Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Mar 1962, p. 18

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Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednosdsy, Merch 7, 1963 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Frida Seturday 8 te 1 BUSIN ESS SERV GE DIRECTORY | 2--Personal |16--Female Help Wanted 22---Store Space & Garoges|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent,25--Apts. & Flots for Rent ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Mor. 13th ond 14th. Phone Genoshe Hotel on Accountonts |Fuel and Wood Money to Leon wo Threed Acoma ML, ead|PIRE WOOD. ary goo, fr, Hove. fer MONIES FOR Street North, Oshawa; Ajax aero Whitby MO 6-4131. ohore CO 3-2275 ~| FACTORY hardwood cuttings "Suitable MORTGAGES BOR CLANCY'S Ontario Accou for stoves, fir » furnaces, Tele-| Monies available on First Service. Complete bookkeeping service,| phone 728-8535. Mottages ot 7% per onnum 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res., ere without bonus. poohae FREE Monies also available on WILSON and BURROWS Chartered Accountants, 14 a a East, Osh- Furnoce cleaned every yeer. Second Mortgages. these dates for appointment. CLASSIFIED AD RATES | 723-4641 23 words or less || small HOUSEKEEPER, room and board and remuner: . Phone Apply be- and ant, 8 Bloor Street East. douts End Restaur- | RELIABLE woman as housekeeper for |two adults, to live in, $100 monthly, uuokie 725-7704. » light housework. 17--Male Help Wanted 'FouR- 728-1607 -- Days 725-4555 -- Evenings |22--Store Space & Garages OR SIX-ROOM gr equipped included TWO large rooms, unfurnished, pre Lier ¢ antenna, utilitie: in| vate bath, $55 includes heat and hydro, vine = sleroh g tgek mi. Apvly 17 Blena p Plicsenrg Tele-| Apply 730 Simcoe Street South. 723-2315, utd, 3 30 ft. Phoiie 725-5296. __|NORTH Oshawa, two bedrooms in mod- 273 BALDWIN Street, dry basement|ern apartment building, prenge A bath, = fo grog Ph prem entrance./tefrigerator, stove free washer and WESTERN TIRE BUILDING 'tose 1 oatiet, "Childeen|dryer, paved "parking. "T2039"? 145 King West [welcome 'oo menthiy, Cell fe | pore ROOM duplex. round Toei, cal ored bath fixtures, large kitchen with cupboards. Very central, reasonable os " eegnased immediately. Telephone cppsleBeslinas 3--Pets & Livestock || 6 CONSECUTIVE If not paid within 7 days the o'clock, Charge' rate will apply. i INSERTIONS 3.75 4.18 |/MINIATURE Pinscher pups (king of 3 CONSECUTIVE toys) males and females. Six weeks oid. INSERTIONS 2.25 248 Reasonable. 241 Jarvis Street after 5 iron ALY a - healthy eighi-week- ~old| | requires position in either ehain -- Street, | part.' time men, no |perience, no investment. A' nal pups, SDeNe SONOS GOGH ONY 'Y BORE | marked, pocpcomst 055-3287. \per hour. For appointment, te! 728-2383 1 after five p.m. "a n orders for consecutive insertions, awa, Ronald F. a 181584. CA G. "Round the Clock" .24-hr. Mortgages end Agreements Subsequent Insertions ordered at @ || WELSH Corgis puppies, thoroughbreds, see plan UNTER burner service. ad * PW ARTZ later date constitute @ new criginal |ifive weeks old. Telephone Brooklin YALE FRIEDLANDER Automatic delivery. i] order. | : and CO. ent Bal wage It's own Rose" Unified ' i : A Butlters! Professional and Business fistings lseavrittt baby budgies, ready fox' Licensed East, Osa! Bt vale] Fuel O Short-term on uilders $7.50 per month for 3 lines dally. |itraining, talking _ stral ply Mrs. eg at der, B. Comm. CPA. WESTERN OIL CO. Mortgages eat reasonchle Each additional line $1.60 per | Brroad, 114 Elgin et East. WORKING and Company, Cert rates. month, | NORMANDY KENNELS. German e* Pope. 'Accountan' ta, 178 King 725-1212 26% King St. East fach word, initlol, abbreviation |/herd pups, top blood lines, black and toe east Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3508. Oshawe, Ontario 723-4697 or figure counts os s word, Box aver. Telephone TEMPLE 9-1656, Dun- i , 3 ! in. a ecg yh oo lly org | een 7 a Registered Under Mortgage ey Coiohas'" Absieliiines rage ae a sae ea DANCE "ACADEMY, Baton, Brokers' Registered Act. must be in by 5 p.m. the day 5--Farmers Column _ now, 444 King pireet West. 723-6122 Mortg 8 I aera We thanks |! DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Py 4 ' 5 1 2 Appraisers | LILLIAN MAE MARSA Dancing School, Ba ee which will be accepted until 9 a.m, |Marrwill 969 Farm, Tyrone Lid. mat PATRICK G, McDaniel, AACH, Real DEA, Ballet, Tap. Pre-School oert,| CLIENTS' m money to oan on first mort./| Deadline for Lost and Found and - vstate Appraiser and Broker. Ten|datle. Friday and saturday, Masonic) vice Mortga ¢.and agreement of sale|| Cancellations 8:30. a.m. Office \TOP MONEY for dead and disabled years of or experience. Whitby. Phone MO 8-2311 Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- teed automotive parte and accessori 16 Temple, Centre Street. 723-7253. PRIVATE teacher, student counselior,| Creighton, years' experience, by interview only. | doch, Act now. 725-1064. |POPULAR piano lessons, adults only. No previous training necessary. Payne, Bowmanville. MA 3-2697. Bert tate Ltd. Call _| purchased, N mortgages arranged. | Prisis, Drynan and Mur JESTATE funds for firet and. second! mortgages. Town and Country Real Es _Brooklin 655- 447i 145 King Street West, ch gh al 72%8-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you. ' Barristers THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll- eitor, and Notary Public, R AND TV y COL | TELEVISION, range, and dryer repairs. Call Superior Appliance, 10 Simcoe South. Dial 728-4873. JAMES A. 4 aseDONALD, Hf , 1B Barrister and Solicitor a: ary - lic. The Commercial Building, 26 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking! available. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors. No- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bildg., Buy... nsurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. to 20 per cent, six months to pay. 26% King | Personal service at your home, eal Street East. Phone 728-1763. | 725-7 "7413, ~ Save vit | MORTGAGES -- arranged, bought and FIRST an ages bought | \J. J. Van Herwerden, M taage Broker, | 1741 King East, Oshar rf 723-447 471 ea Call Mr, Bolahood, 725-6544. or 725-8333. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd. Save $20.00 on Auto License LIABILITY INSURANCE Premiums as low os $24.00 per year. SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED See . . . Oshawa's Largest Insurance 360 King St. W. 723-2265 Office ranged. W. Schatrmann. Mortgage |Broker, 101 Dundas _West, MO 8.3338.) FIRST and second mortgages, Sale agreements purchased and sold, Hen- nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East. 723-7232. MORTGAGE k + simeoe Street North, a 7. | Creighton, QC; B, C. Fraser, QC; on Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA mortgages arranged. GIBBON and BASTEDO, Bartisters,| fer Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North; 725-3566; Charles C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar F _Bastedo, | i RICHARD BH. DONALD, , BA, Barrister, | Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe North, 728-2901. Res. TB-TI6S. . T. SALMPRS, BA, Barrister, Solici- Se ete., 13% Simcoe Street North. nvestigators ACME BRANCH Domestic Gene tion Security Serv wide 100 King Street 24-hour INVESTIGATION BUREAU | LOANS | 40 years experience Resi- | dential, acreage, apts., bus | ness summer ___ properties | Members of Ont. Mortgoge OFFICE | Brokers Assoc ro}. investiga: J. E. Harris, F. G, Harris ices. World anit Be 3 Bir East 728-7941/ SUMMERLAND Service SECURITIES Ottis 723-1101, Residence 725-5642. 'MAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- poder Simcoe South. 725-9592. Resi-| dence, 728-0264. j LOUIS 5. § 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soll- | itor Notary, Alger Bidg., 37 King Street East, 723-4943. Mortgage monies available. © V. MACKEY BA, Barrister, Sunster, Notary Public. Mortgage funds available, ane -- Street East. 728-2381. Res. Lawn: Mowars WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE USA CALL . STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS. 723-3224 LIMIT SIMCOE ST. N, OSHAWA _PHONE 725-3568 | HOME OWNERS | WANT TO CONSOLIDATE?| | NEED CASH? Lower your payments with a Low Cost Second Mortgage i 12 ER and errr. aaa ~ Soliel- tor, lew, 114 King Street East. Dial 23-2278. Residence phones: J. m,|Money to Loan Borrow Pay Term Balance $1800 $42.50 5 YRS. NIL Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832. RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS Fi. GREER Associate Barristers and Soliet-| tors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. ' Mortgage loans available. MPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL- man, Barristers, ek apy i hreys, QC; G. S, Boychyn, ; W. A. Hill Hiliman, LLB., 36% King Street East. Phones: Office 725-1177. Res., 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 6-2761; 723-5203. Money to loan. DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Telephone: Business 723-2001. Resi- dence 728-5373. PY. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Sotictior. i loan. Office, 14% King 6 Street E: baton BA, Sc.. 725-3368. Terence V. pacha MACHINERY a sells as { Fasaden Ad 7 ast, Oshawa. 728-8252. ANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD 4 SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- taries, Money to loan. Lg Block, Bookkeeping L., SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING | SERVICE. INCOME TAX RETURNS. 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades CARPENTRY, remodelling, framing, Sinai hie? aia "TOUR local chimney cleane: Chim. | built and repaired, ro iinings! fneta installed, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti-| 'mates, 723-2997. INTERIOR trim work, kitchen eup- boards, recreation rooms, ete. Call Willtem Wilkins, 723-1231 nights only. BAMIC, istic wall tile, woodwork- ny all aoe coverings. Free esti- mates. Work guaranteed, 728-0850. ALL types of building repairs, roofing, shimneys, fireplaces sidewalks stoops. 728-0394 Gordon May, | Hambly Concrete PRODUCTS LIMITED BLOCKS, SIDEWALK SLABS, PATIO SLABS, SEPTIC TANKS | Telephone | MO 8-4159 Cartage JOHN'S MOVING and Btorage, Oshawa, | Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip/ Ded and insured. Phone 728-3661. ! Caterers | PONTIAC INN | Specialists in Wedding Receptions RESERVE YOUR DAY NOW! Attroctive Banquet Hall with Cotering Service for 150 Guests ---- 725-0078 Dressmoking DRESSES made to measure, all kinds of alterations and repairs. Reasonable rates, Call Mrs. Marshall 723-7913. INVISIBLE mending and re-weaving. Telephone 723-97% or opply 325 Dun- kirk Avenue. ALTERATION and dressmaking, Drompt service. Telephone 728-8666, reasonable rates. DRESSMAKING, iterations, reason- able prices. 104 Brock Street Fast. Telephone 723-7963. DRESSMAKING and alterations of all kinds, on ladies' and children's wear, Telephone 723-9148, Reasonable rates. | Fuel and Woed | | | / Premium 17 SIMCOE ST. NORTH DX STOVE oft" 725-654} MO 8-844) - : : Deily until 5:30 P.M For your convenience stove ; oil may be purchased at our Wednesday oe 8 sna service station, Hwy. No. 2 Soturdays until 12 00 between Oshawa and © op, wenings by appointmer Whitbyg Open Daily, includ- pide fae et heat ing Sun. 7 a.m, -- Midnight. | 5 Ss $$$ 5 $$.-5 s$ Ss He > $$ $s SSSSSCSS59985855685885555 $ SSSSSsss ' ee . wees S SSSSSSSS 78 5 ah te $ Ee Is Your SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS° 2ND OR 3RD Mortgage COMING DUE ? Before Renewing See Us ABOUT A Low Cost Mortgage Loan Low Monthly Payments No Bonus No Extra Charge: No. Legal Fees SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All- Canadian Loan Company 17 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 725-6541 LOANS TO PAY ALL YOUR BILLS! You Can Borrow $50 To $5,000 To Pay All Your Ac- cumulated Bills. You A Fresh Start With Only One Easy Monthly Poyment. This Gives $50 - $5,000 Without Or Bankable Loans Life Endorsers Security Insured SUPERIOR FINANCE LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All- Canadian Loan Company" 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO $2200 $51.83 5 YRS. NIL $3000 $70.67 5 YRS. NIL Payments Include Principal And Interest For appointment call | 728-4684 a Guelph Investment cr Member 'Ont. Mortgage Broker _Associotion 'D. Ww. HOLDEN INSURANCE 51 KING EAST OSHAWA 728-6081 & 723-3376 | SECOND MORTGAGE TEN-YEAR TERM You i You Poy Leon Borrow Monthly Term Bel. $2,000 $29.73 10yrs, Nil $3,000 $44.60 10 yrs, Nil $4,000 $59.46 0 yrs. - Nil | $5,000 $74.33 10yrs. Nil FIRST MORTGAGES AT 7% AND N.H.A. MORTGAGES Optometrists C. H, TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please Pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam ined at home. Dial 725-4527. ¥. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- jetry. the examination of eyes, contact jlenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. Evenings by appointment, 723-4191. | Painting and Decorating | EXPERT painting by Don. Work guar-! janteed at low rates. CO 3-2780. AL. CONROY, professional dnting, paper hanging, wood finishi 1962) ut in stock. Teleph 6. EXPERT painting by Don. Work guar | anteed | at low low rates. co 3.2780. -- Nhe DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS, j Painting, Paperhanging | Gyptex, Full Well Murals, Spray Painting. 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 | NIGHTS 725-7426 | | Personal Service MASBEUR visits patients at their! home by appointment. Bowmanville! and Oshawa. MA 3-2733. HAVE YOUR 4 drenreasking: aiterations| and plain sewing such as children's wear done at reasonable rates. Tele- Phone 723-9665 anytime. FIRST AND SECOND mortgages "ar-| |CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered | terial rs Daily 8-5. Saturdey 6-12, |/farm stock. R. Vivian, Markhar 169d, collect. 24-Hour, seven-day 5 LATIONS-- e hawa Times will not be . ble for errors in advertise. ||¥1--Articles for Rent u ed otherwise than in |) a 1 , mot for more then one lery, glasses, stem l] incorrect insertion of any adver- oe ag Boon ery: giass' a r : tisement, nor beyond the price med wine giasses, silver tea service sets, silver candelabra, automatic percolator, punch bowls, vaporizers etc. 725-3338 SARGEANT'S RENTALS octual efror '3 endeavour |/12--~Articles Wanted tising matter ut e no liability WANTED -- used plano po in good con of advertisement, if ony inaccuracies . in ony form ere contained therein, the advertisement in which error } i charged for a single Irsertion of }/ And also reserve the right |! occurs, to classify advertising according to j| its own classification. in the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for which The p' more space than that in occuples, WANTED | Plumbing and Heating Li a cance daiiing, | SCRAP IRON, POULTRY A types of repairs and remodelling, 1 KE [Rew and used "materials. Reasonabic| AND FEATHER TICKS rates. Estimates: free. Dial 728-6931. J.| Deer Hides ond Row Furs Foley. (setae! ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies.| [Phone 7 Harold H. Stark,| |. TURNER Ltd., 2 ng. heating and engineer _723-2043--723-3374 ing, coe Sireet South ALL WELL | SHAW ' | AUTO WRECKING CO ut If you Insist iy ch best all | Wants cars for wrecking Ports for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc., bought Open Saturday all day, Phone | 723-2311--89 BLOOR E. |GUSCOTT PLUMBING| and HEATING LIMITED} 207 Simcoe St. $.--725-5132 Telephone 725-6498 after oe phine MO OF pri- vate store. Write to Nick Butke, Fst Peterbogough, ee use two full time and three| previous sales x fone BUTCHER and delicatessen oe j eniniipiecniieineneoael FIRST CLASS barber wanted for Sat-| urdays, in yh add $20 guarantee. Tele-| ! FLOOR man for Friday nights to act in a. supervisory capacity. Apply at} Jubilee Pavilion. for part-time work after school Saturdays, aged 15-17, Ontario Street 4 - 5 p EXPERIENCFD "punch presse operato: to set up press and cut gaskets. El. a. man preferred, Telephone 726- FIBERGL ASS laminator wanted. Must be and willing to work. Apply Room 11, 11) Must BOYS! "poxst Boysl We 'need s a al eg tt | i be experienced. Permanent position for! right map, Telephone MO @-8511, | bss asad | | } | Plan for a fine furure in the CANADIAN GUARDS Be « man with a plan! Join the Canadien Guards -- one of Conada's crack regiments -- for which enrolment op- plications ore now being ac- cepted again. To play thelr vital role alongside their sis- ter regiments in the present troubled Internationa] situe- tion, the Canadien Guards need adventure-loving young men of courage and charac- ter. In return, the regiment offers many other adven- toges: permanent employ- | ment, o healthy outdoor life, | good rates of pay, travel ot | home and obrocd, outstand- ing training and many open- ings for advancement. If you are 17 to 23, single and physically fit, find out more about this exciting career opportunity NOW from your local Army Re- cruiting Station et: '13--Business Opportunities ohoistery Service "HESTERFIELDS re- built, "reebrersa| |like new. Why pay more? Our rates| are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed, | Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery | Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311 |CHESTERFIELDS and olf chairs re- |covered like new. Get the best for less jat Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe! jSouth. Call 728-6451 Free estimates. | "and | SEWERS REQUIRED -- Work at home doing simple sewing We supply materials and poy shipping both ways. Guoran teed high rates of pay. Piece work Apply Dept. D48, re-styled. Free estimates, See our ma-| ©°X 7010 Adelaide Post Of- lor _re-covering. Dalton Upholster. fice, Toronto 1, Ontario 75 Charles Street, 725-7212. eortenerten-sreeebierieranieratee east ing, Tailors FREE! Your choice of ladies slacks or skirts or mens' trousers from our | English worsteds witt every alteration | order of $40 or more. This is our slow season. Men! have those double- -breast-| ed suits remade into two or three but- ton up-to-date styles for only $15. Ladies| sults and coats restyled and remodelled All work guaranteed. This offer good to March 24. H, Sheriff Ladies and Men's Custom Tailor. 37 Prince Street (up-| stairs), Telephone 728-6731, | TY - Radio Repairs |14--Employment Wanted "RADIO, car radio repaite, all\THIRD UPHOLSTERING Furniture remooe.ins, | OPPORTUNITY REPAIRING Fabrice samples shown and free estimates given in your Texaco Canada home C Sot ie Guoranteed Ltd. ALL 728-9526 TODAY TALBOT UPHOLSTERING | Offer S Surveyors | MODERN HIGH VOLUME DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- S i 5 1 renee ecomne| SETVICE ofafion H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Oniario| For leose, on Highway 2, Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue east of Oshowo city limits. East. Phone 7251881 | Paid training and finoncial | assistance available to right | mon. Investment necessary. An excellent opportunity for an oggressive business mon, Cail Days MO 8-321] Hrs, 8 - 5 or evenings 728 4231 or write J. F. TALBOTT Apt. 2, 650 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa car Ty, radio repaite, all|THIRD class stationary engineer, ex-| makes. Thompson Electronics, 157) |perienced on automatic bollens and oil| Elliott Avenue, 723- 9792 (Fred) {burners, Can start work immediately. | Bae | Telephone MO 68-5202. SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT /LADY desires position as cleaning --DAY OR NIGHTI woman, will do washing or ironing, by the day. Telephone 728-1839 after 5 p.m. |EXPERIENCED woman wanis house- work, live out, References. Telephone | 728-1260, YOUNG mother will give excellent care to pre-school aged For more in- j formation _¥rite Box 941 Oshawa Times. T.V. and RADIO CALL 728-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA r pens noes ELECTRONICS __ |REOALE baby sitter will baby ait ma T.V. TOWERS good references. Telephone 723-1607, Teche Help Wanted American Fashion Frocks to friends |No canvassing, investment, necessary. North American Fashion | Frocks Ltd., 3425 Industrial Blvd. Dept.) J- 48 Montreal 39. PART-TIME sales gir) required for au tomotive store. Please write stating age and experience, if any, to PO Box $6, Oshawa. Gm. required for general oifice work in Automotive Store. Please write stat- ing age and perience if any to PO Box 86, Oshawa. WOMAN wanted to live work, small remuneration. No objec: 361 GIBBONS ST. | RELIABLE housekeeper wanted to look after home and one small boy, Tele- 728-8180 fphone 725-8375, A 523 WREKLY for wearing lovely dress- Terms -- Open Evenings if given you as bonus. Just show North OSHAWA T.YV. Free Survey and Estimates T.V. TOWERS All galvanized, no paint. LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 REPAIRS to all makes of sewing "ma- chines. Free estimates in advance Work fully guaranteed. Expert work- manship, Singer Sewing Machine Co., 14-16 Ontario Street. 725-5: SEWING machines sales and si to all makes. Parts and labor eae. teed. 329 Simcoe South, 728-9741. |SEWING machine rentals, by the| month or by the week. Free pick- "up | jand delivery. Apply Singer Sewing Ma-! jcutae Co., 14-16 Ontario Street. 725-| le RineT machine "Tepairs to any make. | Estimates, Work guaranteed. Elna Sew- ing Machines, 728-2391 |SEWING machine service to all makes, free estimates, all work guaranteed, | jnew and used machines bought and (en Full warranty and lessons in- cluded, 728- 7824, \zRav EL FREE! "Travel | Opportunities" fied Section now. wa Classi- It's interesting. | MODERN GRILL Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies: and Desserts, WE DELIVEF 345 RITSON.RD. i j SOUTH | '€ 25-3887 ; Well Drilling-Digging tion to one child. Telephone MO 8-4909 evenings after 6. SALESLADIES for full and part time position. Write for interview appoint- ment stating roger experience and ref- erences. Ward's Dry Goods, C Oshawa. WELL digging and clean.outs. 'Tile | Po supplied (cement or gdivanized). Tele- jphone 728- 03%. Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre 27 St. Clair Ave. East 10th Floor Toronto 7, Ontario Telephone WA 4-7345 Please provide me details on career opportunities In the Conodian Guards. NON i cedevews PRAUIE C7 Ake ndk oh cbane City/Town ... Province Phone .... Lest School Grade Completed ..... Age ... E61- BER t tie Apts. & Flats for Rent! 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent |TWO-BEDROOM apartment, iwith stove, ! 18--Male or Female Help fe _ Wanted ~ Dilation Satasclants: | Experience necessary Write stating qualifications, woges expected, etc. to BOX '4] _ OSHAWA TIMES 12 ambitious young men end women, to take specialized business training, ot the Oshawa Business College, Reasonable tuition rates, modern equipment. Place- ment service for graductes. Ask for full details. Act now. _725- 3375 $6,000 - $6,660 Department of Public Works TORONTO, ONTARIO Experienced in building main- tenonce, some in gn edmin- istrative copacity; and in real estote approisal. Details as to residence re- quirements and qualifications and application forms at Post *aerhioa| AMBITIOUS active woman, for custo. mer service work. Full or part time. W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING. IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST, WEST P.O. BOX 329 1--Women's Column COLD WAVES on special. Page Haire cellent remuneration. Telephone 728- 2233 for Personal interview. URGENT, will give comiortable home plus small remuneration to woman to| take care of two pre-school children while mother works. 452 Loring. WOMEN WITH SALES ABILITY dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone . J bce RT Re ____.| Steady income. Pleasant Good Advertising work, chance for advance- ment, FOR INTERVIEW |} | CALL AVON | 725-8466 ond Good Merchandising | GO HAND in HAND |very centr Office, National Employment Office or nearest Civil Ser- vice Commission Office. Quote Competition 62-T2002. 20--Room and Board ROOM and board for ge gentleman in ore home, good meals and home ilege: 10 86-5973. ie rooms, single beds, suit gentle- men, close to South General Motors, Pediars, Duplate. Six-day Ize Rea- sonable, Telephone 723-2625. FOR YOUNG gentleman, Feendiy home, good cooking, television privileges, cen- tral, near North General Motors, 723- 7687. 51 Colbourne Street ROOM and board for one gentleman, including garage if needed. Must be ab- stainer, Telephone 723-1333. persons preferred, for quiet, respect- able home, one block from business section in Newcastle, ences, excellent meals, very reason- able. Newcastle 2486. FOR GENTLEMEN room and board, lunches packed, singles er to share, t 296 King Street Kast, oad. se doi BEST value in living accom-| at the lowest price, tele- ook TEs 0078. Want a chi ? Phone now and get the best for le: THOMAS Street, 87. Pri | board, for girl, young married conste's| home, near bus. $12.50 week, 728-2815. |NICE cozy single room,and double jroom to share, in clean quiet home, for gentlemen. Parking, near Centre. Apply 81 Park Road South. If you're longing for a cozy, charming place to live, look in the for-rent columns of THE OSHAWA TIMES that's where they are . . 5 rooms, houses, apartments! ] AREA MANAGER | bus stop and achools. Apply 215 Cordova Road. jarea, garage. Telephone 728-2582, BRAND NEW OFFICE IS AVAILABLE Newly Built ... Elevator Service . . . Bright . . » Freshly Painted... Tiled Floors... Available in Few Days . . . Moderate Rent ... Lease Available... Third Floor... Ask for T. L. Wilson THE TIMES BUILDING MARY & KING STREETS OSHAWA THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, private bath, sink and cupboards in kitchen, utilities paid, near Pediar's, | Reasonable rent. Dial 723-4957. | APARTMENTS, Shopping Centre and Hospital areas, Ossie Martin, 728-9714 Joseph _Boseo, Realtor 725-9870, |TAREE rooms, bath, dryer, TV ou ies garage, centrally located, $7@ + "ged available April 1. Call 723, Ey medern one, two-bedroom japartments, in new apartment build- \ing, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, ering parking. School and shopping close. 728-5282. 70 -- FOU apartment, M, self -contained wiring, tiled bath- toom, kitchen, balcony, near med Centre. Parking. No smoking. 723- 7138. |TWwo | rooms and bata, completely priv |Vate, spacious furni apa te {paved parking. Adults, close to down town, $65. Telephone 72B-0369. UNFURNISHED three . Toom pare ment, heavy wiring, pi bat jtrance and parking. 762 "King East "e |telephone 728-1559. ek hall three-room apartment for rent, ontained, syacious rooms, 'ae ROO: heavy 2 near bus. Central foeations Tae UPSTAIns - "two rooms, kitchen, brivate entrance, reason- 25- "0915 after 8 p.m, 728-4564, \FOUR-ROOM. self-contained, heated japariment, heavy duty wiring, TV, joutlet, pereiae, $60. 102 Church, |24---Houses for Rent "_|24--Houses for Rent FOUR BEDROOM new brick bungalow, #80 MONTHLY bungalow, five rooms | oll heated, all conveniences. Close to|and bath, oil heated, vicinity of High-| way 401, Apply to owner at 238 Kaiser Crescent, THREE-ROOM house with back kitchen, Couple only, $50 monthly. 856 Simeoe Street South, side entrance. Apply 14 | Whiting Avenue after 5. yEN-ROOM brick house on No. 7 ighway, reasonable rent. Two miles! 'west _of _Brooklin, _Telephone -- 635-4709. SPACE FOR DOCTOR'S, LAWYER'S OFFICES, BEAUTY SALON CORNER SIMCOE N. & WILLIAM STREETS Will Remodel For Tenant CALL LLOYD BOLAHOOD -- 728-5123 LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD., REALTOR 728-5123 101 SIMCOE ST. N, YIVE-ROOM bungalow, three bed- Tooms. Available March 6. $80 monthly to reliable tenants, One year lease. Telephone 728-8954. FIVE-ROOM, three - unfurnished, oi! bedroom duplex, heated, downtown | Street. 725-0255. | UPSTAIRS tront Toom,. furnished or un- \furnished. Kitchen privileges. Parking. jSuit one or two, 139 Albert Street, tele- | phone 725-6662 |412 SIMCOE North, five-room moder® epartment, stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities, hot water, parking $85. Adulte 7. 23-2414, HEATED three-room unfurnished jment, two piece bath, heavy. uty iny, sink, cupboards, $35 monthly. ply 418 Jarvis Street, DUPLEX choice two and d three bed- |room, just being completed, all conven- |iences, garage, on bus line. Telephone 728-3893 after 6. 560. MONTHLY, three unfurnished rooms, heavy wiring, TV serial, sepa- rate entrance, private bathroom, hot hy <p hydro, 227 King Street West, UNFURNISHED two-room apartment, main floor, TV outlet, private bath, en- trance, oy to bus. $55 monthly. Heat ed. 725-8352. SELF-CONTAINED second floor apart ment, unfurnished, two front Sule in cupboards, ample closet espace, price wir, . Ap vate bath. Bloor - Simcoe area. Tele phone 728-8520, $65 MONTHLY, one-bedroom apart ment furnished, television, refriger- ator, stove, private three-piece Pathe private entrance. Simcoe Street 725-3704. equipped | THREE. refrigerator and laundryjern kitchen, separate entrance, laun- ilities, on Simcoe North, Telephone diy facilities, One child welcome, cl 5-6343, ets p.m, to oo and shopping, Telephone 723- 3: $65. THREE room furnished "apartment, cupboards, sink. Utilities paid, laundry lfacilities. Suit two gentlemen, couple. 121 121 Annis. 728-0759. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, living se sonantennioaataanpcatntinenaicegen THREE-ROOM apartment, large mod- PARTLY furnished three "room apart poe heat, lights, water supplied. Close to north General Motors and bus stop. Telephone 723-4817. FURNISHED three - room basement apartment; separate entrance and batt. Central, reasonable rent to good ten- ant. Telephone 723-9600 after six p.m, room, dining room, kitchen with | re- THREE-ROOM basement apart ment frigerator and stove, laundry f --------~| Telephone 725.2981, |THREE-ROOM ap apartment, private en- trance and bath. Heat, lights and water supplied, Suitable for a North-West location, $50 monthly, | Session March -15. Telephone Tene ys BEDROOM APARTMENT |$6) MONTHLY -- three - room apart. $95 SIMCOE ST. N. ment, heat, lights incl entrance. Posses- sion, $65 Perigord Apply 472 Drew &t. after 5 p.m THREE-ROOM "apartment, furnished of unfurnished, modern, very: central, with washer and dryer. Telephone 726-1131 All conveniences. Porking, | e+ bathroom, built-in cupboards, the hospital. Immediate oceupaney. ults, |Telephone 728-2852 725-3302 MODERN one-bedroom ment, set Sins sate 2 BEDROOM 26-504. THREE ROOM self contained, ground APARTM ENTS |floor apartment, newly decorated, heavy wiring, washing faciliti rent very reasonable. Located 48 Park Road {North Apply 285 Buena Vista, APARTMENT in "Bowmanville, five) {rooms, bright and cheerful, twe bed- jrooms, centrally located. Mr. | Wakelin, MArket 3-3345, THREE-ROOM apartment, eink, cup- PHONE 723- 3096 boards, stove, refrigerator, private OSHAWA'S FINEST bath, near North GM. Bus at door. $80 MONTHLY 374 EULALIE ST. All conveniences. Parking T/kitchen to share, stove, after 6, 725-1423. Hi2 WEEKLY three-room apartmev. private ground floor, ar| Wiring, near South Receral Motors, ice ie 728-1719. 26--Rooms for Rent CENTRAL two furnished roome with refrigerator, Private vary Suit two gentlemen, Telephone 7: 23-9225, CLEAN warm furnished room, ceniral- ly located, close to bus, sult lady or gentleman, Adult family, Telephone 725-2249. |TWO roome ome furnished, bedreem a om and kitchen, newly decorattd, private -~ ° hha ges Sea Telephone 723-3297 af- reonan Jady or couple, 723-3365. PARK LANE |sartnesteoeten sou | periment, concal location, hogy heavy wiring, vate entrance. Park. APARTMENTS ing. Adults ee Apply 31 Ritson Road 1 BEDROOM SUITES | 0 rene , eam aarinat 2 BEDROOM SUITES private bath, kitchen sink sitet $55 monthly. Apply nn Thomas --Elevotor Service ~--Private Balcony Street or 725-5223. NE . bedroom apartment, very cen- --Paved Parking --Controlled Entrance: parking ete. reasonable rent. {Telephone 728-4646. | THREE-ROOM apartment, sell-cointain-| ed, bus stop at door, five minutes walk jto downtown, parking, laundry service. Low rent, Telephone 723-4221, Contact MR, DON HOWE |LARGE new two-bedroom apartment, apartment, LARGE caine ate entrance on main floor. Apply Ce lina Street or telephone 728-5253. WARM, cosy furnished room for i $6 weekly. Garage avail- able. Close to Four Corners and Sime coe abc South. Apply 26 Quebee FURNGHED room, suit lady oF girl, close to bus stop. Ounewa Siva. cup-/South. Telephone 723.6108. THREE partly furnished light house- ping rooms, private entrance and bath, close to bus. : a for two to four girls. 725-2316. PRIVATE 2% rooms with private bath, jin mew home, well heated. Suit couple or single persons. Telephone 725-9161. TWO furnished rooms, refrigerator, stove, radio included, suitable for one lady or gentleman, Ten minutes walk . Tel '728-5327. refrigerator, stove, dryer, broadioom, colored bath ari afte: 723-1262 725-7732 or 723-9692 evenings Howe & Peters, Realtors BRIGHT att: ive apartment, down-| Gen, town location, three rooms and bath, refrigerator, stove, TWO furnished bedrooms, adult home, very central downtown, opposite North eral Motors office, ie 38 Ken hen Street. Telephone 723- rent good tenant. ore oe baal ton 725-3501, 8 to 5 p.n ONE-BEDROOM a; furnished | or unfurnished. Apply 496 Simcoe Street North, Apartment 8. Telephone 729-3945. Wellington Street ARTHUR Street 344, asioas furnish room, divided into bedroom, livinge eae kitchen, closet space and cup boards. Suitable for one or two. $60. ONE bedded furnished room foF Whitby THREE-ROOM basement aparimei,| central, available April 1. Private en- trance, TV aerial, Adults rivate home, private en- trance, 444 Fernhill Boulevard or tele phone 723-7070. Nos. 105, 107, 109 TWO-BEDROOM $50, 728-1674. AVAILABLE NOW -- MODERN APARTMENTS Stove, frig., laundry facili- APARTMENTS ties, locker, T.V. outlet, low rental. Call MO 8-3092 In new building with bal- | or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 3 conies, Consisting of living After p.m. room, dinette, and kitchen, equipped with built-in oven, hood fan, broadioom, wall-to- SMALL APARTMENT wall, cloth drapes, private ONE BEDROOM both, garbage. disposal, | washer and dryer, (not coin |. Rerjaerot Stowe, Leuny | type). Fully decorated | Wade TELEPHONE LOGUE APARTMENTS MO 8-875] _795 King St. E. 723-9292 Must be able to meet the public, Ex-|WANTED -- men or women, elders | | conveni-| | | PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS | (KING AND PARK ROAD) OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS | IN TOWN Modern 2-bedroom apartments. Fridge, stove, paved parking, T.V. outlet FOR INFORMATION 725-7272 | 728-9217 | FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, priv vate entrance, central. Reasonable, Parking. Apply 96 Centre Street. $9 PER WEEK. Breakfast included. Clean hotel rooms, single or double. Nightly rates also available, Telephone 725-007! "ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 ,27--Real Estate For Sale |PRIVATE sale, new 3% room ined bungalow, $12, 19 Apely 507 Dean Ave jnue, Oshawa. 728-2649. -|VEA | brick es in north east sec- tion, three acres: land, two bedrooms, city water. Telephone 725-4433. | PRY. ATE sale, five-room brick ~punga- low Beverly Street, north east section, how furnace, quiet neighborhood. Mort- gage arranged 725-6398 for appointment. PRIVATE SALE 94 ROWE STREET Six-room brick house, modern kitchen, tiled bathroom, chestnut trim, hardwood floors, three-section cellar, oil heat, lined garage. in- spection 5 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. or by appointment. $3,000 DOWN Balance Reasonable Terms DIAL 725-5519 = omercateraiicndioreenen

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