Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Feb 1962, p. 19

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y '27----Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale 29--~Automobiles for Sole 32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Pebruery 22, 1962 19 WEEKEND MARKET BASKET PRIVATE SALE, five - room brick bun- galow, patio, recreation room, garage, llandscaped. One 5 per cent NHA mort- gage. Carries for $77 monthly. 723-2397, FOR SALE or rent, six-room brick bungalow near schools, churches, buses, please. 728-1963, six to Immediate possession, reterences| FIVE Vauxhalls from '57 to '61 Station- Hed power equipment. Only 20,000 ate |Motors, Bowmanville. MA '59 PONTIAC P inal miles, Spotless condition. Robson 3-3396. DELUXE F range, 40°; also power lawn mower, homespun pes, 4 widths, all in excellent Extra Values at SPROULE'S SIMCOE SOUTH at MILL FEBRUARY 22 THROUGH 24th LOT, 76 x 180, level on dead-end. Ex- cellent area. water. MO|® 8-8147 after 6.30 p.m. jkbagel HUNDRED down, duplex;|pR room and five room apartments, soutral, Bill Horner Hay too Lio: Realty Oshawa, Limited, Realtor. |HOUSE for sale or rent, three bed- rooms, f ed recreation room, nice- ly situated and decorated. For further RED BRAN BLADE ROAST BEEF ....... lb. 49c LEAN MINCED . 3 lb. pkg. 99c SHORT RIB, RED BRAND ROAST BEEF FAMOUS, DOWN EAST STYLE WAXED WRAPPED COLBORNE Street, eight room brick home with broadloom throughout, oll heat. Immediate possession $11,900 with terms. Newt Hodgson 728-6408, Joseph Bosco Realtor 725-9870. PRIVATE sale 5% acre farm with , Taunton Road West, very b 728-2416. MASSON Street lovely five-room bun- galow with carport. Has all the extras, walk-out basement. $2442 down. 725-9478 m bun- NORTHWEST, spacious six roo! ™ and. galow, broadloom, _ fireplace, buyer. 725- 7279. scaped. $1,500 down. Will finance to sult| offer 1958 STATION wagon, Pontiac, Strato- Chief, good condition, light blue. Best . Will finance, 728-2304. PRIVATE sale. Five room brick bunga- low. North east section, Beverly Street. v4! Mortgage arranged. Telephone 725-6398 for appointment. 1960 RAMBLER Ambassador V-8 auto- matic, power equipped, two tone, in ew car condition. Drive it and you bed buy it. Smith Sports Su Street North, corner Conlin Road North,| WHITBY 'bedroom brick bunga- 728-5912. = OLDSMOBILE four-door gy GOOD selection 7 TV's reconditioned prices. rg se A per 88, comaidereds terms available. Robson Motors, Bowmanville. MA 3-3396. "42 GMC six nla drive, in running} order. Good for quick sale; also *51 Chev four wheel drive, five speed transmission with gy winch. 1050 x 20 tires on it. Ready to go to work, Telephone MA 3-5756. Tele- vision, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your color TV store. |BEFORE buying or selling furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash- ers, call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294. BABY bargains, large full panel cribs, $17; baby carriages, $20; $8.88; chrome high chairs, $10.88; Stroil- three-! low on Annes Street near St. John's Church exceptionally well cared for, $12,500 with terms. Peter Velden MO 8-2878. Joseph Bosco Realtor. "88 CADILLAC, haisp, 21,000 miles, fully equipped, two-tone, clean, $2195. Buck's Body Shop. 725-4513 BUILDING lots by Courtice Public and High school, half down, balance terms. Telephone 728-5579. '51 PONTIAC in fair condition, esking|;---- $75 also parts for '52 or '53 Ford prod- uct. Apply 263 Mary Street. WHITBY brick triplex, very reasonable, | '59 STRATO CHIEF sedan automatic, low down payment or will take a esi in oo as part ae Telephone} MO 8-5765. tires, eond:- ee Robson Motors, Bowmanville. MA BOLOGNA ... 2 - 3-Ib. rolls, 1 Ib. 39c MILD_CURED WIENERS . 3-lb. bag 99c GRADE A, FIRM FRESH OVEN READY TURKEYS . 6 to 8 lb. average 1 Ib. 39c FRESH FOR ROASTING OR FRYING 3-Ib. bag 79c CHICKEN WINGS ... 2 for 29¢ FRESH CRISP_NO. 1 Ib. 10c CUCUMBERS . 1-Ib. 65c NEW_GREEN CABBAGE ....... 1ST GRADE BUTTER MIXES INSTANTLY IN HOT OR COLD MILK ZIP INSTANT CHOCOLATE 2-lb. economy size 69c SAVE $1.39 ON HAWES PASTE WAX FREE Deluxe Kneeling Pad with Every 5-lb. Tin BOTH FOR $2.27 OPEN THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, UNTIL 10 P.M. eer ere 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale BUY OR RENT BODY SHOP WORK SHOP WAREHOUSE 1000 sq. ft. cement block building, large heavy garage door in front, heavy wired, lot 90' x 200'. Ideal for any type of shop, etc. Call Mr. Bola- hood at 725-6544 or 725- 8333. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Limited Insurance Realtor FOR SALE Good downtown property will be free and clear, SPECIAL -- 5 per cent mortgage, large ranch bungalow, 20 ft. living room, large covered patio. 728-2548, Bob Johnson. Howe and Peters real- tors. PAUL RISTOW ready for building . . . land is offered for sale at $2000. per toot frontage REALTOR 52% SIMCOE ST. N. 728-9474 Residential Farm Commercial Industrial CALL 723-1133 FOR A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE * CARL OLSEN REALTOR 19 ATHOL ST. W., OSHAWA -- centrally located income house -- full price $11,200 with $75.00 monthly payments, low toxes, excellent condition, extros, $115.00 monthly income. For further information call Whitby MO 5-5853. Whitby offite spoce or store space, street floor. monthly rent. Whitby oportments for rent, built-in stove, broadloom. Audrey Moore, MO 8-5853 or MO 8-4088. North-west area -- 5)2-room bungalow built on a 75' lot, high basement, built-in shelving in moster bedroom, carport. Newman Cres. -- 6-room colonial split-level, with attached rage, fully decorated. $2,430 down with one mortgage. ray Audrey Moore, MO 8-4088, or office. OLIVE HOWE Real Estate 130 BROCK ST.N. WHITBY MO 8-5853 $50.00 Call SCHOFIELD - AKER LIMITED 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 REDLUCED -- $1500.00 $11,900.00 -- Large 6-room, 2-storey brick home with garage, focoted on Jones Ave., good-size living room with natural fire- ploce, family-size dining room, 3 large bedrooms. A real nice home in good condition, Ideally located for schools, transporta- tion ond shopping. Owner moving to the States. Call Mr. Stinson, daytime 723-2265; evenings 725-0243. HORTOP AVENUE -- 5% MORTGAGE Lovely 5-room brick bungalow located on a fully landscaped lot 44 x 185. This 8-year-old home is in excellent condition inside ond out. 3 large bedrooms, beautiful bright kitchen. List price $11,500, balance $70.00 per month including taxes. Call Bill McFeeters, daytime 723-2265; evenings 725-1726. LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE MEMBER OF OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD on King St. Leave information in writ- ing with: BOX 3 OSHAWA TIMES 28--Real Estate Wanted 1956 DODGE six sedan, two tone, like|---- new throughout. Special $695. Trade DON'T KEEP IT A SECRET any long- er. The whole town would like to know 'what you have to sell, Start the profit- able habit today of using the Oshawa Times Want Ads to sell your services. Dial -- to place an ad. WE have buyers! W. McAuley Realtor,| 28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or MO 8-5765.| no, and terms. Simcoe Street ad North, 728-5912. '3] BUICK super four-door hardtop, immaculate condition, one careful own- er and only 27,000 miles. Robson Mo- tors, Bowmanville. MA 3-3396. 1957 CONSOLE sedan in beautiful condi- Thinking of Selling D. W. "WILSON REALTOR 725-6588 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE tion, all ready to go. Special $695, trade and terms. Smith Sports Supertest, Simcoe Street North, corner Conlin Road North, 728-5912. '$4 MERCURY, three-ton truck, five- speed transmission, 900 tires, new motor job, $425. Buck's Body Shop, 725-3513. *47 MONARCH in good running condi- tion. Good tires $55. Telephone 655-3934. "60 angio hoagie one owner, in ex- MO &8-5425. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 6 ROOM BRICK 6% RESALE Hollywood kitchen, 3 good size bedrooms, natural trim, nicely decorated, fully lond- scaped, immediate possession with low down payment. Call Bili Horner at 728-5123. PATRICIA AVE. $10,900 FULL PRICE $900 DOWN 5 room brick, fireplace, gor- age, low taxes. Hurry for this one, call Ed Drumm right now, at 728-5123. NEW BUNGALOW FOR $11,500 -- $11,500 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen with double sinks, lot over 181 feet. Off Wilson Road South; Call Bill Millor 728- 5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited, Realtor, 728-5123 101 Simcoe St. N., OPEN EVENINGS GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 723-1121 Howe & Peters Realtors 725-4701 or 725-7732 $18,800. Beautiful ranch home with attached garage, except- fonally well finished, stone front, special light fixtures, built-in stove and oven, sliding glass doors from dining room to patio end many other extras. $15,595. New ranch homie in north end, 3 bedrooms, storms 'ond screens, many extras, N.H.A. terms. Only one left. $12,900. with terms, 2 family home, excellent condition, paved drive and garage. $7,500. Full Price and a very low down payment, 3-piece bath, fot 100 by 150 ft. 2% acres with 350 ft. frontage, only $2,300 full price. $800 down, 7-room home newly decorated. Spacious lot, one mortgage. $9800. After hours please call Joe Crawford,, MA 3-3672; Ozzie Martin, 728-9714; Bob Johnston, 728- 2548; Earle Alien, 725-7782; Mrs. Tierney, 725-5207. 16 SIMCOE ST. S. ASKING $11,400. Only $1,500 down for this well maintained two-storey home. Large family sized kitchen, separate dining room and living room with three master size bedrooms. Sun room on back of house. Priced for quick sale. Owner leaving city. $12,900 FULL PRICE For this immaculate 3-bed- room Ranch Bungalow on large 100 x 165 ft. lot, on the outskirts of the town. Carries for $77.00 Interest, Principal and toxes. CHOICE NORTHWEST LOCATION 6-room Ranch Bungalow with many exclusive features, such as: Notural Stone Fireplace, built-in China Cabinet, Broadloom in hallways, Chandelier in Dining Room, Patio with canopy, Lamp METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. DIAL 728-4678 : TRI PLEX Frontenac Ave., neor Oshawa Shopping Centre, three complete self-contained separate apartments, two S-room opartments, 1 three-room apartments each with its own 4-pc. bathroom, seporate meters, hot water tank, comes complete with 3 stoves, 3 refrigerators, T.V. antenna with 3 outlets, washing machine, electric dryer, storm windows and screens on all windows, large lot with omple parking space. Top location and good rental orea, all oportments presently rented. This 1 year old triplex hos just been reduced by $1,000.00, down payment to be orronged and Vendor will hold the balance on | mortgage. Must be seen to be opprecicted, phone for an appointment now, don't wait you may be too late, $1,600.00 DOWN -- KINGSDALE AVE. $1,600.00 DOWN 6-room, 2-storey home with 3 bedrooms, oil heatin tori windows, double garage, all this for only $12, 500.00 with a of only $65.00. Hurry for this one, it won't LIST PHOTO CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE AFTER 5:30 CALL Dick Borrioge 725-6243 Joe Maga 725-9191 Marion Drew, 725-7610 Everett Elliott, 723-9290 i John Kemp, 728-2392 post, paved drive, protession- ally landscaped. Immediate possession. For full particulars please call 723-1121. Roy Flintoff, lrene Brown, Phyllis Jubb, Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, Lucas Peacock. Open Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING ATTENTION HOME OWNERS We have several good buyers. All kinds of listings urgently needed, city as well as suburban. We will be glad to discuss your Real Estate needs with you without obligation. For honest. and courteous service please call] MACKO-REALTOR 728-4661 187 King St. E. cellent 2 i PONTIAC ae tikes fo Chief sedan, 1» auto- matic, radio, whitewalls, one owner. Trade in. Robson Motors, Bowman- t,|Tunning condition, good tire: "54 BUICK, four-door, one owner, new , {paint job, standard transmission, radio. Private $395. Only 41,000 original miles. MO 8-4009. ers, $5.88, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. TYPEWRITERS, electric ten key add. #0 PONTIAC Strato Chief sedan, owner, trade in. Spotless condition. |p check writer, sell one)also cash wi 723-4434, Robson Motors, 3-3396. We bey Deen eee prices in the retty's Used Furni- '51 CHEVROLET coach, good ee on Store, 73.3271, 444 Simcoe South. tion, $150 or best offer ply_ 1195 Wecker Drive. bist day paper on sale, letter size, yhite ne bulk 40 PLYMOUTH four-door sedan, good Ss, reason- able. Telephne MA 3-2015. 1960 lots pave. rs lb pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00. Circulation Dept., Oshawa Times. CAR radio, in the dash, transistor, $32.50. Aerial and installation extra. Try Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. 'TENTS, camping supplies, marine hardware, outboard motors, and bicycles. Best prices. Try Tire, 48 Bond Street West. PONTIAC Four-door Laurentian, six cylinder, standard shift, radio. Like new. Special Friday $1750 BARLOW. MOTORS 428 KING WEST ville. MA 3-3396. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. 723-9421 THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS BILL WHITTICK 29----Automobiles for Sale MOTORS LTD. phone. MO 8-4778. tires, Apply 330 Rosedale drive, Whitby. 56 CHEVROLET deluxe, hardtop, pe radio, whitewalls, after 5 p.m clean. Drive it. Only $695. 728-5912, John MO 8-4456, '59 CHEVROLET Impala convertible eight cylinder, automatic, power steer- ing, radio, many extras, low mileage, excellent condition. 723-2736 after five. VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 58 CHEV. station wagon, excellent con- dition, custom radio, new white wall tires, wheel discs, wil] finance. Tele- 1954 INTERNATIONAL half-ton 'with canopy on back, in good condition, new two-door, ao MOTORS 1956 MERCURY half-ton like new very Trade and terms. Smith Sports Supertest, Simcoe Street North, corner Conlin Road North. 52 BUICK, in good condition. Phone 146 BROCK N. WHITBY MO 8-4741 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Qust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 1955 BUICK Two-door hard-top, auto- matic transmission and radio. Special $450 BARLOW MOTORS 428 KING WEST 1954 VANGUARD Four-door sedan. Special 1957 $195 BARLOW MOTORS 428 KING WEST VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe. Refinished like new. $695 BARLOW MOTORS WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars, 725-0331 428_KING WEST 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-1181. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 DISCOUNT prices at Edgar's on Para paint and varnish. Gloss, flat ,semi- poss latex in white and 20 colors at 20 per cent off. No limit to quantity. Get free advice at Edgar's Paint and Wall Paper, 34 King Street West. B. F, GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. BEPAIERS on any make cash registers, adding machines, typewriters. Also --- plies. Work guaranteed. For mate, J. Burk, 316 Leslie Street. DUPLICATORS, hand and eagid spirit or stencil; supp) jamilton Of- fice Equip., 137 'prock St. 8. _ MO 88-8442. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors, to $8, guaranteed 'reconditioned washers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hampton, CO 3-2241. DRYERS -- used, one Douglas dryer, good peo $59.95, budget terms; one Norge dryer re-conditioned $99.95. $10 down and $2.50 weekly. B. F. G rich Stores 88 King West 725-4543. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. HALF priced s sale of Sunworthy redi- pasted and regular wall paper at Edgar's Decor Centre, 34 King Street West. Room lots of 10 single rolls from $3.45. Visit Edgar's first. FURNACE forced air, 10 year guaran- tee, $2.25 per week, no down poyment. Package deal, $130, Telephone 725-4729. MEAT scale, chopping block, slicer, showcase, pop cooler, coffee grinder, grill, cheque writer, fire proof ledger, milk shaker, large safe, file cabinet, desk, chair, Hamilton's, Whitby. AWNINGS, canvas, Prompt service, free estimates, Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. MacDonald, provincial leader of; the New Deocratic Party, was' criticized Wednesday night by' the president of a firm he men- tioned in a speech on a CBC's provincial affairs radio pro- gram. Mr. MacDonald suggested Lib-' eral and Conservative members, and/of the legislature may have de- layed action on a farm machin- sjery act to assist a U.S. firm in the takeover of a Canadian farm implement manufacturer. He referred to the fact that ion|White Motors Company of Cle-|; veland had bought out Cock- shutt Farm Equipment Com- pany and said: "One wonders whether the delay wasn't designed to relieve the Cockshutt firm of its obll- gations to persons who have pa- tronized it for generations. If the delay of the old parties with regard to a farm machin- ery act was not designed to serve this purpose, it unwitting- ly did so and very effectively." PRESIDENT REPLIES George E. Vincent, president and general manager of Cock- shutt, said in a prepared state- ment, Mr. MacDonald "gave no credit to the fact that in Can- ood-|ada we still do some things bet- ter than our neighbors to the south." "These things include the ma- nufacture of harvesting and til- lage equipment. The old Cock- shutt labor force was approxi- mately 1,000 people. "They worked an average of only seven months a year and this figure included foundry and forge employees." 32--Articles for Sale TREMENDOUS savings on floor cover- ings discontinued patterns, Many de- signs and colors, Clear out 25 cents per foot. Ci 39 cents per: VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, cag sae teed rebuilt foot, Inlaid linoleum canvas back 99 cents square yard. Wilson's Furniture, free.|20 Church Street. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice, 728-0591 anytime. WEDDING dress, like new; Niagara Cycle Massage pad; '50 %4-ton pick-up, all reasonable. 'Telephone 725-4233. REFRIGE RATOR, Norge; Sunbeam mixmaster; kitchen suite, television, washing machine, six months old; steam iron, dishes, Reasonable. Tele- phone 726-6006. CHESTERFIELD suite, two - piece toast color, in FREEZER, television, cedar chesterfield suite, lamps, room-divider, cookware, silver, clock radio, lady's golf equipment, luggage. 728-1963, six to nine. 21-INCH Philco console TV, 9 x 12, red Wilton rug and underfelt, through pat- tern. Reasonable. MO 8-3447. WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simeoe Street Tele-|South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. phone 725-7463 after six. KROEHLER chesterfield, only $109.88 | ho: beautiful styling, good fabric, Kroehler construction ($219.50 value). Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Stree! South. 1953 JOHNSTON outboard motor, in good horsep: , in gi for cash. Telephone 725-9478, LARGE refrigerator and 42 inch elec- tric stove, in good condition, Both for $100. T 678. 3% sell ROCKING chair, heavy frieze cover, $49.95 value. only $29.88, MOFFAT stove, clectric, two years old; only 99 cents with each rocker sold. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South, Moffat four years, Both in good condition. Telephone 725-2270. SKATES, new and used, sold and ex- iy Cycle, 204 1960 Austin Cambridge like new .. $1195 Chevrolet, sedan re V- 8, auto- matic .. . $1095 1959 Chevrolet, biscayne V - 8, automatic, Roy W. Nichols assures you that a used car special from his Courtice or Bowmanville Lot is dependable. This claim is backed with the full knowledge and confidence of his products. 1955 CHEVROLET COACH, Maroon color. A clean car. 1955 PONTIAC CON- VERTIBLE, Power glide transmission. Custom built radio. 1956. OLDSMOBILE, black and white, two door, automatic trans- mission, custom built radio, clean and a good running car. 1957 CHEVROLET COACH, two-tone tur- quoise and ivory, 1953 CHEVROLET COACH, Fair condition clean inside, a good se- cond car. Roy W. Nichols COURTICE 728-6206 radio $1395 Pontiac Lauren- tian, hardtop, $1195 Pontiac Deluxe 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 LLOYD baby carriage, in good condi- tion. T 728-0976. pply Bond Street East. Equipment Firm Raps NDP Leader TORONTO (CP) -- Donald] Mr. MacDonald said farm leaders had asked the govern- ment in December for a farm machinery act obligating farm implement outlets in supply S|parts and service for a period after the sale. "The Conservatives, with the support of the Liberals, sent the request off to the minister for study, a familiar way to avoid real action." : He described White Motors' proposal to expand Cockshutt equipment in Canada as "'fan- tastically inefficient" in view of its own farm equipment-manus facturing subsidiary, the Oliver Corporation. Police Probing Medicine CALGARY (CP)--The discov- ery in Alberta of supplies of a beverage, said to have been manufactured in China and la- belled for "medicinal" pur- poses, has sparked police inves- tigations in Calgary and Ed- monton and led to charges against two elderly Chinese of having illegal possession of li- quor. Edmonton police reported sei- zure of seven big wooden cases containing the bottled beverage. Calgary police seized 113 bottles in the basement of a private home in the city's Chinatown. In Alberta, it is illegal to sell beer, wine or liquor not distrib- uted through the Alberta Liquor Control Board. Board Chairman Pete Elliott said no Chinese liquor is distributed by the board. Charges of illegal possession were laid later against two Ed- monton Chinese. No charges have been laid in Calgary. Police said the bottles seized in Edmonton were distributed through a Chinese trading house in Vancouver and sold across the counter in severa! downtown stores. Analysis of the liquid in one bottle showed an alcoholic content of more than 60 per cent--stronger than most liquor sold in government stores. The price was said to be $2 for a pint bottle. Lowest price of a similar-sized bottle of rye at government stores is $2.50. East Ontario Farmers Aid 6LD guns wanted, Rifles, shotguns, re- 34--Lost & Found volvers and pistols also old 725-8183. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, Tib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- |2 stration. T 728-4683. REWARD. Lost dog, white Pekingese, vicinity Dundas Street West, Whitby, on Thursday, answers to the name of Snuggles. Telephone MO 8-2596. VALLEY CREEK * FURNITURE 31--Automobile Repairs In a new location. 16% KEMP MOTORS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS WHITBY MO 8-4932 sedan, automatic, $69 WHITBY AUTO SALES Now at New Location 32--Articles for Sale NIAGARA Cyclo heat and "massage pad, used one week, bought for arthritis but became hospitalized for other con- dition. Sacrifice. 723-3158, ACCORDION, full size, 120 bass with 3 pitch selectors. Will sell for $125 com- Plete with case, 725-0351. 14 HORSEPOWER Evinrude and con- trols, in good running order, $75 or best offer. Telephone 723-9955. King St. W (formerly Hilltop) SELLING OR BUYING "STEW" IS WORTH TRYING 1952 CHEVROLET Runs and looks good. 1955 CHEVROLET Deluxe, Custom Radio, dandy. $545 1956 CHEVROLET Deluxe Radio. Two-tone, very clean. $745 DISCOUNT SERVICE SPECIALS CLASS "A" MECHANIC TUNE-UP Including plugs, points and condenser. MUFFLERS $6.95 up Supplied and installed. BRAKES $12. 4 wheels. Bonded lining. OIL CHANGE 2.95 4 qts. B-A Premium Oil and $1.50 Grease Job. PREMIUM OIL - per qt. 49 Name Brands. 27--Real Estate For Sale WILSON Rea $17,200 is full price for this master rancher on a large subur- 1600 square feet. ban lot. Loaded with extras. investment here. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE After hours Charlie Rankine, 728-3682 $15,800 full price; duplex in north-west area. for 10% on your $6,900 with $700 down, frame home, garage, 1 acre of land. Phone 725-6588 please call Art Weinberger, 723-7244 Ken Hann, 723-7963 BATTERIES .. $4.95 EXCH. 6 and 12v. Guaranteed. $4.95 Good selection. 6:70 x is Save GAS 3 Cents 36.9 DISCOUNT PRICES ON ALL REPAIRS, FREE ESTIMATES. CASH FOR YOUR CAR LIENS PAID OFF. STEWART MOTORS 822 KING W. 725-1667 NEW SPRING DRAPERY Custom-made, latest colorful floral and abstract patterns, Satins, Rayons, Mohairs, lined and unlined, up to 4 widths, 54 to 95 inch lengths. $17.95 up. Kitchen Drapery Fabric, at- tractive colors in polished cotton, 79c yd. up. Dan River Dress Cottons, var- ious colors, paterns. 98c yd. M & C DRY GOODS Bond Street West. Top prices paid for used radios, televis- ions, furniture and applian- ces. We buy, sell and ex- change. Telephone 728-4401. T.V. TOWERS 40 - ft. structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION __171 Bond St. E., 728-6781 GOOD RECONDITIONED Refrigerators Ranges And Washers All parts and service. AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE HARWOOD AVE. NORTH AJAX -- WH 2-6410 35--Legol BROCKVILLE (CP) -- Trade Minister Hees said Wednesday the Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Act will be ex- tended to eastern Ontario to aid TOWN OF AJAX TENDER Tenders are Invited for the supply of one only police cruiser. Tenders must be sub- mitted on Town of Ajax ten- der forms which may be ob- tained from the undersigned ond submitted not later than 5:00 p.m., March 5th, 1962. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (sgd.) C. G. DUNN, Chief Constable, Town of Ajax, AJAX, Ontario. farmers. He told a Progressive Conser- vative meeting for Leeds riding that "the ARDA program will be coming to eastern counties of Ontario, based on research, to bring new opportunity to farmers on marginal and sub- marginal lands." He noted that Leeds County has many abandoned farms, given up by their owners for lack of opportunity. The meeting unanimously chose Mayor Jack Langmuir of Brockville as candidate for the riding in the next federal gen- eral election. SEWING MACHINES Winter Clearance Sale WHITE Portable Console Models Straight Stitch-to-Automatic Priced from $44.40, CHERNEY'S White Sewing Centre Downtown 80 King St. E. 74 CELINA ST., 723-7827 Oshawa 1 ONLY -- 2-PIECE DANISH and ponel bed, walnut white table with matchi with mattress NO OUTSIDE UP TO 36 MON WHITBY -- ADAMS FURNITURE DEPRECIATION SALE SAVINGS UP TO 50% 1 ONLY -- 2-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, with foom cushion, red and black cover with silver $69. brown and beige stripe cover, 1 ONLY -- 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, double dresser, chest 1 ONLY -- 5-PIECE KITCHEN SUITE, lovely block inlay on $34.88 1 ONLY -- 24" x 48" BABY'S CRIB, natural color, complete $24.88 1 ONLY ---- GENT'S STANDARD CYCLE, Regent, all steel frame, with mirror and kickstand $29.88 103 DUNDAS ST. WEST AJAX AND PICKERING GENERAL HOSPITAL AJAX, ONTARIO ANNUAL CORPORATION MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a general meeting of the shareholders of Ajax and Pickering General Hos- pital will be held at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 27, 1962, in the Nurses' Residence. IMPORTANT: In accordance with the Hospital By-Laws, "Any person who pays to the Corporation at least thirty days before the Annual Meeting in any one year, the sum of $1.00, shall be a member of the Corporation for the ensuing year." Therefore, those wishing to qual- ify as a Member of the Corporation for the current year are requested to have their fee in the hands of the Secretary no later than Monday, February 26, 1962. Members and all interested persons are cord- ially invited to attend. R. D. Thompson, President and Chairman of the Board K. J. MacInnis, 4 Secretary STYLE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, foam cushions, backs $119.00 color $69.88 ing chairs FINANCING THS TO PAY MO 8-2933 MERRY MENAGERIE © 1962 Walt Disney Productions ~ World Rights Reserved . igured I'd fly north with you fellas, and give some " = thrill!"

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