42 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 21, 1962 -- PETRI RB aeeengees ner. re eR eae Fairclough Sees Healthy Publicity LONDON, Ont (CP)--Immig- ration Minister Fairciough said @ |Tuesday night that publicity |given to cases of discrimination a ~ - - "" - - they discussed the prejudice of| other countries. | The quicker the new immig-| rants integrate into Canadian society, the better she said. No| matter how well ethnic socie-| ties handle the affairs of their) people, this would never satisfy, the immigrants' desire to be| come Canadians oN Ow ee Wwe ew Ce Se eS and the resulting guilt felt by Canadians are a healthy sign aithat the public wants equal| LONDON (CP)--Covent Gar- treatment for everyone. den Opera and the Royal Ballet She told a Canadian. Brother-|are to get an extra £100,000 an-| hood Week banquet new immig-|nyally in government subsidies. | rants and Canadian citizens|,,. ; ' ' j should mingle more Canadians|!his will bring their annual | tended to be '"'a bit snug" when'state grant up to £600,000. THE ACTUAL FILM J CULTURE BONUS Written By Hitler Himself In The Blood Of His 6 Million Victims! With Scenes Actually <> Filmed By Hitler! AO} REVEALED AT LAST! 4 BOTH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CHOICE MEATY "ORK anal BACK RIBS ». 69: AND ADVENTURE! | K ROYAL GUEST -- Pure Pork, Small Link THE BUSINESS OF LOVE... Ate | | . SAUSAGE LB. 4 "Girl in zi BRAN DONLEY bo . BAKERY FEATURE Room 13" = Viana: weary war | | HOT CROSS BUNS ; SLICED -- Economical end Nutritious 6 one 35, BEEF LIVER » 39- - MONDAY ' ~ CLOSEUP OF GLENN Here's ® candid study of | after his historic ride through space from Cape Canaveral | the earth. Astronaut John Glenn taken Tuesday. Glenn spent almost | --(NASA Photo via AP Wire- aboard the Destroyer Noa | five hours in space during | photo) Abduction Draws 2-Year Sentence NAPANEE, Ont. (CP)--"She| Hicks, a carpenter and hired did not go with me as a lover,jhand on the i pre farm at but as a companion because she|one time, pleaded not guilty and]; 4 was not being used right at/conducted his own defence. Sie hited Couslag iat cad home." | Only three witnesses were/testants have been unfairly la- Ray Hicks, 41-year-old grand-icalled by the Crown--the girl|belled blue-law puritans, fahat- father, made the statement in/and her parents. lies and bigots f | court Tuesday just before he) The girl said she and Hicks} The United Church board was sentenced to two years in|spent' a week in. Toronto to-|meeting began Monday and con- penitentiary for the abduction Of|pether after he picked her up| tinues to Friday. Forty clerical 15-year-old Lois Ackerman. [from school last Nov. 2. She waS|and lay delegates and guest a Grade IX student in nearby|speakers have come from all Odessa, Ont. over Canada and from the U.S. s Ottawa Council Later, they went to the Win-| The board agreed some news- jnipeg area where they got jobs|paper editors, Unitarian Church 'Will Review three orbital flight around | MITCHELLS APPLE JUICE CLOVER LEAF 16 VOLUMES | | | S 0 L ID T U N A INTRODUCTORY : 79 C 'ONLY. 5°. . | Hf] NOW AVAILABLE AT ALL IGA STORES JOHN BRADSHAW'S Complete Guide 0 LEAVER CHOICE--WHOLE Mushrooms 2 '?-** 69¢ FRENCH'S CHEESE OR SOUR CREAM Potato Bakers '4;;° 39¢ WITH MEAT BALLS--IGA Spaghetti 2 'fcr 39¢ HEALTHO Dog Food 5 7." 69° SOCIETY-----WHOLE FISH Cat Food wer 69¢ EASY.ON Tn 498 Spray Starch Protestants Discredited Group Claims TORONTO (CP)--The board of evangelism and social serv- FAN AMAZING, NEW EXPERIENCE IN MOTION PICTURE ENTERTAINMENT 48-0Z. TINS 7 Better Gardening 7-OZ. TINS MARSHALL THOMPSON MALA POWERS « SOCIETY * R ] |court, said the girl was planning] It passed a resolution defend- amera u es to leave home in any case jing the Protestant heritage of Court was told Hicks and the/the United Church, defining the OTTAWA (CP)--After a news-|girl travelled as father and| word Protestant as meaning "'to paper photographer entered an|daughter with documents made|witness for" or "sacrifice for" Ottawa city council meeting|out that way ithe spread of Christian teach- Monday night and took 16 pic-| ing everywhere. tures without anyone knowing) ypars SIGN LOCAL BOY Rev. J. R. Mutchmor, board) about it, there were indications) ~oRoNTO (CP) -- Pitcher|secretary, said the United : NABISCO Tuesday that council may re-\o.m Shanahan, who will be 21/Church had taken the label of view its regulations banning) i bigotry | h. He charee? : ; |Saturday, has signed a 1962 con-|Digotry long enough. He char ee a ego |tract with Toronto Maple Leafs|Toronto newspaper e ditors ; yor Charlotte Whitton) (+ 'the International Baseball|"kick the word Protestant ¥ ome says she will have no part of|y .scue, jaround as if it was disappear- cameras at the sessions. Mon-|"trhe makes the team, it will/ing from the dictionary." lon the same farm. They re-| leaders and other groups are turned Feb. 8. _ |trying to discredit Protestant- -- B Hicks, who quoted scripture in|ism. TENDER GARDEN FRESH NO. 1 GRADE Green BEANS 20-0Z. TINS day night's action by photogra- pher Gordon Karam of the Ot- tawa Citizen, she said, was " sneak play of the lowest type. He will be banned from fu _ ture meetings, she said, be cause of "a most unconscience- able abuse of the privileges of the press." However, Alderman Charles Charles t. Germain, said he will present a resolution at council's next meeting asking|that 'when ;t suits her (the ma-|+ are that cameramen be allowed in- |be the first time in 15 years that a local boy has made Toronto's Triple A club, Shanahan had a 4-9 won-lost an outstandin average. derman Clem Aubin. 'Where Alderman J. D. Wentzell said there yor's) convenience, | The resolution also called for "lrecord with Class B Raleigh,|recent reactionary trend in Ca- "IN.C., last season but compiled|nadian P g 2.78 earned run|Passed a second resolution urg- --___----|acts in all provinces to assure | side the chamber. Controller,;cameramen and tele vision| Paul Tardif said council meet- ings should be thrown wide open men. A meeting of the council press | a continued defence of the Lord's Day Act. The church board. deplorine a industria! rela ing a review of labor 'relation:| the rights of emplovec to strike and engage in collective bargaining without jeopardizing VEHICLE INCREASE United States motor vehicle registrations of 76,007,000 in,1961 PKG. - OF 12 39° GOLDEN DEW 1-LB. PKGS. FOR d | MARGARINE 49° lbs. 39 ONTARIO APPLE FESTIVAL SPECIAL! - ONTARIO CEE GRADE SPY APPLES L 6-QT.. BSKT. to cameramen. jrelations committee has been|compares with 32,000,000 in 1940. "This is not Russia," said Al-'called to discuss the situation. | | BROOKPARK FROZEN "CENTRAL PRESENTS" | gl AED STRAWBERRIES TWO ONE-ACT PLAYS | 1%, HERE The exciting and SCENES from ford ' - . in "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM" movie about THE sensation that's sneered C and SCHOOL CHOIR the nation--into the hearts of young an FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. 21, 22, 23, 24 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities JONES THURS. & FRI., FEB. 22 and 23 ay ¢ YOR' =< 5 CAN WE COUNT Central Collegiate Auditorium ON YOU? ROBARDS. R. : r HA me Doe's -- ss ADMISSION 50c -- TIME 8 P.M. OSHAWA JOINT JOAN |,' record album is ready now --featuring BUSINESS : "MOTHER GOOSE TWIST."7 WANNA TWIST" FONTAINE TOM CRISP, TENDER--NO. 1 GRADE CABBAGE © HEADS $0 GOOD SO MANY WAYS--NO. 1 GRADE GREEN PEPPERS 3. 25° BURSTING WITH JUICE FLORIDA ORANGES :.: 59° COLLEGE HILL IGA cuserT STREET, OSHAWA HOPE IGA STORE port Perry BILSKY IGA 120 WILSON RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA MOTOR CITY IGA RITSON: RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA DYL'S IGA 166 ADELAIDE ST., OSHAWA LANSDOWNE IGA LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE BECKSTEAD IGA courrTIcE, ONTARIO SOUTH END IGA BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY a EXTRA ivi A TOTAL OF $28.00 INIGA BONUS TAPES! 15-0Z. PKGS. SHOWN DAILY: 1:30--4:20 7:15--10:10 20. A DISTINGUISHED. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT JENNIFER COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT *HEV-LETS TWIST,""ROLY POLY" RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH -- Duncan Hines Cake Mix -- Pkg. Early American, Fudge Nut, Butter Pecan, Apple Sauce Raisin i 12c OFF Blue Breeze Detergen White Swan Tissue 't® Pt*: Yellow, Aqua RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH -- Liquid Javex "conciner Conteh KRAFT Philadelphia Cream Cheese =x; Polar King Choplets "vert Sex" 'tue, Sliced Cooked Meats """""* = Sy P.E.I. Potatoes "grape ' to ENTERTAINMENT PLAZA) 6:45 - 9:10 , PHONE 723-2843 THE NEXT KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 8:30 P.M. $ 8,500.00 ,, TOTAL PRIZES 1962 FORD FAIRLANE Plus Many CASH PRIZES PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE Right out of New York's famed Peppermint Lounge! on J CAMPBELL RANDAZZO sir ais Peper UNgERS praca HARRY ROMM: sacs GREG GARRISON cn cee HAL HACKADY A PARAMOUNT RELEASE : ADULT ENTERTAINMENT JEFFREY STELLA DAVID HUNTER STEVENS JANSSEN "MAN-TRAP" i $8,500.00 $8,500.00 PRIZES PRIZES A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE