Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Feb 1962, p. 4

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ithe babysitter and the other MN children were watching tele- | vision downstairs, Kent went. upstairs where the sleeping in a crib, After Kent left, a brother of the girl told the babysitter the girl was crying. The babysitter @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 1962 County Children Given TB Tests | pos - usm ne COBOURG -- The following fects were one act poi "(Toronto is the January report of the|most cases bein}, the result 0} . | Northumberland-Durham health|bad tonsils and adenoids - or| -- Bc cy Mg Haga unit as prepared by -Medicallimpacted wax Began » County Warden 'Tohn Officer of Health Dr Charlotte} Thus far in the school year, ¥ictorla ' ) i st h only|Alton are travelling to Ottawa ueeiee late in January er dace on tiasetitacy 'ilater this week to discuss with been done on elementary school) 7 A school children throughout Nor-|children, but it is exvected that/the eet ar hosiege thumberland County were given eoess will be done in the hi Re ee establishme tuberculin tests in a programjschools in the near future. are ' : carried out by the Ontario De-|,, : N Even i the a partment of Health and: the SANITATION ational Railways mare 1 Northumberland-Durham Tuber-| The annual inspection of|pensed with the regular service culosis Association, with Dr,|8Chools by the sanitation staff,| operating between Belleville Horner, Medical 'Officer of|*9 teport on buildings, grounds,|and Toronto, the door has not Health, acting in an advisory|¢auipment, light, heat, ventila-/been too tightly closed " he said. capacity 4 |tion, water supplies, sewage dis-| The mayor said he would at- : i posal and facilities, progressed|tempt to make the department When a child has a positive) ith 94 inspections being made.|aware of the town's "unhappy reaction to a tuberculin test it) Reports are submitted annual-| reaction" to the decision by the indicates that he has been €X-\)y to the Schoo! Boards, School|CNR to curtail the service. posed to tuberculosis infection|tysnectors and. the Provincial) Last month the CNR operated at pp egg bay is bee? usual! Department of Health __lits final passenger train from "sy echoes "eh opr or' The sampling of raw milk|Lindsay to Toronto and from hl i ee er aes where there) yseq in fluid milk consumption,|Lindsay to Belleville. The an- 7 -- mer te iy med than!and the inspection ot the Pro-/nouncement of the service cur- in North America. However it| aucers' premises and equipment|tailment came after a board of significant when the child is}has been the responsibility of|transport commissioners inquiry em Hype gf ene = and' the sanitation staff. |held at the court house. jalection peabilily cades teaan} This phase of the milk con-| Reason given for the discon- an unrecognized case of tuber-|'T0! Program has been turned|tinuance of the service was that culosis among his family or/°Ver {othe Department of|the service was not paying. neighbors. Pee Agriculture as of January 1962.! Children ten years old or The sanitation staff of the} DRAWS REMAND younger with positive reactions|"ealth Unit are. now respon-| BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- are being followed up at once) Svle only for the monthly col|In Magistrate's court Tuesday, by Health Unit staff 'They ana(lection of pasteurized samples/Thomas Teneman, 16, of Toron- adult members of their families|2"@, the inspection of the pas-jto street, Newcastle, was re- 'received appointments for x-|furization plants. |manded for sentencing _ until rays at regular Health Unit|, There will be close co-|May 1, by Magistrate R. B. ' operation between the Ontario|Baxter, on a charge of consum- Liquor In Car | Newcastle Ma Costs Pair $20 Gets 5 Years BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --| F or Assault 'called the parents and police. A charge of having !iquor in a} Ler go ol ri _-- their | Prthn soncuaR GS and another charge of impair- ITE IG oP)-- : ed driving were beard in Mag-|Douglas Frederick Kent, 25, of| The Court ba tola Lys girl istrate's Court, Tuesday against|Newcastle, Ont., was sentenced) had been gravely _-- a an an Oshawa and a Bowmanville|to five years in penitentiary/oWN home Dec. 9. She yg man. {Wednesday for the indecent as come but not out of dan- Claude Bissonette, 22, of 75/Sault of a three - year - old/>* Division street, Bowmanville, |git!. Crown Attorney John Brad- pleaded guilty to a charge o{| Kent said he did not think it|Shaw said he would apply to having liquor in a place other|fair that he should be given ajthe attorney - general's depart. than his residence, and was|long sentence because of what|/ment for authorization to pro- fined $10 and costs or five days.|he described as the condition|°&e? hacer ge -- as a danger- Daniel March, 32, of 135|he was in on the night of eer pore e Celina street, Oshawa. pleaded offence. fever ons liquor in a place other than his|you did not know what you\----- pres . ror prone _ e at $10 were doing." Magistrate W. R. and costs or five days and also/phijp shot back to a charge of driving while im-) «vy aaa Band os ae foot § ing. Your Lindsay Seeks Dayliner Link With Toronto LINDSAY -- Lindsay may West Rouge Citizens 'Veto Sewer Project By ELSA STORRY BROUGHAM -- Allan Watt- man advised Pickering Town- ship Council recently that on Feb. 26 a petition would be pre- sented to Council from the own- ers of 124 lots in the West Rouge indicating they did not want sewers -- a saving to the Town- ship, Mr. Wattman said, of $100,000. (These lots are on Rouge Hills Drive from Island Road to the CNR, and on West Point Crescent and Taylor Road.) The petition will request the township engineer submit a re- port to council as to the neces- sity of sewers in this area. Reeve J. S. Scott said it was deplorable that this petition had not been submitted months be- fore. "We are suddenly waking up," girl was 'gage and Housing will expire by;sonally felt that the argument April 1, he said. for annexation with Scarboro Reeve Scott went on to say|Township was not too good, an that some of the residents of that their figures were nebulous. the West Rouge area are cir-| "If it assumes the area, it a a ge ne fo annex: will have to assume the debt," their area with Scarboro. the said. Ce ee Roary ltt It very unlikely they f ' ts jcould get approval for in? begs Nogget od arr -- already.| said Councillor Mowbray. "It is clout hols Situation is Yer inat going to solve any problem have been waiting three years| ve ey j to go ahead with sewers." | Said Reeve Scott: "I think it Mr. Watt lai ns th Au going to take months, or even Poin - no. sewage. probiemslfene mere this "re | pan incia overn- in the part of the West Rouge! ment leashes i expand boun- he represented and that the lots/qaries. Annexation, in my opin- ny pion had adequate sep-|ion, is not likely to happen. Of : jcourse," he added, "anything | Councillor Wank was interest-|can happen!" |m led in knowing if any alterations} lcould be made to the project), once it begins. The Reeve re- said Mr. Wattman. He said plied that tenders had been there was no public plebiscite called. Mr. Wank stressed the or open meetings regarding|need for sewers in the West sewers. bana em _isewers must be supplied to the "The question of sewers for I oe seen some back| area that particular area,' saidjyards in the area which look|" |" ee Reeve Scott, "is a very com-|like 'a bowl of jelly'," he said.| "I think it would not be fair plex one." 5 | Mr. Wattman contended that|!0 the ratepayers. however,' ; : a iii Reeve Scott said that if thelif the request for no sewers in|Said Councillor Mowbray, "if} in passing sentence, Magis 'not found mentally ill bladder discomfort. That's the time | BOYS' FASHIONS what you were LONDON (CP)--British boys Your condition because become fashion-conscious at age : of drinking did not justify what/12 and in some cases as early Mortal A pai co ot you did. Drinking is no excuse." as eight, according to a poll by My age acl lg at "Kent should be kept out of the Clothing Manufacturers' As- |while on patrol with Const. Ron- circulation to protect the public sociation. . Councillor Hubert Wank saidiaiqd Parker they observed a h 2 i long as possit -ad- -- ali Scaplapseotsacle at he had talked to a number/ parked car in which there were Big aia: Pomel, er rae if Y : TIRED gets a of people in the West Rouge|two occupants - ; ; : Kent - was arrested a few, who did not go along with an-| Cpl, Freethy and PC Parker/hours after he assaulted the girl] hexauon, went over to each side of the pec. 9 in the bedroom of her| | Now and then everybody "'tired-out'"' feeling, and may be bothered by backaches, Perhaps neth= Councillors were agreed that)car while the pair continued to) parents' home drink, he said. Questioning them)' y_. pleaded. guilty to the iB pow ' _ Mic re-'charge Jan, 4 and was remand- ceive abusive anguage froMieq for psychiatric treatment.| ; re | . t March, he said. The court was told Kent was po saxon | a mpberye nig te ri Ontario|his area were granted, the|We did not make some investi-|trate R. B. Baxter commented) potective - Sergeant Douglas] take Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dedd's Witte Resureee Cuaxmlssiae is|township would be saved thou-|Sation about the application for| 'that be dgieg nig shat Soul Farthing said Kent went to the) stimulate the hidsers to posal 4 signed immediately, the work|sands of dollars. jwithdrawal from 'newer yroject/ oS Fh hy 00 much respect-forhome of the girl's parents for) condition which may often cause back- can begin in less than a week.| "We are all screaming about |for the one area i ' supper. He left and returned] ache and tired feeling. Then you feel If it does not begin soon the|high taxes now," he said. '"'We} Reeve Scott agreed to hold up! later after the parents had gone| wr He pag Sooany better. Get winter works grant of $15,000;don't need sewers, We don't|the sewer project for one week.|Municipal Board if part of the out, leaving their children with) bl bo my ek prt yoae would be lost, and the approval want them." In the meantime he will find/area could withdraw from the an 18¢vear-old babysitter ue box with the red band at all drug chest clinics. Older children counters, You can depend on Dodd's.60 with positive reactions will have x-rays at the mas survey to be carried out in Northumber- land County March 6th to 30th. Health Unit nurses visited 34 homes on behalf of tuberculosis patients and their contacts. COMMUNICABLE DISEASE Of 116 cases reported during the month, 62 were red measles, 19 chickenpox, 14 mumps. In addition there was some whoop- ing cough, scarlet fever, sal- | |Department of Agriculture and|ing liquor while a minor. for a loan from Central Mort- Reeve Scott said that he per-iout from the OWRC and the'scheme. The detective said that while ee ai the Health Unit to ensure con: | rior tinued high quality milk pro-| duction. | Fifty-five inspections of eating} establishments were made, and two were closed because of) unsatisfactory conditions. | MEAT INSPECTION Two veterinarians reported on} meat inspections. Of 597| monella, german measles and infectious hepatitis. One rabid! dog was reported in Darlington Township. IMMUNIZATION During the winter months, immunization clinics are sche-| duled in urban elementary and! secondary schools. Immu-| nization is now being offered to grade 11 students so that they may receive adequate im- munization before leaving high school. In urban schools, reinforcing doses of poliomyelitis, diphtheria and tetanus, as well as small-|= calves, 43 cattle and 16 lambs.| Forty-one portions were con- demned during the month. BOARD MEMBERS Members of the Board of Health for the Northumberland- Durham Health Unit for the} year 1962 are: | F. K, Denyes, Reeve of Vil-! lage of Brighton, Chairman; G.! S. Philp, Reeve of Cramahe | Township; F. Bamsey, Reeve of Hope Township; L. Gibson,| Reeve of Millbrook; Mrs. Ruby Meegs, Gore's. Landing, Pro- vincial Representative these included 304 swine, 219) | animals, 582 were approved : N .. "Wool prices pox vaccination are being of- fered to children in grades 2, 5 and 8. A total of 33 school and child health clinics were held, and 440 children received third or reinforcing doses and 319 were vaccinated. SCHOOL About one-quarter of the time of Health Unit nurses is spent in elementary and secondary schools, In January, there were 33 clasroom conferences with teachers, and 701 school children were given health inspections. Vision tests were given to 931 children, the hearing tests being done by audiometer. Public health nurses made | SHULTON DESerr FioWeR TOILET WATER 112 home visits concerning school children j There were 316 home visits| on behalf of infants and small! children. The winter series of} prenatal classes started in four centres, A total of 28 visits were made) on behalf of crippled children, | and nine for follew-up of mental| patients. There were three) visits to Ontario Hospital board- ing homes, two nursing home! inspections and one infant boarding home, AUDIOMETRY Audiometer testing was scat-| fered throughout the two counties during January, with some being done in Brighton, Campbellford, Port Hope and Cobourg. Fifty-nine audiograms were made, indicating defects or retest normal, of the 1018 completed tests. | A lasting fragrance thet blends the modern and urbane with the mystery and magnetism ef the eternal desert. The bottle is of carved glass contained in an elegant gold earton. * SAVE UP % OVER 300 DRUGS 28 KING ST. EAST DIAL 723-4621 Fifty-five percent of the de-| | FREE! 100-PAGE TRAVEL GUIDE The wonderful world of travel Is yours with C&B's Travel & now! The 100 colourful pages are world, It's Canada's only complet copy today! 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An +4 from the fresh, imaginative patterns and cloths for 1962. ring -- the hand felled collar, hymo front, English lining, hard wearing pocketing. For 47" chests and larger, there is a slightly extra charge. PELE Te tea Se R 69.50 & 79.50 SUITS EXTRA PANTS ARE $17 Buy TWO Suits for $105 -- Then You'll Save up to $54! oring experience guarantees your satisfaction OES LIOR SOE * @ tasteful self-checks @ smal! blended checks @ neat masculine designs _INCREDIBLE VALUE FOR TEN DAYS ONLY Ve OSHAWA. SHOPPING CENTRE. 4 @ muted stripes @ traditional plain - worsted flannel @ glen checks cfores a \

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