18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, *:--:4oy, February 27, 1962 ~ AT REAR OF OSHAWA'S CITY HALL -- LOOKING TO THE EAST $10,000,000 Budget Is Seen For 1962 By RON DEVANEY Staff Reporter city budgets past annual operate Oshawa for a year. budget as the city grows in pop- ulation, industry and assess- ment -- and the necessity for essential services grows apace -- it seems almost a certainty that this city's budget will ex- ceed $10,000,000 in 1962, for the 4 ifirst time in Oshawa's history. 4 One thing must be noted. The |Ontario Municipal Board, argus- leyed provincia: watchdog of * \municipal spending, has sug- lgested a _ revised debenture ' |spending program for Oshawa during 1963-66, while agreeing to accept this year's estimates. However, says council's fi- nance chairman Ald, FE, F. Bas- tedo, no effect will be felt be- fore 1964. This is because the hoped-for 20 per cent reductions by the Board of Education, Pub- lic Utilities Commission and the city (Board of Works especial- ly) will come in 1963 and the debenturing for these expend In other words, the city will be able to reduce the levy, in 1964, because of the reduced ; service (pay interest) the debt charges incurred the previous year. At this writing: jtalks scheduled With the inexorable rise of the 20 PER CENT REDUCTION |$642,000. The Board of Educa-|Education trustees to help ef- jtion's Building and Planning/fect these reductions. oe Just a cursory comparison of|Committee is discussing future} Commented Mayor Christine 4 is;needs with an eye to making) Thomas : i ded to show the increasing|Cuts. Council has not yet met/augural address: "Our present resent og saan required (8 for budget discussions but has/debenture debt of $18,500,000 is in her January in- of great concern to us all... jbut the real yardstick ... ~e-| mains the same -- our per consultants Damas and Smithjamendments affecting city|project to be built in southeast will determine facilities peat; workers were adopted. |Oshawa; the costs will be to meet traffic demands over! --The three year, $2,700,000\shared By federal, provincial the next 20 years. The report is'steyenson road south project}, 4 municipal povetiinenis ee ei jneared completion. |with the city's share at 7% per PENSION PLANS --Some progress was reported : --Several pension. plan'on the 42-unit public housing (Continued on Page 22) PABABEBABABABABEBABABABABABEBABEBABEBALABABEBABABALABACABEBSBABEB a BIRKS Council concern for stunting|™4! the debenture growth ($18,450,- C@Pita debt. 866 in 1961) arose late last year "i é p with the Ontario Municipal $299.81, is eighth highest in a |Board warning that at the pres- list of 21 Ontario cities, accord- jent rate Oshawa's debenture|ing to a 1960 statistical report debt will have reached $21,614,-/0f the Department ot Municipal 000 by December, 1964. |Affairs,"" she said . ™n a December finance com-| Last year's estimated (cor- mittee report, adopted by coun-/rected figure not available at cil, it was stated that a 20 per|press time) budget was $9,611,- cent reduction in capital expen-|775, up from the 1960 actual ditures during 1963-66 was "'rea-| budget at $8,854,475. "Oshawa's per capita debt, at) Cb BiRKS BIVE BOX tures occurs the following year. | sonable" and requests should be made to Uulities officials and fF an examination of cold budget : figures: | assessment program was finish- / ed. The city's assessment was amount which will be needed to ¢ 7 the PUC has jcut its 1962 program requiring fev % debenture fiancing almost in jhalf, lopping $300,000 off their |proposed program totalling | | a lconcrete, steel cylinder pres- |sure pipe was added to the} ___._|feeder main in the western part} With Progress If there is one organization;water pumped during the year) fn Oshawa that has to stay|was 2,561,389,000. That is nearly ahead of the expansion of this|the amount of water that goes! city and the growth of its popu-/over the Niagara Falls in one lation, it is the Public Utilities hour during a summer day. Commission. COMPLETE PLANT For the past years the com-| An addition to the Filtration mission has had to increase its|niant that was started in March services steadily on all fronts./1960, was completed during the At the same time it has to year. This provides an addition- maintain existing facilities. All/a) rated capacity of 6,000,000 the operations of the commis- gallons per day to the previous sion are subject to a certain rated capacity of 12,000,000 gal- degree of urgency because it!jons per day, The PUC's con- deals with the life lines of the) sultants, Gore and Storrie Limi- city: the supply of water and teq, believe that this capacity! electric power. will be adequate untill the popu- During 1961 the PUC pro- lation of Oshawa reaches 80,000, vided the city with 352,908,443) provided there are no unusually kilowatt hours of electric large industrial requirement. power. The same amount of) Up in the air, PUC workmen| power could have kept a 100-'strung out 10,358 feet of new watt lamp burning since the) overhead distribution line during] pyramids were built in Egypt-!the year. In addition they re-| The number of gallons ofinewed 7,480 feet of line. The! | PUC Keeps Pace | ity. Oas =| total length of line involved adds lng odes a bl wa" | up to nearly 3.5 miles. 6" and 8" were constructed. | Oshawa streets became a bit|Most of this was installed by| brighter at night time. A total/various construction firms on| of 45 mercury vapor street|City of Oshawa contracts. Mat-! lights were installed anderials and inspection was pro- another 92 incandescent street vided by the Commission and lights. The mercury vapor|paid for by the City from pre-| lamps are 400 watt units while|payment funds established by) the incandescent lamps are 300\the subdividers. | watts. Additional fire safety was pro-| Down in the ground miles of vided in the city by the instal-| water pipe were laid during the |Jation of 27 new fire hydrants.| past year. Five thousand and'EKight old hydrants were ninety feet of 24" reinforcedireplaced. | BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1902 BARCLAY & CRAWFORD Members of The Toronto Stock Exchange The Investment Dealers' Association of Canada 37 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA 723-3448 Ww DOUGLAS R. ARMSTRONG, MGR. A Toast! TO A GLOWING GROWING COMMUNITY! a .. And all of us here at IDEAL DAIRY re always striving to hélp keep the "Growing Families" of this area, happy and healthy. Nothing is more refreshing in these fast-moving days than a tall, chilling glass of milk, and IDEAL DAIRY is proud to have been able to comply with your request by supplying you with the finest in high-quality milk. oO QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS SHAWA, ONTARIO iy This money went for every- thing from a $2,000,000 plus con- struction program, through ad- ministration expenses and debt charges, to grants to organiza- tions, insurance costs and so- cial service and health and wel- fare costs. Some of the following points of progress cannot be found by --The two year, $125,000 re- increased 2% times, from $93,-| 000,000 to $223,000,000. --A detailed Parks Plan was adopted by council. This plan} urged the acquisition of lands) in an ambitious plan which} peered years into the future to} predict park and_ recreation teeds, | --An intensive Fair Wage} Policy was adopted for all city) contracts. | --A traffic survey got under- way in June with the sending out of questionnaires. Toronto For four generations, the gift in the Birks Blue Box has been synonymous with beauty, quality and value ...a pleasure to receive, a joy to own. RA. 5-3511 BIRKS 1 EoW eb. Le 2 Greater Oshawa Shopping Centre Birks Diamonds Birks Watches English Bone China English Leather Birks Sterling Regency Plate 3ABIBIBABABABABABABABABABIBIBABIBABIBIBABABABABIBABABABAS: FBABABABIBASABASIBABABATACASASAGESAGABABEBEGASABASABABABABABABABABaBaBas ABIBEaBaBasasa = ~~ BABIBABABABIBABIBABIBIBIBABABIBIBIBEBABABABABaBaBsBaBsaBsBsaBaBaBer General Manager e Hardware Stampings. e@ Chromium HAROLD A. WASHINGTON MANUFA ONTARIO STEEL PRODUCTS Co. Ltd. -- Records ---- 98 Years Of Continued... In the year 1864, The Ontario Steel Products Co.Ltd. established their first fae- tory near Gananoque, where they engaged in the manufacture of carriage springs and axles. Since that time the company has continued to expand and eventually this expansion took shape in the erection of new factories at Chatham, Oshawa, and Milton. Today the Ontario Steel Products Company Limited produces the bulk of chassis springs for the automotive industry of Canada, Its service to the motoring publ ic and to the citizens of Oshawa and district has been great through its production of springs, bumpers and other essential parts used in the auto- motive industry. The motto of the Ontario Steél Products Company Limited is to keep one step ahead of the times and as new and better manufacturing ways appear they CTURERS OF -- Trim, Steel Plating of Automotive Grilles. e@ Bumpers, Extruded and Moulded Plastics. e Zinc Die Casters. @ Automotive Chassis Springs. To The Citizens of Oshawa! YOUR COMMUNITY DEPENDS ON YOU! ... Don't Leave It To The "Other Guy" ! ! Our community is fortunate to have so many people working for the benefit of all of us. But, there's a lot to be done toward improvement, and your help is vitally needed. If you want more Job Opportunities, Schools, Better Roads and Public Fac- ilities; Greater Prosperity for You and Your Family -- then YOU must be willing to spend your money for goods and services at home, to (support civic organizations and functions -- to be an active citizen! Ontario Steel Products Co will be the FIRST to adopt them. 1331 RITSON ROAD N. OSHAWA Pa Let's Work Together for Progress! LIMITED Office and Plant: Ritson Road North, Oshawa--Head Office, Toronto, Plants at Oshawa, Gananoque, Chatham, Milton.