THOUGHT FOR TODAY Heredity: Something you sub- scribe to when your son' report card shows all A's. | She Oshawa Cimes Wet snow likel temperature. WEATHER REPORT Saturday cloudy with intervals. Not much change in oP ai y this evening. sunny VOL. 91--NO. 58 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1962 Authorized es Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottewe end for payment of Postage in Cash. EIGHTEEN PAGES ee CARS PERCHED ON Abandoned autos are left verched atop pedestals of | North Beach, N.J., one of the sand as road grading equip- | hardest hit communities on ment clears sand from storm- | Long Beach Island. Officials Algeria Talks Despite Border EVIAN, France (AP) -- The/ment, including a cease-fire, to French and Algerians continued|put Algeria on the road to in- their peace talks today with no| dependence indication that a fierce artillery) Both groups at Evian refused duel between their forces along\to comment on the sudden up- the Tunisian-Algerian frontier'surge of fighting in Algeria was affecting the negotiations. |after a long period of virtual One informant said the talks truce during which the spot- at a hotel beside Lake Geneva' light had shifted to terrorist at- were making slow but steady tacks by the right-wing Europ- progress toward a full agree-jean Secret Army se French Warplanes -- Amer- ican-built B-26 bombers and French Mystere jets -- roared into the frontier fight Thursday Fleming Silent to back up the gunners with r Deficit Remark ound - the - clock raids from OTTAWACP)--Finance Min-| Bone, SAND swept highway late today In | OTTAWA (CP)--Deence Min-jstatement on the case of the ister Harkness said today he is|army officer ; aware of no evidence that nar-| The externa) affairs minister icotics were smuggled into Can-| reiterated his stand--that it was ada by service personnel return-|"not in the public interest" to ing from the Far East. divulge furiher details. Mr. Harkness said in an inter-| Paul Hellyer (L -- Toronto view that allegations that some|Trinity) said that in a matter individuals were engaged in nar-|of "'such deep concern' Mr. began massive clean - UP |cotics smuggling are being in-|Green should take an early op- chores even as many victims | vestigated. Until the investiga-|Portunity to inform the House of duty packages of narcotics volves acceptance of money by/for delivery to a contact in this an army officer to smuggle nar-| country. cotics into Canada. The source 4 said that possibly other army/ARMY SILENT officers are involved An army spokesman declined Army Officer Bribery | Charge Details Urged at the end of their year's tour * any inmates PLAN SPECIAL PRISON FOR DOUK TERRORISTS Near Civil War Herridge Says erates a farm at Nakusp in the British Columbia constituency. He was seconded in his mo- tion by Progressive Conserva- tive Murray McFarlene, the member for Kootenay East. ASKS FEDERAL AID Mr. Herridge said there is a need for federal assistance to B.C. law authorities, especially jsince the explosion at Nelson |Tuesday night that caused $500,- |000 damage to a power installa- jtion and put 1,000 men out of |work for two weeks to a month. | There have been demands |from B.C. centres for federal jtroops to help RCMP officers jcope with the situation and the |provincial government has of- \fered a $10,000 reward for infor- |mation leading to the conviction jof the men responsible for the |power installation explosion. | The bombings have been linked to the terrorist campaign jof the Sons of Freedom Douk- |hobors. Speaker Michener rejected the motion, ruling that its sponsors had not established that the de- |bate subject was urgent. He conceded that the recent outbreak of violence in the Koot« enays was particularly serious, jbut said bombings and other un- lawful acts in the area have been a problem "for a long time." Justice Minister Fulton, who comes from the interior B.C, riding of Kamioops, said that under parliamentary rules "'the definite matter of public import- ance" on which a member may move for a special debate must ister Fleming declined today in| A rebel spokesman in Tunis|hours. | the Commons to comment on an|said several French planes) Attacks Thursday killed 21 estimate by the Canadian Tax|were shot anti-aircraft) persons--17 Moslems and four Foundation that the public treas-|fire and others were damaged.| Europeans--and wounded 77, In ury will show an $812,000,000 de-' The spokesman said the aerial the city of Algiers nine persons | charges were ridiculous and an "unfair reflection the Catholic Church." --AP Wirephoto upon show their readiness to profit aa +i4,.involve the administrative re- from the training or rehabilita-| ahili tion program, they will be trans. |SPonsibility Re aero: ferred to one of the other fed-| ficit in the fiscal year ending|attacks killed and wounded this month, and a $700,000,000 scores and wreaked heavy prop- deficit next year. j erty damage. H told Opposition Leader! French Army headquarters Pearson that the foundation'said the rebel artillery bomb- makes such estimates from time ardment killed at least 10 per- to time, '"'with varying degrees|sons and wounded 30 on the Al- of accuracy." gerian side of the frontier. In his budget last June for the; A French army spokesman in 1961-62 fiscal year, Mr. Fleming Algiers charged that the artil forecast a deficit of $650,000,-\lery barrage, launched sud- 000. denly Tuesday night by Tuni- European Plane Crashes Kill 30 By THE CANADIAN PRESS |Sudan, to Milan when it crashed Search and rescue parties injat 6,000 feet on snow-capped France, Turkey and Italy today|Mount Velino near the central found the wreckage of three/Italian town of Avezzano planes that apparently carried some 30 persons to their death.} There were -no survivors among the 14 Americans aboard a C-130 U.S. Air Force transport plane that crashed in France or among the five crew members of an Italian freight plane that slammed into a mountain in central Italy Aerial reconnaissance also re- ported no sign of life with the wreckage of a_two- engined Turkish airliner that went down in southern Turkey. Nine Turks and two Americans were re- ported to have been aboard. MORNINGSIDE, Alta; (CP)-- Two men were killed Thursday when their light aircraft crashed in a farmer's field near this community 66 miles south of Edmonton James A. Rose, 34, and John Zolmer, 39, bath of Edmonton and owners of Alberta Tractor Parts, were the only occupants of the aircraft, which left Cal- gary for Edmonton on a busi- ness trip. CANADA'S POPULATION EXPLODES were killed, all Moslems. He was referring to reports |the ape Vite Lond a he jarising from a statement in the|Were in hi AR t ai i it e |Commons Thursday by External] Same thing" in smaller situa- ' t ers Cc - |violating Canadian law Ti Dy hag one: ogi Yea The question was asked : organized troops in Tunisia but the French army said they up in scattered Algerian cities. He asked Mr. Green, in view Gunmen early today killed/f the "ugly rumors and specu- MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) Police chased down a stolen iL aRnthanac eee IE Sn erator. And the third young- | ster was the gear shifter. |mese fighter-bombers today bat- tered the Mekong River delta Affairs Minister Green who re-| ons noi be learned rebels, | Rirhart " quently been approached by the made no attempt to break three persons, including two//ation," to make Aled clarifying} ear and found it had three di Crew Of Ship They went to juvenile jwhile ground forces pushed Tasos hh ni : It could yes" t stion as to A |plied "yes" to a ques whether narcotics were actually jsian based Algerian Regier (CCF--Burnaby- : poe : erik Sad atl ee 5 ~ |underworld with offers of up to was a show-of-strength political) Coquitlam) 1$50,000 to take home with them through the border The French have about 50,000 Europeans, and. wounded two|~ others and at least six plastic * hi | US. Pilots Aid ls rivers. One small boy was oper- court. Md | Nearing Port jthrough swamps near the South)" China Sea hunting Communist PORTSMOUTH, Va SKEENA FIRING PROBED | bridges, cilities. were being evacuated from |tion was completed, it would be|about the case. storm-stricken towns unfair to make further com-| Mr. Green retorted that the ASR ' ment. {Toronto member should look up {whether any Canadians on the 8 ; \Indochina truce supervisory |Smugeled into Canada in this |commission were sent home for| "4! manoeuvre : Outside the Commons, a re- The rebels have an estimated)jianje source said the case in- 30,000 heavily armed and well troops poised along the east Al-| Mr. Regier returned to the '? reply to any questions, re- gerian frontier question today in the Commons Terrorism continued to flare Dut got no further information GROUP EFFORT bombs exploded in the early) Led | S. Vietnamese ating the steering wheel | and brake pedal. Another I Ai Att ks | had his foot on the accel- | Nn ANT ac SAIGON (AP)--South Vietna-| (AP)--A guerrillas luxury ship and a U.S. Navy| U.S. Air Force pilots have ac- destroyer neared port with 34 crew today companied most of the air mis-| jon the stormy Atlantic after source disclosed, and presum- their vessel snapped in two. [ably they went along on these Only one man aboard the Li-| raids jberian tanker--her first officer, There were no immediate re- |--was lost when she broke apart| ports on the results of the air iThursday in the pounding seas|Strikes carried out by B-25 two- : 1110 miles southeast of Capelengined bombers and T-28 sin-| VICTORIA (CP} -- An unau- "Hatteras, N.¢ lgle - engined fighters equipped| thorized vessel entered the fir- Twenty-seven men were re-| With rockets, machine-guns and|ing ee in Juan de i. aos moved from hte wallowing stern| bombs Jan. 29, shortly ory e of the Gem bv the destrover| The hunt for the Viet Cong HMCS Skeena rained shell frag- "-, \guerrillas continued over much|ments on the logging com- Stribling. Seven others, includ-} . pAipgagl te ing the captain, were plucked|f the southern third of the coun-|munity of Clallam Bay, Wash., tn : pt 'a naval court martial was told from the bow by the cruise ship|'Y, but no important new gov- Victoria ernment operations other than| Thursday. : : The Stribling and an accom aerial attacks were an- Cmdr. R. H. Leir, skipper of panying destroyer, the Hunting-|?unced today the Skeena, is charged with neg- ton, were expected to put into} Military sources said Vietna ligence and "an act to the prej- Mayport, Fla. The Victoria war|™ese forces killed 33 guerrillas udice of good order and discip- expected to dock at New.York |2d captured four in an 'opera- line" as a result of the incident. Meantime, the U.S. Coasi|:ion supported by U.S. Army|He pleaded not guilty to the Guard buoy tender Jonquil was 1elicopters in southernmost An Charges. due to take the Gem's stern sec | Xuyen Province The five-man court was told tion in tow. No one was aboarc| Five U.S. helicopters were hit/that during the firing exercises the derelict, which the coas E small arms fire in this oper- the federal government ship the guard pronounced a menace tcj| ition but all returned to their\Oshawa entered the firing area navigation, dase without casualties. and subsequently ignored a ra- U.S: and British search planes spotted the Turkish airliner bro- ken into (Reuters news agency re-; ported from Istanbul that the, OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's airliner carried 13 persons--|Population reached 18,238,- eight passengers and a crew of/247 last June 1 after a decade of tive--and that first reports indi- the second-fastest growth rate cated there might be one sur-|Since Confederation vivor) The first complete reckoning The U.S. Air Force transport of last year's census, issued to- was found in heavy woods near day by the Dominion Bureau of Alencon, Francé, after a forest|5tatistics, showed the country guard had spotted a battered added 4,228,818 new residents wing of the four-engined, jet|since the 1951 decennial census prop plane. It had taken off for an increase of 30.2 per cent from its base at Evereux for a| The country hadn't grown at routine training flight for the|such a fast clip since the 34.2- five officers and seven. men/per-cent gain during the 1901-11 aboard decade when a wave of immi- The Italian plane, a gration helped open the West. engined DC-6B owned by Two thirds of the population Societa Aerea Mediterranea, increase occurred in Ontario was returning from Khartoum, and Quebec. But the fastest- growing provinces were Alberta and. British Columbia. among the Atlantic provinces, New- foundiand had the highest growth rate Slowest-growing provinces were Prince Edward Island and Saskatchewan In the 1951-61 decade Canada's eee ees population grew from 14,009,429 725-6574 to 18,238,247. The 1956 special census count was 16,080,791 | The breakdown by proyinces: four CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. HOSPITAL 723-2211 three sections on a & ' snow-covered, 9,000-foot peak 40 miles north of Adana near the n ario ed &S TOW south Turkey coast 1961 1956 1951 |cent compared with the 21.8-; All of the provinces were left 457,853 415,074 361,416\per-cent increase during the|behind, however, by the growth 104,629 99 285 98,429 previous decade 941-51. Not/rate in the North: Yukon's popu- 737,007 694,717 642,584|counting Newfoundland, which/lation zoomed 60.8 per cent, up 597,936 554,616 515,697/entered Confederation in 1949,|5,532 to 14,628, and the North- Que 5,259,211 4,628,378 4,055,681|the growth rate for 1941-51 was|west Territories expanded 43.7 Ont. 6,236,092 5,404,933 4,597,542/18.6 per cent per cent to a population of 22,- Man 21,686: 850,040 776,541/_. a a . 998, up 6,994. Sask 181 880,665 831,728 GOT LION'S SHARE | Among the Atlantic provinces, Alta 1,331,944 1,123,116 939,501, The two biggest provinces,/Newfoundland led the way with BC 1,629,082 1,398,464 1,165,210, Ontario and Quebec, got thela growth rate of 26.7 per cent, lYkn 14.628 12.190 9.096 lion's share of the population} yp 96,437 to 457,853 NWT 22,908 19,313 16,004) mCTease. Since 1951. Together New Brunswick's population Nfld PEI NS NB they accounted for 67 per cent 9 GROWTH TAPERS OFF of the increase. Ontario grew $97 996, Nova Scotia tee ua The rate of growth tapered by Dosa in the 10 years tol ner cent or 94,423 to 737,007 and joff slightly in the latter part of| >. 3 192 and Quebec agsed Llp EL expanded 6.3 per cent, the last 10 years. 203,530 people to reach 5,259,211.1 15 by 6,200 to 104,629 But they were outdone in rate P There was a 14.8-per-cent in-| 9+ growth by Alberta and B.C Population of manitoba ex- crease during 1951-56 and which together accounted for 20|/Panded 18.7 per cent in the 10 gain of 13.4 in the next five per eent of the additional popu-| Years, rising by 145,145 to 921,- years. The bureau said the lation ue 6 It narrowed the gap on lower growth rate in the latter Alberta, the astest-growing|Saskatchewan which grew 11.2 period was due mainly to less! ,rovince, expanded its popula-|Per cent to 925,181, an increase immigration and a lower birth tion 41 8 per cent and B.C. was Of 93,453 Fate close behind with a 39.8-per-) In comparisons with the 1956 But the increase in population) cent gain. Ontario's growth rate|census, Alberta was still the numbers was about the Same In was 35.6 per cent and Quebec's|fastest-growing province with a the two periods--2,071,362 dur-'99 7, Population of Alberta in-|rate of increase of 18.6 per cent. ing 1951-56 and 2,157,456 during creased by 392,443 to 1,331,944B.C.'s growth rate was 16.5 per 1956-61 and that of B.C. by 463,872 to\cent, Ontario's 15.4 and Que- i The over-all rise of 30.2 per|1,629,082. , ibec's 13.6. re ons gg | s é J ME ee ed wate eee! SHIP Oshawa Now Involved dio message to return to the | Government Aids Memorial Building OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis jter Diefenbaker announced to- |day the federal government will icontribute half the construction costs up to a total of $2,800,000 wards the memorial buildings at Charlottetown marking the 1864 Confederation conference. He said in the Commons that jsubject to. parliamentary ap- proval an order-in-council will be passed early in the 1962-63 fiscal year to provide an in- terim. amount of $250,000 to the Fathers of Confederation Me- moral Citizens Foundation for architectural work en the me- morial buildings. * OTTAWA (CP) -- A separate penitentiary will be established ie in British Columbia for mem- ome poate some bers of the Sons of Freedom He added in reply to a ques-| Doukhobor sect sentenced to fed- tion that there has been no court| jeral penitentiary terms, Justice martial in connection' with any| fs ' A Pegged Fulton announced to- such case | ae ' ; Another source indicated, how-| s ; About 20 members of the ra- lever, that there is a possibility] 7 |dicals have been sentenced to lof a court martial. | jpenitentiary terms and another Pressed for details in the mat-| 60 to 70 are awaiting trial. s ter, Mr. Green said it would not Mr. Fulton said the special be "'in the public interest" to encampment is to be a maxi- disclose details. | mum security institution on fStunkhisaekes eS See has nea a remote 40-acre site about 70 miles east of Vancouver. It will | +|be known as the Columbia Val- Death Toll , ley Camp." It will be a group of low-cost, \fireproof, prefabricated steel Others Lost Veo jbuildings enclosed by a wire a 'lfence. Men and women will be ; |segregated. A ter torms 4 a | The camp will be built first to f @ j|house 40 to 50 men and 10 to 15 NEW YORK (AP)--Residents| women. It will be designed so it and authoriites of the storm-| : can be expanded if further ac- battered U.S. East Coast, bol- es jcommodation is necessary. stered by prospects of massive ' i e $ ipo OWN COOKING government aid, have begun I NG mopping up operations after a BACKS CHURCH The Doukhobors refuse to eat three-day rampage of wind and) Walter A, Ryan, 57, (above) |f00d cooked by anyone outside water a former Roman Catholic |their own sect so the penitenti- The death toll stood at 36,| priest whose wife contends |4Ty service will provide the food- with a number of persons miss-| was forced into a monastery |Stuffs and the prisoners will do ing. Property damage has been| against his will by church |their own cooking. They will estimated at more than $165,-| officials denied in San Fran: |also be required to do camp 000,000 | ciseo yesterday, that the oo hg ---- a y 'qunts New) Church had anything to do n the past members o ie cng paige ogee By with his decision to leave her. |Sons of Freedom have refused Maryland, Virginia' and North| Ryan, object of a search |to respond to training or reha- Carolina have been declared| Since his wife made her |bilitation facilities, so these will disaster zones by the USS.) arges In @ $2.3 million suit jnot be offered at the camp," \Small Business Administration,| 28ainst the Catholic Church, |Mr. Fulton said. |which grants special, long-term] told reporters his wife's | "If, however, }loans to property owners. Outright federal grants must} come by proclamation of Presi-| ident Kennedy, who is expected! a 00 OF 3 to take prompt action, jeral institutions. These grants would go to| Hik E ct d ¢ state and local governmental) 1 e xpe e | OTTAWA (CP)--A plea for the units for the repair of roads,! | si ne to iaunca an ener: aniadls and otier ta- * jgency debate on the civil war' In Capital jin British Columbia's Kootenay region was turned down by }Commons Speaker Roland Mich- . Ex nditures jener Thursday, pe: "The urgericy of the situation OTTAWA (CP)---A. total. #8,-[{0" ihe Reople of the Kootenays |596,000,000 in capital expendi-|-* "6 as almost ltures--six per cent more than reached the stage of a civil war lin 1961--is ecpactid (be fun-| With these continuing bombings, nelled into Canada's economy |*<'s of terrorism and sabotage," this year, Trade Ministe Hees|*2id H. W: Herridge. : '| The CCF - New Democratic [Feporred <oday. Party House leader urged the | A survey of investment plans House to suspend regular busi- re pags of the economy, ness and discuss the "extremely safety of nearby Jordan River, . ed in the Commons, shows) serious situation." on Vancouver Island. jet new yor on mineral! wy. Herridge represents' the Defence counsel Lloyd Mc-\Processing plants and a Dbig\,iqing of Kootenay West and op- Kenzie put the circumstances of Schoo! - building program are} --__--_ jthe alleged incident to witness pias factors » Pi yh in hypothetical form, but aie Jast year s ait bh assured the court that evidence|!" Capital spending. to back up his contention will) The report said a capital pro- be entered by the defence. gram of the size indicated The "hypothetical incident"| "should provide strong support outlined by Mr. McKenzie/towards a higher rate of gen- |stemmed from the presence of eral economic activity" in 1962. jtwo destroyer escorts and two! The forecast is based on a frigates carrying out simultane-| survey late last year of the in- ous surface and anti-aircraft|vestment intentions of 18,000 bu- shoots in the 20-mile-wide strait.|siness firms, governments and The frigates carried out a sur-| public agencies. face shoot at the eastern end of If achieved, the year's invest the fringe area, while Skeena) ment program would mark the and her sistership Saguenay po-/tirst big upturn since the rec- | sitioned themselves in the south-| org high of $8,717,000,000 in cap- jwest corner near the interna-|ital spending in 1957. Capital in- jtional boundary, which splits! yestment has declined steadily je strait. in the last three years. |FORCED TO MOVE Investment by private busi- | The unauthorized presence of|ness is expected to advance to ithe Oshawa, said Mr. McKen-|$4,727,000,000 from $4,622,000,000 jzie, forced the Skeena to move/!ast year. |still farther west to ensure that the government vessel didn't . | come within range of the war- E t C | | ship's guns xpec ur Ing | He asked Cmdr. J .B. Fother- | ingham, skipper of the HMCS Pl ff Tod St. Laurent, whether it was nor-| ay-0 ay imal procedure for merchant a 2 \traffic to ignore orders con-| KITCHENER (CP) Four tained in department of trans-|Western rinks -- Saskatchewan, port notices to mariners to stay|British. Columbia, Alberta and clear of firing areas during gun-| Manitoba -- went into the final nery exercises round of the Canadian Curling EE AGRE IE SEEDS iChampionship with identical s jrecords of seven wins and two Suspended Licence ss. : N T th British weve ype: |Nova Scotia 8 to 5. Alberta won Requires ew 1es from Prince Edward Island 13 TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario)to 9. Quebec scored an 11 to 8 automobile drivers who have} vic tory over Newfoundland, Sas- had their licences suspended) katchewan defeated New Bruns- will be required to undergo &| wick. to 5 while Manitoba won re-examination, Transport Min-/out over Northern Ontario 10 to ister, Rowntree announce d|7 Thursday | In this afternoon's round Brit- He told the legislature, during}. h Colunibi lave Manitot discussion of his departmental|'* ONDA -PURYS SRORICOUR. estimates, that the move is|The other two leaders . play being made in an effort to im-|rinks well down in the standing. | prove highway eng | Barring upsets there will be a| Previous practice has been to| lay-off at 8 p.m. today and allow drivers to resume driving} when their suspension ah | ossibly a final Saturday morn- j jing. jended. The month of March a lion- but these spring lambs and their keeper Sandra Bog- gis appear happy over prospect that spring is finally on its way. The lambs were the | PAIR OF SPRING LAMBS Cherry Orchard near Nelson, B.C., where Sandra's father is manager. | born Feb. 28 at Silver Heights --CP Wigephoto 3