Jesuit's Book Sets Off RC Controversy ROME (Reuters) -- A contro- versy in lay and clerical circles has been touched off by a new book by Rey. Riccardo Lom- bardi, Italy's leading Jesuit preacher, advocating wide- spread reforms in the adminis- tration of the Roman Catholic Church. Despite initial church disap- proval, the book is viewed by many Roman Catholics here as an honest attempt to promote a "reformation" of the church from within. The book criticizes the church for not being geared to meet the challenge of the modern age, particularly from atheistic communism, and deplores "ca- reerism" and '"'bureaucracy" in the church's administration. It deprecates the practice by some priests of varying the degree of ceremony provided at church functions, particularly marriages and funerals, accord- ing to the fee paid. Parish priests, Father Lombardi sug- gests, should be permitted to celebrate only one standard He goes on: "No precaution can be con- sidered excessive which pre- vents giving to the faithful the impression of marketing and trading in holy things, or the other impression, equally humil- iating, that the church is always on the side of the rich." WANTS AGE LIMITS His proposals for reform in- clude: 1. Age limits for retirement of cardinals and bishops. 2. Reduction of pomp and color in the dress of high prel- ates. 3. Consideration of the use of languages other than Latin for church services. 4. A more important role for the laity in the church's affairs, including the formation of a "world senate" of leading lay-| men to review current material| | problems in the light of Chris- tian teaching. The book bears the title: The Council: For a Reform in Char- ity. It appeared in December, bearing the imprimatur (per- mission to publish) of Father Lombardi's Jesuit superior. COPY FOR POPE Lombardi himself placed a copy on Pope John's desk dur- ing a routine audience. A few days later, however, the Vatican newspaper |'Osserv- atore Romano launched an at- tack which church circles here say was written by a senior ecclesiastic. The newspaper described as "rash and unjustified" the au- thor's criticism of the clergy and the Roman Curia--the car- dinals and departments who control the central church gov- ernment -- "'whose high merits and magnificent work for the church and for souls are not put in their just light." This was followed by an in- 5. Formation of a new order|direct rebuke from Pope John of "consecrated persons" who} himself. In a speech to the cen- would be neither priests nor|tral preparatory commission of jlaymen and who would be able|/this year's ecumenical council, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 7, 1962 9 council, "especially when they are authors of some fame," to write "with prudence and ob- jectivity so that their contribu- tion may not be the cause of perplexity and confusion." SUSPENDED PLANS Father Lombardi wrote to the Pope, reaffirming his obedience and submission, and has, sus- pended plans for a second-'tal- ian edition--the first edition of 2,000 copies sold out in a few weeks--and for its translation into other languages. Many Roman Catholics here feel the book only states pub- licly what many clergy are dis- cussing in private, though they agree its tone is somewhat pa- tronizing and some of its criti- cisms of the clergy are too harsh, The 53-year-old Jesuit, who won world-wide fame for his preaching against communism after the Second World War, bases his book on the need for reform, through more unity of effort and through more charity and love, to make the church more efficacious in facing the problems of today. He considers that the present structure of the church's ad- ministration, built over centu- ries, is unwieldy and suggests to be built on simple, modern lines, There should be no "career- ism" among cardinals and no clinging to office. Senior clergy should be content to work in more modest positions if they ceased to be effective. A Pope need not necessarily be chosen from among the Col- lege of Cardinals, though this generally was the most likely place to find one. A simple her- mit -- Pope Celestine V -- was called to the pontifical throne in 1292 and a similar event, even only once every 500 years, would do much for the good o! the church. : IGNORING PAST Bishops were criticized by Father Lombardi for sometimes sweeping away the work of their predecessors in office to go ahead with plans of their own. Priests and funds should be distributed on 2 rational basis) throughout the world, wherever) they are needed most. To coun-) ter the shortage of priests, there) should be a new order of "'con- secrated persons" with power to baptize, catechize, organize simple services, officiate at weddings, administer commun-/ ion and help the sick and dying. | Monks should be ready to be} sent to any part of the world REMODELING . ANNIVERSARY : ST. 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