HIGH AWARDS PRESENTED AT SCOUT BANQUET THE ANNUAL FATHER and Son Banquet held recent- ly by the 17th Oshawa Scouts and Cubs was highlighted by the presentation of the Gold Cord and Bushman's Thong to two members of the Scout Troop. In the upper picture Scoutmaster Fred Sewell, left, and Assistant Scout- master L, Saunders, right, are seen presenting the awards to Fred Mandryk and Warren Magill. In the lower picture John Nicholls, past chairman of the Group Committee, is shown presenting a trophy to A. Leavitt, past president of the Woodview Park Neighbor- hood Association, in recogni- tion of the association's gen- | erosity to the group commit- | tee, th | --Photos by Ireland ROVER-RANGER NEWS Sea Rangers Pass Naval Craft Test SRS CRUSADER Since it's exams and flu time| |night hike of not less than 18) miles. | U.S. Rail Lines |Merger Underway PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- The Pennsylvania and New York Central Railroads asked the In- terstate Commerce Commission today to approve merger of the jtwo lines. The application said the mer- |ger would mean annual savings again, several girls have been| In preparing himself for final|Defore taxes of $75,000,000, im- missing from the last two meet-|acceptance into the crew, he|Proved services to the public ings, but none the less we still) must take his vigil. This is the|and a better competitive posi-| met at the Cadet Barracks and|reading of a prepared series of|tion with other modes of trans-| carried on with our regular|questions which he must ask|Portation. classes. Besides this regular) training some of the girls tried exams. The following passed) their Naval Craft test: Eleanor Bowman, Sharon Hester, Nor- ma Gower and Gwen Otto. (Once again we will be doing our service project at Hillsdale Manor on Sunday, March 11 Mary Kolynko and Gwen Otto have volunteered their services| for this month since the rest of} the Rangers will be studying) for exams. | Next week's meeting will take the form of a work night at the Blue Grotto. Our Skipper in-| forms us that our floor is peel-| ing so I suppose we'd better! fen, who all handed in very} himself. In other words he must make a self-analysis of his own char- acter to find out, to his own | Satisfaction, whether he consid-| ers himself able and willing to live up to the obligations of an invested rover. Due to school exams only the working crew members are able to attend the meetings. Last week's meeting was held on the hills of the Grandview. Golf course, this week's meeting was a work nite at the den at Camp Samac. Congrats to Dave Jarvis, Ron Eccles, Al Bottomley, Dave Lef- Awards Are Presented At Scout Dinner More than 250 boys and their| fathers enjoyed a turkey din- CAPSULE NEWS WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate passed and sent to the House of Representatives Thurs- day a $435,000,000 manpower training bill. It provides for a tional training for unemployed and low-pay workers starting July 1. BRITONS TRAIN HERE OTTAWA (CP)--British troops will train in Canada this sum- mer and next winter, Defence Minister Harkness announced in the Commons Thursday. The 1st Battalion of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers will train with the Ca- nadian Army this summer and an artillery battery and a para- chute company will come to Canada to train under winter conditions late this year. MONTREAL MP RETIRES MONTREAL, Que. (CP) -- J. Georges Ratelle, 78, Liberal member of Parli t for Montreal LaFontaine riding since it was formed in 1949, has decided to retire from poli- tics after his current term ex- pires, it was announced Thurs- day night. PASS HOUSING PLAN TORONTO (CP)--Plans for a $3,000,000 low-rental apartment project for elderly persons were approved Thursday by the Met- ropolitan Toronto welfare com- mittee. The plans cover two buildings to be constructed at Thistletown, in west-end Metro Toronto. There will be a total of 305 bachelor suites and 10 one-bedroom suites. EARL DONATES EARNINGS LONDON (Reuters)--The Ear] of Snowdon, photographer hus- ner in the auditorium of St. Gertrude's Roman Catholic} Church recently when the 17th} Oshawa Scouts and Cubs held} their annual Father and Son} Banquet. | Mrs. Lillian Hewer, Mrs. Pet- tus and their committee from the 17th ladies auxiliary prepar- ed a sumptuous dinner. G. Jackson, chairman of the 17th Group Committee, was master of ceremonies. In co-operation with Scout Fred Mandryk, he conducted an excellent pro- gram. Rev. Derek Allen, minis- ter of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, said grace. Among the head table guests were the léaders of the Scouts and the A and B. Cub Packs. They included D. Barnes, lead- er of A. Pack; Gary Jones, as- sistant Cub Leader; Penny Bli- gdon, leader of B. Pack; Kay Gooding, assistant Cub Leader; Fred Sewell, Terry Dougherty and Lloyd Saunders, from the Scout Troop; Mrs. Varnum, pre- sident of the Oshawa and Dis- trict Executive Board; Mr. and Mrs. A. Leavitt, Woodview Park Association; E. Whiting, former leader of A Pack and Rev. and Mrs. D. A. P. Allen. The highlight of the evening was the presentations made to Scouts and Cubs for their fine effort during the past year. G. Jackson, group chairman, pre- sented his report covering the year's activities with the re- ports from all the leaders. Among the awards for profi- ciency were the following: Tom Kinsman, Scout Pen Knife for his 14th Badge; John Walker, winner of the Challenge Trophy; Richard Mitchell, outstanding Cub in A. Pack; John Coleman, outstanding Cub in B. Pack; David Temple, Scout Pen Knife for 14 Cub Badges; Fred Man- dryk and Warren Magill, Gold Cord and Bushman's Thong. Following the presentations . Germond, program chair- man, showed two fine films. most successful evening by pre- senting a bottle of soft drink to the boys. Mr. Germond rounded out a} band of Princess Margaret, has handed over to charity his en- tire earnings from official photo- graphs of his wife and their baby son, Viscount Linley, it was learned Thursday. Lord Snowdon is the former society photographer, Antony Arm- strong-Jones. EDEN'S BUTLER Fr0UND DORCHESTER, England (Reuters)--Anthony Eden's but- ler, reported missing from the former prime minister's home Thursday was found Thursday night in a hospital here. The butler, Percy Hide, 54, was said) to have been missing since Sun- day from Eden's Pewsey, Wilt- shire, home. SLOWDOWN ENDS LONDON (Reuters)--Britain's 76,000 government - employed telephone and telegraph main- tenance men decided Thursday to call off a seven-week-old slowdown against the govern- ment's rejection of their pay de. mands. But union leaders de- cided to press a fresh demand for "substantial" increase. Give Prizes For Perfect Attendance By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- A number of Sun- day School scholars received awards for perfect attendance recently. Harvey Yellowlees, superin- tendent and Pearl Leach and Stan Millson, assistants, made the presentations. Those with one year's per- fect attendance were: Neil Tay- lor and Boyd Knox. With two years -- Ellen Cry- |derman, Sally Langmaid, Jan- jice Yellowlees, Dennis Broome, Lawrence Taylor, Dean Knox and Walker Taylor. | Area Moose Kill Up 10% From 1960 LINDSAY -- Present. indica- jtions are that the kill of moose |during last year's open season in the Lindsay Forest District will be at least ten per cent greater than the kill in 1960 {notes supervisor Ken Irizawa in jhis weekly bulletin. Mr.' Irizawa_ states that in {1960 approximately 150 moose| |were killed. He added that be-| cause return cards have been slow in arriving at the depart- look into the matter and see/good journey reports. Whatithe results for 1961 have been that it's all straightened out. | about the rest of the squires? | delayed. We hope to have the room fin-| ished in the near future so we'd) better start working girls. The Whale of a Sale planned| for this Friday, March 9, is now] under full swing. The sale, to! take place at the UAW Hall on} Bond St. E. is to help us with} our funds for the trip t Banff| this summer. the bake sale will open at 2:30 p.m. Coffee will also be served by DEN CHATTER for new information regarding the 4th National Rover Moot August 27 to September 4, 1962, at St. Roch-de-Mekinac, in the Province of Quebec. Look for Mike Mackay's work The rummage|chart which will list den jobs) sale will start at 10.30 a.m. andjthat have to be looked after.| The "'Challenge Shield" for 1962 -- see Skipper Snowdon more information about this. Is Billie for) CITY AND ment office final compilation of) | Watch the den bulletin board KIT CONVERTS | WINDOW GLASS A kit to convert window glass to the appearance of | antique leaded glass is of- fered by a Wisconsin firm. Smart women convert the appearance of their home and save money too by checking the outstanding | DISTRICT | BANKER TRANSFERRED | The transfer of D. R. Tribe, jassistant accountant of the Sim- jcoe and Athol streets branch of jthe Canadian Imperial Bank of ;Commerce to a similar posi- ition at the Dundas and Mavety \branch in Toronto has been |announced. OVERHEATED FURNACE | The Oshawa Fire Department |was called to 387 Eulalie ave- nue, Thursday afternoon, when {an oil furnace was reported to |be overheated. No damage was |reported. Ambulances answered jfour calls during the 24-hour period ending at 8.30 a.m. to |day. SEEK CERTIFICATION | BOWMANVILLE -- Applica- \tion for certification has been With three years -- Philip Broome and James Baker. With four years -- Shirley Westlake, Nancy Knox, Brenda Yellowlees, Karen Yellowlees, Gordon Westlake. With five years Teddy Broome and Murray Yellowlees. With six years -- Phyllis West- lake, Joan Westlake. A gift of hymn books from |the United Church AOTS Men's Club was gratefully received at the church service on Sun- day. Stan Millson assisted Rev- erend Page in the dedication. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- \lees and family were with |Mrs. Yellowlees' parents, Mr. jand Mrs. E. Larmer, Black- stock, on Sunday, on the occa- sion of their 40th wedding anni- versary. Mrs. Bruce Tink visited her sister, Mrs. O. Jackson, Osh- awa, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hills and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Claude Watson, Scarborough, recently. made for the employees of the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital, |Hospital,- Hospital Administra- |tor B. Holden confirmed today. The application is before the Ontario Labor Relations Board|ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank| TO EUROPE jand covers Certified Nursing|Westlake, Jr., and fainily and) |Assistant, domestic help in the\Mrs. Frank Wsetlake, Sr., re-| Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and Neil visited Mr. and Mrs. | |W. J. Ferguson, Enniskillen. | Mr. and Mrs, N. Fice, Taun- three - year program of voca-| Urges Training Of Unemployed STOP MONEY ORDERS WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. post office department, ir- ritated by complaints of pay- ments delayed for as long as six months, announced Thurs- day they will stop exchanging postal money orders with Cuba. A department spokesman said March 18. FIND BETTING RING MONTREAL (CP) -- Police testified Thursday they have un- covered evidence of a race track betting operation doing business in Montreal of more than $1,- 000,000 a year. The testimony came at the arraignment of Gordon Ball, 21,on a charge of keeping a betting establishment in a north-end apartment. He pleaded not guilty and trial was set for March 15. MORE FOULKES TO RUN VICTORIA (CP) -- Gen. Charles Foulkes, former chief of the general staff, announced Thursday he will stand for nom- ination as the Liberal candidate for Victoria federal constituency. Gen. Foulkes retired in May last lyear. LABOR HOLDS SEAT LINCOLN, England (Reuters) The Labor party Thursday held the Lincoln parliamentary seat in a byelection by an increased margin of victory. The result gave Labor candidate Richard Taverne 19,038 votes to 11,386 for Conservative William Grieve in a four-way contest. The ma- jority exceeds by more than 3,000 Labor's margin in 1959 in a straight fight. Dunbarton Girl Given Shower By IVY THOMPSON DUNBARTON About 100 friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Plitz of the Base Line re- cently to give a shower for Miss Margaret Gentle of Toronto and Donald Annan who will be married on March 17. Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson and family visited Mrs. Thomp- son's family, Rev. and Mrs. James Payton, Dorothy and Betty in Trenton recently. Friends of Mrs. Lydia Dob- bin feted her with a baby show- er recently. The hostess was Mrs. David Price of Hill Crest of Fairport Beach. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Rose Stroud whose uncle passed away in Grafton on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bley of Scar- borough, formerly of Dunbarton district, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Annis and family on Sun- day. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. McKay were at home to the Session members and Board of Stew- ards and their wives on Wed- nesday evening, Feb. 28. East Whitby Buys Truck The East Whitby Township Council, Thursday evening, chose to accept a tender from Ontario Motor Sales in purchas- ing a new truck for the town- ship area. Several other tenders were received and the council agreed on its move only after a lengthy debate. The Department of Highways verified its approval for the pur- chase of the truck. B. D. Mur- ray, of the department, attended the meeting as advisor to the council in making its purchase. Although no definite move was made, the council suggested that the present truck operating in the area be converted into a water truck for firefighting pur- poses. The council at present has one water truck. The council also decided that it will give approval for the re- pair and rebuilding of the Fish- ery Bridge which is situated on |the line between the 7th and 8th | concession. | The council reported that |building permits issued up to |\Feb. 28, 1962, totalled $14,200. It was reported arrears for |jtaxes for 1961 total $14,403.24. |Arerars for 1960 are $3,241.38; |for 1959, $828.34; and for 1958 no money orders addressed to|) Cuba will be accepted after Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev is depicted at- tempting to put the world into a sack on this float in THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 9, 1962 3 the carnival at Mainz, West Germany, Monday. This was one of many floats in the "Crazy Days" section of the FLOAT DEPICTS SOVIET PREMIER parade which criticized local as well as world policies. --AP Wirephoto OBITUARIES H. BYRON BURRITT AJAX (CP) -- H. Byron Burritt, 55, well-known Toronto financial agent, died Thursday at Ajax Hospital after a heart attack at his home in nearby Pickering. Mr. Burritt had been a part- ner in the firm of Kopas and Burritt since 1929. The firm specialized in first-mortgage fi- nancing of apartments, housing and shopping centres. It devel- oped Lawrence Manor, Toronto's first subdivision planned and laid out with shopping centre. Mr. Burritt was born in Sud- bury and moved to Toronto as a child. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. W. A. Burritt, and two sisters, Mrs. J. N. Rush and Mrs. G. E. Lee, all of Toronto. PATRICK JOHN CARMAN The very sudden death oc- curred Thursday, Mar. 8, at his residence, 905 Henry street, Whitby, of Patrick John Car- man. He was in his 18th year. Born in Toronto, the deceas- ed was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Carman. He had been a resident of Whitby for the past seven years coming from To- ronto, and was a Grade 13 stu- dent at Henry Street High School. The deceased, who was a member of Whitby United Church, was a Sunday School teacher in Whitby and was a member of the Hi-C Church group. He is survived by his parents and a sister, Elizabeth Ann (Betty) Carman, of Whitby. The funeral service will be held at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, Saturday, Mar. 10, at 2 p.m. Rev. John Smith, minister of Whitby United Church, will conduct the ser- vices. Interment will be in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. FUNERAL OF HUGH JONES The funeral service for Hugh Jones, 89 Division street, who died at the Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Monday, Mar. 5, was held at the Mc- Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Thursday, Mar. 8. The Venerable Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon, rector of Christ Memorial Anglican Church, conducted the services. Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Andrew Mowat, Karl Stafford, Gerald Rolfe, Frank Johnstone, Cyril Miners and Charles Hill. The service was largely at- tended. The many floral trib- utes indicated the esteem in which Mr. Jones was held. KENNETH JAMES McGALL A resident of Oshawa for the past nine-and-a-half years, Kenneth James McGall, died suddenly at the family resi- dence, Apartment 3, 658 Simcoe street north, Friday, Mar. 9. He was in his 58th year. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McGall, the deceas- ed was born Mar 12, 1904, at Kingston, Ont., and married the former Helen Margaret Dorr, Oct. 28, 1935, at Boston, Mass. The deceased was an account- ant at the law firm of Jones and Greer. He was a member of Holy Cross Roman Catholic New Low Group Fares Church and of the Knights of Columbus. Besides his wife, he is sur- vived by two daughters, Mrs. John ,Weber (Jeanne) of Osh- awa and Judy Ann also of Osh- awa. The remains are at the Arm- strong Funeral Home, Oshawa. High requiem mass will be sung at Holy Cross Roman Ca- tholic Church Monday, Mar. 12, at 9 a.m. Rt. Rev. Monsignor P. Coffey, of Holy Cross Church, will sing the mass. Interment will be in St. Gregory's Ceme- tery. JOHN H. (HARRY) NORTON An active participant in Osh- awa five-pin bowling circles, John Henry (Harry) Norton, 150 Simcoe street south, died: at the Oshawa General Hospital Thursday, Mar. 8. The deceas- ed, who had been ill for the past seven weeks and seriously sick for a very short time, was in his 66th year. Mr. Norton belonged to the Bush, Family Plaza, and Storie Park bowling leagues and was also active with the Canadian Bowlers' Council in Toronto. He was also an ardent baseball and hockey fan. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Benson Norton, the deceased was born in Glen- ora, Ont., Feb. 12, 1897, and married the former Levancha Marie (Blanche) Barrett, June 10, 1925, in Oshawa. He had been a resident of Oshawa for the past 39 years, coming from Pickering. An em- ployee of the city works depart- ment for 17 years, Mr. Norton belonged to Local 50 of the NUPSE, and was a member of Albert Street United Church. Besides his wife, the deceas- ed is survived by one son, How- ard, of Oshawa. He was prede- ceased by a daughter, Doreen, Jan. 18, 1940. Two sisters, Mrs. James Wil- kinson (Laura) of Waupoos, Ont., and Mrs. Jack Johnston (Lena) of Oshawa, and five brothers, Alfred and George, of Oshawa; Carl of St. Catharines and William and Morley, of Pic- ton and two grandchildren, Gary and Larry, of Oshawa, also sur- vive. The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel Monday, Mar. 12, at 2 p.m. Rey. A. E. Larke, minis- ter of Albert Street United Church, will conduct the ser- vices: Interment will be in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. 29 Enter Gun Tourney At Ajax By GRACE MILLS AJAX -- Twenty-nine con- testants attended the Ajax Rod and Gun Tournament compared with about sixty competitors last year. The following clubs were rep- resented: Toronto Anglers and Hunters Association - Leaside; Toronto Anglers and Hunters Association - North York; Eto- bicoke Sportsmen; Canadian National Railways Rifle; On- tario Hydro Club; Whitby Rifle Club and Ajax Rod and Gun. Classifications were not well represented due to the small turnout, with only two com- petitors in Master or top class. Ten unclassified entries were present. Shooters who had never been in a contest before and all went home quite happy, with several trophy winners among them. Henry Westney, Bill Edwards, Larry Huot and Clair Gunter entered the event with good results. In Club Pairs Sharp- shooter Class, Henry and Bill won first place. In the standing event Expert Class, Larry Huot took second place and in the standing event Marksman class Henry Westney excelled to take top honors. In prone aggregate Sharp- shooters Class Bill Edwards was just down eno to place second. In the Grand aggregate or total score for all events, Henry Westney was second in the Sharpshooters Class. COMING EVENTS DISCOUNT 10 per cent on all ban- Siete, Teemetisl prices tor hance. ot March 20. ices for cl 1 lenges bowling. Sandalwood Restaurant, Simeoe North 725-9111. EUCHRE, Fernhill Park club house, Friday, March 9, 8 p.m. Seven prizes, lunch served. Admission 50c. OPERA COMING LA BOHEME CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY WED., APR. 4 DONEVAN COLLEGIATE Reserved Seats Henderson's Saturday 9 to 6 CHARGE WITHDRAWN An assault charge against Steve Majchrzak, 458 Drew street, was withdrawn by Ma- gistrate Crawford Guest this morning at the request of the complainant, Josephine Dubrow sky, 458 Drew street. PHILIP PLAYS POLO SANTIAGO, Chile (Reuters)-- Prince Philip played the first polo game of his two-month South American tour Thursday at the San Cristobal Polo Club here. The game ended in a 5-5 tie. NOTE! NEXT TEEN AGE DANCE WILL BE HELD MARCH 17th, 1 P.M. HARD TIME DANCE SWEET ADELINES DANCE SAT., MAR. 10, 9 to 12 Knights of Columbus Hall Music: "Swing Masters" $2.50 per couple I'VE JUST HAD MY RUGS CLEANED BY NU-WAY BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SAT., MAR. 10th 7:30 P.M. 20 Gomes -- $8 Share the Wealth " " ;)| Values in the many house- Gort" Lloyd still] hold articles offered in Osh- awa's biggest supermarket -- the Oshawa Times Classi- fied Section. Be sure to check the Class- ified section and add: the savings to your budget. Turn back to see and save. (Groups of 25 Persons or More) New low group fares available to organ- izations of many kinds will save up to $285 per person. Better than charter flights. Stopover privileges at no extra charge. e.g. From Toronto Return: LONDON... . AMSTERDAM . . Inquiries from groups promptly and courteously acknowledged Donald Travel Service OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 Dundas St. W., Whithy MO our Ranger mothers so please come out and join in on our looking for a pair of stilts? ? ? Whale of a Sale. Lukie and Hutch don't forget | -- Sailin' Sam -- Sunday afternoon at Hillsdale) 1 ? | TIM OSHAWA ROVER cREW yi; Who, volunteered who? At 16% years, a boy may join f ea 3 | a Rover Crew as a squire. Un-| _How's the tour for CFTO der the sponsorship or guidance Channel 9 progressing Al? Will) of one or more invested Rov-| We Make it at the end of the ers, he must serve a probation-|™onth? | ary period, as set by the crew,| Saturday, Mar. 17, at St. during which he must read| George's Parish Hall the an- "Scouting for Boys" and "Roy-|nual Father and Son Banquet ering to Success"; understand will be held for the 7th Oshawa the laws and promises from a|Scout Group. Our guests for the rover's point of view; and, injevening will be our 'Dad's'. | company of an invested rover,|Don't forget, crew -- full uni-| cater and cook for his compan- form. ion and self while on an over-! 1--$150 Jackpot to go. 4--$40 Jackpots to go. BINGO U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, MAR. 10th 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH jlaundry and housekeepers. cently. FREE CAR DELIVERY Prescription and Drug Items 9 AM. - 9 P.M. MEDICAL PHARMACY 728-6277 300 KING W. RUG CO. LTD. Why don't you? Nu-Way Rug Co. 4 LTD. 174 MARY ST. 728-4681 All work done in Oshawe by Quolified Oshawa Technigians ORGANIST Playing Nightly 9 to 12 JOHNNY McMANN | HOTEL LANCASTER® 8-3304 Jimmy Cornered |