Faithful Service Is Recognized Ben Jacklin, who has been a|the Legion Hall on Centre street. | The Oshawa Zimes JACKLIN, member of the Royal dian Legion since June, and business manager Oshawa Business Oshawa Drive-In Theatres Limited was granted a $3,650 reduction in its business assess ment at a court of appeal hear- ing before Ontario County Judge, Alex C. Hall, Thursday The theatre company was originally assessed $15,130 for its business and $44,600 for its land, giving a total assessment of $60,520. The business assess- ment reduction makes the the atre company's business assess- ment $11,480. right, a Cana 1926 of | BEN 52-CAR CAPACITY A company spokesman told His Honor that only seven and a half acre of the l5-acre pro- perty are being used for theatre purposes. The Oshawa Drive-In) Theatre, J. P. Coombe, of J. P.} Coombe and Associates, the firm which completed a_two- year re-assessment of the en- tire city last September, said has a capacity for 526 cars. Judge Hall confirmed the assessments of five Parklane avenue assessments. Each of the five land parcels was assessed at $5,960 and the build- ing assessments varied Solicitor Ralph S. Jones told His Honor he felt sufficient at- tention was not paid to the buffer strip zoning in the area when the assessment was taken One of the events, at least most enjoyable, to be held by the boys' club members at Simcoe Hall, is the annual Bean Feed Night. On Wednesday, Mar. 21, the. gym- nasium at Simcoe Hall, will be the centre of interest for some 150 boys of all ages who will be enjoying a hearty meal of beans, bread and milk, as well as with entertainment There will be no fee the event, but .as an admission ticket, each boy will be given a sheet of paper with a drawing printed on it, and, if he wishes, may color the drawing. During the meal, the best colorings will be judged, and the owners will receive a prize. However, a boy is not compelled to enter this contest in order to take part in the festivities. Last year at the some 140 boys participated and con sumed over 1190 ounces of beans, plus a considerable stock- pile of milk and bread. The boys supplied their own enter tainment last year. The "tickets' for the event will be ready for distribution next Wednesday. PHYSICAL FITNESS The physical fitness program which has been in operation at the hall during the winter months, is meeting with great success Tim Nelson, assistant director of Simcoe Hall report ed recently. The classes are filled to capacity. Three boys taking the course recently qualified to receive their physical fitness certifi- cate The recipients were Pat Greco, Don Stuaffer and John Rajkovic. In order for a youth to apply for the certificate, he is re- quired to complete three weeks of daily exercises, which are standardized by the Boys' Club of Canada, before he is eligible i> show his skill aw 5 Each age group has a set st year's biggest for feed for an , Branch 'ers apply for rezoning and sub-|granted George H Bean Feed Night Plan Dance Big Boys member of Branch 43, Royal| . Canadian Legion, since 1930 and|/36, when he was president of business manager of the branch|the Branch, Comrade Jacklin since 1945, was accorded signal/served on the executive com- honor Thursday night when Don| mittee from 1930 until his ap- Iverson, president of the/pointment as business manager branch, presented him with ai December, 1945. He was the citation of meritorious service. obvious choice, as Service Of-| The citation, which is the first when that position was such award made to a member Created and is still serving the} of the Oshawa branch, is au-|Branch in both capacities. | thorized by the Dominion Com-| "'To illustrate the high regard mand of the Royal Canadianjin which the authorities of the Legion. During a recent visit to|City of Oshawa have always Oshawa the president of thejhad for Comrade Jacklin, he Dominion Command presented|was appointed a commissioner) a medal to Comrade Jacklin injof oaths shortly after he as-| recognition of his many years)sumed his duties as business of service to the organization.| manager. The text of the citation pre-- "The Branch presented Com- sented Thursday night reads: jrade Jacklin with a Life Mem-} "Comrade Jacklin -- '"Ben"|bership on January 9, 1948, He to all who are privileged to|received his Past President's) know him -- served in England|/Pin May 28, 1953, and his 25- and France with the 2nd Bat-|year Pin February 3, 1955, talion, Canadian Expeditionary) Countless numbers of Vet-. Force during the 1914-18 War.jerans and their families have "On his return to Canada,|indeed been more than grateful' "Service" became an obsession|and lavish in their praise, for with him and in June, 1926,/the help, assistance and advice,| while he was a patient in Chris-/which he has unselfishly given tie Street Hospital, Toronto, he|}on Veterans and Welfare af- was initiated as a member of/fairs, during all of his years in The Christie Street Branch, Ca- the "Service" of the Canadian nadian Legion. Legion. He has also been re- "This was his first step to- sponsible for the great advance wards a continuous record of|made by the Branch in the sale "Service", .which saw himfand distribution of Poppies in transfer his membership to Osh-'the City of Oshawa. awa on March 27, 1930, and so "Suffice to say, that, his devo- become a Member of Branchi\tion to duty, honesty, integrity 43 -- This was a big year for,;and high moral standards have both the Branch and Comrade/gained for him an everlasting Tacklin, as he became an ex-|place in the annals of the Cana- ecutive officer and was instru-|dian Legion throughout this area 4 ila mental in obtaining the assist-|and he will always be regarded Thursday night, Don Iverson, |20ce of notable Citizens to make|by the members of Branch 43, president of the branch, is \@ Start on and finally complete,'as: '"Mr. Legion, himself. ee al | fetare Of | 'NOMA Rally | a $310 Oshawa office managers tem-| in Oshawa since presented with a meritorious serv- branch meeting 43 was of the 1945 citation ice at Drive-In Theatre Assessment Cut Jones protested that the!ment for. a Park road assessors were using a 1950|/property was confirmed. basis for building assessment; His Honor granted and a 1961 basis for land assess-\land reduction in an assess-porarily turned parliamentar-; ment ment against a Guelph street/ians Thursday night when they He said the properties in Property owned by Induco Con-'crossed swords in a house de-| question were all two-acre par-|Struction Limited which was/bate during the monthly meet- cels and were purchased under|9Tiginally assessed for $3,120 ing of the Lakeland Chapter of the Veterans' Land Act. Be-| Judge Hall granted the|the National Office Managers calise the area is zoned buffer|assessment reduction due to Association. zone, he said, the parcels can- typography of the land. In addi-. The members : not be sub-divided. tion, he granted a $2,090 landjtwo groups, one representing |reduction to the company for ajthe government headed _ by! Farewell street property,|Harry Dowton and Fred Reid, ssessed at $3,485. He said the|and one representing the oppo- sition under the leadership of CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and dis- trict who are celebrating their birthdays today: Mrs Kay Cherneski, Townline north; John Hewer, 185 Highland ave- nue; Mrs. Elizabeth Shortt, 431 Centre street; Helen and Jim Carnovsky, 353 Garden Court and Jim Kirkwhite, 607 Beech street, Whitby. Phone 723-3474 Set Mill Rate Next Monday Mr south were split in $3,000 PER ACRE According to the-solicitor, the |# , ; \reduction, was due, to the prop- ue ge My arom ws erty's water course. oe Murray Sparkes and George APELOAEY Seiten BN. Acre. Judge Hall confirmed the|Charlton. The moderator was; COBOURG -- The United Appellants, were George ss 999° assessment of another Percy Fletcher. Counties Council will hold a one- Mathews 914 Parklane avenue, | Farewell street property owned) Much indulgence was display-|day meeting here next Monday, with a $13,445 total assessment|). the construction company, ed by the moderator with re-|to set the mill rate for the Mrs. Phyllis Souch, 904 Park-| * gard to the persistent tendency | year. lane, with a $14,160 total assess-|$405 LAND REDUCTION of the members to indulge in|" The present rate is 11.34 and ment, Carl C. Griffith, 890 Park-| A' $405 land reduction was|witty verbal excursions. How-|it is expected the new rate lane, with a $13,135 total assess-|granted J. Ronald Wilson, for a ever, despite frequent flares of}may show an increase bringing ment, Gregory Brady, 870 Park-|Riverside drive property he humor, the matters at issue it to the 12% to 13 mill rate lane, with an $11,830 totaljowns, The original land assess-jreceived a thorough treatment level assessment and C. E. Twining,|ment against the property waslat the hands of both govern-| At one time the counties rate 860 Parklane with a $12,690/$2,735 and the building was|ment and opposition. Perhaps,|was not declared until the April total assessment, assessed at $195, giving a total/due to a certain lack of con- meeting, but the municipalities Confirming the assessments|assessment against the proper- viction in some of the argu- complained that this delayed against each, of the properties,|ty of $2,930. ments, conclusions, if any,|preparations of budgets and at His Honor suggested the own-| A $350 land reduction was were somewhat vague. the request of the municipalities Stonebridge, The following _resolutions/an earlier one-day meeting was divide their properties. sod pte drive. Mr. oon ware discussed: instituted two years ago. ie i wets i ridge's property was originally; 1)--That taxing sales is not) There is little bt that Co- ASSESSMENT CONFIRMED assessed at $2,345 for the land'a very good way to raise addi-|bourg's ail aes bowel an A North Shore Realty Com-|and $4,605 for the building, giv- tional needed funds for a pro-lincrease due principally to the jpany Limited $17,535 assess-'ing a total assessment of $6,950.|/vincial treasury. 2)--That thejrising cost of education. The in- jcould ask fewer, jcated questions, use better) jmore dependable information.|the order of the day in all mu- {Both resolutions were moved!nicipalities in the by the opposition. ties. | Government sponsored resolu-| - |tlons were: 1)--That for clerical work, female employees should jbe preferred, but for positions 'To Mark Exams End By JOE OCAVITE in employment married women/of the new nursing education From Wednesday, Mar. 7 to|whose husbands at the Simcoe Hal gym Friday, Mar. 16, all extra cur-| employed. : Sone ricular activity at O'Neill Col---- Recently, the local Teen-age|jegiate and Vocational: Institute Badminton Club went to Peter-jis suspended while grade borough for a match. Although'9 to 12 write examinations. Stu- Peterborough dominated the dents are writing in the audi- competition, the 1ocal group|o{rium and both boys' and girls' thoroughly enjoyed their trip. gyms. Due to the exams there The 12 members of the Jocal|will be no school column next group who took the trip includ- Friday, but there will. be an- ed Irene Kurianowicz, Cathy/other report Friday, Mar. 23 Marshall, Linda McInnis, Shar-- With the players busy writing on Annis, Joe Rejczak, Alvinjexams, the playoffs in the Tilk, Ken Kornic, Wayne Jo-|boys' interform basketabal| seph, John Gower, Carlosileague will not be held until Felix, Gary Paryoka and J ohniafter next week Rajkovic Friday, Mar. 16, will be look- eee a ae ed forward to for the obvious) BASKETBALL TOURNEY reason that the examinations June 7 has been announced) will finally be finished, However, as the date set for the Biddy (8/there is another important rea- to 12 years) and Minor League! son. On that night, to celebrate (13 to If years) Invilational/the Girls' Athletic Association basketball Tournament iniis sponsoring "The Flunker's which several teams from var- Fling". This dance will be held ious points in the province will'in the OCVI auditorium. A spe enter cial highlight of the evening To date, two teams from the| will be a Twist Contest, with a} Orillia YMCA have entered|twist blouse for the winning girl along with a team from the and a twist record for the win-! Dovercourt Boys' Club in To-jning boy. ronto and two teams from the' The GAA has also arranged Ajax Community Centre. Twojto have a pair of instructors teams from Midland are also|from the Arthur Murray Dance expected to enter the all-day| Studios as special guests. They} tournament Simcoe Hall, will demonstrate Latin Event dard of exercises. Two groups are now in operation BADMINTON MATCH | On Mar. 31, the Teen-age Bad minton Club will play host to the Peterborough Junior Club START ON BUILDING in Whitby. at Ameri- The organization and supervi-can dances, the Charleston and sion of this event will be handl-|also The Twist ed by the local Y's Men's Club, Members of the committee Mr. Nelson also reports that;|making the arrangements are all after-school and night groups|Mary Walsh, Nancy Gibbie, are operating extremely well|Mary Jou Famme, Cherry and at present all groups are|Brady, Carol Reardon, Steph- heavily attended anie Goldstein, Linda Russell, Connie Cobb, Judy Sutton, Lin MARBLE TOURNEY da Kemp, Sue MacDonald. This The annual Marble Tourna-|dance will be the last of the ment, which another high-|year when the girls are ex-| light of the year's activities at pected to invite the boys to be| the hall, is also expected to take|their escorts é Place within the next three! With the prospect of a won weeks, or as soon as the ground! derful weekend of studying, fol- free of the winter frost lowed by a week devoted to The Saturday morning bas-\writing exams, remember the ketball playoffs are underway|words of that ancient philo- and results should be 'acailalte sopher, "Smile, in a das soon. iyou won't feel like it," is Ts there someone who needs help? This is what Oshawa Times Photographer Bruce Jones wondered when he took this picture of a gravel-filled pothole besie the railway | tiate the ups and downs of track on King street. For- ' Oshawa's main street. Had it tunately they are only the un- feeling hands of a mannikin, but they illustrate the emo- tion of many a motorist is or two * "Other than' the years 1935-/ SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1962 PAGE NINE THE DIRECTORS OF Osh- , awa Chamber of Commerce Thursday elected their execu- tive for the year at a lunch- eon meeting, held in Hotel Genosha. Seen here are, front | Smelt Run 4 | row (left to right), World, second vice-president; | Gordon Riehl, president and Fred Malloy, third vice-presi- dent. Back row: Ken Crone, transportation ¢om- Charles | mittee; Kingsley Hume, Rus- McCansh, first vice-president, sell D: Humphreys, civic af- | Frank McLellan, director and fairs committee and William ; Don Burns, civic affairs com: B.' Bennett, transportation | mittee, committee. Absent when the --Oshawa Times Photo | picture was taken were James 'Chamber Concurs In May Be Late Tr qcks Removal Plan The annual smelt run in the streams along the lakeshore area may be delayed somewhat this year due to the deposits of ice along the lakeshore and in the streams Warmer weather during the past few days has already made a decided change along the waterfront and many of the spectacular ice formations have disappeared. Each year the smelt run draws many enthusiasts to the Whitby, Pickering and Bow- manville areas where the catches have been consistently good. The smelt, salt water fish originally, is small varying in size from 4 - 6 inches. It was introduced to the Great Lakes several years ago to supply food for the white fish. The lat- however have become al- extinct due to the' con- attacks of the lamprey. then the smelt has _be- | most | stant Since The executive of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce Thurs- day voted to take no action on its own regarding the removal of the CNR King street tracks unless requested to do so by the chamber executive rescind- ed this motion and decided to send a legal representative to the Board of Transport hearing here April 3. The first decision was an- nounced in the form of a mo- tion at a directors' luncheon, held Thursday, which stated that the chamber will communi-| MATTER OF COMPENSATION cate with the city offering its assistance at the Board the city regarding the removal of the tracks. ithe city. But several hours later} of|phreys said he felt it was a Transport Commissioners hear-|matter of compensation for the ing, April 3, if the city so de-|firms involved. He reminded the sires. It was further added to|mecting he had been a member the motion that the chamberjof the delegation to the Ministry jconcurs with the submission of | of Transport in 1945. They had taken concrete steps|have to absorb the "enormous in that direction over the years,|cost" of paving the streets, if he said. A committee was form-|the tracks remain. Under the ed some years ago, under Her-jexisting agreement with the bert Robinson, which had ap-|CNR, the city has this responsi- proached the three businesses|bility while the company is involved although no definite|charged with the care and main- progress had been made at that'tenance of the track bed below time the cement. In the meantime, however,, The outgoing chairman of the city council had petitioned the|chamber, William Hart, voiced Transport Board in the matter.|/the opinion that the existence of This too was due, in part, to|the tracks was holding the city the efforts of the chamber in|back. "It's a small town eye- the past, he said. sore," he said. During the discussion, it was |mentioned that one of the firms jinvolved had been offered a |tract of land in the north end of the city. This, however, had en- tailed additional expenses to the firm, so the project was aban- doned. Director Russell D. Hum- "It was then and still is a NO OFFICIAL REQUEST matter of compensation," he| Director William Bennett ask- A further motion was made,| said. "At that time the city hadjed if the city had indicated a or | pedestrian attempting to nego- | come prolific. They enter the stre spawn Truck And Car In Collision A Police estimated damage at Dominion Bureau of Statistics|crease, however, is not expect-|$170 in a two-car collision on less compli-|ed to be in excess of four mills.| Prince Once the counties mill rate is|Thursday. No injuries were re- jmethods and forms and receive|known, budget meetings will be| ported. | It-was reported that the col-|Chamber had been in favor of| CITE PAVING CO two coun- lision occurred when a car pull-| ed house number 122, and was hit|-- ; by overtaking the car at the time.| : | Snow has been removed from| Driver of of greater responsibility men/the site. and stakes placed by|T. Wilbur, Concession 5, Dar- are required. 2)--That it is althe contractors in preparation|lington Township, who was cau- bad practice to hire or continue |for a start on the construction| tioned by the investigating offi-| cer are gainfully) building at the Ontario Hospital|Laurent Gagnon, 255 Johnson 'avenue, Too HOW LOW CAN YOU SINK? of | not | the pavement, you could not have gone | tha jand adopted by the directors,|considered expropriation but|desire for the support of the to form a special committee to/had discarded that idea because|chamber, and was told by Mr. handle the chamber's business|of the amount of land involved.|Riehl that no official request regarding the tracks. This com-| At the present time, he did not|had been received frem the city. mittee will meet today. It was|think it would take such a tre-|The city's prestige would be also announced that the cham-|mendous amount of money to|Strengthened by the support of ber would have legal represent-|settle the matter of compensa-|the chamber in the matter, Mr. ation at the hearing. tion. "Even these merchants! Riehl said. The matter of the tracks wasinow agree that the tracks| At this point Mr. Hart said he discussed at length by the di-! should go," he said. felt the logical answer to the rectors before the motions were) Another director, Ken Crone,|Problem was to write to the city put forward. said he felt that the tracks were/|to find pi if the chamber's help - ° aceon jnot safe. "That should be our|Was needed. gg eh oe pope hl re.|P/atform if they are to remain,"|_ It was pointed out by Mr. J rordon fle! e-\he said. Riehl that, if the city turns minded the directors that the| down the chamber's offer of as- N 's sistance, an emergency meeting It was pointed out by Mr.| will be called to formulate plans d of time.|Humphries that the city would for more definite action. Will Have Delegates At Hearing Oshawa Chamber of Com- merce will send witnesses to the Air Transport Board hearing in » Ottawa, April 16. The directors of the chamber adopted a motion to this effect ot their Thursday luncheon meeting after the matter was debated at considerable length. The hearing is being conven- ed to inquire into the recent an- nouncement by Nordair Limit- ed, that they were terminating jtheir daily service to and from |Oshawa. Director William Hart said it was his opinion that the Board would probably take it as an in- dication that the city did not |want an airline service if the chamber did not send represen- jtatives to the hearing It was like 'flogging a dead horse', was the opinion of an- jother director, Russell D. Hum- phreys. He said the city would very probably lose the case in ams early in spring to street at 10.30 a.m., the removal of the tracks for a considerable perio out from the curb, outside a panel truck which was} PLAN SERVICE GOOD FRIDAY It has been announced by the Oshawa Ministerial As- sociation that the annual Good Friday, Inter-Denom- inational service of worship will be held this year in the Simcoe Street - Pentecostal Church with the Rev. Wes- ley Herbert of the King Street United Church as the preacher. The service will be con- ducted by the president of the association, Rev. W. G. Dickson. The music. will be provided by the choir of the Calvary Baptist Church. To Consider Report On Delhi Rally the car was Carl) The truck driver was CONCERT MC Captain lan McNab, who will act as master of cere- monies tomorrow night (Sat- urday) when the Band of the Ontario Regiment presents its Pop Concert in the auditor- been for numerous loads gravel deposited between ragged edges of broken On Monday, April 2, the Osh- ; awa Ministerial Association willl ae ee ar lconduct a regional conference| starting at 8 o.m. igs bal consider the report of the) 7 ls |Third Assembly of the World : [Council of Churches which was - any event, but thought that it jheld in New Delhi, India, in FITS LOUFNEY 24 ' consider the future. \November 1961. ae rn na 3 Pbcgpeteagylens | The conference will be held 'hey could at least show the jin Simcoe Street United Church Is Planned board that the city was still in- jand will have three sessions i ,_;terested in bringing in .an air The morning meeting will start A men's pairs and a women S\line service in the future, and lat 10 a.m. and will bé held in|Pairs tournament will be heldjif not an air line, then perhaps the chapel of Simcoe Street |PY the Oshawa Duplicate Bridge! helicopter service. United Church with the after-|Club in the Woodview Park} The chamber must make a |noon meeting at 2 p.m. and the|Clubhouse at 7.30 p.m. this Sat-)move to establish the fact that jevening rally held in the Sun-|urday. : there is a need for an airline \dav School Assembly Hall, Trophies will be presented to| service in Oshawa, said Direc- The Canadian Council of|the winning pairs as. well aSitor W. B. Bennett. |Churches will provide the|cash awards, The club is hoping) ---__--_--___--____ _ |speakers from among the dele-|for a large attendance. TO PLAN BANQUET lgates to the assembly. The high score of games play-) All former Sea Cadets living The general planning com-jed by club members this week|in Oshawa and district prior to mittee is under the chairman.|were: Mrs, M. R. Clarke and)1949 are requested to attend a iship of Rt. Rev. H. R. Hunt,|G. Adams, 82 points; Mrs. W.|meeting Sunday, Mar. 11, at Suffragan Bishop of Toronto,,Heron and W. Soetens, 734/130 p.m. in the Sea Cadet |who, with the Rev. E. H. John-|points; Mrs. E. Wadsworth and|Barracks, Oshawa boulevard, lson, DD, and other delegates|Mrs. S. Sheridan, and J. Buchan/north, Plans will be made at further down town |will bring the meaning and the;and J. McLachlan, 72 points; |the meeting for a banquet May Message of the Assembly to|Mrs. W. Medland and J. Miller,'31 which is to be atterided by {the local conference. '70 points, |former Sea Cadets in this group. downtown a --Oshawa Times Photo in n