Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Feb 1962, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 26, 1962 Police Locate Man Shot Dead In Field ST. THOMAS (CP)--A prom- inent local businessman and leader of a country - style west- ern band was found shot to death Saturday night in a field near Shedden, five miles west of St. Thomas. Barney Walch was found in a provincial police search after he had failed to return home from a day of hunting. It is believed he may have been trying to climb a fence when his gun accidentally dis- charged. Youcarityo ALLOW If you feel ALL-1N' Today's tense living, overwork, yl: affect csceal iiaag action. i slow down r Dief Talk Confident Of Election Outcome EDMONTON (CP) -- Prime/the deficit situation in the very|economy rolling again through Minister Diefenbaker spoke con-|near future." its export and national develop- fidently about the outcome of, 4. A second trans - Canada/ment policies. : the next federal general elec- highway: | The Liberals, he said, had tion and spelled out Conserva-| Consideration must be given tojsung "a calamity | chorus for tive government policy on ajthis even before completion of four long" years." They had number of issues Saturday in ajthe present trans-Canada high-)been "talking unemployment as whirlwind visit to the heartland|way work. "I personally hope| policy and little else since 1957." of Social Credit. that in the development of the| Now Opposition Leader Pear- "We look forward with antici-|second five - year program 0n| son was saying "'things are get- pation to the election, however|the part of this government that|ting better," but we've got to near or far it is," he told the/first consideration would be/watch." windup banquet of the Alberta) given to a second trans - Can- "That's all they're going to Progressive Conservative con-|ada highway. do," Mr. Diefenbaker declared. vention " a cage ; ha ati nea .o [TELLS OF SUCCESS "While I don't like elections-- Harter, at @ press conference, Later, at the Conservative|frequently -- I do look forward he indicated that if war broke} F : + 'banquet, Mr. Diefenbaker de-|to placing our record of na- out Canadian forces would be tional development before the A tailed how his government had Wee Uo che, ane r o> kept its promises and got the'people of Canada." ing to arm Canadians with bows and arrows?" he asked. Then he noted that Canada's 65 Voodoo) 4 \interceptors and bomarc mis-| * |siles will be more effective with| /inuclear warheads, adding 4 |"should war come we must have available the necessary instru- ments." ; |SSPEEDY DELIVERY? : | Asked whether this country, | jcould get these warheads fast jenough from the United States in the event of war if Canada did 'not already have them, he ; Unified Viet Nam Red Chief's Goal TOKYO (AP)--The news from,lightened'--has spent much of South Vfet Nam must bring ajhis lifetime dealing with Ameri- wintry #mile to the leathery face|cans, the French and _ other of Ho Chi Minh, the cloak-and-| Western statesmen -- and often dagger revolutionary who pre-|fooling them. sides in Communist North Viet! In 1919 he made his entry into - ° Nam. |world politics, urging the Ver- oad hte <~ ~_ ad nh The United States has sent/sailles conference that wrote the ook veneer cadet Oat ike Gar about 4,000 soldiers, helicopters,|First World War peace treaty hnadl ld ie ade available specialists in anti-guerrilla war-|to give Indochina freedom from age oii nae nag fare and many other forms of|France. Soon after that he! yp. - i a Cie eas in 30 minutes to an hour. -- a4 ana is helping South Viet| joined the Communist party Firemen train their hoses | Hunt and Golf Club building | Firefighters stood on the : : || At the same time, the primein m4 build an army up to 200,- ' | on the $350,000 fire that Sun- | at Ottawa. Flames shot as | Steps of the adjoining curl- ; ¥ P minister reiterated that disarm-|N@™ Dull an army up f | Today he is one of the world's| : ; ing club, which was saved wi ive CaM SSG 5 Se Bs aa - | ; > tart 000 men to fight the estimated|senior citizens of communism--| day destroyed the Ottawa | high in the air as 40 feet. ' F : WHO LEADS WHO? Sal wal "We deat { inter, |20,000 guerrillas directed by Ho.\he is believed to be at least 70|------_____ i _--(CP_Wirephoto) Things aren't done that | friend, Patches, an old Eng- do anything that will increase|,, Eighteen years ago Ho was onyears old and may be 72--and way, but Tammy, a Chihua- | lish sheepdog, into the ring I :;a0SsS Efi ay Ta NEW LOW GROUP FARES BATTLE 40-FOOT FLAMES Two-Thirds | Fidel Castro Seen | Disproving Rumors HAVANA (AP) -- A foreign newspaper man said Sunday he! mVvOonacrm: Canada's desire was for mu Itilateral trade to the widest pos- |sible extent. "'We are not con jcerned with the ideologica 25 or more people flying to- gether to and from Europe may take advantage of the new low Group Fares just announced, |] The lowest fares In history for scheduled flights. For more group travel DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE MO 8-3304 300 Dundes St. W., Whitby FROLEES THE ATE Earic tts eos 5 pls ooo Wil PPMP ea) 8K iO omy rts) ¢ ' ations'? the other side. As an Indochi-thas set his bright old eyes with ithe nuclear gad a a ¢ nese nationalist -- his commu:| fresh athuneens on his 43-year} He dealt with & nuvee Oo" nism carefully disguised--Ho led] goal the unification of Viet | hua, was quite prepared Sat- | at Calgary's dog show. other subjects at the press con-/1:- ) artisans in warfare against|Nam, and probably Laos and| urday to escort his shaggy --(CP Wirephoto) /fO00nee. | ws Ciba: the Japanese from hideouts in|Cambodia too, under Communist * oe : hte ini |. northern Indochina and accepted/rule. These three countries| e aid from the United States. made up the French-ruled area' TO- eS on TO Blazes Kill Four cL nears leading tis partisans | Jong known as Indochina. : ume spotted Fidel Castro--who dis- jjinto Indochina with American Though he no longer fights be--_ VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) --\in Vientiane for four days, but;appeared from public view two lviews of the countries with|2PProval, he worked as a trans-|side his guerrillas, Ho directs/Pro - Communist Pathet Lao|has made little if any headway|weeks ago -- in downtown Ha- lwhich we trade." lator in the U.S. Office of be the battle for South Viet Nam/forces, with the aid of neutral-|in efforts to form a three-party|vana Saturday night. In Ottawa Are nist sessing imnion a crete, Hl teh soumer man, Gens, saa) timated 00 coaln 'goverment. O°" "C's stro duapmearance up Cuba by trading with the Com-|~"y))") name means "The En-| Vo. Nguyen Giap, commander- north Vietnamese soldiers and) He has had meetings with po-\leashed a flood of rumors that jmunist - oriented Caribbean re-| _ : ""\in-chief, defence minister and| advisers, have a tenuous hold litical leaders and diplomats injhad him either dead, suffering OTTAWA vend rein gh = ard, ' ee nage bmg fy public avi but strategic agent oe ee Phu, the bat- + ii perhaps two - thirds of/his effort to work out a com-\from a_ self - inflicted bullet] Between Toronto and the Ottawa area left four dead|sister Micheline, children of Mr. jerials. "They are not getting the . tle whic roke the French in Laos. promise government in which|wound or a captive of top Cu-| over the weekend and razed the|and Mrs. Robert Girard; and/dollars; we are.' The trade bal- China Menace the Indochina war in 1954. But the American - backed/Boun Oum, Souvanna and Sou- ban Communists, tere LONDON ..... $297 Ottawa Hunt and Golf Ciub, one] Richard Barbier, 8, son of Mrs.'ance was heavily in Canada's | As Ho did in the seven-year royal government of Premier vanna's pro - Communist half-| Alan Oxley, a British free-| fn then ga Sarestalc usa "iripeon persons escaped the ee Argue's jump from F i R i ony oro French, 7 909, Bains ob i meres a core a nee eee A ee photog-| AMSTERDAM $323 5. "ignt ' 2. J iGi ri s s 8, ri Ww s ' g | . Most serious of the blazes oc- building in sub-zero tempera-|the New Deminetate to ile Lib- acing usSsla cae we aoe heavily from) | ois a broad belt along the Me-| None . ts a % " ne ate a hay eager saw| d Saturday at Gatineau,|tures. erals: 'bes sano See -wung on direct-| ing River which probably con- 0 mee ings ever|Castro driving in his official car) -- cae ak a here. | Firemen said early reports at, About a year ago the prime s ing the tactics of the Viet Cong), ving the bigger part ot Lao' seems to get anywhere. and that he followed the pre- informetion ~~ Three children ranging in age|the scene indicated that all oc-|minister had said a key issue Home Implies See tateninc Gaus Wik eats LON a population. This' belt Prentice went to the armed! discounts cell: from one to eight died when fire|cupants had escaped. They didjin the next election would be lneueante: Hig cainial is forilies along the western borders) ¥ De . 4 'aan levelled their three - family|not find out until later that the|free enterprise versus socialism. LONDON (Reuters)--Foreign|three stages of Lend calls for) the country. Mobilization Oxley, who then left the area, wooden dwelling. _ three children were still inside.|] suggested at that time that Secretary Lord Home Saturday|Gyerrijia Rian paris ane spa In this belt are Laos' major said he and another British) Another Saturday fir at Ver-| Mr. and Mrs. Girard were|the Liberals were becomingjimplied that Russia faced "'an| mopile fightin the 8 bs cities -- Vientiane, Luang Pra- journalist, Peter Donat, were ar-| non, Ont., 18 miles south of here,| visiting friends and had left the.more and more a_ socialistjever growing menace" from| es CHI fe Ib a Thakhek, Savannakhet r er or 5 i ' Se | Vis r H ' 4 sige Ala joffensive with trained troops. B, rested later by police after killed Thomas Baillie, a 37-year-|children in charge of a babysit-|party. I don't feel that recent|Communist China. l csophisicecsupuicem a a ee om filming part of a carnival parad old Bell Telephone Company/ter when the fire broke out at/events should cause me to de-. Home did not mention China greater part of the ethnic group s in Havaia Oxley. rel TT Su ' employee. ., {10:30 p.m. lrogate from that suggestion." by name but said that "'Russia| known as the real Lao people.| Indonesians day 'morning ead dha aereat hua The fire occurred in Mr. Bail-) ay ojj stove explosion in one| 3. Federal budgetary deficits: has been invaded from the west) Nuclear Arms People of mixed and minority] no. connection. with: th Gacern lie's new frame home shortly be-|4¢ the other apartments is be-| Since 1957 the Conservative|and has an ever growing men- jracial strains predominate in|) JAKARTA -- President Su- episode re | fore midnight bprind aa bn and|tieved to have triggered the fire.| government had provided an ex-/ce on her eastern borders."" . the Pathet Lao areas. karno has ordered "general mo-| ------__ "ae, (maa visiting re eel Gatineau Fire Chief James|tra $50,000,000 to the provinces. Bh per vlc el the atataeset, fn] For Chinese This is a picture far trom, en-/bilization" throughout Indonesia. coe \O'Farrell said walls of the 32-|Without this and the heavy bur-| AGGreRD NETOTE 8 ONE Mey fn) couraging for the non - Com-| 'The order, announced Satur- FUEL & we Tl G iS U BUSINESS CHILDREN DIE year-old building were insulated|den of 'he hospital insurance | ference of young members of his "aL: munist world. _ day, was not expected to make A N 0 R The three children killed in the|with sawdust, The fire was out|program, there would have been|Tuling Conservative party. | it In VeCade __ Tere is no satisfactory way\much difference in the present a : Gatineau fire were Rolande Gir-|of control for two hours. Ino deficits. "We'll be meeting|,, He told the young Tories that| in which a map can be drawn| situation which sees the govern- : E. J. "Red" : |"every country has fears about) WASHINGTON (AP) -- When of Laos' rugged. mountains and) ment training 500,000 volunteers «(its national security and said/China begins making her ownjjungles showing definitely the| who have offered to go to Neth- WHERRY it is certainly our desire' that/atomic arms, perhaps in a fewjareas held by the government/erjands-ruled West New Guinea sage -- rye never/years, neighboring nations in-jand by its enemies. _ to fight the Dutch. Some 10,000 Red Is one of our employees In the : threatene and t! at she| cluding the Soviet Union may| The troops of both sides arelof these moved to the South coal delivery fleet of the company. should never be attacked from)have more initial cause for con-|widely dispersed over miles Of|Celebes for advanced military) EY ill find hi ful and ~ quarter : . jcern than the United States. thinly populated and almost in-|instruction last week. : wa we) ne ae are ish the fear of war Is disarma:| scm, Military men believe itjaccessinle waters' definitely|,, Sukarno, whose regime has byes ent ple bie bee hope that likely the first nuclear weapons h ty +h om ase 12 rovin-|Oce" threatening to take over, FOR TOP QUALITY the meeting of the committee oft te Nauneae Ate ee) git De cial ca stale-Bath Neus ohana West New Guinea by force, took' th Gatlone wil eREBIA Ua tb start|{o" tactical use to boost fire- Saly a es X len aRCAbah his latest action "after hearing) is| Power of her huge ground|>2!y 'P Seay g Pho \the advice of the National De-! necting sHorees rather than for strategic tous, Trinee Souvanna FBO fence Coun" «presidental strikes against distant targets.| ter Phong Saly and Xieng|27nouncement stated. It added 24 the process." The meeting scheduled to begin i|March 14 This is based, in part, on the| Berlin dispute by negotiations|25sumption that Communist which would ensure "uninter- China initially at least would lrupted access tot he city and the|@ck the delivery systems Home proposed settling the Khouang. Laos' political frontiers ap- pear just as vague as its mil-| itary lines. Souvanna has been that the general mobilization or- der "instructed that citizens were to be summoned for the sake of security and defence of the state." The Best In Heating Service FUEL OIL pape Oy NG wa Poa right of the West Berliners to|needed for strategic attack on) - have allied troops in West Ber-|{argets thousands of miles lin as guarantors against a sud-/4Way. den coup from East Germany.") But shorter range, tactical - ----------i missiles and fighter - bomber i\bury: Weather warning contin- aireratt would be easier to come In Head-On Crash i Pat, eegiahiny by . . {\ues, Milder with snow today be- »': DOLBEAU, Que. (CP) -- Al; ye . coming heavy. at times with con-|_ The growing coolness between|head-on collision between two| 0 eh ag an Indonesian motor \!siderable- drifting accumulating|Moscow and Peking resulted in| cars killed four people Saturday) Bch. soat was sunk by the | 3 to 6 inches before tapering off|the withdrawal about a year ago|and injured one near Dolbeau,|--U°™ to snowflurries tonight. Tuesday|of many if not most of the So-|150 miles northwest of Quebec|™ F P | D d | Thus far, the only military ac- tion in Indonesia's vociferous | our eop e ea campaign to '"'liberate' West West New Guinea was a minor| naval engagement off the vast! A island territory two months ago GOOD FOOD BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 to 2 P.M, HOTEL LANCASTER partly cloudy. Colder tonight and|viet technicians who had been city. | Tuesday. Winds east 20 to 30jhelping China develop industry | Killed were Benoit Simard, 22,| becoming northwest 20-30 tonight/and war '- making capabilities.) yyes Dufour, 35, and Roger La-| and Tuesday. Some estimates by experts ini|tiberte, 32, of nearby Norman-! flurries tonight. Partly cloudy) White River, Cochrane re-\the U.S. are that. Communist/din, and Julien Belanger, 27, of jand cold Tuesday winds east 20 gions: Cloudy with occasional|China probably will begin mak-|Dolbeau. | 30 becoming southerly this after-/snow. Partly cloudy and colder ing nuclear weapons within this) Fernand Bouchard, 22, of Nor- noon and northwest 30 tonight.|with a, few snowflurries Tues-/qecade. But the belief is that/mandin, was taken to Dolbeau| Haliburton region: Weather|day. Winds east 15 today, north|for the new few years, at least,|/hospital where his condition was | jwarning continues. Cloudy and 25 Tuesday. China's capability for building|reported to be satisfactory. i ae ee Peat freez- ' i yelp og och big bombers and missiles will) The cars collided during a ing about noon ow tonignt, 1g imi j ing IS ;Cloudy and colder with snow-| Windsor 25 jbe limited. ea a {blinding ano wslorny. a flurries tonight. Tuesday clear- St. Thomas . 2 Cloudy, Colder During Tuesday ing and cold. Winds east 20 to London today with freezing rain chang-|30 tonight. Wingham .. ing to rain during the forenoon.| Northern Lake Huron, south-|Hamilton ......... Cloudy and turning colder withjern Georgian Bay regions: |St. Catharines a few snowflurries tonight. Tues-| Weather warning continues. Toronto States over the weekend will|day partly cloudy and cold.|Cloudy and milder today with|Peterborough . move through southern Ontario) Winds east 20 - 30 becoming) snow or freezing rain cloudy and/Trenton 54 SIMCOE NORTH today. Precipitation from this|southerly this afternoon and'turning colder with snowflurries Killaloe ... . { e " storm is expected to begin as|jnorthwest 30 tonight and drifting snow tonight dimin-|Muskoka s : WE SELL ONLY freezing rain in the extreme| Con:lishing Tuesday. Winds east 20-(North Bay GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED MEAT Eastern Lake Ontario RINDLESS. 39 southern part of Ontario anditinuing warning. Cloudy and|30 shifting to northwest 30 to- Sudbury . then with rising temperatures|milder today with freezing rain|night. Farliton OVEN-READY 24-31% LB. AV. -- WHILE THEY LAST to change to rain during the fore- beginning this morning chang-| Sault Ste. Marie, northern) Kapuskasing noon. Snow is expected in re-ling to rain this afternoon.|Georgian Bay, Timgami, Al-\White River BRAISING 2 y gions north of 'Georgian Bay.|Cloudy and turning colder snow-|goma regions, North Bay, Sud- Moosonee CROSSCUT WHILE THEY LAST Major snowfalls of three to six| ------ rl SNOW TONIGHT, COLDER TUESDAY oe PHONE 723-4663 WEATHER FORECAST Serving the Public For More Than Fifty Years Official weather forecasts is- sued in Toronto at 5 a.m.: Synopsis: A storm that moved out of the southwestern United Cliff Mills 48-Hour Special ; : r Miler with rain today. Cloudy} -- and turning colder with a few) 3 2 . : : snowflurries tonight. Tuesday f be cg partly cloudy and cold. Winds southeast 20 to 30 becoming southerly this afternoon nd northwest 30 tonight. Lake Erie, southern Lake Hu- ron, Niagara, western Lake On- tario regions, London, Hamilton, Toronto: Freezing rain warning this morning. Cloudy and milder EYE EXAMINATIONS y appointment PHONE 723.4191 F. R. BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 1960 FORD TUDOR Finished in gleaming black with luxurious blue trim. Whitewall tires, windshield washers. radio. FULL $1399 CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 230 KING STREET WEST rs THE NEXT RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC, will be held bday ey March Ist, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. and from 6:00 to 9: p.m, ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM New and old donors are urgently requested to attend. 4 inches are likely to accumulate} in a belt through northern Geor-| FRESH PORK gian Bay and Timagami regions.) LEAN, TENDER Lake St. Clair, Windsor: |

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