Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Mar 1962, p. 7

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ieee EN RELAXING IN NASSAU Admiring the view from the tropical gardens of the Emerald Beach Hotel in Nas- sau are Mr. and Mrs. John © Preston, Brentwood Crescent, from pic who returned a holiday exploring turesque Bahamas capital recently the Bureau --Bahamas News Early History Of Oshawa Shown By Slides At H&S "cross over Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor cmon Dial 723-3474 g THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 7, 1962 7\ PERSONALS Mrs. William Chester an Mrs. Peter Bradley attende the 50th wedding anniversary « their uncle and aunt, Mr. an Mrs. Sheldon Pethick of Ennis -|killen last Saturday. Plans for the St. Patrick' Bridge sponsored by the Wom en's Auxiliary General Hospital are well un- der way. Mrs. A. W. Arm- strong, president and Mrs. J. G. Dancey, convener, will re- ceive the guests in McLaugh- jlin Hall in the afternoon and \the main rotunda of the hospital lin the evening. The afternoon jbridge at McLaughlin Hall will | be opened by Mrs, T. H. Ever- son, while in the evening Mrs. Gordon D. Conant and Mrs. Charles M. Elliott will perform the opening ceremonies in the ,cafeteria and the doctors' con- ference room respectively. Teas, birthday parties, wed- ding anniversaries, coming and goings of guests are always of interest in this column. Write, telephone or visit the social de- partment with your items news for which there is charge. Telephone 723-3474 no Prior to her marriage recent- ly at Northminster United Church: Mrs. Horst Weggler, the former Miss Patricia Ann Knipe was honored at several Osh- showers. A pantry shelf shower} of the Oshawe 1 inj Mr. of the home of Mrs. C. B. aughren, Beatrice street. Mrs.| 1. Powless and Mrs. John oskin were co-hostesses. Fel-|* ow workers of the bride at) reneral Motors filing depart-| nent présented her with an]. 'lectric floor. polisher and from riends and neighbors she re-|. ceived a tri-light lamp. Mrs, Nathan Wagar, Har-| mony, left recently by air for Mountain View, California, for an extended visit with her son, Harold Wagar and Mrs, Wagar. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kime,} |Simcoe street north, have left} for Walla Walla College, Wash- ington, where they will further their studies. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jordan, Arlington avenue, are spending the winter season at Madeira Beach, Florida oe Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Frank Buller, Burk street, is two-year-old Janel Rose. Janel is the granddaughter of Mrs. Archie McDonald and Mr. and | Old West Cook Mr. and Mrs. John De Hart, Wecker drive, were honored re- cently at a house warming party arranged by Mrs. Mat- thew Powlenzuk. The couple were also entertained at a party convened by Mrs. Ed- ward Krol and Mrs, Robert MacDuff when the guests were Mrs. De Hart's fellow employ- ees from the T, Eaton company WINNIPEG (CP) Gour- mets who search the world for exotic dishes need travel no "SUGAR AND SPICE..." Baked Skunk And Pemmican By ELEANOR ROSS | The laundry, for all its im-| portance in the household| scheme of things, is usually the) Cinderella of the house, regard- ed as an unpleasant necessity "idedicated to unglamorous chores, But as laundering is so vital a part of the household,| #\the room or space reserved for this activity should be attrac- tive as well as efficient. Margaret Spader, consumer *©< \consultant to the Gas Appliance ~\Manufacturers Association has *#\some definite thoughts and '\ideas about this. *~| She insists that ugly pipes '|faucets and other plumbing fis tures need not be eyesores in the laundry, because nowadays, appliances are designed to fit close to walls and cabinets, or else have a built-in look. Thus} they can be decorative as well! as functional. So perhaps a little change here and there in that} line might be advisable. | EFFICIENT LAUNDRY To plan an efficient laundry, the basic investment should con- sist of an adequate size gas water heater automatic wash- ing machine and clothes dryer. Although it may cost a little! more to install an attractive light fixture, it is worth it, be- cause it will give the laundry a more cheerful appearance. Of course the room should be prop- erly illuminated, anyway. With the basics out of the ay, comes a touch of color Cans to hold soap powders and other necessary items of this type can be in bright col- ors. No need to be drab when color can be used so, easily. Work out a color scheme and, in keeping with it, hang gay gingham curtains at the win- prepare pemmican -- quailldgy qf possible, have a shelf roasted with the feathers on) abe and wrapped in damp clay-- Mrs. John Buller and great- granddaughter of Mrs. Daniel Gunn, all of Peterborough. --Aldsworth Photography |¥ Book Features Don't Let The Laundry Be Cinderella Of Home jany small items that you keep HOUSEHOLD HINT | To clean antique brass, rub 'with a little Jemon oil and polish with a soft cloth. where you can keep a potted plant or two. Go the whole way and brighten the room with a pretty wallpaper or paint the walls a bright color. HANG PRINT If you like pictures, hang a cheerful print or two and see what a difference this makes. The floor of the laundry should be of a material easy to keep clean and nice, such as one of the vinyls. Don't keep rags and brushes just lying around. Have a box --this can be a gaily painted affair--for rags and another for n the 'laundry. If you do your pressing in the laundry, be sure to have a comfortable chair the right height for the ironing board. A radio is a good notion, too, for keeping you cheerful com- pany while you work. ADOPT KOREAN LENNOXVILLE, Que.. (CP)--| Students at Bishop's University here have adopted Jong Tae} Kim, an eight-year-old boy in' Korea, through a foster par- ents' plan, They will contribute! $15 a month toward the child's! support for at least a year. BAILEY FOODS LID. OSHAWA AJAX WEST HILL THE FOOD SHOP OSHAWA AND WHITBY PLAZA exclusive fresh-brewed flavour! | Specials: Thursday, Friday, Saturday MELT-IN-YOUR-MOUTH FRESH RASPBERRY PIE CREME AU BEURRE CAKE 49° 83¢ Need a Vaporizer? To rent Vaporizers Phone Day or Night er thru the Night Sargeant's Rentals 725-3338 TENG... its College Hill Home and|meant spot" School Association recently|awa was also at one time calle (MADE WITH BUTTER ICING) FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. the home of Mrs Ritson road south presented qiwas held at Frank Bell, The bride was also with a carpet sweeper. Mrs Frank Mayer was co-hostess. A miscellaneous shower was held assi el princ. to ue peakin M p SPeae Olly oth A Personal INVITATION From the Management and Staff of LODGES AND farther than Manitoba, an In-.and sour dough bread. Follow-| held its February meeting after|Skea's Corner after Mrs. Kert Examples of the native cui "To make starter Mr. Thomas Bouckley up at Whitby. The surrounding = moss berry|batter of 4 cups flour, % cup| The regular meeting of Vic- relish, rose hip showed many interesting slides 'The opening of the Oshawa } Orange whose main ingredient is bear/for 2 to 3 days. Carry in a cov- Friends Honor eid g * ~ } "On making camp, remove 2! "the good old days" but not sjide also pictures of Prospect |Mistress Sister Elva Van Slyke,{a cure for whooping cough | though the beautiful trees alo celebrated their 42nd wedding Devotional exercises were per- ary, dishes, was put on salejflour, 1 or 2 teaspoons baking 4 aithaction has brought back into focus|the home of the Reverend andipresented and pledge repeated/ference sponsored by the Wel-|near stove or campfire. Work] Sau tai be Catan Taha one with this type of picture) The party was arranged by | past mistress, Sister g descendants of thellid on tight and bury in camp-| eal Mr. H. Brown introduced Mr, Nicholas Siblock (Olga), Mrs-\4 116 boote reported on. afier- the immigration boom The moss berry relish, de- 8 * Sister | ry ow. . | 4 for:this 4 h + pressed the appreciation of youngest grandchildren, Sharon Sister Anne Derry was install-iwas discussed to be held some ple. Just pick five pounds of the! Indians for this is where they , dian and Metis recipe booklet/ing is a detailed recipe for the ~Z latter: having been postponed due to It is interesting to know that at SOCIETIES indicates Soak yeast weather conditions one time mail had to be picked} sine include such delicacies asjin 1% cup warm water. Make| VICTORY LODGE boiled moose nose ed by Mr. Leon Konarowski ofjvillages were larger than Osh- jam, pickled sugar and warm. water. Addl the Henry House Museum,!awa tory Lodge LOBA No. 583 wasbeaver tail and a white pastry|soaked yeast. Let this 'work' | held recently in the on the early history of Osh- General Hospital on August 13, : fat. And don't overlook baked ered lard pail awa. These may have been 1919, was a very. interesting A : 4 Lodge was opened by Worthy skunk, also regarded highly as} nniversary Pair gee judging from the muddy road/ park which is now the home of assisted by deputy mistress. The recipe booklet, a collec- cups starter and set aside for, conditions at the four corners yy ¢ i! Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wasiluke Sister Mildred Carnochan tion of old-time, even legend-|future. To the rest, add 4 cups Mr. R McLaughlin Simcoe street and surroundi ons tg ie a Se oaee anniversary on Saturday, March|formed by acting chaplain, Sis- here in connection with the|powder and water to make a districts were certainly an add-|,"° or given to him and 3, at an evening party held atiter Betty Atkins. The flags were eighth annual Indian-Metis con-|dough. Let this rise in a dishpan Scie: es teed back hr Gace, ce a ee ee oy a fare Council of Greater Winni-|down and divide into portions in| 1816, a home on King street SE DEENA BOG ANe IME ADF aveniib Th charter was draped peg. The Metis are the French-|lard pails. Let rise double. Put) tong! ey Bs 1 Conve ag is eae see that they are pre- their five ; Sigg an ep Brush century free fur traders|fire coals to bake (or in| wee, > rved y 7, I : 7 7 les y . the really first settler in Osh- ley Besachu (Shirley), The minutes were read. Sister roamed the West before oven). | Bouckley and Mr. Konarowski|Edward Holmes (Nettie), Mary|,9,, bingoes. The booklet also tells how to/scribed as '"'excellent with hot ; -- ported ee a and Mrs. William Dearborn ex-|and Alex Jr. The oldest and 'or cold meat," is relatively sim-| s said to get its name fro e : members and their guests Gail Siblock and David Holmes, |ed in Ri vba de wag a time before Easter berries which are found grow-| had to leave their canoes and Stress sister continue on trails. Oshawa ' Women's Prayers Will Circle World From Dawn to Dusk A World Day of Prayer Ser- vice will be held in the Salva- tion Army Citadel. Oshawa, on Friday. On that day Canadian women: from Yellowknife, NWT to the tiniest Newfoundland out port will join with women in 145 different countries to circle the world with prayer Three thousand local church councils and committees in Can- ada are preparing for the World Day of Prayer service which is sponsored by the Women's In- terchurch Council of Canada The Order of Service on the theme '"God's Love for the Whole World' will be used: in Canadian cities, towns and rural communities; in English French, Indian, Eskimo, Japan- ese and Chinese The 1962 service, prepared by a committee of church women in Uruguay, South America, wil! find its way in many languages and dialects to groups of women for services in comfortable North American churches, in historic cathedrals, in divided Berlin, in villages under trees in chaotic Africa where newly literate women will carefully spell out the words; in mission schools in Indonesia, in refugee settlements in Hong Kong. They will begin with dawn in the South Pacific and end at sunset in Northern Canada On that day prayer will join together in unity the Christian women of the world. Their of- fering, which in 1961 broke all records, will go to help the world's refugees; to produce Christian literature for the non English speaking people in Can ada, for women and children in developing countries around the globe, and, through the John Milton Society and the Canadian National Institute for the Blind} to produce more literature in braille. ASPIRIN check your , medicine /: chest! Mrs. W. E. Stacey played the piano for the opening and clos- ing of the meeting. Mrs. Earl Adams presided over a short business meeting A reply from City Council re the petition for pedestrian walks in the school vicinity was received and read by Mrs 'ric Foshay. This work will. be done in the near future. The room attendance was won by Grade 5-6 Kellar's class. Mrs. Dearborn and Mrs. Mat thew Bell were elected conven- ers of a bake sale which will help finance the annual Grade § graduation class trip. Founder's Night is held dur- ing February and Mrs. C Powell, vice - president of Home and Schoo! Council spoke on the origin of Home and School associations Refreshments were served by. mothers of the pupils in grade 5-6, Miss Kellar's class prize Miss presented a corsage to their grandmother and a boutonniere to their grandfather The party was preceded by a dinner. Grace was said by Pas- tor J. J. Shikotka. A wedding lcake nested in pink tulle and \flanked by pink tapers and white wedding bells centered the table. Following the dinner, Mr. John Romanski, a life - long friend, offered congratulations in Ukrainian A lazy boy upholstered chair was presented to Mr. and Mrs Wasiluke by Mr. Alex Wasiluke Jr., on behalf of the assembled guests Guests were present from To- ronto and Detroit, Michigan Mrs. Wasiluke is the former Miss Tillie Petruchuk, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Carl Petruchuk and Mr. Wasiluke is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wasiluke, all of Po- land. The couple were married jin White Russia. They are mem- 'bers of the Baptist Church, Rit- ison and Beatty avenue, Oshawa. -- AT U.A.W. HALL Attention Ladies ! Don't Miss The... OSHAWA GIRL GUIDES' MAMMOTH RUMMAGE SALE =-- ON -- Friday, March 9th 2:00 P.M. - SALE OF BAKING! "It's a Whale of a Sale" USED CLOTHING -- FURNITURE HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES, ETC. THE -- -- 10:30 A.M. ° ire Fast relief fro. 10 Buy the family size bottle of Aspirin m painful cold miseries! TABLETS ONLY 93° Now featured at your drugstore! E4 & » past The draw, won by Sister Ag- les Wellman, was donated by) |Sister Elva Van Slyke All members are requested to [attend the next meeting, Mar. 14 for degree practice. Nellie McIndless Auditors and planning board |reports were read. The birth- day supper is to be held on Mar. |28. Penny sale and bake sale ing on moss deposits on rocks,| add 3% cups brown sugar, two} cups of vinegar and two table-| spoons of cloves, cinnamon and) allspice. Boil together for two' hours, Nay 4s SIMC OE ST. N. @ OSHAWA Moy | at this time extend my sincere THANKS to all our custe Grond Opening et our New Store Last Weekend, and also to our loyal customers at 46 Simcoe Street North. It will be our with the finest meots at the lowestspossible prices ot oll times | MEAT SPECIALS! THURS. -- FRESH, LEAN--ALL BEEF HAMBURG STEAK nd NOW!... 2 LOCATIONS 909 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Phone 728-7041 3 To Our Many Customers ! ! omers for the success of our the continued patronage of constant aim to serve you JOHN K. SHEPHARD FRI. -- SAT. 2 ws. 15: FRESH OR SMOKED--SHANKLESS PICNIC HAMS ».97 SWIFT'S ASSORTED Cooked Meat Chubs 2 w A5 PRIME RIBS ESSEX FLAVORITE--BONELESS--2!2-31/2- SWIFT'S FRANKS, SKINLESS WIENERS SNOW-WHITE--CHOICE MUSHROOMS RED BRAND--SHORT CUT--Ist FOUR RIBS SMOKED HAMS" * lb. 69 | 43 LB. 1-LB, PKG, lb. e MON. - TUES. - WE STORE HOUR D. - SAT, 8:30-6:00 * THURS. and FRI. -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. "Meat Makes The Meal'... SHERHARD'S MAKES THE DIFFERENCE IN MEAT! to attend « "SPRING-TONIG PARTY" Commencing Thursday, March 8th Friday and Saturday at 9:00 a.m. : FREE Mrs. Marion Bolton, Manageress of Nesbitt's Ladies Weer. AND 10% owes DISCOUNTS ON ALL SPRING MERCHANDISE FREE Refreshments FREE 25 Pairs of First Quality Nylons will be given away at certain times during the day. Several 1.00 Gift Certificates will be given away. Three 10.00 Gift Certifi- cates will be given away . . . Thursday ot 6 p.m., Friday at 9 p.m. and Satur- day at 6 p.m. OUR STAFF... As shown on the left from top down... Mrs. Lamie Rosen, Mrs. Betty Living, Mrs. Lillian Judd and Mrs. Rita DeLorme all welcome you to our Spring-Tonic Party. The warmth and attention our staff provides to every customer is, in our opinion the most important feature at Nesbitt's. Friendly personal service thot makes shopping a pleasure Be the first to get in on the new Spring Styles and Fashions . . . and have plenty of fun as our guest and preferred customer. FOR THREE DAYS ONLY! Take advantage of our Relaxed At- mosphere to choose your New Spring Wardrobe ...a Charge Account costs * no more, so why not use your credit? NESBITT'S LADIES' WEAR Mra. Louise Wiadyke, our dressmeker 33 KING ST, E. 725-0532 and altertions expert. =e

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