WINNERS of General Motors Trophy in the Rotary Bonspiel here yesterday, are | presents the General Motors ij members of the Ajax Rink Captures Rotary Bonspiel Here Don Kemp and his Ajax rink won the General Motors Trophy in the annual Rotary Inter-Club Curling Bonspiel at the Oshawa Curling Club Wednesday. The rink had a score of 24 and a plus of 2 for their three wins Jack Elliott presented the tro- phy on behalf of General Motors. Alex Nathan was chair- man of the bonspie! committee He was assisted in the presenta- tion of the prizes by Newton Richards. A full complement of 32 rinks took part in the bonspiel which was one of the most successful in the history of the local club Second-place prizes for three wins went to W. Minett and his Oshawa rink, who had a score of 12. The high three-game win- ner in the 9 a.m. draw was Ken McArthur, of Fenelon Falls who had a score of 10. In second place in this draw was A. W. Armstrong and his Oshawa rink with a score of 9 Prizes for high score with two wins in the 9 a.m. draw went to Ross Mills and his Oshawa rink with a score of 15 and C H. Jenkin and his Oshawa rink with a score of 9. Prizes for high score with one win in the Carway Imperials shown here. Jack Elliott, on behalf of R. S. McLaughlin, 9 a.m. draw went to E. A. Swan and his Leaside rink for a score of 8 plus 8 and H. Egan, Bolton, for a score of 6 plus In the 11 a.m draw prizes for high score with two wins went ? rink of x T Hill Marshall's for a score of 13 to Dr Forest and J Cobourg for a score of 11 plus Trophy to Don Kemp, skip of the Ajax Rotary rink Other rink are, COBOURG igbonsrarhgcne 47 H, Ta D. Kemer skip Ewart and his rink of Prizes for high score with one ; to Dr for a Brad- for a win in this draw went Clark of Peterborough score of 8 plus 7 and H burn, of Peterborough score of 8 plus 4 The results of the games fol- : low: 9 A.M. DRAW First Game LINDSAY COLBORNE F, Emers: A. Smit H. Mitche S$. . Pitts. G. Gassier skip PETERBOROUGH F. C. Patterso F, B. Smitherorr K. H, Milne, Dave Be skip 6 LEASIDE BOLTON J, McCabe nderson, W. Wickerson, Ww D k D. Martir Keeno E. A Satn, H. K. Egon, skip 16; skip Sting Honey Bees Carway Imperials travelled to Ace Bowl on Saturday and took three points from Billy Bee Honey, to stay within striking distance of first place. The first game was very close with Billy Bee taking the verdict by 1,242-to-1,188. For Carway, it was Reg. Hickey with 292, who kept the boys in the game while for Billy Bee, it was Burnett with 300 and Walker 254, who were the big men. The second game was anoth- er that could have gone either 52 way but Carway had a bad 9th frame to -lose 1,186-to-1,255. In this one, it was again Hickey that led the Carway boys. with 260, Cassells 256 and J. Brown 253. For Billy Bee, it was Eyre with 272 and Arnold 269, who were the big men Carway continued to throw a steady game and emerged win- ners in the third game 1,196-to- 1,164. It was Cassells' 291, Mc- Master's 254 and Hickey's 250 to lead Carway. For Billy Bee, Walker had 280. The fourth was Carway all the way, as Billy Bee flounder- ed to end up with only 1,.006-to- 1,181 for Carway, Olliffe hav- ing 312 and Hickey 260 The fifth and final game was anybody' Ss game up until the Carway going ninth frame and then had four men "strike" HALIBURTON G. Aust R. Clark lles, BRACEBRIDGE C. Dickie R. Furnsey L. Rosevear, €. Bol 12 skip Second Game 8; Jenkin, 12; Swan 9; Paterson Egap Stewart, Third Game Dove Armstrong, 10: Paterson, 9; Gassien, 11 A.M, DRAW First Game WHITBY T Ro bertson, R. Howe skip 9; gt CREDIT Evans home and it ended 1,230 for Car- V: way to 1,126 for Billy Bee For Carway, it was H 291, Cassells 281 and 264, who led the team. Individual scores were: Car- way: Hickey 292, 260, 250, 260, 210 for 1,272; Cassells 1,149 for 46 frames (291, 280, 256; J. Brown 983 for 40 frames (291, 253); .Olliffe 932 for 40 frames (312, 264); McMaster 888 for 40 frames (254, 245); G. Brown, 0 for 24 frames, mostly in re- lief. Brown did a man-sized job but head pins were quite promi- nent; Reynolds had 237 for one game; total 5,981 and 3 points Billy Bee scores were: Walk- er 1,264 for 50 frames; Eyre 1,188 for 50 frames; Arnold 1,082 for 46 frames: Burnett 934 for 42 frames; Strong 518 for 17 frames; Powers 526 for 29 frames; Bagshaw 281 for 16 frames; total -- 5,793 and 2 points Next week Carway travels to Knob Hill, to take on Tuxedo Junction, who are one of the stronger teams in this section. Incidentally, three bowlers of the Carway Imperials are in the BPAO finals, which are slated for the 10th of March, in Ham- Brown Olliffe ilton skip FENELON FAlts" BOWMANVILLE oe King W. Murchison, B. Bell H. Townley, skip YESTERDAY'S STARS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Dean Prentice and Dave Balon, whose goals in the third period brought New York Rangers a 2-2 tie with Boston Bruins Red Kelly and Frank Mahov lich, who each scored one goal and assisted on another to lead Toronto Maple Leafs to a 4-2 win over Chicago Black Hawks. FIRST ASSEMBLY Tower Canada's first legisla- tive assembly met in Quebec in Rotary Midgets Lead | Claude. Rowland, AJAX Woods Th Ree |: PETERBOROUGH R. Hut B. Bradley, OSHAWA 5. Donne {wee Hockey Tournament here. Round-Robin P Rotary broke a three-way for)Dave Leaming and Gerry first place in the Oshawa Minor|Abbott were the snipers for Hockey. Association Midget'Rotary....Johnny Barron and League round-robin playoff se- Jimmie Freeman divided the ries, last night at the Children's) Navy Vets' goals. Arena, whipping last-place Navy) NAVY VETS Vets 4-2. Cann; defence, Last week, Rotary was tied|Bremner; forwards, with Kiwanis and Lions for the'and Knapp; alternates, Pilkey, league leadership in the seven-|Baron, Sheridan, West, Craw- week playoff. ford, Freeman and Clapp. Kinsmen jumped into the run-- ROTARY -- goal, Fields; de- ner-up slot, blanking Lions 1-0 in fence, Leaming and B. Sud- the best-played game of the'dard; forwards, Abbott, D. jnight. In the other two encount-'Brooks and Chernick; alter- ers, Local 222 shaded Kiwanis nates, Dennis, Cockerton, 3-1 and Canadian Legion shutout'Roach, G. Brooks, M. Sud- ™, |Firefighters 3-0, dard, Moore and Whitsitt. LOCAL 222 3, KIWANIS 1 KINSMEN 1, LIONS 0 Local 222 scored three succes-, Paul Parkinson's goal in the) sive goals before Kiwanis/first period and brilliant net- scored, in posting a 3-1 victory. minding by Bryan for 60 min- Jerry Dionne, Paul Dick andjutes sparked Kinsmen to a Joey. Waite counted the win- thrilling 1-0 win over Lions. ners' goals Frankie Conlin and Steve Salt-/ For Kiwanis, Gary Kitchen, er played strong games in sup-! the loop's top pointmaker dur- port of Bryan. jing the regular season, spoiled) KINSMEN goal, ;Ralph Moore's bid for the shut- defence, Cole and Conlin; | out wards, Salter, Brown and Green-| KIWANIS -- goal, Burtch; de- wood; alternates, Parkinson, fence, Waldie and Hornsby; for-;Taylor, Adams, Kiniski, Billing- wards, Werry, Waters, Kitchen; |ham, Townsend, Martin, Stud- alternates, Browell, Kabant, Cul-'ley and Gray len, Corneal; Sills and Dick. LIONS goal, Lupel; de- LOCAL 222 -- goal, Moore; fence, Richard and Reid; for- defence, G. Dionne and Bowan: |wards, Chappell, Jefferson and forwards, Griffin, Solomon and Neate; alternates, Robinson, Stone; alternates, Ewart, Brad- Weldon, Keenan, Cameron, ley Waite, J. Dionne, Dick, Cal- Burke and Tillings. v4. NA NHL BIG SEVEN ROTARY 4, NAVY VETS 2 Rotary spotted Navy Vets a first period 2-0 lead, then roar- > : SP ae z. ssl By THE CANADIAN PRESS ed with four unanswered tallies, Andy. Bathgate 'of New: 'York Rangers drew an assist Wednes- "\day night, but still lost a point to claim a 4-2 win. Tt C Roy Roach, Gordie Brooks : to runnerup Bobby Hull of Chi- cago Black Hawks in the race CYO Pee Wee jeri Sanat inces ran Hockey Games Bathgate's assist came ST. GREGORY'S 6, 40th goal and also picked up an ST. GERTRUDE'S 3 assist in Chicago's 4-2 loss to Phil Pultz was the big gun/Toronto Maple Leafs and now for St. Gregory's with two goals has 72 points. and two assists. Singles' going} Stan Mikita of the Black to P. Lepine, Mac. Allister, D.|Hawks picked up an assist and Mosier, D. Pultz. For St. took over sole possession of Gertrude's, Digmen with two third place with 68 points. 4. goals was best man for the 'The leaders: losers with Kennedy picking up a single ST. MARY'S 7, ST. JOHN'S 2 Power - packed St. eliminated Whitby St. the second game. St. Mary's goals going to 3. Nicholas, Flontek, and Dart with two goals: each, a single 6. going to Murdock. Sundav's games are as goal, Mc- Cassidy and Dawe, Zak *y re «| Ti vere left: Cec Winter, vice; Reed, second and lead, from Chas Bryan; | COBOURG Rowland, | Reed Winter, skip 13 kip 5 skip FOREST HILL in Hull, meanwhile, skip i 4 PETERBOROUGH G A Ptse 24 53 77 40 31 72 22 46 68 28 39 67 31 31 62 24 34 58 22 35 57 Second Game Wilson Bathgate, New York Hull, Chicago Mikita, Chicago Howe, Detroit Mary's Mahovlich, Toronto John's in Ullman, Detroit Delvecchio, Detroit Townley, Rundle, Bradburn Marland, Strike A Pereyma, ; Clarke, HEAVY INFLUX Canada's peak immigration fol. Year was 1913 when more than 400, 000 settlers arrived. Game ; Strike, 1; Latimer, 6 for- New York's 2-2 tie with Boston. | scored his; layoff LEGION 3, FIREMEN 0 | Donnie Barnoski, flashy right-} winger, triggered two goals in leading Canadian Legion to a ibrilliant 3-0 win over Firefight- ers. | Gary Stevenson and Ron; Crawford combined talents in the winners' cage in the shut- out route. The other Legionnaire marksman was Russ Davies, CANADIAN LEGION -- goal,| Stevenson and Crawford; de- fence, Kay and Sutton; for-) wards, Scattergood, Brown, Fair; alternates, Bradley, Fost-' er, Barnoski, Trewin, Dolak, |Mushynski, Haniewich, Tonkin jand Davies. | FIREFIGHTERS -- goal, Mc- Cabe; defence, Gillette and |Hayes; forwards, Niehol, Stauf- fer, Bowman; alternates, Mc- \Evers, Pokosta, Rajkovic, Mar- jtin, Korbak, Foreman and Noakes. Officials -- Sandy Morgan, Jimmie Hutchison, Charlie Durno, and Hary Balson. Official scorer, Jack McGraw. LEAGUE STANDINGS WLTFAP \ Rotary 2 Kinsmen 2 Kiwanis 1 Lions 1 Local 222 1 Legion 1 Firefighters 1 Navy Vets 0 Oshawa Meets Kingston Boys In Next Round The Oshawa Juvenile Gen- erals open up the Ontario Minor Hockey Association Juvenile "A" Eastern finals, this Satur- day against Kingston, at the Children's Arena The series will and-home affair goals to count. vanced to this round by inating Peterboro Petes. The Kingston squad took Belleville in a two-game, total goals series, on the round 14-2 Last year the Kingston Midgets eliminated Oshawa Midgets in a jtwo game series, 11-3. Many of the players on both the King- ston and Oshawa Rosters per- formed in the midget series last winter. Kingston also posted a pair of exhibition victories over the Peterboro Pete Juveniles in January. Game time Saturday at the Children's Arena is 7.45 p.m. The return match will be in the Limestone City on Satur- 'day, March 10. eocr eH or WUNYP AH we UOAN MBH SH po steen ee be a home- with total Oshawa _ ad- elim- THE OSHAWA TIMES, filament Mareh 1,/1962 J] (REMEMBER WHEN .... By The Canadian Press Gordon Hudson's Winni- peg Strathcona rink won the Canadian curling champion- ship 33 years ago today with an unbeaten record, its sec- ond straight title. Other Manitoba rinks stretched the province's champion- ship record to five straight including 1932, BIG BUSINESS One of 10 Canadians is sup- |ported by the lumber industry. JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist HARE OPTICAL 8 BOND ST, EAST 723-4811 MEMO: FINAL | DAYS ; Bond's Annual FREE PANT SALE!! SUITS EXTRA PANTS FREE 25.95 up BOND CLOTHES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MADE.-TO- MEASURE 725-0342 1; Or, Clo s. lows: J y Atom vs Oshawa|~ 5. Atoms, ».30-6.10 p.m.; Lindsay] 3 Pee Wees vs CYO Pee Wees,| 4 6.10-5.50 and Holy Cross vs. St. | 2, arauies, $: Gregory's, 6.50 - 7.30 p.m. Two Indian Lads Shine In Tourney shot Tuesday as the Indians, whipped Donnacona, Que., 4-2. | But he was overwhelméd by} young Louis-George, a Henri Richard-type playmaker. | "If Fontaine was able to put on weight, I would want his passing play and inborn sense of hockey," Riley said in an in-| terview | Arthur has been signed for a} training camp stint with the ju- nior B team of Quebec Aces, another AHL club. Spokesman} said Arthur is the first Quebec} Indian to get such a tryout, | Mathias Malex, a peewee who came down from Sept-lles with the Indian team three years ago, was the sensation of the| first Quebec tournament Hockey scouts have tried un- Jack Riley, general manager)successfully to reach him since, | of the American Hockey|but Mathias and his trapping | QUEBEC (CP) -- Two free- wheeling young Indians from Quebec's northeastern reserves show promise as future hockey stars in the International Pee- Arthur Quoquochi, five - foot- tall defenceman and captain of the Quebec Indians, has scored 10 goals in two games with a dexterity that ranks him with the best of the 12-year-olds Louix-George Fontaine, 11, Ar- thur's team-mate and a diminu- tive four-footer, is not handi- capped by his size. Louis - George goals Monday as whitewashed St Beauce, Que., 11-0. the other seven You can always count on Dow, it's COOL CONTROL BREW scored four the Indians Georges-de- Arthur got the cap goes on the bottle. convincing proof that December, 1792. |was impressed by Arthur's hardiwoods after the tournament PIPUTLELTLLLILiiirlitii League's Rochester Americans,|family vanished into the | | DOW «+. beer at its easy-drinking best. because ED. This exclusive brewing method guards the temperature, guards the flavour of Dow--every step of the way until Uncap a Dow for guaranteed pleasure, BRINGS OUT THE ne IKRESGE'S PREPARA EET Te eS Fees EE LADIES' RAYON BRIEFS Dainty Rayon briefs with cuff or elastic leg, | ace WORE THE CANADIAN GOVERMENT SUPERVISION trim. Good range of assorted colors. Sizes S$. M. L. 310 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MELCHERS DISTILLERIES, LIMITED BERTHIERVILLE, CANADA 25 ozs KRESGE'S SPECIAL takes the WR) nt of Canadian Vv Whisky