THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Februery 27, 1962 19 Service Second to none... Has been our motto for . . . years;now, and ages costly, we constantly scan the market to bring in newer and better machinery and materials to improve eur work- manship, for you. Yes, here at Nu-Way Rug Co. Ltd, our progress is your assurance of 'Area Has 12 'Blue Lodges _ Also Royal Arch Masons The place which Free|ceived its charter in 186@ with|their lodge. hall from place to| Masonry plays in the life of|Silas B.. Fairbanks as its first this section of the province|master. History records that is reflected in the fact that 12/Mr. Fairbanks was also the "blue" lodges and three chap-|first commanding officer of the lters of the Royal Arch Masonsjlocal regiment. Charter mem- lare located in the area served|bers of the lodge were Silas B. by The Oshawa Times. \Fairbanks, John Henry Wood- | "Many of the men who havea Charles Norton Vars, 'contributed to the development|George Wallace, Carlton War- of the area since pioneer days|ren, John A. Lees, Phillip Tay- have been members of thejlor, William McCabe, Francis craft. The work done by the! Keller and John Boyd. place, In the early days rooms; were occupied on Simcoe street} south, near John street. Later! the lodge hall was located up- Stairs in the building now oc- cupied by King and Simcoe} branch of the Canadian Im- perial Bank of Commerce. Still) later accommodation was se- cured on the top floor of the! Bassett Block at the south east} jcorner of King and Simcoe! streets, { the Best Quality Craftsmanship, Materials and Service. May we prove it to you soon, ? lodges to make their commu-| Cedar Lodge, AF and AM, nities better places in which to|came into being in 1872 with! live has not been inconsiderable.|James Palmer Smith as its\the Oshawa Temple Building) | History records that the first|first master. Other names which|Limited was incorporated with) ge founded in Canada were|iire listed as officers are Charles |the late George Hart as_ its| In 1927 a company, known as) set up by the officers who|Todd, William Warren, Phillip|president. Subsequently, at the} served with General Wolfe who|Taylor, Charles W. Smith, Wil-jcorner of Metcalfe and Centre, ldefeated Montcalm at Quebec.|liam Taylor, Andrew Smith,|streets, the present Masonic) 'St. Andrew's Lodge in Quebec|Mervan Johnston, A. P. Camer-/Temple was erected City is reputed to be one of the|on, John Irwin and Arthur) The cornerstone of this build- loldest lodges in the Dominion. | Farewell. jing was l#id Aug. 13, 1928 and | With the passing of the years} In 1928 Temple Lodge, AF|0n May 10, 1929 the Temple was Masonry spread to Upper Cana-|and AM, was inaugurated with dedicatted by Most Wor. Bro.) lda. One of the first lodges in|C. Roy McIntosh as its first|John S. Martin, grand master lthis district was instituted at/master. W. Deans, L. F. Mc-/0f the Grand Lodge of Canada Cobourg and is named St./Laughlin, W. E. Gillott, Robert}in the Province of Ontario, |John's. These lodges were in/Sterling and J. C. Fowlds were| That Masonry in Ontario Dis- communities where garrisons/ others at that time. W. O. Wilson|trict is still! growing is indicated, jhad their headquarters. was the first secretary andjby the institution of David T./ | In this area Masonry had its|Messrs. L. F. McLaughlin and|Campbell Lodge at Whitby in linception with Rising Sun Lodge|W. E. Gillott were later to be-|January of this year. : lwhich was established at Porticome Masters. | Lodges in the area outside |Windsor, now Port Whitby, The latest aevelopment in|Oshawa served by The Oshawa jabout 1808. The history of this! masonry in Oshawa was in 1958|imes are: Jerusalem Lodge, lodge is somewhat uncertain:|when a group of Past Masters|Bowmanville; Orono Lodge, but it soon passed out Of and unaffiliated masons here|2TON0; Durham Lodge, New- existence. It was replaced by| under the leadership of Rt. Wor.|castle; Composite and David T. Unity Lodge which was institu-\Bro, James Jackson formed|C2™mpbell Lodges, Whitby; | é : y \ted at Whitby in 1826 and held\under special dispensation a\Mount Zion. Lodge, Brooklin;| im ee aaa - 3. |its meeting in Whitby and|masonic lodge using the name|Doric Lodge, Pickering andj Pickering. |"Parkwood" with the consent of|Fidelity Lodge, Port Perry. AT OSHAWA DOCK IN 1917 | Composite Lodge. Whitby./Col. R. S. McLaughlin. The] jm jcame into being in 1852 and hadjjodge held its first meeting) This picture taken by | the Oshawa dock on July 29, |jurisdiction over several Ontariojynder dispensation in March,| I H, E. Saunders shows the | 1917 : County Townships and the vil-|1958 with Wor. Bro. Harold 0.| "Rapid City" of Toronto at.| --Thomas Bouckley Collection jlage of Oshawa. It was here|Fintoff as its first Master. In| ESSER Se eee jthat residents of Oshawa first|Jyly, the Grand Lodge of Can-|f TRAFFIC DIVISION creased from 247 in 1960 to 222|/became members. It is reported) ada in the Province of Ontario| The traffic division of the|in 1961 -- a decrease of 25 per-|that residents of Oshawa used/ronto approved of a charter for| Oshawa Police Department re sons. There were a total of 582/8 horse and buggy on at its annual convocation in To- ported only two traffic deaths in/accidents in the city in 1961|With a lantern to itby 10 Parkwood Lodge which was pre- two accidents in the city in 1961.|compared with 657 the previous |attend meetings sented in the autumn. The number of persons in- year -- this is a decrease of 75| The oldest Masonic Lodge in| Over the years the Masonic jured in auto accidents de-i accidents Oshawa, Lebanon Lodge, re- Lodges of Oshawa have moved SERVING OSHAWA FOR 30 YEARS i: Mr. Bruce Dove operating the heavy duty Serging end iBinding Machine. NU-WAY RUG CO. Lid. 174 MARY STREET OSHAWA PHONE 728-4681 | Shown here is the latest Rinsing Machine FREE ENTERPRISE |! § DEPENDS ON SOUND _ CONSUMER CREDIT GOOD CREDIT helps our econ- omy grow. A good credit record is an investment in your future, it is the difference between having and wanting. 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