WHITBY And DISTRICT member of the Oshawa Lions Club spoke on the role of Lions in the community. the | Lions District A3 Zone 10 Club | South. He is pictured above, right, with the Whitby Lions Club president, George Ran- | kine. Mr. Anderson, who is a | | Stork Wins In Whitby Race In a fast growing community such as Whitby the stork is no |stranger but when he decides \to call on a pick up truck speed- ing along the highway things are moving a little-too fast. So The guest speaker at regular Whitby Lions dinner in the Spruce Villa hotel this week was Jack Andedson, zone' chairman of IOOF NEW Past Grands | And Roll Call The Independent Order of Odd/PG. in his remarks of apprecia- ee ynder vron Fellows (JOOF) of Whitby held tion to all, a dart baseball/ tr0et south, when his wife gave their regular weekly mecting)game between the Past Grands), ith to a daughter on Monday combined with the annual Past|and general members was plan-| ght. " : x Grands and roll call ned. However, due to the late-| a4; Rynders told her hus- The acting Noble Grand Bro./ness and the possibility of theinand that the baby was: about Harvey Attwood DDGM. opened/oysters and tomato soups, then|i, arrive just before midnight lodge to a near capacity num'ready, becoming cold, this ac-|,, Monday and he drove in the ber of members, with Past tivity would be omitted. direction of the Oshawa General Grands occupying the elective} An enthusiastic vote of ap- Hospital. At Whitby's Four Cor- and appointed chairs. preciation was extended to|ners Mrs, Rynders thought that A_ hearty welcome was ex-jlunch convener Bro. Magill anditime' was running out, It was tended to all present, includingjassistant Bro. McTaggard for/a+ the subway on Dundas east among the many, Bro. Don.|their good efforts in providing)jittie whilhelmina Maria made Keeler PDDGM, Bro. Geo. Web- the sumptuous lunch her appearance. | --Oshawa Times Photo THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Merch 9, 1962 §& 'Durnos, Arena Sunocos Share Wins In Opener The underdogs of the Whitby;to rack up a 7-3 tally, and in|was Leroy Mowat with two Mercantile Hockey League, Dur-'the second game -- keg and one assist. no's Garage and Arena Sunoco, header, the Arena Sunoco boys) . jhit back hard into the ranks ofjskated circles around the first- DOUBLE SCORE ni Ap Ottenbrite's Trailors and-Flem- place Fleming's Shell piayers . In the second game the Arena) ing's Shell in the Whitby Arnea|to come up with an impressive Sunoco, fighting with -- their and both came up with out- 10-5 win. backs to the wall against the) 'standing wins which kept them) The same teams will play first - place Fleming's Shell), in first round of the play-offithe deciding sudden death|team, chalked up 10 goals in as series. games on Sunday to decide Many impressive combination In the first game Durno's|Who will enter into the finals. Plays. , javed 4 t For the winners, Jim Cherry} outscored, outplayed and out- nuRNO'S WIN scored five goals and Lynne} smarted the Ottenbrite's squad Jy the first game, | | Durno's|Middleton scored a hat trick. were boosted with three goals|For Fleming's it was Melvin by Neil Wilson and two by Al|Brown and Paul Rousseau with MacDonald to hold a comiiand-|two goals each and MacRow- ing lead over the Ottenbrite'land with one. boys throughout the game. In the first period Cherry j E l Vi 4 The first period saw Neil Wil- and Middleton connected for j ve yn irgin son and Charlie Maw each con- the Sunoco team and Brown) nect once in answer to a single|and Rousseau for the Shell A miscellaneous shower was|goal by Ottenbrite's Roy Val-|boys, held at the home of Mrs. Ruth lient, Neil Wilson, Keith Kaine) J) the second period Jim Virgin recently, in honor of,and Al MacDonald scored Cherry scored his second and Miss Evelyn (Eva) Virgin,|singles in the second period Tom Humphries banged home where she was the recipient of and Leroy Mowat brought the single shot. MacRowland and many lovely gifts. Many games Tailors' score up to two goals. pay] Rousseau tied the game were played, one being drop the! In the final period Wilson yy four goals each at the end clothes pin in the a won|and MacDonald beat the Otten-'of this period. by Mrs, Gloria Woods. Mrs, J. three assists. For Ottenbrites it . i : Jeppesen won the game ofibrites' goalie once more Pi fivnghiasneg atigel je chai drop the quarter in the bottle.}Mowat scored his second goal!* eke £ ana markers : scoring thre /Mrs. Stan Parkinson won the for Ottenbrites. Sout conul a twice ane items on the tray game The big guns : : , for. Durno's Nick Dennis once. This bom- Lunch was served by the were Neil Wilson, with three/pardment of the Fleming's net hostess, Mrs. Virgin, Fdeads ae The Whitby | Knights of Columbus honored | years. its past Grand Knight James | senting to the award Mr. | Smyth with the presentation | Smyth, centre, are Frank HONOR PAST GRAND KNIGHT branch 4895 | of service over the past two ; the Council, and Jack Bawks, Pictured above pre- | former District Deputy. --Oshawa Times Photo of a certificate in recognition | Canzi, right, Grand Knight of | Patients, Staff At Mardi Gras ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST ford 818, Vi Jordan MIXED LEAGUE Orioles 7, 38; Eagles 5, Falcons 2, 23; Ducks 5, Blue Jays 2, 18; Sparrows 16; Hawks 0, 15; Robins 5, 14. Triples over 500: Ladies--U Johnston 672, A. Sandrelli 588, x a9 5; 33, 9; 9 | assisted) goals and an assist; Al, Mac-|was answered with a single by by Mrs. Jeppesen..A very en-|Donald with two and one and Melvin Brown. joyable evening was had by all.iCharlie Maw with a single and On Sunday the Fleming's death hockey with the Sunoco boys at 12 p.m. and at 2 p.m Durno's Garage will also play a 749, , Pat) "ite? SAP Brown 714, Isobel Moihersill teense ® Tailors. 25:'647, Glad Wiles Connie| The winners of each game 1 Joan Reed 617, Wendy Wother-|best two-out-of-three series to spoon 573, Rita Cane 572, Glen- decide which team will be this na McConnell 571, Clara Row-|Year's best in the Whitby Mer- Shell team will play sudden WHITBY BOWLING NEWS sudden death game with the Denyer 629, Marg Taras 618, Will advance to the finals for a den 570, Nevada Kennedy 560 cantile Hockey League. M. Carter 577, S. Smyth 577, L. Lane 556, C. Beecroft:545, M McDonald 537, L. Bronisheweski 532, T. McDonald 514 and E, Harrington 514. Men G. Perry 667, L. Bedard 665, J. Buisman. 625, J. Goverde 616, M. Kolsteren 609, M. Mallon 575, H. Forbes 574, Father Coates Singles over 200: Glenna Mc- Connell 201, Vi Jordan 263, 295, Glenna Kirkwood 249 Wendy Wotherspoon 225, Alice Bradley 200, Joan Reed 237, 210, Pat Brown 285, 234, Verna Sandford 325, 266, 227, Ev Mosscrop 226, Eileen Clark 204, Nevada Ken- nedy 222, Marg Taras 272, Glad On March 6, the Ontariojceremony, was ably assisted by Hospital third Mardi Gras got/Mr. H, G. Bracey. off to a fine start, with a zippy; And now, Dominic has re- arrangement of "This could be/turned to his hiding place, and WHITBY PERSONALS the start of something big",|costumes are being carefully played by Bernard Tierney's'stored away, awaiting the Mardi WANTED LADY TO WORK PART TIME IN A FLOWER SHOP Reply giving full particu- lars to P.O. Box 308 Whitby. (Mark Envelope "Flowers") The many friends of Mrs, Ed.\orchestra. Gras of 1963. Mulligan, of RR1, Whitby, will) Ontario Hospital was the be sorry to learn that she is in|place and the setting, (looking | WHITE CROSS GIFT 550, J. Smyth 543, C. Hendriks 539, F. Canzi 538, T. Hughes 517 and B. Goverde 501 Singles over 200: Ladies U. Johnston 289, S. Smyth 271, L. Lane 234, A. Sandrelli 230, 206; T. McDonald 230; M Hughes 228, D. Davies 222, C Beecroft 221, E. Harrington 212, M. Canzi 205, L. .Bronishewski 200 and M. McDonald 200. Men --F, Canzi 289, G. Perry 255, J Goverde 251, 214; J. Buisman 251, L. Bedard 248, 217, 200; H. Forbes 247, J, Smyth 230, M Kolsteren 224, M, Mallon 211, . nion 204; T. Hughes 211, Father Arc dit U Coates 209 and C. Hendriks 209. re 1 High Triples with handicaps:| The board of directors of the Ladies -- U. Johnston 717, S.'Co-op Credit Union met for Smyth 688, M. McDonald 687,/their monthly meeting in the FE, Harrington 664, L. Lane 643,/Oddfellows Hall, with Mrs. F. C. Beecroft 629 and T. McDon-|Hayes presiding. The minutes ald 595. Men -- G. Perry 703,! were read by the secretary Mr M. Mallon 689, L. Bedard 668,/R, Davis. The treasurer, Mr, T J. Buisman 658, J. Goverde Seymour, read the financial re- 658, T. Hughes 610, C. Hendriks)/port. Correspondence was read. 608, H. Forbes 607, F, Canzi/Mr. A. Reardon, banquet con- 604 and J. Smyth 600. vener, gave his report High singles with handicap:; The dinner and evening of Ladies -- S. Smyth 308, U./cards was very much enjoyed Johnston 304, M. Hughes 268,/by all, and many members ex- L. one mF gk aus; pressed their delighted opinion. D. Davies 258, T. McDonald 257.| 'The election of officers will M. McDonald 250, G. Beecroft|take piace at the next meeting, 249 and M. Canzi 241. Men --/April 6, as two of the board F. Canzi 311, G, Perry 267, J.| members were away. Goverde 265, J. Buisman 262, H. s 258. L. Bedard 249. At the conclusion of the busi- 4 , ss, the retiring board mem- M. Mallon 249, J. Smyth 249,/)008 cook a ve ott : . 239 > 4 ve ha 232 and Father thanks for their work in the past CIGARETTE LEAGUE Mrs. G. Munns was asked to Triples over 550: Verna Sand-/retain the work of publicity Wiles 307, Rita Cane 234, Clara Rowden 200, Alice Hewis 208, Martha Mayne 205, Florence Gudgeon 202, Connie Denyer 231, 208, Isobel Mothersill 239, 213, Mary Dolimont 218 Total team points: Kools 59, Winchesters 46; Winstons 53, Cameos 43, Exports 43, Play- ers 41 Card Evening FIND WRITER DEAD PHILADELPHIA (AP) ater DGS., also' Bro, Bert Don-)~~~-- pa: Mr. Rynders then drove to nelly who has been absent for Dr. F. A. Cuddy's office and a lengthy period, as well as the; C r Rall |later Mrs. Rynders and the 6lb. well renowned Bro. Billy Hoar,| a y jbaby were moved to hospitol Richard ay William, have ag The Rynders, who came to Can. fifty year jewels to a total of Pl d B ada from Holland nine years 157 years in the Order. Bro.| anne y jago, have one other daughter. Geo. Whitelaw, PG, another life Now - that the excitement. is was also acknowledged : ] j § : jtime my wife will be in hospital A full slate of general busi- Whitby u days before the baby is due". mess was transacted in due : 3 , course, after which the visiting member only, to the best gators in the se ie _ r WHITBY their knowledge, was indisposed chance to prove their skill on », Was Indisposed, March 11 when the Hurricams ' namely Bro. John Sawdon PG,|Roq and Custom Club of Whitby DAY-B 1-DAY allowed out of his bed in the ; ond car rally that the club has , hospital fur short periods daily|noig this year. Whitby residents are remind- and should be home shortly. jed that the monthly Boy Scout The route for the forthcoming) ner collection takes glace DART BASEBALL rally will be through some nice/1};, Pp Ra 4 A ; are invited to leave tied bundles ported the two remaining games/Counties. The competitors are| ; of the schedule would be playedjexpected to cover a 125-mile of paper at the curb by 9 a.m on March 19 in Brooklin and/course starting at the a8 amet project that Whitby Scouts ' . |derive the major portion of the Late in the orders of business|Bill Martin, member of the} ; : the lodge was brought down tolclub's advisory committee, esti-,™oney needed for their opera- the 2nd. degree to allow ad-jmates that approximately 25) mitting some members whojcars will take part in the event.| which exemplification will takejary, covered 100 miles in On- lace in Oshawa on Thursday/tario County ranging from Pick- arch 15. jering to Port Perry. Better) Upon calling the roll, a very|driving conditions have widened) members being present or re-jalthough snow tires may porting tneir inability to be in|/needed. attendance, including 17 Past} 'phe Hurricams have been, Grands, for an overall total of established in Whitby. for four membership. Attempts are being made to The Whitby Baptist Mission Last year there were ajhave the club's headquarters in Circle held its regular meeting larger number of Past Grands|Whitby. The age of club mem-\at the home of Mrs. Pickering. present, with 63 per cent of the/bers is from 18 to 30, all of|Byron street south, with 14 reported. road safety. The 22-member|Crawforth, president, presided As stated by the Past Grands|club spends Sundays patrollingjover the opening and business and roll call committee chair-|the highways helping motorists/session. man, Bro. A. George E. Loyst who may be in trouble. The who, along with his two brothers) where they are both doing well. long member. while not present, over Mr. Rynders says, "next ; ' Car Rally drivers and navi committee reported, stating one! who had just recently been)hoid a car rally. This is the sec- | +h } SCOUT PAPER COLLECTION | ; c -- The dart baseball captain re-|country in Ontario and Durham} coming Saturday. They |for collection. It is through on March 20 in Pickering. {parking lot in Whitby at 9 a.m. | tion. were awaiting their 3rd. degree,|) The last rally, held in Janu- good response was received, 65\the scope of the proposed rally} e} At Missi t Mission $2 per cent of the lodge) years with a club house in Ajax. total membership present or|whom have a great interest inmembers present. Mrs. H. N. given by Mrs. K. Cullen in the treasurer's report was absence of the treasurer. She reported that $11.50 had been sent to the White Cross secre- tary for the -hospital work in India. A nominating committee was appointed to bring in a slate of officers for the coming term It was decided that March 25 would be the annual Ohsweken Indian Sunday. Mrs. Ivan Hos- kin was appointed to take part in the World Day of Prayer service to be held in the Bap- tist Church Friday afternoon, March 9 Mrs. E;. A. MacMillan, CGIT leader, made a request that the group leaders of the Circle take the Mission Study for the CGIT in April. It was also brought to the attention of the members that we should purchase 'World Friendship Insignia' for the jgirls at the conclusion of their Mission Study. Mrs. Pickering, on behalf of the Circle, extended a hearty vote of thanks to Miss Cameron for the wonderful way she had presented the Mission Study to the Explorer group which was completed on Monday last Mrs, G. Glenney took charge of the remainder of the meet- ing. A hymn was sung followed by a fine devotional given by Mrs. Glenney on the scripture verse, "Shake off the very dust from thy feet". She then called on Miss Cameron who present- ed. the second chapter of the BROCK One Complete Show Each Evening Starting WHITBY at 7:30 -- Seturday Matinee Starts 1 p.m. NOW PLAYING MIGHTIEST SPECTACLES THE SCREEN HAS SEEN! eB ~DEFYING CHARIOT RACE METRO GOLOWIN MAYER WILLIAM WYLERS CAMERA 68 PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT Evenings: Adults 1.00; Students 75c; Children 35¢ Matinee: Adults 75c; Students 60c; Children 35¢ Gift and complimentary tickets cannot be occepted for this engagement Study On Bolivia Milton M. Propper, 55, a mys- tery novelist who wrote the best- \seller, The Strange Disappear. ance of Mary Young, was found| dead in his car Wednesday in| north Philadelphia. Police said he died of an apparent over- dose of sleeping pills. REEVES' ARTISTS SUPPLIES wn Gt DODD & SOUTER PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST, S.-WHITBY MO 8-5231 Circle |current study book on Bolivia, |which reviewed the history of that country. Mrs. W. G. Hewis, iMrs. A. Mitchell, and Mrs. K. {Cullen assisted her. Mrs, Pickering favored the |group with a piano solo, varia- tions on the hymn "Love divine! all loves excelling'. This was followed with a closing hymn and prayer. Mrs. Pickering served de- licious refreshments and a so- cial half-hour was enjoyed. Mrs. A. Mitchell, on behalf of the} ladies, thanked the hostess for her gracious hospitality. DISCOUNT PLUMBING SPECIAL! 45000 GRAIN, FULLY AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENER $2.45.00 WHITBY AUTOMATIC HEATING LTD. COMPLETELY INSTALLED 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY MO 8-3652 "Your Discount Plumbing Store" @ CASH and CARRY @ the Oshawa General Hospital.|like New Orleans itself), was) Best wishes for a speedy re-'the recreation hall, Here about! covery 500 patients and staff, many} : gayly costumed and masked, Several members of the CWL danced everything from the old met in the Parish Hall Thurs:|tjme waltz to the twist. day evening, to start their four) : week course in Public Speaking From the masqueraders' pa- and Leadership, given by Miss a eeu ee ler Pac *kering gon, Verda Packer, of Pickering. judges, including Dr. W. H The CWL Travel Bridge and,Weber, superintendent of the Euchre hostesses for the month|Ontario Hospital, Dr. W. R. of February, are as follows:|Coates, Mrs. R. M._Steffler, i Mrs. E. F. Mulligan,| assistant superintendent of Mrs. Robert Mackey, Mrs. Ro-jnurses, Mrs. M. Northey, Mr. bert Taylor, Mrs. C. Hendriks,;and Mrs. D. Kidd, Mrs. D. L. Mrs. Ed Finan, Mrs. G. Kac-}Webster, Mrs. R. N. Sinclair, zanowski, and. Miss Jeanninejand Mr. R. Van Horne, chose Germain. Euchre; Mrs. Leo|the 12 best costumes. Dukes and Steffler, Mrs. W. Harrigan, Mrs.| Duchesses, Princesses, King Wm, Allan, Mrs. Robt. McCabe,'and Queen, were duly crowned Mrs. Ray Balson. and awarded. King of the Mardi Mr. Erie Clarke has been tn pg he cine ii ere aca | Guelph for the past week, °° Win mis Queen, a demure} Where he has gone to: schoo! to Grecian Miss, until the end of! oy ehelige ae : ing the evening, further his training in parking meters, parking and traffic. Occupational therapy depart- ment, planned, organized, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shier of;carried out the program, with Gilbert St. W., celebrated their|the help of the business office Ist wedding anniversaryjand dietary staff. Mrs. T recently. Baillie, acting as Mistress of; HOW EASY to have one man arrange your personal insurance .+.to protect your car, your home, and your life. Keep the good things you've earned in life, protect them with State Farm insurance. Let me show you how inexpensive and con venient eomplete coverage. .» and peace of mind... can be, Give me a call today. INSURANCE be ll STATE FARM companies, €enadicn Head Offices: Torente, Ont. WM, H. (BILL) MIDDLETON 608 BROCK ST. S$. WHITBY MO. 8-3762 STATE FARM INSURANCE, SSE TRATES better bottle for beer New compact amber bottle is handier in size-- still holds the same amount. Look for it at your local tavern or Brewers' Retail Store. ® Easier to store Bottle chills faster e ® You still get the refund Easier to carry * Better flavour protection No refund on old-style beer bottles after June 9, 1962 THE BREWERS OF ONTARIO ¥