Prospect Park Tennis Club (which was once located on the present site of the home of Col. R. S. McLaughlin, Park- wood") members are shown as they lined up in 1900. |the eyes of a humanist. By ali/thetics for hospital use. The means let us count noses, mea-| sure plant expansions and re-! PROSPECT PARK TENNIS CLUB IN 1900 Back row, left to right: Miss N. Gregor, Miss Edna Crys- dale, Mr. A. Chambers, Miss J. Keddie, Miss Ada Fyfe, Mr. W. Morris, Miss A. Kniver, Mr. G Hezzlewood, Miss Ada Luxon, Miss L, King, Mr. L. Lauchland. Front row, left to right: Mr. | Green, Miss M. Vincent, Miss | D. Patte, Mr. R N. Johns, | Mr. J. N. Branton, Miss M. | Kinver, Miss Wakely, Mr. Mc- Whinney, Mr. W. Fyfe, Mr. B. Buxon, Miss V. Patte. | --Thomas Bouckley Collection | Must Take Good Hard Look At Community As It Exists | | courageous leadership in civie| and. political affairs? 8. Are the people of Oshawa conscious of the assets of their community and_ enthusiastic about its future? | If we could answer a hearty i*Yes"' to every one of those to an architect's plan. So now we should ask, who are the architects? ' The individuat's personal "'ar- chitectural" requirements in the community plan wil) be con- ditioned 'by his background, his family litc, his intelligence but mostly by his education. The individual whose sole ambition is to own a hot-rod and "live it up" is not going to contribute much in the way of imorove- ment to the community. But we must not blame him for that. Society has failed to develop that man to his tull potential and to fit him properly into the modern social scheme. The failure of even one man or woman is the failure of us all Society is only as good as the sum of its members. The "public architects" of progress in the community are various governmental or ad- ministrative bodies led by City Council and include the Plan- ning Board and the Industrial Commission pre - eminently. Many otter citizen groups dedicated to improvement, often in specialized fields, contribute more or less according to the quality of leadership within the group. points of view, through the eyes of a materialist and through cord dollar increases in pay- st rolls and tax revenues. These| are true measurements of the community's econcinic base from which all benefits will stem. But let us also keep a close watch on our progress towards area st etching from New- : market to Cobourg, outside|quid Products in Winnipeg and metro Toronto. The firm's/Toronto. The company employs owner, Ted Wildgoose, beforeja staff of five, including Mr.|355 insurers of all types, 110 Ca- buying out Mr. Fox, was district|Wildgoose, and operates three|/nadian, 87 British and 158 for- representative for Canadian Li-itrucks. eign. reet, Oshawa, serves in an THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Februery 27, 1962 21 INSURANCE FIRMS -- In Canada in 1960 there were the finer things of tife, in pro- viding a better life for more and more people Fox Welding Is City Firm Just after the end of the Second World War, John Fox opened his business of selling welding and industrial supplies in Oshawa. Four years ago, Ted L. Wildgoose, bought out the company and today continues to own and run it. The com- pany has the dealership of | gasses in industrial and medical | So. let us look at our Com.-ifields. Fox Welding and Indus-| |munity's Progress from two) ttial Supplies Limited, supplies} Canadian Liquid Air Products, which is part of a world wide organization which manufactures compressed gasses used for the welding in-| dustry and oxygen and anaes- company, which has its head- quarters situated at 25 Grenfell) REALTOR Paul Ristow. A COMPLETE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE |questions, we would have such ACROSS CANADA The well known where all hh Western Tire Store At King St. W., dice is displayed in ¢ pleasi PROGRESSING... ee MR. JOHN KENT Mgr. and Prop, of the Western Tire Store. Mr. Kent is well known to many Oshewao and district citi- zens, We are glad to be able to announce on increase in our business over 1960 proportionally larger than we ever had hoped to achieve, Sound management, honest deoling, and a guarantee policy second to none have played the largest part in this achievement. We hope, you too will let us show you what fast, courteous In a "Progress Edition," this|defined as being the net result)cial services needed in operat-!, wonderful city that we would is an important question to ask.jof all outside conditions affecting|ing businesses ? have nothing to improve and Progress, as reported in another the cost and ease oO. operating} 4, Have we a s%cial and/you would not be reading this article in this paper, is nothing)a business in a truly rewarding|cyjtural atmosphere that will/article. There are, of course, more than expansion of factory|way in your community. attract and hoid modern pro-|many things we can improve to facilities, increase in| Business Climate is increas-/oyessive-minded employers and|make both a better 'business sessment and provision of morejingly a determinate of business|amployees, including well staff-\climate" and a better life for jobs, These are witheut question} success and this is directly orl.q and properly equipped|our citizens, very important aspects of Pro-|indirectly linked with employees, | -hools, enlightened press,| And this is the vitai point we COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL CLIENTELE service means, at reasonable prices. @ SERVICE MANAGER, JACK CLAUS @ In Our Store: @ SPORTS EQUIPMENT @ AUTOMOBILE PARTS AND In Our Service Bays: @ ALL REPAIRS ACTIVE COUNTRY ESTATE AND FARM an gress, and in fact, by thus strengthening the economic base of the community, they provide the essential ingredients for true Progress to take place. who depend on the businesses for jobs and income; with cus tomers, who look to the business| for good products at reasonable prices; with share owners, who} radio, and TV., attractive resi- dential areas, and an abun- dance of healthful recreational opportunities, parks, play- must not overlook The set of conditions which makes a good business climfate and those which make for a betier life are the BROKERAGE DIVISION @ FAST, RELIABLE SERVICE @ ALL PARTS IN STOCK ACCESSORIES @ APPLIANCES, TOOLS, TOYS, ETC. PHONE 728-9474-5 same conditions, And the con- ditions are brought about by the "growth process." The commu- nity, by maintaining a steady rate of growth, can provide the circumstances which make "rs grounds, public assembly halls, | sports grounds, pools, arenas,| ete. ? 5. Have we an adequate supply of skilled people to fill employ-; vale What then, is 'true Pro-jexpect an adequate return on) gress?" True Progress is achie-jtheir investment; with related ved when a better and fuller/businesses, such as suppliers life is made possibie for more|who sell to the businesses and and more people. Of course, this|distributors who haadle pro- is the challenge before the whole|ducts; with the community estermn $212 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA world today, but we are only| which looks to business for pay- concerned here with Progress injrolls translated into local sales the Community BETTER LIFE It would be difficult to define a "better and fuller life." In different cultures across world, and at different periods of history, a good life would be/They may have their origin at/and employee as evidenced by) and for taxes to help support necessary government services | |OUTSIDE CONDITIONS The outside vonditions which the)/make a Business Climate may 6, be economic, social or political. ment needs who have a good work attitude, who are properly educated, who are in good physical condition, atid who have a good understanding of how our business system operates and their stake in its success ? Have we a sound working relationship between employer defined in many different ways.|the national, provincial or muni-|an absence of unwarranted We are however in a Western- ized society, a (partly) free en- terprise economy and a democ- ratic form of government. We exist, whether we like it or not, within a given set of situations which have arisen from previ- ous situations. We can exert in- fluence over the way the pres- ent situations will produce new conditions and problems, but there is no profit in bemoaning the "If" way. "If only so and so had been done, or was not so, we could do this or that to improve our lot." Things are as they are, and we must make the best of them. But we must also remember that our actions today, or lack of action, will be felt in years to come, and we shall be judged accordingly. Consequently it is our duty to look carefully at our Community as we find it today, decide what should and can be improved, make plans to give us the re- sults we want and then work hard to achieve them. As each little victory is won, we should immediately set new goals; we} must never be satisfied. In taking this close look at the Community, we should con- sider every aspect of the Com- munity's existence. Such a look has been called a "Business Climate Survey." cipal level. They may be tan-| gible, such as geo-physical feat-! ures Or tax-rates; or they may be intangible, such as the gen-| eral attitude of the community their character, the sum total of all these factors condition the cost and ease of operating successfully a business in our community. To study our Business Climate we have to ask the following questions about Oshawa'-- | strikes and slow-downs over a number of years and, where collective bargaining contract fair to management and labour, are in effect, and a constructive the servant rather than. the master of its membership ? 7, Is there a_ serious-minded assumption of business, citizen- ship responsibilities on the part of all employers in the com- munity as evidence by consis tently good employee relations,| until it is put together according |f increasingly better for all..The question is how to stimulate the necessary growth, for only by providing more iobs, more pay- rolls, more tax assessment car we obtain the improvements we seek for our community, which in turn will attract more busi- ness. It follows therefore that "business development" and |**community development"? are |two sides of the same coin, and you cannot have a_ one-sided coin--not if it is worth anything janyway. towards business, But whatever|union leadership which acts as)BUSINESS LIFE Thus we see that business life and community life are both built with bricks called "pay- |cheques."' The more bricks, the jmore we can build. But let us remember that a pile of bricks, jhowever big, is not much use 1, Is there a realistically pro- gressive attitude on the part of political, religious, and profes- sional leaders toward sound, community growth and city planning, along with citizen un-; derstanding of community and business problems? 2. Have we honest and efficient government, supported by a safe majority of aiert, intelligent voters who have the balanced best interest of the community at heart, and with an absence of unreasonably restrictive regu- lations or financial handicaps imopsed by local, provincial, and national governments? 3. Have we first-class commu. nity services including efficient: municipal administration, and, such facilities as banks, hotels, utilities, protective services, shopping centers, health facili- "Business Climate" has been ties, and the required commer- 4 x y LP/>, ANYWHERE IN NEW BRUNSWICK, QUEBEC, (INCLUDING SEVEN ISLANDS), SOUTHERN AND ALL POINTS IN CENTRAL AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS (NEW AND USED) TRANSPORTED ON THE MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards Canadian Association of Real Estate Boards Member: TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO, 145 KING ST. W. = ASSOCIATE STORE 728-1607 aes | Still Progressing With Oshawa . . . Still Serving Oshawa... For the past 17 years the Cadillac Hotel has enjoyed the position of being one of Oshawa's finest hotels. From The Management .. . the Cadillac Hotel wishes to extend The management of AND NORTHERN ONTARIO the public of Oshawa and district to all occasions we will extend to you invitation to all For | | | | | CENTRAL NOVA SCOTIA, AND | | an | visit our Hotel. | Careful Attention Given to Insurance and Finance Companies. our personal service. All modern rooms at reason- able rates. Bath and shower in Special weekiy BOWLING BANQUETS STAFF PARTIES MEETINGS Come and enjoy our modern dining room facilities... BRANCHES: FEATURING OUR BUSINESS every room. During our 10 from... 195 SIMCOE ST. SO iness, many happy couples have purchased their top quality diamonds and watches NASH JEWELLERS "Honesty and Quality" IS OUR MOTTO years of bus- UTH 723-9433 SOUTH RIVER, OAKVILLE, AND COTEAU LANDING, QUEBEC. McCA 25 RITSON RD. N., OSH TRANSPORT LTD LLUM AWA 725-1123 See us for.. MEN'S LUNCH at 95 cents. RECEPTIONS rates, Cadillac Hotel Limited 394 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA 725-3743