gt et P Children of Mr. and Mrs. | seven, are the grandchildren Jelle Bakker, Colborne street | of Mr, and Mrs. T. L. Wilson, east, are Afke Louise, Jef- | Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. frey Gordon and Thomas | A. K. Bakker, Leeuwarden, Charles. Louise, five years | Holland. old, Jeffrey, two, and Tom, --Photo by Hornsby Heritage de France Attracts Record Weekend Attendance University College; and Paul Duval, author and art critic of | | The first three days of the Heritage de France exhibition Nied Dr. Derek Bowerman, Op- |thamologist, who was guest Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 Dorothy Gordon Harvey Steenburgh Exchange Vows The marriage of Dorothy Faye Gordon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Harold Gor- don of Oshawa, and Harvey Roger Steenburgh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Vader of Cherry Valley, . Ontario, was THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, Februcry 22, 1962 7 solemnized on Saturday, Feb- ruary 17, at Northminster Mrs. Robert Whitsitt introduc- speaker at the February meet- ing of Sunset Heights Home and School. Dr. Bowerman gave a talk on the-care of children's eyes. He outlined the anatomy of the eye from birth. He stated that eyes actually grew very little. Babies eyes were very long sighted at birth but got progressively less long sighted and more near sighted as they grew older. Vision, he said, was present but undeveloped at birth, There are four different con- ditions of eyes: normal, long sighted, short sighted and astig- matic. The three latter condi- tions are helped by the use of glasses. Dr. Bowerman listed some common eye diseases. Cataract, a congenital disease, which should not be neglected. The treatment is mainly surgical but drugs will control it. Squint, is a condition where instead of the eyes being parallel they turn in or out or up or down. In this case glasses should be) worn all the time. Pink Eye, is) a virus infection which can be cured with drugs. Granulated lids, which are re- lated to some skin types, is closely related to dandruff. To) treat them one should shampoo Care of Children's Eyes Theme of Address At H&S Dr. Bowerman stated tha contact lenses are excellent in cases where people are short- sighted. Mrs. H. E. Ramshaw thank- ed Dr. Bowerman. Mrs. B. J. Salmers conducted the business part of the meet- ing in the absence of Mrs. E. K. James, president. The Junior room count was won by Mrs. Glenna Bailey's room and the senior room count by Mr. Larry Purko's room. Mrs. David McDuff announc- ed that the speaker for March will be Mrs. C. V. 'Thomas, who is here after two years in Chile. She will have samples of fur rugs woven and made there and the junior choir will sing. Refreshments were served by in the mothers of the pupils Mrs. P. McLean's room. United Church. The Reverend H. A. Mellow officiated. The wedding music was played by Mr. John Rob- ertson. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a semi- formal princess gown of white peau-de-soie featuring ® V- neckline and three - quarter length sleeves with short white gloves. A coronet held her shoulder-length veil and she carried a cascade of red roses and ivy, The matron-of-honor was Mrs, Gary Ranstead in pea- cock blue taffeta designed with a stole draped neckline and full skirt. She wore a white flowered coronet and white gloves and carried a cascade of white carnations. Mr. Robert Whiteford acted as best man. Ushering were Messrs. Patrick Dunkley and William Gordon. A reception was held at Northminster United Church. To receive, the bride's mother t Valentine Tea Well Attended For a Valentine tea in Kin Street United Church the cen- tennial hall was beautifully dec- orated with streamers, hearts, cupids and flowers. In spite of the stormy weather there was a good number present. Guests were greeted by' Mrs. [Douglas Redpath, Mrs. Wilbert lhair frequently and put oil on/Harris and Mrs. Wesley Her-| wore light blue satin brocade with a small blue flowered hat and a corsage of pink carna- tions. The bridegroom's mother assisting was in white wool faille with white hat and acces- sories, Her corsage was yellow chrysanthemums. Later the couple left for a} wedding trip to Lake Placid! and on their return will live at Cherry Valley. For going away) the bride wore a black wool faille dress with black acces- sories and an orchid corsage. Out-of-town guests were g jjust to get away from him. ANN LANDERS Engaged Girl Should Look Twice me about it later. He says the Dear Ann Landers: My fi- ance is in public relations work. He has an outgoing personality. I am shy and reserved. When Tom takes me to civic affairs or social gatherings I find myself alone 90 per cent of the time. He is busy table- hopping and back-slapping. He calls it "'winning friends and in- fluencing people." Recently we went to a ban- quet. Tom excused himself just before the dessert was served and said he'd be "right back." Two hours later the program was over and almost everyone had left. When the janitor started to sweep up the place some friends sensed my bewil- derment and offered to drive me home. Two days later my fiance phoned to find out 'what had happened to me?" Do you feel we could make a go of mar- riage? STRANDED Dear Stranded: It depends on how much you're willing to \take. A young man so inconsid-'--using names and places. This jerate of his fiance that he waits|is the way the girls were rated: two days to find out "what; |happened to. her" doesn't sound; Category B: Difficult But Col- like promising husband ma-) terial. | Some women don't mind be-| ing kicked around. But if you) do mind, don't marry this man} because he sounds like an ex- pert. Dear Ann Landers: The com- pany my husband worked for dropped the retirement age for men to 62. They should have raised it to 95. My husband fs able - bodied and in excellent health. He looks about 50. He retired ten weeks ago and I am ready to check into a mental institution night" because he doesn't do girls could have listened in, as be so free with their favors in for your letter. I hope it shakes UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES® 18TH PARENTS' COMMITTEE The Parents' Committee of the 18th Brownie Pack and Girl Guide Company held its February meeting at Westmin- ster United Church. It was an- nounced that Brownie Fair would be held April 25. Plans were made to buy a record play- er. Suggested dates for games night, March 17 and May 5 for the mother and daughter ban- quet were discussed. The follow- ing attended the appreciation dinner at St. Gregory's auditor- ium Feb. 15: Mrs. Cyril Camp- bell, Mrs. Douglas Kerr, Mrs. Samuel Leonard, Mrs. Gwen Browne, Mrs. Patrick Winni- cott, Miss Marjorie Lick, Mrs. Chesley Burton, Mrs Howard Allan, Mrs. Leonard Pipher. wants "'a little excitement at much all day. I have to cook for the gang and clean up the mess after they leave. What do you think about me taking a job as an out? Well-- I'll be darned! That's exactly what I'll do. Don't even bother to answer this letter, Ann. You've been a great help. FREE AT LAST Dear Ann Landers: My nephew is a sophomore in col- lege. He had a poker game the other evening and while I was in the kitchen fixing sandwiches I heard their conversation. Either times have changed a great deal since I was a young girl or I was a first - class dummy. I always thought a young man made it a point of honor to protect his girl friend's reputation. Every fellow pres- er, enrolled her first Brownies at 18th Oshawa Pack at West- minster United Church. The following were enrolled by her: Wendy DePrato, Alice Dasberg, Laura Heaslip, Debbie Gan- gemi, Heather Mark, Joy Pi- pher, Gabriel Pommerenke, Wendy Warren The Brownies served refresh- Mrs. John Bird, commission. | ments assisted by Mrs. Robert Jennings. The second group" was en- rolled, Feb, 14. They are: Linda Birkett, Lynne Heaton, Heather Hodson, Cathy Joynt, Christine Rowley. Mrs, Douglas Kerr, assisted the Brownies at refreshment made SLIPCOVERS Slipcovers will be cut, and pinfitted in your home. 926 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-3144 ent that evening contributed something to the conversation Category A: Leadpipe cinch. lapsible. Category C: Iffy. Category D: No Dice. Save Your Energy. I must say I was appalled to hear these young men (between 19 and 22 years of age) ex- changing intimate details about the girls they had dated. If the I did, I'm sure they would not the future. OLD MAID AUNT Dear Old Maid Aunt: Thanks up a few of the chicks who write to me and say they aren't! behaving as well as they should, | BE LOVELY--ALL WAYS actually molded of fabric. You'll love the airy comfort and gentle support of this. perfectly MOLDED but no one will ever know be- .He follows me around the/cause the fellow is "honorable house like a puppy and moni-|and decent and would never tors my telephone conversations| say » word." i as if he were with the FBI.| it tes | Everywhere I go he tags along! Confidential to Kansas City --even to the beauty shop. (Katherine: You've got dimples Five evenings a week he in-|s9 what? So have I. A 16- |vites people to dinner and tells) year-old girl who would quit school to wear out the rugs in casting offices also has holes in bra. of soft, sheer nylon lace. Not a single seam from end to end-- no plastic, no wires.| Its be-young-forever form will never wash out,| Impress molded bra, $5.00. at the Art Gallery of Toronto/the Toronto Telegram. have drawn one of the largest) Two hundred tours for groups weekend attendances in the Gal-| of 25 to 50 people have already lery's history. Six thousand visit-|peen booked by schools, art ofs have seen the collection of|clubs, churches, businessmen's 17th and 18th century French/associations and professional or- paintings since it opened Fri-|ganizations. Tours and lunch dav evening. have been arranged for many The 80 paintings have been|groups who will travel from enthusiastically received by the! scattered points in Ontario such public and the auxiliary dis-|as Brantford Waterloo, Camp- the lids as well as keeping the|bert. Mrs. Lawrence Allen, con- crust off the eye lids. jvener, welcomed the guests and Blocked tear ducts need im-|introduced Mrs. Wesley Herbert mediate treatment such as eye|who gave a short talk, choosing idrops or ointment. The most|for her subject "Love". Miss jcommon injuries are foreign|Janice Faint, who recently tried bodies in the eye. These shouldj/her Grade VIII examinations in not be neglected and shouldjpiano, played two selections. 'have doctor's treatment. Mrs. L. D. Hart of Whitby, sang Eye testing is very important./two solos, accompanied on the For any abnormal behavipiano by Mrs. Jack Beaton, also Mr. and Mrs. E. Piitz Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Whiteford, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Vader, Mr. Clarence Vader and Dana and Gena Va- Mr. and Mrs. James rd, Jr., all of Cherry| Valley; r. and Mrs. Ralph Tanner, Marysville; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keene, Consecon; Whit FAMOUS NAMES plays of drawings, period furni-|peliford, Brampton, Dunbarton, ture, silver and books have ex-|Hamilton and Chesley. cited almost as much interest) * as the pictures themselves. The Gallery has been asked Seventy drawings and prints, |f0r 16 tours a day, compared by artists represented in the|with the 15 tours a day booked exhibition proper, have been|!ast year for the popular Van /Gogh exhibition. lent to the Gallery by private) : Toronto collectors: Theodore) Public talks are given from Heinrich, Director of the Royal/rostrums four times a day, at Ontario Museum; Gilbert Bag-|12.30 p.m., 3.00 p.m., 5.30 p.m. nani, Professor of Classics at'and 8.00 p.m. on weekdays and Week-End SPECIALS! JURY & LOVELL LTD. Oshawa - Bowmanville - Whitby Rexall BABY OIL Protects baby's tender skin. On. ae Rexall POLYMULSION Liquid Multivitamin for Kid- dies. 24-oz. bottle. 3.89 8 Reguler value 7.75 100's BAYER ASPIRIN ,.,.'s:. BAYER NOSE SPRAY 'siicixt SPECIAL 1.09 99¢ CREST TOOTHPASTE n..10; ... 89° DODDS KIDNEY PILLS ,., ;5. .... 59 EXLAX Reg, 87 . REXALL HEALING FREE 2-0Z. 60c SIZE HAND LOTIO WITH 1.50 SIZE BOTH KOTEX "*'n.5. 1.26. . 14 PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE /\3 99° Quick Home Permanenis,.,. 200. 1.49 RESDAN 8 to 1.09 VASELINE HAIR TONIC ..,.«;. 49° COD LIVER OIL '°7,%"" 2, 1.89 Reg. 1.89 1.50 ee eereee Adrienne HAND LOTION 12-0z. 'Soothes, protects", Reg. 2.00 2 for 2.00 each. NOW Rexall SUPER PLENAMINS 18 day supply free with purchase 72 size 4 98 at regular price 6.47 Value for . . This is only a partial list of our specials ... Come into our stores for many more .. . Adrienne SPRAYNET l4-0z. 'For Quick Halr Setting'. Reg. 2.50 each. We will meet any advertised price! ! JURY: LOVELE PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E, 530 SIMCOE ST. 5S. PHONE 723-2245 OSHAWA PHONE 725-3546 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668] Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith ior of the eyes attention is need-|of Whitby. Mrs. Douglas Red- ed by a doctor or specialist. twice on Saturdays at 11.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. Heritage de France will be open daily until March 18. Nor- mal Gallery hours have been extended to 10.00 p.m. every weekday to accommodate capa- city crowds. path, president of the United) Church Women of King Street Church spoke briefly. The tea table was laid with a lace cloth, and decorated with la floral centrepiece and red and white candles. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. James Wirsching. and Mrs. Frank Norman and Mr. and Mrs. Cleave Rus- sell, Picton; Mr. and Mrs. El- don Hineman, Gananoque; Mrs. Minnie Arthor, Kingston. HOUSEHOLD HINT Bread stays fresh longer at room temperature than in the refrigerator, but refrigeration protects it better against mold. ST. DONAT, Que. (CP) -- AjHer head--and those holes in Wolfe and Montcalm were to your cheeks won't help you. meet again--under more auspi-| cious circumstances--at a char-| ity ball in this Laurentian re-| sort centre. Guests of honor are} the Marquis de Montcalm of| Paris and William Wolfe of New| York, both diréct descendants of | the generals who fought and/ died on the Plains of Abraham. JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist HARE OPTICAL Available at all leading department, 8 BOND ST. EAST 723-4811 | PETER PAN chain and specialty shops, i MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING SET duction costs! ~ Heavy, long-wearing If Bought Separately FULL OR TWIN SIZE 4 each 8 i ticking! @ Here is a Serta special that disregards increased pro- 837 tempered steel coils for all-over luxury support! Specification developed by Serta for the roughest hotel and motel use! Made wonderfully comfortable on purpose. Hotels ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITRY PLAZA sell sleep, These must be good. Supply is limited! Come in today! Matching box spring engineered specifically to prope erly support this mattress and materially increase your sleeping comfort! : herneyg CALL IN! PHONE! WRITE! ORDER YOUR MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING SET TODAY MADE FOR 4ZADING HOTELS ® PROMPTLY FILLED PHONE ORDERS MAIL ORDERS