Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Feb 1962, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Pebruery 22, 1962 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday te Friday Seturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants \Cartage WILSON and BURROWS Chartered yoy iia catale Ge by Lae Accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh-ioy 5 trucks. For fast dependable Ronald F. D. Wilson CA; G:' service call 725-7786. Se ee JOHN'S MOVING and Storage, Oshawa, NTEITH, MONTEITH. RIEHL. and Whitby. Reasonable rates, Fully equip- Chartered Accouniants, 728-7527. ped and insured. Phone 728-3661. 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax WH 2.0890: Whitby MO 8-4131. R. B. PROSSER, CPA, Certified Pub- . 906 Centre Street North, | Whitby, MO 8-5447 BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting! Service. Complete bookkeeping service ue Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res. 23. 7605 YAL and Co., Licensed Trustees King Street East, CA: F, Friedland 8. T. HOPKINS Cor fied Publie Accountants, Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, Caterers PONTIAC INN Specialists in Wedding Receptions RESERVE YOUR DAY NOW! Attractive Banquet Hall with Catering Service for 150 Guests 725-0078 ~~ FRIEDLANDER, , HUNTER Accountants and Auditors in Bankruptcy, 64) Oshawa; B. L. Yale,! B. C CPA, -- ! ny, 13 king! Dressmaking 725-3509. | DRESSMAKING, alterations, jable prices. 104 Brock Street | Telephone 7963. PATI . MeDANIEL. AACL Real INVISIBLE mending re-weaving. Estate Appraiser and Broker. Ten'Telephone 725-9736 or apply 525 Dun-) years of appraisal experience. Whitby.|kirk Avenue. BR ete HR oe Phone MO. 82311 DRESSMAKING and alterations of all kinds, on ladies' Auto Parts and children's wear Telephone 723-9148. Reasonable rates. KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- teed automotive parts and accessories, Fuel and Wood © 145 King Street " West, Oshaw®, FACTORY hardwood cuttings. Suitable THiter-O8, Five bays te serve you. for stoves, fireplaces, furnaces. Tele- phone 728-8535. FIREWOOD. ary, good, tor stove, ~ Barrister, , Soli-jnace or fireplace, Free delivery 37 King|phone CO 3 "reason- East. Appraisers ana Barristers LOUIS 8. HYMAN, ac, citor, Notary, Alger Bldg., n £ | Street East, 723-4943. Mortgage monies available. ae BRUCE V. MACKEY BA, Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public. - Mortgag funds available, 36% King Street 728-2336. Res. 985-7163. GREER | and KELLY, Barrister, 114 ng Street East are Reside ce phones: J BA, Sc 3368, Terence ¥ Kelly, PA, BCL 5832. ne RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS 8.| GREER Associate Barristers and Solici- tors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246.|Fyrniture Repair Mortgage loans available THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, citor, and Notary Public, 263% Street East. Phone 728-1763. x HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and BILL-|¢ MAN, Barristers, Solicitor: ©-| phone 723-9411. Humphreys, acr : 8. Boychyn, BA: n, LLB., 36% ing Str . East' Phones: Office 725-1177, Res., |Instruction 725-4804 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725-5203. /SopULAR p aa Money to loan - eS : Bert Payne, 142 onan Street, CREIGHTON, , FRASER, 1 DEYN and manville. RA 3-2697. MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- | LILLIAN MAE £ MARSH Dancing School, School, tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg../ng4, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School acro- 3% Simcoe Street North, 723-3446. T. - jbatic. Friday and Matarday, Masonic Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, C: G. K-|Tem le, Centre Street. 723-7253 Peveee. te t, Mardeck., SEA ey | PRIV ATE teacher, student , counsellor, . eae. 16 years' experience, by interview only. JAMES A. ~~ MacDONALI D, >, BA, cA, LLB, Act now. 725-1054. d Solicitor and Notary Pub- Hie, The Commercial Building, 286 King HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, w tap, RAD ballet, Highland. Register ee Ontario, Client Parhing ry. a2 King Street West, 125-6121. i RUSSELL J. MURPHY, BA, LLB., Barrister and Solicitor, 4 King Street Insurance bee Se a East, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-5129. |ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up N and BASTEDO, Barristers, |to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For ---- Clients' funds available for, personal service at your home, eall first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North; | 725-1625 725-3566; Charles C. McGibbon, QC; do, tur. Tele Premium Quality DX STOVE OIL MO 8-844] For your convenience stove oil may be purchased at our service station, Hwy. No. 2 between Oshawa and Whitby. Open Daily, includ- ing Sun. 7 a.m, -- Midnight v , Solici- = Hairdressing * wi SPECIALIZE in ) permanents. | Open jaturdays till noon. Lucienne Beauty Salon, 29% Simcoe Street South. Tele adults on! Bo Save $20.00 on Auto License rrist ce pate Simcoe Street" North,| Buy... LIABILITY INSURANCE Office 723-1101 Premiums as low as Residence 725-5542. (ALD, BA, Barris $24.00 per year, SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED Notary Public, ae Simcoe | 18-2991. Res, 728-2765. CT a ae ee TP See . . . Oshawa's Largest DAVID L., Barrister, Police | insurance Ontice 360 King St. W. 723-2265 Solici- | Solicitor, North, 72: 2 . tor, 3% Simcoe South, 725-9592. Resi. dence, 728-0264, DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barriste: ry Solicitor, 26% King Street East. .| Investigators Telephone: Business 723-2201. Resi- -- dence 728-5373. JOSEPH P. MANGA Solicitor. Money to loan King Street E Osha MANNING F. SWARTZ i ROD ey 1. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- taries, Money to loan. Henry Block, 26% King Street East, 723-4697. Resi- dence, Dial 723-4029. ACME a ister, on ete s|INVESTIGATION BUREAU BRANCH OFFICE Domestic General Investiga- tion Security Services. World wide. 100 King Street East 728-7941 24-hour Service Bookkeeping INDEPENDENT accounting and 1 tax| Lown Mowers records. A complete bookkeeping and business service at very low cost Statements, 'tax returns, etc. 06, Centre e ret North, Whitby » MO! L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades YOUR local chimney cleaner. . Chim-) neys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti-| mates. 723-2997. INTERIOR trim work, kitchen boards, recreation rooms, etc. Call W Wilki: 723-1231 nights | only, CERAMIC, + Plastic \ wall tile, tng, all floor coverings. Free enti. mates. Work guaranteed, 728-0850. ALL types of building repairs, roofing, chimneys, fireplaces sidewalks) stoops. 728-0394 Gordon May, FOR SMALL HOUSE REPAIRS Immediate Attention Call: Labour and Maintenance Service PHONES lah dll OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS cae MOST ANYTHING; HOME IMPROVEMENT TIME If you are planning an addition or renova- WHY WAIT TILL SPRING? Have your lawn mower pre- | pared now, before the rush. | | WILSON'S CYCLE & SALE 106 Colborne St. ai wey | | eee WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL STAN'S. CORNER KING AT BURK STS. 723-3224 -Money to Loan MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortages at 7% per annum without bonus. Monies also available Second Mortgages Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased. M. F. SWARTZ Short-term ond Builders' Mortgages oat -- reasonable rates 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act Mortgages MORTGAGES -- arranged, | ought and sold. Call Mr. Bolahood, 725-654 725-8333. John A. Bolahood Lie. FIRST AND SECOND mortgages ar- ranged. W. Schatzmann. Mortgage Broker, 101 Dundas We: MO 8-3338. CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- |gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased. NHA mortgages arranged. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- N-5447 eu on |FIRST and second mortgages, Sale agreements purchased and sold. Hen nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East. 723-7232, |FIRST and second 'mortgages bought J. J. Van Herwerden, Mortgage Broker 41 King East, Oshawa, tions to your home, call us for prompt and courteous attention. JAMES O'MALLEY - 723-7122 -----~ | Estimates. jing, 255 Simcoe Street South ™~| South, "LEN PULLAN' Mortgage CLASSIFIED AD RATES | 25 words or less MORTGAGE Cosh "Charge LOANS 40 yeors experience. Resi- dential, acreage, apts., busi- ness, summer properties. Members of Ont, Mortgage Brokers Assoc. J, E. Harris, F. G. Harris and R, C. Bint. SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED | 112 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA PHONE 725-3568 Optometrists Cc. H. TUCK, RO, Optometri it. Please pay accounts at downtown Dominion |Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam- ined at home. Dial 725-4587. 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 2.48 If not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions, Subsequent insertions ordered ot a later date constitute a new original order. Professional and Business listings 7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.60 per month 375 4.13 2.25 abbreviation Box Each word, initial, figure counts as a word, charge 15c additional All Classified Advertisements ist be in by 5S p.m. the day be- fore publication except Births, in Memoriams, Cards of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 a.m. Deadline for Lost and Found and Cancellations 8:30 a.m. Office Hours Daily, 8-5. Saturday 8-12, REGULATIONS-- The Oshawa Times will be responsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writ n f more than one incorrect insertion of odver- tisement, nor beyond charged for a single the advertisement in occurs. And also reserve the riot to classify advertising according to its own classification. In the case of display odvertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible more that in the actual occupies. blishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter it liability if any inaccurecies in any form are contained therein or m F. RIC HARD BLACK: Doctor of Optom etry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne, Evenings by appointment. 723-4191. not Painting and Decorating AL. CONROY, professional paper hanging, ood finishing. wallpaper in stock. Telephone 28-0086. PAINTING by tradesman, work guar- anteed, free estimates; exterior and in- terior work. Reasonable rates, Tele- phone 728-2558. EXPERT painting by Don. Work g anteed at low rates. co 3-2780. PAINTING papering, | rpentry winter G, Goulding, 204 Church Street. 72 painting. 1962 DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 TV - Radio Repairs : TV. ~ RADIO. makes. Elliott ©: Thompson Avenue radio repairs, all E SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL 728-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS T.V. TOWERS All galvonized, no paint. LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS . 728-5804 or 725-7844 MODERN | GRILL |Well Drilling-Digging Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey |WEMI dissing, and eset Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home phone 728-0394 Made Pies and Desserts. WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 |PLASTERING LASTERING repairs, ceilings relathed,| dry wall and taping, basements cemet- ed, waterproofed. 725-6222, 725-8718. Personal Service DO YOU make use of a laundromat? Let us do your Sroning. Large basket $2.25. Telephone 725- 7755. SEWING machines sales and service to ali makes, Parts and labor guaran teed. 329 Simcoe South, 728-9741 SEWING machine repairs to any make. Work guaranteed. Elna Sew ing Machines. 728-2391 SEWING service to all estimates, all work guaranteed, new and used machines bought and sold. Full warranty and lessons included. 728-7824. MAE fending Service. Machine em- broidery, alterations, button holes, zip-| pers, pants cuffed, collars turned. Sew- ing | leszons ._728- 2391 91. makes, free Tile| Tele- TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Clean-outs and Deepenings Compressor Work. 728-3864 W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563 --- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST P.O. BOX 329 Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING and heating supplie Phone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer- ALL types of repairs and remodel ling. new and used materials. Reasonable rates, Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J Foley ALL WELL But the best 1--Women' 8 Column if you insist Call GUSCOTT PLUMBING)SPENCER Foundation Garments, dividually designed. Also Spirella ments. Mrs. J. Hendershot, Road, Oshawa $.--725-51: 45:5182 2--Personal Service YOUNG WAVES on special i 396 Pine Avenue Paze Mair: on In- gar and Heating Limited 324 Admiral St 207 Simcoe Rug- Upholster mother would like room and 'HESTERFIELDS | re-built, re. covered board for herself and two small chil- like new. Why pay more? Our rates dren. with day care while mother are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed,| works. Abstainer, Write to Box 20, Mattresses . rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery Oshawa Times ESTERYIELDS reared =8¢ ELECTROLYSIS CHESTERFIELDS -re- upholstered and re-styled. Free estimates. See our ma- terial for re-covering. Dalton + tages ing, 75 Charles Street, 7 Removal of superfluous hair, CHESTERFIELDS and old ery re-- Marie Murduff will be in covered like new. Get the best for less Oshawa, Mar. 13th and 14th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dotes for appointment. 723-4641 Telephone <, at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Call 728-6451 Free estimates. 3--Pets & Livestock NUTRIA breeder. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REMODELING, REPAIRING Fabric samples shown and pgs eae free _estimidtes Given iN YOUr (eee baby budgies, ready training, talking strain. Apply Broad, 114 Elgin Street East GERMAN Shepherd pi peer home Satisfaction Guaranteed ed. Telephone WH THOROUGHBRED CALL 728-9526 TODAY TALBOT UPHOLSTERING }one year old, $75 jPhone Whitby MO _4--Market Basket -- ee SPY APPLES .. 2.50. bu: SREENING APPLES 1.75 bu. Delivered Saturday A.M J. H. PASCOE 728-0458 5--Farmers Column DEAD farm "stock "picked up gry an Phone collect. Hampton. COlfax 3-272 |Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone-Ltd 15. TOP MONEY for dead and disabled farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1169J, collect, 24-Hour, seven-day service Selling all stock and 8 females to litter, for Mrs. Register female, Tele- chihuahua, Surveyors with papers sat eens -- - 8-2987. H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario! : ind Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue st. Phone 725-6881. |DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue-| | printing. Il Ontario Street, 725-5632 Tailors (ENGLISH TAILOR) all tailcring require- ments use our experienced services for both. suit and dress repairs and alterations. 10 PRINCE ST. -- 728-5311 (next to Bus Station) TV--Rentals for Purchase your de-humiditier $10 down -- $7 per month Remove the dampness from your basement. Rent a tele- vision ---- only $7 per week from MEAGHER'S 5 KING ST. 723-3425 TV - Radio Repairs T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS ST. 8-8180 Terms --~ Open Evenings OSHAWA T.V Free Survey end Estimotes 6--Auction SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1962 AT 1:30 P.M FULL LINE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Property of the late Mrs Florence Tavener, 224 Br St. North, Whitby LOYAL POGUE, Auctioneer ock * 7--Trailers REPOSSESSED trailer, highest bid accepted cash, Can be seen at Bell's in Whitby. Telephone R, \Scarboro. AMbures 1-3383. used Terry camp Terms Garage Cochrane, |11--Articles for Rent |17--Male Help _Wanted oe a ~ |YOUNG. m man 1 to drive dry cleaning truck, part-time. Apply to Box 14, Osh- awa Times. Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, (oll. sizes), Stemmed Wine Like sh «EASE ME a sesc ar se Meet ne aN Glasses, Silver Tea Service FOUR us, 7 i » years of ane: wanted immediately for order desk. Sets, Silver Candelabra | Must be willing to learn, Previous ex. (single or triple) Bun bask- perience not necessary, but typing ets, Bud Vases and Cut Glass -- /essential. Opportunity for advancement, Vases (with or without arti- employee benefits. Apply Stark ie Instruments, Finlay Ave- ficial. flowers), Artificial flor- al arrangements. Automatic - percolator (10-44 cup size), Punch bowls, Ash Trays, etc. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted WANTED SCRAP- IRON, POULTRY Apo FEATHER TICKS Deér Hides and Raw Furs (collect) TURNER 723- 3-2043--723- 3374 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc., bought Open Saturday all day. Phone 723-2311--89 BLOOR E. 13--Business Opportunities NATIONAL Franchise tory available. Nationa organization will issue 10-y contracts to responsible parties, Phail Vending Services Limited, 1222 Eglinton Avenue West. Toronto, On- ®. (Attention Mr. F. W. Hazlett, ales Manager) operation, experience not essential. Ap-| ply Box 816, Oshawa Times, and qualifications. Applicants have references. SALESMEN aluminum | products. Draw against RMP Industries, '32 Park Road North, 728-44919 ---|SUPERINTENDENT and wife for me- dical building in Oshawa. Automatic 'heating. Must be bondable and fully experienced. Apply in writing to Box Oshaw 'Times. COLLECTOR PART-TIME Man to collect small current monthly accounts No selling involved. Must be married, have good car, and be free to work evenings and Saturdays. Apply Friday, February 23rd 5:30 p.m. till 8:30 p.m. MR: DUBE Genosha Hotel must | vending terri- advertised ar exclusive Me- "MANAGER TRAINEE Must be high school graduate, some col- lege or business ex- perience preferred. Job leads to managerial position In about two years. CRESCENT FINANCE 10 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH TELEPHONE 728-7311 Canada's Fastest Growing Finance Company FOURTH CLASS STATIONARY eracat WaT! ENGINEERS housework, fpll time, live-in. Excellent | references, 'Iplephone 725-6702. | Department of National MARRIED an requires work Satur | Defence (Army) , Wireless Station, days, evenings. Would consider buying} 'a-ton or panel truck to assist work.| 79 OSHAWA, Ontario. $3750 - $4200 Good references, 7970. PETER PAN DAY NURSERY. All or half-day, 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p Applicants must be in posses- sion of a valid 4th Class Stationary Engineer's or 581 Simcoe street North, 728-2604. 16--Female Help Wanted | Engineman's Certificate, or the Provincial equivalent. TYPIST, must be thoroughly capable fora public accountant's office. Tele- For. full particulars as to residence, qualification re- phone 728-7371. RESPONSIBLE woman wanted to care for three pre-school children, Monday to Friday, from 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Loca- tion of Lansdowne Shopping Centre, North Oshawa. Telephone 728-6808 after | quirements, ond application forms, see posters on display et the National Employment Service and Post Office. Apply before March 2, 1962, to the Civil Service Commis- 5.30 p.m i WANTED -- girl or woman to watch sion, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7 Get The Facts! read the factual "Pro Coin-Operated and Drycleaning Find out about the Before you invest, 20-page Report Laundry new gress new Coin-Operated Westinghouse Drycleaning Machines the nationol Loundromat* has helped establish over 13,000 succ- essful stores more stores than all others combined. Get the facts. Call or write to. day for free brochure. No obligation This is Your Opportunity to Be Your Own Boss! ALD CANADA LTD. 25 Belfield Road, Rexdale (Toronto), Ontario RO 6-7255 Inc is Wes tinghouse distributor /14--Employment | Wanted EXPERIEN' children while mother works, light housework. Telephone 725-6917 t TENCED woman required for| Apply in person to Genosha} CASHIERS, full and part-time, for modern coffee shop. Apply im person to Genosha Hotel HAIRDRESSER, experienced, odern Beauty Salon. | | | Quote Competition = NG. 62. 1637 ACT NOw- _ ARMOURIES OPEN THIS WEEKEND to oper- Telephone | G lady to drive a light delivery dry cleaning. Apply to Box 14, limes a COMPETENT clerk for stock brokers' | office. typing and some office experi-| ence essential. Telephone 725-3591. | EXPERIENCED waitress required for Led and Country Restaurant, 15 Bond reet East, Oshawa. 1259 MULTILITH operator, interesting work, permanent position, all company benefits, Contact Mr. G. Dowling. 725 FOR SIX WEEKS IN THE MILITIA 1f you are between 18 and 50, and meet enrolment stan- dards, you can help Canada and yourself by taking part in the Special Militia Train- ing Programme. One hun- dred thousand additiona! men are needed as soon as pos- sible to help the Canadian Army Militia out National Survival Operations in the event of nuclear at- tack, Six - week courses for citi- zen soldiers are being held in your own community -- the mext one starting February 26th, Lost course begins April 16th SHORT order cook required for mod-| ern air conditioned coffee shop. Apply| in person, Genosha Hotel. LADY to take care of motherless home,| live in. For further information tele-} phine 728-1337, from_8 to 4, | JUNIOR clerk stenographer, must have! shorthand. Apply, stating qualifications, | PO Box 343, Oshawa, Ont. | BEAUTY Counselor, unlimited oppor- tunities for extra earnings. Flexible hours, full or part ae, For appoint- ment telephone 725-8959. AMBITIOUS active woman, for sae | mer service work. Full or part time. Must be able to meet the public. | cellent remuneration. Telephone 728! 2233 for personal interview. carry |URGENT, will give comfortable home| plus small remuneration to woman to! take care of two pre-school children} while mother _works. 452 Loring. ! WAITRESSES wanted. A Genosha! Hotel Manager. Telephone 723- 4641. | LADY to take care of motherless home, live in. For further information,| telephone 728-1337 from 8 to 4. EXPERIENCED invoice typist wanted. Must be fast, neat and accurate. Usual! employee benefits. Apply in person.| Stark Electronic Instruments, Finlay! Avenue, Ajax. 17--Male Help Wanted TWO full time; two part- time men, Rl you are ambitious, we can show you) how you can earn more than average) income. Write Box 6, Oshawa Times, | MEN, -- Pleasant outdoor work. Aver- B-310-VV, 4005 Riche-| training these new During the course you are given' all-day days a week. You home and receive 'the same poy as a regular soldier, plus a living allowance training five live at To be sure of a vacancy, you should act right away. Get full details NOW, without ob- ligation, .at the address be- low that is nearest to your home: THE ARMOURY Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. age $3 per hour. No experience neces- sary. Write Dept. lieu, Montreal BOY 17-18 YEARS OF AGE | who wishes to make a career of selling. pats garra wen -Vacational pay --Best working conditions APPLY: LIVE (T UP! Buy ® hgme of your own| AGNEW-SURPASS from the great big selection jn Classi 25 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH |tied under "Homes for Sa 18--Male or Female Help Wanted TO DO OFFICE CLEANING at night jand weekends, full of part time. State je, experience, number. SUPERVISOR required for night 'food | tating age | EARN AS YOU SERVE references and phone! Apply Box 717 Oshawa Times. ; |18--Male or Female Help Wanted FARM CREDIT ADVISER $4,920 - $5,640 VETERAN'S LAND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF VETERAN'S AFFAIRS TORONTO, ONT. WORK RELATED TO APPRAISAL, CREDIT and FARM OPERATIONS Details as to residence re- quirements and qualification | forms at Post Office, Nat- ional Employment Office or nearest Civil Service Com- mission Office 20--Room and Board |SINGLE room with board, located, Will mind children three years F ment building, fo | 725-0747, | 725-6544 or 723-3398. John A. J. Bola. jness couple, Available March 1, MO centrally T 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent MODERN four-room apartment at 385) THREE large bright room apartment, Mary Street, equipped with refrig und barr oyge ed, heavy wiring, pa tor, stove, washer, dryer. Adults only. ---- adults. Apply 72 Cadillac South, Telephone 723-2511. Bae apartment, equipped |NEWLY decorated two - bearoom, four. wit stove, refrigerator and laundry {room apartment, te fac on Simcoe North. Te' entrance and bath. Agnes Street gon 725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m. jRorth plant. Dial 725-1168, oa apartment, suitable for SPECIAL bachelor apartment in apart-|nurses or teachers, private bath, im fully furnished. Ideal | quiet home. Close to schools snd hos- r couple. Plenty of parking. Posses- |pital. Telephone _ 725-5165. sion March 15, Telephone 723-4245. |Two | large room furnished a apartment. |THREE-ROOM basement apartment, |modern kitchen, second floor, central, separate entrance, two-piece bath,|reasonable rent, 381 Mary Street. Tele- parking, Close to buses and schools. phone 725-1042, x 725:|NORTH OSHAWA, mod I 1850, ee room apartments, in apartment build FOUR-ROOM apartment, on second. ling, four- oa bath, nge refrigerator, private bath and ead Paved $87 month /, Telephone 7: 728-3377, floor, heated, trance, central, close to bus. Telephone! : : |SELF-CONTAINED apartment, three SOUNDPROOF, fireproof, elevator, in- |rooms and bath, built-in refrigerator, tercom, many extras. $105. Two-bed-| Stove, eupboards. Central. Vacant Mar. room apartments. Call Mr, Appleby|!. Telephone 723-3229, A on taste for Rent TWO ROOMS | completely furnished, , for tight housekeeping, including electrie refrigerator and television, use of |washer and dryer, central to downtown jand shopping centre. Suit working cou- ple. $15 weekly. 725-5227. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, bed room and tage buil pri central. Apply 253 Athol hood, Limited. THREE-ROOM "self contained unfurnish- ed apartment, p: ite bath, heavy duty | wiring, central location, Ideal for busi-+ wiring, central location. Ideal for busi- 8-3168. LARGE three- room ) unfurnished ) apart eptrance, eg East. » reasonable. 762 King Street lephone 728-1559. jentrance, or over while mother works. 173 Ritson|2'#-ROOM furnished apartment, private |Street East. Road South 'sia WEEKLY, one single room, |double room, single beds, gentlem |girls, Three cooked meals per day. Central. 725-9087, | TWO. rooms, single beds, suit | fentlemen, close to South Motors, Pedlars. Duplate, days weekly. 723-2625. FOR GENTLEMEN lunches packed, singles very central, at 296 King Street East,/ jnear Ritson Road. jhome, |For" THE BEST value in | living accom-| jall con' modation at the lowest price, phone 725-0078. Want a change? Phone! now and get the bes* for less NICE cozy single room, |home. Free parking, $18 close to South General ping Centre, 81 Park Road South. 21--Room & Board Wanted | WORKING lady clean, « full would like room and |board, private home, vicinity of Elgin|'e%@¢ Avenue, Apartment 2. jand Church Streets. 728-2980. |22---Store Space & Garages |s STORE or office space, ground floor, | \fifteen by thirty, heated, parking. West- jern Tire Building, 145 King West, 72g-\2@dtoom, kitchen, built-in or poy | 1607, '24---Houses for Rent AJAX -- Five-room house, jnewly decorated, close | shopping centre. Full phone WH 2-4754 NORTH OSHAWA Modern | bedroom bungalow with oil very clean. Vacant now, | Telephone 72B- "5209. |LARGE nine - toom house, < central, | close to schools and shopping. Reason- able rent, children welcome. Available March 1, 74 Celina Street, 9 to 6 (store). basement. F BUNGALOW -- six rooms, three bed- rooms, living room, kitchen and dining room, three-piece bath, oil' furnace. Apply 281 Central Park Boulevard | | South after five. FOUR-ROOM house, with garage tiled throughout, full basement, laun- dry tubs, oil heating, on Athol East. Ap- [ee 105 Easthaven Street SEVEN room house, two "kitchens, two ' bath- rooms. Central. Possession Febru- ary 24, also apartment, 725-6184 or | 925, | and water, television antenna. Parking.} one Reasonable rent. ery [FULLY *|apartments, in new apartment build- ircoms, young paved parking. General close. five or SX UPPER DUPLEX -- four large 100 uf __|four-piece bathroom, room and | board,|central, vacant March 3. or to share, /| ferred. Telephone 728 tele-| ply 291 Mitchel Avenue aft quiet ment, week, |rooms, fre: Motors, Shop- jing. 725-5363. .... |rooms, heavy wiring, oil heated, jrate entrance, private bathroom, hot! to school and /|water, Tele- 723-3224. three-|two piece bath, heavy furnace, | sink, $80 monthly. | - facilities, hot water, parking $65. Adults} 23-2414, bath, terrace, stove, refrigerator, lights| two rooms; completely furnished with refrigerator and stove, all conveniences. _| Parking space. Apply Albert Street. "two-bedroom (TWO large furnished housekeeping bedroom and kitchen, cup- boards and refrigerator. gg hospital shopping and downtown, suit tw 725-5: FURNISHED room for ag: MS,'close to South General Motors. Apply and water, | 130 Mill Street or r telephone 728-5759. Adults Pre-/ SPACIOUS single room, in quiet cleaw .|home. Gentleman preferred. Five min- utes from four corners, Apply 135 Ce- lina Street. <.'¢"! AP FURNISHED rooms, close to b _|section, for gentlemen, reasonable, 160 fe raaleye ctl Street, 29, self-contained |Park Road North. hed, be = ed, heated, three-room apart-| ONE lovely furnished room for gentle nm apartment building, large) shly decorated. Ample park-|™&?» Private home, private Dathresnd jand entrance. 444 Fernhill Boulevard or aa |Seepnowe 723-7070. |FURNISHED, private. comfortable housekeeping apartment for gentleman, close to North General Motors, reason- jable rent. 105 Ritson North. 725-1300. ROOM for rent in clean, slot hi |suit one or two gentlemen, central | -- near bus stop. Telephone 7 725-4555. modern one, ing, vetrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, | School and 728-5282. heat 28-8465. | THREE large room apartment in newer near schools and bus, central, veniences. Reasonabl | ATTRACTIVELY decorated two-bed- room apartment in triplex, magnetron \equipped. Free washer, dryer and park. ing, close to Shopping Centre. 343 Fron. 4 | COMPLETELY japartment with [epenrate bath. ary Street. D' powNaranae flat, large living roo ~ one-room convenience, Apply 531 furnished every Abstainer. 17 91. PER WEEK. Breakf. included. lean hotel rooms, single 'or double. recently redecorated, hot and cold Bisnis we ee oe | Water, he heavy duty wiring, $50. 725-8985. | ve |LARGE furnished 1 bedroom, | 360. . MONTHLY, three unfurnished veniences, SEPA-l tral, TV aerial, close to bus stop. Telephone 728-8644. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS bean fe Available in private home, FURNISHED two - room apartment, | Call between 5 and 7 p.m. central, conveniences, heat, lights, p: tng, chiltres, waloeme. Telephone' | 82 dey oe 2 NORTH UPSTAIRS front room, turnished or un | furnished. Kitchen privileges. Parking. 7--R --Real Estate For Sale TE 82 e Hill, attractive » fully 1} Suit one or two. 139 Albert Street, tele. |PRIVATE sale, A storms and screens, 5% per eent. intere Phone 725-6662. daa SIMCOE North, § fi modern |fi est, $13,500. Substantial down payment, Telephone 725-7803. | WHITBY CLASSIFIED ~|$5 m all eon parking for car, very cene hydro, 227 King Street West. "apartment, duty wiring, | 418 Jarvis \THREE room unfurnished cupboards. Apply reet, XKOOM | winterized < cottage, modern 'kitchen; dining area, living room with|FURNISHED room for rent, kitchen $85 | Privileges, fireplace, monthly. garage, private beach, Telephone 725-8489. MODERN large six-room bungalow, | $80) monthly. Apple Hill, two year lease, references required. Telephone 725-7091. | 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent close to schools, |in town. Almost unbelievable. FREE Bingo card, worth $1.00, dc every dry cleaning or laundry pend gy 106 Brock Street South Suit business lad: Ref- jerences required. Telephone MO 8-3660. SNOW removal by the fastest shovel Refer- ences available. The price is right. Call |Jack Price, MO 8-9028 after 2.30 dail | WH HITBY r apartment 'puilding for rent.|~ \three-room Fe what bathroom, SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West. Telephone MO _8-2563. THREE room apartment for rent, heats ay modern eg unfurnish ay |ONE-BFDROOM apariment, furnished jor unfurnished. Apply 496 Bees Street |North or telephone 728-394, | COMFORTABLE aber ee sitting |room, in warm quiet home, very, cen- tral, bus service, board optional, home| privileges. Telephone 725.8876. |$55 -- THREE-ROOM basement apart ment, stove, bathroom, central. able March 1. Apply Apartment 1, 67 Gibb. Telephone 1890. FOUR-ROOM apartment, in 1 fiveplex, built-in stove and oven; washer, dry- jer facilities, paved parking. 195 Crom. |well Avenue. 725-9264, | THREE-ROOM apartment, trance, hydro and heat included. Tele- "0915, after 8 p.m. 728- 4564. :E-room apartment, private bath, water, television aerial, parking. Telephone 725-3760 anytime but 4.30 to 6 p.m THREE-ROOM basement apartment, unfurnished, very bright with large |windows, separate entrance, private |bath, storage closet. Available April 1. | 728-1869. W two-bedroom apartment, built-in jchina cabinet, colored bath, refrigera- | tor, stove, free automatic washer and) jaryer, other extras. Adults only. $100 monthly. 723-1424. modern newly bedroom apartment, frigerator, washer, dryer, | garage, College Hill area, 214 Cromwell Avenue | LARGE one- and two - bedroom apart-| ments with stove, refrigerator, and laundry facilities. Telephone 725- 2981. |Two large rooms, unfurnished, pri- vate bath 5 includes heat and hydro. Apply 730 Simcoe Street South. 73 THREE-ROOM basement apartment in apartment building, no children, Apply 103 Wilson Road North, Apartment 3 ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT AVAILABLE MARCH 1 Stove, frig., laundry, park- ing. Apply LOGUE APTS., 795 KING ST. E 723-9292 ie ~ AVAILABLE NOW -- MODERN APARTMENTS Stove, frig., laundry facili- ties, locker, T.V. outlet, low rental, Call MO 8-3092 or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt After 5 p.m. stove, r TV outlet, $95. Apply} 5 ' Wellington Street Whitby Nos. 105, 107, 109 TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS In new building with -balcon- ies. Consisting of living room, dinette, and kitchen, equip ped with built-in oven, hood fdn, broadloom, wall-to-wall, cloth drapes, private bath, garbage disposal, washer and dryer, (not coin type). Fully decorated TELEPHONE MO 8-8751 Avail-| "private en-| Street, re-decorated,| Leer ping A fi $70. _Vacant now. T FOR RENT: Modern two - bedroom apartment, rking, centrally located. Apply 608 ieee Street South. Tele- hone MO 8-376 |STUDENTS A super value, approxi- imately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby 1111 Dundas Street West. | \F Byron Street Nort! FOR SALE -- 24-inch snow blower, 18-inch chain saw, used once. MO 8-4149. APARTMENT for rent -- Two bede rooms, heated, self-contained, water. Available now. 610 Dundas Street West. Calla at Apartment 1, COMFORTABLE modern three-room apartment, stove, refrigerator, parking, 7OR RENT -- $60 monthly three and /@undry, located on pleasant landseaped four room apartments, balcony, resi-| grounds. Available for rent March 1, 'dential area newly decorated laundry |9°5 St. John Street West. MO 8-2860. facilities. Parking me to schools chil-| ab R sirens playground: Apply 300 Hi gn|FOR RENE: Socios and, como Apt |ments, from $85. Telephone Jas. A. Daly, MO 8-475. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, rent- jals, terms, service. Hamilton Office |Equipment, 137 Brock South, MO 8-8442 [SSEeeeaste suits, coats, dresses, alterations slip covers. Gowns and fit- |tings our specialty. Mrs, +2372, WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT 20 Tumble - action Washers. 7 Big 50-lb. Fluff Dryers. At Your Convenience 310 DUNDAS ST. WEST WHITBY Toms. MO |B.C, SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping |service for small businesses, weekly, | monthly or as desired. Statements pre- |pared; income tax returns. MO 8-8253, FOR RENT -- Chain Sows, | oe Power Tools, Box Trailers. Are You Satisfied FOR SALE -- Used Boots, With Your Present Canoes, Motors, Trailers, Tents. Family Income? WILDE RENTAL Why not let your ability i SERVICE & SALES supplement the income by | doing contact work selling 1415 DUNDAS ST. E., Avon Cosmetics. Call WHITBY 'MO 8-3226 | 725.8466 ADAMS FURNITURE DEPRECIATION SALE SAVINGS UP TO 50% "' Crossley Super V Television, en colour, good eper- ating condition $44.88 | 21" Console Model R.C.A. Victor TV, walnut, new picture tube, lovely condition $89.88 Coffee Tables, Step Tobles, Clearing at walnut, oak, <arborite" tops. Eoch. $7.88 Emmerson Clock Radios, fully automatic (2 ise Save $20.00 on these. Clearing Westinghouse Automatic Washer, traded in on a 1962 model. Good operating condition $34.88 Gorden Patio Tables, save over 50% on these items. Clearing 2-Piece Davenport Suite, all hardwood construction, rubber seat on chair, colour green, 1 only 1 Only -- mirror, Triple Dresser in rich dark walnut, beautiful design NO OUTSIDE FINANCING UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY 40 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA -- 725-6535-6 large tilting $59.88

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