26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 21, 1962 Jutes. G's are building to six. tower go. I saw the smoke go CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.,Roger. Read you loud and Glenn: Roger. Still have about wersations with John H. Glenn" Gienn: It is a little bumpy cae Roger. We confirm on subject to clarification and a Glenn: Checks okay, Minus 7, Gienn: Retro jettisoned. versations have been elimi-| Glenn: Coming into high gear) Glenn: The steering is good is operating. We are under way, oxygen 78... 101... APMS/again. . . . Roger Bermuda, : jand clear. Flight path looks : \good, Pitch 25. Standby for sta- ecor a ie | Glenn: Beco. Beco (booster by the window. MC: Rober. We confirm stag- (AP) -- United States space|clear. Roger. 1% G's . . . The tower went 'agency officials today released) Mercury control: We are pro-|right then. I have the tower in Jr, with the notation "this is an ahout here: Rover: 5 . . Tower is green. unofficial reading of the tapes|#/0ns 8 "tenn: 1%4 G's. closer reading of the numbers on your mark. Emergency retro jettison slips later': MC: Roger. Reading you of nated) a little bit, A little contrail) Mc: Roger. Understand Glenn: Five - four - three-/went by the window or some-'everything looks good. - \24, still okay We are . . . out!stand by. This Friendship 7 MC: Roger. Reading you loud ' lengines cut off). I see the By Man In Space an ing TM telemetry. the following transcript of con-| gramming. . . okay. sight way out. of astronaut John Glenn's voice) MC: Flight path is good. =| arc. Hight path looks good. (Some purely technical con- clear, John. MC: Flight path looks good two-one-zero, liftoff. The clock|thing. Roger. 102 . . . 101... .| Glenn: G's starting to build and clear. Flight path. looks |some now, getting out of the vibration area. jing out real fine. Flight very|and clear. Cape is go. We are |smopth now. standing by for you MC: Roger. Flight path is| Glenn: Roger. Cape is go and d Re-Elects good. [ am go, Glenn: Cabin pressure is hold-|. Glenn: All systems go. Cabin . Officers jing at six one. Okay. Have hadipressure holding steady. All |some oscillations, but. they|systems are go. S. M. ANNIS seem to be damped. MC: Roger. 20 seconds BROUGHAM sa the Friendly Glenn: The clock two min-|Flight path looks very good. 10 2 Bible Class | MC: Flight path very good. | good. --S Glenn: Pitch four three. Com-| MC: Roger, Reading you loud: - - \seconds, flight path still looks MC: Roger. Reading you loud#s00d. Glen: Roger secoo (sustained engines cut off) . . . Grade fired okay. MC: Roger. Standby. Glenn: Roger. Zero G's, and I feel fine. Capsule is turning around. Oh, that view is tre- mendous. MC: Roger. Glenn: Turn around has started: Capsule turning around and I can see the booster doing turnarounds just a couple of hundred yards behind. It looks! beautiful. MC: Roger. Seven. You have a go of at least. seven. orbits. Glenn: Roger. Understand go for at least seven orbits. Glenn: Can see clear back a hig cloud pattern away back toward the Cape. Beautiful sight MC: Roger. Still réad you loud and clear Glenn: Telemetry, all frequen- cies are on automatic. The pres-| sure regulator is still in the in! position. Launch contre! és off| Panel positions are normal is off. | Glenn The horizon is a bril- liant blue. There I have the mainland in sight at present time coming up on the scope! and have the Canarys in sight! through the window and picked) them up on the scope just be-| fore I saw them out the win-| dow | Bible class of Brougham United Church met recently at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Cress- well | Mrs. Ruth Mitchell was in charge of the program. The officers for the coming year will remain the same as last year: Allan Ellicott, presi- dent; Mrs. Robert Malcolm, re- cording secretary; Mrs. Allan Ellicott, treasurer. The class has accepted an in- vitation to cater to the Pike- Gray wedding on Saturday, March 10 The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Plaxton in March, with) Mrs. Plaxton in charge of the program PERSONALS The Young People of Brough-| am United Church enjoyed a toboggan party on Plaxton's Hill recently. Mr..and Mrs. Ross Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Ken 'Pascoe and Mr and Mrs. Al. Willson motored to Sykesville, Pennsylvania re- cently, where they attended a wedding of friends A number of Brougham peo-| ple attended the recent opening| of the new Co-op store at Clare- mont Farmer Rescues 2 Young Children WALLACEBURG (CP)--Far-| mer Marshall Var Damme res-| cued two yung children from the icy waters of the Sydenham River Tuesday when they fell tin while playing near a Wal- laceburg dairy. | ' Van Damme. sald he was in) the dairy when he heard the} screams of Kim Ritchie, 4, and James Morningstar, 3, and play- mate, Lou Ann Scholtens. He waded into four feet of iwater to rescue the children, | who apparently had fallen through thin ice. 'Union, Company | Agreeing On Terms } NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- Un- fon and management agreed Tuesday. night on terms of set- 'tement of a statewide public! service bus strike. The agree- jment came at a meeting with Governor Richard J. Hughes and Newark Mayor Leo P. Car- lin Hughes, in announcing the, settlement, predicted buses would be running Thursday morning Union officials said emer- gency meetings would be held today to give the 5,600 drivers and mechanics an opportunity to vote on the proposed two - year ,contract The strike, which began Mon- day morning, caused a scramble for alternate transportation. The public service bus line carried approximately 1,900,000 passen- eers daily. DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Baltimore, Md. -- Elsie Law- ler, Ontario-born nurse whose career spanned 40 years and who was the only woman ever to receive an honorary degree from Johns Hopkins University. Glendale, Calif. -- Mrs. Jane Porter Dorsey, 50, divorced wife of the late bandleader Jimmy Dorsey; of head injuries suf- fered in a fall Middleham, England -- Wil- liam Lorenzo Christie, 103, who hunted with local foxhounds un- til he was 90 and was believed to be the oldest graduate of Eton Girls' Cotton D Sizes 4 to 6x 23 Usually 3.98 because they are new '62 styles beautifully off season ---- you save almost a dollar on each FACE EXPANSION each 3.99, MONTREAL (CP) -- A fore- cast of difficult times ahead un- Jess its facilities are greatly ex- panded was made in the annual {A) Yoke & tab trim dress of Don River's woven pastel plaid cotton . . , Short sleeves, report of Montreal's Central self belt, back button closing . . . Choose YMCA. "With multi.- building from soft green, pink or liloc , .. Sizes 7, projects in the downtown area, 8, 10 & 12, or 4 to 6x. it would seem to suggest an in- creased population from which to draw,"' said the report sleeves... (B) Girls' short-sleeve style of Dan River woven sen Aba with woven overlay on skirt+>.. i SCALLOP FISHERMEN ange gat Bog ee She LUNENBURG, N.S. (CP)-- or blue... Sizes 7,°10, 12, and 14 of 4 o « « Loose Scallop dragging is fast increas- to 6x. Z ing in western Nova Scotia, WALKERS Special Sale of Tailored of Nationally-Known Woven Fabrics Sizes 7 to 12 oe Usually 4.98 Very special dresses in make as well as price... pattern cottons . . . most by Dan River so you know they will keep their freshness and size washing after washing . because they are produced by a leading Canadian maker in his styles in a wide selection of patterns and colors . . little girls 4, 5, 6, & 6x, each 2.99 and bigger girls wearing 7 to 12, woven geometr resses Special in style tailored of woven . . Special in price Choose from four . Sizes for 1 trim style of small pattern fabric. . . Short oose from blue, yellow, or , and 6x or 7 to 12- y Dan River tail- suitable for 4 to 6x or 7 to 12 from blue, pink, melon, or where 9,750,000 pounds were landed last year compared with 7,000,000 in 1960. The area now} has 30 deepsea scallop draggers, and is expected to have 40 by the end of 1962 j Store Hours: Fri. to 9 p.m. Daily 9:30 to 6 p.m. WALKER'S of Oshawa Shopping Centre King St. at Stevenson Rd. 728-4626 were we ew ee ew SY ceam Binding lig Seam Binding yr o® e Bias Tape @ Shirt Facing @ Rick Rack PLUS many other Trim- tex quality items to help you put the finish- ing touches and trims to your sewing. We have an excellent selection of shades. All colorfast. FREE! New Sewing Booklet 'SEW LIKE A PRO' by Trimtex medium Short SIMPLICITY PATTERNS The biggest fashion rage. It's getting more popu- lar. to sew with Simplicity. We carry a complete assortment of printed Simplicity Patterns with the latest styles added monthly. 35c-45c-50c-60c-65c IT IS SEW EASY TO SEW WITH SIMPLICITY 4 LW ERY: AND SO FASHION-RIGHT WHEN YOU USE COVER-YOUR-OWN BUTTONS AND BUCKLES Flat or half ball shape buttons. ¢ Card ee . : 29 Assorted shape buckles. 29° 25° New Slim Buckles. Card ' ee New Slim Buckles & Belt Kit. 39° SCISSORS by Richards of Sheffield, England. 62" 'Speedway' . . . Chromium-ploted with rozor-like hollow steel blades Pr. 98e 7%"' Gilt Color with steel inlaid blade. Pr. 1.98 5' Household ns Pr. 49¢ 4\2" Blunt end for children .. -. Pr. 298 3%" Embroidery » 298 7" Imported Pinking Shears ....+... Pr. 1.00 % \@ e ¥ @e? BUTTONS Add style to your Spring wardrobe from 'Kresge's 'DRITZ' AIDS Designed to make Home Sewing easier and more professional. Tracing Paper ...,..... 49¢ pkg. Tracing Wheel .......-:.,. 35¢ each Seam Ripper Paces 59c DCT Grip Fasteners 12 cin, 39¢ BELT & BUCKLE KITS 34" ee ae 2 See our complete sewing aid assortment. eomplete assortment of attractive buttons See our complete sewing aid assortment. Cryatel & Peor! BI ' Cryst arl Blouse. sup treiieen th Shirt & ter. f Card 2 is Plai F D ' visa fe ee ee Suit & Coat -- For Men & Women Ocean Pearl, Shank & 2 Hole. 15° oth as ee oonstone -- = 15-25 DRESS SHIELDS By Kelton fy f oP ee { $ i j ; "/ / Pin-in double covered nainsook, 39° waterproof centre. Pair ........ Adjustable style, guaranteed, 39° no sewing required. Pair ...... | | os. a New slip-on style with wide shoulder and narrow arm elastic, elastic back and nylon mesh front, Guaranteed DRESSMAKER PINS Brass or Steel BELDING-CORTICELLI White Rayon Elastic V4" Elastic 4" Elastic .... Vg" Underwear Repair Elastic SEWING NEEDLES Complete assortment of sizes. Package es - ee 10° 'Harriet's' Needle Book LIGHTNING SLIDE FASTENERS We carry a com- plete: assortment of Lightning Slide Fas- teners for your sew- ing needs, KRESGE'S HERITAGE Excellent Quality . . . All purpose yarn for Children's, Ladies' and Men's Garments. Good assortment of colors. Special for Wednesday Thursday, Friday and Saturday only. REG. 33c¢ 23< 1-0Z. BALL SIX CORD SPOOL COTTON WHITE AND BLACK THREAD 600 yards of first quality cotton thread. Reg. value 69c . . . Special for Wednes- day, Thursday, Friday and Saturday only 7< spool Plastic-Stitch Iron-On Patches Iron-On Mending Aids for every purpose. No sewing. San- forized. Washable, Dry-Clean- 25: 29cks. 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE