, SE EN ye gine? ig . IE Oe eg Se Sp alba ne LI gman ay ip li di union would lack sufficient BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor *| MONTREAL (CP) -- Tax in- . |eentives as a means of encour- , jaging business investment were "= \urged Wednesday by the Cana- + |dian Construction Association in 'ia resolution adopted by the closing session of the associa- tion's three-day annual meeting. 4| While the total of annual con- * |struction in Canada has stayed , jaround the $7,000,000,000 mark - 4 |for the last several years, it j{has been maintained at this + |point in large degree by insti- tutional construction -- schools, hospitals and other items in the public area. Investment in business build- ing, however, has declined to an annual rate $1,000,000,000 below that of 1957. And, construction) Tax Incentives Urged By Group tions continues, are expanding their manufacturing .and ther employment - providing filit- jes outside Canada because of more favorable tax policies fol- lowed in other countries. The association asks for a "broadened base and increased scope" for the accelerated cap- ital cost allowace (deprecia- tion) program. Under such an accelerated program companies would get income - tax allow- ances for their expenditures over a fewer number of years than at present. A number of Wednesday's resolutions dealt with labor. One of these asks that statutory pro- visions be made for prosecution by the crown of parties violat- ing labor legislation. It is fre- quently impracticable, the res- lates the secrecy of the balict. While a union member has a right to refuse to pay such dues, such action may draw at- tention to his political beliefs. A further resolution urges that all trade unions operating in Canada be urged to establish strength in such a situation. H. R. Montgomery, president oe Construction Co. td., president for the coming year, succeeding Arthur G. Sullivan, also of Montreal. Montreal, was elected self-sufficiency within Canada, under democratic leadership. A Vancouver delegate com- DIVIDENDS Tape Recorder Used In School BRAMPTON, Ont. (CP) -- A separate 'schooi principal ad- mitted Wednesday he had used the microphone of a tape re- corder to evi sate and wring he placed the microphone in a Grade 7 classroom Feb. 9 ingn attempt to get evidence which would prove a certain student had -been tearing up books: The method didn't directly work, but the principal did ob- tain a from the boy mented that the strength of in- ternational. unions had been helpful in the explusion of Com- munist control from some west coast unions. He thought there might be danger that a national!/cents, March 15, record Feb. 28. By THE CANADIAN PRESS April 20, record March 31. Texaco Canada Ltd., pfd. $1, Waterous Equipment Lid., 15 a rom & vandal later suspended from school. who feared the machine's tape contained a confession. RECORD DANCE AT THE Y. TOMORROW NIGHT 9 TO 12 P.M. New records with the friendly club. . W.C.A. sii ait THE PEPPERMINT @ EVERYONE WELCOME @ OLGA WAKULICZ as Dise Jockey FREE REFRESHMENTS if bord Al eale-aretel ARR ROMAN: as Guise TY © ADDED HIT! @ JEFFREY HUNTER STELILA STEVENS DAVID JANSSEN "MAN-TRAP" Adult Entertcinment men comment, it is this invest-|olution states, for private par- ment in business and industria!/ties to institute legal action in plant that creates continuing/labor disputes. employment after the immedi-| Another resolution disap- ate construction is over. |proves "'of the use of union dues It says capital cost allowances|for the purpose of financing any introduced by the federal gov-|political party." It says, in ef- ernment in 1960 and 1961 are/fect, that such collection vio- inadequate to encourage the| necessary increase in the rate) of capital investment to provide] employment opportunities for) the rapidly - increasing labor) force. is MOVE OUTSIDE | dill dictates a letter to his sec- | Many Canadian corporations| retary Mrs. Alice Parnell of |and parent companies of Cana-| | California. (CP Photo) 'dian corporations, the resolu-| : a A HARWOOD AVE., AJAX THE STORE FULL OF BARGAINS narwoop AVE., AJAX Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded -- You Are Invited to Open a Budget Account | a Pennyworth's Gigantic February Clearance Sale Gives You The Lowest Price In Town... Kiddies' ined Cod Lined Corduroy Overshoes 2 » Slim Sets © Sheep Shearing Top @ Pants have helf elastic waist © Side buckle closure © Sizes 7 to 12 @ Tapered leg REG. 2.99 1.89 7*. > sey. fiw US. CONSUL BUSY ests of between 82,000 and 85,- | 000 Americans now living in | the region. They represent the | largest non-military concen- tration outside U.S. borders. Most of them are connected with the oil industry. Mr, Ma- Ed Madill, United States consul in Southern Alberta, is | kept busy in his Calgary of- fice looking after the inter- Police Criticised _ For Rabbi Arrest | TORONTO (CP) -- Metropol-;ner was beaten at the police itan Toronto police were criti-| station | cized Wednesday for arresting) "Let's have a little reality | ha Raga charging him with) nq common sense. If that's the| Mr. Justice Dalton Wells, con- best you can do you have dem-/| ducting an inquiry into the al-jonstrated you have a very weak| leged beating of Rabbi Norbert/case against the rabbi." Leiner, formerly of New Jer-|7ueem NRE sey, also criticized John Brooke, counsel for the police force. Mr. Justice Wells criticized police for arresting Rabbi Lei- ner Jan. 26 even though the rabbi did not justify his pres-| ence on a city street. | "Your complaint said this| man was loitering. This man} was not loitering, he was pro-/ ceeding down the street. "What gave you the impres | gion you had the right to arrest! this man?" Constable Ernest W. Sharp, one of the arresting officers, said he arrested Mr. Leiner because he had no money on his person and did not justify his presence on the street. "He was perfectly entitled to be there," said Mr. Justice) Wells. The criticism of Mr. Brooke| came after the lawyer men-| tioned that Mr. Leiner's driving} licence had been suspended by) the state of New Jersey after! he ignored traffic summonses. Mr. Justice Wells xaid the ev- Sdence was "A beautiful red her- ring to slur the rabbi's charac- ter," but did not have any rela- tion to the charge that Mr. Lei- i} | A DISTINGUISHED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT | JENNIFER JONES JASON ROBARDS, » JOAN FONTAINE TOM EWELL ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Fie Oceen King Red Sockeye 7% ounce fancy. Reguler Sic Tin 45° Men's Ist Quolity Snow White Dress Shirts 12 Way Cuff. Sizes 144% ~ 16%. SLIM GORDON presents Direct from the GRAND 'OL OPRY Show Times: | 1:50-4:15 | 6:45-9:10 | | PHONE 723-2843 | Melbourne flannel, self- belted. Sizes 30-44, Sixes 3 to 6x. REG. 3.49 1.70 Save on DIAPERS LADIES' FIRST QUALITY DRESS SHEER NYLONS CURITY -- 3. 4 4 HOSPITAL -- Si-gauge -- 15-denier Reg. 4.99 ....... All the Newest Shedes. Reg. 2.98 2.59 Size 9 to 11. Branded Line Reg. .79 wt i 35c 3 for 1.00 BOXED FLANNEL - 2.99 : Reg. 3.98 ...... PROCTOR & GAMBLE Economy Crest @ Will reduce the incidence of tooth decay @ The active ingredient in Crest ts Stannous Flouride REG. 1.05 bo BRYLCREEM For Smert Heir Grooming Reg. 730 Alc BOBBY HELMS SINGING HIS MILLION RECORD HITS @ FRAULIEN : @ SPECIAL ANGEL - 'OPERATION @ JINGLE BELL ROCK, PETTICOAT' etc., etc, WITH ALL-STAR SHOW in Eastman COLOR Sun. Feb. 25th, ee 8 p.m. RED BARN ADMISSION 1.25 seeeeer 131 threods per equare inch, 2.57 Boys' Lined JEANS PANTS Some Half Boxer Waist Sizes 8 te 12 REG. 3.99 1.99 to 2.44 REGULAR 2.98 A PAIR au 7 LET TWIN PACK COLORED Toilet Tissues ist te LS KLEENEX 200 Tissues 100 Double REG. 19¢ 14°... OSHAWA & DISTRICT DART LEAGUE VALENTINE DANCE Bernard Tierney & His Orchestra SATURDAY, FEB. 24 K of C HALL BOND STREET WEST "HITLER'S | EXECUTIONERS" Entertainment, Buffet Lunch, Prizes GIRL IN ROOM 13" | $2.50 PER COUPLE 8 TO 12 P.M. BOTH ADULT Ladies' Panties Ist Quality Tricot Knit Reyon $, M, L. REG. 3% 26° 4 for 1.00 5 BARS Lux Beauty Soap REG. 49¢ 44- THE LIGHTS GO OFF!) OUR PRICE Starts Today 'AN AMAZING, NEW EXPERIENCE IN MOTION PICTURE ENTERTAINMENT Men's Sturdy Welded Rubber Boois Red Sole - Red Top Sixes 6 to 11 nc. 3.9 OD ENO FRUIT SALT:«.» LISTERINE 2m: 1 w NIVEA CREME «... WILDROOT Cream-Oil ...;.. BAYER ASPIRIN. «« » BABY POWDER" w»..... 44° Para PAINT ONE QUART WITH THE PURCHASE OF A GALLON 20% DISCOUNT FLAT--GLOSS--LATEX SEMI-GLOSS IN 20 COLORS AND WHITE. AT THE DO-IT-YOURSELF STORE MARSHALL THOMPSON MALA POWERS Men's Ist Quality moment. Doeskin Baiteries Reguler 2 for 50 2 0 33° ' 3.. THE BATTLE AXES OF THE > = KNIGHTS SHOOK THE EARTH OF THE HOLY LAND!" GIRLS' PYJAMAS Cotton Print Sixes 8 to 14 ve. 122 Men's 1st Quality FLANNEL PYJAMAS Styled for Comfort Sizes 38 to 44 REG. 3.48 1.99 GIRL'S Leotards © Sizes 7 to 12 nc iss BOe Chip Foam Pillows Reg. 1.99 BUY A PAINT SPECIFIED BY ARCHITECTS! ~ EDGAR'S PAINT AND WALLPAPER 34 KING STREET WEST