Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Feb 1962, p. 32

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 27, 1962 when Michael Starr was mayor, ator and this deficiency has now the Province has confirmed our} were fruitful years for Oshawa. been corrected with resulting|original opinion that, for build- pee tis ear cue. improvement in sanitation andjing layout, operation and con- tion of some 10,000 acres of East Whitby township to the 7 features of ogg ein in of Oshawa. They saw the build-|the voting on four bylaws. One ing of the new police and firelwas to grant a fixed finelr mere or comfort of headquarters, and a start made/ment to the R. D. Werner Co. ee : on Oshawa's new city hall.|Limited, It carried by a vote of| Statistically, our resident pop- They saw Oshawa's population|3,112 to 982, Another bylaw, tojUlation is interesting as the fol-| grow by leaps and bounds, and|provide for the building of a lowing figures will confirm: hundreds of new homes built/new city hall, was carried by Total residents at January 1, each year. |2,916 to 1,095. A third, for the|1961, 176; new admissions dur- ng .jing the year, 81; re-admissions| They were years, too, of keenjbuilding of a new police head during the year, 22; discharges interest in municipal politics. In|quarters, was carried by a vote , the election for the 1949 coun-|of 2,187 to 1,020. The fourth by- rans J the vear, 49; deaths dur-| cil, Michael Starr had two op-|law, to provide for a new public erg vod 37; total residents} ponents, Ernie Cay and Raellibrary, was defeated by 1,969 at 31st December, 1961, 193. Halliday. All were men with|votes to 1,571. At long last, Osh-| For our resident's interest previous council experience.|awa was to have adequate and|and entertainment, a total of 72 With a mayoralty contest, and/modern municipal administra- parties or shows of various de-, 24 standing for 10 seats on thejtion facilities. or oe sg gts city council, it was an exciting) itorium. is aver- seillhiong and interest was at aj; ANNEXATION IN 1951 ,ages approximately high level. The percentage of| The year 1951 was the year one-half parties per electors going to the polls was|when annexation of a large sec-| throughout the year, thanks en- 46.1 per cent, an excellent fig-|tion of East Whitby to Oshawa tirely to the interest and co-| ure for Oshawa municipal elec-|came into effect on January 1.joperation of many groups of tions. Because of this, the number of/considerate and thoughtful Osh- PLANT ENGINEERS aldermen was increased to 12,)awa citizens. Silent partners in y : STARR EASY WINNER to provide two more because ofjour operation are those kind GM's Piant Engineers try to | Plant Engineering carries out | Michael Starr won easily. He|the large annexed area. persons whe appear weekly at anticipate all the problems | 4 monthly electro-static air |nad 3,627 votes to 2,251 for) Mayor Michael Starr wasithe Manor and provide those; that might come up in ven- | Sample test. The tube, con- lrrnie Cay and 1,011 for Rae/again re-elected by acclamation services so seldom noticed but tilation, heating, dust or con- ore og 4 of hed Halliday. There were three va-|for his third term. There were|so essential to the moral and faisinbnis. Here. Charlie Aw | cl t aia ig Phy cancies to fill in the council. In}21 candidates for the 12 seats|comfort of our residents. | dition of the Goiale Hank, oat analysed for lead con- | ,adition to Aldermen Starr and|in council. Three of the 1950) We refer of course to the! ment, who work: y Mi ith saan --GM Photo |Halliday, who ran for mayor,/aldermen dropped out, these be-jjadies of the Catholic Women's! Biotest oben cnt ba : Ol0 'Russell Sproule dropped outjing William Duncan, R. D.|/League who do all the hairdress-: after one year's service. There|Humphreys and Sam Jackson. O t bd St ] was a long list of new aspirants| This left vacancies for five new- residents' tuck shop for two|dents. that they do not recurr in our|the happiness they so richly es e e ine hecord First Anniversary (272 Sui er 27 comet ne saor, sre crema ato V Chapel services and to all thejoperation to open its doors and|our home, our residents and our] PRESCOTT, Ont. (CP)--Pur- ed its first residents in August,|garbage and waste matter. In|monthly with the sole intention|year, we do not claim to have|zens live here and we sincerely gan what has become known as) 7) few tuilding and its|be cut off. Again, the Com-|health and welfare. The value ofjand oversights have been few'be privileged to provide for ellent in most respects a ae ee nen Ss, Sellowed aithougt, as was to be expect-the Province, has issued con-\to adequately express ho w'rect the situations which have wi will allow them to'si finally winding up in the House)" ve ed which our Committee|ator which will be guaranteed ister of labor. These four years)/*7™ IVC not call for an inciner-|tion of other homes throughout| PORT PERRY PACKER BRAND - Fresh & Frozen hours every afternoon, to the NEW OPERATION future operation. Generally|deserve. A M ay 0 r religious and public. spirited'function without error, omission'staff. We confiden'ly believe|chase of 136 acres ot river-front 1960, has now completed its first)the event of a power failure, alljof increasing our comfort andjcreated a precedent. We dojhope that, as we grow in exper-|Cass, member of the le; the Mike Starr era. In that equipment has been found to be mittee of Management, with the|these services is beyond estima-jand minor. As each is discover-jthem a home which becomes that up by serving three more certain omissions in the|tTacts for the installation of an of Commons and becoming a t has hastened to|to maintain_our heating and re- a ORT PERRY a ACKERS LIMITED . , e B-Q-Chicken St Ha d M or O} serves city who open and operate ourjmuch they mean to our resi-;caused them in order to ensure!spend their retiring years in Oshawa Ministerial Association] Since it would be most un-iSpeaking, we at Hillsdale RIVERSIDE PARK Hillsdale Manor, which accept-|the accumulation of combustible|groups who visit us weekly orjor oversight during its firs tjthat the finest of Ushawa's citi-/land was announced by Ontario -- we - ' -- ae Municipal Affairs Minister Fred The year 1949 in Oshawa be-|.11\ 'year of operation. heat within the building would|showing their interest in ourjhope that our errors, omissions|ience and knowledge we shall'for Grenville-Dundas year, he became mayor of Osh- approval and commendation of|tion and it would be impossible|ed, we have attempted to cor-jincreas more comfortable and years in the mayor's chair, and vs Hon plans have been dis-|€mergency diesel electric gener- ' lof M member of the cabinet as min correct. Our original specifica-|frigeration service. Examina-| Processors and Packers of Famous @ Turkeys @ Oven Ready Fryer Chicken @ Roaster Chicken @ Boiling Fowl @ Chicken Cuts COUNTRY VIEW BRAND - Ready-to-Eat B-Q CHICKEN - Served Hot or Cold Available to you in Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering, Ajax, Bowmanville, Orono, Lindsay, Peterboro and Surrounding District. SHOPPERS . . . look for the Port Perry Packer Brand. @ This assures you of the finest in fresh- ness and quality (Master Fed) @ Canada Dept. of Agriculture Register- ed Plant, Licence E5-250. When you buy 'Port Perry Packers' poultry you buy the finest. And, too, the money you spend stays in your community as we buy only locally grown, Master Fed poultry € for municipal office. The seven|comers, the remaining seveN|bering Association who provide| aldermen seeking re-election,/being re-elected. The five neW/haircutting services weekly to! 'ef i) Ontario Steel Products Com- pany Limited has been one of however, were all successful.!aldermen were W. E. Noble, W.jour male residents, to all the the principal Oshawa industries PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PHONE ZENITH 7-2440 The three vacancies were filled|J. Naylor, H. E. Robinson, J.\individual members of the 55 since its plant was built here in by William Duncan, Harry Ben-|Wesley Powers and Rae Halli-| women's organizations in the! : son, a labor nominee, and A./day, who returned to council oe Hayward Murdoch. after two years' absence. 1920. Its growth and progess has been inextricably linked with the future of the city. Ontario Steel is one of the plants upon which General Mo tors of Canada Limited (as well as others in the automo- tive industry) relies for its supply of chassis springs, both helical and flat. OSP is, in fact, the principal producer of such products. RECALL PAST Ontario Stee! had Its early be- P aorgyd in Gananoque. amid the years under the name of the One of the most important!p_ECTION FOR MAYORALTY Gananoque Spring and Axle Company Limited | As the horse-drawn vehicle jbusiness declined and the auto-|¢ jmotive vehicle business began/,, ito expand, the company under-!Ontario Steel Products. jtook extensive changes in plants mobiles and trucks. In June, 1913, Ontario Steel into operation here in 1920. the Gananoque Spring and Axle'F. M. Dafoe for the mayoralty Company were and equipment to keep pace i did not stand for re-election. F. with the demands for increased a. "ae seenvel M. Dafoe ran for mayor. Mrs.| requirements of parts for auto-\7,- the Canadian automotive|Evelyn Bateman was defeated. industry. Michael Starr was opposed by surrendered.|for 1952, but won an easy vie- ince that time, uperations have|tory by 6,217 votes to 2,915. ontinued under the name of] There were several changes| in the city council that year. OSP currently supplies the|W. E. Noble and Harry Benson Four new members came into Other products produced injthe council, these being Norman Products was furmed to take ile|Down, J. W. Dyer, Joseph Vic- over the Gananoque Spring and at ack wamonrs irene em lier and Gordon B. Attersley. Axle. In 1919, construction of @lterials in a large range of|The other eight 1951 aldermen modern spring plant at Oshawaltypes, sizes and colors for the| were re-elected, the vote being: was started. The plant was put/automotive and non-automotive| C. Harman, 5094; F. N. Mc- industry use. Callum, 4921; C. B. Gay, 4738; ; rt of the Thousand Islands| Until 1929, the Oshawa plant| New products which have re-|W. J. Naylor, 4718; A. H. Mur- t 1864. For many years the|was known as the Centrallcently been put into production| doch, 4685; Norman Down, 4320; SS wgones springs and Spring Company. In that year,|here include railways and diesel|H. E. Robinson, 4091; Rae Halli- axles to the then extensive|the charters of the Central|locomotive coil springs, and hot\day, 3943; J. W. Powers, 3688; and wagon industry|Spring Company, the Dowsley|wound custom coil springs for|J. W. Dyer, 3638; Joseph Victor, throughout Canada, in later'Spring and Axle Company and various applications 3477 and G. B. Attersley, 2947. ... Three Reasons Why Thousands of Housewives Continue To Shop at A & P A & P Pood Stores cre core sistently searching for woys ond meons to bring you THE BEST IN FOODS. ONE REA- SON why more and more housewives continue to shop ataAadp. L. D. DUNN, C.P.A., C.G.A. Secretary-Treasurer D. H. SHEPARD Factory Superintendent A. G. RODGERS President and General Manager C. G. MARACLE Chairman of the Board LOW PRICES cre on everydey occurrence ot A & P. 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NORTH, WHITBY Well-equipped bindery capable of handling all types of pamphlets and special mailing work, Creative Art and design service. Competent staff of trained craftsmen in our employ for many years. ARTISTS, PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS, BOOKBINDERS OSHAWA, 723-3438 TORONTO, WA 5-3897

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