4 31--Automobile Repairs KEMP MOTORS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION [27--Real Estate For Sale|29--Automobiles for Sele 1955 GMC curbside van, excellent con- dition throughout, including rubber, ideal for conversion into fish and chip 26--Rooms for Rent FWO rooms, completely furnished with FOR SALE or rent, s#ix-room brick refrigerator and stove, all conveniences.|nungalow near schools, churches, buses. Parking space. Apply 202 Albert Street.|1m mediate possession, reterences|'4 c Faaased, Petvete FURNISHED private, comfortable |please. 728-1963, six to nine. = Tonphone aze7stl between Lh ane Be ates tcsen ae Pak Head cate [NORTRWESY, epecious wix routs DOmiS Oi 3 jgalow, broadloom, fireplace, land-\i§; PONTIAO in fair condition, asking N.Z. Health Program [REPORT FROM U.K. Rent $6. 728-5606. FURNISHED rooms, close to busines jscaped. $1,500 down. Will finance to sult!s75 also parts for 'S2 or '53 Ford prod- buyer. 725-7279. juet. Apply 263 Mary Street. section, for Park Road North. 160 PRIVATE sale. Five room brick bunga-|'59 STRATO CHIEF sedan automatic, Jow. North east section, Beverly Street./radio, whitewall tires, spotless -- SPECIALISTS WHITBY MO 8-4932 Studied By Doctors ONE lovely furnished room for gentle- man, private home, private bathroom and entrance. 444 Fernhill Boulevard or telephone 723-7070. $ PER WEEK. included. Mortgage arranged. Telephone 725-6398 | ti for appointment. galow, patio, recreation room, garage, 39-2396. Ciean hotel rooms, single or double. Nightly rates also available. T 725-0078. LARGE furnished bedroom, all con- veniences, parking for car, very cen- tral, abstainers, gentlemen preferred, close to bus stop, Telephone 723-8644. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, pri- vate entrance, central. Reasonable. Parking. Apply 96 Centre Street. CLEAN furnished room with kitchen, stove and refrigerator, Suit gentleman, central. Telephone 723-9225. SEVEN room and five room apartments, | speed transmission, 900 tires, new motor central. Bill Horner 728-5123. Lioyd)job, $425. Buck's Body Shop, 725-4513, Realty Oshawa, Limited, Realtor. [47 MONARCH in good running condi- MASSON Sireet lovely five-room bun-| rm with| matic Very | Trade in. _--}ville. MA radio, on. Robson Motors, Bowmanville. M 2396, 57 BUICK super four-door hardtop, immaculate condition, one careful own- One 5 per cent NHA mort-jer and only 27,000 miles. Robson Mo- gage. Carries for $77 monthly, 723-2391.|tora, Bowmanville. MA 3-396. HUNDRED down, duplex,|"S4 MERCURY, three-ton truck, five- HOUSE for sale or rent, three bed-|tion. Good tires $55. Telephone 655-3934. rooms, finished recreation room, nice! 72> Corerew Sean oy aie . 60 VOLKESWAGEN, one owner, in ex | Phase orsely vpparecieigrn For further! -ettent condition. Telephone MO 8-5425. bas PRIVATE sale 5% acre farm buildings, Taunton Road West, reasonable. Telephone 728-2416. |'@i PONTIAC Strato Chief sedan, avto- one owner. Bowman- whitewalls, Robson Motors, 3-3396. 1955 OLDSMOBILE 68, hardtop, black Representatives 'of the 32--Articles for Sale NIAGARA Cyclo heat and massage pad, used one week, bought for arthritis but became hospitalized for other con- dition. Sacrifice. 723-3158. ACCORDION, full size, 120 bass with 3 pitch selectors. Will sell for $125 com- plete with case. 725-0351. Vv. r parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice, 726-0591 anytime. teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. | medical profession appear- ing before Canada's royal commission. on health ser- vices have indicated opposi- tion to state control. This story describes New Zea- land's 24-year-old .govern- ment - run medical scheme. By J. C. GRA weaue aarhive A, not enter into the budget cal-| culations of most New Zealand! families. | On the other hand the cost is) ultimately paid for through taxes. The growing cost of so- cial services, including health, is a major government head- ache, Social service costs are estimated at nearly 20 per cent of national income, imposing a di Press Corresp AUCKLAND (CP)--Canadian doctors who visited New Zea- t/brake on ec ie expansion. That is a point of interest to any country considering such a system. It has been found in vate institutions the state pays part of the cost. All children, even before school age, are eligible for free dental treatment. At schools this is handled by a chain of clinics staffed by dental nurses under the supervision of den- tists. Older children up to 16 are treated by private dentists. DRUGS ARE FREE On production of a doctor's prescription, any pharmacy will supply drugs and other 27--Real Estate For Sele Has all the extras, $2442 down, 725-9478 and white, four new tires, battery, com- galow with carport. lk-out LOT, 76 x 160, level on dead-end. Ex- MO area. Municipal water. cellent 8-6147 after 6.30 p.m. PRIVATE sale, Apple Hill, attractive five-room bungalow, fully landscaped, storms and screens, 5% per cent inter- est, $13,500. Substantial down payment. Telephone 725-7803. pot cxsesmesitatose-brhaarnentalie - --**--|plete brake job. Radio, power brakes, ;DUPLEX beautiful modern rug brick, double garage, north section, W. Mc-/cellent condition throughout. Can be in- Auley Realtor, 28 Prince Street, 723-jspected by anyone. } 2512. 148,000. Call anytime after 193500. TRY ANY LOW down payment,| 72-555. Cam be seen at five rooms, bathroom, large let. Mrs. Tierney, 725-5207, Howe and Peters. _ OPEN for admiration, Futurama model 4 p.m, Street East eee | 1961 RAMBLER custom, accessories, excellent condition, aqua mist. Reason- CALL 723-1133 FOR A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE CARL OLSEN REALTOR AE AYES ST. W., OSHAWA FOR SALE Good downtown property will be free and clear, | ready for building land is offered for sale at $2000. per toot frontage on King St. Leave information in writ- ing with: BOX 3 OSHAWA TIMES __ GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. § 723-1121 While you are out driving this week end look oat a few of these Guide Realty Ex- clusives., 98 GLADSTONE AVENUE-- Will take older model, Can be 723-4031. able. home on Rossemere Street, North West financed Oshawa. Open daily till 8 p.m, Joseph} 1870. Bosco Realtor 725-987 } REDUCED to $11 700 for quick sale,|c»celent condition, good tires, $495 or ' § of Three-bedroom brick bungalow, three|best offer. Telephone 728-9719, = _ years old, in spotless condition. Situat-/"59 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, ed on a quiet street, off Park Road /full power equipment. Only 20,000 orig- North. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 725-9870./inal miles, Spotless condition, Robson WILSON South, well planned, three-|Motors, Bowmanville. MA 33306. year old, NHA gungalow, custom kit-|i958 OLDSMOBILE four-door sedan, chen, dinette, three good sized bed-\super 88, immaculate condition, trade rooms, large living - dining room, tiled considered, terms available, Robson four-piece bath, storms, screens, oil|Motors, Bowmanville. MA 3-3396 heat, just decorated, schools, bus *34 BUICK. four-door, one owner, new pryole ee On ee ng paint job, standard transmission, radio 1955 M -|MO 4-4009. PAUL RISTOW SEES es 'eo PO owner, trade in, Spotless condition. Robson Motors, Bowmanville, MA 3-3396 REALTOR SIMCOE ST. N.. 728-9474 '3 CHEVROLET coach, good condi- tion, $150 or best offer considered, Ap- Residential Farm 93 Wecker Drive. BUICK parts for sale '52 Plymouth Commercial Industrial a) parts; "53 Chevrolet station wagon; front axle, wheels, tires 16", for trailer; front fender assembly for °52 Chevro- let 4% ton. Telephone 726-4452 1957 PONTIAC, standard transmission, Only few lots availoble for custom-built homes ot Mary St., Finucane ond Bader, or Byng Avenue in good condition, radio, Could be seen J. OCHONSK]I jafter 5 o'clock, anytime weekends. $900 725-6031 lparty. 725-6893 anytime. y 52' | | | | ! 5 728-280 "38 CHEV. station wagon, excellent con- jdition, custom radio, new white wall |tires, wheel discs, will finance. Tele- 1e MO 8-4778 BUICK, in good condition, Phone MO 8-4456 728-2805 he | | | i nD 59 CHEVROLET eight cylinder, autor ing, radio, many ex exc 73 FIVE Vauxhalls from '57 to '61 Station- wagons and sedans, Very reasonably, priced to clear. Robson Motors, Bow- manville. MA 3-3396. '38 CADILLAC, fourdoor hardtop, 21,000 miles, fully equipped, two-tone, clean, $2195. Buck's Body Shop, 725-4513 All rented. Retirement oppor- THE HOME OF tunity. GOOD USED CARS _Temple 9-2224 | pi) WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. impala convertible ic, power steer- ellent condition NEW SIX-PLEX FOR SALE In. Whitby. Ideal location. vashers, many extras. Definitely in ex- Original mileage "/$3.45. Visit Edgar's first ~|TARGE space heater and ofl tank, also REFRIGERATOR, Norge; Sunbeam land last year for the British mixmaster; kitchen suite, television,, Medical Association conference medicines free, recovering the New Zealand that once a bene- cost from the government. This fit is introduced, it takes such washing machine, six months old; i s ' steam iron, dishes, Reasonable. tele-| Studied the state health ser ivice in torce here. phone 728-6006. ' | 4 |\CHESTERFIELD suite, two - piece! Whether any of its features 621 King/toast color, in excellent condition, Tele-| will be recommended by the cur-|the courage to curtail it. jphone 725-7463 after six. rent Canadian roya! commission |DINETTE set, table, four chairs fad on health services is not known, and| Dut it has been widely examined buffet; also Frigidaire refrig Connor washing machine, bed |dresser; Comet floor polisher. 728-5225.;abroad as a system of com- ETEOR Niagara, red and cream, | LARGE size baby crib and mattress, prehensive health benefits for|poorer districts this is often the Telephone | q}} The New Zealand service has, indeed, become an_ essential feature of national life. But it |TONE on tone green rug and pad, size still does not give universal sat- |11' x 9, Also single bed, spring and|isfaction and amendments are }mattress. Size 36", all good condition under urgent consideration a tReet | New Zealand was a pioneer | KROEHLER chesterficid, only $109.88). 0) a a eapeipe beautiful styling, good fabric, Kroehler|JN introducing comprehensive jeonstruction ($219.50 value). Barons'|state health services. The sys- 'in excellent condition, 728-3893 after six or Sunday. |WASHING machine, Westinghouse, |wringer, like new, $50, Telephone 723- 4117 Private $395, Only 41,000 original miles.|Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street tem was made universal under| South : 25a EO CE -- a 1938 act and extensions have ROCKING chair, only $29.88, heavy frieze cover, $49.95 value. Hassocks been made at intervals for more only 99 cents with each rocker sold.|than 20 years Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simece) There is no complicating di- Street South : satis. ii0ve tas Gs, is ee aes vision of responsibility between LU aby carriage, in good co! a Po rovinel rern- tlon, Telephone 728-0976. * jcentral and provincial pho OLD guns wanted, Rifles, shotguns, re-| Ment, such as exists in an- jvolvers and pistols also old eartridges.;ada. The entire service is oper- 725-8183, Ct' ated «by the national govern- FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib-| ment, eral trade-in allowanc Free demon- stration. Telephone 728.4683, iNO MEDICAL BILLS MEAT scale, chopping biock, et The system ensures that the showcase, pop cooler, coffee grinder,|. i > , , grill, cheque writer, fire proof ledger, |@Verage family never has any milk shaker, large safe, file cabinet,,problem about medical jdesk, chair. Hamilton's, Whitby. __ ithe state services look after |AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service.ithem. The cost of health does bills--| has become the most costly and controversial aspect of the scheme. Critics say patients de- mand medicines from their doc- tors whether needed or not and that New Zealand has become a nation of hypochondriacs with bathroom cupboards crammed full cost. Elsewhere doctors are|With scarcely - used bottles of 'permitted to charge additional) Medicine for every conceivable | complaint. Expensive new jamounts paid by the patient. |*"wonder drugs" have further |FREE IN HOSPITAL jadded to the cost. From 1951 - 52 to 1960 - 61 | In Auckland the average ex-) jtra charge has just been in-\the cost of services jumped ja firm hold on public demand) that no government ever has/ The government pays about $1 toward the cost of every con- sultation at a doctor's office and higher rates for home visits. In | By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng.) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON -- One of the rules for municipal councils laid down in the laws governing them is that if a councillor has a financial interest in any proj- ect or subject being discussed by the council, he must declare that interest and take no part in the proceedings or voting concerning it. Now municipal councillors, through the local authority associations, are peti- tioning Dr. Charies Hill, minis- ter of housing and local govern- ment, to change these rules. They claim that unless he does, he will find very few industrial- ists, shopkeepers and profes- sional people prepared to take the risk of giving their services in municipal affairs. The municipal clerk of a town in the Home Counties expressed| poe view very strongly. He sa jereased to $1 from about 60)from $26,845,000 to $61,270,000. A jcents. The surcharge is higher|/breakdown of 1960 - 61 costs ifor consultations with specialists (with 1951-52 bracketed); medi- but all specialist services are|cal $12,390,000 ($7,965,000); hos- jentirely free in public hospitals.|pital $16,520,000 ($6,195,000); iThe system is flexible since/maternity $4,720,000 ($2.360,00); jpatients may choose their own|pharmaceutical $19,675,000 ($7,- \doctor and switch from one to}080,000); other, including den- {another without any formalities.|tal, $7,965,000 ($3,245,000) | All attention in public hos-| The cost of the drug benefit jpitals is free, including surgery,|continues to soar fastest. Fore- jnursing and board and meals.|casts have been made that this |There are, however, usually/year it may go as high as $26,- jwaiting lists for admission. |500,000. One suggestion is that iThose who do not want to wait/a token charge be imposed, as jmay go to private hospitalsjin Britain, for every prescrip- |where part of the fees are paidition. But even so mild a cur- iby the state. 'tailment would bring strong op- Maternity, medical, hospital/position and the government is and other charges are free injlikely to hesitate before impos- 'public nursing homes. In pri-'ing such a check. } | "The hazards are so great |that many men and women with first-class business brains are just not coming forward for election. The risk of a fine of $150 always hanging oyer their heads is too much for them. "Under the present rules," he said, "councillors who have any possible interest in a contract, firm or proposed, or any other matter are debarred from vot- ing and taking part in discus- sions." WORDING CLUMSY It is contended that the word- ing of the rules is such as to lead to some undesirable situa- tions. Thus a tenant of a coun- Interest Conflict Amendment Sought pendent means." cil house who, as a' councillor votes on a question affecting rents, is liable to prosecution. So also'is a printer councillor who takes part in a debate on the council's future arrangements. Says a London councillor: "We regard this as plain non sense, for the printer is able te contribute specialized knowl edge to help us on our way in such a discussion. But because of the financial interest rules he just stays away from the meeting when the subject is being debated." PLEA TO MINISTER Because of al! this, councik lors, and the loca! authority organizations, are telling Dr. Hill that the time has come for a complete review of the law on this subject. If matters stay as they are, they argue, local government is bound to suffer. Recent cases in which chaire men have lost their seats and councillors have been taken to court have made the position more serious, say experts on municipal law. One of them said: "Committee and council busi- ness is very difficult to get on with as a result of court deci- sions which have made mem- bers rightly extremely nervous. I find it personally very diffi- cult to advise them as the posi- tion seems to change from year to year. "T am convinced that unless a radical amendment is made in the law we shall be left with councils composed of retired vicars, pensioners and a few stout - hearted ladies of inde free estimates, Chair, table rentals./ sihiciesaa |Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe 'North. | BRITISH BRIEFS HALF priced sale of Sunworthy redi- pasted and regular wall paper at Edgar's Decor Centre, 34 King Street yest. Room lots of 10 single rolls from {SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's. washers, pianos, stoves, ete. For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131 STAUFFER reducing couch and timer,/ Inew condition, $100 cash, Telephone; MO 8-2553. | 20" table television. Telephone 728-4452. {DELUXE Frigidaire range, 40"; also power lawn mower, homespun drapes,/| }4 widths, all in excellent condition. |Telephone 725-3060. {GOOD selection of reconditioned TV'sihas a flag of its own, and it at reasonable prices. Parkway Tele- : 5 i : vision, 918 Simcoe Street North, Your now flies daily over British color TV store. Columbia House on Lower Re- By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- British Columbia Coast Province Flies Own Flag Peanuts Giving Main Support For Senegal DAKAR (AP) -- French aid helps the Republic of Senegal along, but it's peanuts that pro- vide the main support. The oil - bearing nut, in pro- duction here for a hundred years, accounts for 90 per cent of Senegal's exports. An export tax on peanuts yield: about half Bridport. Flown to her new home, she carried a list of in- structions on how to care for leak for the guidance of her |new master, a mountain sheep /farmer in Greece | By DAVID OANCIA LONDON (CP)--A feeling of uneasiness appears to be creep- ing into the discussions of Brit- ain's bid to become a member of the European Economic Com- munity. The soul - searching is being Uneasy Note Seen In Market Talks jdeliberately underplayed the idea that the goal of economie union is ultimately the political union of the Western half of the old continent. With community membership the British Parliament, which BUSINESS reflected in newspaper columns,/has been supreme in the land, 146 BROCK N pub conversations, workshops] wit} give up some of its sover- Five-room brick, oil heating, t i the national revenue. | excellent condition. $10,45 |BEFORE buying or selling televisions, pent street. It is a flag which | VoIsE TAX DEMAND stoves, wash- MEADOW CRESCENT, off Gorrard Rd. N., 3-bedroom roncher. Asking $12,900. 49 ARLINGTON, well-main- tained 14-storey brick. Ask- ing $10,500. 1012 HORTOP -- Five-room brick, double garage, circular _WHI OPPORTUNITY 3. apartments with lange ground-floor store. Central location. Ideal income' prop- erty. Will take clear home os down payment. This is an excellent money maker, For further information please coll Good | 3 TBY MO 8-4741 SPOT CASH' PAID FOR clean cars. Trode up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 14 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 ~\used furniture. furniture, refrigerators, ers, call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294 |BABY bargains, large full panel cribs, '$17; Daby. carriages, $20; playpens, $8.88; chrome high chairs, $10.88; Stroll- ers, $5.88, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church | Street | TYPEWRITERS, electric ten key add- jing machine, calculator, check writer, also cash register, Will sell reasonable. | 723-4434, WE pay high prices in the city for Pretty's Used Furni- was specially designed for the province by the College of Her-| alds in 1906. Almost forgotten, it was unearthed by Premier Ww. A. C. Bennett when on a |visit to London, and he ordered it to be revived and hung on jthe province's official building -|in London, LONDON -- A heavy tax on noise is suggested in "Quiet Please", the Noise Abatement Society's magazine, a copy of which has been sent to every MP. The magazine says the owners of heavy machinery should be fined at a rate of $3 for every decibel between 60 and 70, rising to $30 for every | Senegal has a population of} 3,260,000. About 46,000 of these are French, and French is the common language. Paris' in- fluence dates from the 17th century. This influence _ still dominates living, although the country is today politically in- dependent. Dakar, westernmost point of the African continent, has broad drive, $11,900. 760 LAW STREET and 789 Lew Street, custom - built ronchers with 'attached gar- oge, perfect condition, | im- mediate possession 463 NIPIGON, 6% N.H.A. resale, North - west oreo. Asking $12,900. 724 WESTDALE, seven-room split-level, double gorage, mony extras. $22,500. 157 PONTIAC AVE. 6-room rancher with gorage, paved drive, many extras, immediate possession 162 MILL ST. 3-bedroom home in excellent condition. Asking $8,500 108 LARACOUR AVENUE, ideo! for an executive. Re- duced over $10,000 on orig- inal asking price. 136 COLBORNE ST. S. -- 7. room brick, with large lot. $495 down. 84 SHERWOOD 3-bed- room custom-built home with fireploce, immediote posses sion. HANCOCK ROAD -- four rooms and | ocre of good garden land. $5,500, 258 ADELAIDE ST. E. 6 rooms ond garage. Paved drive, immediate possession, MACKO Realtor _La8-4661 BUY OR RENT BODY SHOP WORK SHOP WAREHOUSE 1000 sq. ft. cement biock building, large heavy garage door in front, heavy wired, lot 90' x 200', Ideal for any type of shop, etc. Call Mr. Bola hood at 725-6544 or 725 8333 j J BOLAHOOD Limited Insurance Realtor JOHN A |28--Real Estate Wanted |WE have buyers! W. McAuley Realtor, 28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or MO 8-5765. Thinking of Selling Call D. W. WILSON REALTOR 725-6588 VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage } FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S$. --' 728-09 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars 725-0331 21 j 1960 Austin Cambridge like new $1195 1959 Chevrolet, sedan delivery, V-8, auto- matic $1095 1958 V - 8, automatic, radio $1395 1957 Pontiac Lauren- tian, hardtop, 195 Chevrolet, biscayne | ture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South.| RECORD BULL PRICE seers on q gape eras | PE -- : T¥PING paper on sale, letter aize,, PERTH, Scotland An ll |white newsprint, buy in bulk lots andjmonths old Aberdeen Angus jsave. 434 Ib pkg. $1.00, 9 lb. pkg. $2.00. /bhul] was sold to two Argentine |Circulation Dept., Oshawa Times. ie ea ha dai teenies (Oe at the annual Perth ; 0, in fs sistor, . $32.50. Aerial and installation extra, Try |Sale for Just over $100,000, near- Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. |ly $12,000 more than the pre- camping supplies, marine | vious record for the breed. The j » outboard motors, guns ani »y SUE Bent Orin Toy Dominicn bull, named Jumbos Eric of --|Ttre, 48 Bond Street West Candacraig, came from an |DISCOUNT prices at Edgars on Para| Aberdeenshire farm, jpaint and varnish. Gloss, fiat ,semi- = {slots ise in wells Boe. 20 shore at FIND SAXON RUINS per cent oi Yo limit to quantity, T ~ 9 Get free advice at Edgar's Paint and , BURGH CASTLE, Suffolk - Wall Paper, 34 King Street West. Traces of what are believed to B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat.|be the cells of a Saxon monas- terles, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele-|tery founded about the year 835 vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. /have been discovered at Burgh REPAIRS on any make cash registers,/(-. , ' adding machines, typewriters. Also sup- Castle, Suffolk. The find was |plies. Work guaranteed. For free esti-;-made by a ministry of works ex- mates, J. Burk, 316 Leslie Street cavator DUPLICATORS, hand and electric, jspirit or stencil; supplies, Hamilton Of-/ TALKING IN SIGNS fice Equip., 137 Brock St. 8. MO 8-8442. SOUTHWARK Girl Red USED parts and repairs for all makes ~,.,.. . of wringer type washers, % hp motors, Cross cadets in Southwark are $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned|taking instruction in sign lan- Washers and stoves. Paddy's Market,/oyage so that they can com- etna weahande <sajarm|Municate with deaf and dumb ra" Hi bo ; : ture or anything you have. The City/eris. The unit's officer, Mrs. Trading Post Stores, 445 Simcoe Street/George Crocker said that the South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671./pirls themselves had asked to | ? be taught the sign language SAVE 30% ' -- | On all your purchases of |ADVERTISING TAX BAD STEREO & LONG-PLAYING RECORDS. $6,000 worth of the finest selections to choose from MEAGHER'S | 5 King St. W. 723-3425 |Society of British Advertisers, has sent a brief to Chancellor lof the Exchequer Selwyn Lloyd jputting forward the argument jthat any tax on advertising jmust be a deterrent to the eco- LONDON -- The Incorporated) boulevards and paved side- walks with colorful cafes. Shops feature French couture, coif-| fure, books, newspapers and} magazines. You can buy French| bread by the yard, French per- fumes, cigarettes, automobiles, bicycles. MEN GO MODERN While Senegalese women mostly prefer gay African cos- tumes, the well-dressed man likes short jackets, narrow trousers and pointed shoes. Senegalese say continued |French influence in their coun- NATURE PRESERVE try is logical because France CRANBROOK, Kent Ten|has been "a truly loving par- acres of woodland at Angley|-ent." In 1960 agony Wood veye|to. Senegal was estimated at ond Cranbrooke, Kent, WeTe| 45,000,000, including $20,000,000 lvelopment but after the Kent|i! Subsidies to maintain peanut \Naturalists' Trust intervened, and peanut oil prices above world levels. The French gov- henley Bed ~-- he (ernment and individuals have Trust is also being allowed to| several hundred million dollars extend the reserve at Laybourne| "Tyee other "seneutly inde- jLakes, near Maidstone, by three| pendent African countries, Sene- nore igal's pressing problem is to ISERVICES AT HOME jraise the low standard of living.| DEPTFORD -- Old people in| ALIGNED WITH WEST Deptford, who cannot get to| Complete non-alignment is the jchurch, will soon be able to/official basis of Senegal's for- jhear church services in their|eign policy, But apart from a jown living rooms. A group of|Yugoslav charge d'affaires, young people of St. Catherine's| there is no Eastern bloc repre- Church, New Cross, are to visit|Sentative in Senegal. Non-align-| the old people and play the ser-| ment in Senegal means no align- vices te thee on am "ube re-| ments with the Communist bloc; decibel over 100. MAIL GO-SLOW PADDINGTON -- A postcard bearing only a halfpenny stamp has been delivered to Padding- ton Alderman William Harriss. He was not asked to pay an ex- cess charge, for the postmark on it was Banbury, 4:30 p.m., September 8, 1905. It was de- livered to his home, addressed ito Miss M. Squire, who lived there over 30 years ago, and who would now be over. 100) years old if still alive | D OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE For full particulars col! 723-112) Phyllis Jubb, Irene Brown, Roy Flintoff, Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, Lucas Peocock YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING. Open doily 9 a.m to 9 p.m. 29--Automobiles for Sale 1957 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 07 KING ST OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Rood 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 ~ HARRY MILLEN 728-1679 KINGSDALE CRES. -- $14,800.00 This is the best value in @ 2-storey home thot we have had to offer. It is loaded with extras etc.) and is nicely located on a well-landscaped lot Living room 12 x 18, dining room 10 x 13, main floor family room 12 x 14 with 2-pc. bath adjoining, family kitchen, 3 bedrooms up plus 4-pc. bath. Down payment is flexible to be true? Then see for yourself by calling Mr, Smith 728 King S REAL ESTATE No' Pontiac Deluxe sedan, automatic, $695 WHITBY AUTO SALES w at New Location t. W (formerly Hilltop) | VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE tn a new location. 16% Bond Street West. Top prices paid for used radios, televis- ions, furniture and applian ces. We buy, sell and ex- change. Telephone 728-4401, T.V. TOWERS 40 ft. structure with all channel antenna, al! galvan ized, guaranteed 1 year TRIO TELEVISION cars fol 7 8 (built-ins, paved drive, patio, Sounds too good Sell y Car 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car?' cs ' 30--Automobiles Wanted | LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want! vr wrecking. Highest prices paid.) our used Car to Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Dealer and "SAVE" 171 Bond St. E., 728-6781 GOOD RECONDITIONED Refrigerators Ranges And Washers All parts and service. AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE HARWOOD AVE, NORTH AJAX --- WH 2-6410 |nomical marketing of consumer goods and to the sales efficiency jot British manufacturers. | UNUSUAL EXPORT | BRIDPORT, Dorset --~ A novel lexport from 'Dorset to Greece jis an 18-months old Scotch bor- {der collie, Tess, trained as a jsheepdog by F. H. White of ie |32--Articles for Sale |FURNACE forced air, 10 year guaran. |tee, $2.25 per week, no down poyment. |Package deal, $130, Telephone 725-4729 |DRYERS -- used, one Douglas dryer, jgood condition $59.95, budget terms; one Norge dryer re-conditioned $99.95. |$10 down and $2.50 weekly. B. F. Good- rich Stores 88 King West 725-4543. ONE Easy washing machine, good con- dition. $45. Telephone MO 8-5277. TREMENDOUS savings on floor cover- ings discontinued patterns. Many de- signs and colors. Clear out 25 cents per foot. Congowall clearouts 39 cents per foot. Inlaid linoleum canvas back 99 cents square yard. Wilson's Furniture, /20 Church Street |FREEZER, television, cedar chest, corder. TOP SKIPPER LOWESTOFT -- Lowestoft's top fishing skipper, "Snowy" Gallagher, 45, who has broken {the port record by catching $132,000 worth of fish in a year, has been presented with a silver tea service by the boat's own- ers. The mate received a gold watch, and members of the crew silver tankards [DRUNKS IN DRY TOWN . HITCHIN, Herts -- More than half the 37 cases of drunkenness in Hitchin licensing division last year occurred in a town without public houses. Letchworth Gar- den City, "'dry" because of the teetotal beliefs of its founders, had 19 of fhe 37 cases during 1961, the highest on record. |SCIENCE TAKES OVER | MANCHESTER -- The can- |the government is svlidly with ithe West as a result of its | French orientation. | President Leopold Sedar |Senghor, 55, often is described as a man who reasons as a Frenchman, but leads his na- tion as an African He is a Sorbonne - educated poet and philosopher and a Roman Catholic in a predominantely- Moslem land. His wife is | French. The 50 - year - old premier, |Mamadou Dia, is a Moslem. He controls internal administration and security and ts the most practical member of the ruling team. Lake Fishermen Show Impatience BRANTFORD (CP) -- North and conference rooms. It reached a point recently where some cabinet ministers were pointedly leaking to politi- cal correspondents reports that the timetable for Britain's entry may be delayed. These inspired stories are taken as a government attempt to damp down what it feels may be incautious optimism over the chances of British membership in the community launched by Germany, France, Italy, Bel- gium, Holland and Luxembourg. FACE INTERNAL STRIFE They are viewed also as an indication of the recognition by Prime Minister Macmillan's Conservative government of the formidable political struggle it faces in its own ranks over the common market issue. They could also be a reflection of government feeling that the skilful public relations program to sell the common market idea in Britain may not be as suc- cessful as was hoped at the out- set. The sell-the-six program has been concentrated almost en- tirely on the economic advan- tages Britain would gain by joining the moves toward broader European union. Little has been said about the political implications either for the Mother country or for the Commonwealth it heads. Most informed observers accept that Britain will almost certainly have to sacrifice some of her sovereignty if she becomes a community member. This raises the question of her future relationship with the col- onies she fostered into empire and eventually into the family of nations. And this is one of the questions that most worries the staunch Tories who have felt more at home in the little Englands around the world than they have in Bonn, Paris or Rome. IDEA UNDERPLAYED Cabinet ministers selling the idea of union in Europe have eign powers of national choice to the majority rule of the com- mon market's member states. It is on this aspect that the empire-minded Tories are build- ing up their campaign against Britain throwing in her lot with that of her continental neigh- bors. If the negotiations on the Brit« ish application in Brussels drag on, these forces may be able to muster enough power to jeopar- dize seriously the moves te draw closer to the continent. The hope still appears to be that the broad outlines of any membership settlement will be known by July at the latest. Since the government has re jected the idea of a national ref- erendum on joining, the common market debate could then take place in Parliament before the summer recess. This also would permit the convening of a Commonwealth prime ministers' conference te discuss the family's future fol- lowing the development of closer Western European Union. NEED ACTION BY FALL But if no clear pattern of «ee tlement emerges before the Brite ish political party conferences ig the fall, Prime Minister Mac- millan's government may be in for some serious internal strife, The conference traditionally has provided a forum for speak- ers who have been far more right-wing and empire-conscious than the party's Parliamentary leadership. Macmillan is determined to take Britain into Europe both economically and, as far as pose sible, politically. 'Britain in Eye rope" could develop into a mac jor theme during the next Brit- ish election. But observers stress that neither the prime minister nor his colleagues have any illu- sions about the political difficul- ties these moves present for the government leaders at home. MERRY MENAGERIE © 1962 Fare World Bights Reserved 1679 days -- evenings 728-8254 evenings THE PRICE IS RIGHT TED CAMPIN MOTORS |__723-4494 Res. 725-5574 cookware, silver, golf equipment, to nine 1958 JOHNSTON outboard motor, 34 clock radic, lady's|coalmines, which goes back as/getting impatient for spring. luggage. 728-1963, six|far as records exist, is nearly| Several Port Dover fishemen ------|chesterfield multe, lamps, room-divider, ary S Tole of detecting gas in|shore Lake Erie fishermen are NEW SPRING z\over. The bird is being replaced|this week took their tugs $13,900.00 which is well below replocement cost brick, built-in gorage, rec-room, 3 good bedrooms This home will sell! -- home inside ond out © inspect it now by calling Loreen Kellett ot 723-3770 $1,500.00 DOWN 3-bedroom close to schools be had. ronch brick very well decorated and landscaped A terrific buy ond immediate occupancy con $1,000 DOWN -- 4 BEDROOMS 7-room brick, forge living ond dining room Privote drive with goroge chen. Oil heating, for Charles Smith, 728-8254 ange fomily or os on income home John Fieid, 723-2874 family-size kit- Ter Full price Loreen Kellett, 723-3770 Six-rTOOmM A loely | | $ ALL CASH $ | For cleon cors we deo! up or Liens paid off NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. | 512 BROCK. ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 town DRAPERY ustom-made, latest colorful floral orid abstract potterns, | Satins, Rayons, Mohairs, lined and unlined, up to 4 widths | » 54 to 95 inch lengths, $17.95 horsepower, in good condition, Will sell c lfor cash. Telephone 725-9478, |LARGE refrigerator and 42 inch elec- trie stove, in good condition. Both for |$100. Telephone 728-4678 |MOFFAT stove, electric, two years old: |Moffat refrigerator, four years. Both jin good condition. Telephone 725-2270. | Kitchen Drapery Fabric, at Good A@vertising ond Good Merchandising GO HAND in HAND |34--Lost & Found colors in polished | 79c¢ yd. up. Dan River Dress Cottons, var- 98e yd. M&C DRY GOODS | 74 CELINA ST., 723-7827 tractive cotton LOST: Boy's glasses in brown case, between four corners downtawn to Rit- son road back to Hibbert Street by way fof Olive, Gibb, tracks. Telephone 725-0270 } up lous colors, poterns. 4 thoroughbred hound, black white end tan face, tn the ¢icini Reward. Tele LOST with of Orono and Oshawa phone 728-7982 tosville, RR 1. zi tele or Mrs. P. Farraw, mel lby an electrical detector invent-|through the ice - clogged har- jed by three Coal Board scien-|bor into Lake Erie for a pre- tists at Manchester, after 10|liminary test of their luck at years of research |fishing. MAC'S NEW COOK early spring," one veteran fish- CHEQUERS, Bucks The\erman said Friday "A boat Prime Minister's new cook at|tied up at*the docks ist't mak- Chequers is Flight Sergeant /ing any money " | "We are all hoping for an Jean Bosworth, a former stu- ;dent at Bath Technical College | | She CAPTIVE AUDIEN' holds the City and Guilds) Singer Louise O'Brien fre Certificate for cookery in. ho quent guest on "Sing Along With and catering establish-/ Mitch," used to entertain in- She has served for 21;mates at Oklahoma state peni- in the Women's Royalitentiary where her father was \the warden. ments jyears Force. "We're identical twins--not that anyone has ever gd iss noticed!" \