Se ae 'record March 15. The pfd. ;shares will carry dividends from April 1, Huges-Owens Co. Ltd., pfd.ipfd. $1.12%, April ' 40 cents, class A 20 cents, class|March 19. Ash Temple Ltd., common 20/p five cents, April 16, record) Wool Combing Corporation of jcents, class A $1.50, class Biyarch 15, Canada Ltd,, common 15 cents, |16% cents, April 1, record _ Mailman Corporation Ltd. pfd..April 16, record March 30. March 15. SN EIA A Ltd., sires Sei "| MENT Look At This! ... BIG SAVING + % May 1, record April 10. ae oe --™ Consumers' Gas Company,) common 10 cents, 514 per cent MEN"S i | pfd. series A $1.3744, 544 per 1 cent pfd. series B $.37%4, "april 2, record March 15. For work and play, Sanforized shrunk. Colors of navy, green, brown and grey. Sizes 28 to 44. Reg. to General Steel Wares Lid., pfd. 4.25. 2. a £ er $1.25, May 1, record April 10. Sale USE YOUR CREDIT Harding Carpets Ltd., com- Priced Ne Down Payment--Months Te Pay mon 15 cents, April 1, record March 15. Harding Carpets Lid., three 36 King St. E. Donwtown Oshawe |#1.25, April 30, record April 16. Monarch Knitting Co. ep icommon 10 cents, 4% per cent 2, record 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, wredey, March 8, 1962 BIRTHS MURDOCH -- Danny and Helene (nee) (Quitations in cents unless marked Murphy) are pleased to announce the §) z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr-- of their son, John Nesbitt, onjrights, xw Ex -warrants. Net Friday, March 2, 1962 at the Oshawa change is from previous board-lot elos-| General Hospital. ing sale. INDUSTRIALS -- High Low a.m. Ch'ge $447-- 44% 12% 35 14 18'4 D2 DIVIDENDS By The CANADIAN PRESS | 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 300 222 20 22 --1 2000 4% 4% 4% 100014 "4 14 1000 8% BACB 41 | 3200 11% l*--% 10200 59 60 1000 2@ 2 5 "i 75 23 M5 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 1 7% 84 Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge $67 6644 664--- % 400 390 «400 «64+15 $52% 52% 52% $26% 2642 26% + %& STOCKS Press Bales TORONTO 11 A By The C Stock Madsen Magnet Marboy Marcon Maybrun Mentor Midrim Moneta Mt Wright Multi-M Murray M Newlund N Man N Mylama Northgate N Rank North Can Norvalie O'Leary Opemiska Osisko Pamour Patino M 75 ol Paymast +" Pax Intl Pick Crow Pros Air Pr Air rt Que Lab Que Lith Stock Atl C Cop Atlin-Ruf Aumacheo Bales 185 500 Sales 988 200 710 840 Stock Tor-Dm Bk Bales High Low 190 $17% 17% 100 $28 (28 7 $55 710 $154 10 $1i% $2644 Stock Fam Play Fanny F Fed Grain Ford Cda Fndtn | Fraser Fr Pete pr | Gatineac Gen Bake GMC GL Paper il, Power Gas 2 Th+ 8% + ™% 154 Trans-Mt \Trans PPL 400 Un Gas $33 ' a U Fuel B Union Oil Vendomat Walk GW Webb Knp Westcoast | Wstest vt % 2 s | Westeel Gr Woe vt 174 4 a Ww Cc Brew Guar Tr Ms W Copper Hardee 9 § Weston A Hard Carp 150 § Mb West A wis H Dauck 5 $5: ; + %|Woodwd A Imp Ot Wdwd Aw "oc! Imp Tob Zenith ob ye Ind Accep Curb C Diseov Inland Gas Andian © Halli Int Nickel Ang Cdn 5 384 3844 1%! Morrison Int Util Asbestos i C Regcourt Inter PL 113 ss \% C Bronze Conwest int sil P 75 CG Inv Coprand | inv A 0 % $8 C Paper Coulee j . 33 5 D Oilcloth Craigmt Price Br Croinor Deer Horn D'Eldona Delhi Pac Denison Dicknsn Duvan Falcon F'west 1 RYCHA -- Paul and Margaret (nee % Burns) are happy to announce the birth of- their daughter, Jodi Ann, 6 Ibs. 3 ow. on Monday, March 5, 1962, at) giiey Oshawa Genera! Hospit any thanks| Mcliveen aff om) Abitibi A granddaughter for| Acad-Atl Muriel Burns, Oshawa. Mother Alta Gas and baby both doing fine Alta Gas w Alta Nat JONESS Arthur und Ruth (nee! Algoma Rombough) are happy to announce the | Alumini birth of their daughter, Alison Ruth,| Argus 7.Jbs. 6 ozs., on Wednesday, March "| Ashdown B ise at the Oshawa General Hospital, | Atlan Acc |Atlas Steel RITZIE -- Peter and Viva are; Bank Mnt pleased to announce the arrival of their) Bank NS daughter, 8 Ibs., on Wednesday, March| Bath P A awa General Hospital, | Beatty n A. sister for Gail, Jacqueline, Peter and|Beay Lum Stephen. Mother and baby both doing | Bell Phone fine. : 500 Bethim 7 +5 43500 Bideop 560 1 500 Black Bay 13% Buff RL : 5 |Camp Chib 610 19%» 19% © Tung 251 250 250 % CNinca 1 i 84 8l4 35 Cdn NW i "38 one Cassiar 2 sit 11% 11% 4 Cent Pat 165 165 165 Chester 2 2 OD Chib M 50 D3 7 10400 + 3500 6 19 - 4000 40 4 4500 eee f 480 485 ---5 58S + 265 9 16 13% 4% 610 26 Bales 1344+ % 615 5 x10 7120 430 725 3565 175 919% bed $9% $35 8 6600 1000 -1 1000 100 500 600 150 pe 1025 ; 385 100 1665 50 Ms 530 % 21 Ee fully paid, non-assessable 5% : --a per cent cumulative redeem- 24009 1 (able pfd. shares of $25 par value -_ +," for every 10 shares held, April J, ~*' TIVESTOCK Quemont 175 R. yrock 2500 --4 Rio Algom 442 Rix Athab 34500 Rowan Cons 1000 pg TORONTO (CP) -- Slaughter, Sherritt jeattle traded on a moderate demand at prices barely steady | to easier on heavy receipts at --l0 the Ontario public stockyards today. Veal calf prices were steady. phe gh Hog prices were higher and "9000 5453 .3 |lamb prices were not estab- 62500 + ¥4/ lished. heed o Replacement cattle 300: Good 1100 4 |light stockers 22-25 with some 1000 165 16 55 +4 |Sales to 27; mediums and com- yy mons 18-21, Calves 45: Choice vealers 33- %/35; good 28-32; medium 25-27; common 21-24; boners 16-20. Hogs Grade A 27.15-27.45.| 10| Sheep and lambs: Prices not 'established. 4+ 42 53% -- & Jock C pr |Jock € B pr 125 Kelly DA | Labatt Lafarge LOnt Cem Laura Sec Lau Fin A Levy LobCo A |LobCo A w LobCo B LobCo pr LobG | pr 2i5 Charter Oi} MB and PR 480 $26 20% C Drayon Mass-F 1885 $ i3e 1 # Mass-F 5% 1054 106% + cin laa MEP( 240 240 D. Pete Met Stores Ba 8M Sone anic 22\5 224 | Dynamic 30. 30 Glacier 1614 Home A 5 HB OUG Mojtrans Medal WILLIAMSON -- Dave and Leona! BA Oil wish to announce the birth of their | BC Pow baby boy, Ronald William James, 8 Ibs,| Build Prod 4, 0zs., on Wednesday. March 7, 1962,/ Burns at Oshawa General Hospital. A wee|Cal Pow brother for the five boys and two girls,'Can Cem Mother and baby both doing fine C Fodry C Safe 4p A BLESSED EVENT -- The birth of/Can Wire B your child is interesting news that your CAE friends want to know. It is easy to tell/Cdn Brew everyone at once through an Oshawa/Cin Celan Times Birth Notice and the rate for this © Cel 173 service is very reasonable, only $1.50..C Chem A friendly ad-writer will assist you inj/@ Chem w wording a Birth Notice. Just Telephone ' nee be 4 ~ zas In w 723-3492, ask for Classified Husky c i C Husky c i¢ Bailey S A 275 Bailey § pr 210 Cal Ed 791 © Oil Las 2100 $1514 15 © Delhi 835 4 Cdn Dev 100 36 360 B ' Cc Ex Gas 730 $ 94 9 ** C High Cr . 8 Cent Del 4000 3000 8000 200 900 1000 609 200 2500 1200 700 29600 500 2000 500 200 200 1000 3050 Siscoe 5 5 - Starratt 4 Steep R Sullivan Teck-H Thom Tombill Tormont Tribag Ult-Shaw Un Buffad Un Fort Upp Can Vauze Ventures Waite Am 1 Willroy 5 15 +2 Wiltsey 1 Wr Harg Young HG i +" Curb Bulolo p - 1000 850 1090 500 100 1000 100 1000 39009 450 100 1000 'A Gunnar Headway HighBell Hollinger Hu-Pam Fs -- Ex +1 4100 135 w Hydro DEATHS * dba Cdn Oil CPR , "waite Jaye Expl Jellicoe Jonsmith Kerr Adi Okalta Kilembe Pac Pete 1 5 Kopan Place 7500 55 535: L, Default Secur Free 15 . L Shore 4 South 1 Latin Am Tidal Leitch Triad Lencourt Canso vt | Lexindin Un Oils q a LL Lae Sales to iu a.m.: Wayne 31 3 Vs - -- -- = , Wstates 1124 5 W Decalta Windfall Curb Dalhousie 4000 'Molson B Mont Loco Moore Nat Drug N St Car 2 Nia Wire B GYNEREAUX, Marion Agnes Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-|Cdn Pet pr eral Hospital on Thursday, March 8,|© Vickers 1962, Marion Agnes Normoyle, beloved|Ca2 W Prp wife of Francis Genereaux and -sister|Comb Ent ef Mrs. A. Nicholls (Elizabeth), Mrs,/Con M S C. Stovell (Alice), Mrs. R. Greene|Con Gas (Ruth), Robert, Daniel and Gregory,| Copp Clark Resting at the Armstrong Funeral| Cosmos Home with high requiem mass in Holy|Crstbrk w Gross Church Saturday, March 10 at/Crush_ Int 9 a.m, Interment St. Gregory's Ceme-| Dist Seag tery D Bridge D Coal pr MecGILLIS, Alphonse Dom Elect Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-|Dom El wt eral Hospital on Thursday, March 8,|2 Fadry 1962, Alphonse McGillis, beloved hus-/0 Magnes band of the late Mary Currier, in his}Dom Scot Mist year. Resting at the Armstrong|20m Stores Funeral Home with high requiem mass|Pom Tar in St. Gregory's Church Saturd Dom _ Text Steel Can March 10, at 10.30 a.m. Interment St,/Du Pont 32! 32 -- |S Propane Gregory's Cemetery oxquisite pr 5 £ 1 | Tamblyn Page-Hers Oshawa ety : . Shopping Centre Phantom 1 Mm 8 sue QN Gas 7 ¥ Roe AV C Rothman Royal Bank Russell Su, Cem A St Maurice Salada Fds Seven rts Shawin Shawin A Simpsons m+ 823, nee 500 300 range, Call Superior Dial 728-4873 GIRLS" GIRLS' Better Dresses Cottons, Velvets, Nylons. Sizes 8-12. Reg. 5.99 ..cccess elastic waist Canadian made, ets, 2 back pockets. Forest Green, Novy, Sizes 30 to 44, Compare 3.44 GIRLS' FLANNEL PYJAMAS ol 1 98 1 22 GIRLS' BAN LON CARDIGANS Sizes 8 to 14. oo 2.17 Compare 3.98 GIRLS' SILK PANTIES Loce trim. Sizes 8 to ie 14. Compare 39¢ 29 4 FOR 1.00 LADIES' FULL-FASHIONED WALKING SHEER NYLONS 39° REPAIRS on 'any make cash registers, BOYS' BETTER GRADE FULLY LINED JEANS By Monarch, Sizes 8 to 14, Reg. 3.98 c 59 a seeee Rivet Reg. 3.99 3 PAIRS 1.00 Continental, etc LADIES' ORLON CARDIGANS AND LONG-SLEEVE PULLOVERS Sizes 14 to 20. Limited quan- tity, 1 gg ' Compare 3.98 LADIES' GLENELLA PLAID SLIMS 2.99 "$65; dresser $5; turtleneck sweater, $2. Ail in jg00d condition. Telephone 723-1306. BOYS' CONTINENTAL SLACKS details. Adjust- little or no [cee chair, Hamilton's, yhitby. 8-6555 quake shook his village. Now, |VACUUM 'cleaner repairs, all makes, | eppepKING hai: dryer and chair unit, says the magazine Globus, the clock keeps good time. |parts, attachments, brushes, guaran-| teed rebuilt machines. Estimates fre faerl ae man's McGregor golf clubs -\Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser-|\i. 3 a8 (sight hang), irons 3. 5, 7 \viee, 728-0591, anytime wood, $25. Dial MO 8-3321 " GERROW 'FUNERAL eaaate | furnitur We'll buy it. Re- t ers, CHAPEL [stoves, ete. For top cast ter contact! ; : }19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131 prope «gc ull |IBM electric time-clock; linoleum top 728-6226 jdesk, 60 inch, with five file drawers: 390 KING STREET WEST jSecretarial filing cabinet. Bowmanvi |MA 3-3473 Mey We Suooust |FINAL week. Tremendous savings on smooth-top mattresses. Three price _..,\Sroups: $28. $38 and $48. values 'to } $89. 50. Don't miss this sale of sales on }quality mattresses. See the "Mattress |King Ed Wilson, 20 Church Street errangements for memorials . for Easter installation be made now. Eternal Bronze by Matthews are the finest made onywhere. -We exclu- sively install ond represent }ise2 BABY 'carriages now on display, new styles and new colors, free mat-! this 100 year old Company, Please call tress. Hurry down and see these beau- » Mount Lawn |tiful carriages. Priced from $24. Ed for understanding co-operation. Wilson Furniture, 2% Church Street. UsED ) parts and ¢ repairs. for all makes 723-2633 of wringer type washers, 44 hp motors, "MeEVERS In 'loving memory of $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned washers ahd stoves. Paddy's Market, @ur mother, Isbella McEvers, who pass. ed away March 8, 1958 . With satorial able side straps, froming, resists spots, stains, Compere--iny. 3.99 1100 BOYS' DRESS PANTS Half be self f belt. to Ox MEN'S Ist QUALITY 1,59 TOPS or SHORTS ASSORTED -- BOYS' BET - S-M.l TER S-M-L. 39° DRESS SOCKS | comer #3. 39° CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING |GAS stove, four-burner, apartment size, & jin very good condition, $20 cash. Tele- ' | phone 59. ss ° H Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded -- You are Invited to Open a Budget Account HOSPITAL-- transistor,|TYPING paper J. Burk, 316 Leslie Street. jone Norge dryer. re-conditioned ve 95, or after this date, March 8, 1962, with. LOCKE'S FLORIST |OLD guns wanted. Rifles, shotguns, re- floral requirements for ell. |2=#i. |bed, $40; rangette. $15; dinette chairs, | HELPFUL SHOCK 81 x 100. 'milk shaker, large safe, file cabinet,| man's MEN'S Ist QUALITY 4 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 'clock to work until an earth- 72 Reg. size... Compore 2.98 Tuesday, March 6, 1962, Jesse Davis Hamiey (Dorothy) and Mrs. C. Biggs) 728-22: Bates (Mary) of Toronto and Albert tanga' Beponin arn, Goes 2aee | 217 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA HARWOOD AVE., AJAX strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with) GooD 'selection of reconditioned TV's TE LEVISION, inside brown rubber overshoes, Oshawa ory Gardens, Kitchener, arrival approx-/color TV _Store. { MUSKRAT i " oi . ble. Telephone 7231928 "*"|GOLDEN Labrador Retriever, female, At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on|ers, ¢ Elmer Wilbur, | CO 3-2294 era! trade-in allowance. Free demon LOST: Rhodesian ~ Ridge back "dog, WAIST JACKETS year, beloved husband of Mary J-ipicycles. Best prices. Try Dominion WORK PANTS En- 728-2 2 pockets, 3 99 niskillen, James, Ottawa, Maudie 'Mrs. $10 ~ $15. Gent's grey top coat, 42; two|fronts, wired for lights, drawers in| 7282103. ' y S-M-L, Reg. 39%e --_---- : 23-9 . 3.59, ZEN Niagara Falls, Alice (Mrs. M. Cendese)|Cap yadio, in" the dash, ga Salar Wea aie, |e an Eulalie district. 434. FAL CLERRANEE Haka: Reg. 3.59. DO the chapel on Friday at 2 o'clock. Inter- _-------- Circulation Dept., Oshawa Times. vicinity of Starkville and Oshawa. Re- |P: Tel 7 GIDEON Bibles are « continuing me-| ackage deal, $130. Telephone 723-4729 | Sizes 10-12 only, HEET 35--Legal abasso . l$10 down and $2.50 weekly. B. F. DUPLICATORS, hand and electric, Sanforized JEANS out my written consent Mrs. Albert Compare 4.99 arrangements ond |volvers and pistols also 'old cartridges, | CHESTERFIELD suite, $75; > Ae por kitchen Hosea $20; other |MEAT scale, chopping block, slicer, i . ~ . ; occasions tie | BELGRADE, Yugoslavia Compare 6.99 5,49 . ¢ 18 1 i --2 n a : 1 Acad Uran 2000 i% ™ 7% --_--___-- "Amperage sa5 Advocate 500 590 M +1 Alba Expl 1000 4% y Ye + A Arcadia 50 had pad 9 PETERS, Jesse Davis Peters, beloved husband of the late| (Margaret) of Oshawa, Mrs. J. Horton (Continued from Page 17) Mire. : 34--Lost & Found G. H. Peters of Wedaskiwin, alberta, |32-Articles for Sale "washer pad, thursday, March |. Reward, 655-3768. memorial service in the chapel Friday,'at reasonable prices. Parkway Tele-|dryer repairs. . ~|Children's Arena, or vicinity, on Sun- . | . ADIE N M scellaneous imately ¢ p.m |BEFORE | buying or ; selling "televisions, |iength, 1 Reasonable. Telephone 725-1928 0 answers to name of 'Heidi', lost vicin- Wednesday, March 7, 1962, ne D.\TENTS. camping supplies, marine Peg stration. Telephone 728-4683 brown, male, 110 Ibs, Vicinity of Whitby Simpson and dear father arion/ Tire, 48 Bond Street West CURITY-- Sizes ELASTIC IN LEG D. Arbuckle) Lansing, Michigan, Rod,|lady's navy spring coats, size 42. Tele-/Dack. Must be sold, store discontinuing) LOST: Glasses in brown case, school 8 to 14, 2 front pock- 9 59 d 1) Thorold. Resting at the Morris Fu-/ $32.50, Aerial and installation extra. Try|white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and|LOST: Beagle Hound, thoroughbred, + Lh ey 9 84 4 PAIRS 996 BOXED DIAPERS-- s ment Hampton Cemetery. |FURNACE forced air, 10 year guaran- ward. Telephone 728-7982 or Mrs. P. ee: idding machines, typewriters. Also sup- morial. For placement contact funeral DRYERS -- used, one » Douglas dryer, |P! Reg. 1.77 I will not be responsible for any debis DEPENDABLE lrich Stores 88 King West 725- ty |spirit or stencil; supplies. Hamilton Of- 4,49 Faucher, 316 Eulalie Avenue reinforced. Sizes 30-44. 72 x 100. $6; articles, 725-3 showcase, pop cooler, coffee grinder,| OSHAWA SHOPPING (AP) -- Farmer Srecko Druzi- High quality cotton broadcloth KOTEX-- Entered into rest in Whitby, Ontario, on 132 Articles for Sale " P3 ¢ E r LL f 1 Ss Sarah Danby and father of Mrs. W.) 4 H 5 OR U ei BARGA ad (Holly) of Dorval, Quebec, ' . LOST: Black Scotch Terrier, answers im his 76th year. Resting at the Arm- 32--Articles for Sale Appliance,| LOST :Pair of young boy's black shoes, March 9, at 1.30 p.m. Interment Mem-|vision, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your 140 Simcoe Souti. back coat, size 16, full'day, March 4. 725-3914 SIMPSON, Lorne furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash- tor: FILTER Queen Saies and Services lb: |ity 'Courtice area, 'Telephone 728-8019, BOYS' REVERSIBLE MEN'S STURDY LADIE DIAPERS Simpson, RR 1, Enniskillen, in his 78th/nardware, outboard motors, guns and and Oshawa since Tuesday. Reward. (Mrs. M, Allin) Oshawa, Donald, EIGHT Gumwood show cases, glass Sse 4.99. DOZEN 1 8g Assorted colors. Sizes Pegg of Enniskillen, Betty (Mrs. D. Ferguson)/Phone 725-1450. business. Telephone 723-7632. girl's, on Monday, near Duke of Edin. Reg. 3.49 . Colors -- neral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service 10| Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street | West. save. 4% lb. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00, /Dlack with white and tan face. In the Reg. 3.99 2.99 --~ |tee, $2.25 per week, no down poyment. |Farrow, Newtonville, RR SPORT SHIRTS . Work guaranteed. For free esti- MEN'S Ist QUALITY director or phone 725-2327. |good condition $59.95, budget term contracted in my name by anyone on 63 x 100 =e | fice Equip., 137 Brock St. S. MO 8-8442. Funeral continental i fon 4 99 2 5.00 Compare 5.99 ..... . jgrill, cheque writer, fire proof ledger.|£Q00M (floor model) CENTRE janic couldn't get his alarm KLEENEX-- 2 for 33° Sizes 1412-17. 63 ' Reg. Sle GARRARD ROAD FIRE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL DANCE ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM - OSHAWA SATURDAY, MARCH 10th, 1962 CHARLES COCHRANE ORCHESTRA No Stag MEN'S STRETCHEE NYLON SOCKS 59° 39° GIRLS' CORDUROY LINED SLIM SETS AND MATCHING TOPS Flannel lined slim, half boxer waist. Sizes 3 to 6. 1 70 . Reg. 2.77. SET GIRLS' FLANNEL PYJAMAS Made in Canada. Pants have elastic waist. Sizes 2-4-6. Reg. 1.59 Sizes 10-13. Reg. 79 10 OUNCES NOXEMA Compore 1.35 Sizes 10 to 20, Compare 3.99 xer waist, varcoal Compare 1.99 2 FOR 1.00 Sizes 3 CLEARANCE LADIES' PURSES Reg. 2 FOR 3.00 DON JUAN -- 100 RAZOR BLADES Finest double-edge. Blue steel. Compare 1.99 $3.00 per couple 3 FOR 1.00 100% Spun Nylon. Subs. Reg. 79c 3 FOR 1.00 LADIES' BABY DOLL PYJAMAS Sizes $-M-L hes 148 i 971° LADIES' 2-PCE. SKIRT DRESS PANTS Top dyed Viscose serge, Mel- borne flannel, self-belted. Sizes 30-44 3.99 seer eeee ' Reg. 5.95 MEN'S -- FULLY LINED BOYS' 100% TERYLENE NO IRONING NEEDED DRESS SHIRTS Sizes 8-14. Compere 3.95 GIRLS' CORDUROY NLINED SLIMS back pocket, LADIES' HELEN CURTIS SUAVE 4 fl. ozs. Hairdresing ond Con- ditioner. 64 Compare 98¢ ........ Boxer waist, Sizes 3 to 6x. Compare 1.69... BOYS' GIRLS' WOOL PLAID Hampton, co God saw you getting weary So He did what He thought hest, He came and stood beside you And whispered "Come and rest' You wished no one a last farewell, Nor even said goodbye, You had gone before we knew it And only God knows why Sadly missed by your daughter eanor, son-in-law Bob, and grandchil- en. MeEVERS -- In loving memory of dearest. wife, Isabella McEvers, | passed away March 8, 1958. A page in memory's book Js gently turned today. ~Lovingly remembered by husband Howard. * DOUGLAS -- In Joving Beatrice May Douglas, away March 8, 1958 As I loved you, so I missed you, 'In my memory you are near, Loved, remembered, longed always, Treasured with a love sincere, You are where I cannot see you, Your voice |: cannot hear, But I know you walk beside me Never absent, always near. "Sadly missed by mother GAGNE -- In loving memory ef a @ear son and brother, Robert Kenneth | Gagne, who passed away March 8, 1949. | We cannot forget your smiling face. Your happy, carefree ways, The smile that won you many friends In those happy bygone days One of the best world could hold, YOur cherished smile, your heart of gold, Always so good, unselfish and kind, What wonderful memories you left behind . by 4 bay our hearts your memory is memory of who passed for We. joved you forget. ~*Always remembered by Mom, Dad and family too dearly to ever HARD MOOSE DRYDEN, Ont. (CP) -- The Patricia tourist council plans to} build an artificial moose of! Concrete and metal to stand} a@ptside the tourist bureau in| this northwestern Ontario com munity. The figure will be 18 feet high and nearly 40 feet|* ons i es lil ~e WALKER'S GOLD CREST Sinan Sy, shy distilled eipre for the pont Haran Wathew Y Sons Wola ar EST'D 1858 25 OZ. ENJOY THE LIGHTER WHISKY! LINED JEANS Half boxer waist. Sizes 3 to 6 only. Reg. 2.44 1,59 2 PAIRS 3.00 JEANS Broken sizes. Reg. 5.95 SLIMS Half boxer waist, front pockdt. Sizes 3 to 6x. 1.47 & BLOUSE SET Sizes 10-1218 ony. 4 Qi Compere 5.95 .. BATH TOWELS Large size 30 x 60, attractive gay prints. Compore 1.77. PAIR CLEARANCE HOUSE FRIDAY 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. -- SATURDAY 10 A. Compore 2.44 IN AJAX OPEN NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS EVERY WEEKEND M. TO 5 P.M. ITEMS LISTED BELOW AT CLEARANCE HOUSE ONLY CLEARANCE MEN'S TWO PANT SUITS Ist en. sizes quality suits 36 These ore all But brok to 42 Compare 36.44 16.77 2 PR. PANTS in Sizes EXTRA HEAVY ALUMINUM FRYING PANS 2.99 by "Mar-Crest", Compore 4.95 DRESS SLACKS Wools Italian Reg. 6.95. Melbourne, to 42 Flannels Sizes 30 BLUE SURF Recommended for eny type of washing machine. 59° Compare 74c. BOX 6-OZ. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Compare 1.09 89° Ist QUALITY LOVABLE BRAS 14 32-38, 1.00 Sizes Reg. MEN'S SPONGE SOLE SLIP-ON SHOES Compere 4.99... 208 Com pere 4.99 MEN'S Ist QUALITY BOXER SHORTS 18° izes 30-34 ri 6%. EACH 20-0Z. STOKELY'S TOMATO JUICE 2 TINS 25° 5 BARS LUX Toilet Soap 5" qae Compore 2 FOR 35¢ SLEEP ON Ventilated Foam Enjoy the comfort of sleeping on foom at a fraction of the cost of a foam _ mattress Twin size foam. « 2.99 3.49 Compare 5.95. NO Double bed size. Compare 7.95. NOW SAVE 25% ON TOILETRIES @ Colgate Toothpaste @ Crest Toothpaste @ Ipana Toothpaste © Aspirins @ Bromo. Seltzer @ Milk of Magnesia, and 100 other brand name items. LADIES' COTTON FULL SKIRTS Sizes 10-12-14 only. While they last 88° Reg. 3.99 BRONZE WROUGHT IRON Magazine RACKS Compare 4.95. While They Lest. EACH . ~ 00 CLEARANCE LADIES' SHOES 1.77 MEN'S oa BROADCLOTH : DRESS SHIRTS " 1.99 LATEST IN HI-FI RECORDS ongs = Hit "Bo. Broken hack Reg. 4.95 see eeere Countersoiled. Broken sizes. Reg. 4.98 Cowboys -- Parade -- Operas, Reg. to 2.98 ASSORTED NAME BRAND Chocolate Bars 6 °°" 26°