E. << a rod @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursd./, February 22, 1962 CANADIAN CORPS AUXILIARY INS" The 1962 executive of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Canadian Corps Association, Unit 42, was installed recently in a colorful ceremony at the Ca- nadian Corps club rooms. Mrs. . William Watts, newly | installed -- President, is seen LODGES AND SOCIETIES | seated centre flanked by first | vice-president, Mrs. Charles | Donald, on the left, and Mrs | James Garrison, second vice- | president, on the right. Stand- ing from left to right are Mrs Allen King, treasurer, a TALLS OFFICERS and Miss Betty Caverhill, secretary. Absent when the picture was taken were Mrs. Leonard Fraser, sgt.-at-arms, and Mrs. Alfred West, chap- lain. --Oshawa Times Photo jer ja penny sale is to be held. Draw | prizes were donated and won |by Sister Elizabeth Morton and |Brothers Leo Keeler and Wil- LOYAL TRUE BLUE , After discussing many items The Loyal True Blue Lodge, jof Lodge interest, past worship-| No. 55, held its regular meeting ful mistress sister Mary Thomp- on Tuesday, February 20, in|S0n was escorted to the altar the Orange Temple, with Wor- |by Supreme Grand Mistress shipful Mistress Sister Ruth| |Sister Susan Spencer to receive Gatchell presiding, assisted by|her past mistress jewel. Wor- ty master, Brother Leo|Shipful mistress Sister Ruth pn Gatchell made the presentation. The' annual birthday banquet Lodge opened in the jis to be held on March 16 manner, flags were saluted and| iSupper will be served at St scriptures and prayers were) Andrew's United Church at 6.30 read by chaplain Sister Alice|y m. followed by entertainment Short. in the Orange Temple. Members The minutes and correspon-|are asked to contact Sister Ruth dence was read by Sister Phyl-|Gatchell, Sister Elizabeth Mor- usual lis Arborn. The sick report was|ton or Brother Leo Keeler re- ily by making a chart on-which arelat 6.30 at St. Mrs. Hewer read a pamphlet!' given by deputy master Bro-' garding tickets ther Leo Keeler. At the next regular meeting! jHam Arborn WIFE PRESERVER | Identify household keys eas- the outlines of all keys traced and Clearly labeled. (UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES RITSON H AND 8 ASSOC. "Citizenship" was the subject of the February meeting at Rit- son Home and School Associa- tion Mrs. Jon Jenkins introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Jan Drygala, who is a member of the Toastmasters' Club and is chairman of community infor- mation service. He spoke on the many difficulties facing the im- migrant to Canada. Children of course adjust eas- ily but adults face problems of learning English and finding work, He felt there was a need for an information centre for which proved tv be very inter- esting. Mz: Alex Walker, Mrs. James + aera served re- freshments. 22nd PARENTS' COMMITTEE The monthly meeting of the 22nd Parents' Committee of the Girl Guide and Brownie Asso- ciation was held recently at the home of Mrs. E. J. Brookham, Mrs. W. D. Stainton, the group president opened the we with the Guide prayer and wel- comed the 11 members we The minutes and correspon- dence were read by Mrs. so Gulenchyn. The fi ial immigrants and ch need- ed in the welfare plans to aid immigrants. A film "The Threshold" about an immigrant's life in Ganada, was shown Mrs. Frank Zarowny thanked the speaker Mrs. Gordon Butler thanked all members who had helped to make the skating night so suc- cessful. Mr. Robert Richard's Grade 6 class won the attendance ban- ner. The Women's Guild of Grace }|Lutheran Church held its. Feb- ruary meeting in the Church (parlors. The president, Miss Carolyn |Manz, opened the meeting. | Mrs. Jack Steffen led the de- |votions | Mrs. |minutes and Mrs. William jshall, the treasnrer's report The meeting closed with pray- Refreshmeilts were served by |Miss Caroln Manz and Mrs. Ivan Mitchell. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Wil- |liam Marshall. \7th SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. | In spite of snow | drifts 17| women attended the February meeting of the Mothers' Auxil- iary in St. Paul's Church The president, Mrs. Clayton Hewer, opened the meeting with prayer followed by the secre- tary's and treasurer's reports. Mrs. Hewer announced an in- |vitation to attend the 50th anni- P| |vesary Queen's Scout recogni- rs |tion ceremony at Dr. F. J. Done- ivan Collegiate Institute, Feb- be 22. Plans were completed for the lfather and son banquet which wae held Saturday, February 17 Gertrude's Hall 'HOUSE OF FABRICS LTD. WEEK-END SPECIALS! Start your new spring wardrobe now, and do- it-yourself, with these beautiful new patterns and designs, this week-end at very special, low ,low prices. WASHABLE COTTON PRINTS 4 yds. dress lengths. Reg- ulor values up to 89c yd. SPECIAL 4 YDS. FOR 1.00 36" DRIP & DRY BROADCLOTH 4 yds. Dress Lengths. Regular values to 89c yd. SPECIAL 4 YARDS FOR 36" EVERGLAZE PRINTS 4 yds. Dress Lengths. Regular values up to 89c yd. Modern patterns in this group. = 1.09 to 1.98 PRINTED SATEENS 3 yds. Dress Lengths. In a beautiful array of colors and designs. Regular values up yd. SPECIAL FROM OUR DRAPERY DEPARTMENT Group No. 1 Group No. 2 45" Printed Bark Cloth Draperies Regular values up to 1.89 yd. SPECIAL 79: SPECIAL YARD 48" PRINTED ANTIQUE SATIN Regular values up to 2.95 yd. 1.49 43" Beoutiful yd. Group No. 3 colors. Regular values up to 2.49 SPECIAL YARD FORTISANS range of decorator 1.49 HOUSE OF F ABRI 75 SIMCOE ST. N. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA S LTD. 728-7751 GRACE LUTHERAN GUILD | Robert Behm read the} port was given by Mrs. L. : Knowlton. Mrs. W. D. Stainton in Mrs. Daniel Willoughby's ab- sence gave the Local Associa- tion meeting report. After the business end of the meeting was concluded Mrs, E. J. Brookham showed some in- teresting films of last year's Brownie closing outing of the annual ebyrch parade. The lucky draw prize, donat- ed by Mrs. Edward Kingsland, To close the evening refresh- ments were served by Mrs. E. J. Brookham and Mrs. Gordon Kellett SA HOME LEAGUE The regular meeting of the Salvation Army Home League was held on Tuesday afternoon, February 20. Mrs. Charles Cathmoir led in 4T\the singing of a few choruses. Mrs. William James made the jannouncements and _ offered jprayer for the sick members ag devotional period was lec y Mrs. Tuomas Myers, assist- ass by members of the Rainbow Group. Mrs. Myers read a poem, God Bless the Old Folks. Mrs. Melville Arnold led in the |@0eescccosccccoccococccoceascosees was won by Mrs. K. R. Whiting. -- on yn building of a home, and told a true story of a woman in trouble and how her called 'The Spirit of Scouting' |family were helped. Mrs. Melville Arnold sang a solo, Prayer". Mrs. Myers gave the/shine. different parts for building a! Mrs. John Bellingham led in|Toronto. a hymn. Mrs. Myers|home and what they mean: "ajthe singing of a song. Mrs. QUITTING MILLS firm foundation js based on|Myers read the scripture and) MANCHESTER, England faith and prayer', The four mie Rankin closed in|(cp)--Manpower in the Lanca- walls are Obedience, Faith, shire cotton industry has Trust and Kindness. The roof Tea wee served by Ge Gee slumped to its lowest level since is Humility or Humbleness. The|S*ine Group. the 19th century. More than 19,- "The Beautiful Garden of|doors and windows are the sun-| Next week, the guest speaker 000 workers si the mills pes will be Mrs. Brigadier Wood Of|year, most of them going inte new, light industries. -- o 4 x < a us or) v4 cs ina Ring- 5) | 6 KING-SIZE BOTTLES...ONLY ey FREE PARKING THE NEW ROXALIN LATEX or SEMI-GLOSS WHITE and COLORS a QUART 0 FOR 2 ee GALLON WITH EVERY REGULAR PURCHASE OF SAME EVERY 2nd MULTI-COLOR ROXATONE... cuitt ton 2 De PATTE'S PAINT & WALLPAPER LTD. Over 90 Years at 85 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa PAVED PARKING LOT AT REAR OF STORE @ FREE DELIVERY PHONE 725-3529 mn bens . s « e a e 2 ° ° ° ° . ° * « e . . . 7 ° & e * « ° ° ° . s « e e e bo * ° * ° a . . « e ° . ° * 7 e e o . MORO C CCE SESELOLESESE ~Size bottle It's crystal clear...it's Lemon "and Lime teamed up just right...sparkling. refreshing. perfectly light. Seeeccese Teem's the new fun soft drink . . . in the bright green bottle. Tingling Teem adds zest to everything you do, anytime, anywhere. Kids love it... so do grownups, Great for parties! Great for you! Get a carton or two today. ea en @ Tem YOU'RE SURE TEEM'S GOOD... "CAUSE IT'S MADE BY "XPEPSI-COLA CANADA LTD. 41c Plus Deposit Seeccossceces NEW TEEM AVAILABLE NOW IN THE AREA SERCIVED BY SMITH BEVERAGES LTD. 750 FAREWELL ST., OSHAWA