THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusodey, Pebruery 27, 1962 JS een OF: PREDGRE 35 THESE PROGRESSIVE BUSINESSES -- GROWING WITH OSHAWA -- _ EXPRESS THEIR CONFIDENCE IN THE FUTURE FOR THIS AREA. To- 5 7--Real Estate For Sale/30--Automobiles Wanted MASSON Street lovely five-room bun-|'53 TO °87 Chevrolet or Pontiac, car galow with carport. Has all the extras,|or wagon. Telephone 723-9911 after 4 walk-out basement. $2442 down. 725-9478 p.m. | LOT, 76 x 180, level on dead-end, Ex- LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want! cellent area, Municipal water. MO) °37% for Highest prices paid.' 86-6147 after 6.30 p.m. 725-1181. FOR SALE or rent, 31--Automobile Repairs near schools, Immediate posse: OnTHWEST, spacious ax room vax| KEMAP_ MOTORS galow, broadloom, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS WHITBY MO 8-4932 fireplace, land- soaped. $1,500 down, Will finance to sult 32--Articles for Sale buyer. 725-7279. PRIVATE sale. Five room brick bunga- FORMAL, red chiffon, size 7, cocktaal| length, $15. Telephone ' 728-5667. ~ 27--Reol Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale lpurLEx deautiful modern rug brick, te ir conditioning. P. Geny terms, alt conditioning. F. |double garage, north section, W. Me- os, 114 Oakwood, Toronto. no 7ia6. hyo Realtor, 28 Prince Street. 723- 2512. OPEN for admiration, Futurama mode} home on Street, North West 9780. TRY ANY LOW down payment, five rooms, bathroom, large lot. Tierney, 725-5207, Howe and Peters. PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 52% SIMCOE ST. N. 728-9474 Residential Farm Commercial Industrial six-room brick uses. ion, references nine. PRIVATE ve Apple Hill, attractive fully storms and screens, 5% per cent inter- a' $13,500. 'Substantial down payment. 725-7803. NEW SIX-PLEX FOR SALE In Whitby. Idea! location, All rented. Retirement oppor- gether, young and old, these firms -- each in its own field of endeavor are making SHAWA more secure for the family and laborer, more Lehn as an industrial, commercial, educational and: social area. hey provide jobs, taxes, merchandise and services necessary to make Os AWA and vicinity the ever expanding community it is. THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE CAN BENEFIT YOU! low. North east section, Beverly Street. Mortgage arranged. Telephone 725-6398 for appointment. PRIVATE SALE, five - room brick bun- akin i galow, patio, recreation room, garage, landscaped. One 5 per cent NHA mort- gage, Carries for $77 monthly, 723-2397. PAUL RISTOW Realtor SMALL BUSINESS Completely equipped snack bor and facilities for barber shop, etc. adjoining, plus two- bedroom partment with four-piece bath. Phsonorig - portunity for hu o wife business at only $4,000 or best offer down. Total price $10,000. Call Howord Forder at 728-9474 or 728- 2155 exenings. $1,000 DOWN Economical living, low toxes ond one mortgage for the balance of purchase price of $9,900, Six well-kept rooms and large garden. Call Cy Preece at 728-9474 or 728- 9335 evenings. CADILLAC AVE Three-bedroom brick bunga- low with paved drive, broad- loom. Very well kept ond may be purchased os low as $1,800 down. Call Cy Preece at 728-9474 or 728-9335 evenings. 5214 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa GUIDE REALTY LIMITED $8,900 FULL PRICE 6-room bungalow with 3 good-size bedrooms, large 18 ft. living roém, separate dining room and family-size kitchen. Fenced fot with gorage. Substontial down payment required. 54% RESALE NORTH-WEST AREA Thet corries for $88.00 in- terest, principal and toxes. Extra roomy 3-bedroom bun- golow with finished rec-room. In the North-West area on a poved street, close to all schools, bus and shopping. KING STREET WEST Reduced to $25,000, this 21- room house in downtown Oshe awa hes excellent possibili- ties. 60 feet for commercial use in front of house. For full porticulors call today. We hove several homes for rent, also several two-bedroom oportments. For full 723-1121, Irene Brown, Phyllis Jubb, Roy Flintoff, Jeon Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, Lucas Peacock. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING, porticulars call | tunity. Temple 9-2224 FOR SALE Good downtown property will be free and clear, ready for building... land is offered for sale at $2000. per toot frontage on King St Leave information in writ- ing with: BOX 3 __OSHAWA TIMES ELGIN STREET EAST $500 DOWN One mortgage for balance, $75.00 monthly -- 7-room 2-storey brick, beautifully decorated home, 4 bedrooms, modem kitchen. ALBERT STREET $700 DOWN 6-room brick home, adjoining store ond rented apartment. Modern kitchen. pe One mor at $65.00 monthly. -- BURK STREET $800 DOWN for e modem 5-room brick bungalow. Paul J. Bolahood Realtor Phone 728-4171 ___228 Bruce Street Street, Oshawa LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER HARMONY ROAD AREA NORTH OF KING 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, 3 YEARS OLD $12,800 full price, very rea- sonable down payment, care ries for $96.00 per month, interest, principal ond toxes. Aluminum storms and ' is screens, home must be seen to eppre- ciote the volue here. Call Ed Drumm right mow for ap- pointment to inspect of 728-5123. CADILLAC N. S-room brick bungalow, oil heat, decorated, paved drive, storms, Low taxes. Call Bill Horner 728-5123. GRIERSON STREET Five-room brick home with lorge fot 50' x 277', price only $11,500 with rea- sonable down payment. Cal! Irwin Cruikshanks today ot 728-5123, Lloyd ~~ (Oshowe) Ltd., 101 esi St. N. i] | | | { CALL 723-1133 FOR A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE CARL OLSEN REALTOR 19 ATHOL ST. W., OSHAWA short a beautiful condition, Meagher's, 5 victor 17° cabinet, Street West. 723-3 USED Westinghouse radio, long and er's, 5 King § Street West. 723-3425, Console television com- pletely reconditioned, beautiful walnut only $59. Meagher's, 8 King 425. TV, 2i-inch, living suite, Electrohome, 28--Real Estate Wanted Thinking of Selling D. W. "WILSON REALTOR 725-6588 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-7680. sections) brown, occasional chair, studio couch, chrome suite, grey, All Ls 2759. DOUBLE air tanks, 72 cubic feet and a Aqua Master regulator. Telephone MO WE have buyers! W. McAuley Realtor, |8-4604, 28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or MO 8-5765. |S, GALLON hot water tank for yale, complete, in good condition. tous sorcaed pad, used one week, bought dition. Sacrifice, 723-3158. Plete with case, 725-0351. NIAGARA Cyclo heat and massage for arthritis but became hospitalized for other con- ACCORDION, full size, 120 base with 3 3 Pitch selectors, Will sell for $125 com: |29----Automobiles for Sale : "9a" power brakes, Perfect condition. | '30 OLDSMOBILE steering, windows, | Telephone 725-7223 after 5. | | |tion throughout, including rubber, ideal|pINETTE set, table, four chairs, and| |for conversion into fish and chip wagon, | puffet; ete, Can be financed. Private. Tele-|Connor washing machine, | lar INTERNATIONAL halfdon truck }with canopy on back, good condition, | 4147, | jm yi femal 655-4516 after 5 p.m, "3? and and $150, Telephone MA 3-2251. 38 Chevrolets, both have » radio cad are in good condition, $125 'frigerators, | --- - == | mixmaster: THUNDERBIRD 10958, two-door hard- top, power equipped. Good condition. brushes, vice, 728-0591 anytime. REFRIGERATOR, Norge: kitchen suite, washing machine, phone 728-6006. TV's, washers, '85 GMO curbside van, excellent eondi-|19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. cate ath cleaner repairs, all makes, guaran- toa" 'rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- ; Sunbeam | television, | six months old; |--~--- steam iron, dishes. Reasonable, ed SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re-| | pianos, |stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact | also Frigidaire refrigerator, bed and Phone 723-7441 between 1 p.m, and Sidresser; Comet floor polisher, 728-5225. new tires, $350. MO 8-4409. 'Sd STUDEBAKER, jdark blue, automatic, whitewall tires,| in _g00d condition. Telephone MO 8-4 WASHING machine, Westinghouse, wringer, like new, $50. Telephone 723- FURNACE forced air, 10 year guaran- two-tone light F and tee, $2.25 per week, no down poyment. peo deal, $130. Telephone 725-4729. RYERS -- used, one Douglas ~ dryer, | "SA FORD two-door in good condition, | pet condition $59.95, budget terms; | five good tires, radio, must sell. Best one Norge dryer re-conditioned $99.95. | offer. MO 6 5497, CHEY ROLE T *S2 sedan, grey, radi, \$10 down and $2.50 weekly. B, F. Good- bag Simcoe rich Stores 88 King West 725-4543. jheater, good tires, sell cheap. Call after|QNE Easy washing machine, good con- 4 p.m, 728- 8706 |dition. $45. Telephone MO 8-527 78 AUSTIN A-30, had motor job te |FaaiceamOUS savings on floor cover-| cently, two new tires, good condition. Insured to Sune 21, *62, Phone | sina and colors. Clear out 25 cents pe: | foot. Congowall clearouts 39 cents pond jatter 6. |'55 OLDSMOBILE 88, good ~gutomatic | FREEZER, jtransmission, power steering, needs son's Furn! {20 Church Street. ~ television, ced motor work, $165. Teleph MO 8-5631, | 36 PLYMOUTH cylinder, 'good motor, | body fair, runs good, MO 868-5631, $295, Telephne to nine. patterns, Many =| cedar chest,| chesterfield suite, lamps, room-<divider, » silver, clock radio, lady's golf equipment, luggage. 728-1963, six 'SS FORD 44-ton, good body, motor and |for cash. Telephone | 725-9478. LARGE refrigerator and 42 inch elec- tires, $475. Telephone MO 8-5631. \'54 MERCURY, three-ton track, five- | speed transmission, 900 tires, new motor Job, $425. Buck's Body Shop, washers, many extras. 48,000. 725-5555. Can Call anytime after 4 be seen at 621 Street East. 725-4513. 1985 OLDSMOBILE 88, » hardtop, black and white, four new tires, battery, com- plete brake job. Radio, power brakes, Definitely in ex- cellent condition throughout. Can be in- spected by anyone. Original] mileage p.m. King custom, excellent condition, aqua mist. able. Will take financed. 723-4031 1953 ae ire outboard motor, 3% Will sell $100. Telephone 728-4678. tric stove, in good condition, Both for| Barons' Home Furnishing: Street ith. MOFFAT stove, electric, two years old; ae refrigerator, four years. Sots | in_good condition. Telephone 725-2270 ROCKING chair, only $29.88, heavy | frieze cover, $49.95 value. Hassocks | only 99 cents with each rocker sold.| is, 424 Simeoe | tion. Telephone 728-0976. LLOYD baby carriage, in good eondi- 15 Years of continually serving the people of VIRGINIA | FISH & CHIPS 185 KING WEST 723-2171 Serving Oshawa, Whitby and District For 21 Years | PERFECTION BAKERY | | 725-9624 Oshawa & District | North Oshawa | SERVING | OSHAWA and WHITBY SINCE 1957 HAMBLY CONCRETE PRODUCTS Thickson "Ra. and King W. Office: 81 WILLIAM ST. We OSHAWA MO 8-4159 | Serving Oshawa and District Since 1956 | | \ | | | | BEATTY, HAULAGE { 116 Brock South Whitby | 344 PINE AVENUE | MO 8-3706 '57 DKW, red, radio, white walls, $496. | |foot. Inlaid linoleum canvas back 9 ig ood running order, Telephone 725-2759 |cents square yard. ture, Entering Our 16th Year In Oshawa HANNAN MARINE SALES EVENRUDE 191 RAMBLER best offer. Telephone 728-9719. Reason- lena model, Can be 1955 METEOR N eee red and cream, excellent condition, good tires, $495 or 728-2805, 1957 PONTIAC, standard transmission, in good condition, radio, Could be seen after 5 o'clock, anytime weekends. $900. tires, wheel discs, phone MO 8-4778. will John MO 8-4456 '38 CADILLAC, four-door clean, "58 CHEY, station wagon, excellent con- dition, custom radio, new white wall finance, Tele '52 BUICK, in good condition, Phone! '59 CHEVROLET impala convertible eight cylinder, automatic, power steer- ing, radio, many. extras, low mileage, excellent condition. 723-2736 after five, hardtop, 21,000 miles, fully equipped, two-tone, $2195. Buck's Body Shop, 725-4513 725-81 OLD guns wanted. Rifles, shotguns, re- volvers and pistols also old cartridges. stration, Telephone 728-4683. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- } eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- desk, chair, Whitby Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North MEAT scale, chopping block, slicer, showcase, pop cooler, coffee grinder, grill, cheque writer, fire proof ledger, milk shaker, large safe, file cabinet, is. Prompt service, estimates. Chair, table rentals, | pasted and regular wall paper $3.45. Visit Edgar's first. HALF priced sale of Sunworthy redi-| at Edgar's Decor Centre, 34 King Street West. Room lots of 10 single roils from DELUXE Frigidaire range, #0"; 4 widths, all in Telephone 725-3060. also power lawn mower, homespun drapes, excellent condition. 2-0114, 6 and 9 p.m. WILSON Realtor $8,500 for 4-room bungalow in village, 4 miles to Oshowo You will enjoy comfortable living with all conveniences in this cute country home located on 4 cere of fond. BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM BUNGALOW -- In the eost end with very easy monthly payments. This bungolow with edditiona! ponelied room and recreation room in. boenent is located very con- venient to public schools ond future playground, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 725-6588 After hours please call: Art Weinberger, 723-7244 Ken Honn, 723-7963 Charlie Ronkine, 728-3682 METCALF Real Estate Ltd. DIAL 728-4678 MILTON STREET Modem 6-room, 3-bedroom, bungalow, L-shaped living room ond dining room, built-in breakfast nook in kitchen, finished rec room, poved drive, storms, screens ond well landscaped hedged lot. This home is in immaculete condition. Asking $14,900.00 with reasonable down payment. Phone for early inspection, HIGHLAND AVENUE Lorge 2-storey fomily home, 3 larme bedrooms, lorge Hving room, fomity sized dining room, asphalt drive, new garage, tiled bothroom, lot is well londscaped. This home is in im- meculote condition. Only esking $13,000.00 with reasonable down payment LIST PHOTO CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE AFTER 5:30 CALL Marion Drew, 725-7610 Everett Elliott 723-9290 John Kemp, 728-2392 Dick Borriage, 725-6243 Joe Moge, 725-9191 SCHOFIELD - AKER LIMITED 360 KING STREET WEST 723-2265 NEW OWNER WILL BE UNEMPLOYED Unemployed that is from the standpoint of work to do on this property. Outside the londscoping is a picture of beauty. The exterior of home has been freshly painted. The interior is or- tisticolly decorated. Owner has been tronsferred, his despoir may be your gain, Be sure to see this 5-room brick bungalow with otteched garoge in the northwest crec. REDUCED -- $1500 - $11,900 -- Longe 6-room, 2-storey brick home with goroge, located on Jones Ave., good size living room with noturol fire- ploce, fomily size dining room, 3 lorge bedrooms. A real nice home In good condition. Ideally located for schools, tronspor- tation end shopping. Owner moving to States For further information cali Les Hel Doytime -- 723-2265, Evenings 728-5513 MEMBER OF OSHAWA DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD | i | | | | '38 GMC %-ton truck, excellent condl- tion, new tires, reconditioned. engine, $350 or best offer, Telephone Ajax, WH at reasonable prices. vision, color TV store. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 ers, call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294 GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's Parkway Tele- 918 Simcoe Street North, Your! BEFORE buying or selling televisions, | furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash- SAVE 30% On all your purchases of STEREO & LONG-PLAYING RECORDS. $6,000 worth of the finest selections to choose from. THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK N. MEAGHER"S 5 King St. W. 723-3425 VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE In a new location. 16% Bond Street West. Top prices paid for used radios, televis- ions, furniture and applian- |_ WHITBY MO 8-4741 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. §S. 723-942) VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V,544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S$. -- 728-0921 ces. We buy, sell and ex- change. Telephone 728-4401. GOOD RECONDITIONED Refrigerators Ranges And Washers All ports and service, AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE HARWOOD AVE. NORTH AJAX -- WH 2-6410 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN 'Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-0331 30--Automobiles Wanted 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell y our used Car to "Ted'* Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" | TED CAMPIN MOTORS | 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | $ ALL CASH $ For clean cors we dea! up or down. Liens: paid. off NICHOLS MOTORS LTD i 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-800] | T.V. TOWERS Antenno's and T.V. Service if you wont to be sure of the lowest possible prices. Best workmanship and quality material try TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E. 728-6781 NEW. SPRING DRAPERY Custom-made, latest colorful floral ond abstract patterns, Satins, Rayons, Mohairs, lined and unlined, up to 4 widths 54 to 95 inch lengths, $17.95 up. Kitchen Dropery Fabric, at- tractive colors in polished cotton. 79 yd. up. Dan River Dress Cottons, ver- lous colors, poterns. 98¢ yd. M&C DRY GOODS | j } | 74 CELINA ST., 723-7827 | (Continued en Page 16) OUTBOARD MOTORS 20 RAY STREET 728-8853 MGR. EARL HANNAN PROGRESS STARTS by owning a SUPERIOR HOME designed and built by HARTWIG CONSTRUCTION | | CO. LTD. BOX 93 OSHAWA 728-7503 NORTH OSHAWA _ PLUMBING & HEATING Established 10 Years NOW UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP CO-PARTNERS HANS HEUCK 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE |GEORGE GRACE | 14 YEARS EXPERIENCE INSTALLATION AND REPAIRS 725-3715 | 725-2156 Serving Oshawa and Whitby 17 Years AL HEFFERING ESSO SERVICE STATION KINGSTON RD. WEST 725-9892 SERVING OSHAWA and DISTRICT 20 YEARS HARRY'S LATHING INSULATION ~ & ROOFING CARPENTRY OF ALL KINDS 93 A. ALEXANDRA ST. 723-2413 { WE ARE NOW IN OUR 10th YEAR Serving the People of Oshawa & District ROSE BOWL GRILL 24 BOND WEST 723-7331 23 YEARS IN BUSINESS Serving Oshawa and District | PEACOCK | LUMBER LTD. 328 RITSON NORTH 723-9811 725-2245 We kiln dried over 14 mil- lion feet of Lumber last yeor for firms outside of Oshawe ond will increase this yeor. Four Years Serving Oshawa and District KINGSWAY BEAUTY SALON KING ST. EAST 728-6101 11 YEARS METTE PLUMBING CO. LTD. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY 725-3279 or 728-9491 SERVING OSHAWA Serving Oshawa and District Residents with THE FINEST IN 19 YEARS Serving Oshawa Since 1943 HALLIDAY'S GROCERY |18 McLAUGHLIN BLVD. 725-542 MANAGER MR. GODIN HARDWARE FOR 14 YEARS BEDNAREK HARDWARE 450 SIMCOE SOUTH 723-9833 OUR FIRST YEAR Of Serving Oshawa & District and Looking To The Future | VALLEY CREEK NEW & USED FURNITURE 162 Bond St. West 728-4401 21 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS GROWTH and PROGRESS WITH OSHAWA AND DISTRICT 'Powell's DRUG STORE 352 SIMCOE N. OSHAWA 725-4734 Serving Oshawa & District Since 1948 WOODLYN BEAUTY LOUNGE 81 SIMCOE N. 725-7878 Serving Oshawa and District Since 1957 BARBARA'S BEAUTY SALON 75 CELINA STREET 2 Blocks South of King 725-9572 i | | | | | | 7 Years of Continually Serving the People of Oshawa and District | POWDER PUFF BEAUTY SALON | 8 RICHMOND WEST 728-8661 4 Years Serving Oshawa & District INTERIOR DECORATING Custom Made DRAPES, FURNITURE & BROADLOOM BETTY HAYDL 15 KING ST. EAST « 725-2686 Serving Oshawa and District 8 Years J. J. VAN HERWERDEN REALTOR 723-447] I741 KING STREET EAST |,.4.,. -. j Serving Oshawa and District Since 1945 & TELEVISION SERVICE Dealers of SPARTON and PHILLIPS TELEVISIONS | 153 SIMCOE SOUTH 723-9512 POLLARD RADIO. | 18 YEARS OF CONTINUALLY SERVING OSHAWA & DISTRICT A. BROWN UPHOLSTERER 728-8753 | | j AFT SUPPLIES hs WILSON RD. SOUTH | A RECORD FOR RESULTS DAILY OVER 15 YEARS Thousands of families and individuals have used The Mighty Midgets . . . Times Classified Ads to fill their needs and wants, Hundreds of Busin- esses and Industries have used the econ- omical Promotion Me- dium... Times Clas- sified Ads and are realizing continuous growth and financial profits from them. Dozens of Organiz- ations have grown and developed many cultural and social events for residents in the surrounding area through these printed messages .. . Times Classified Ads, and visitors ASK THE PEOPLE WHO USE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS For Friendly Classified Service Telephone 723-3492.