inaustrial COMMISSION, seven|manustrial Commissions whentoe me Industrial Commission. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 27, 1962 |] are so registered now, and we/the sang Harbor prom Bg - ox Pog = = h another will be next year/became effective on the of|the partmen Transpo! anti 2 ' when the agreement is re-nego-|April 1961 with Mr S. Jackson|immediately proceeded with aj®f the City's planning and ac-|Area, a higher class of Indus- tiated to incorporate another|as Chairman for 1961 and Mr.|$500,000 expansion of the Har- cordingly works closely in ac-|trial zoning, (including parking product which will ailow them|F; C. Malloy and Mr T. Run-|bour's wharfage. cord with the Planning Boardjand off-street loading regula- to compete in this very lucra-\die as members. Mr. Malloy) where industrial land con-jtions, in co-operation with the tive field was also the 1961 Chairman erm : cerned in particular. Plans are|'raffic Advisory Council) road This year saw the success st Industrial Commission| The Industrial Commission in-/now under way for the provi-jlayouts and railway rights of four year's work by successive which made a nice compliment|terests itself in many aspects'sion of an Industrial Incubator|way in industrial areas, Hi. M. BROOKS LTD. | ie | prove the "business climate" of ithe City of Oshawa, OFFICE STAFF McLAUGHLIN CARRIAGE CO. 1909 --Thoma: Bouckley Collection b) To liaise with, and support! \the business concerns in the} City Industrial Commission: | b in e : pansion, Ends 5th Year Of Operation 2%. 18 son development efforts and proce- The Industrial Commission|' A major plant of 25,000 sq.jbuying industrial land and this|and calculated, as an end re- has just completed its fifth year|ft., Anca Pharmaceuticals, waslis usually a pointer to develop- sult,) of operation. The year saw unfortunately lost when it went/ment from one to three years 4) To attract basic, and secon- some definite changes in the/to join other divisions of the|ahead. Altogether 93 acres| dary and service industry to lo- community's economic base,/company in Scarborough. Two) were bought and so we can ex-/ Cale in or near Oshawa. some diversificaton and some'small steel fabricating shops|pect further developments in City Council, at the request of losses. Overall, the picture is also were lost and as a result|these areas. We can also hope the Industrial Commission, one of steady growth, both byjof a fire, "Import House of|that certain similar projects be- adopted a standard procedure the expansion of our existing/Canada" which couid not find|gun some years ago, will come for handling sales of city in- local industries and by the es-\suitable new accommodation,|to fulfillment this year. dustrial land, the effect of which tablishment of new facilities. (had to leave also. The expansions to plants, avin fo Se -- a During the past years H. M. Brooks have contributed Significant expansions were, py a ; plants and leases, represent a|SPOMS! ft vie eee A : satelk Gn) be AthorieCriver of METLOCATED IN OSHAWA | (UTI, cunicinal (ae: pavcne the information it sneeds in or. much to the growth and prestige of Oshawa. . . in the Canada __ Limited; Fabricated Luckily other companies ren-\o¢ approximately $33,400 per se DO ee me j Ti i ildi Metals and Stampings Limited; |dered homeless by _ that fire,| year i also means the ienshedt purpose of this measure is to many new industrial and public buildings constructed Houdaille Industries and Coul- managed 10 1s-locgle in the cli¥ inte provision of about 100 new/Simplify and speed-up the ser- H. M. Brooks regard as priceless, the confidence of ter Manufacturing Limited.|@n¢ Swillly 8 ac {o oper-|jobs with prospects for more ; d A With other smaller additions the ation. They were Thermo-Temp|iater when' some of the newer, At maga of the Com- those. whom they have served and confidently looked t xtra pla space was industries of Canada Limited! ,). ES sar. mission, City Council adopted a ¥ a ik & 6 Lace ohne ea and Magic Packaging Limited! pints BE) oe ton Seer resolution stating that the City forward to the construction needs of still a greater spent in excess of $2,000,000 on|their management is to be con- PROSPECTS jwould pay real estate commis- Oshawa. a new machinery. These figures|8tatulated for surmounting such) t is difficult to assess the im-|S!00 to realtors handling suc- do not include General Motors|4 8rievous set-back so efficient- mediate prospects for new in-| cessfully _--_ of city indus- of Canada Limited and are!!Y dustry without raising false pial land. his MAS orcyaed therefore all the more note-| The year's losses were more hopes or breaking certain confi-|'0 @¥1 'oca! reallors and indus: worthy in measuring the health\than offset by substantial gains dences. The Commission is in trial realtors in Toronto. of our local economy. Oshawajin new plant. Loma Linda Food contact with a number of cOm-\nEFENCE PRODUCTION is managing to become less of} Company is just now putting the panies, some large, some small, SHARING a one industry city, and this is! finishing touches to its 28,000 sq./and is supplying them with de- Th : I fee By good. ft. food processing plant; Smith|tailed, information which may Teds Ace Reset lind the a epg ts 2 -|Beverages Limit i 8,000 w rsué t hat Osh |, STS 7 ' 3 e+ oo see ages Limited built 18,0 0! well persuade gg ae far| Canada-United Statce'" Dalenie sq. and came "on stream"|awa is, the right at ay ad ss " Cadillac Hotel on the 5th of February ' this/their new facilities. Many en- lap = op Sep me Pay ig ed ke year; and Chambers Food Club|quiries are answered promptly|) 3-44 nid on the same poionp Ultra M le leased 10,000 sq. ft to be open-jand fully but it is impossible) |. ate Uinltad Stales comoets General Contractors ed for business about the 14th|to assess the true degree of in- " A jof February. We are indeedi/terest being shown. The Com-| tors ny Oe it and eub- contacts For the past 17 years the fortunate. 9. Ree spore i Gay: continues to Li Mili a ed State Forces. At the begin-| 240 ROLSON STREET OSHAWA PH N ' : companies join us and wish|class service and eventually this) _; mE { Cadillac Hotel Limited, 394 Sim-| them every success ' should pay off. It is a'so planned vd yo gg 'asin i tal ' ONE 725-3033 coe street south, has been re-| There was some activity Into increase greatly the promo-| (, dian G it 'f va's| ltional efforts in 1962, |Canadian Government to parti- garded as one of Oshawa's} cipate in this program Due part-| finest hotels, The Cadillac Hotel, | INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONER ly to the encouragement of the| although designed on the style| Houston Serves Mr. T, E. McLaughlin resign- -- of an old English manor, is ed with effect from the Ist of} 1961. and Mr. K. C./| Fj s 'ebr , fully staffed and equipped to} Many Motorists Sd him on the 20th] i ; | provide all of 'today's modern { February, 196 comforts to its patrons. 5 i} . For the 18th year, under the ia cere | The hotel consists of modernjoperation of W. L.. Houston, the POLICY STATEMENT | e rooms, each containing bath and) Houston Service Station situated The Industrial Commission | shower. All services are done|at 67 King street west, has for the first time set down and} we e in a courteous, swift and ef-'seryed motorists in Oshawa and|adopted a Statement of Policy|) ficient manner. the surrounding district. Hous- 45 follows i The Cadillac Hotel Limited ton Service Station, and its staff,| 'The Policy of the Oshawaj also supplies facilities for var- specializing in Texaco Products| Industrial Commission, in order} ious social and business events\are capable of doing general/of priority, although all four) which include bowling banquets,|repairs, lubrication, brake ad-/aims will be tackled simultan-_|} Pe 2 PONE me On a sare . . . Ea MOa : staff parties, meetings and re-|justments and tune-ups to all eously, shall be | ce 2 : 2 ceptions, makes of cars, a) To use every method to im-|| a : Ne a, ; ze WICK PRINTING LTD. rc. | ----_---- a INDUSTRIES OSHAWA LITHOGRAPHERS LIMITED "CREATORS OF finer PRINTING" DIAL 728-8651 . . » Now Ranks Foremost Among j | So Oshawa's Industries ! ! OSHAWA'S MOST MODERN JOB PRINTERS il ef 1D AND . | ee || SU STILL GROWING . (7BAPRINTING ie. RA. B-S431 Manufacturers of .. . Bumpers, Brackets and Bumper Guards for the Automobile Industry, Miscellaneous Large and Small Metal Stampings. Nickel and Chrome Plating in Production Lots. Highway Steel Beam Guiderails. Parking Lot Barriers Complete With Steel Posts. Steel Sign Posts For Streets and Highways. ee +. oie die ; Complete Manufacturing and Engineering COMPLETE RANGE OF: 4 i a Facilities ! CALENDARS LETTERHEADS @ BUSINESS CARDS EVERYTHING IN JOB PRINTING... ADVERTISING LEAFLETS WEDDING INVITATIONS OFFICE STATIONERY es : : F a ee COLE STEEL OFFICE FURNITURE | : f va ' hi ; ees, ' ' 3 ee A Trial Will Convince You Of Our Superior Work | Pine vnsesiivcsins come : aa : iW D UJ S i Hi a Ms) ABOVE -- Is the Houdaille Industries plant } ae 'ii : by ; it rs today, maki total ef 232,000 WICK PRINTING LIMITED niin be i | a awduewe LIMITED DICK DUNLOP LANSDOWNE GORDON MacMILLAN | rae ee LEFT -- ts the old plont built in 1929 with @ OSHAWA e ONTARIO DAVE FLETCHER SHOPPING CENTRE DON wick || i Cs tote! of only 55,000 squere feet.