jattention the owner or occu- Gj aid wee Patricia J. Gi 230\d vas $250 f ; ody of the society, was inro- Chief Hobbs reports that his| pant is advised, verbally or by °° jured in one of 11 ba vai ag Ly elisatng es degen Peel Saminge Was f2pe. was president in 1938-1939. duced by Lloyd Johnston. NINE-YEAR PEAK department has maintained an\ieter. In extreme cases or .c2™ Oke, chairman of the Ported in the city during the/Bur "4 street, George Henning,' Also reported at 7:30 p.m. was FIRST SPECIAL SHOW The Mitchell sisters, Marie Last year was the peak year active part in all local, provin-|,) : co-operation Sick committee, reported the| weekend 116 asthaven street, Maurice/a collision at Park road south Stanley Gales was president|and Marlene of Pickering and for fire damage, according to cjg} and Federal exercises or- egret ie Bede ry Anecection committee members had visit-. Treated at Oshawa General Tessier, 239 Roxborough avenue|and Marquette avenue, involving in 1940. 1941 an plier q|their pianist, Robert Pitcairn of @ nine year comparison sur ganized by the Emergency|\® bs ng HY AE e-inspectlon' oq Les. Baker, Les James, Al- Hospital for minor injuries and|and Peter Fusco, 18 Elena|cars operated by James Pappas, with tis. inaucieation. a th |Scarborough gave a number of vey contained in the report, Measures Organization. The ier poe -- mre . 2919. bert Hale and O. S. Hobbs who later released were Ellen Knott, |Street. Police did not reveal/Cromwell venue, and Alcide Go- first Special gmt a 'Tulip| delightful and comedy num- the next highest being 1953, partment is represented on the ersons not a hones """» were in hospital 19, 78 Connaught street, who which car the injured girls were guen, Greenwood avenue, Police)..." hy : a . Ld pie during the evening. when the total fire loss was\Control and Planning Commit-\refused admittance 112, num- 7 |. reported by Bill Hun. suffered a nose injury; Janet|in at the time of the collision. |said the Goguen car turned Show be aay held gta, Sia: bi tia oe aes estimated at $451,512. Com-itoes one member of the De- ber of actual SDEDOE CER: LAR gerford, chairman of the mem-| Weaver, 18, also of 78 Connaught Other accidents over the meee south onto Park road, stalled, Boren a Bont pies gaa _-- borough, District Director for Liang themed ogg ag 'ree (partment is the chief Rescue) Meiaaiecal: home inspections|Pe'ship committee, that the Street, anil Hae ear ely 2) iwita Ranediy wait get . ee ee Pee In 1942, 1943 Richard Bran.-|District 5, of which the Oshawa great difference in the figures. Officer, while another. is in, / : '!films shown by the committee 291 Adelaide Avenue west, who s saturday nignt, "| Earlier, at 7 p.m., at Bond APs | Soci a eee Ae The 1960 total was estimated' -harge of the ambulance divi vd poi er ae et Ales */at Hillsdale Manor were much|sustained injuries to the shoul- gr hog Police between 7 p.m. street and Mary street, a 2 ely hy she bean chalet ia ox at $114,565. ,, sion yagi De als -- home inspec: enjoyed by the senior citizens. der and right leg, respectively. |4" * PM, driven by Lloyd Hinge, Albert! man of Special Shows. Now| Mrs. Thelma Boucher, of fi Ling» ahe ie iggy moh al INPECTION ERVICE Halarte tenia (During "in Barclay aw, chairman of The accident occurred at 7:50 $250 DAMAGE street, backing up from the inter-|19 special shows are schedul-| Kingston, was the guest speak- aa but one man and one "The Fire Prevention Bureau Service' home Inspections); 'he entertainment committee,|p-m. Sunday, on Simcoe street) Saturday, 7:30 p.m., at Mill secHOn, whit . car driven by ed for the year. 1944-45 Fred Q,jer and chose as her topic "A Child sustained injuries. One consists of the Fire Prevention|Ashes not in metal containers\tePorted he had an excellent/north at the intersection of Elgin/and Simcoe street south. Police|Mary Walker, Burcher road, Kirby was president and is Epa Poser igre Travels". During her de th was recorded in. Fast|Officer, une captain and twol27, rubbish not properly taken show lined up for the Sports-/street, when a car driven. by|said a car driven by Karl Stein-Aiax. Estimated damage was active in the work of the So-|travels to Switzerland, Norway, Whitby Twp., with whose vol- full time inspectors. Their work|care of 504, fuse panels, over-|™Man's Banquet on Mar. 24, As/Charles 1. Willsher, 21, 258 Ver-linger, Beatty avenue, Oshawa, | $99. ciety. | Scotland and Mexico she took unteer service the Oshawa De- includes the regular year round|fused 3,793, defective wiring|there is a limit to the number|dun road, struck a car which | was travelling south on Simcoe|parKED CAR HIT Mrs. Leslie Guy followed as| Many interesting pictures and as artment has a mutual aid inspection of all buildings in the|243, extension cords: excessive jof tickets to be sold he urged|was parked on the west side of|/south, made a wide right turn| "Ay 7:45 p.m., Donald Fisher, President in 1946 and is. still they were shown Mrs. Boucher P ity sticati "omM- Fores ' "\the members to get their tick-' Simcoe streei near St. Gregory's!on to Mill street d Hi | +49 .p.M., oe! ver iv added her interesting com- agreement city, the investigation of com-|defective 512, oily rags, mops, g t ; edd n reet and. collided Albert street, reported that his| V°TY active. | , plaints, the approval of oillnot in metal containers 49, °'S ©atly Roman Cathoiic Church. with an eastbound car driven by}, ' ;; in 1948 Theo. (Ted) Carson|ments. Pictures of Upper Can- 'ass > he ase . _) |ear, parked in the Cadillac Hotel A : 140 ALARMS burner and storage tank instal-|soyes not properly installed baa wnabneik William Cassie, King street west, |iot from 4 p.m. to 7:30 pian, heal vee elected president and was) ada Village and of her own During 1961 the department)jations, and the approval of|o9, stove pipes not properly in IS BEREAVED Whe intact deoos this cil th haen hit. and tha pear pumper| 'He youngest of the group being)garden were amongst those l 740 i af ' * el | i -| responded to a total of 740/building plans for new con-|siaiied 60, defective flue or George Brehler, Mary street, ward into another parked car and, trunk lid damaged. Police|i his late Long Mg a = -- mee thanked the alarms of all causes, an in- struction or alterations, other! : P Fst crease of 94 over the previous oe privnle aualans, with ve flue stops 132. ae ; left on Saturday by air for Re-|causing a chain reaction involv- Teachers To jestimated the damage at $150. by. Mr. Carson resigned inleSze ey} jo jfeyeq uo Jeqeeds year. Included in this total are spect to fire safety require- During the year the epart- gina, Saskatchewan, where he ing another two parked cars Thirty minutes later, at King| March of 1949 to take a position|group in attendance and Mr. 15 alarms in East Whitby Twp./quirements. They have been ment found it necessary to will attend the funeral of his Police estimate damage at a street east and Farewell street,/anq Harold Hainer was presi-|Leonard Martin thanked the en- In addition to these the depart-lable to eliminate many exist recommend or issue orders as sister, Mrs. Val Schuett. total of $1,460. 7 r Pl t a Car westbound on King east, dent until his term was finish-| tertainers. ment also responded to one jing or potential electrical haz-|follows _Letters 24, violation Ou an S and driven by William Clark,!eq and Fred ©. Kirby was| The banquet was served by call from the Ajax Fire Dejards during their checks of/0rders 173, fire marshal orders Ree Roxborough avenue, struck the|again chosen president for 1949/ the ladies of Simcoe Street Unit- partment and one from Whitby/ electrical wiring and installa. 2, Hydro Re-Inspection Orders ARMY TRAINING Twenty-five Oshawa secondary|rear of the car ahead (driven|elected and served as president|ed Church who were thanked Township, under the mutual tjon< 4 vs cae a, ay etl ely begin pray! eon Rnd i for 1950, 1951, 1952. iby President Archie Whitmee. aid agreement. 1 secc . win, t the year's end there was shh ree-day business ed-/drive, Orono) then swerved into' Mrs, Thomas Fairbrother was) The following is a breakdown Foie! a eee still one Fire Marshal Order Soaen vourse at the General/the eastbound lane, colliding|chosen president for 1953, 1954|FAVORS PLEASING of alarms received during least twice last year, when gen-| utstanding Wo e eaters pare of Canada Limited south/with a car driven by Thomas|and now lives south of Orono,| Particular mention was made <i os ak lings er Seniccaes aad tee ee In addition to regular inspec | Plant office at 3 p.m, Tuesday.|Bishop, King street east. Esti- where she is a member of the | of the dainty and attractive 179, emergencies 15, restau- were 'carried out. Fire safety;#0n work our inspectors are | The teachers will be parti-) mated damage was $270. Orono Society and is leader of| favors' which were made by rants and caterers 2, ies, talks were given to pupils in/Tequired to fill in, in emergen-| ° cipating in the Oshawa Cham'| Saturday at noon, on Oshawa/the Junior Garden Club there| the members of the Junior Gar- dry cleaners 1, school v both public and separate|Cies, as firefighters, and to per Kicked Out H ere ber of Commerce education com-/Boulevard north, a southbound|and still maintains her member-/den Club, which adorned the houses 5, churches 4 'S, schools during the year. The Se abet cae ag pave Be -- --_ second an-/car driven by Mare Thiebaud,|bership in the Oshawa Society, |Past President's and the head vate gara progre f fire s y .{thus spent a total of: 128 hours nual business education seminar' Si > i 7 coccencods 76, "8 3,1 tke clos on sid at fire prevention meetings, Recruiting officials at the Generally, however, repeaters in co-operation with peered serga® git ae hich, celine SERVED ENE Soe stores and offices $1, apart- of yaluable assistance in the/and distributing fire prevention Oshawa Armories have discov- have not much of a chance at industry. said, was stopped on the east ments, rooming houses 31, hos- department's Fire Prevention Material; 70 hours at meetings ered that getting men for the the Oshawa Armories. Capt. $ Wednesday afternoon, the t side of the street, and operated pitals 4, public buildings 3, work, to discuss fire safety require-/special militia survival training Skea, Chief Instructor, said the : Be ae C8 by Peter Vanderzwet, William a a -- a" ie sian The _ Department has _pre- ee ee oe me -- sedge Kear yn co Canada Limited plant and will street e as t. Total estimated | pe was promoted to his pres-| Mrs. George Kayes, the old- sg : , tory, pared a booklet as a, guide inj) ; E pretty sharp and have been'he at the Coulter Manufacturing 4@Mage was $300. ent position with the Thomson| ber of the Society, was stations and garages 2, factory 9c onizing > ined|Mours assisting at fires, ON|those who should not be in watching closely to prevent this 7, . Agen ae ; fOnjest member Of the Society, and shops 16, hotels 2, false %Sanizing a pre-determine ambulance or on stand-by) 'There hs ot Bi ba wh hae plant Thursday afternoon. AUTO DITCHED Publicaitons. He is still active|also honored. Mrs. Kayes at- plan of fire safety and evacu- ere nave peen insiances sort: of oyerenthustasm, Chamber of Commerce Gener-/ Westbound on College avenue |i"? Horticultural work and is a/tends the meetings and activi- alarms 71. baa: duty; 211% hours in the office a , ate e i i. . 2 * 5 east Witty township tallen for tomas Rvapitasaed on records, issuing violations, st Bid a \fter all," he said, "these a] Manager Douglas A. Fisher|Saturday afternoon, a car\ fellow of the Royal Esse sone ties of the Society and hasn't Dwelling 1, barns 5, body vic, tad' to thugs i titutions| 2: 294 hours on other miscel- , : fellows are only after the $40/said today the three-day, six-|driven by Jeannette Allin, Park|'utal Society there. His term|missed a banquet. , u i : eet shops 1, grass, rubbish, open'jn the cits laneous. duties pleted -- " ne ibs ag a week and they have to workihour course is aimed at giving|Toad south, hit two parked cars fires 3, cars, trucks 4, emer-- Fire prevention and Inspec- Courses, trying to get a second for jf pretty hard. It would be secondary school teachers aniand ended up in the ditch. The e e gencies 1 HOME. INSPECTION tion work is a vital and im- helping by getting into the third sad if you have to prosecute insight into what industry ex-/driver told police her little girl n n Predicts in 1961, the de ent com. portant part of any fire depart-\course that started Feb, 26 them for that." fe ; ' had fallen forward, grabbed the ] i i i partment com-, s i fs pects from education 71 FALSE ALARMS pleted its 'In Service Home|ment activities, but. it is only TWO CASES ; He said that among the appli- It's purpose he said, is to re steering wheel. The parked « e furr " on. . ») , ¢ awson fficer ' " . . * > 7 , r C Of the 71 false ala ms tu ed Inspection program of all pri- With the fullest co-operation of -- Capt. E. S. Dawson, Officer wuts there were a few whollate the human element in man-|Cats. Were owned by Charles in, 21 were of good intent, while vate residences in the city, and all citizens that we shall attain|in Command of the training pro- had had previous training, but|ufacturing to the teachers Tamblyn and Rawmond Joseph, e¢ 'or 50 were of a malicious nature.|i, |. poned that th h i the desired result -- a reduc- gram in Oshawa said there have ,,. } B, 5 getellbasobe : : both of 166 College avenue. Po- A att a 18 of than were. tel »pe ha rough aclose)s in the causes. of an dit, hus canes Gute rerantie ; they had not gone far beyond Richard Fairthorne, personnel lice estimated damage at $800 ie ; . and 49 check they will be able to ap-|, i een two cases here recenuly Ol the recruiting officer's table. Manager at the Houdaille In-|"°° ©S'™ * | Members of Local 222, United|til 7.30 a.m. Tuesday to accom- ceived by -- , " praise the value of this pro-|08ses from fires. men who had "muscled" their dustries Limited plant is course) In making a left turn on to) Automobile Workers, CLC, head-|modate night shift voters. . r t et! ;: i oie 4 . . ~ . M , "y were receive me etre ram. in the reduction of home Summary of all Inspections way back into the course. The ' chairman Cedar street from Stone street/ed for the polls today for what! s, th plant body and chassis boxes : digg Praeger ; " South plan y and chass alarm box : for 1961: Fire prevention in : oe rs . the men are asked to sign a 1 d 4 , : ae 1 Vsecdoye Sains n_in-imen had completed part of a 'Ne ' : Saturday afternoon, a car driven! appears to be one of the big-|plant polls opened at noon hour The current stren |spections © 5,761; in service"! wourse'in Toronto, but had not| Statement' to-the effect that by Carmen Neill, Lakeview! gest elections in the 24-year his- and remained open until 1 p.m. The floral arrangements M. McIntyre Hood followed as|which decorated the banquet president in 1955, 1956, 1957,/tables were drawn for after the 1958 and resigned in May of| special guests and sick members chers will visit the Duplate of} 1958 to go to England where|were presented with one. When applying for the course : The co-operation of the S ~\citizens has been most gratify-| jc t department now stands at 97|0 Wb. Chil said) pry inspections 285. Total! vealed this fact to the re-ithey have not had any previous B b S th avenue, hit two guard rail posts, |tory of the union. They will re-open at 3.30 and all ranks including r_chie » following is a summary) _" ne cruiting officer training. A false statement is a y MOMEYS doing an estimated $15 damage.' Union members will be cast-/remain open until 6 p.m. comprising of i one femalel. this program for its four noe "If they had been perfectly SUDJect to a penalty of as much + On Simcoe south, Sunday ing ballots today, Tuesday and) Body and chassis plant polls other ranks and ¢ ema rs of operations: Combust-- | FIRE SERVICES honest about this, we could have #8 two years imprisonment. Taki Na morning, just below the High-| Wednesday to elect a General| wij! be opened again at 10 p.m. 20008 Ee a les too close to stove, fur-| The Ontario County Mutual') oon sympathetis to their case," Several men were caught re- ng p way 401 bridge, a car driven by|Motors shop committee chair-/ynti] 11.30 p.m. and again at Pree, TPMrement Was reins 311, flammable liquids|Aid Fire Services Association -- 3, "4. sich ; a toentie ia Harntinn. Toe ae : Maureen Brown, Kawartha|man, seven GM district com-|9 Tuesday until the ni ported during the ea his}. : : sc pea ier et abe: %~, said Capt, Dawson, '"'but in-,cen in Hamilton, Toronto an F ral servic were 'heldic { : i : 7 2 a.m. Tuesday until the night i 1 ; 1ot properly stored 107, Total|Will meet in the Brougham Fire * a . Si Gatharines cored unefad services re held'street, struck the rear end of|mitteemen, nine delegates to|shift c leti being Fireman 1. Boudreau! 758. No hazards found (num-|Hall, Friday, Mar, 16, at 8.99/%ead they tried to swindle their St. Catharines, according toloday for Kathleen Ann Goody,|a car driven by Andy Moravick,|the Canadlin Gis Gna who retired July toy ' "ber of homes), 2,601 p.m. Assistant Chief Inspector) ¥4Y in, wo we Kicked them out Anes Ds. ape -- ~ ay four months, who spit up and/ Whiting avenue, knocking it into| convention and 13 dainaates to Voters in yD odd Plant years of service is a f The following is a detailegAlan Williams, from the Fire|again pub ic relations officers a Cen- choked to death Saturday after-|the rear of a car driven by Jo-liks UAW's fourth conatiiotinaat voted from 11.30 a.m. until 1 ment, J. Bryan Col ns *P" summary of. inspections made Marshal's Office, will talk on According to army regula-|tral Headquarters in Oakville/noon while taking a nap at her|seph Varga, Conant street. Watt S fou suitutional)p.m. today and 3.30 until 6 p.m. pointed to the atait ba members of our imspection|"Firemen's Responsibilities on|tions, a man can be readmit-|admit the existence of repeaters|Farewell avenue home estimated damage was $325. convention. : as The poll here will be opened at tioner Juty 17, No resig NS} oor Arson Detection". A film titled, ted to a-course if he has com-jbut insist that the number is) Firefighters were called to) 4+ the King street east ; 4 Steve Melnichuk, Local 222)the same time Tuesday. or promotions were repor sacilentinl Private homes|'Know. the Cause", will be pleted not more than twc weeks Small. in view of the 100,000/the home and worked over the)... B Sire' Cast and election committee chairman] Parts and service department he department continued I I { uf ] di ; > it : ' Ritson road intersection Sunday) y ises| , FD od roy i% provide the best ment buildings 478, shown. in a previous course and has;men being trained gg ig ola bal inhalator. | | afternoon, a car driven by Wasyl| paid today of Ge beget Or ieee ene Pry 4 training possible for its mem. 20@'ding, rooming houses 15 TAUGHT LAW left because he has found regu Maj.-Gen. W. A. B. Anderson, Cecil Goody; a daughter Linda |Kobewka, : Annapolis avenue, | cord until 6 p.m This poll will re- bers. In addition to the recular s, motels 16 Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent lar employment adjutant general of the army two, also survives. *\made a right turn north onto; Polls opened at the Bond open at 730 until 8.30 p.m and training periods < held X lie building Schools, former Liberal prime minister, Capt. Dawson said the men in was quoted as saying: "This is phe body rested al the Arm-|fitson, then backed up and hit! street east union hall at 10 a.m.|from midnight until 1 a.m stations throughout burch hospiti SRA became a law professor at question could have been' given a course open to the public. We strong Funeral Home. Inter-\2 Car operated' by Soon May|today and will remain open un. North plant voters voted from an intensive six-week course Mercantile -- stores, wage- Quebec's Laval University in/consideration in view of this inivte the public to join. If wement was in Oshawa Uni on\Loo, King street west. Total es-|{i] 8 p.m. They, will re-open at|11.30 a.m. until 1.30 p.m. and "was held ip both the pring houses, etc., 1,757. '1914. (regulation. iprosecuted; well, you know." jcemetery. ftimated damage was $180. (11.30 p.m. and remain open un-!2.30 p.m. until 6 p.m.